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DNatureofDTrain Topic:

How can everyone work together to bring

about world peace?
Please Share your ideas and thoughts about what we can all do to bring about world peace?
I also believe that with the adults it is harder to change, but I believe when raising the
children and younger people, we can enforce high respect and tolerance for all... That is
where the real change is going to come in.... Is how I believe it.
Thank you for your responce! PEACE! :) .
The Criminals however are not just in the whitehouse. People need to strongly hold others
responsible and accountable no matter if they are in the Whitehouse, or a school teacher or
bar tender. It is easy to state. "That is not appropriate, discrimination is not right" Or just a
simple glare, and walking away, or just walking off the scene all together without a look or a
comment in some cases is the safest way to go about it... But yes, History needs to be
seriously looked at, and revamped and taught in a true light... as well. As far as criminals it
is world wide in every job and occupation, until enough people want to stand together and
do something about it enough will not be done... And I was glad to see how the votes shifted
from Republican to Democrat not because I do not like the Republicans, and I am a
Democrat.. I consider myself unnaffiliated as I see good in both parties..... Truth is there are
good and bad people in all groups, and if people work hard support and help those "bad"
people out to grow, or have proper outlet for what needs to be done just that simple helping
of one person creates a whole knew outlook for the group itself. a Group is as strong as their
weakest and strongest member. - Thanks for Posting! Peace! :) .
It does not even have to be a military, a strong group in powers which upholds and teachs
strong rules for respect and tolerance can hold their ground. I used to run such a group 275
teenagers in a town of 4,444 ... We mad a difference so much so we ran three hate groups
out of town, and caused 2 major gangs to do a peace truce... all with non violance and
strength of value. We gave the rest of the townspeople the strength and courage of not to
give in... Strength in all forms is a good deterent, and any group of people who are together
and show this strength can make a difference. Best thing is our group never resorted to
violance in anything we did.
Most violance stems out of people being and feeling insecure and unsafe.. Most Gangs do
not even want to be violantly killing eachother or fighting.. they would rather have peace...
and just wish their rules to be respected and honors. If you instill high values or respect and
honor for everyone. and if you see something no one is getting hurt by it but it's differently
and pay no mind to it you'll be fine. But if everyone bands together and speaks out again
violance being wrong, disrespect being wrong there is quote I do not know who had
originally said it but it says "If the People Lead, the Leaders will follow" and that is exactly
what we saw going on in our town for the time our group ran... I would restart that group but
for now, I am busy trying to get on my own to feet so my activism is limited to the internet
for now. Yes, I agree the UN is not doing its job as well is could be doing... I think the other
thing Johnson was trying to start and push through would have been better... Take care!

I was not saying there are not deliberal predators out there who are deliberately violant for
reasons of wanting power, money, and greed. However, I do stick to my first statement...
That most normal people. Who would never be violant people turn into that way, after they
feel they have no security. Fear is a strong force and it is undermined. I when I was in
Gradeschool, was Bully by nearly everyone. Not because they hated me. They were afraid
of me. After they got to know me, and realised that I was not as threatening as they thought I
was. I had no more further problems with them. It was misunderstandings
.... and fear. - DNatureofDTrain
The War Criminals are world wide. If the countries would all work together we could bring
a solid end to most of these wars.. It is when the people feel safe, is when they no longer act
out. There has to be cultural freedom, and cultural groups as well, but one things that needs
to be emphasized the most to bring an end to the wars is respect of others cultures,
priniciples, creeds, traditions and boundries.. Not everyone is going to always like what goes
on in this or that tradition.. This is why freedom to leave and come and go needs to be there
- DNatureofDTrain
Yes Kindness and love can change people around and do miracles! .. Thanks for responding!
- Peace!
feel working together and learning to function together, is a major key to this.
Thanks for responding! - Peace!
Thinking the same is good too.. but why not teach the important that it is alright to Agree to
disagree?.. As we all know not everyone is going to agree or see things the same different
cultures have different values, difference taboos, different ways of thinking, Different
religions different beliefs, Difference countries different perspective on history etc...
Thinking the same maybe agreeing on tolerance and acceptance of diversity? or thinking the
same as loving on another, and honoring the "Golden rule" or at least agreeing on high
respect for all.
Thanks for your responce, and thanks for posting!
Yes, Yes, Yes.. Values is a major key.. and Self healing, and healing others as well... Helping
build security and peace within oneself and others... I agree... Peace, and thanks for
Satan also known as Spiritual Impediment..
Is playing a large part in this. As It is Spiritual impediments, that are stunting peoples
growth from growing towards loving one another and they are being seperated by FEARs =
False Evidence Appearing Real ....
I Agree whether following God is Following Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, or Universal
Love, or Knowledge and greatness, or One self... Being True to yourself, and others, and
doing what you can do and are meant to do in this, will make a difference for all of us.
Peace to you as well,
and as my Tradition says:..
Mother of Mothers, Father of Fathers, Spirit of All Ascended Masters.. Keep and Bless you
always. (Means God. :) )
Thank you for responding and Peace!

there needs to be a proper balance too. You do not want to flip to the other side of the coin,
and be giving to much either and neglecting yourself.. It is hard to find that balance of
taking care of yourself and taking care of the world.. Society in my eyes.. as least US society
appears to be out balance.. Bring back the Good and the Bad News.. Instead of being Bad
News all the time.
Address to someone who says there can be no world peace..
I disagree, but maybe I am looking at this different.
We will always have the accidents, and the people here and there will want to be criminals,
or just naturally are destructive instead of creative.... Not always meaning they are bad...
Thing is with todays modern technology, and transporations, etc. There is no excuse for
anyone anywhere to not have their basic survival needs meant.
Some people feel comfortable with loads of materialistic living around them, others feel
comfortable with nothing.... I am not talking about making everyone live in one community,
as Humanity automatically will branch off and have their diversity, that is natural, just a
birds naturally break off the flock into their smaller flocks... There will always be some
bickering, and challenges, and things that will always be in all communites.. Like
relationship problems, losses and gains, birth and death, pleasures and pains... There will be
tradegies mishaps and human errors...
I believe world peace can be attained, and it can be attained WITHOUT total globalization,
or one single community. Thing is if a person is doing bad in this type of community why
not put them into another community which fits their values more and is more
appropriate? ...
I However, thank you for your comments, and thank you for responding. You did bring up a
very valid point. Cramming everyone into one type of community setting is not going to
work, and the approach to world peace has to be realistic.. as well. As every group of people
and animals will have their fair share of problems and issues, that is just part of our living
and our growth.
Thanks, and Peace! :) .
Things can and will change but it is up to people if they want to do so. In the past history
there has been cycles of Peace and War. There will always be the cycles.. But we can learn
to Bring Balance to both.... And for those who feel they can not make a difference... I love
the Mosquitos quotes... here is one version."If you think you are to small to make a
difference, you have never slept in the same room as a mosquito" - African Proverb"If you
think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito." -Bette
Be the Mosquito! lol ...
Peace :) .
There is always going to be arguements, and disagreements, but everyone can work hard to
keep it from escalation back to fighting... Learn to step back, disagree, and give another
space... Agree to revisit the issue after both sides have calmed down... There is also many
types of intermediation programs... out there to help people peacefully resolve conflicts.

- DNatureofDTrain
Yes, and another good way is doing RAK... Random Acts of Kindness also help... and
educating eachother - DNatureofDTrain

The main problem with this is the ones pulling together and fighting hardest are the ones
who are "corrupt" There has to be a counter action that is just as strong or stronger to stop
this action. One of the Strongest ways to do this is Find out who were the sponsors of these
people's campaigns? Who is offering their money, support, and help to get the corrupt
officials into office? Who is willing to stand up and do what they can do to get them out?
There is an old saying, and the saying is.. "When the People will lead, the leaders will
follow" There are more followers than leaders.. and if the Leaders are all turning their backs
away from a corrupt official and looking up to the non-corrupt one competition then begins
between the both to see who can gain more followers through what actions... So if people
want corrupt people out of power they need to start choosing other leaders and making it
clear althought we respect these other people for the position they are in, that they do not
follow no support the corrupt actions of these people.
One thing people over look is how corporations, businesses, and banks are one of the
biggest backers behind anyone who is in power... Do your research and pay attention to
where your dollar goes.
- DNatureofDTrain
Well, I disagree with the do nothing part,
I feel if we want to be saved we need to work hard to try to save ourselves, as then the others
will take noticed and see that we are not happy in our misery, and some may come save us!
Thanks for your opinion and responce! - DNatureofDTrain
My Topic I used on Mylot: if you want to read the others responces on the old discussion please do:

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