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Raphael Omoregbee





















Read and carefully meditate on each topic and sub topic

All the bible verses within the text should be carefully studied

Use this booklet as your personal success guide

Read it over and over again

Be sure to answer any questions at the end of each major topic

All scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified Version of the Bible unless otherwise
First printing 2009
Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form without the express
written permission of WORD FESTIVAL PUBLICATIONS

CREDITS (Acknowledgement)
I appreciate God Almighty, my inspiration, my help, and ally. I also appreciate all those who
contributed to the proofreading and editing of this piece, I also want to thank all those authors
whose books over time have trained and taught me. May God richly bless you all.


We all want to be rich and successful!!! I dont know about you, but I and countless others I
know, certainly dont want to end up poor. We all desire progress and prosperity and we all want
our lives to be better. This desire is not demonic but God-given. The desire for increase is
natural to man. It is that desire that enables you to reach out and achieve your dreams and
visions. Without it, we will all be satisfied with mediocrity.

Becoming rich and influential is possible and attainable, but it begins with a dream a desire to
impact your world positively in any area of human endeavour, a dream to influence people
positively with your skills, gifts, and talents. It begins with having a purpose to make the world a
better place for humanity. Someone rightly said, If you want to make money meet needs, and
according to Mike Murdock, money is a reward system.

Except you want to be cheat others to become rich, making money involves adding value to the
lives of others. It involves developing your character, attitudes, and motives. Becoming rich has
to do with developing yourself to be able to have and hold wealth. According to Brian Tracy,
The most important factor in achieving great financial success is not the money, it is the kind of
person you have to become to earn that money and hold on to it

Scripture says, we brought nothing into the world and it is certain we will take nothing out of it (1
Timothy 6:7). Thus, we all become rich or poor on earth based on how we hold on to our
dreams and cultivate the right attitudes to achieve our dreams.

Every rich and successful man or woman has a story a hint, an inspirational word, a mission
statement, etc, that enabled him or her to become what he is. Solomon said, My Father told me
Get wisdom, Someone also said Rule 1 in investing is Never lose money, rule 2 is dont
forget rule 1. Some rich men say it was a product of hard work and determination others say
they went for excellence. Still some say they achieved success by diligence, determination, and
discipline. But they all had some form of information that caused them to do the things they did.
They had knowledge that determined their attitude and developed their character.
I intend to show you some of these secrets from Gods Word, which make a man poor or rich,

and lots more. The easiest route to success is this: find out what successful people do and
do it, and find out what unsuccessful people do and avoid it. Read on and arm yourself
with relevant information so that you can win in your finances. YOU CAN BE SO RICH. HAPPY
Omoregbee Osamede Raphael

People become rich or poor on earth, it depends on what you choose to become
Omoregbee Osamede Raphael


Becoming rich begins with a dream a desire to be a blessing to your world. Every child is born
with the seeds of greatness. We all came into this world with the potential to be rich to have
more than enough money, possessions and resources, than we could possibly exhaust alone.
We also came into a world that is laden with abundant opportunities for maximizing this
potential. However, based on a lot of factors, we all learn different things and thus end up
differently. Some end up rich and some end up poor.

Basically, the poor have a mindset that governs their behaviour and keeps them poor. The rich
also have a mindset, which makes and keeps them rich; they have a way of thinking. Never
forget this people become rich or poor on earth, based on their way of thinking which affects
their choices. You may not be responsible for where you were born or the environment you
found yourself, but you are responsible for how you handle the situation and rise or fall. You
may not be responsible for the lack of money you experience, but you are responsible for living
your life and ending up poor. No condition is permanent, so you can rise from where you are
one step at a time, if you know the secrets of the rich. Also a man can fall from riches to poverty,
if he has the secrets of the poor.

By secrets, I mean the mindset, attitude, and opinion; the way of thinking and viewing issues
that determine the kind of life they live. These are the things that determine your status in the
long run.
For instance, we said you are responsible for ending up rich or poor. This is a fact that the rich
know and endorse. They rich hold themselves responsible for their success or failure. The poor
blame the government, relatives, and everybody but themselves for their downfall. Yet, the
simple act of taking responsibility can cause a man to be successful in any area of life, and the
rich have built it into their consciousness. This book shows you some basic qualities of the rich
and poor: Things that determine, whether you rise or fall. READ ON.


Lets begin by finding out what it means to be rich, and what it means to be poor. Scripture says
that Abram was very rich. Now

Abram was extremely rich in livestock, and in

silver, and in gold Genesis13: 2. He had an abundance of livestock, an abundance of

silver, and an abundance of gold. It also says, Job was very rich and goes on to show us that
he had an abundance of possessions. There

was a man in the land of Uz, whose

name was Job He possessed 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500
female donkeys, and a great body of servants, so that this man was the greatest
of all the men of the east Job1:1-3
Then the Bible records in Prophet Nathans parable to David that There

were two men in

one city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had exceedingly many
flocks and herds. But, the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb 2
These three verses serve as witnesses and aid our understanding of what it means to be rich or
poor. To be rich means to have an abundance of something of value money, possessions,
good works, etc. it means to have more than enough supply of something of value. To be
poor means to have not enough OR just enough supply of something of value. It means to
have no supply or just enough supply of something of value. Being rich implies that you
cannot exhaust the something of value alone. Thus, you have extra to help someone else. To
be poor implies that you can exhaust the something of value, that you own or possess alone,
or that you dont even own the something of value to help anyone.

Also, the extent to which you have extra of that thing of value to help people will determine
whether you are rich or very rich.
Having understood what it means to be rich or poor, we now consider the mindset of the poor
the secrets of the poor. When you see someone who has remained poor over a long period of
time, you see a man who has built some or all of these things into his sub-conscious things
that cause him to remain poor for as long as his way of thinking remains the same. Some of
these things are:


Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise! Which having
no chief, overseer, or ruler, provides her food in the summer and gathers her
supplies in the harvest yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of
hands to lie down and sleep, so will your poverty come like a robber or one
who travels [with slowly but surely approaching steps] and your want like an
armed man [making you helpless] Proverbs6: 6-11
One of the reasons the poor experience poverty is that they are not wise. The above scripture
calls the man we read about a sluggard. A sluggard is someone who makes his way to his
intended destination slowly, and so does not get there on time.
The poor do what is required at the wrong time. They sleep at the wrong time, and procrastinate
to gather bread. But scripture says the ant KNOWS WHEN to provide food and supplies. The
poor dont know when to gather. They are not quick to recognise and act on opportunities. They
do not invest in their minds and business at the right time. According to scripture, they do not
know when to gather. Imagine a farmer who does not know the harvest time! Or a student
opening his books for the first time, a day to the exams! The ant provides her food in the
SUMMER and gathers her supplies in the HARVEST. She knows when to reap what she has
You must train yourself to recognise the God-given opportunities for increase that come your
way daily you must know when to act and reap the rewards. You must also be willing to give
time for your efforts and investments in any endeavour to grow. Every successful venture
requires time to grow. And you must know the time to sow, the time to wait, and the time to
reap. God has given us wisdom as his children to know what to do and to know when to do what



He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand, but the hand of the

diligent makes rich Proverbs 10:4

They remain poor, not because they do not work, but because they work with a slack and idle
hand they work lazily. They do not put in their best efforts; they do not task their minds to find
out the best way to do what they do. They read but do it lazily, not wanting to go the extra mile.
They are in business but refuse to improve. Scripture says they work with a slack hand so they
become poor.

In your life, become better at what you do; put in your greatest efforts. Task and exert your mind
to reach out for solutions to improve your work or business. Be creative and innovative. Work
harder and longer. Take the time out to think through the problem and obtain a solution. Put all
your energies into what you do thats beneficial to man and gives glory to God. Refuse to be
lazy mentally and physically, so you do not become poor.

As a student, dont give up on problems, find the answer, for there is an answer if you would
take the time and think, How can I solve this problem? As a businessman, take time out to find
the way forward for your business failing or thriving. There is an answer, task your mind and
think. You can be better; yes!!! You can do better than you are presently doing.
To be lazy means to be unwilling to work, to do little work suitable for, causing, and inducing
inactivity. The poor work so little that their minds go to sleep. Proverbs 10:4 could read, He
becomes poor who works lazily

Notice what the richest man that ever lived said about laziness, Laziness casts one into a
deep sleep, and the idle person will suffer hunger Proverbs19: 15.
The poor do little or no work with their hands and minds. They are unwilling to put their hands
and minds to work. They are the students who see a question different from the example and
refuse to task their minds and think. They are businessmen, whose businesses are failing, yet
they do not think of how to come out of the situation they choose to fold up. It is your mind and
hands put to work that bring riches.

So refuse to be lazy; dont sleep all the time lest you suffer hunger. When you do not put your
mind to work, you give up on challenges and problems easily and you will become poor. But the
diligent have a firm hand. They hold on to what they have decided to do. The poor give up; the
rich dont. They hold on.



There are those who [generously] scatter abroad, and yet increase more; there
are those who withhold more than is fitting and what is justly due but it results
only in want Proverbs11: 24
They remain poor because they refuse to give they withhold more than is fitting or right. In 1
Kings 17:8-16 we see that even the widow of Zarephath could give. You may not be able to give
much, but you can give of the little you have. Poverty is not an excuse for refusing to give; for
giving is a way out of poverty

The widow of Zarephath proved that giving is a way out of poverty. When you give, you rise.
Giving separates you from those who always need something and positions you with those who
are the suppliers of peoples needs. Generosity increases you. Be among the givers no matter
your state. Find someone to help and watch as you rise in all areas of life.
Do not ever be in a position where you say I have nothing to give!! The man who has nothing
to give has no hope. Always have to give. Also, learn to invest in whatever you do give it your
time, energy, and attention. Give it your best and you will reap the best from it.




Poverty and shame will come to him who refuses to heed instruction and
correction, but he who heeds reproof will be honoured Proverbs13: 18
The poor refuse correction even when their failure is proof that what they are doing is not
working well. This is one of the reasons why we said earlier that the poor are not wise. Scripture
says, in the multitude of counsellors there is safety; thus in any endeavour in life, getting advice,
counsel, correction, and instruction from others is vital to your progress. No one is a know all, so
surround yourself with wise and worthy counsellors always.

For by wise counsel you can wage your war, and in an abundance of
counsellors there is victory and safety Proverbs 24:6
Also, seek to be informed of new trends in whatever endeavour you engage in. A doctor who is


not aware of recent breakthroughs in the field of medicine cannot move forward. Be up to date
in any thing you do. Information is vital in todays world, so go for up to date knowledge


In all labour there is profit, but idle talk leads only to poverty Proverbs14:23
People become poor because they talk without action. They say I will do this, I will study that,
I will invest in this, but no action. You should talk and act as a child of God. A student that only
talks of how he hopes to be good in mathematics, without studying his mathematics textbook,
will definitely fail Maths.

A man who talks about setting up a business without doing anything will remain needy. When
you do not take action on what you said it becomes mere talk. And idle chatter or mere talk
leads to poverty (lack and want).

So, do what you said you would do to move forward; put action to your talk and do your very
best. You can rise to the next level. Just keep talking and keep acting. Also, learn to stand by
your words. Dont say what you cannot do. Do what you say you will do. Be a trustworthy



Love not sleep, lest you come to poverty; open your eyes and you will be
satisfied with bread Proverbs20: 13
The poor sleep all the time!!! Even when they are awake, their minds are still asleep. Their
bodies are not engaged in productive labour. They are inactive and idle. Thus, they do not see
opportunities for increase all around them.
Solomon, the richest man that ever lived before Jesus Christ says, open your eyes and you will
be satisfied with bread do not be asleep mentally; wake up and get to work with your mind and
hands. You must not allow sleep control you; you must control sleep. Successful men work
harder and longer. The lazy man is controlled by sleep (Proverbs 26:14).
Sleep uncontrolled sleep leads to poverty. When you are asleep mentally, you become

idle, inactive, and unproductive. Refuse to be idle. Always engage in productive labour, that
brings you closer to your dream. Do some thing daily that moves you towards your goals and
aspirations. Dont sleep your time away.



The thoughts of the [steadily diligent] tend only to plenteousness, but

everyone who is impatient and hasty, hastens only to want Proverbs 21:5
People experience poverty because they are impatient impatient to think of a workable and
feasible solution, impatient to undergo thorough planning, impatient to gather supplies and
resources they need for an endeavour, etc.

For instance, a man has just started a business, plans have been laid out and carefully
executed, but he is impatient and wants it to grow overnight. It doesnt grow overnight because
it cant, so he closes up the business. Impatience is not consistent with the character of God. He
says that you be not slothful, but be followers of them who through faith and patience
inherit the promises Hebrews 6:12

The poor are so much in a hurry to get out of their situation. They are overwhelmed by their
state and are desperate to come out as fast as possible. Hence, they make hasty plans and
decisions. They rush at a business they think will make them money without examining every
area thoroughly. They are so much in a hurry to gather, so they borrow with no hope of paying
or they keep spending their savings without replacements.

The poor are survival conscious. They cant think long term because they have to survive now.
What they need is something that can keep them in the short term, while they keep planning for
the future. One way to come out of poverty is through savings patiently gathering a fraction of
your supply, setting it aside for long term investment. Self discipline is vital here. Another way is
to critically sit down and plan effectively your business in the long term. Hasty planning leads
to want; careful planning guarantees increase.

Dont be in a hurry to change your status from poor to rich. Take the time to plan your steps. It
may take time but the rewards are worthwhile. Ask yourself where do I want to be in ten,
twenty, or thirty years from now, and start the process. It takes time to build a bungalow; it

takes far more time to build a skyscraper. Both are buildings, the difference is in the depth of
their foundations. Thorough planning is the foundation of every great and successful

Finally,plan your finances well. Have a detailed plan of how you intend to move financially
daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Plan your time well. Dont let a day pass without adding
value to your life and that of others. Be patient and let your plans materialize. It takes months for
corn or maize to grow, it takes years to grow an oak tree. Be patient and plan diligently for your


He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not
be rich Proverbs 21:17
Most poor people have a terrible spending pattern!!! Consider the man with a wife and six kids,
addicted to alcohol or women. He will turn out poor, for no matter how much he earns he will
spend the bulk of it on his addictions. Consider the woman who feels she has a God-given
responsibility to invest in the most expensive clothes, regardless of how much she and her
husband earn collectively.

Be wise; cut your coat according to your cloth. Your expenses must be fixed for a while. It must
not always rise to meet your income. Let your income be above always above, your expenses
and you will gradually be able to live a more meaningful and stress free life. Develop selfdiscipline. Avoid impulse buying. When you spend think long term. It pays in the end.


He who has an evil and covetous eye hastens to be rich and knows not that
want will come upon him Proverbs28:22
So are the ways of everyone greedy for gain; such [greed for plunder] takes
away the lives of its possessors Proverbs 1:19
Greed is a form of poverty. It leaves you unsatisfied with a strong desire for more than is right
or reasonable, for your calling. I said right or reasonable for your calling, because we all
function at different levels. Someone that was called to reach the world would definitely require

more resources than someone called to affect or influence a village!!! One of the signs of a
greedy person is that he hastens to get rich. At the end he loses everything.

Another symptom of a greedy fellow is that he has a hoarding mentality. He tries to keep all he
has. He refuses to give out. He just keeps amassing wealth, without using it for the benefit of
the kingdom of God or society. Their wealth becomes their trust and security, and it takes away
their lives.
The rich fool is a classic example of a greedy man. He said, Soul, you have many goods laid
up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.

But the Scriptures say, he was poor in Gods sight. By reason of greed, some rich men are poor
by Gods standards. No matter how much they possess, they just are not satisfied. They always
go for more by whatever means until it takes their lives. The only worthwhile reason for
having so much wealth is so that you will be able to influence more people positively.
Abraham (formerly Abram) had 318 servants born in his house. Job had a great household.
Thus, they had to be very rich, for they were affecting the lives of others positively.

Giving is proof that you have conquered greed Mike Murdock


As he thinks in his heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7
The poor have a low perception of themselves. Mentally they live in a different world from the
rich the world of not enough. When they view money, all they see is scarcity, insufficient
supply, and lack of it. According to Mike Murdock, What you see in your mind, you will see
in time. They have a low self esteem with regards to finances, and that becomes their reality.
However scripture says The rich mans wealth is his strong city; the poverty of the poor is
their ruin Proverbs 10:15.

That verse tells us that poverty destroys the poor referring to a mindset of scarcity, lack, and
insufficiency that produces doubt, fear, and hesitation. And when he says the rich mans wealth
is his strong city, he is referring to the mindset of the rich the mindset of abundance, and more
than enough that produces boldness, and confidence. Their stronghold or strong city is in their

minds. Their wealth (of wisdom) is what they know. The preceding scripture to Proverbs 10:15
proves this for it says
Wise men store up knowledge [in mind and heart], but the mouth of the foolish is their
destruction Proverbs 10:14, and in another place he says The crown of the wise is their
riches (their wealth of wisdom (see the Amplified version)): but the foolishness of fools is
folly Proverbs 14:24.

Notice how Solomon connects wisdom and knowledge to wealth. He is showing us that the real
wealth of the rich is their wisdom (their insight, perception, and good judgment), not the money
in their bank account. It would also interest you to know that some of the synonyms for foolish
include: thoughtless, unwise, unintelligent, shallow, childish, and simple-minded. These are all
words referring to someone who does not have insight or an exact overview of the situation of
things and so acts and thinks small. As they think in their heart so they are. They think small
regarding finances so they live small and experience small. You are not small. You were born to
fulfil a great purpose; it depends on what you see mentally. THINK BIG. THINK SUCCESS!!!

You live in the world you see in your mind. Raphael Omoregbee


He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows
worthless people and pursuits will have poverty enough Proverbs28: 19
There is hope for the poor. First of all, if the man is not born again if he has not accepted
Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, he should be born again. When a man becomes born- again,
he is born rich (2 Corinthians8: 9). All he needs is to renew his mind to experience what has
been made available to him wealth unlimited. You are what you think.

Thus, to move upward you must first of all change your mentality. Scripture says, cultivate your
land the soil of your heart and mind. Take the time and effort to invest in yourself, so you will
become someone sought after for solutions. Be willing to till the soil of your heart by meditating
on Gods word. Until you are fruitful within you cannot be fruitful without.

Go for information that will improve your life and environment. Ignorance is the root cause of
poverty. The more you know how best to do what you do, the richer you become. The rich man
is one who knows how best to do what he is doing. A poor man doesnt have a clue that he can
do what he is doing better than he is presently doing. He is ignorant. There is much food in the
fallow ground of the poor (Proverbs 13:23), but they must take the time and effort to till it. Take
the time and effort to develop yourself in what you love. Develop an excellent attitude and
reach for solutions.



To be rich means to have an abundance of something of value money, possessions,
good works, etc. it means to have more than enough supply of something of value. . It also
means to have a full supply for all your needs and desires. Like we said earlier, the poor have
a mindset, just as the rich have a mindset.
This world is governed by laws which are independent of gender, race, culture, or beliefs. Note
that our present discussions apply to male and female, Christians and non Christians, black or
white etc.
The time has come to explore the secrets/mindset of the rich. I would begin with one simple
statement full of so much meaning. The rich are Principled People. They consciously or
unconsciously live by certain laws which God who makes the sun to shine on the just and the
unjust has put in place to work for anyone who would apply them. Some of these principles are:
The Principle of:





Patience and perseverance

Information, counsel and instruction


Vision and Imagination

Team work

10 Risk taking
11 Stewardship

He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand, but the hand of
the diligent makes rich. Proverbs10:4
The appetite of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the appetite of

the diligent is abundantly supplied Proverbs13:4

The thoughts of the [steadily] diligent tend only to plenteousness, but
everyone who is impatient and hasty tends only to want Proverbs21:5
To be diligent means to be hardworking, thorough, detailed, careful, industrious,
and attentive. When you see a rich person, you see all or some of these qualities.
Scripture says concerning the diligent that:

Their hands makes them rich (their physical work or labour makes them rich)

Their desires make them rich (their appetites drive them on)

Their thoughts make them rich (their mental faculties, their thinking causes them
to have plenty).

The diligent work hard physically and mentally, they are thorough in all they do and always
motivated from within to reach for the best. While the poor man is content with the status
quo, they ask themselves is there a better and easier way?, for they are always willing and
ready to think through the problem.

When the poor man feels he has done enough for the season the diligent go the extra mile
to become proficient in their business. No wonder Scripture says

Do you see a man

diligent and skilful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not
stand before obscure men Proverbs 22:29.
The diligent seek until they find, they press on and dig until they hit the goldmine of their
dreams. So they become wealthy and influentialqualified to stand before kings and interact
with people of relevance. Make up your mind to be diligent in your field. Be thorough and
efficient in whatever you do and watch as you rise to the top.


And Solomon sent to Hiram king of Tyre, saying, As you dealt with

David my father and sent him cedars to build himself a house in which to
dwell, even so deal with me 2 Chronicles2:3
And when David had finished offering the burnt offerings and peace
offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord. And he distributed
to everyone in Israel, to everyone a loaf of bread, a portion of meat, and a
cake of raisins. He appointed Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord
and to celebrate [by calling to mind], thanking and praising the Lord, the
God of Israel. 1 Chronicles 16:2-4
Rich and successful people are thankful people. They remember acts of kindness done to
them. They acknowledge the man who caused them to rise, the tutor who encouraged them,
or the spiritual leader who prayed for them. Solomon the richest man that ever lived before
Jesus was a man that had high regard for acts of favour and kindness.

In his words to Hiram the King of Tyre, we see a lot of gratitude and thankfulness on behalf
of David his father. Also, Noah was so appreciative of Gods grace, favour, and protection,
that he gave one each from every clean beast and offered burnt offerings to
God.(Genesis8:20-21). David was so grateful for Gods protection that he spoke about it in
almost all of his Psalms. He said OH that

men would praise the Lord, for His

goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men: And let them
sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with
rejoicing Psalms107:21-22
Thanksgiving is one of the most fundamental laws of supply and abundance, yet most
people dont show gratitude for the little acts of kindness and favour done for them.
It is indeed a form of giving. Jesus operated the law of thanksgiving when he received the
five loaves and two fishes, looked to heaven and gave thanks (expressed gratitude)
(Matthew 15:26), Paul tells us to give thanks (express gratitude) in all things


Thanksgiving guarantees your supply. Many people have lost favours from men and God,
because they refused to say thank you for the past favours shown to them. As my brother
rightly said Thank you serves as an exit and an entry. It ends one contract of favour and
starts up another. It ends one encounter of favour and sets the pace for the manifestation of
another. Consider the story of the ten lepers, only one who came back to say, Thank you
got wholeness. THANK YOU will move a man to do more for you; it will move God to do


The liberal person shall be enriched, and he that waters shall himself be
watered Proverbs 11:25
Give and [gifts] will be given to you, good measure, and pressed down,
and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.
... Luke6:38
The law of giving and receiving is a universal law, fools defy it, rebels snare at it, but the
wise and successful apply it. To prosper you must give or turn something loose either to God
or to men. The big corporations in the world know and recognise this principle. Most of the
rich always give to charities. Some even have their own charity organisations.
The rich know that You must give something to get something. If you want to be rich
and successful, get on the giving side. Seek someone to help. It is a principle that will
work for anyone who uses it as long as the earth remains. GOD SAID SO!
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night, shall not cease Genesis8:22.

You can be so rich; whatever you have right now is seed that can create the future you
desire if you would be willing to plant it as required. Sow it into someone, use it to bless
someone, or invest it in the gospel.

For Solomon, it was a thousand bulls, for the widow it was a pot of oil, for the widow of

Zarephath it was her last meal, for Abraham it was Isaac, for the little boy it was five loaves
and two fish. But they were all willing to turn it loose and watch it multiply. Whatever a man
sows, that and that only shall he reap (it shall come back to him multiplied). (Galatians6:7)


And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief
captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with thee in all thou
doest: Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal
falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my sons son: but according to
the kindness that I have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto me, and to the
land wherein thou hast sojourned. And Abraham said I will swear. . Thus
they made a covenant at Beersheba: and they returned unto the land of
the Philistines. And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines land many days
To negotiate means to try to reach an agreement by discussion. It may be good or bad. i.e.
a win-win agreement, or a win-lose agreement. It is getting something you want by helping
someone get what they need or want. In a negotiation, even the losing party always gets
what they want (e.g. In Esau and Jacobs story, Esau got what he wanted, not what he really
However, the rich are excellent negotiators. They negotiate for long term gain and not
present satisfaction. King Abimelech and his commander in chief Phichol, were excellent
negotiators. They had enough sense to strike a long term deal with Abraham a man who
had The BLESSING on him. It is military strategy to always parley with stronger nations and
become their friend.

Solomon has this to say He

that walketh with the wise shall be wise

Proverbs13:20. So also he that parleyeth with the anointed, strong, rich, and clever shall
be anointed, strong, rich, and clever!!!


Solomon was also an excellent negotiator, he negotiated with Hiram, King of Tyre for the
wood needed to build the temple (1 Kings5:1-12). When King Saul and the nation of Israel
had Goliath to contend with, King Saul offered rewards for any man who would solve the
Goliath problem, and David was interested.

He asked What

shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine1

Samuel 17: 26. He had heard the soldiers say and it shall be that the man who
kills him the king will enrich with great riches, will give him his daughter,
and give his fathers house exemption from taxes in Israel 1 Samuel 17:25
I believe that he was interested not only in the wife, but in the fact that that man was not
going to be poor anymore, and he was aware he had the anointing to get the job done.

To excel and be rich, you must learn how to negotiate everything: your resources, your
desires, your choices, etc. for long term gain. Abigail negotiated with David for the life of her
foolish, ungrateful and disrespectful husband. In negotiation note the following.

Always negotiate for long term gain not for immediate return

Know what you really need not what you desperately want

Do not be in a hurry

Be a good listener at the negotiating table

Find out what the other person needs most

Find out everything you can about the other person, company, or product.

Learn to negotiate.


Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.
Patience is the ability to wait for the fulfilment of a vision and dream. It involves careful
and thorough planning, and taking the little steps that lead you to the big dream. It enables a
man to plant a seed, tend it daily, and watch it grow into a massive tree, many years later.
Those who excel in business, real estate, and the stock market possess this priceless virtue
of perseverance and patience, for they invest in the present for future gain.

It took Solomon seven long years to build the temple, and thirteen years to build his house.
Heres what the richest man that ever lived before Jesus, has to say on investments.

She considers a field and buys it, and with the profit of it she plants a
vineyard Proverbs31:16.
Consider the length of time it took this Proverbs 31 woman to tend the field she bought, until
it began to yield profit enough to buy a vineyard. Then add that to the length of time it would
take for the vineyard to begin to yield. And you would see that patience and perseverance
are at the root of every worthwhile investment. The rich know and understand the power
of investment and you should. You should start investing early. It is wisdom to start now!!!

Even God is patient and persevering, desiring that all come to repentance. Waiting to reap
the final dividends, from the investment of his Son in this final hour. (And what a harvest that
Be Patient and plan diligently for the future


Purposes and plans are established by counsel; and [only] by good
advice make or carry on war Proverbs 20:18
The mind of the wise instructs his mouth, and adds learning and
persuasiveness to his lips Proverbs 16:23
Information is vital. To be rich, you have to be informed and up-to-date. You must activate
your mental faculties to think and learn. You must be a learner to get to the top of any
endeavour. The bible says of Moses that he was

culture of the Egyptians, Acts 7:22.

educated in all the wisdom and

It says of Daniel, and his three friends that they

were wiser than the magicians and astrologers. They excelled in their studies and became
governors and presidents in Babylon (Daniel 6).
The rich are not know-alls; they are good in one specific area and are current with the new
trends in that area. The rich always know the latest information on their business. They know

the government polices as it affects their company. They seek advice from the experts and
professionals (The lawyers, accountants, and stock brokers) to handle these fine-print
issues, all in a bid to become wiser and stay on top of their game.
To excel in life, you must be willing to receive information, counsel, and instruction. Scripture
says Poverty and

shame will come to him who refuses to heed instruction

and correction, but he who heeds reproof will be honoured Proverbs13: 18

When you are informed and up-to-date, you have the advantage. You walk into a place,
apply what you know and you get promoted. Joseph knew how to interpret dreams; he
developed his gift and soon became governor of Egypt. Also, you must be up-to-date in your
Be willing to be instructed by those who have succeeded in the area you intend to go into.
Get to know the most successful men and women in your field, study their books and their
researches. Learn as much as you can from them, and let your mind be the melting pot of
their wisdom, counsel, and instruction. The rich always know something that the poor dont.
The difference between success and failure is information.
In any endeavour, its not so much about what youve achieved; its all about what
youve learned



Now the Lord said to Abram, Go for yourself [for your own advantage]
away from your country, from your relatives, and your fathers house, to the
land that I will show you. . So Abram departed. Genesis 12: 1, 7
Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. As for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord Joshua24:15
The rich are decisive people. To be decisive means to be able to make a decision quickly. It
means to act fast on a planned and predetermined course of action. The ability to make up

your mind as soon as possible and do as you planned is essential for progress in life. If you
are unstable and hesitating you cannot go forward.

Consider Abram, God called him, and he obeyed Gods call and departed out of his fathers
house immediately. Joshua told Israel to choose who they will serve, but he made them
aware that he had made his decision. He said to them choose, as for me I have chosen to
serve God.

In Luke 5:1-11, Peter experienced a miracle catch of fish, and the scriptures say they (Peter,
James, and John) immediately left all (the boat and the fish) and followed Jesus. A man
came to Jesus and said I will follow you but first let me go and bid goodbye to those at home,
Jesus said if you will not follow me now you are not qualified, to follow me Luke 9:61-62.
It took a split moment for David to evaluate the rewards and decide I will fight this philistine
(Goliath). That fight changed his destiny. It took Solomon moments to decide what he
wanted God to give him (1 Kings 3:1-10).

Being decisive is a vital aspect of prosperity. Think for a moment if it took you that long to
decide what to do, how long will it take to plan the strategy, and then execute it. You must
learn to choose right fast and do what you have decided. Procrastination is the thief of time.

Another aspect of being decisive is the ability to change plans and strategies that are not
working as quickly as possible. The rich can switch from what is not working to what will work
with so much ease. Rather than weeping over spilled milk, they clean the floor and make
another glass of milk!!! Decisiveness enables you to move forward no matter what set backs
you may have experienced. Dont live in the past move ahead to a brighter and better future.
No matter what youve experience; decide to keep moving forward.


Where there is no vision the people perish: but he that keepeth the law,
happy is he Proverbs29:18
One of the major benefits of keeping Gods word is that it enables you to have vision and
purpose, and where there is a vision the people prosper. The word vision according to the

Oxford Dictionary means the faculty of being able to see; the ability to think about the future
with imagination or wisdom. If you must be rich you must be a visionary.

The rich are visionaries, because being rich is a function of time. They richest men on earth
today didnt wake up and find themselves rich!! They built their financial empire in their
imagination before they began building it in time. They were aware of the exact specifications
for each financial room before they ever began a business.
When Joseph told his brothers I have a dream they thought he was kidding. But he kept it
long enough and it came to pass. So have a vision, then write the vision so that when you
read it, it will cause you to run. (Habakkuk2:2). A written vision is an unstoppable vision; it
causes the owner to wake up early in the morning roaring to go. It pulls the owner to itself
until it is accomplished. It fills your mind with ideas of how to accomplish it. The creative
ability in man is his imagination. When your vision fills your mind it is created. That is how the
rich become rich.


One shall chase a thousand; two shall put ten thousand to flight
To be rich you must understand the principle of team-work. Solomon said two are better than
one. The principle of coming together to achieve a common goal is seen in Genesis 11:1-6.
Scripture says the people spoke one languagenot just referring to a particular dialect, but
that they were in agreement to fulfill one purpose. God said concerning them nothing they
have imagined will be impossible to them. David was a great warrior; he accomplished a
great feat alone. However he and his men accomplished much more (including killing some
more of Goliaths descendants). (2 Samuel 23; 1 Chronicles 20).

David says concerning unity how

good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell

together in unity. Psalm 133:1.

The principle of team work is the underlying reason

behind the business mergers and corporations of today. Solomon said to Hiram King of Tyre,
I am about to build a house for the Name of the Lord my God. The house which I am to
build is great I need a skilled man and some wood (Read 2 Chronicles 2:1-8)
It is very simple: We achieve more when we are more pursuing the same goal. The

world may have corrupted this principle with fraud, selfishness, and deceit but the principle of
working together for the common good is scriptural. It is also the reason for partnership which
is also a vital principle in Gods kingdom.
So find someone to join you fulfil your vision, and join someone. Be clear about the terms
and conditions. And play your part for the common good. When you join with the right
person, your results increase tenfold. It takes eleven players to win a football match, not just
the guy who scored the winning goal. Consider this if one can chase a thousand and two
can put ten thousand to flight. How many can 120 disciples in the upper room on the day of
Pentecost reach out to and influence? That is how the gospel came to me and you, and that
is how the final harvest will be accomplished by our collective effort.

Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be
found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust] 2 Corinthians 4:2
Jesus gave us a very important lesson on stewardship in Luke 16. When it comes to money
or finances and the handling of itfor yourself, a group, or organization, there has to be a
high level of integrity and accountability, there must be openness and transparency in the
way you handle finances. If you do not prove yourself as one who is trustworthy, God cant
entrust more to you. And your vision and other issues in your life will suffer.
God expects his children to be trustworthy in every area, especially in finances. Stewardship
is not just about stealing or not stealing money. It also involves being able to tell in detail
how your money was spenthow it came and what it was used for. It involves keeping
accurate financial records for yourself or a group.
Jesus said If you are trustworthy in little, you will be trustworthy in much Luke 16:10
Financial Stewardship also involves spending money for the right reasons. As you develop
financially, your finances may not be able to cover your expenses immediately, thus you
need some wisdom to make your choice as to what is most important and would serve the
greater good, and what would not.
As a child of God, top on that list should be your tithe and offering. That is part of your
stewardship. Not paying your entire tithe because of insufficient funds only complicates your


financial issues. If you have been doing that repent and begin to pay your entire tithe. It is
REQUIRED in stewards that are man be found faithful. Be a faithful steward of the finances
God blesses you with.


Money Matters:
Money is the medium through which people exchange their goods and services for the goods
and services of others. It is a measure of the value that people place on goods and services.
We all have various ideas about money. Many believe money is an unholy subject!
However, it is the love of money - not money itself that is the root of all evil. Money takes
upon itself the personality of the one who has it. If a righteous man has it, it is good and will
be used for good purposes, if a wicked man has it; it is evil and will be used for evil purposes.
Solomon said Money

Answers all things Ecclesiastics 10:19.

Money indeed answers to all things: good things and bad things. I would refer to money used
for good, noble, and beneficial purposes as useful money, and money used for evil,
immoral, and negative purposes as useless money. This discussion is about useful

Many also believe having an abundance of money is bad. However money is just a means
of getting things done. The more of it you have the more things you can do. Having more
money means you can do more things not that you have done something.
What you believe about money will determine how much of it you attain and how much of it
you keep in your service, in your lifetime. You must believe that you have an unlimited
capacity to get all the money that you will ever need, for there is so much in you.

Money is good. It gives you choices, enables you to live a higher standard of life, and be a
blessing to others. Imagine what it would be like to have been in your room watching the
news reports on the tsunami, and compassion wells up in you. You feel the need of those
victims and you single handedly send in your donation equivalent to what a nation would
give!!! It is possible!

Well, I believe that the world would see things like that in the coming days. For scripture
says concerning anyone who keeps the commandments; You

will lend to nations and

not borrow from none. Money flows towards people who can use it in most productive
ways to produce valuable goods and services. It flows away from those who use it poorly or
in non-productive ways.


Possessing money in abundance is a choice for no one was born rich or poor. We all came
into this world naked to become rich or poor. (1 Timothy6: 7). God did not say we should
have nothing in this world he said we came with nothing and we will leave with nothing. But
then he also said the world is yours!!! 1 Corinthians 3:21-22

Money is not an issue in eternity, but it is a major issue in time where we live presently.
Having money begins with character, attitude, and motive that we all must cultivate. Firstly,
we must understand that money no matter how small has the ability to grow if put in the right
soil or environment. See money as a seed that can become a great tree or can die due to
harsh conditions and poor handling.

Secondly, understand that money comes from within you. Your most valuable asset is your
mind, and your most precious resource is your time. Use your mind. Think! Money comes
from thoughts, ideas and words. The norm is work to earn, however if you want to be rich,
you must think to earn. Think first, keep talking abundance, and then work creatively and
productively. You cant wind up with the kind of money that can help a nation by thinking and
talking poor. Money comes from words, so dont ever talk poor. Jesus said we shall have
what we say; He didnt say we should say what we have.

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one
that is hasty only to want. Proverbs 21:5
Scripture also says in Psalms

37:4 Delight yourselves in the Lord and he

shall give you the desires of your heart (whether big or small, so think big!!!)
Thirdly, if you want more money meet more needs. Money is for giving!!! The more needs
you meet the more money you earn. Look around you, find a need and meet it. Meet that
need better than others, and you will make more money than the others. The value of the
problem you solve determines how much money you make.

After making money from either a job, your business or wherever, the next issue is keeping it
how much of it works for you. It is not how much you make that matters it is how much you
keep in your service; how much of that money works for you. This is what separates the rich
from the poor and middle class. There are three major things you do with money spend,
save, and invest. The rich invest more than they save and spend; the middle class save more

than they invest and spend, but they save for the rainy day; the poor spend more than they
save and invest.
The rich will keep making money because they invest. Investment is the secret of the rich.
When I say investment, I am not referring to just the stock market (even though it is part of it
for some). Investment is that long term enterprise that the rich commit all their time,
resources, and money to. It may be a business, company, or a lifestyle of helping the poor;
that thing that makes it possible for substantial amounts of money to come into your life on a
daily basis. It starts out small but grows and becomes a great tree that feeds and blesses
many. Proverbs 31:16 talks about the virtuous woman She

considers a field and buys

it and from the profits of it she plants a vineyard. Thats the power of investment.
It is this power of investment that the rich know about that keeps them rich Get the profit
from the field and plant a vineyard to yield more profit.

The middle class save but have a poor habit of saving for the rainy day. If you save for the
rainy day, chances are it will start raining very soon. From all your earnings put something
aside and never touch it. So, what happens if the rainy day comes? Think!! Dont rush
straight to your savings. Think, how can I afford to meet this need? What other options do I
have apart from my savings? Sometimes all we need to do is actually to give ourselves some
time i.e. wait patiently. Help yourself cultivate self-discipline. Making money involves selfdiscipline. Most times the so-called rainy day comes as avoidable expenses. Let your
savings be your last option to meet your rainy day needs, not the first. Also dont just save
but save to invest.

Also, never be afraid of money. Dont be so scared of money that you refuse to have or
acquire it, and dont be worried about it that you wont give it. Two things result from being
afraid of money. One is that you may become so scared to have it or gather it, thus you
decide to be poor or average. The other is that you become so scared of losing it. So, you
become greedy; doing all you can to have it and keep it (all you do is hoard it pile up more
and more of it). You just pile it up and refuse to give. It has become your security.

Dont fear money, have it I mean have lots of it, then invest, save, and spend it wisely for
productive purposes. Money is too small a force to cause you sleepless nights and worry. It


is too small a thing to hide or hoard. Have it and use it wisely.

However, money has the capacity to blur a mans focus and get him distracted. Therefore
until you begin to count or consider money as just a means to an end and not an end in itself,
you will never be permitted to have an abundance of it.
Never put your trust in money, for as Solomon said they would grow wings and fly away.
You are meant to be a channel through which money flows to others to meet their needs.
Actually, as children of God we are stewards of Gods money not owners. Jesus said You
cannot serve God and mammon (money) Matthew6:24. However you can serve God with
money. For Scripture says honour (serve) the Lord with your capital and sufficiency from
righteous labours Proverbs 3:9. (Amplified Bible).So no matter your financial position learn
to give; and as you increase (because you will when you make giving a lifestyle); increase
your giving so your receiving would increase.


Getting Richer:
The world is governed by laws or principles: natural laws and spiritual laws. Gravity is a
natural law, faith is a spiritual law. Financially, there are natural laws and spiritual laws.
The Christian is born into the realm of faith. He lives by spiritual laws. The non-Christian is
called the natural man. He lives by natural laws. Natural laws operate or function in the
sense realm (the realm of reason and logic) only. Spiritual laws are activated from the faith
realm and they manifest in the natural. So they function in both realms. Natural laws do
not work in the faith realm. But spiritual laws dominate the sense realm. We are all aware
that gravity pulls every object towards the earth. However Jesus walked on water when He
lived on earth. Peter also walked on water for a while i.e. as long as he functioned by the
principle of faith. Jesus and Peter were able to walk on water, because they functioned by
faith a spiritual law/principle (Romans3:27). We know that because when Peter was
about to sink Jesus immediately got a hold of him and said Why did you doubt. (Read
Matthew 14:22-33)
When a man is born again, he is born into the realm of faith. Paul said of the child of God

For we walk by faith and not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7. Thus when we
begin to speak of wealth for the child of God, we ought to approach it from a different
perspective the perspective of faith.

Actually, the Christian was born rich. Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 8:9 For

you know

the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your
sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich
(might have more than enough; be abundantly supplied).
The Christian is not trying to get rich; he is born with wealth as his inheritance. His wealth
must be received by faith that it may be of grace

Therefore [inheriting] the promise is the outcome of faith and depends

[entirely] on faith, in order that it might be given as an act of grace
(unmerited favour), to make it stable and valid and guaranteed to all his
descendants not only to the devotees and adherents of the law, but also

to those who share the faith of Abraham who is [thus] the father of us all.
The children of Israels deliverance from Egypt was a type of our deliverance from the
bondage of sin (Colossians 1:12-13), David says concerning the children of Israel that God
brought them forth also with silver and gold, and there was not one feeble person among
them (Psalms 105:37-42). He brought them out rich, healthy and strong. And that is the
way he redeemed us. The child of God was born rich, healthy, and strong. Psalms


says You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you

anoint my head with oil, and my cup runneth over (overflows).
He is talking about us experiencing wealth here and now, because there will be no
enemies in heaven.
However, every child of God must recognise that the Christians wealth is for a
purpose the propagation of the gospel to the ends of the earth. This book is not
about how to acquire material things for you. It is about activating your faith to receive all
that God has provided for you in Christ, so that YOU (I wish I could emphasize it more),
would be a blessing to the poor and needy who need the love and compassion of Jesus
(Matthew 25:30-46; Psalms 82:3-7). It is about using temporal things (like money) for
things of eternal value. So why do Christians not experience this kind of wealth? Below
are some of the reasons.

1) Lack Of Knowledge:
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have
entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for
them that love him. But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit.
Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is
from God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of
God. 1 Corinthians 2:9-12. (King James Version)
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how

shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:32
The Christian life seems too good to be true, but it is true. Christianity is the
manifestation of Gods grace and goodness to us in every aspect of our lifenow and in
the age to come. The above scriptures talk about the fact that God has FREELY GIVEN
things to those who love him. But many times we dont realize that those things are for
us here and now. God did not only save us but he freely gave us all things. He also gave
us his Spirit that we might know the things that he freely gave us. The Holy Spirit is the
only one that can reveal these things to us, because our human minds cant comprehend
the extent of our wealth in God (Ephesians 3:7-8; Psalms 66:12). God wants us to know
about those things and appropriate it (take possession of it).

Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:17 that we are to trust in the living God who gives us richly all
things to enjoy. David puts it clearly in Psalms 84:11 For

the Lord God is a Sun

and Shield; the Lord bestows [present] grace and favour and [future]
glory (honor, splendour, heavenly bliss)! No good thing will He withhold
from those who walk uprightly. God does not mind you being rich, as long as
you choose to be a faithful steward / manager of the wealth of God entrusted to you (1
Corinthians 4:1).
God is the owner of all wealth; we are just stewards. Psalms 24:1
Jesus said

Truly I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left house or
brothers, or sisters or mothers or father or children or lands for My sake
and for the Gospels Who will not receive a hundred times as much now
in this time houses and brothers and sisters and children and lands,
with persecutions and in the age to come, eternal life.Mark10:29-30
How can you give away houses or lands or money if you have none? God desire is that
you have to give for the sake of Jesus and for the gospel. Then he will bless you a
hundred times as much so you can give more for the gospel until the gospel is preached
in all the earth for a witness, according to Matthew 24:14. God needs you and your
substance to spread this gospel. We have to realize it and run with God plans and

purposes. Yield to the Spirit of God, and discover from the word your wealth in God.

2. Carnality:
AND I, brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as
unto carnal, even as unto babes (children, infants) in Christ for ye are
yet carnal: for where there is among you envying, and strife, and
divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 (King
James Version)
And if ye be Christs, then are ye Abrahams seed, and heirs according
to the promise. Now I say, that the heir as long as he is a child (a babe
in Christ) differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
Galatians 3:29-4:1 (King James Version)
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; .. Envying,
murders, drunkenness, revelling, and such like: of which I tell you
before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such
things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21. (King
James Version)
Another reason why Christians do not experience the God-kind of wealth is that they are
carnal. They refuse to grow up for as Paul shows us the carnal man is a babe in Christ.
The carnal man is one who lives according to the flesh or senses (Galatians5:19-21).
Even though their spirits have been recreated, they are carnally minded.

You would see some or all of those things listed in Galatians 5:19-21 in a carnal
Christian. Selfishness is at the root of the works of the flesh. Scripture says those who
live according to the flesh shall not inherit the kingdom of God. They shall not inherit the
kingdom of God because they are still living like children and so are not different from

The kingdom of God here refers to Gods way of doing things that causes us to
experience the fullness of the blessings of God. So he says as long as they do the
works of the flesh they shall not come into, have a share in, or be a part of Gods way of
doing things that brings us to the place of the fullness of the blessings of God.

Even though they own the inheritance they cant come into it because they are children.
Gods not going to permit you to access wealth that would destroy you; and as long as
you are a child and carnally minded, wealth will destroy you because of selfishness.
Scripture says the prosperity of fools would destroy them Proverbs1:19.

When a man receives Christ as Saviour, He is born a child a newborn babe in Christ!!
He is a child spiritually. He has the nature of God but he still thinks and reasons like the
world. He is an infant and needs to grow by renewing his mind with the Word and being
a doer of the word esp. the commandment of love (when you learn to walk in love,
your faith begins to work; for faith operates and functions by love). The man who has
just received Christ Jesus is born into the realm of faith and so is supernatural. As he
feeds on Gods word he becomes increasingly aware of this truth. Only when he grows
up can he begin to function efficiently and effectively in the realm of faith. (As he renews
his mind and starts practicing love, his faith begins to work and he begins to function by
faith or in the realm of faith and love).

The key issue here is growth. The child of God who is walking by faith and love is the
one that is growing by the word in the things of God.

It is as we grow in the word and exercise our faith that works by love, that we can inherit
the promise of health, wealth, and prosperity that God promised to Abraham and to us in

God desires that his children be fully developed, he loves them even though they are
children, but he desires that we become sons in the house. You give an inheritance to
sons not to children. He says

grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord

Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 3:18. He wants his children to grow up and take their place as

sons of God.

For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs
earnestly for Gods sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the
disclosing of their sonship] Romans 8:19
3. Uninformed Choices:
Another reason why Gods children do not experience wealth is that they decide not to.
Some Christians just feel that it is expecting too much from God who was so gracious
to save them from sin. They are satisfied with what God has done in securing their
eternity that they unconsciously choose the life of average.

Others have not been taught right about wealth, healing, or prosperity and so dont know
that there is such a possibility to trust in the living God who supplies all our needs, not
according to our bank accounts, or the economy of our country, but according to His
riches in glory by Christ Jesus. They dont know that the same God who redeemed them
is able to

make all grace (every favour and earthly blessing) come to

you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances
and whatever the need be self sufficient [possessing enough to require
no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and
charitable donation 2nd Corinthians 9:8.
God has more than enough to feed six trillion, trillion, trillion planets each filled with six
billion people!!!, three times a day for eternity!!! He is called the God of More Than
Enough. He says he is able to do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, ABOVE, all that you
can ever ask or think, according to his power that works in us Ephesians 3:20. Jesus
said in Matthew

7:11 "If you then, evil as you are know how to give good

and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your
Father who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous
gifts to those who keep asking Him!" All he requires is that you activate your
faith, for the only limitation to what God wants to do for you is YOU!!!


Living a poor or average life, doesnt make you more humble or righteous. Its difficult to
accept but it is the truth. In the rich man and Lazarus story, the rich man went to hell
because he was not a faithful steward or manager of the wealth God has given him (the
whole of that passage in Luke 16, Jesus was talking about being a faithful steward). He
ought to have giving to the poor as Scripture demands in Proverbs 19:27. So cease from
ignorance and come humbly to God. And let him reveal to you his plan for the wealth he
has given you and show you how to take possession of it, so that blessing may come to
so many others through you. God loves you and he has granted you the best here and
now and in the age to come.

We have tried to establish some hindrances to experiencing wealthGods way. Lets

look at some vital principles of wealth. Experiencing the God-kind of wealth means
understanding and being submitted to Gods system of prosperity which is different from
the worlds system. It is a system that guarantees increase, overflow, and abundance for
every aspect of your life. Lets explore Gods system now

1. Be Teachable:
Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the
Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way that
you should go. Oh that you had hearkened to my commandments! Then
your peace and prosperity would have been like a flowing river, and your
righteousness [the holiness and purity of the nation] like the abundant
waves of the sea. Isaiah 48:17-18
God is the one that gives us the power to get wealth and He does it in his way and with
his methods. David said of God his Shepherd, He

makes me lie down in

green pastures: he leadeth me besides the still waters. He restores my

soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake.
Psalms 23:2-3
To experience wealth, health, and prosperity--Gods way, we must submit to the leading
of Gods word and Spirit. We must be willing to be taught by the Spirit of God, who has

being given to us. He would speak to us and we must diligently hearken to his voice
always. The key to prosperingGods way is found in Deuteronomy 28:1-2. He said

and it shall come to pass (this would be the outcome), if thou shall
hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God.. all these
blessings shall come on you, and overtake you
Jesus said the same thing in Matthew 6:33. Seek

ye first the kingdom of God,

and His righteousness; and all these things (the food, drink, clothing
etc.) shall be added unto you
So, yield to the Word and the Spirit. Be teachable and obedient.

2. Tithe Always:
The tithe is the blessing connection. We would talk about the blessing of Abraham soon,
but for now lets settle the fact that tithing is a new covenant practice.


Emphatically yes, tithing began before the law and the first direct reference we see to the
tithe is in Genesis 14. Abraham had just returned from the slaughter of kings and was
met by Melchizedek, King of Salem priest of the Most High God, he blessed him and
he (Abram) gave him a tenth of all the spoils (He paid tithed on the spoils or the increase
he had received). Tithing came to Abraham by revelation not by law (when you walk by
faith, like Abraham, you just know what to do). It was by faith that Abel gave a more
excellent sacrifice (the firstlings of his flock and of his fat thereof) than Cain (Genesis4:14; Hebrews 11:4). Then in Genesis 28:22 Jacob vowed to tithe. When the law came it
set the guidelines for tithing (Deuteronomy 26), but then the

law, introduced

430 years later, does not set aside the covenant (which tithing is a part of)
previously established by God and thus do away with the promise
Galatians 3:17
Jesus told the Pharisees

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For

ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin (spices), and have omitted the

weightier matters of the law, judgement, mercy, faith: these ought ye to

have done, and not leave the other undone Matthew23:23 (King James
Jesus condemned them for observing some part of the law and neglecting others. They
did what was convenient and left what was uncomfortable undone. They should have
observed everything. Jesus said they ought to have observed judgement, mercy, and
faith, AND tithed. This is similar to what Paul shows us in 1 Corinthians 13:3 And

though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and have not charity
(love) It profited nothing. Jesus wasnt against tithing, he was teaching that
tithing wont work or profit you if you dont walk in faith, and love.

Jesus called judgement, mercy, and faith, the weightier matters of the law because they
were issues of love and if you are walking in love toward God and others you would give
your tithe. You cannot love without giving but you can give (and pride yourself in
it) without loving, which is what the Pharisees were doing.

After Jesus died, the writer of Hebrews shows us something very important about tithing.
He establishes that Jesus was made a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
in Hebrews 6:20. And then he goes on to explain that Melchizedek, received tithes from
Abraham and blessed him that had the promises (Study Hebrews 6:13-7:8). Then in
verse 7& 8 he says

And without all contradiction the lesser is blessed of

the better. And here men that die receive tithes; but there he receives
them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives. Hebrews 7:7-8. (King James
Thus, in the Old Testament, the priests received tithes and blessed the people. Now in
the New Testament, Jesus receives tithes as our High priest in the order of Melchizedek
(Hebrews7: 5-8). Jesus is our high priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews5: 6,
6:20). And just as Melchizedek blessed Abraham, so we are blessed when we give our
tithes. We are heirs of the promise that was given to Abraham; thus, we partake of the


blessing of tithing as he partook of that blessing.

So Pay ALL your tithe. Ten percent (10%) of the money you possess belongs to God. It
is his property. It is a kingdom due. As a child of God, you must return ten percent of
your money back to God through your local church. Your tithe is your financial security
against financial disaster. It secures your finances from waste. It is Gods insurance
policy for the children of the kingdom. He said I would protect you but you must
understand how it works, walk by faith and love, and tithe. If you love God you would
prove it by what you give also.

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in
mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will
not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that
there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the
devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your
ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field,
saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for you
shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts. Malachi3: 10
So, pay your entire tithe to your local church where you are feed with the word and
watch God defend your finances and possessions.

3. Give Always:
Give and it shall be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken
together and running over shall men give into your bosom. For with the
same measure that ye mete it shall be measured back to you
I have shown you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support
the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it
is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35

The Blessing is released when you give. You are empowered to prosper when you give.
One major attribute of the righteous is their generosity. The righteous are givers
(Psalms37:21). We give as children of God because we are blessed, and we give in
proportion to the manifestation of the blessing in our lives. We may start giving small but
we would become big givers if we are consistent. For the "small seed" will reap a harvest
that enables us to increase our giving.

Gods way of meeting our needs is by what we sow/give (Study Isaiah 32:20, Acts20:35,
2 Corinthians 8:1-9, 2Corinthians 9:8-10, Philippians 4: 10-19, Ephesians4:28).
In Acts 20:35, Paul said he showed them by every thing he did (Paul was a tent-maker),
how they should work to help the weak (not work to earn a living!). Then he said they
should remember the words of Jesus how he said it is more blessed to give than to
receive. See what God is showing us here, your increase begins when you give, not
when you receive!!! It seems foolish. But God has chosen foolish things of this world to
put the wise to shame!!!
There are various kinds of giving revealed in the Bible

We are to give our tithe and offerings

We are to honor God with our substance (our money and possessions). (Proverbs

We are to give for the gospel sake. This kind of giving results in a hundred-fold
return. (Mark10: 29- 30)

We are to give to the poor and needy. (Proverbs19:17)

We are to give to the man of God. (Galatians 6:6)

God expects us to be abundance conscious hence he said give. He said give because
we as children of God always have to give. Everything that lives gives to live. Activate
the Blessing in your lifeGIVE!!!

4. Build On The Right Foundation:

As a child of God you must understand that the word of God has become your life and
the source of all you will ever receive from God. God cannot help you without his word.
His word is his tool. A man of God once said What God wants to give you in your life is

not a healing, or money, what he wants to give you is the Word of God in your spirit.
With the Word you can be anything and have anything. The scriptures say concerning
the Word in John 1:3 All

things were made by Him (the word) and without

him (the word) was nothing made that was made. John 1:3 (KJV).
Therefore to prosper Gods way, you must build the right foundation for your prosperity
from the word of God. Read, study, meditate on the Word, confess the word, and be a
consistent doer of whatever the word says. Let the Word be the final authority in your

5. Get Wisdom:
I [Wisdom] walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice,
bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full
Proverbs 8:20-21(NIV)
Wisdom is the principal thing. The word of God is the wisdom of God. It has the ability to
promote you. Proverbs 4:7 says wisdom is the principal thing. I encourage you to study
the first eight chapters of proverbs and understand what the word of God the wisdom
of God, has been sent to do in you. Love the word. Commit to it, and diligently study it.
Get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding.
Its not money you need, you need wisdom; with wisdom the money will arrive!!!

6. Practice Honesty and Integrity:

A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving

favour rather than silver and gold Proverbs 22:1
In your quest for wealth, refuse to compromise your integrity. A good name is rather to
be chosen than riches. Dont compromise your faith in a bid to acquire wealth; you can
acquire wealth on earth and still be standing spiritually. Decide to follow that path.
Wealth gotten by dishonest means will dwindle away. (Proverbs13: 11). Wealth gotten
by honest means brings peace.


Dont go into questionable businesses because of money. Have financial integrity. You
can have money without money having you. When you have money you use it for good,
when money has you, it leads you to covetousness. Dont seek wealth at the expense of
your soul; seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these
things shall be added to you. Prosperity is yours; possess it Gods way.

For the love of money is a root of all evils; it is through this craving that
some have been led astray and have wandered from the faith and pierced
themselves through with many acute (mental) pangs 1st Timothy6: 10




Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse
for us.

For it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree, that the

blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles, so that we might

receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:13-14
The BLESSING as used in scripture is the empowerment to prosper. It is that which
pulls favour and blessings toward a man. The BLESSING brings the blessings. It is an
unseen force that brings prosperity your way.

God created man on the sixth day and blessed him saying Be

fruitful and

multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over all things
God gave or imparted to Adam the BLESSING the empowerment to prosper. However
man sinned, and began to experience the cursethe empowerment to fail. Adam was to
use that BLESSING to expand the Garden of Eden until the entire earth became the
Garden of Eden. After man fell, God found a man by the name Abram (later Abraham),
and imparted the BLESSING to Him.

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy kindred, and
from thy fathers house, unto a land that I will show you. And I will make
of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
and thou shalt be a blessing: I will bless (empower to prosper) them that
bless thee, and curse them that curse thee: and in thee shall all the
families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:1-3
Abram received the BLESSING and it produced wealth and a child for him, the
BLESSING functioned in him and gave him a good life. Scripture says the Lord through
the BLESSING, blessed him in all things (Genesis24:1). Before Abraham died, the
scriptures record that he gave ALL THAT HE HAD to Isaac, but to the sons of the


concubines he gave gifts (Genesis 25:1-6). What did he give to Isaac? He gave him the
BLESSING the very thing that made him great. The BLESSING on Isaac caused him
to sow in the midst of a famine and reap a hundred-fold (Genesis26:1-14). Isaac
transferred it to Jacob (Genesis 27: 27-29), and it caused Jacob to prosper. The
BLESSING worked in the life of Joseph, and though he was a slave, he was successful
and prosperous. Even in prison he excelled by the BLESSING (Genesis39). Jacob and
Moses imparted a greater dimension of the BLESSING to Josephs descendants
(Genesis 49:22-26; Deuteronomy34:13-17). The BLESSING functioned in Davids life,
Solomon knew about that BLESSING.

And Paul by the Spirit tells us that when God promised the BLESSING to Abraham and
his seed, that seed was Christ. Then he said if you belong to Christ, then are you
Abrahams seed, and heirs according to the promise.(Read Galatians 3:13-29). Christ
brought the BLESSING back to us. No wonder he is called the last Adam.

The BLESSING is the source of our prosperity (Proverbs 10:22), a children of God. The
BLESSING is the promise of the Spirit. The curse is the source of poverty. Scripture
says They which are of faith are blessed (empowered to prosper) with Abraham the
believer (Galatians 3:9). We are called sons of God by faith and are therefore heirs to
Salvation healing, health, prosperity, abundance, victory, success, and eternal life
belongs to us. Peter speaks concerning it and tells us that we were called to inherit a
blessing. It is ours. The blessing of Abraham includes health, wealth, and prosperity. It is
the inheritance of all children of God. Jesus healed the infirm woman because of the
BLESSING; he sought Zacheeus and saved him because he was a son of Abraham
(Luke13:16, 19:9).

You became an heir to the BLESSING so that it would produce Eden like conditions in
your life and environment, as it was in the beginning.

The blessing is released by our words. Keep speaking faith-filled words. Declare that
you have been blessed (empowered to prosper, with faithful Abraham), that you are
blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Become conscious of the
Blessing and let it function in you. You are BLESSED.

There are laws the rich according to this world follow/apply to prosper things they do.
But, you (the new creation) live by a higher law its called the blessing of Abraham. By
it you live above the curse far above the curse. For where poverty increased, your
prosperity super-abounded. You rise in the midst of famine, for you are seated together
with Christ in the heavenly realmsrealms of progress and prosperity. In the heavenly
places a place of joy, of advantage, and rest. Solomon surpassed all the kings of the
earth in riches and wisdom; but a greater than Solomon is in you. You (the new creation)
surpass all the men that ever lived in riches and wisdom. You live over and above
poverty, over and above sickness.
Jesus said the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of the
kingdom. But, now we are sons of God, now this new creation this new generation, we
surpass them all. We set the pace, we set the records. The world is about to see
innovations by the Spirit, for we have over and above ideas to be wealthy, over and
above resources to be very rich; over and above wealth to shake this world in the final
gathering of saints. For we are Abrahams seed


Gods Word on Finances:

Gods Word deals with every aspect of your life, including your finances. Below is a
devotional from Gods word on finances. Improve your finances by Gods word.

Luke 6:38
Luke12: 22-29
Matthew5: 42
Matthew7: 7-11
Luke11: 9-13
James1: 17
Philippians 4:19
2 Corinthians 8:9
2 Corinthians 9: 6-8
Deuteronomy 8:18
Psalm 35:27
Isaiah 48:17
Psalms 37:21-26
Psalms 112
Psalms 111:5
Psalms 115:11-16
Psalms 39:6
Proverbs 3:9-10
Proverbs 10:4
Proverbs 11:4
Proverbs 11:24-26
Proverbs 13:2-4
Proverbs 13: 8,13
Proverbs 13:7
Proverbs 13:11
Proverbs 13: 18
Proverbs 13: 22-23
Proverbs 14: 23-24
Proverbs 15: 16-17
Proverbs 18:11,23
Proverbs 20: 13-14
Proverbs 20: 23
Proverbs 21:5,17
Proverbs 22: 1-2
Proverbs 22: 4,7-9
Proverbs 23: 4
Proverbs 24: 27
Proverbs 28: 8
Proverbs 28: 19-20,22
Proverbs 28:25,27
Proverbs 31: 16
Ecclesiastics 5: 9-11
Ecclesiastics 11:1
Job 36:11
Job 22: 21-25
Isaiah45: 3
1 Timothy 6:6-10


1Timothy 6: 17-19
Matthew 6:19-21
Philippians 4:17
Proverbs 8: 15-21
Joshua 1:8
Proverbs 10:22
Isaiah 1:19
Proverbs 16:20
Proverbs 19:8
Luke 19:12-26
Matthew 25:14-30
3 John 2-4
Proverbs 14:20-21
Proverbs 24:1-4
Zechariah 1:17
Zechariah 8:12
Malachi 3:10-12


You shall have what you say. Rise financially on the grounds of your confessions by
declaring Gods words everyday.

I am rich, for I know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich,
yet for my sake he became poor, so that I through His poverty might be made
rich 2 Corithians8: 9

I have abundance for every good work. For God is able to make all grace abound
towards me, so that I having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance
for every good work 2 Corinthians9: 8

I am rich and righteous. I was born rich. Wealth and riches are in my house. My
righteousness endures forever Psalms112

I cannot be confused, for light arises for me (the upright) in the darkness
Psalms112: 4

I have all the wisdom and money I need; for I am abundantly supplied
Phillippians4: 19

I am blessed by the Lord. His blessing makes me rich. Riches without sorrow and
struggle thats what I have Proverbs10: 22

I am rich, yet I trust in God who is the source of my wealth 1 Timothy6: 17;
Genesis24: 31

I am a giver; a blessing to my world. For my Father is a giver. It is my nature to

give. I give because I have! I mean I always have to give Luke6: 38; James1: 17

Because I give, good measure, pressed down shaken together, running over,
shall men give to me Luke6: 38

10 Money comes to me by my words, because my words have monetary value

Proverbs10: 20
11 I have money in abundance. There are blessings on my head, thus there is
money in my hand Proverbs10: 6
12 I am the seed of Abraham. Gods covenant is established in my life; therefore I
am blessed with the blessing of Abraham Genesis17: 7; Galatians3: 29
13 I am an heir of God, a joint-heir with Christ. Therefore the silver and the gold are
mine Romans8: 17
14 Wisdom and understanding are mine as a child of God. Therefore I have gold and
silver Proverbs 16:16; 2: 6-7


15 I have access to all the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and wealth in Christ;
for I am a new creation Colossians2: 2-3
16 I love the word of God. The word of God is the wisdom of God. I love wisdom,
therefore I inherit wealth and all my treasuries are filled Proverbs 8:11-21
17 I have a fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I hearken to Him always, for He is the one
who teaches me to profit Isaiah 48:17
18 I have received the power to get wealth. For the Lord gives me the power to get
wealth, that He may establish His covenant with me Deuteronomy 8:18
19 My inheritance is God, for the Lord is my portion. Therefore, I refuse to be
anxious or worry about anything. For my Heavenly Father knows what I need
Lamentations3: 20; Matthew6: 25-33
20 I am a tither, therefore I cannot lack. For the windows of heaven are open for me
and I have such a blessing that there is not enough room to receive it. That
blessing makes me rich Malachi3: 10-12
21 Jesus is the Lord of my finances; therefore I refuse to operate by luck but by
faith and trust in him and his unfailing word
22 I have been freely given all things success, health, finances, etc. in Christ
Romans8: 31-32
23 I am righteous therefore I live by faith in my finances. For Abraham received by
believing Gods word, so I also believe Gods word and it prospers me Romans4:
24 I prosper just as my soul prospers, I love God because He takes pleasure in my
prosperity 3 John2; Psalms35: 27
25 I sow seeds and receive a harvest. For my seed shall be prosperous Zechariah8:
26 The anointing is at work in my finances. It gives me the treasures of darkness
and the hidden riches of secret places Isaiah45: 3
27 Father I refuse to look to man for help, I am not depending on the system of this
world for financial gain. Your word has enlarged my coast; I live in abundance. For
you supply all my needs according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus Amen.
28 He has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness, through my
knowledge of Him. My relationship with God makes me extremely rich 2 Peter1: 3
29 I refuse to fret or worry about my finances. I hold on to the word. I am blessed.
Luke12: 29

30 I am a seed of Abraham, all that I have is multiplied, my possessions are

multiplied, and my money is multiplied. I have everything Deuteronomy 8:16-18
31 I am making progress, I am moving forward, for the Lord has blessed me
greatly Genesis26: 12-14
32 I am the rich making others rich. I am a blessing to nations. For I will give to
nations. Kings will come to my light and the abundance of the gentiles shall be
converted to me Isaiah 60:2-3,5,11
33 The word of God is my sure foundation and my defence. I am not moved by what
I see or feel, because I have a more sure word of prophecy that assures me of
financial prosperity, success and victory
34 Father, I declare that my needs are met according to your riches in glory by
Christ Jesus. As I sow my seed into the anointing that causes it to bring forth a
hundred-fold harvest in Jesus Name. Amen
35 The one who gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater, supplies and
multiplies the seed I have sown and increases the fruits of my righteousness
2Corinthians 9: 10
36 I am mightily blessed of God and I know it. The blessing of God upon my life
makes me rich and opens doors of favour and increased prosperity, in my life
everyday, everywhere, and in everything I lay my hand upon to do in Jesus name
37 The Lord is with me; therefore I am a successful and prosperous man the Lord
is with me and He makes all that I do prosper in my hand Genesis 39:2,23
38 Jesus came and is with me that I may have and enjoy life and have it to the full.
Prosperity is a part of that life. Thus, I have and enjoy prosperity to the full. I can
never be broke another day in my life. John10:10
39 My source is God not man. For His divine Power has given me all things that
pertain to life and godliness, through my full and personal knowledge of Him that
has called me to glory and virtue. Philippians4:19; 2 Peter 1:3


God loves you and cares for you. He sent His Son Jesus to save you from your sins. All you
must do is accept him as Lord of your life by praying this prayer from your heart:
Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Your word says
that if we confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has
raised him from the dead, we will be saved. I confess that Jesus is Lord of my life from
this day forth. I believe he is alive in me. I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am saved.


Congratulations!! You are now a child of God qualified to receive the Holy Spirit (Galatians 3:13,
14). To receive the Holy Spirit you can pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father, you said in your word that if we who are evil know how to give good
gifts to our children, how much more will you give the Holy Spirit to those that ask you;
Luke11: 13. Father, I am your child. I ask you to fill me with your Spirit. I receive your
Spirit today. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God. I fully expect to speak with
other tongues as you give me utterance according to Acts2: 4 in Jesus name
Now begin to praise God for filling you with the Holy Spirit. Speak those words and syllables you
receive not in your own language but in the language given to you by the Holy Spirit. You will
have to use your own voice, as God will not force you to speak. Worship and praise God in your
heavenly language in other tongues. Continue with the blessing God has given you and pray
in tongues each day. (1 Corinthians14: 2-4, 14-18; Isaiah12: 3; John7: 38)

WordFestival Bringing answers to lives from Gods word







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