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At the explicit demand of the authors, Aleksandra Leki, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Vujo
Drndarevi, School of Electrical Engineering Belgrade, the paper Simulation of Switching Converters Using
Linear Capacitor Voltage and Inductor Current Prediction and Correction has been withdrawn. The paper
printed in the electronic edition of the Proceedings Book, reference INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 14, March

2015., pp. 32-37 is nullified and is treated as a non-existing reference by the Organizer and the
publisher of the Proceedings.
The authors of the stated paper addressed the INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2015 Symposium Organiser with
an explicit demand for their paper to be withdrawn from the Proceedings Book which had already been
published. In their demand, they stated only personal reasons for such a demand and they did not state
any objections directed to the Organizer and publisher of the Proceedings. The Organizer, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering at the University of East Sarajevo, created a special Commission consisting of the
President of the Organization Board, President of the Program Boards, President of the topic area
Electronic Systems, two reviewers of the paper and technical editor of the Proceedings Book. The
Commission unanimously concluded that all the procedures related to the paper submission, review,
presentation in adequate session and publication in the electronic edition of the Proceedings Book had
been completed in a quality manner, on time and pursuant to the Rulebook on the work of the
Symposium and that, at the Organizers side, there are no reasons for subsequent withdrawal of the
paper. The Commission especially emphasized that the paper in question is a quality one, and that the
Rulebook conditions on the papers to be accepted for possible presentation and publication were
accomplished, stating that a paper must be original (there were no criteria qualifying it as a plagiarism)
and that it has not been published at some other conference or in a journal (the same paper, or the
paper which is mostly the same as the submitted paper).
Dissociating from the authors personal reasons, the Commission has suggested the authors demand
to be accepted and the withdrawal of the paper to be published in the only possible way.
President of the
Organization Board
Prof. Zoran Ljuboje, PhD

President of the
Program Board
Prof. Slobodan Milojkovi, PhD

President of the
Topic session Electronic Systems
Prof. Milomir oja, PhD

Na izriit zahtjev autora, Aleksandra Leki, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Vujo Drndarevi,
School of Electrical Engineering Belgrade, rad Simulation of Switching Converters Using Linear
Capacitor Voltage and Inductor Current Prediction and Correction, je povuen. Rad tampan u
elektronskom izdanju Zbornika radova, referenca INFOTEH-JAHORINA Vol. 14, March 2015., pp. 3237 je nitavan i od strane Organizatora i izdavaa Zbornika tretira se kao nepostojea referenca.
Autori navedenog rada obratili su se Organizatoru simpozijuma INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2015 sa izriitim
zahtjevom da se njihov rad bezuslovno povue iz ve tampanog Zbornika radova. U svom zahtjevu
naveli su samo line razloge zbog kojih su podnijeli zahtjev i nisu naveli primjedbe prema Organizatoru i
izdavau Zbornika. Organizator, Elektrotehniki fakultet Univerziteta u Istonom Sarajevu, formirao je
posebnu Komisiju u koju su imenovani predsjednik Organizacionog odbora, predsjednik Programskog

odbora, predsjednik tematske oblasti Elektronski sistemi, dva recenzenta rada i tehniki urednik
Zbornika radova. Komisija je jednoglasno zakljuila da su sve procedure vezane za prijem rada, recenziju
rada, izlaganje rada u odgovarajuoj sesiji i tampanje rada u elektronskom izdanju Zbornika uraene
kvalitetno, na vrijeme i u skladu sa Pravilnikom rada Simpozijuma i da sa strane Organizatora ne postoje
razlozi da se rad naknadno povue. Komisija je posebno naglasila da se radi o kvalitetnom radu i da su
ispunjeni uslovi iz Pravilnika o radovima koji se primaju za eventualno izlaganje i objavljivanje u kome se
navodi da rad mora da bude originalan (ni po jednom kriterijumu ne moe da se podvede pod plagijat) i
da nije objavljen na nekoj drugoj konferenciji ili u asopisu (isti rad ili rad u najveem dijelu isti kao
podnijeti rad).
Ograujui se od linih razloga autora, Komisija je predloila da se prihvati zahtjev autora i na jedini
mogui nain objavi da je navedeni rad povuen.




Organizacionog odbora

Programskog odbora

Tematske sesije Elektronski sistemi

Prof. dr Zoran Ljuboje

Prof. dr Slobodan Milojkovi prof. dr Milomir oja

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