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About the company:

I did my summer training in Hamdi Abu Shanap and Parts Co. Amman – Jordan.

This company has a factory to produce marble & all stone decorations. For example; the all the flooring
works & pillars… etc from marble and stone works.

Also they have a quarry where they get a natural stone and then remanufacture it to be ready for sale.

There you can found many types of marble and stone, specially; Jordanian; Turkish marbles.

There too many sections for manufacturing the stone & the marble, and I’m going to list them as:

1- The first one‘s the Katrak section. Where they can make the block to slabs with different
2- Polishing section, where they can polish the slabs and marble floors.
3- Lathing section. Where they made pillars.
4- Cutting section. Where they reshape irregular shapes.
5- The quarry. Where they extract blocks from mountains.
Katrak Section:
In this section,, they have two machines from that type but with different duties, they get the block as it is and put it to
the machine. Then started the machine and when it finished, they get the block as a slabs, in this machine you can get
different thicknesses, for example: 2 or 3 cm thickness.

The main parts of the machine:

1- Large moment wheel: this wheel get the motion from the electrical motor and the convert it to linear motion to
be delivered to the diamond blades which have a reciprocating
reciprocating motion as forward back word.
2- Electrical motor to get the required energy for the motion.
3- Concrete ground. It has special requirements so it can absorb the vibration of the machine.
4- The diamond blades, it is an industrial diamond; it can be imported
imported from turkey or china and Italy. It is been
used to be the cutting tool. It get a linear motion from the wheel, while it go forward and back ward, the blades
rubbing with the stone block which make it with the velocity it has , and the diamond properties ; to eat an
amount from the block. Approximately the machine goes downwards by 30-40 cm/h. cm which require it to work
24 h/day.
5- Water pump, the duty of the water here is too cool the blades which are in directly act with the block.
polish section:
Here they have two types of polishing machines.

The first one is an automatic machine it consist of 6 heads; and it consumes 4 m3/h of water. It can polish
marble pieces up to 70 cm in width. But it can polish many parts in a line which makes it useful for fast

The second one is a manual one. It has only one head and it consumes much less water than the automatic

Inside the heads there are the polish stones. They have a rub with the marble parts with water flow over
the plate. There are special kinds used here they are made mainly from silica.

But some kind of marble; even after polish; there will be some holes in the plate, it is due to the way that
the original part had been compounded; so it needs to be cared; so they care about it in this section too,
for caring they use a white cement plus some kind of chemical subjects that they will be useful.
Lathing & drilling section:

Lathing (or engine lathe) sec on used to produce pillars and the column shape parts. There are 4 lathing
machines there, in the principle it is exactly the same as the steel lathing machine.

There is a knife which is used to be the blade; there is a rotating shaft that revolves the rough block.

In this section; they can produce many shapes of column by adjusting the rotation and the knife in a
proper position.

There are different types of machines there like 3 & 4 jaws machines which mainly depend on the shape
of the part.

There is also a drilling machine used to make holes inside the pillars where they are going to be attached
to main base in the floor.
Cutting section:

Here, 3 main machines to describe;

First one is the bridge cutting machine, here we have six ways to move; up and down, right to lift, forward backward,
and these motions make it useful for special purposes.

It has a diamond blade disc used to cut the stone with high speed up to 3000 rpm. Also it gets the power from an
electrical motor but it also needs a water pump for cooling.

The second one is a 160 cm disc; this machine is used to make the shape of the part regular. The disc has diam
blades and rotates with high speed up to 3000 rpm. Also there is a cooling system in there.

The third one is a manual cutting machine, it is small, light, less power consumption and no cooling system is needed
there, it consist of an electrical motor,, and a fiber disc, used for the light works and some jobs that the previous
machines cannot do like make the side of a plate to be flange instead of an angle which make it more safe and
The quarry:
It is located about 55 km away from the factory; there was many types of machines, like:

1- Bulldozer: used to move the blocks and rearrange them. And to load them on the trucks.
2- The digger: used to dig and vibrates the blocks to make it easy to move.
3- The air compressor digging machine: these machines uses the compression of air to make a deep holes in the ground side,
it is normally as an array with sizes of 3*2*1.8 m.
4- The arm cutting machine: it is a machine used to make a straight cut line which
which passes through the holes that the
compressors had made.
5- The wire cutting machine: a machine uses a wire made up of diamond parts attached to electrical motor revolves up to
5000 rpm. It is been used also to make a straight cut in the body of the blocks.
6- Diesel electricity generator: while the quarry is out of the cities there are no electricity provided. So there is a generator
uses diesel as fuel to produce electricity.
Figure 1: the diamond wire which used to cut the blocks.

Figure 2: the blades with disc shape used to cut the stone.

Figure 3: polishing tools

Figure 4: straight cut machine (CNC), it use a steel blade, it has high speed with 90 cm/h. they use it to
reshape blocks to square shape.

Figure 5: air compressor

Products of the factory:

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