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? rE ee OUR cHE Wa of GRAMMAR A GUIDE TO THE MAGIC AND MYSTERY OF PRACTICAL ENGLisy Part ONE Words Living inside the language requires a love of words: the sound of words in the air, the sight of words on the page or screen, the feelings and images created by words in our hearts and heads. Words can even stimulate our senses; 1 can almost smell pun- gent, taste honeycomb, touch sandpaper. In the practical world of language, many people want to be- come more literate. They want to read with insight, write with persuasive power, and speak with some authority. For such a person, words fly in all directions—from head to hands, from page to eyes, from mouth to ear, from ear and eye to head—in a brilliant recursive spiral that defines our humanity and, for be- lievers, our share of divinity. “In the beginning was the Word,” says the Bible. “The word is love,” sang the Beatles, Groucho Marx told his quiz-show 7 The Glamour of Grammar {pronounced “woid”] and win up! Word to your mother, The which gives us verb, word contestants: “Say the se Wor d aprize.” What's the wore® in verburn, ; the Latin v word word derives from wigs verbose. verbal, and for the windy among ample, are large and spectacu- Some words, cathedral, for on ail and functional, barely no- ta, while others, on “t of ares ds, no word is insignificant, ticeable in a text. But if you love words, a eiimpact even if No part of a word can be changed without son pact, it’s just a brief recognition of an alternate spelling. This section begins with that great storehouse of words, the dictionary. We then turn to letters, how they make smooth sail- ing possible through spelling, and how, over time, they seem to take on lives of their own, almost independent of the words they form. Synonyms are stored in a thesaurus, a word that means “treasury.” A thesaurusisa Tesource that can teach us new words and, more important, help us recal] oO explore the roles words olay in order te me teady know. We commonly called parts of speech, But, as you'll Meaning, roles jump from role to role, sometimes in the sa ste, Words can There is no expression of langu: age t ‘me sentence, Small to spark the curiosity of the literate human being. Word, or almost the same, and be gathered of j *

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