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__ POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Nuimbe ~] Compiainincldent Number it | as bzezoie i Defendant Name: Te eer AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE (On 01/04/14, Timothy DAVISON was travelling home {o Maine after visitng family in Florida, Around 0200 hours, an ongoing crime ‘was reported via a 911 call by DAVISON beginning In Washinglon County, Maryland, He was traveling north on Interstato 84 when he ‘was approached by what he called a dark colored Ford Ranger pickup truck. The suspect vehicle came close to him and alongside of him, fring gunshots at his vehicle, The incident continued a number of miles and continued info Pennsylvania, cemaining on Inlerslate 81. DAVISON related tha! around Exit 3, the suspect vehicle struck his vehicle, forcing him into the median and eventuslly nornbound {nthe southbound lanes. DAVISON brought his vehicle to a stop in the median, While speaking with the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) dispatcher, minutos after the collision, DAVISON oxealmed that the actor, who had continued north, was back at the scene (and his locatton). DAVISON'S location at thal point was Interstate 81 nthe area of Ext 3 (Antrim Townshlp, Franklin Counly, PA), Audie ‘on the 014 recording Is an engine rovving, shots being fired and a vehicle's wheels squealing and accelerating away from the scene. “The investigation has shown that the actor shot DAVISON multiple times al that point, before fleeing the scene southbound on Interstate 61,_DAVISON vas altended fst responders and medical personnel, He wes slruck in the left hand, right leq and hhead, The victim died a short time later in York Hospital as a result ofthe injuries sustained in the shooting. DAVISON was found tn the driver's soat of his slver Mitsubishi Montero, Bullet holes were observed Inthe river's skde door. Glass \was shallored onthe diver ska and passenger sido, front windows, Also found were marks blleved tobe fom the suspect's vehicle Aacooloraing from end fleeing the scene. They were observed on the ground extending from the victim's vehicle locaton heading southbound onto the lanes of tavel, Near those acceleratonitre marks was found a single, spent brass casing. Tho casing is om a -44 caliber round, Fred bullets and fragments were found inthe vehicle. Lab analyels vould later show the recovered fred bulletsteagments from the vehlcla were also from 44 caver rounds, ‘The continuing investigation included a search ofthe area fr different video survetiance that could ad this vestigation, A Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENN DOT) camera had recorded footage of the crim taking place. Tho trafic camara ‘as positioned just soulh ofthe scene, facing north. ‘The videos black and wie, grainy and from a distance. In the footage, DAVISON'S vohice entered the sereen going north, nthe median, but closer to the southbound lane. He stopped and romaine there for about § minutes, whlch included the ime he was speaking with the PSP dispatcher about what had occurred. The actor's vehicle ‘approached DAVISON'S vehicle from the north, on inferstale 81. The actor's vehicle slapped at DAVISON'S vehicle. DAVISON'S Vehicle moved forward before the actors veticle can be seen becking up angling toward the median, eppearing o block movement of the Montero, The actor then fled the scene continuing south, Continued- 1, TPR, JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THEE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. (Signature of tant ‘Sworn fo me and subscribed before me this day of Dale , Magisterial District Judge My commission expires first Monday of January, SAL ‘AOPC 4116 - Rev. 07/10 “Page 1 of 2 i POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAIN | Docket Number: | Date Filed: “OTNiLiveSoan Number Complainvineldant Hiambor rr ie Hos22636t8 Dofondant Name: | Sit io Tilwer AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE (On 01/08/14, a second search of the greater scene ofthis cme was conducted on Inlerstate 81. The snow had malted, allowing for the possibilty of finding addilonel evidence, The search found an emblem (or badglng) from a Ford Ranger XLT. itis en emblem, fixed by the factory, on the front fendors of Ford Ranger XLT, Idenlfying it as a Ford Ranger XLT. Itwas found within feet of whore the victim's Montero left the roadway and entered the grass madien. This is belloved tobe the location where the Impact hotwoen tho {wo vehicles occurred. The badge place was broken, not whole, Verification through Ford's database Identified that perticular badalng {obe present on Ford Ranger XLT models from 1096 ~ 2006, ‘Analysis ofthe palnttransforred from the suspect vehicle tothe velin's vehicle was comptoted by ths Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB!) laboratory. It was determinad to be "Dark Lepis Metalic" in color. itis @ specie Ford paint color thal is dark blue, Tho sample conetsted of 6 layers. All were doemed to be original manufacture layers, except forthe top clear coat tayor, This suggeets tho ‘suspect vehicle would have been repatred, In the area ofthe cotlson (lft frond) prior to tis ined. The dark apis paint tnited Fora Renger models fo those manufactured in between 1993 ~ 1097 (and sorte 19088). ‘The Inia! Investigation of the victin’s vehicle Included gathering Information from the Garmin GPS unl in his Montero. The davica was able to be downloaded which Included thousands of waypoins tracking hs route of travel from Florida, The previous hous of travot ‘were entirely on Interstate 81, wiln the exception of stop(s) for fuel. More Important, raveling speeds could be gleaned fromm the date avaliable on the device. By putting those waypolnt locallons and speeds on a miap, ono could galn an overviow of his changes tn ‘speed. On interstate 81, DAVISON was coming north eround 80 milos per hour, fly constantly. Onoe ho reached the area of ex 16 in Martineburg, WV, hls épeed accolorated. From exit 18 north Inlo Maryland and Ponnsylvania, the Montero's speed Increased to 90 and over 100 mph, at times. That is not seen anywhere south of Martinsburg, in West Virginia ot Virginta. {n essisting this investigation, the FI was able to complete “tower dumps" for mltpe cellular communication towers near the scone of thls crime, ‘This process was inliated to gathor both potential suspects and witnasses tothe homicide, The process entalls gathering all data and records (available from any given tower), during a specod time period, Whon celular towers ae ullzed by consumers (sing all collar devices), they subsoquenty create records for the contacts made With tho devices. The tower dump process Drovkdes ast of phone numbers that ullizod tat tower during the specifiad porod. Includes deals ofthe celier contact between tach device and the callulr tower. In arch 2014 and again in October 2014, we recalved the sesuls of he tower dumps, Tho towers chosen forthe dumps spannad from the crime scene (in Pennsylvania), south inte West Virginia. Continued 1, TPR. JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. (Signeture of Atfant) ‘Swom to me and subscribed before me this. day of Date . Magisterial District Judge My commission expires first Monday of January, AOPC 4116 - Rev, O70. : paged of th POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Date Filed] OTNILveSean Numb ‘Complainbineldent Numbor i H03-2263818 First ite: Last: John STRAWSER AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE ‘Ongolng examination ofthe spent .44calber casing yleldad results belleved tobe similar with a lever action pistol made by Ross, known as a“Ranch Hand’. Experts In the PSP Belistics Section determined that the class characteristics ofthe Impression on the pilimer contained markings only seldom seen, A poteniialy sinlar casing and primer impression was located on a database in Flora. “That slniar primer Impression came from a known Rossi Ranch hand pistol. Thal provided the possblly that a Rossi Ranch Hand or similar firearm was used during the commission of this homicide. DNA (Dooxyribonuctolo Ackd) exarninalion was also done on the single .44 spent casing. The resuils showed a partial or incompioto profile was obtained. It was avalable or comparison to a potential suspect, avaliable in the (ature, ‘On 04/20/46 at 1616 hous, Investigators at PSP Chambersburg wore contacted by Jame BREESE regarding the DAVISON hoinickl, Ho described how a man known to him and his wife Courtney BREESE, named John STRAWSER, had bean arested in West Viola 'STRAWSER llvad In Terra Alla, WY. He drove a dark colored Ford Renger that previously had damage tots left front.. According to, BREESE, STRAWSER gels n rages. BREESE belleved thal STRAWSER was hunting him and his if the night DAVISON we killed. He guessed that STRAWSER mistook DAVISON'S slvr SUV for theirs (a sliver Honda Plo). BREESE recalled the spocife night and what they were doing. The next moming, he saw the news thet reported DAVISON had been kiled. He thought STRAWSER might have done I, STRAWSER used (o be a fend of his wife, Ho used fo stelk her. People hed told him that 'STRAWSER said he would kill Jamie fo get lo Courtney. { found internet articles confirming what BREESE had related, John Wayne STRAWSER, Jr. was charged In a homicide investigation Inthe Kingwood, WV area, around 04/16/16. The victim in thal case was Amy Lou BUCKINGHAM, ‘After confirming the information, more extensive Interviews of the BREESES were conducled. Courtney BREESE was Interviewad about her knowledge of John STRAWSER. She described him as having been a fend ofthe family for years. She reluctantly ‘adiilted to having a relationship with STRAWSER during her marriage. STRAWSER displayed unpredictable behavior. He had been possessive and acted violontly. Even though he wed about 2.6 hours away in West Virginia, he would just show up at places nearby. Courtney explained incidents she refered to as sarial staking through anonymous tex! massages. She believed STRAWSER was sending her the texts, She was able to provide old phone numbers for STRAWSERS (304-436-0467 / 304-436-6608), Conlinued- |, TPR. JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, {Signature of Anon) Swom to me and subscribed before me this day of Date . Magisterial District Judge ‘My commission expires first Monday of January, ‘AOPC 4116 - Rev. 07/10 te POLICE GRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number Date Filed: ‘OTNiLiveScan Number: ‘Complalnvinldont Ni passage = ‘ou | cate Firs oad ‘Midaior Tast Defendant Name: | ohn Wayne STRAWSER AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE She recounted boing with her husband t Cloud 9 in Wast Vigna, In lato 2018, (Cloud 9 is boleved to be 12261 Winchester Avene Bunker Hil, WV) itis.a dance ciub located off ofthe interstate 84, south of Martinsburg. While at Cloud 8, STRAWSER began calling and texting them wanting to know their focallon. They told him Cloud 9, and a shor tims later they savr him come out of the bathroom there. They believed he hed bean looking for them and showed up there. Thay had a falling out in January 2016 and they decided to avold him, They had not spoken regulerly since. Courtney rolated the test ‘contact she had with him was months ago. On the night DAVISON was killed, they were again al Cloud 9. As thoy departed STRAWSER began calllag and texting. STRAWSER spoke to Jamia BREESE and started threatening them, ‘Tho path the BREESES look was Interstate 81 north, into Pennsylvania..ItIs the same path of travel taken by Timothy DAVISON in. thie case. Courtney BREESE rolated that al the time STRAWSER drove a dark blue Ford Rangor which he has since changed the color of his tuck. She thinks it could now bo black and green, Jamie BREESE related thal STRAWSER drove a Ranger thet he painted a diferent color after ihis homicid. t had damage tothe ttont fonder. Jamie BREESE specifically recat that on tho night of 01/03 ~-01/04/14, whon he and his wile wore ai Cloud 8, STRAWSER started trying to contact them, He Inquitod whore they wore. Ho endod ip talking to STRAWSER on the phone. 'STRAWSER was oaling Courtney names and threetoning them. Ho wanied(o know whore thoy were bul they rofused to tol him. BREESE was ceiving noth on the interstate a that ime. The BREESES would have been In tho area of Spring Mle / Maviowro ox GmWV). He thought tas around 010 hours (approximate) on 01/04/14, He got the Indication that STRAWSER was looklag for {hom end was nearby. The next morning, he saw the news that DAVISON had been klled. He suggested to Cournoy that 'STRAWSER could have done this. She dismissed tho idea, Jame rolated thal STRAWSER worked In automotive typo Jobs and could havo painted tho ruck himself whn he changed the colo. ‘Checks through the Pennsylvania Criminal Inteligence Center (PACIC) ylelded the folowing results: ;STRAWSER has isted a {997 For Ranger (VIN: $FTCRBXBVTAB64) tat dark laps metalic "KN". Th rooord shows the luck is a club cab. -Yatlou phone numbore wore ound for STRAWSER, Allposible numbers (rm PACIC and BREESE) wore rn though ho tower jump data: 904-435-9467 an old cell number for STRAWSER, provided by BREESE 717-414-4230 BREESE’ old cell number Continuod |, TPR. JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT it FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, (Signature of Aten) ‘Sworn to me and subscribed before me this: day of Date . Magisterlat District Judge My commission expires first Monday of January, shat AOPC 411C - Rev, 07/10 is POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT OTWiLIveScan Numbor: ‘Complalnineldont umber ‘idle? Wayne STRAWSER, AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE ‘On 04/26/16 the above numbers were found on our tovor dump under AT&T Batch results, BREESE’ number was found on the fet tower dump. The STRAWSER number was found on the socond set of ower dump dala, Further clarification showed that STRAWSER’S phone contacl was a 1 minute phone call with another number (304-290-0810). That cae ullized multiple towers: {fom WY traveling north into Maryland. The called ended in Hagerstown, MD, at 0188 hours, (The violin had called 941 from Hagerstown, MD al 0169 hours.) The 304-280-0810 phone number was belisved to belong to a Fioreenceanne MILLER. The Investigation found that MILLER was one of several women Involved ina relafonship with STRAWSER.. ‘©n 06/07/16, PSP Investigators met with the West Virginia State Pollco (WVSP) In Kingwood, WV. They explained the facts and circumstances surrounding the BUCKINGHAM homlelde and the arrest of STRAWSER, WVSP personnel rela that when they hac served a search warranl at STRAWSER’S home (109 Cale Avenue Tarra Alta, WV), they observed the previously mentioned Ford Ranger. it was painted black and green. A closer look showed what appeared fo be the original dark blue paint In places, on the tuck, a PSP Investigators traveled tothe location end obsorved the Ranger parked beside the trailer al 109 Cale Avenuo, Itwas black and green 28 prviosly descbed,”tappeered o have diferent part on ncudng tne frontend and rl ta re newor thn ho 1068. timeframe, uring the West Virginia investigation an interested neighbor and filend of STRAWSER (Gordon "Eralo” KISNER) offered his asslstanco, KISNER related having spent ime with STRAWSER and knowing thal he frequented a nearby field and swamp along the adjacent rairoad tracks. KISNER shovted Troopers to the location he spoke of. There, VWWSP Troopers found a wooden box on the ‘ground that contained a .44 caliber Rossi Ranch Hand pistol. Tholr search of the home also yielded .44 eallvor rounds (live rounds. and spent casing(s)). (On 06/11/16, PSP investigators continued thelr inguiy info John Wayne STRAWSER, JR, Search warrants wore oblained and execuled for: the black and green Ford Ranger (previously mentioned) ae well as the properly and residence al 109 Cale Avenue, ‘The extendas cab Ford Ranger wes seized from the drvoway ofthe rsidanco, I wae towed back to Frankn County, PA, fr further examination. PSP investigators (raced the origin and oviners of the Ross! Ranch Hand pistol that WVSP ~ Kingwood had in thelr possesston, It was delivered from the manufacturer to a dealer in 202, All owners, since then, ware Idenlfied including the individual who ulkimately sold the firearm to STRAWSER. Ono of the prior owners related stil having a box of 44 callber ammunition, Tho box contained untied rounds as well as fred casings, wit primers stil intact. The fred casings were sent to the PSP Lab for analysis. Analysis comparing tive newly discovered fired casings and the single fred .44 cafber shell casing from the DAVISON scene showed that the sholls woro discharged within the same frearm, Continued-- 1, TPR, JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. (Signatue of Altar ‘Sworn to me and subscribed before me this. day of Date 7 My commission expires first Monday of January, AOPO 4140 - Rev. O7/10 a POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT. ‘Dooket Number: OTNiLiveScan Number ‘Complalivinciclent Number | Fam zeste | Dorondant Name: wie: Las ger AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE On 06/12/46, PSP invostigators inorvievied John Weyne STRAWSER JR, at Tygert Valley Regional Jal n Belington, West Vigina ‘STRAWSER denied boing In tho area on the day ofthe erimo, He related he was working hauling coat as a truck diver) hours West of Franklin County, PA. He confirmed that he knew the BREESE famlly end varius routes to thelr home, STRAWSER related that he ‘was famitar wilh tho area. Each time he had gone (o gee the BREESES, no one else was ever with him, He was alono and dd not _generaly lot others drive or borrow his truck. We explained that phone records and the BREESES themselves shoved thal ia wa, In fact, tn Frankn Counly, PA, We asked If something happened on Interstate 8 with him that led lo the death of Timothy DAVISON. STRAWSER replied, don't remember." ‘This Investigation showed thal John Wayne STRAWSER, ur. fs called Boo" by his fonds and family. On 05/19/16, a continuod raviow ‘of STRAWSER's Facebook account (under "Boo STRAWSER}) showed “Boo STRAWSER’ providing a phono contact number fo ‘others as 304-435-0467, It shoved this number was belng used by STRAWSER in late 2013. Further, in2014, Boo STRAWSER'S Facebook records showed altempis to sell a Ross! Ranch Hand lever acion pistol, The offer included a photograph ofthe fearm. ‘Also visible Inthe account's photographs 's a Ford Ranger that is dark blue in color. The blue ruck shows the same green custom paint as the STRAWSER Ford Rangor that in PSP custody. Thet Ford Renger, previously kentiied, ts now black in color (0n 05/12/15, puravant to a search warrant oxcculed in Randolph County, WY, DNA swabs wore collected from tho let and right cheeks of John Wayno STRAWSER, Jr. The samples were dellvered to the Bode Laboratory, who conducted the most recent ‘examination on the DNA avallabo inthis case. ‘On 06/22/16, Bode reported their resulls, Tho partial profile obtained from the 44 celiber casing matched the corresponding portions of John Wayne STRAWSER Jr’s complete DNA profi, On 06/26/18, a search warrant was conducted on STRAWSER’S Ford Renger In an altempt lo gather additional evidanes. Noted on the front of the truck, above the Windshield Isa set of amber visor Iighis. In re-accessing and reviewing he orginal footage of tha crime taking place (rom the PA Deperiment of Transporation camera),he greiny video (and sills) shows an additional Ine of ight above the glow of the heaclights, which Is consistent vith the visor lighting seen on STRAWSER'S vehicte, ‘©n 05/26/16, a gunshot residue test (SR) vas performed on the interior of th STRAWSER’S Ford Ranger. On 07/01/18, fab analysis showed that particles characterlsllc of GSR were found on the driver's elde headrest, seal and caling, Continued-- 1, TPR. JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THI: FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, (Signature of Aten) ‘Swomn fo me and subscribed before me this day of Date 1 Magisterial Distriot Judge My commission expires first Monday of January, AOPC 4110 - Rev, O7/10 "pags fot “2 do POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number: | Date Flled? | OTNiLiveScan Numibor: “Compleinlicldsit Rumer i H03-2269810 Fest: Ee ‘wide! Last PofendantName: | John Wayne ‘STRAWSER: AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE |n June 206, calular phone records for 304-435-9467 were obtained and analyzed. ‘The records showed the colular towers used by {he phone which flustraled that the phone traveled from the area of Terra Alla, WV, to Hagerslown, MD between 01/03/14 and (01/04/14, The phone's last usage ended In Hagerstown, MD on 01/04/14 at 0186 hours, (Again, DAVISON called $11 from Hagerstown, MD at 0169 hours). Prlor tothe crime, the records also showed a route of revel thal included golng south of Martinsburg, WV, on Interstate 61, before returning noi, That not only maiches DAVISON'S route and thne of travel bu also collects the BREESES' reported locaton, ‘The phono records also show contact and many alloted contacts fom STRAWSER tothe REESE phones, ‘On 06/49/16, investigators miade contact vi Jil GARBART of Hilside Trucking. STRAWSER was employed by Hllside trucking, hhauling coal, both before and atter this crime took place. Hilside trucking was able to provide a work schedule and history for STRAWER'S employment. STRAWSER was not working on 01/04/14 as he Indicaled when Interviewed, On 07/24/18, a PSP Balste Expen comptetod an examinaiion of evidence avallabio In ths caso, as well as is Comparison to the Rossl Rench Hand. Forensic examination ofthe dlschargad bullets and bullet fragments recovered from the victim's poréon and Vohlcla showed thoy had been discharged fom the Ross lever-acton pistl, model: Rach Hand, calbor: 44 Magnum, sorial numba: 1M174766 (currenly inthe custody ofthe West Vrgnia Stato Polio). Further examinelion of the discharged cariidge case found a the ‘scene of the hamicie showod thal thad bean dlscharged within fat same firearm (es proviously noted), Based upon the information detelied In the above affidavit rospectfuly request that the defendnt be brought forth to answer to tho ‘charge against him, |, TPR. JASON CACHARA, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF, (Signatur of Attan) ‘Sworn fo me and subsoribed before me this day of Date . Magisterial District Judge My commission expires first Monday of January, SEAL

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