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The enemy of humiliTy: Pride

Our culture has been impounded with having pride and encourages us to increase it. I can
remember my coaches always telling us to be proud if you lose that game because you played hard. In the
Army their motto is “Be all you can be in the Army.” The Marines have their motto as well “The few the
proud the Marines.” There are all kinds of Christian books on how to increase your self-esteem. The title
of Joel Osteen’s book “Your best life now: 7 steps to living at your full potential” deals with increasing
your self-esteem or pride.

Pride is the opposite of humility and is one of the most loathed (hated) sins in God’s sight. (Prov.
26:12) Pride is defined as lifting up, highness, magnification, presumptuousness, or rebelliousness of self.
It also can refer to as “straining or stretching one’s neck” “to magnify” or “to be haughty.” It could also
refer to as “blindness.” Throughout the scriptures we find proud people who portray themselves as having
a high view of themselves. Biblical synonyms for pride are vainglory, conceit, boasting, arrogance,
loftiness, and presumption, haughtiness, being puffed up, high-mindedness, scoffing, and self-seeking.

Pride is epidemic; it is everywhere and manifests itself in many ways. We all have pride, the
question is not “Do I have it?” but, “Where is it?” and “How much of it do I have?” We all have a
tendency to think too much about ourselves. Chuck Swindoll said, “The world’s smallest package is a
man wrapped up in himself.” “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than
for him.” (Pro. 26:12)

Andrew Murray said that pride is “the root of every sin and evil.” Pride is indeed the beginning of
every sin. Satan was cased out of Heaven because of pride. Throughout the Scriptures you see the pride

• Ability (2 Chronicles 26:15-16)

• Position (Matthew 23:6)

• Achievement (Daniel 4:22)

• Wealth (1 Timothy 6:17)

• Possessions (Matthew 6:19)

• Knowledge (Isaiah 47:10)

• Learning (1 Corinthians 8:1)

• Spiritual attainment (Luke 22:24)

• Self-righteousness (Romans 10:3)

• Being esteemed or liked (Galatians 1:10)

Mar. 4, 2010 By Jay Gheen

• Spiritual Experiences (2 Corinthians 12:7)

Pride is idolatry; a proud man is a self-worshiper. The growing Atheist movement is a result of deep
pride. Pride is results in the desire to lift up self and serve self and to forget about God or want to be
above God. Pride is destruction. (Prov. 16:18) Pride is very competitive toward others and especially
towards God. Pride seeks to ungod God.

Manifestations of Pride

• Complaining against or passing judgment on God

• A lack of gratitude in general

• Anger

• Seeing yourself as better than others

• Having an inflated view of your importance, gifts and abilities

• Being focused on the lack of your gifts and abilities

• Perfectionism

• Talking too much

• Talking too much about yourself

• Seeking independence or control

• Being consumed with what others think

• Being devastated or angered by criticism

• Being unteachable

• Being sarcastic, hurtful, or degrading

• A lack of service

• A lack of compassion

• Being defensive or blame-shifting

• A lack of admitting when your are wrong

• A lack of asking forgiveness

• A lack of biblical prayer

• Resisting authority or being disrespectful

Mar. 4, 2010 By Jay Gheen

• Voicing preferences or opinions when not asked

• Minimizing your own sin and shortcomings

• Maximizing others ‘sin and shortcomings

• Being impatient or irritable with others

• Being jealous or envious

• Using others

• Being deceitful by covering up sin, faults, and mistakes

• Using attention-getting tactics

• Not having close relationships

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than
yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil.

Mar. 4, 2010 By Jay Gheen

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