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Studies of Patients with Psychiatric Illnesses

Children and Adolescents (C)
1. Allison, S., Roeger, L., Dadds, V., & Martin G. (2000). Brief therapy for chi
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2. Brent, D. A., Kolko, D. J., Birmaher, B., Baugher, M., & Bridge, J. (1999). A
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5. Dare, C., & Key, A. (1999). Family functioning and adolescent anorexia nervos
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6. Goodyer, I., Nicol, A. R., Eavis, D., & Pollinger, G. (1982). The application
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7. Gowers, S., & North, C. (1999). Difficulties in family functioning and adoles
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8. Harrington, R., Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., McNiven, F., Gill, J., Harrington, V.,
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Randomized trial of a home-based family intervention for children who have delib
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9. Hoagwood, K., & Stewart, J. M. (1989). Sexually abused children s perceptions o
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functioning. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 6(2), 139 149.
10. Joffe, R. T., Offord, D. R., & Boyle, M. H. (1988). Ontario Child Health Stu
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11. Kaplan, B. J., Crawford, S. G., Fisher, G. C., & Dewey, D. M. (1998). Family
dysfunction is
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12. Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., Harrington, V., Woodham, A., & Harrington, R. (1996).
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13. King, C. A., Segal, H. G., Naylor, M., & Evans, T. (1993). Family functionin

g and suicidal
behavior in adolescent inpatients with mood disorders. Journal of American Acade
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Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 6, 1198 1206.
14. King, C. A., Hovey, J. D., Brand, E., Wilson, R., & Ghaziuddin, N. (1997). S
uicidal adolescents
after hospitalization: Parent and family impacts on treatment follow-through. Jo
of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(1), 85 93.
15. Kline, P. M. (1995). An exploratory investigation of family functioning for
child inpatients:
Implications for practice. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 12, 423 434.
16. Martin, G. (1996). Reported family dynamics, sexual abuse, and suicidal beha
viors in community
adolescents. Archives of Suicide Research, 2(3), 183 195. (G)
17. Martin, G., Rozanes, P., Pearce, C., & Allison, S. (1995). Adoloscent suicid
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family dysfunction. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 92(5), 336 344.
18. Maziade, M., Caperaa, P., & Laplante, B. (1985). Value of difficult temperam
ent among 7year-olds in the general population for predicting psychiatric diagnosis at age
12. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 142, 943 946. (G)
19. McKay, J. R., Murphy, R. T., Rivinus, T. R., & Maisto, S. A. (1991). Family
dysfunction and
alcohol and drug use in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Journal of American A
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Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30(6), 967 972.
20. North, C., Gowers, S., & Byram, V. (1995). Family functioning in adolescent
anorexia nervosa.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 167(5), 673 678.
21. North, C., Gowers, S., & Byram, V. (1997). Family functioning and life event
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of adolescent anorexia nervosa. British Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 545 549.
22. Oates, R. K., O Tool, B. I., Lynch, D. L., Stern, A., & Cooney, G. (1994). Sta
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in outcomes for sexually abused children. Journal of American Academy of Child a
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Psychiatry, 33(7), 945 953.
23. Renaud, J., Brent, D. A., Baugher, M., Birmaher, B., Kolko, D., & Bridge, J.
(1998). Rapid
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of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(11), 1184 1190.
24. Sanford, M., Byrne, C., Williams, S., Atley, S., Ridley, T., Miller, J., & A
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study of a parent-education group for families affected by depression. Canadian
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25. Stein, D., Williamson, D. E., Birmaher, B., Brent, D. A., Kaufman, J., Dahl,
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Parent-child bonding and family functioning in depressed children and children a
t high
risk and low risk for future depression. Journal of American Academy of Child an
d Adolescent
Psychiatry, 39(11), 1387 1395.
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26. Stern, A. E., Lynch, D. L., Oates, R. K., & O Toole, B. I. (1995). Self esteem
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behavior and family functioning in sexually abused children. Journal of Psycholo

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Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 36(6), 1077 1089.
27. Swanston, H. Y., Tebbutt, J. S., O Toole, B. I., & Oates, R. K. (1997). Sexual
ly abused children
5 years after presentation: A case-control study. Pediatrics, 100(4), 600 608.
28. Tamplin, A., Goodyer, I. M., & Herbert, J. (1998). Family functioning and pa
rent general
health in families of adolescents with major depressive disorder. Journal of Aff
ective Disorders,
48, 1 13.
29. Tamplin, A., & Goodyer, I. M. (2001). Family functioning in adolescents at h
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major depressive disorder. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 10(3), 170 17
30. Tebbutt, J., Swanston, H., Oates, R. K., & O Toole, B. I. (1997). Five years a
fter child sexual
abuse: Persisting dysfunction and problems of prediction. Journal of American Ac
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(3), 330 339

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