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Medford Human Rights Commission

June 10, 2015

Present: Marie Cassidy, Dale Bryan, Judy Kaplan, David Harris, Chief Leo Sacco (present until
elections complete), Muhammad Chowdhury, Charlotte Swartz, Lois Bronnenkant, Deborah Ala
Mystic Place (guest), and Diane McLeod ex officio
Meeting called to order at 5:07PM
Public Participation
David motioned to accept the May minutes, Lois seconded, all in favor.
New Business
Members were asked to note interest in positions, and/or nominate individuals for positions.
David nominated Dale as Chair, Lois seconded, all in favor. David nominated Marie as Vice Chair,
Chief Sacco seconded, all in favor. Charlotte nominated Muhammad as Clerk, Dale seconded, all
in favor.
Chair Dale Bryan
V. Chair Marie Cassidy
Clerk Muhammad Chowdhury
National Night Out
National Night Out is Tuesday, August 4th at Mystic Place from 5-7PM and Marie asked
Deborah Ala to come to speak about it. It is an event that happens the first Tuesday of August
across the country. There will be food and tables and activities. Diane will send additional
contacts to Deborah.
Community Day
Community Day has been rescheduled for Sunday, September 13th and Dale asked for input on
any ideas for a presence at Community Day. He also noted that he worked quickly with Marie on
the original date of Community Day that was cancelled due to weather. Now that we have time

he asked for sub committee members to work on this over the summer. Diane will work with
Judy, Lois, and Charlotte on the mapping of our residents by birth place.
Old Business
Strategic Plan and Conversations
There was discussion about modifying our previous Strategic Plan to make it current. There was
discussion about keeping B) Making Medford more welcoming and C) Promote the HRCs work
& programs, as Strategic Goals, while incorporating A) Support the Medford School System into
those goals. We discussed expanding public safety from control to safety, wellness and equity.
The terminology is more health and wellness directed instead of enforcement focused.

Dale gave an overview of the Conversations Project and who is on board, as well as potential
funding for parts of this endeavor. We will discuss in more detail later. Marie motioned that we
give Dale the authority to move ahead with conversations, David seconded all in favor.
All agreed to move forward with Strategic Planning Options B & C, although Dale noted that this
plan in progress and we need to continue to define it. Muhammad noted that we need to meet
the people in different parts of the city. Lois suggested we go on the road to do so. There will
be two sub committees to work on each strategic plank.
B) Welcoming Community Marie, Charlotte, Lois, & Muhammad
C) Promote HRC Judy, Chief, & David
Diane and Dale will be connecting with both subcommittees.
Correspondence & Announcements
Motion to adjourn by David, seconded by Lois, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:58PM.
Next meeting date - September 9, 2015

(amended 9/9/15)

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