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Standard Specification for

Mineral Filler for Bituminous

Paving Mixtures
AASHTO Designation: M 17-07
ASTM Designation: D 242-04
AASHTO M 17-07 is identical to ASTM D 242-04 except for the following provisions:
1. All references to the ASTM standards contained in ASTM D 242-04, listed in the following
table, shall be replaced with the corresponding AASHTO standard:
Referenced Standards
C 183

T 127

2 . Add a new Section 4.3 after Section 4.2 of that contains the following:
"Fly ash used as a mineral filler shall have a maximum loss on ignition of 12 percent."
3. Add a new Section 5.5 after Section 5.4 that contains the following:
"Determine the loss on ignition of fly ash according to ASTM C 3 1 1."


M 17-1


Designation: D 242

- 04


Standard Specification for

Mineral Filler For Bituminous Paving Mixtures1

This aiilnJard ia iawxl under Ihr lixcrl (Ie.\i~millii~~i
D 242: [he numbn- irnn~t.diakely following Ik dr.\igmriit~niudica~e\the year ul'
urrdi~alatlvp~iunur. in tltc ~ 3 %
oi r~visimi.L ~ !car
01 lad r t ~ \ l i s i vA~ ~i ~. u l t l kill
r ~ K I I I ~ C S C imliciiic~
LBC)car v1' ILSI n..tppr~vi~J.A
stlpurscripr eps~lon( t \ ~nrilcarcson cd~rorlslcl~nngcwncc rllc laa revrrina or rcappnlvnl.
rhis ,t1rn81rd ha3 twrrr rtpjrt-cr~hl j i ~ rII\C br (rgrnc 1

14. thc D<y)arftricrrr1f J><:~&ISC.

1. Scope

3. General Description
3 1 Mineral filler shall conslst of finely divided m~neral
matter such a, ruck dust, slag du+t, hydrdted lime, bqdrdulic
cement, fly a\h. It=\\, or other suitable mineral matter At the
tirnc of u\e. it \hall he +uficientlj drq to flow freely and
c\\cntrally hcc from aggloincration\

1.1 This specification covers mineral filler added as a

separate ingredient for use in bituminous paving mixtures.
1 .? The values stated in SI units are to tnt regarded ;L\ the
standard. Inch-pound units, shown in parentheses, arc for
information only.
1.3 The text of this sliindard references nolcs and footnorcs
which pmvide explanatory material. These noies and foolnotes
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not bc considcrcd
as requirentents of the standard.

4. Physical Requirements
4.1 Mineral filler shall be graded wrthin the following

2. Referenced Documents
2.1 4JTM Stclttdar(is.
C 50 Pract~wfor Sampltng, Prepal-at~on. Pickapnp. and
Wark~npof 1.1iiie and 1-11nt.stc1neProduct\
C' 18'3 Practice for Sampling and thc Amnunt of' Tc\ting of
C 31 1 Test Methods for Samphng and Testing Fly Ash or
Uatural Porrolans ror Use as a M~neralAdm~xturc In
Portland Cernent Concrete
D 516 Test Method for Sieve Analys~sof Mlnerrrl Filler for
Bitulninou\ Paving >laterials
1) 1 3 1 X Test Method for 1.1qu1d Idinlit. Plastic L~rnit,and
Pla+ticit> Index of Soil\


C o ~ n g hO
l ASTM Intetnatlonal. 100 Barr Hamor Dnve


PO Box C7W West Conshohocken

Percent Pass~ng(by Mass)

97 to 100
95 to 100


70 to 100

4.2 Mineral Filler prepared froin rock dust, slap dust. loess.
and siinilar nlaterids shall be essentially free from organic
hnpurities and have a plasticity index not greater than 4.
NOTEI-.-Plicslicily index limits arc not approprbalc lor hydrated lime
and hydraulic cenlent.

I Titis spwilicaliun is ~lodcrkhr. j~rri>diclioi~

u[ AST?vf Cort~nlitlccWW on Road
And P3viap MJrerialc alcf is rhe dilwt l~%[h>nclhlIrt).
of Suhcon~m~tth004 50 on
Currcni d ~ l i u napprobe~lDcc. 1. Z1M1.Puhiishd D c c c n ~ k r2004. Oripimdly
111 IYZ~I.I.acr prcvmos edition qpmvctl in 2(WHl a;; D 212 .- U5 (2olK1)"
t o r referenced ASI'M stimdards. vlsit the ATI'AI u:ehhite. wu%t or
~uniilccASThI Cu.\Iomer Service a[ acruicrcirasirn.or!;. Fur ~lnrrunlt(r*okd:IS'1:&!
\ o l u n ~ c~<~[
~ c f c cti> rhc srandartl'.; Dwunsnr Sunintar) pagc trl
the A S T M ~veh?rtc.


1 18 mm (No 16)
600-pm (NO 30)
3MTpm (No 50)
75-pm (No 200)

5. Methods of Sampling and Testing

5.1 Saniple the mineral tiller according to Practice C 50.
C' 183. or Test b!erhid\ C 3 1 I. \vhictiever is most appropriate
for thc material being sampled. cxccpt as notcd in 5.1.1.
5.1.1 Obtain samples at rwdorn iii~crvalsnot to cxcecd each
300 tons of material as delivered.
5.7 Thc minimum size of field sanlples shall be 5.0 kg.
Reduce the field sample to a nlininium size of 2.5 kg for
5.3 Determine die gr:rding of the material by Test Method
1) 546.
5.4 Determine the plasticity index by Test Method 1) 33 I X.

PA (9428.2959

M 17-2

Unlted States


ASTM Intematmal takes no posrbon respedlng the vabddy of any patent nghts asserted In connechon bvrth any Item menhoned
m MIS standard Users of 1h1sstandard are expressly adwsed that determlnahon of the valtdrty ofany such patent nghts and the nsk
of mfr~ngernenlof such nghts, are entrely therr own responsrb~llly

Thrs standard ISsublecf to revrs~mat any !!meby the respanslble technrcdl commmee and must be rev~eervedevery f ~ v e
years and
rf not rav~sed,erther reapproved or wf!hdra;ur' Your w!nrnents are nvrtsd either for revs~ond thrs slat?dardor b r actdrt~onalstandards
and should be addressed lo ASTM Internabonat Headquaners Your wrnrnents mll recefve careful wns~deratronat a meet~ngof the
responstbk techncal cwmmrftee whrch you may attend If you Feel that your comments have not recerveda far heanng you shouJd
make your v r e known
lo the ASTM Comm~tteeon Standards at the address shown below
standard a copyrtghted by ASTM lnternatmal 100 Barr H a h r Drive, PO Box C700, West Canshohocken,PA 19428-2959
Un~tedSlates lndrvrdual repr~nts(single or multrple cop~es)of thrs standard may be obtarned by mntactrng ASTM at the abave
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555(fax), or servrce@astn, org (0-mall), or through the ASTh4 websrle
( w b w astm orgt


M 17-3


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