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Generative Pattern-Based Design of User Interfaces

Francisco Montero Simarro1, Jean Vanderdonckt2

Laboratory on User Interaction & Software Engineering (LoUISE)
University of Castilla-La Mancha, 02071 Albacete (Spain) –
Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain School of Management
Place des Doyens, 1 – B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) –

Abstract sive way to communicate pairs of (problem, solution)

in a manner that remains largely applicable, and more
This paper introduces a knowledge-based method general than usability guidelines [34]. In particular, us-
for developing user interfaces based on generative pat- ability guidelines were criticized for loosing the con-
terns instead of descriptive patterns. The knowledge text where they are applicable or for not providing this
base contains generative patterns from which portions context explicitly for applying the guidelines [3].
of previously designed user interfaces could be identi- The CHI’2003 workshop on UI Patterns [12] obser-
fied and re-applied to a new design case study by gen- ved that many different, probably inconsistent, sources
erating code from its functional specifications. The of UI design patterns exist today [10,11,29,33], thus
method introduced in this paper is relying on models raising the need for a common pattern language to ex-
that are typically involved in user interface develop- press UI design patterns. This resulted into the Pattern
ment such as task, domain, abstract user interface, Language Markup Language (PLML) [12] specifica-
concrete user interface, final user interface, context tion. The main goal of PLML was to bring some struc-
model, and mappings between them. In this way, any ture and consistency to the many forms that have been
type of model can virtually be the source of a pattern used by pattern authors. PLML became more widely
and can be described, searched, matched, retrieved, applied as several pattern collections have been trans-
and assembled together so as to create a new user in- lated into this format, thus facilitating comparison, re-
terface. The method is supported by IDEALXML, a use, and linking between various collections. But
software that can be used for pattern-based design of PLML is a natural language-based way for writing pat-
user interface based on the USIXML user interface de- terns. Since any form of natural language always suf-
scription language. In order to support pattern-based fers from intrinsic problems like ambiguity, inconsis-
design, the USIXML language has been expanded with tency, PLML did not escape from these problems that
concepts addressing problems raised by pattern de- prevent this language from being directly used as a pat-
scription and matching related to models pertaining to tern format for a pattern-based UI design process [15]
user interface development. This extension could also that is effectively and efficiently supported by soft-
be considered as an extension of PLML (Pattern Lan- ware.
guage Markup Language) that has been introduced to
Lack of expressivity: several PLML tags express vari-
uniformly represent user interface patterns.
ous aspects of a pattern that were believed of sufficient
general interest, but some are missing. For instance, a
1. Introduction tag describes the forces of a pattern, but no other tag
describes the counter-forces.
Since a more than two decades, design patterns
[1,3,13,30] have received much attention in various Flat definition: PLML is defined in a Document Type
domains of the human activity, including software en- Definition (DTD) in a flat structure that does not allow
gineering [8], software development [5], and User In- structured pattern-matching and searching.
terface (UI) design [15,33] with the conviction that Lack of separation of concerns: the current PLML
parts or whole of any UI that has been designed for a definition mixes the expression of several concepts to-
past interactive application may be reused later in an- gether, thus violating the principle of separation of
other, perhaps similar, application. In addition, design concerns where different aspects are captured in differ-
patterns are also frequently expressed as a comprehen- ent independent models. For instance, the context defi-
nition is completely embedded in a general tag without
being further refined. Therefore, it is not guaranteed instance of the pattern in the real world [1], as some-
that various patterns, if they are relevant to a same con- thing thing that adds value to our lives as developers
text, will be expressive enough to be found out for a and practitioners. A pattern must also be usable be-
similar context of use, unless the person who encodes cause this shows how a pattern described in literary
the context description devotes a lot of attention. form may be transformed into a pattern that we have in
Lack of structure: several tags are only defined in a our mind. And a pattern must be used because this is
general way (e.g., a string), with no further decomposi- how patterns that exist in the real world first became
tion, thus leaving the definition very open and flexible documented as patterns in literary form. In the next
(which is an advantage), but hindering a structured use subsections, we discuss how UI patterns have been
of the tags by a software (which is a shortcoming for tried to become useful, usable, and used.
large and efficient use). Fig. 1 shows that this flat 2.1 Patterns compilation
structure does not facilitate much rigorousness.
<!ELEMENT pattern (name?, alias*, illustration?, problem?, con- We can find many references where design patterns
text?, forces?, solution?, synopsis?, diagram?, evi- in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) or interaction
dence?, confidence?, literature?, implementation?, re- patterns appear. Compilations of those references can
lated-patterns?, pattern-link*, management?)> be found in, for instance, The interaction design pat-
<!ATTLIST pattern patternID CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> terns page [10], The pattern gallery [11], HCI patterns
<!ELEMENT alias (#PCDATA)> pages [4] or Interaction design patterns [33]. In those
<!ELEMENT illustration ANY> compilations, several ways of documenting the same
<!ELEMENT problem (#PCDATA)> type of contents can be identified from natural lan-
<!ELEMENT context ANY>
<!ELEMENT forces ANY> guage to XML-based formats. Manipulating interaction
<!ELEMENT solution ANY> patterns is very difficult and is necessary to provide
<!ELEMENT synopsis (#PCDATA)> additional assistance in order to use them in a (semi-
<!ELEMENT diagram ANY> automatically) way. In this sense, only a few proposals
<!ELEMENT evidence (example*, rationale?)>
<!ELEMENT example ANY> are available where designers can work using patterns.
<!ELEMENT rationale ANY> In software engineering, notations exist like UML and
<!ELEMENT confidence (#PCDATA)> tools where design patterns [14] can be used together.
<!ELEMENT literature ANY> Design patterns are documented using class diagrams
<!ELEMENT implementation ANY>
<!ELEMENT related-patterns ANY> from which guidance is provided to designs on how to
<!ELEMENT pattern-link EMPTY> use them. These tools are not available in other fields
<!ATTLIST pattern-link type CDATA #REQUIRED like HCI because UI patterns in this field are difficult
patternID CDATA #REQUIRED to use, to document, to compare, and to know. Using
collection CDATA #REQUIRED
label CDATA #REQUIRED> UI patterns typically requires assistance for identifying,
<!ELEMENT management (author?, credits?, creation-date?, last- selecting, adapting, and integrating them. These tasks
modified?, revision-number?)> should be supported by tools to become really usable.
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)> For this purpose, the pattern documentation should be
<!ELEMENT credits (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT creation-date (#PCDATA)> improved prior to making them available in tools. Us-
<!ELEMENT last-modified (#PCDATA)> ing only natural language is not enough in order to
<!ELEMENT revision-number (#PCDATA)> work efficiently with patterns. Other forms exist. Thus,
Figure 1. Document Type Definition of PLML. there is no universal way to write a pattern.
In order to address these shortcomings, a method for Patterns are often referred to as being descriptive
developing a UI based on patterns is introduced: when they basically consist of a description of the pat-
1. A definition of models involved in UI design, tern, its problem, the context in which the problem is
which can then be mapped to a pattern. posed, and the potential solutions that can be brought
2. A specification of these models and the pattern ac- to solve the problem. Patterns are one form of estab-
cording to a single and consistent User Interface lishing a mapping between the problem space and the
Description Language (UIDL). design space. Descriptive patterns are intended to be
3. A definition of the method steps with these models. used mainly by human such as project leaders, design-
4. A software for supporting the method called ers, analysts, and developers. Descriptive patterns usu-
IDEALXML (Interface Development Environment ally seek to maximize descriptivity (i.e., the ability of a
for AppLications specified in UsiXML). pattern to be described in details enough to become
2. Related work self-contained) and genericity (i.e., the ability of a pat-
A pattern must be useful because this shows how tern to be applicable to the widest problem space pos-
having the pattern in mind may be transformed into an sible by interpreting the description for a particular
context of use). As opposed to descriptive patterns, process of using UI patterns. Environments exist where
patterns are said to be generative when they subsume patterns can be introduced [29], suggested [16], viewed
an object-oriented representation that can be automati- [33] or used to develop prototypes [26].
cally obtained in order to generate the final code. Gen- CanonSketch [7] is a tool to describe user interfaces
erative patterns are intended to be used by automata using the notation of Canonical Abstract Prototypes
(e.g., algorithms, program analysis and synthesis tech- [9]. Introducing a UI using this notation which is inde-
niques). Generative patterns usually seek to maximize pendent of any technology represents a generative pat-
expressivity (i.e., the ability of a pattern to be expres- tern since HTML code can be automatically generated
sive enough so as to obtain a working system) and from the description. However, no other information
generativity (i.e., the ability of pattern to be expressed about the pattern is provided. The Montreal Online Us-
in a way that facilitates automated generation of code). ability Patterns Digital Library [29] is an Integrated
In our context, generative patterns tell us how to Pattern Environment (IPE) that was originally designed
create a UI that can be observed in the resulting inter- with two major objectives: as a service to UI designers
active system to be developed. Non-generative patterns and software engineers for UI development and as a re-
describe recurring phenomena without necessarily say- search forum for understanding how patterns are really
ing how to reproduce or to concretize them in a par- discovered, validated, used and perceived. MOUDIL
ticular interactive application. We should therefore consists of a pattern editor, a pattern navigator and a
strive to document generative patterns because they not pattern viewer. In this way, it supports descriptive pat-
only show us the characteristics of good UIs (e.g., they terns effectively, but needs to be connected with other
could also convey information about usability [34]) tools to give rise to a running UI.
that are appropriate in their context of use, but they Greene [16] developed a software prototype to sup-
also teach us how to build them or, in other words, to port pattern-assisted design and development. The
develop them. This does not mean that descriptivity software supports the pattern creating, browsing, view-
should be left out. We here argue for a UI pattern ing, and editing, but most importantly, it provides deci-
scheme that combines both the qualities of descriptive sion support to help filter and select patterns based on
and generative patterns by defining a UI pattern tem- criteria or drivers specified by the pattern authors as
plate containing both descriptive and generative as- relevant to particular patterns. Internally, patterns are
pects as opposed to one single dimension at a time. stored as XML documents. Pattern elements are the
Therefore, we are expecting to introduce genuine fields or properties of the patterns (e.g., ‘Name’, ‘Prob-
patterns that will maximize all the four properties of lem’, ‘Forces’, ‘Context’, ‘Solution’, etc.). There is a
purely descriptive and generative patterns. Indeed, de- default set of such properties, but, since there is of yet
scriptive patterns are usually estimated of high generic- no accepted standard set of properties, this set is defin-
ity and descriptivity, but weak in generativity and ex- able and extensible by the pattern language author.
pressivity (Fig. 2). Generative patterns are located in One can define different pattern types with different
an inverse situation: they are rich in generativity and fields and links between patterns may be user-defined
expressivity, but weak in genericity and descriptivity. and typed, thus providing mechanisms that are ade-
By combining the qualities of both families of patterns quate for making a true knowledge base of patterns.
into the genuine patterns, we need to reach a high level One can search for patterns that contain specified
for all four properties simultaneously (Fig. 2). strings in all, or any subset of the fields of the patterns.
Genericity Descriptivity Although there are currently two decision support
mechanisms embodied in the tool to identify appropri-
ate patterns, it does not produce any running UI.
rn ve

rn ve

Genuine Genuine
tte p ti

tte ti
pa scr ip

High High
pa scr i

patterns patterns
MESCA [18] consists of a knowledge base of UI


elements that are considered as patterns. Its advantage

rn e

r n ve

relies in its case-based reasoning algorithm for finding

tte a tiv

tte a ti

p a ner

p a ner

Low Low

out similar UI elements based on search criteria.


Low High Generativity Low High Expressivity

Again, it does not produce any running UI. The PIM
Figure 2. Classification of patterns compilations accord- tool [25] probably represents the most advanced tool
ing to the four properties. for UI patterns which are both descriptive and genera-
tive: it stores models in the XIML ( and
2.2 Pattern software allows several degrees of pattern searching.
Different software exists today for supporting the
PatternLink 0..n is linked to
HumanActivity 0..n Reference
+linkId(int) Pattern
+activityName(String) +linkType(String) links +referenceId(int)
+activityDesc(String) +linkDefinition(String) +patternId(int)
+eaCode(String) +patternName(String)
+createLink() +patternAlias(String) +authors(String)
+NACECode(String) +referenceTitle(String)
+updateLink() +patternSynopsis(String) cites is cited by
+deleteLink() +referenceLocation(String)
+strengths(String) 1..n 0..n
1..n is valid for +weaknesses(String) +publishingDate(String)
0..n concerns +opportunities(String)
Example is examplified by +problem(String) +URL_abstract(url)
+exampleId(int) examplifies +solution(String)
+exampleName(String) +evidence(int)
0..n 1..n
+exampleType(String) +createPattern() welcomes
+exampleDesc(String) +readPattern()
+exampleFileName(String) +updatePattern() 0..n
+exampleRationale(String) +deletePattern()
+matchPattern() creationDate
+createExample() 0..1
+readExample() 0..n is related to
+updateExample() 1..n relates 0..n
+deleteExample() authorName
+id(int) 0..n
+creationDate(String) version
0..n 0..1
is welcomed for 0..n

transformationModel taskModel domainModel auiModel cuiModel fuiModel mappingModel contextModel


Figure 3. UML Class diagram of a UI pattern extended from PLML [12].

2.3 Methodologies tify why these extensions have been required.

Obviously, each UI pattern should be properly iden-
In the area of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), tified; therefore we need an identifier (patternID), a
several methodologies exist that support the develop- meaningful short name (patternName), an alternate
ment life cycle of interactive applications, such as name (patternAlias), and a pattern general description
UML-based methodologies. WISDOM [7] or IDEAS [23] (patternSynopsys). PLML only provides the forces of a
are object-oriented, they use the UML to specify, visu- pattern as recommended by Alexander [1]. We believe
alize, and document the artifacts of the development this should be expanded: when we write a pattern the
project. They have been adapted to develop interactive notion of force generalizes the kinds of criteria that
applications because UML does not support UI design. software engineers use to justify designs and imple-
WISDOM and IDEAS evolve incrementally through an mentations. But these forces should be counter-
iterative process. Other approaches are task centered balanced with other dimensions which are typically
[26], pattern-oriented [17,23,27,30], involve different found in the SWOT analysis, a tool for auditing an or-
techniques such as usability engineering [17], interac- ganization and its environments with four axes:
tion templates [26], multiple design [27], and MDE strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threads.
[28,30]. They provide a methodological guidance on Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors and op-
how to use patterns but, again, are not generative. A portunities and threads are external factors. Forces are
major observation is that a UI pattern may be informed related with the 8 major ergonomic criteria as defined
by many different types of contents belonging to dif- Bastien & Scapin (i.e., compatibility, consistency,
ferent models which are not all necessary at once, but work load, dialog control, adaptation, guidance, and er-
which could be considered individually when needed. ror management [2]). By expressing which ergonomic
Next, we introduce our representation of a UI pattern criteria are respected (or addressed), we know in ad-
so that it is both descriptive and generative. vance the quality of pattern and their purpose. If we
3. Conceptual model of UI patterns want to maximize consistency, patterns related to con-
sistency could be selected from the knowledge base.
The PLML [12] language, resulting from a consen- The evidence scale (evidence) provides an indica-
sus obtained during the CHI’2003 workshop on pat- tion of how seriously designers and developers should
terns, is certainly a reference base to be considered for consider each pattern. A five-point Likert scale is used
extension. Therefore, by relying on specifications as to depict the evidence related to each pattern:
described in Fig. 1, we extended PLML into a UML • 5: two or more experiments support the pattern.
Class Diagram for representing UI patterns that are • 4: one experiment supports the pattern.
both descriptive and generative (Fig. 3). We now jus-
• 3: two or more studies support the pattern. 2. Abstract User Interface modeling (Platform Inde-
• 2: one study supports the pattern. pendent Model in MDA): this level describes po-
• 1: one or more observations and no other support- tential UIs independently of any interaction modal-
ing evidence support the pattern. ity and any implementation technology.
• 0: no evidence supports the pattern. 3. Concrete User Interface modeling (Platform Spe-
In order to properly link patterns to each other, cific Model in MDA): this level describes a poten-
which is important for not forgetting related or poten- tial UI after a particular interaction modality has
tially contradicting patterns, a taxonomy of relation- been selected (e.g., graphical, vocal, multimodal).
ships (patternLink) between patterns has been defined: This step is supported by several tools helping de-
X uses Y in its solution, X is a variant of Pattern Y, X signers and developers to edit, build, or sketch a
has a similar problem as Y, X is related in the related user interface.
patterns section to Y, X specializes Y (in the sense of 4. Final User Interface: this level is reached when the
pattern inheritance), X connects to Y as part of the se- UI code is produced from the previous levels. This
quence S, in this case, the label includes S and a de- code could be either interpreted (in this case, UI
scriptive text that serves as the glue text in the se- rendering is ensured) or compiled (in case, various
quence, X mentions Y in its context, this means that Y techniques such as generative programming, tem-
was applied before Y, X and Y are members of the plate-based approach, static code generation could
same class or family, X and Y involve a common par- be used.
ticipant P and X and Y can be found in the same Our methodology enables expressing and executing
known context of use U. The problem provides a de- model transformation based on UIs viewpoints. For
scription of the problem space covered by the pattern this purpose, the mapping model links the various
while the space attribute describes the solution space models resulting from the above steps through map-
ensured by the pattern. Another factor of confidence pings [6]:
we can assign to a pattern comes from the biblio- • Reification is a transformation of a high-level re-
graphic reference (reference) where it is defined: a pat- quirement into a form that is appropriate for low-
tern defined by an organization, an expert or a practi- level analysis or design.
tioner may widely differ in its scope and purpose. For • Abstraction is an extraction of high-level require-
instance, a pattern recommended by an official stan- ment from a set of low-level requirements artifacts
dardization body could be considered as stronger than or from code.
a pattern provided by an individual person. • Translation is a transformation a UI in consequence
It is very important to document examples showing of a context of use change. The context of use is,
the application of a pattern so as to facilitate its inter- here, defined as a triple of the form (U, P, E) where
pretation and its application [34]. Therefore, example E is an possible or actual environment considered
contains a description of a supportive example demon- for a software system, P is a target platform, and U
strating the applicability, the non-applicability, or an is a user category.
exception of the pattern. Each example could be asso- • Reflection is a transformation of the artifacts of any
ciated, if needed, to one or several domains of human level onto artifacts of the same level of abstraction,
activity (humanActivity) that characterize whether a but different constructs or various contents.
pattern is generic or specific to a domain. In this way,
it is also possible to search the knowledge base of pat- 4. Using UI Patterns with IDEALXML
terns for patterns that are applicable to a particular do- To support the usage of UI patterns as defined in
main, say for instance chemistry, medical record of pa- Fig. 3, the IdealXML software has been developed that
tient, museum visits, etc. This concludes the upper part today consists of 17,000 lines of Java code. It can ex-
of Fig. 3 containing the descriptive explanatory power ploit a knowledge base of UI patterns stored in
of a UI pattern. The below part of Fig. 3 represents the UsiXML language [32] ( This UIDL
generative power as it relates the pattern to any combi- has been selected because it already covered the vari-
nation of UI models involved in the Cameleon Refer- ous models involved in the below part of Fig. 3. The
ence Framework [6] for developing multi-target UIs, upper part has therefore been equally defined so that it
which is decomposed into four steps [6,31,32]: could be expressed in a XML format that is compliant
1. Task and domain modeling (Computing Independ- with UsiXML. In order to illustrate how this software
ent Model in MDA): a model is provided for the can support the four-step method outlined above, let us
end user’s task, the domain of activity and, if consider an example related with web design and de-
needed, the context of use (user, computing plat- velopment: the Sedan-Bouillon web site (http://www.
form, and environment). is a web site for providing tourists
with location-aware information on the archeological ously stored, so they can be reused here or not.
site. Fig. 4 shows a screen shot where tourist guides
could be ordered on-line.

Figure 5. Domain model using patterns.

Figure 4. Contact page on the Sedan-Bouillon site.

This web page is a form where the user can ask until
three different catalogs related with tourist information
of this French region. This request is considered as a
transaction that a visitor (participant) establishes when
he visits this website. This participant should be pro-
vided with additional information in order to receive
these catalogs. And finally the user should send his re- Figure 6. Task model using CTT notation
quest pressing send button. In order to design our ap-
plication at least three models should be considered:
domain, task, and abstract UI models before reaching a
final UI. To do that different elements are used: class
diagrams for the domain model, ConcurTaskTree nota-
tion [23] for the task model, and Abstract Interaction
Objects (AIOs) for the abstract UI model. For doing
this purpose, we can use patterns for each model. So, Figure 7. Examples of task patterns: edit pattern and
we can identify three classes in our diagram of classes: invoke-validation-action.
participant, transaction and catalogs. These classes and
their relationships are gathered in a pattern recom- After representing the task and the domain models,
mended from [8, 22]. They are participant-transaction it is possible to link elements of these two models
pattern and transaction-specificItem pattern (Fig. 5). through the mapping model. Such mappings include:
In a similar way, a task model is specified according to triggers, observers, updates (mappings between do-
the ConcurTaskTree notation [23]. Fig. 6 reproduces main and task), isReifiedBy, isAbstractedInto (map-
such a task model where different tasks related with the pings between abstract and concrete UIs), manipulates
request filling where the user firstly selects a catalog, (task and domain) and isExecutedIn (task and abstract
then provides personal information of contact and fi- UI). In this sense, we can identify patterns between
nally send his request. In Fig. 6, we can identify pat- models (intramodel-patterns) as the mapping model
terns that we can find in many task specifications, for contains a series of mappings between the related mod-
instance, when the user selects, writes, or invokes ac- els. Therefore, if we have a domain model that repre-
tions, we can see similar graphical notations and pro- sents a domain pattern and a task model that represents
pose edit pattern, invoke-validation-send pattern, form a task pattern, it is possible in IDEALXML to enter
pattern or wizard pattern (Fig. 7) and these patterns can mappings between so as to create a task+domain pat-
be represented using firstly CTT notation and secondly tern. This reasoning is similar for all subsequent mod-
UsiXML [32]. These task patterns have been previ- els found in the next steps.
After modeling task and domain, an AUI model is
needed that represents a canonical expression of the
renderings and manipulation of the domain concepts
and functions in a way that is independent from any
modality and computing platform. Such AIOs are com-
posed of multiple facets, each facet describing a par-
ticular function to be assumed (input, output, naviga-
tion and control) (Fig. 8). IDEALXML provides an edi-
tor where an abstract representation can be specified
Figure 10. Abstract UI, task and model relationships.
using abstract containers, abstract individual compo-
nents and facets (Fig. 8).
Abstract Container (AC)
Abstract Individual Component (AIC)
Input facet
Output facet
Navigation facet
Control facet
Select facet
Figure 8. Stylistics for the Abstract User Interface.
Fig. 9 represents a simplified abstract UI: first a
container for the request form and then several indi-
vidual components were defined in order to specify
catalogs and components of the form used in this ex-
ample. All these specifications can be done using
IDEALXML where four editors (Fig. 11) are provided
in order to model tasks, domain presentation and
mappings between them. For example, Fig. 10 depicts
a mapping between task, domain, and abstract UI,
when the designer identifies tasks where the user
invokes actions, these actions can include validation of
information and then the action will be executed.
Methods and attributes will be invoked too when these
actions are done.

Figure 9. Abstract specification of Sedan-Bouillon form.

Figure 11. Several screens and tabs provided in

IdealXML for the various models in the UI pattern.
5. Conclusion Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-
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