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There are various alternatives available.

If we want to make tea and if sugar is

not available then we can use jaggary. There are other options available for
sugar now-a-days. I was thinking that if peace is not available in the world then
what are the options? There are no options. There will be chaos, confusion and
destruction. Peace has got no alternative. Peace is very important to individuals
as well as community and the world. But how can we create peace? How can
we bring about peace in this world? When we observe this world, one thing is
very striking that there are lot of variety in this world. Everything is different. If
we go to the supermarket then we find that varieties of things are available. In
good old days if one wanted to but toothpaste then only a few varieties were
available. Now-a days a lot of variety of products are available. Varieties are
there in objects. There are many different varieties of mobiles available if one
wants to buy a mobile phone. One gets confused. In the same way when we
look at this world of living beings, there are different types of beings on earth.
There are varieties of human beings. Our living habits are different, eating
habits are different. The way we dress up is different. There is so much of
difference. And it is said in our scriptures that when we see differences there
comes conflict anger, hatred, jealousy, competition.
Where there is difference, there is always a conflict and competition. If we look
at community, we find that there are varieties. In India itself we have so many
different types of religion, languages. We have different states. One state is
fighting with the other state. One state is not ready to give water to the other
state. There is so much of conflict. How can we bring about peace? What is the
secret of bringing peace in our life, life of community? One formula which
scriptures say that we will be able to bring about peace if we are able to see
oneness in this diversity. Unity in diversity. We may have different languages,
we may have different religions but still there is some oneness, there is
something which connects all of us. If we look at human beings then what
connects all of us? All of us are human, all of us are humane. Humanity
connects all of us. Whether we are born Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai but all of us
are human beings. And that is the most valuable thing. Wherever I go, I see
other human beings and I feel the connection. Similarly if I look at other beings,
animals, birds, plants, I will see that the life in me is the life in that animal also.
As I am alive, the other animal, bird is also alive. I will feel the sense of
connection. Now-a-days science has not only explored the earth but they are
exploring the other planets also. We have landed a Rover on Mars also to find
out if there is life on Mars. And if at all we find life on other planets, I dont

know about others but I will be very happy. It will be a great thing that just as
we are alive on earth, there is life on other planets also.
We are connected. That connection if we see, we will be able to experience
great sense of love and great sense of peace. There are descriptions of saints and
sages given in Bhagvad Gita. Bhagvan says that one who sees me, divinity in all
he is called a great wise person, saint who can see divinity in man, woman,
people of different religion. One thing common in all is divinity. One thing
which will help me to bring about peace in world outside is changing my vision.
By seeing oneness in all. This is the message which is given to us by God. It is
not only given to Hindus but all the different religions of the world. God will
not give two messages. God will not give ten different conflicting messages.
Humans are one. Our hunger is one so food is one. Out thirst is one and water is
one. If I am thirsty then water satiate, quenches my thirst. If you are thirsty then
the same water quench your thirst. Water is one which is given to us by God. All
of us are sitting in this hall and breathing the same oxygen. Similarly the same
message of love, kindness, brotherhood, generosity, compassion is given to all
the religions of this world. Our problem is that sometimes we understand,
interpret this message of God not completely. They are words. When we have
masters to explain these words then it becomes easy for us to understand and
follow them.
One thing I would like to say that we should bring the vision of oneness in life.
Try to see a part of you in other person. Another thing that will help to bring
about peace in this world is to be peaceful myself. We have to fight the war
against negativities in myself. As sister Brahmakumari explained that we have
these enemies within ourselves Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and
Matsara and Ahamkara. We have to fight against those enemies. That is the real
meaning of Jihad. One has to fight those enemies those are taking me away
from God, which are making me negative in this world. They are creating
disharmony in this world. We have to fight those negativities within me and
destroy them. When we destroy them then we will experience deep sense of
peace within. And when I am peaceful, I will find that others around me are
also becoming more and more peaceful. Just as one negative person can create
negativity in the world and disturb the peace of the world in the same way, a
deeply peaceful person can create peace in the whole world. When the ice in the
arctic region melts then the level of the sea rises all over the world. Similarly, if
one person is peaceful then he creates the environment of peace around him and

it is very important that we have to cultivate this peace within us and spread the
message of peace around us everywhere in this world.
I am very happy that Ahamadiyya Community has organized Peace symposium.
We achieve a dialogue in symposium. And this dialogue helps us to understand
each other and understand that I am present in other beings also. Now I am
talking here and you are listening but if I am peaceful and go deep within then I
will experience that I am talking and I alone am listening in the form of you.

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