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Gender Socialization in Todays Society


In this review we will take a look at gender socialization in America.
Gender Socialization has been as an issue in American History for well over
one hundred and fifty years. The issues of gender roles and progress for
women will be examined as well. The articles that will be reviewed analyzed
and discuss will include; Gender Roles within American marriages and are
they changing? As well as an article on gender and socialization in the world
today and there will be a focus on wage disparity and occupation roles as
they pertain to gender in our society.


Gender Socialization and the assignment of roles by gender have been

documented for thousands of years. The role of gender in implanted in
almost every culture, mainstream religion such as Christianity, Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism, as well as countless other religions. However, the
greatest influence of gender roles are parents, this occurs at a very early age
where the parents instill their values and stereotypes upon children.
According to Women and Men in Management Parents belief in
stereotypes and roles affect how they raise their children. (Powell, 2011)
The role of gender in the America principles and values can be traced
back to European Immigrant who settled the New World bring their values
with them as well. According to an article by Lucy A. Hawks titled: Gender
Roles within American Marriage: are they changing? (Hawks, 2007)
The role of the husband was to be the breadwinner, and the role of the
wife was that of the caregiver. The lifestyle of the American society was of a
rural and farming settlement, this required the role of the man to be strong
and hardworking in the field gathering crops, while the women was caring for
the home and raising children. This can be attributed to the restrictions of
gender roles as defined by the political and economics society during this
time period. (Hawks, 2007)


Over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the

fundamental' fabrics of America began to change course. This can be
attributed to the economy becoming more industrial in the North. And a
strong agricultural economy bolstered by slave labor in the South allowing
some landowner's to amass significant wealth dramatically redefining the
gender role and bring about great change in American Society.
The article pointed out that feminism began to form its foundation in
the mid nineteenth century as the attitude towards slavery began to change,
thus woman rights became an issue as well.
The year 1848 was important in the founding of the Americans Woman
Suffrage Movement at a conference held in upstate New York to address the
issue of equality for all people including slaves and women. (Hawks, 2007)
The woman's movements along with abolitionist were successful in
securing passage of the 13h Amendment freeing the slaves. (Congress, 2014)
Culminating in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution
of the United States granting women the right to vote. (Hawks, 2007)
The feminist movement allowed for women to continue making
significant achievements during the early half of the twentieth century.
However, during World War II the gender role changed drastically due to a
shortage of men due to the war and women filling roles traditionally held by


However after the war the return of military back to the civilian world
the gender specified role became more inherit.
The article pointed out that women were expected to return back to
their roles as house wives while the husband went to work and again became
the bread winner, with the arrival of the new medium known as television
which helped solidify this stereotype with programs such as Leave to it to
Beaver; Father knows best, and I love Lucy. (Hawks, 2007)
In the early 60' going into the 1970's and beyond the roles of gender
began to have an impact on American society.
In modern American the woman rights movement has altered the
landscape and continued to allow the country to prosper and grow.
The American woman has entered the workforce breaking into
corporate America as executives and leaders. The military has seen some
barriers come down allowing for women to serve on all ships, fly fighter jets
into combat, as well serve on the front line in support combat arms units.

However according to the table produced by the U.S. Census Bureau
that a wage disparity still exist with men still earning more than that of

(Bureau, 2013)


There have been considerable achievements for women in education surpassing men in
with degrees, 35% for women compared to 27% for men.


Gender Socialization has continued to play a major role in America and around the world.

The barriers continue to be dismantled and out of sight and out of mind are not way ahead.
Women must continue to be allowed have access to the same right as men. In combat women
around the world have continued to demonstrate their superior warfighting skills as well their
superior insight when it comes to bring skills and fortitude to the executive boardroom.

The article presented an outstanding viewpoint of the gender specified role in American history
and how over time the wall has come down. The graph concerning the growth of women
physicians continue to demonstrate a continued need to knock down those barriers


Works Cited
Bureau, U. C. (2013). American Fact Finding. Retrieved from OCCUPATION BY SEX
Congress, L. o. (2014, Sept 24). 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Retrieved
from Primary Documents in American History:
Hammond, R. (2009). Gender and Socialization. Retrieved from Sociology of the
Hawks, L. A. (2007). Gender Roles in American Marriages are they really changing.
Retrieved from ESSAI: Vol 5 Article 23:
Powell, G. N. (2011). Women and Men in Management. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE

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