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Living in a
changing climate

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ISBN 978-92-9213-656-7
ISSN 2443-7662
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Editorial Living in a changing climate

Are we ready for climate change?

Interview Climate change and human health


Climate change and the seas


Agriculture and climate change


Soil and climate change


Interview Climate change and cities


Mitigating climate change


Climate change and investments


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Katarzyna Dbrowska, Environment & Me/EEA


Living in a changing climate

Our climate is changing. Scientific evidence

and even regions and countries. Heatwaves

shows that the global average temperature

can exacerbate air pollution, aggravating

is rising, and rainfall patterns are shifting.

cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and

It also shows that glaciers, Arctic sea ice

in some cases resulting in loss of life.

and the Greenland ice sheet are melting.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Warmer oceans risk unbalancing the entire

Hans Bruyninckx

Changes Fifth Assessment Report shows

food chain, and hence marine life, adding

EEA Executive Director

that the warming since the mid-20th century

extra pressures to already overexploited fish

is predominantly due to an increase in

stocks. Higher temperatures can also change

greenhouse-gas concentrations as a result of

the carbon storage capacity of the soil the

emissions from human activities. Combustion

second largest carbon sink after the oceans.

of fossil fuels and changes in land use are

Droughts and warmer temperatures can

largely responsible for this increase.

impact agricultural production, driving up

the competition between economic sectors

It is clear that we need to reduce global

for precious resources like water and land.

greenhouse-gas emissions substantially in

order to avoid the most adverse impacts of

These impacts result in real losses. Recent

climate change. It is also clear that we need

research estimates that without adaptation

to adapt to our changing climate. Even with

actions heat-related deaths could reach

substantial reductions in our greenhouse-gas

about 200 000 per year in Europe by 2100.

emissions, our climate is expected to change

The cost of river flood damages could be

to some degree and the impacts of this

more than EUR 10 billion a year. Other

will be felt across the world, including in

climate-change impacts include the damage

Europe. Floods and droughts are expected to

from forest fires, reduced crop yields, or lost

become more frequent and intense. Warmer

workdays due to respiratory diseases.

temperatures, changes in precipitation levels

and patterns, or extreme weather events

Faced with such current and future impacts,

are already impacting our health, natural

Europeans have no choice but to adapt to

environment, and economy.

climate change. A European Union-level

Climate change affects us

adaptation strategy is already in place to help

countries plan their adaptation activities,
and more than 20 European countries have

We might not be aware of it but climate

adopted national adaptation strategies.

change affects us all: farmers, fishermen,

Mariusz Warsinski, Environment & Me/EEA

asthma patients, the elderly, infants, urban

Some ongoing adaptation projects involve

residents, skiers, beachgoers Extreme

large projects to build new infrastructure

weather events, such as floods and storm

(e.g. dykes and flood drains), whereas others

surges, can devastate small communities

propose restoring ecosystems to allow

A low-carbon future by
2050 is possible

nature to tackle climate change impacts such

Achieving a reduction of at least 40% in

as excess water or heat. Different initiatives

domestic emissions (i.e. emitted in the

and funding opportunities exist to help

EU) by 2030 and an 8095% reduction by

countries, cities, and regions prepare for

2050 will partly depend on the EUs ability

At the heart of the problem lie unsustainable

climate change impacts and reduce their

to channel sufficient amounts of public

consumption and production patterns.

greenhouse-gas emissions.

and private funds towards sustainable and

Building on recent trends observed in

innovative technologies. Effective carbon

Europes environment and on global

prices and regulations are instrumental in

megatrends, our recent report The European

Reducing emissions

steering investments towards climate-friendly

environment state and outlook 2015

The severity of climate change will depend

innovations, in renewable energy and energy

calls for a transition to a green economy.

on how much and how quickly we can cut

efficiency in particular. In some cases, funding

The green economy is a sustainable way of

greenhouse-gas emissions released into the

decisions might also entail divesting away

life that allows us to live well, and within the

atmosphere. Climate change is one of the

from some sectors and restructuring others.

limits of our planet. This transition involves

biggest challenges of our times. It is a global

structural changes to key systems, such

problem and concerns us all. The scientific

Emission reductions by EU Member States

as energy and transport, which require

community strongly recommends limiting

would address the problem only partly,

long-term investments in our infrastructure.

the rise in global average temperatures and

because the EU currently emits only around

reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to avoid

10% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. It

Europeans are already investing in these key

adverse impacts of climate change. Within the

is clear that achieving the 2C target requires

systems. The challenge is to make sure that

United Nations Framework Convention on

a global effort with substantial cuts to global

all current and future investments put us one

Climate Change, the international community

greenhouse-gas emissions. The scientific

step closer to greening our economy, and

has agreed to limit the global average

community estimates that to achieve the 2C

do not lock us into an unsustainable path of

temperature increase to 2C above

target only a limited amount of carbon can

development. Making the right investments

pre-industrial times.

be released into the atmosphere before the

today will not only minimise the overall costs of

end of the century. The world has already

climate change, but it can strengthen Europes

If the global average temperature increases

released the large majority of this carbon

expertise in the thriving eco-industries the

above 2C, climate change will have much

budget. At current rates, the entire carbon

economy of the future. At the end of the day,

more severe impacts on our health, natural

budget will be exhausted well before 2100.

we all have a stake in defining what life with

environment, and economy. An average 2C

climate change will look like.

increase means that temperatures will actually

To increase our chances of limiting the

rise more than 2C in certain parts of the

average temperature increase to 2C,

The challenge we are facing might seem

world, especially in the Arctic, where greater

scientific studies show that global emissions

daunting. But no matter how big the

impacts will threaten unique natural systems.

have to peak in 2020, and then start declining.

challenge may be, the 2C target is still within

In this context, the upcoming climate talks

our reach. We now need to be courageous

The European Union has set ambitious

(COP21) in Paris need to become a turning

and ambitious enough to grasp it.

long-term goals on climate-change mitigation.

point for a global agreement on cutting

In 2013, the EU had already reduced its

greenhouse-gas emissions and providing

Hans Bruyninckx

domestic greenhouse-gas emissions by 19%

support to developing countries.

EEA Executive Director

compared to 1990 levels. The target of a 20%

reduction by 2020 is within reach.

Popi Konidari, Environment & Me/EEA

Are we ready for climate change?

Climate change is causing a variety of impacts to our health, ecosystems and economy.
These impacts are likely to become more serious in the coming decades. If not
addressed, these impacts could prove very costly, in terms of ill health, adverse effects
on ecosystems, and damaged property and infrastructure. Many adaptation projects are
already underway across Europe to prepare for a changing climate.

2014 will be remembered across Europe

Europes climate is changing

for its extreme weather events. In May 2014,

a low-pressure cyclone hit south-eastern

A changing climate will affect almost every

Europe, causing widespread flooding and

aspect of our lives. Increased intensity and

2 000 landslides across the Balkans. Then in

frequency of rainfall in many parts of Europe

early June 2014, a series of heavy rainstorms

will mean frequent and serious flooding

hit northern Europe. By July 2014, Europe was

events, destroying homes and affecting other

suffering from another problem: heat. Eastern

infrastructure (e.g. transport and energy) in

Europe and the United Kingdom experienced

risk areas. Elsewhere in Europe, including

a heatwave.

in southern Europe, higher temperatures

and reduced rainfall will mean that many

Extreme weather events as well as gradual

areas might face droughts. This could create

changes in the climate such as rising

competition between agriculture, industry, and

sea levels and warming oceans will

households for scarce water resources. It could

continue. In fact, these events are expected

also create more heat-related health problems.

to become more frequent and more intense

in the future (1). Even if all countries were to

Climate change will also affect ecosystems

radically cut their emissions of greenhouse

across Europe. Many economic sectors

gases today, the greenhouse gases that have

depend on healthy and stable ecosystems

already been released into the atmosphere

to provide a variety of products and services

would continue to have a warming effect

to humans. For example, bees pollinate

on the climate. In addition to substantially

our crops, while forests help to absorb

reducing greenhouse-gas emissions,

greenhouse gases. Changes to the balance

countries in Europe and across the world

of species and habitats in ecosystems could

need to put in place policies and measures

have wide-reaching effects. A reduction

to adapt to climate change.

in rainfall in southern Europe could make

it impossible to grow certain crops, while
higher temperatures might allow alien
invasive species and species that carry
diseases to migrate northwards.

Billy Horan, Environment & Me/EEA

Warmer oceans are already forcing various

Although climate change is mostly expected

fish species to move northward, which in

to create costs for society, it may also create

turn puts further pressure on the fisheries

a limited number of new opportunities,

sector. For example, the northward shift in

which often come with new risks. Warmer

mackerel stocks has exacerbated the already

winters in northern Europe might mean a

existing problem of overfishing of herring

reduced need for winter heating. On the

and mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic.

other hand, warmer summers might increase

Climate change has a cost

the energy consumed for cooling. With sea

ice melting, Arctic sea lanes might be opened
to shipping and thus cut transport costs. But

Extreme weather events can result in loss of

increased shipping might expose the Arctic

life, and bring economic and social activity in

to pollution and should be regulated to

the affected area to a halt. Substantial funds

ensure that it is safe and clean.

are often required for rebuilding damaged

property and infrastructure. However, most

Whatever the projected impacts are, be

of the damage from extreme weather events

it more rain, higher temperatures, or less

in recent decades cannot be attributed

freshwater, European countries need to

to climate change alone. Socio-economic

adapt their rural landscape, cities, and

developments, and decisions such as

economy to a changing climate and reduce

expanding cities towards floodplains, are the

our vulnerability to climate change.

main causes of the increased damage. But

without adaptation actions, damage costs
and other adverse effects are projected to

What is climate
change adaptation?

increase as our climate continues to change.

Adaptation covers a wide range of activities
The costs of future climate change are

and policies that seek to prepare societies

potentially very large. Recent research

for a changing climate. When adaptation

estimates that without adaptation actions,

policies are implemented they can reduce

heat-related deaths could reach about

the impacts and damage costs of climate

200 000 per year in Europe by 2100, and

change, and prepare societies to thrive

the cost of river flood damages could be

and develop in a changed climate. Some of

more than EUR 10 billion a year(2). In the

these actions have a relatively low cost, such

case of extensive climate change and no

as information campaigns on how to stay

adaptation actions, forest fires could affect

cool in warm weather or an early-warning

an area of roughly 800000 hectares every

system for heatwaves. Other adaptation

year.The number of people affected by

actions can be very expensive, such as

droughts could also increase by a factor of

building dykes and coastal defences (such

seven to about 150 million per year, and

construction measures are often referred as

economic losses due to sea-level rise would

grey adaptation), relocating houses out of

more than triple to EUR 42 billion a year.

flood-plains, or expanding retention basins

to respond to droughts.


Johan Roerink


Adaptation in the
European Union

Not adapting is not a

viable option

adaptation actions include restoring

The European Union and its Member

Extreme weather events and EU policies

sand-dunes to prevent erosion or planting

States are already working on climate

have placed adaptation policies and

trees on river banks to reduce flooding.

change adaptation. In 2013, the European

measures higher on the political agenda

The city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands has

Commission adopted the communication

in European countries in recent decades.

implemented green adaptation measures of

An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate

However, according to a recent survey, many

this sort. The Waal River bends and narrows

change, which helps countries plan their

countries are prevented from taking action

around Nijmegen, causing floods in this

adaptation activities. The Strategy also

by a lack of resources such as time, money,

coastal city. To prevent the damage from

promotes the creation and sharing of

or technology. Uncertainties about the

these floods, the city is building a canal, giving

knowledge, and aims to enhance resilience

extent of future climate change and unclear

the river more room to flow. This also creates

in key sectors by using EU funds. More than

responsibilities were also seen as barriers by

new spaces for recreation and for nature.

20 European countries have already adopted

a large number of countries (5).

Some adaptation measures involve using

natural methods to increase an areas
resilience to climate change. Such green

adaptation strategies, outlining initial actions

The Dutch Building with Nature programme

they will take (e.g. vulnerability assessments

The effects of climate change vary from

is another good example of the combination

and research) and how they intend to adapt

region to region. Policymakers also face the

of grey and green adaptation. It has

to a changing climate. However, in terms

difficulty of incorporating future changes in

promoted the restoration of coastal wetlands

of concrete action on-the-ground, many

wealth, infrastructure, and population into

such as swamps, reedbeds, marshes, and

countries are still at a very early stage.

their climate-change adaptation plans. What

will an increasingly older and urbanised

mudflats. These wetland areas help to

prevent soil subsidence thanks to the root

An EEA survey of adaptation measures

population need in terms of transport,

structures of wetland plants. By preventing

showed that water management is the

housing, energy, health services, or simply

soil subsidence at coastal areas, this protects

sector that most countries are prioritising.

food production, in a changing climate?

the surrounding area from flooding.

However, countries also direct resources

to providing information to their citizens.

Rather than treating adaptation as a

Other adaptation measures consist of

For example, as part of its efforts to reduce

separate policy sphere, adaptation can best

using laws, taxes, financial incentives and

the spread of insect-borne diseases, the

be implemented through better integration

information campaigns to enhance resilience

region of Emilia Romagna runs an awareness

into every other area of public policy. Within

to climate change (measures knowns as

campaign on the dangers of Lyme disease,

their adaptation strategies, EU countries

soft adaptation). An information campaign

dengue, and West Nile disease.

and the European Union are exploring how

they can integrate adaptation concerns into

in Zaragoza, Spain, made the citys 700 000

inhabitants more aware of the need to use

Many countries have created online

different policy spheres such as agriculture,

water sparingly to survive the lengthier

adaptation-knowledge platforms to facilitate

health, energy, or transport.

droughts expected for this semi-arid

the sharing of transnational, national, and

region.Coupled with control of leakage from

local experiences and good practice (3). The

the water supply distribution network, the

Climate-ADAPT (4) portal, managed by the

project has almost halved daily water use per

European Environment Agency and the

person compared with 1980, and the citys

European Commission, provides a European

total water consumption has fallen by 30%

platform for sharing such experiences.

since 1995.


Suzanne Morris, Environment & Me/EEA


Extreme weather events in particular show

It is also clear that an effective combination

that not adapting is a very costly decision

of adaptation and mitigation measures can

and is not a viable option in the medium

help to ensure that future impacts of climate

and long term. For example, transport

change are limited, and that when they do

infrastructure is often severely damaged in

come, Europe is better prepared and

floods. When movement of people, goods,

more resilient.

or services is hindered, the indirect costs

to the economy can be many times higher
than the direct cost of damaged transport
It is clear that, like many other infrastructure
projects, adapting transport infrastructure
is costly. It may also be difficult because the
transport system involves different groups,
from vehicle manufacturers to infrastructure
managers to passengers. One cost-efficient
solution is to consider adaptation measures
when infrastructure is built or renewed,
and the EU budget offers different funding
opportunities to support infrastructure
An effective solution requires a longer-term
and wider perspective with the integration
of climate change into different public
policies around sustainability. In the case
of climate change adaptation, this raises
questions about how to build our cities, how
to transport people and products, how to
supply energy to our homes and factories,
how to produce our food, and how to
manage our natural environment.


Savvapanf Photo /


Europes climate is changing

A changing climate will affect almost every aspect of our lives. Increased intensity and frequency of
rainfall in many parts of Europe will mean frequent and serious flooding events. Elsewhere in Europe,
including in southern Europe, higher temperatures and reduced rainfall will mean that many areas might
face droughts.


Northern Europe

Temperature rise much larger than global average

Decrease in Arctic sea-ice coverage
Decrease in Greenland ice sheet
Decrease in permafrost areas
Increasing risk of biodiversity loss
Intensified shipping and exploitation of oil
and gas resources

Temperature rise much larger than global average

Decrease in snow, lake and river ice cover
Increase in river flows
Northward movement of species
Increase in crop yields
Decrease in energy demand for heating
Increase in hydropower potential
Increasing damage risk from winter storms
Increase in summer tourism

North-western Europe

Central and eastern Europe

Increase in winter precipitation

Increase in river flow
Northward movement of species
Decrease in energy demand for heating
Increasing risk of river and coastal flooding

Increase in warm temperature extremes

Decrease in summer precipitation
Increase in water temperature
Increasing risk of forest fire
Decrease in economic value of forests

Coastal zones and regional seas

Mountain areas

Sea-level rise
Increase in sea surface temperatures
Increase in ocean acidity
Northward expansion of fish and plankton species
Changes in phytoplankton communities
Increasing risk for fish stocks

Temperature rise larger than European average

Decrease in glacier extent and volume
Decrease in mountain permafrost areas
Upward shift of plant and animal species
High risk of species extinction in Alpine regions
Increasing risk of soil erosion
Decrease in ski tourism

Many economic sectors depend on healthy and stable ecosystems to provide a variety of products
and services to humans. Changes to the balance of species and habitats in ecosystems could have
wide-reaching effects. A reduction in rainfall in southern Europe could make it impossible to grow
certain crops, while higher temperatures might allow alien invasive species and species that carry
diseases to migrate northwards.

Mediterranean region
Temperature rise larger than European average
Decrease in annual precipitation
Decrease in annual river flow
Increasing risk of biodiversity loss
Increasing risk of desertification
Increasing water demand for agriculture
Decrease in crop yields
Increasing risk of forest fire
Increase in mortality from heatwaves
Expansion of habitats for disease-carrying insects
Decrease in hydropower potential
Decrease in summer tourism and potential increase
in other seasons

Source: EEA Report No 12/2012. Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012.





Climate change and

human health
Climate change in Europe is already affecting public health, and will continue to do so in
the future. How does it affect Europeans today? What does the future look like? We asked
these questions to Bettina Menne from WHO Europe.

Bettina Menne
Programme Manager at
WHO Europe

Does climate change affect

human health?

70000 excess deaths in 12 European

Climate change affects public health in

As people get older, the thermal regulation

many different ways. There are direct and

of the body is impaired, which makes

indirect impacts, as well as those that occur

older people more vulnerable to high

immediately and those that occur over a


countries, mostly among older people.

longer period of time. We estimate that

150 000 deaths worldwide were caused by

By 2050, heatwaves are projected to cause

climate change in 2000. According to a new

120000 excess deaths per year in the

WHO study, this is projected to increase

European Union, and to have an economic

to 250 000 deaths per year worldwide by

cost of EUR 150 billion if no further

2040. This estimate would have actually

measures are taken. This higher estimate is

been higher if we had not factored in the

not only due to more frequent and higher

reduction of child mortality expected in

temperatures but also due to Europes

future years.

changing demographics. Currently, around

20% of EU citizens are over 65 years of age,

Extreme weather events are already among

and their share in the population is expected

the top climate-change impacts that affect

to increase to around 30% in 2050.

public health. In addition, mortality related

to heatwaves and flooding is expected

High temperatures are also often associated

to increase, in particular in Europe. And

with air pollution, and ground-level ozone

changes in the distribution of vector-borne

pollution in particular. Air pollution can cause

diseases will also affect human health.

respiratory and cardiovascular problems,

especially among children and older people,

How do extreme weather events

affect public health?

and can result in premature deaths.

Different types of extreme weather events

affect different regions. Heatwaves are
mostly a problem in southern Europe and
the Mediterranean, but they are also a
problem in other regions. According to
estimates, the heatwave of 2003 caused


Joseph Galea, Environment & Me/EEA


high precipitation events that might cause

What other kinds of health risks are

associated with climate change?

floods also affect public health.

The health risks come from a variety of

Other extreme weather events such as

sources. Higher temperatures facilitate

How do floods affect our health?

forest fires. Around 70000 forest fires occur

To give a concrete example, the devastating

every year on the European continent.

floods in 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Although the large majority are man-made,

Croatia, and Serbia caused 60 deaths and

high temperatures and droughts often

affected more than 2.5 million people. In

worsen the overall damage. While some fires

addition to the immediate health impacts,

might result in loss of lives and property,

rescue operations and public health services

they all cause air pollution, especially from

were also affected. Many hospitals, especially

particulate matter. This in turns triggers

lower floors where heavy medical equipment

illness and premature death.

is often kept, were flooded. This reduced the

capacity of health services to cope with the

Higher temperatures, milder winters, and

disaster and to care for existing patients.

wetter summers are expanding the area

where certain disease-carrying insects (such

In the aftermath of such a disaster, displaced

as ticks and mosquitoes) can survive and

people who lost their homes are also likely

thrive. These insects can then carry diseases

to suffer from other long-term health

such as Lyme disease, dengue, and

problems, including stress.

malaria to new areas where the climate

was not suitable to the disease previously.

There are also indirect health risks, largely

due to deterioration or contamination

Climate change could also mean that some

of the environment. For example, floods

diseases might no longer be able to thrive in

can carry pollutants and chemicals from

the areas they currently affect. For example,

industrial facilities, waste water, and sewage

future warming could mean that ticks and

water. This can lead to the contamination

consequently tick-borne diseases will be

of drinking water and agricultural land.

found at higher altitudes and further north,

When there is no secure faecal and chemical

closely linked to the changing distribution of

disposal, floodwaters or greater run-off can

their natural hosts, such as deer.

carry contaminants to lakes and the sea, and

some might enter our food chain.

Seasonal variations some seasons starting

earlier and lasting longer might also have
adverse impacts on human health. This
could have a particular effect on people with
allergies. We might also experience peaks in
asthma cases, triggered by combined exposure
to different allergens at the same time.




There are also other long-term health risks

WHO Europe has been working on the health

associated with climate change. Changes in

effects of climate change for more than

temperature and precipitation are expected

20 years. We develop methods and tools,

to affect food-production capacity in the

carry out impact assessments, and provide

wider pan-European region, with significant

assistance to Member States to adapt to

reductions expected in Central Asia.

climate change (6). In our recent report (7), we

A further reduction of production capacity

recommend adaptation measures, but we

in the region could not only exacerbate the

stress that adaptation measures will not be

malnutrition problem, but also could have

enough on their own.

widespread impacts by raising food prices

worldwide. Climate change is therefore a

It is quite clear that countries also need to

factor we have to take into account when

undertake measures to mitigate climate

we look at food security and access to

change to protect public health. Some of

affordable food. It can aggravate existing

these measures can have significant health

social and economic problems.

co-benefits. For example, the promotion of

so-called active transport (such as cycling

How can public authorities

prepare for the health impacts
of climate change?

and walking) can contribute to reducing

Compared with many other regions,

can help to provide continuous energy to

European health services are relatively better

health services in remote areas.

obesity and non-communicable diseases.

And renewable energy such as solar energy

equipped to deal with the health impacts

of climate change. Malaria, for example,
is not likely to re-establish itself in the
European Union. Nevertheless, single events
such as floods or long-lasting heatwaves
will continue to exert increasing pressure
on the health services in affected areas.
European countries will need to strengthen
and adapt their health services to cope with
the potential impacts of climate change in
their area. Some measures could involve
relocating and refitting hospitals to prepare
against possible floods. Other measures
could include better tools for sharing
information with vulnerable groups to
prevent their exposure to pollution.




Are we ready for climate change?

Climate change is causing a variety of impacts to our health, ecosystems and economy. These impacts
are likely to become more serious in the coming decades. If not addressed, these impacts could
prove very costly, in terms of ill health, adverse effects on ecosystems, and damaged property and

Adaptation covers a wide range of activities and policies that seek to prepare societies for a changing
climate. An effective combination of adaptation and mitigation measures can help to ensure that future
impacts of climate change are limited, and that when they do come, Europe is better prepared and
more resilient.

Mitigation and ad

Climate change im



Without adaptation and mitigation

measures, in Europe, by 2100:

Forest fires could affect an area

of roughly 800 000 hectares
every year.

River flood damages could cost

more than EUR 10 billion a year.

EU greenhouse-gas emissions
have decreased by 19% since 1990,
despite a 45 % increase in GDP.

The EUs total resource use

has declined by 19% since 2007
and recycling rates have improved.

The number of people affected

by droughts could increase
to about 150 million per year.

Economic loss due to sea-level rise

would more than triple to
EUR 42 billion a year.

Heat-related deaths could reach

about 200 000 per year.

Domestic material consumption in

the EU declined by 10% from 2000
to 2012, despite a 16% increase in
economic output.

Employment in the eco-industries

increased by 47% from 2000 to
2012, adding 1.4 million new jobs.

Major EU engineering companies

already earn up to 40% of
revenues from their environment

From 1990 to 2012, the share of

renewables in energy production
more than doubled in the EU.

Sources: EEA, 2015. European environment state and outlook 2015:

Climate change impacts and adaptation, Energy, Green economy, Resource efficiency, Waste.




Climate change and the seas

Climate change is warming the oceans, causing acidification of marine environments, and
changing rainfall patterns. This combination of factors often exacerbates the impacts of
other human pressures on the seas, leading to loss of marine biodiversity. Many human
livelihoods depend on marine biodiversity and ecosystems, so action to limit ocean
warming must be taken quickly.

Changes in the marine

food web

the new conditions, this can have spillover

effects on the other organisms that depend
on or interact with them. This chain of events

The oceans absorb heat from the

ultimately influences the overall functioning

atmosphere. Measurements now show that

of the ecosystem, which can lead to loss of

the warming of the oceans has affected

biodiversity. This is exactly what is happening

areas far below the ocean surface in recent

with copepods: because they are eaten by

decades. The effect on marine life of warming

so many other organisms their suffering

oceans is strong, and biodiversity is at ever

influences the entire food web.

greater risk. Nowhere is this more clearly

highlighted than in the case of

Higher up in the food chain, animals that

warmer-water plankton in the Northeast

cannot find food are forced to move in

Atlantic. Some copepod are moving

order to survive. In Europe, where sea

northwards at a rate of 200250 km per

surface temperature is increasing more

decade. These small copepods are near the

rapidly than in the global oceans (9), they

bottom of the food chain. Fish and other

move predominantly northwards (10). This

animals of the Northeast Atlantic feed on

phenomenon can affect fish stocks, as

these copepods and their distribution pattern

illustrated by the way mackerel have started

in the oceans may change as a result of the

to spend more time in more northern

copepods northward movement ( ).

waters. This can have a knock-on effect on

local fishermen and communities further


Dimitris Poursanidis, Environment & Me/EEA

Animals living outside their optimal

afield. One of the knock-on effects was the

temperature range expend more energy

infamous mackerel war between the EU

on respiration to the detriment of their

and the Faroe Islands. The mackerel war

other functions. This weakens them, making

arose partly because of overfishing of blue

them more vulnerable to disease, and

whiting and partly as a direct result of fish

allowing other species that are better suited

species, including herring and mackerel,

to the new temperature regime to get a

moving further north in response to rising

competitive advantage. In addition, the

sea temperatures. The extra time spent by

spores, eggs, or offspring of these animals

the fish stocks in Faroese waters resulted

will struggle to develop in suboptimal

in a disagreement on fishing rights. From

temperatures. As some species suffer in

a Faroese perspective, they had a right to


the fish in their waters, but from an EU

Dead zones

perspective, agreements on sustainable

fishing quotas were being breached,

A rise in ocean temperature also speeds

potentially leading to the risk of overfishing

up the metabolism of organisms and their

with the loss of EU income and jobs as a

oxygen intake, which in turn reduces oxygen

consequence (11). The dispute came to an end

concentrations in water. This can ultimately

in 2014, when the EU lifted import bans on

make parts of the ocean uninhabitable for

the fish caught in Faroese waters in return for

sea life.

an end to fishing carried out by the islanders.

Oxygen in the sea can also be depleted as


a result of nutrients entering the water.

For example, rainfall brings nutrients

In addition to absorbing heat, the oceans

from agricultural fertilisers to the sea. This

are also a carbon-dioxide sink. The more

enrichment with nutrients such as nitrates

CO2 enters the atmosphere, the more is

and phosphates may occur naturally,

absorbed into the oceans, where it reacts

but about 80% of all nutrients in the sea

with water to produce carbonic acid,

come from land-based activities, including

resulting in acidification. The oceans have

sewage, industrial waste, municipal waste,

absorbed more than a quarter of the carbon

and agricultural run-off. The rest mainly

dioxide released into the atmosphere since

comes from nitrous gases emitted when

1750 through human activities ( ).

burning fossil fuels from traffic, industry,


power generation, and heating (14). In the

Ocean acidification has historically been

parts of Europe where increased rainfall and

associated with each of the five major

temperature are brought about by climate

extinction events that have occurred on

change, the effects of nutrient enrichment

Earth. Today acidification is happening

are exacerbated.

100 times faster than any other period in

the last 55 million years (13) and species may
not be able to adapt quickly enough.
Acidification affects marine life in different
ways. For example, corals, mussels, oysters
and other marine organisms that build shells
of calcium carbonate have a more difficult
time constructing their shells or skeletal
material as sea water pH decreases. Thus,
anthropogenic reductions in sea water pH
could affect entire marine ecosystems.


Dimitris Poursanidis, Environment & Me/EEA


Uncertain future

a process known as eutrophication, which

leads to excessive plant growth. When

Although certain models look at possible

this happens in the sea, it creates what is

climate change scenarios, it is difficult to

known as an algal bloom. Through excess

predict how marine species will behave as the

respiration and the eventual death and

stresses on the oceans are magnified. But we

decay of these aquatic plants, oxygen is

do know that we must take action to mitigate

removed from the water. This results in

climate change now in order to limit further

an oxygen deficit and ultimately leads to

ocean warming and ocean acidification, and

hypoxic areas or dead zones where aerobic

the effects that both of these have on the

life can no longer survive.

environment and our well-being.

Climate change and the seas

Climate change is warming the oceans, causing acidification of marine environments, and changing
rainfall patterns. This combination of factors often exacerbates the impacts of other human pressures
on the seas, leading to biodiversity loss in the oceans.

Glacial melting, warming of

the ocean, and land movement
raise sea level.

Changes in fish stocks

impact livelihoods.


Enrichment of water with nutrients drives

Such dead zones can be observed in

Europes partially enclosed seas, such as
the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. Water

Warm current

temperature in the Baltic Sea has increased

by about 2C over the last century, which has


contributed to the increase in the extent of

of dead zones has doubled in frequency
every decade since the mid-1900s (15). And


dead zones. Moreover, the global occurrence

unfortunately, even if the nutrient emissions

Nutrient emissions are leading

to excessive algal bloom and
dead zones.

to European seas were to be halted today,

the legacy of past nutrient emissions would

Oceans absorb about 25% of the

global CO2 emissions released in
the atmosphere.

Acidification and warming of

the ocean affect fish stocks and
threaten marine biodiversity.

continue to cause dead zones for decades to

come before the seas were returned to their
former state.

Cold current

10^22 Joules


02 000m (5-year average)

Global ocean heat content














Sources: Sabine et al. 2004. (

EEA indicator on ocean heat content. Data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOA A).




Agriculture and climate change

Agriculture both contributes to climate change and is affected by climate change.
The EU needs to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture and adapt its
food-production system to cope with climate change. But climate change is only one
of many pressures on agriculture. Faced with growing global demand and competition
for resources, the EUs food production and consumption need to be seen in a broader
context, linking agriculture, energy, and food security.

Food is a basic human need, and a healthy

Agriculture accounted for 10% of the EUs

diet is a key component of our health and

total greenhouse-gas emissions in 2012.

wellbeing. A complex and increasingly

A significant decline in livestock numbers,

globalised system of production and delivery

more efficient application of fertilisers, and

has developed over time to meet our need

better manure management reduced the

for food and for different flavours. In todays

EUs emissions from agriculture by 24%

world, a fish caught in the Atlantic might be

between 1990 and 2012.

served within days in a restaurant in Prague

alongside rice imported from India. Similarly,

However, agriculture in the rest of the world

European food products are sold and

is moving in the opposite direction. Between

consumed in the rest of the world.

2001 and 2011, global emissions from crop

Agriculture contributes to
climate change

and livestock production grew by 14%.

The increase occurred mainly in developing
countries, due to a rise in total agricultural
output. This was driven by increased

Before reaching our plates, our food is

global food demand and changes in

produced, stored, processed, packaged,

food-consumption patterns due to rising

transported, prepared, and served. At every

incomes in some developing countries.

stage, food provisioning releases greenhouse

Emissions from enteric fermentation

gases into the atmosphere. Farming in

increased 11% in this period and accounted

particular releases significant amounts of

for 39% of the sectors total greenhouse-gas

methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful

outputs in 2011.

greenhouse gases. Methane is produced

by livestock during digestion due to enteric
fermentation and is released via belches. It
can also escape from stored manure and
organic waste in landfills. Nitrous oxide
emissions are an indirect product of organic
and mineral nitrogen fertilisers.


Javier Arcenillas, Environment & Me/EEA


Given the central importance of food in our

lives, a further reduction of greenhouse-gas

Climate change affects


Changes in temperatures and growing

seasons might also affect the proliferation and
the spreading of some species, such as insects,

emissions from agriculture remains quite

challenging. Nevertheless, there is

Crops need suitable soil, water, sunlight, and

invasive weeds, or diseases, all of which

still potential to further reduce the

heat to grow. Warmer air temperatures have

might in turn affect crop yields. A part of the

greenhouse-gas emissions linked to food

already affected the length of the growing

potential yield losses can be offset by farming

production in the EU. A better integration

season over large parts of Europe. Flowering

practices, such as rotating crops to match

of innovative techniques into production

and harvest dates for cereal crops are now

water availability, adjusting sowing dates to

methods, such as capturing methane from

happening several days earlier in the season.

temperature and rainfall patterns, and using

manure, more efficient use of fertilisers,

These changes are expected to continue in

crop varieties better suited to new conditions

and greater efficiency in meat and dairy

many regions.

(e.g. heat- and drought-resilient crops).

In general, in northern Europe agricultural

Land-based food sources are not the only

productivity might increase due to a longer

food sources affected by climate change. The

In addition to such efficiency gains, changes

growing season and an extension of the

distribution of some fish stocks has already

on the consumption side can help to further

frost-free period. Warmer temperatures and

changed in the Northeast Atlantic, affecting

lower greenhouse-gas emissions linked to

longer growing seasons might also allow

the communities relying on these stocks

food. In general, meat and dairy products

new crops to be cultivated. In southern

throughout the supply chain. Along with

have the highest global footprint of carbon,

Europe, however, extreme heat events

increased maritime shipping, warmer water

raw materials, and water per kilogramme

and reductions in precipitation and water

temperatures can also help facilitate the

of any food. In terms of greenhouse-gas

availability are expected to hamper crop

establishment of invasive marine species,

emissions, livestock and fodder production

productivity. Crop yields are also expected

causing local fish stocks to collapse.

each generate more than 3 billion tonnes

to vary increasingly from year to year due to

of CO2 equivalent. Post-farm transport

extreme weather events and other factors

Some EU funds, including the European

and processing account for only a tiny

such as pests and diseases.

Agricultural Fund for Rural Development,

production (i.e. reducing emissions per unit

of food produced) can help.

fraction of the emissions linked to food. By

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and

reducing food waste and our consumption

In parts of the Mediterranean area, due to

loans from the European Investment Bank,

of emission-intensive food products, we can

extreme heat and water stress in summer

are available to help farmers and fishing

contribute to cutting the greenhouse-gas

months, some summer crops might be

communities to adapt to climate change.

emissions of agriculture.

cultivated in winter instead. Other areas, such

There are also other funds under the CAP

as western France and south-eastern Europe,

aimed at helping to reduce greenhouse-gas

are expected to face yield reductions due to

emissions from agricultural activities.

hot and dry summers without the possibility

of shifting crop production into winter.




Global market, global demand,

global warming

Although not directly linked to climate

change, high concentrations of nutrients
(especially phosphates and nitrates) in water

In line with projected population growth and

bodies cause eutrophication. Eutrophication

changes in dietary habits in favour of higher

promotes algae growth and depletes oxygen

meat consumption, the global demand for

in the water, which in turn has severe

food is expected to grow by up to 70% in

impacts on aquatic life and water quality.

the coming decades. Agriculture is already

one of the economic sectors with the largest

Whether in Europe or the rest of the world,

environmental impact. This substantial

meeting the growing demand for food by

increase in demand will unsurprisingly create

using more land would have serious impacts

additional pressures. How can we meet

on the environment and the climate. The

this increasing global demand while at the

areas most suitable to agriculture in Europe

same time reducing the impacts of European

are already cultivated to a large extent. Land,

food production and consumption on the

especially fertile agricultural land, is a limited


resource in Europe and across the world.

Reducing the amount of food produced is

Converting forest areas into agricultural

not a viable solution. The EU is one of the

land is also not a solution as this process

worlds largest food producers, producing

is a source of greenhouse-gas emissions.

around one eighth of the global cereal

Similar to many other land-use changes,

output, two thirds of the worlds wine, half of

deforestation (currently occurring mainly

its sugar beet, and three quarters of its olive

outside the European Union) also puts

oil (16). Any reduction in key staples is likely

biodiversity at risk, further undermining

to jeopardise food security in the EU and in

natures ability to cope with climate change

the world, and increase global food prices.

impacts (such as absorbing heavy rainfall).

This would make it harder for many groups

around the world to access affordable and

Competing demands

nutritious food.
It is clear that the world will need to produce
Producing more food out of the land that is

more food and that key resources are

already used for agriculture often requires

limited. Agriculture has high impacts on the

heavier use of nitrogen-based fertilisers,

environment and the climate. Moreover,

which in turn release nitrous oxide emissions

climate change affects and will continue

and contribute to climate change. Intensive

to affect how much food can be produced

agriculture and fertiliser use also release

and where.

nitrates to the soil and to water bodies.


Virgolici Raluca, Environment & Me /EEA


Who gets to produce what and where is

In doing this, we must also remember that

a socio-political question and is likely to

farmers can play a key role in maintaining

become more controversial in the future.

and managing Europes biodiversity. They

The global competition for these essential

are also a critical component of the rural

resources, especially with the pending

economy. Therefore, policy measures to

impacts of climate change, is driving

tackle this highly complex problem of food

developed countries to purchase large

and the environment should take into

patches of agricultural land in less-developed

consideration agricultures impacts on

countries. Such land purchases and climate

the environment and its socio-economic

change impacts raise questions about

importance for many communities.

food security in developing countries in

Climate change and agriculture

Agriculture both contributes to climate change and is affected by climate change. The EU needs to reduce
its greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture and adapt its food-production system to cope with climate
change. Faced with growing global demand and competition for resources, the EUs food production and
consumption need to be seen in a broader context, linking agriculture, energy, and food security.

Agriculture accounts for
10% of the EUs greenhouse-gas




particular. Food security is not only a matter

of producing sufficient quantities of food,
but also of having access to food of sufficient
nutritional value.
This complex problem requires a coherent


and integrated policy approach to climate

From 1990 to 2012, greenhouse-gas

emissions from agriculture in the EU
decreased by 24%.

change, energy, and food security. Faced

with climate change and competition for

In southern Europe extreme heat events and

reduced precipitation and water availability
are expected to reduce crop yields, while the
suitability for growing crops may improve in
northern Europe.

Greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture can be reduced further by:

scarce resources, the entire food system

will need to transform itself and be much
more resource efficient while continuously
reducing its environmental impacts,
including its greenhouse-gas emissions. We
need to increase yields while reducing our

Better integration of innovative


Greater efficiency in meat and

dairy production

Capturing methane from manure

Reducing food waste

More efficient use of fertilisers

Consuming less meat and

other products with high carbon footprint

dependence on agrochemicals, to reduce

food waste, and to reduce our consumption
of resource-intensive and greenhouse
gas-intensive foods such as meat.



Between 2001 and 2011,

greenhouse-gas emissions from crop
and livestock production grew by 14%.


The demand for food is expected to grow by

up to 70% in coming decades.

Did you know?

Meat and dairy products have the highest global footprint of carbon,
raw materials and water per kilogramme of any food.
Post-farm transport and processing account for only a tiny fraction
of the emissions linked to food.

Sources: EEA, 2015. European Environment state and outlook 2015: Agriculture. Eurostat, 2014. Statistics explained: Agricultural
production crops (




Soil and climate change

Soil is an important and often neglected element of the climate system. It is the
second largest carbon store, or sink, after the oceans. Depending on the region, climate
change might result in more carbon being stored in plants and soil due to vegetation
growth, or more carbon being released into the atmosphere. Restoring key ecosystems on
land, and a sustainable use of the land in urban and rural areas, can help us mitigate and
adapt to climate change.

Climate change is often seen as something

In other areas, the carbon-containing organic

that occurs in the atmosphere. After all, when

matter in stable peatlands is prevented

plants photosynthesise, they draw carbon out

from decomposing due to the low levels of

of the atmosphere. But atmospheric carbon

oxygen in the water. If such areas dry out,

also affects the soil, because carbon that is

the organic matter can quickly break down,

not used for above-ground plant growth is

releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the

distributed through the roots of a plant, which

atmosphere (20).

deposit carbon in the soil. If undisturbed, this

carbon can become stable, and remain locked

There are already signs that soil moisture

away for thousands of years ( ). Healthy soils

content is being affected by rising

can thus mitigate climate change.

temperatures and changes in precipitation


patterns. And future projections show this

When it comes to carbon storage, not all

may continue, with a general change in

soils are equal. The most carbon-rich soils

summer soil moisture over most of Europe

are peatlands, mostly found in northern

over the period 2021 to 2050, including

Europe, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

significant decreases in the Mediterranean

Grassland soils also store a lot of carbon per

region and some increases in the

hectare. In contrast, the soil in warm and

north-eastern part of Europe (21).

dry areas in southern Europe contains less

The increasing concentration of carbon

carbon (18).

Climate change puts soil

under pressure

dioxide in our atmosphere may cause the

microbes in the soil to work faster to break
down organic matter, potentially releasing
even more carbon dioxide (22). The release of

In some parts of Europe, higher

greenhouse gases from the soil is expected

temperatures may lead to more vegetation

to be particularly substantial in the far

growth and more carbon stored in the soil.

north of Europe and Russia, where melting

However, higher temperatures could also

permafrost may release large quantities

increase decomposition and mineralisation

of methane, a greenhouse gas much more

of the organic matter in the soil, reducing

potent than carbon dioxide.

organic carbon content ( ).





It is not yet clear what the overall effect will

tillage involves less breaking and turning of

looked to the soil to protect homes. They

be, as different regions absorb and emit

the soil. However, reduced or no-till methods

adopted a number of measures such as

different levels of greenhouse gases. But

are often associated with higher use of

planting cover crops in the winter when the

there is a clear risk that a warming climate

chemical fertilisers, which can have other

soil was bare and thus at risk of flooding.

can lead the soil to release more greenhouse

negative effects on the environment.

They also left crop residues on the field to

reduce erosion. Such measures to restore

gases, which can further heat the climate in a

self-reinforcing spiral.

Agriculture and forestry to

keep the carbon underground

Similarly, because organic agriculture uses

natural systems have successfully prevented

manure inputs, it can rebuild the soils

muddy floods between 2002 and the present

organic carbon deep below the soil surface.

day, despite several heavy rainfall events.

Organic agriculture has the added benefit of

cutting greenhouse gases because it does

Flood regulation and prevention is just

Climate change is not the only thing that

not use chemical fertilisers (26). The UN Food

one of the vital services that healthy soil

risks turning soil from a carbon sink to a

and Agriculture Organization calculates

delivers. We may come to increasingly rely

source of emissions. The way we use land

that CO2 emissions per hectare of organic

on this service as extreme weather events

can also have a clear influence on the

agriculture systems are 48% to 66% lower

such as floods become more frequent and

amount of carbon that the soil can hold.

than in conventional systems (27).


Currently, the carbon stock of European

Interestingly, some forms of biofuel

There are many other ways that the quality

forests is growing, due to changes in forest

production may actually reduce the carbon

of soil will dictate how climate change affects

management and environmental changes.

stored in the soil. A recent study found

us. Permeable soil can also protect from

About half of that carbon stock is stored

that biofuels made from corn residue may

heatwaves, by storing large amounts of

in forest soils. However, when forests are

actually increase greenhouse-gas emissions

water and keeping temperatures down. This

degraded or cleared, their stored carbon

overall, because the organic matter is burnt

latter point is particularly important in cities,

is released back to the atmosphere. In this

as fuel rather than returned to the soil (28).

where hard surfaces (soil sealing) can create

case, forests may become net contributors of

the heat island effect.

Overall, the adoption of appropriate farming

carbon to the atmosphere (23).

and forestry practices offers enormous

Several European cities are trying to make

On farmland, ploughing the soil is known to

potential for restoring the soil and removing

use of these soil functions. For example,

accelerate decomposition and mineralisation

CO2 from the atmosphere.

Gomeznarro Park (30) in Madrid was

of organic matter. In order to keep carbon

Protecting cities with soil

and nutrients in the soil, researchers suggest

vegetation and underground water storage.

This solution has been replicated elsewhere

reducing tillage, farming with complex crop


restored to include new permeable surfaces,

rotations, using so-called cover crops and

After homes in the Belgian village of Velm

leaving crop residues on the surface of the

near Sint-Truiden were flooded with muddy

soil (24). Leaving crop residue on the surface

water five times in 2002, the residents put

before and during planting operations

pressure on the local municipality to do

can help to protect against the risk of soil

something (29). Floods of muddy water had

erosion. Such protection is essential given

become a recurring problem in the area as

that it can take thousands of years to form

water ran off bare fields, carrying sediment

just a few centimetres of soil (25). Reduced

with it. To solve this problem, authorities


in Madrid and across Spain.


Restoring ecosystems

If managed correctly, soil can help us to

reduce greenhouse gases and adapt to

The latest evidence is clear: restoring some

the worst effects of climate change. But if

ecosystems can actually help capture carbon

we fail to care for the soil, we may quickly

from the atmosphere. For example, actively

exacerbate the problems connected to

restoring peatlands has proved to be a

climate change.

successful response to the loss of organic

carbon that results from peat exploitation
for energy use (31). The fastest way to
increase organic carbon in farmed soil is to
convert arable land to grassland, according
to a study from the European Commissions
Joint Research Centre (32).
Unfortunately, some recent trends seem to
be going in the opposite direction. Between
1990 and 2012, the area of arable land,
permanent crops, pastures, and semi-natural
vegetation decreased in Europe (33). More
concretely, land take in Europe resulted
in a loss of 0.81% in arable-land productive
capacity as fields were converted to towns,
roads, and other infrastructure between
1990 and 2006 (34). Such urban development
projects often involve sealing the soil with
an impervious layer. Food security concerns
aside, this also means Europe has a reduced
capacity to store organic carbon, prevent
floods, and keep temperatures down (35).


Simona Ilascu, Environment & Me/EEA


Soil and climate change

Soil is an important and often neglected element of the climate system. It is the second largest carbon
store, or sink, after the oceans. Restoring key ecosystems on land, and a sustainable use of the land in
urban and rural areas, can help us mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Currently, the carbon stock of European forests is growing, due to changes in forest management and
environmental changes. About half of that carbon stock is stored in forest soils. However, when forests
are degraded or cleared, their stored carbon is released back to the atmosphere. In this case, forests
may become net contributors of carbon to the atmosphere.

European forests have increased in area

by 19.5 million hectares since 1990

Ploughing accelerates decomposition

and mineralisation, releasing more CO2

Organic farming can reduce

CO2 emissions by 4866% per hectare
compared to conventional farming

Damages resulting from storms, wind and

snow are estimated to affect 0.4% of the
forest area


Forest area affected by insects and

diseases has doubled in Europe since 1990

Respiration, decomposition
and mineralisation of
organic matter CO2

Forest fires in Europe destroy around

400 000 ha every year

Soil services:

Carbon transfer
to roots

carbon storage

Sources: EEA, 2015. European Environment state and outlook

2015: Forests, Soil; UNECE, 2015: Forests in the ECE region trends
and challenges in achieving the global objectives on Forests. ECE/
TIM/SP/37 FAO, 2002. Organic agriculture, environment and food
security (; FAO,
2015. Soil facts (




It can take up to 1 000 years

to form 1 cm of soil

Permeable soil protects us from

heatwaves, especially in cities

Soil captures
and stores carbon

Soil prevents
and regulates flooding

Higher temperatures can make

the microbes work faster,
releasing more CO2

Soil stores, filters and transforms

nutrients, contaminants, and water

Soil hosts a quarter

of the worlds biodiversity

95% of world food is directly

or indirectly produced on soil




Climate change and cities

Most Europeans now live in cities, so the choices we make about urban infrastructure will
have a large influence on how well we cope with climate change. More frequent rainfall,
flooding, and heatwaves are likely to be among the challenges that Europes cities will face
from climate change. We asked Holger Robrecht, Deputy Regional Director of ICLEI, what
cities are doing to adapt to climate change.

Holger Robrecht
Deputy Regional Director

What effects will climate change

have on cities?

Climate change places pressure on our

Climate change will have a variety of effects

and sewage systems. But it also places

on cities. The most likely effects in Europe

pressure on our soft infrastructure such as

are an increase in extreme weather events

our health systems. This is very evident in

like flooding, storms, and heatwaves.

events such as heatwaves, which are another

This could have a serious effect on urban

problem for urban areas. Cities create heat

infrastructure such as transport systems,

islands that are far warmer than rural areas.

sewage systems, and even food-delivery

Old people are especially at risk of mortality

systems. In heavy rainfalls and floods, the

in urban areas. This creates a new type of

danger is that our drainage and sewage

challenge for our health systems.

hard infrastructure such as roads, houses,

systems cannot cope. We have seen an

2011 in Copenhagen, which showed the

How are cities adapting to the

challenge of climate change?

disruption that can happen in heavy rainfalls.

Many cities in Europe have very

This storm led to flooding in houses, and

forward-thinking adaptation plans, including

it also damaged railways, roads, and the

London, Copenhagen, Bratislava, and

metro system. Heavy rainfalls can also cause

Almada in Portugal. If I could highlight just

landslides in mountains and hills outside

three, they would be Rotterdam, Ghent,

cities. These landslides can cut off roads,

and Bologna. In the case of Rotterdam and

making it difficult to deliver food and other

Ghent, these cities partnered with research

goods. We have already seen this happen

organisations to assess the places in the cities

in the Philippines and in Italy, in the Liguria

that would be the hottest during heatwaves.

region around Genoa.

They decided to place thermometers in a

example of this during the rain storm in

variety of locations, and even placed mobile

thermometers on trams. In this way, they
could detect the places in the cities where the
heat-island effect was greatest. As a result,
they were able to take remedial actions, such
as planting trees, to reduce the effects of
some of these heat islands.




Finally, there are also funds available: the

flooding by the Po river. However, it is also

What are the biggest challenges

that cities face in dealing with
climate-change problems?

affected by heavy rainfall and by heatwaves,

Cities face a variety of challenges in adapting

climate change. However, many cities are

so they face a triple challenge. The city

to climate change. Lack of knowledge

unaware of this funding.

government of Bologna developed a mobile

may be the greatest challenge. Many city

phone app, through which citizens detect

governments do not know how their city

One of the more practical challenges that

and report any kind of damage in the city

will be affected by climate change. Those

cities face is in organising their response

that came from any event such as heavy

cities that wish to take action to prepare

across administrative levels. Climate change

rainfall or heatwave. The app also allows

for climate change often dont know what

adaptation means making connections across

citizens to make suggestions to the city

actions to take or how to organise their

administrative boundaries. For example, if

government on how to prepare for any

response. And many cities are unaware

you look at rivers that cross different cities,

future event that might happen. The app was

that there is funding and advice available

the responsibility for water management in

part of Bolognas Blue AP adaptation plan

across Europe.

the urban part of a river might not even lie

Bologna adopted a very different approach.

Bologna is an old medieval city at risk of

EU has set aside 20% of its budget to help

cities and countries prevent and adapt to

with the city in question. Things can get even

and received funding from the EU.

These challenges are now being addressed.

more complicated for rivers like the Rhine

Is adapting to climate change on the

political agenda in Europe?

Some national governments have

and the Danube that cross several countries.

programmes in place to help their cities

Therefore, flood protection related to these

Yes. In recent years, climate change adaption

create adaptation plans. The UK government

rivers means cities need to experiment with

has grown greatly in importance. This is

has a programme called UKCIP and the

new types of governance between cities

because so many areas in Europe have been

German government has a programme

and countries. In the case of the river Rhine,

affected by extreme events from climate

called KomPass. At the EU-level, there is now

Switzerland, France, Germany, and the

change in the past decade. And the effects

an EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate

Netherlands all came together in order to

of these extreme weather events have often

Change. And the EU has created a website

plan retention areas for flood water. Cities

been far worse than anybody would have

called Climate-ADAPT, run by the European

and countries will need to plan much more

predicted ten years ago. For example, in

Environment Agency. Climate-ADAPT helps

in this way in the future in order to adapt to

2010 Cyclone Xynthia flooded many areas in

cities, regions, and national governments

climate change.

coastal France and left almost million people

learn about climate change adaptation.

without electricity. Last year, Croatia and

And there is a European-level organisation

Serbia suffered heavy flooding from rainfalls.

specifically established to help cities:

And in early June last year, a prolonged

Mayors Adapt.

heatwave was followed by heavy rains that hit

Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

At ICLEI, we organise conferences like

The storm then moved into the Ruhr, leading

the Bonn Resilient Cities conference

to damages and floods between in the area

and together with the European

Dusseldorf and Dortmund. Heatwaves have

Environment Agency the Open European

been another great challenge in Europe,

Day for supporting exchange between city

with particularly warm summers in 2013 and

practitioners. We also offer direct

2014. These events have made governments

climate-related services to cities.

and cities aware of the necessity to adapt to

climate change.




Mitigating climate change

2014 was the hottest year on record. It was also one more year in series of increasingly
warm decades. To limit global warming to 2C above pre-industrial levels and minimise
the impacts of climate change, greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere need
to be reduced substantially. Governments can set targets, but it is ultimately up to
industry, businesses, local authorities, and households to take action. This action must
aim to ensure that emissions are reduced, atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations
stabilised, temperature rises halted, and climate change limited.

In 2014, global temperatures were 0.69C

Due to their persistence in the atmosphere

above the 20th century global average ( ).

and the non-localised effect of concentrations,

Scientists agree that the warming is due

the impacts these gases have on the earths

to atmospheric greenhouse gases emitted

climate are global issues. This means that a

mainly as a result of anthropogenic

global deal to mitigate emissions is paramount

combustion of fossil fuels. This warming

in preventing the continued acceleration of

in turn causes climate change. Since

climate change.


the industrial revolution, the amount

atmosphere has steadily been increasing.

A global deal on climate


Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide

This year, the Conference of Parties (COP) (37)

(CO2) and methane are released both

to the 1992 United Nations Framework

naturally and as a result of human activity.

Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Combustion of fossil fuels adds to naturally

will meet in Paris to coordinate the

occurring CO2 in the atmosphere. Worldwide

latest step in the international political

deforestation amplifies this phenomenon

response to climate change. Building on

by reducing trees, which remove CO2 from

two decades of negotiations, COP21 aims

the atmosphere. Meanwhile, agriculture and

to achieve an ambitious, legally binding

poorly managed landfill play a large role

and global agreement on climate change

in the release of methane. Furthermore,

that will set targets on greenhouse-gas

combustion of fossil fuels also leads to the

emissions to which all countries should

release to the atmosphere of air pollutants

adhere. The agreement is also expected to

such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, and

include objectives and actions on climate

particulate matter. Some of these pollutants

change adaptation, focusing on vulnerable

can also play a role in warming (or, in the

developing countries in particular.

of greenhouse gases present in the

case of aerosols, cooling) our climate.


Miroslav Milev, Environment & Me /EEA


The European Unions efforts to reduce

by 8095% by 2050 compared to 1990.

greenhouse-gas emissions are working.

The UNFCCC intends to publish a synthesis

In fact, the EU is expected to meet its

report of these pledges before COP21.

unilateral 20% reduction target (compared

to 1990) ahead of the agreed 2020 deadline.

To fulfil these commitments, governments

Moreover, the EU intends to reduce domestic

will need to develop and implement effective

emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and

policies. For example, the European Unions

further decarbonise its economy by 2050.

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) (39) is

But despite the EUs decreasing emissions

central to its mitigation efforts. It limits

and its shrinking share of worldwide

emissions from some 12 000 power stations

emissions, global emissions continue to rise.

and industrial plants across 31 countries

Government policies and

target setting

by setting a cap on the total amount of

greenhouse gases they can emit, and this
cap is reduced over time. The European
Commission proposes that in 2030 ETS

At COP15, held in Copenhagen in 2009, an

emissions will be 43% lower than they were

aspirational goal of limiting global warming

in 2005. Companies buy and sell emissions

to 2C above pre-industrial levels was

allowances, and after a year they must give

agreed. COP21 intends to adopt a new

back enough allowances to the authorities

instrument that translates this limit into

to cover all their emissions or else be

actions to be implemented from 2020.

subject to heavy fines. The scheme puts a

Alongside adaptation to existing climate

monetary value on carbon, benefitting those

change, efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas

that reduce their emissions. It also seeks to

emissions and promote the transition

encourage investment in clean, low-carbon

towards resilient, low-carbon societies and


economies should play a major role in this

international agreement.

The signals conveyed by governments to

polluters are clear: reducing emissions

Prior to COP21, national governments are

doesnt just demonstrate environmental

invited to publicly declare the actions they

good will, it also makes good business sense.

intend to commit to under the new global

agreement their Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (INDCs) (38).
The European Union and its Member
States have already submitted their
INDCs, committing to reducing domestic
greenhouse-gas emissions by at least 40% by
2030 compared to 1990. This binding target
will be achieved by the EU as a whole. This
target is also in line with the EU objective to
reduce its own greenhouse-gas emissions




Energy and materials use

Cities and households must

also play their part

Anything not needed in a certain process is

recycled and transformed for use elsewhere.

The environmental impact of industrial

Waste products resulting from one process

activity comes mainly from energy

become the building blocks of a new one,

Climate-change mitigation is not just about

consumption, chemical production

and the whole system runs on energy from

industry meeting or going beyond targets.

processes, and the use of resources in

the sun.

At national, local, and individual levels we all

industrial production. Until recently, it was

have a role to play. Cities and households in

assumed that greater economic prosperity

Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly

particular need to act to reduce emissions.

and growth were intrinsically linked with

used to understand how such reuse and

greater negative environmental impacts.

recycling of energy and materials can

Cities are on the frontline of the fight against

However, in the last two decades, some

contribute to emission reductions.

climate change. In March 2015, leaders of

developed countries have started breaking

LCA considers total energy use and

30 European cities agreed to use their

this link between economic growth and the

emissions to air, water, and land as

EUR 10 billion per year collective purchasing

use of energy and materials. These countries

indicators of potential environmental harm.

power to buy eco-friendly goods and services

have been using less material and energy to

Incorporating LCA into decision-making can

in emissions-heavy sectors such as transport,

produce the same value of output, while also

bring about environmental benefits and cost

domestic heating, and energy supply (43).

reducing the amount of carbon released per

savings, while encouraging more economic,

This initiative complements the Covenant

unit of energy. These phenomena

and less-polluting alternatives.

of Mayors (44), a European movement

within which local and regional authorities

of dematerialisation and decarbonisation

have led to reductions in greenhouse-gas

Other sectors must also play a role in future

voluntarily commit to increase energy

emissions. The technological and

emissions reductions. The European Council

efficiency and the use of renewable energy

behavioural drivers behind this decoupling

has agreed to further reduce emissions

resources on their territories. Currently

can help developing countries to mitigate

from sectors not covered by the ETS by 30%

numbering 6 279 signatories, its aim is to

their emissions as their economies grow.

compared to 2005. The EUs Effort Sharing

meet and exceed the EUs 20% emissions

Decision (ESD) ( ) establishes binding annual

reduction objective by 2020.


The energy supply industry traditionally

targets for individual Member States until

relied on the combustion of high-carbon

2020 for all the emissions of these sectors,

Households are also vital. Consumption

fossil fuels to generate electricity. However,

such as transport, buildings, agriculture

patterns can affect emissions both directly

the ongoing switch in the short term to more

and waste. Transport is the main source of

and indirectly. Between 2000 and 2007,

efficient natural gas burning technology,

emissions that is not covered by the EU-ETS.

households increasingly purchased goods

combined with the growth of renewable

Emission reductions in the transport sector

and services with reduced environmental

energy sources, points to a future where

remain limited (41), while projected emissions

pressures per Euro spent (45). In particular,

this sectors emissions continue to decline

reductions under current policies in the

more environmentally-friendly housing,

beyond current targets.

agricultural sector are also limited (42).

water, transport, food, non-alcoholic

beverages, electricity, and other fuels were

In the manufacturing sector, lessons may

purchased in this period. However, the

be learnt from nature. Industrial ecology is

increase in total expenditure in many of

a field of study that considers the parallels

these consumption categories may have

between industrial and natural systems, and

offset the gains.

suggests features that industry could adopt.

For example, in nature no material is wasted.


Ciobanu Florentin, Environment & Me /EEA


Such changes in consumption, along with

It is clear that emissions from economic

improvements in production processes

activities are closely linked to our

and services, have resulted in reductions

consumption patterns. Local authorities,

in greenhouse-gas emissions across all

households, and individuals can all exert

consumption categories measured. However,

pressure on existing production systems.

further efficiency gains and a shift towards

Reducing our consumption, and consuming

less environmentally-intensive consumption

products and services that have less severe

are needed if global consumption overall

impacts on the environment will cause a shift

continues to increase. Moreover, the

in the way these products and services are

impact of European consumption of goods

produced and sold. Ultimately, climate action

manufactured outside the EU cannot be

starts at home.


From global targets to action

on the ground
Overall, the message is clear. A climate deal
at COP21 is essential. It will go a long way to
set targets for emissions reductions and to
give clear indications about what needs to be
done on both climate-change mitigation and
adaptation. Agreeing on emission-reduction
targets alone cannot halt climate change.
To achieve such targets, well-designed,
ambitious, and binding policies leading
to emissions reductions are necessary.
These policies should provide the catalyst
for industry and households to reduce
emissions throughout the production and
consumption process.


Dare Ferjan, Environment & Me/EEA


Mitigating climate change

The international community has agreed to limit the global average temperature increase to 2C above
pre-industrial times. Scientific studies show that, to increase our chances of limiting the average temperature
increase to 2C, global emissions have to peak in 2020, and then start declining. Global emissions in 2050
have to be 40 to 70% lower than in 2010 and they have to fall to near zero or below by 2100.

EU greenhouse-gas emissions and reduction targets,

excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF)



Peak around 2020





-80% to -95%


EU greenhouse-gas emissions by sector, excluding LULUCF





Energy sector


40% reduction,
compared to 2010



70% reduction,
compared to 2010







Gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent, including LULUCF

The European Unions efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions are working. In fact, the EU is expected
to meet its unilateral 20% reduction target (compared to 1990) ahead of the agreed 2020 deadline.
Moreover, the EU intends to reduce domestic emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and further decarbonise
its economy by 2050. The EU currently emits around 10% of global greenhouse-gas emissions.







Notes: (1) World GHG emissions 18601970 are estimated based on EDGAR data and Global CO2 emissions,
18602006 figure in climate change mitigation chapter of SOER 2010. (2) The EU long-term pathway on the right
(in black) is only indicative as the EU target for 2050 excludes the net impact of LULUCF.






Sources: EEA, 2014. Annual EU greenhouse gas inventory 19902012 and inventory report 2014; EEA, 2010. Mitigating climate change SOER 2010 thematic assessment; European Commission-Joint Research Centre, 2014. Global Emissions EDGAR v4.2 FT2012 (November
2014); IPCC, 2014. Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC.
Read more: EEA Report Trends and projections in Europe.



Climate change and investments

Measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change are often considered to be expensive,
and are seen as an additional burden on the economy. But European countries are already
spending public and private funds on research, infrastructure, agriculture, energy,
transport, urban development, social protection, health, and nature conservation. We
can ensure that our existing expenditure on these areas favours climate-friendly and
sustainable options that will help to create new jobs.

Climate change will affect us in a variety

In order to prevent or minimise some of the

of ways, whether through increased air

future costs to our society, economy, and

pollution, acidification of oceans, or flooded

environment, we need to take action. This

homes and fields. Some damage costs, such

raises the following questions: how much do

as economic loss due to damaged property

we need to invest and in what areas?

from floods, are relatively easy to quantify

in monetary terms. But other costs are

Investing in infrastructure

more difficult to estimate. Can we put an

accurate price tag on potential ill health or

Worldwide, we are consuming increasingly

future reductions in crop productivity due to

more resources. We need more food,

climate change?

land, and water to feed a growing global

population, and we need more energy

Despite such difficulties and the

to heat homes and to fuel our cars. Our

uncertainties linked to climate change, the

increasing levels of consumption are being

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

met by unsustainable production patterns,

(IPCC) estimates the likely economic loss

which deplete non-renewable resources.

caused by just 2C of global warming to be

This also results in more pollutants being

between 0.22% of global gross domestic

released to the atmosphere, water bodies,

product (GDP), even if strong adaptation

and land.

measures are taken. Once warming proceeds

beyond this, the costs would rise further (46).

The efforts to tackle climate change should

be seen in the context of a broader transition

Although we may not know the exact

to a green economy a sustainable way of

amount, costs from climate change are real

life that allows us to live well, while keeping

and we are already paying for them in many

our resource use within the sustainable

ways, such as damaged property, medical

limits of our planet. The European Unions

expenses, and reduced crop yields.

7th Environment Action Programme

identifies investments as one of the key
pillars enabling this transition.


Ana Skobe, Environment & Me /EEA


Decarbonising the energy and

transport systems?

Re-directing existing

both positive and negative for how

Combustion of fossil fuels is one of the key

Governments, businesses, and citizens

basic societal needs are met in the future.

contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions

are already spending money on building

One of the key ways that investments

released into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are

transport networks, power generation,

can help to tackle climate change is

also one of the key components of the global

housing, and consumption goods and

through infrastructure. Our societies build

energy system, meeting our need for energy

services in the EU. Although it varies

infrastructure to meet basic societal needs

in our homes, offices, factories, and cars.

among the Member States, government

Investments are critical in tackling climate

change because the investment choices
made today have long-term implications

spending in the EU is close to around

such as water, energy and mobility. This

infrastructure is often very costly and is

A total shift from fossil fuels to sustainable

50% of GDP (49). A part of this consists of

used for decades. It is therefore crucial in

renewable alternatives is not easy. It

investment expenditure (technically gross

shaping the way we live. Some investment

requires changes in the entire energy system

capital formation) on areas such as large

decisions might provide real opportunities

from production and storage to distribution

infrastructure projects, research, health

to transform the way we meet these

and final consumption. For example, the

services, etc. The same is true for household

needs, while others risk locking us into

electricity produced by solar panels should

or business expenditure.

unsustainable practices for decades.

be made available for use at a later date

in another location, and possibly another

So what kind of energy and mobility system

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

country. This can only be achieved if

we are going to build for the future? Are we

has estimated that the world spends

well-connected smart grids are in place.

going to lock our money into unsustainable

approximately EUR 4.8 trillion

Other systems such as the transport system

solutions or are we going to create the space

(USD 5.3 trillion) a year on energy subsidies,

will also need radical change. This will involve

in which sustainable alternatives can grow

mainly on fossil fuels ( ). The IMFs definition

replacing the current fleet with electric

and transform the way we meet our needs?

of subsidies in the context of its recent

vehicles, and creating new public transport

Public funding can play an instrumental role

report covers the unpaid costs of all the

networks that can address the demand for

here by providing incentives and sending

environmental damage caused by fossil

mobility by offering alternatives to driving

green signals to the market. For example,

fuels. In the same report, the IMF estimates

in private cars. When taken altogether, the

the decision to shift public funds from fossil

direct subsidies (i.e. government policies

investment needs to bring about these

fuels towards renewable energy generation

underwriting oil, gas, and coal production or

changes could be massive.

would send a clear signal not only to energy


consumption) to amount to approximately


producers, but also to researchers and

EUR 460 billion globally (USD 500 billion).

According to European Commission ( )

Such subsidies might result in unintended

estimates, making the EUs energy and

outcomes, where long-term investment

transport systems low carbon will require

In line with its Europe 2020 Strategy, the EU

decisions concerning our energy

around EUR 270 billion of additional public

allocates nearly EUR 1 trillion for sustainable

infrastructure continue to favour fossil fuels.

and private investment per year for the

growth, jobs, and competitiveness in its

next 40 years. This additional amount

multiannual budget for 20142020. At least

corresponds to around 1.5% of EU GDP

20% of this multiannual budget will be spent

similar to the IPCCs climate change

on transforming Europe into a low-carbon

economic loss estimate of 0.22% of global

and climate-resilient economy. To achieve

GDP by 2050. So will investors act now to

this goal, climate objectives have been

minimise future impacts?

included in relevant EU policies and

energy users.




programmes such as structural funds,

Some sectors and communities will

With higher awareness levels, some

research, agriculture, maritime policy,

undoubtedly be affected by this shift and

communities and businesses are also

fisheries, and the LIFE programme on nature

re-channelling of funds towards sustainable

deliberately divesting or opting out of

conservation and climate action (50).

alternatives. Governments will need to use

unsustainable solutions in favour of

social policies to support those affected

supporting niche innovations. Investing in

These funds are complemented by public

by this transition. Governments and

environmental innovation and research

expenditure at national, regional, and local

public authorities will also need to adjust

would not only help the EU to adopt cleaner

levels in the EU Member States, as well as by

to changing realities. For example, a total

technologies and build a sustainable future,

private sector investments (e.g. businesses,

divestment from fossil fuels would also imply

it would also boost the EUs economy and

pension schemes, households). There

reduced tax revenues and royalties from

competitiveness. Europe can reap the

are also global funding channels, such

these sectors. It would also imply downsizing

benefits of being a global leader in

as the Green Climate Fund set up under

in the affected sectors and likely job losses.

eco-industries by exporting its technology

the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework

and know-how to help meet the anticipated

Convention on Climate Change), aimed

In some ways, change is already underway.

growth in global demand in energy, mobility,

at helping developing countries to adapt

Despite the economic crisis that affected

and housing.

to climate change impacts and to adopt

the European economy from 2008 onwards,

mitigation measures.

eco-industries (e.g. renewable energy,

It is true that a transition to a green economy

wastewater treatment, and recycling) in the

will take time. But the earlier we act, the

European Union continue to grow. Between

lower will be the costs and the greater will be

2000 and 2012, eco-industries grew by more

the benefits.

The opportunity ahead

We know that we need to invest to meet

than 50% in terms of value added and by

growing demand in some areas. According to

almost 1.4 million additional jobs to reach a

the New Climate Economy report ( ), global

workforce of 4.3 million, while the rest of the

energy use is projected to grow by between

economy showed otherwise relatively flat

20% and 35% in the next 15 years. To meet

growth and stagnant employment rates in

this demand, more than EUR 41 trillion will

this period. This boom in eco-industry jobs

be required between 2015 and 2030 for key

could equally be seen as part of an evolving

categories of energy infrastructure. Given that

and competitive workforce, with fewer

energy production and use already account for

people working in unsustainable sectors

two-thirds of global greenhouse-gas emissions,

(e.g. coal extraction).


the type of energy sources we invest today will

largely determine whether we will succeed in
limiting global warming to 2C or not.


Keith Arkins, Environment & Me /EEA


Further reading
EEA sources
EEA report Europes environment state and outlook 2015 (SOER 2015)
The Synthesis report; European briefings: in particular Climate change impacts and
adaptation, Mitigating climate change, Soil and Agriculture; Global megatrends: in
particular Diverging population trends, Intensified global competition for resources, and
Increasingly severe consequences of climate change; Cross-country comparisons:
in particular Mitigating climate change.
EEA report on National adaptation policy processes in European countries (2014)
EEA report on Adaptation of transport to climate change in Europe (2014)
Environmental indicator report 2014
EEA report State of Europes seas (2015)
EEA report Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 19902012 and inventory
report 2014
EEA report Trends and projections in Europe 2014
EEA indicators, in particular indicators on climate change, agriculture, energy, soil, and
coasts and seas
European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT

External sources
European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Mayors Adapt, an initiative of the European Commission to encourage adaptation in cities
ICLEI, a global cities network that promotes sustainability in cities
World Health Organization Europe
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Environment & Me
The European Environment Agency invited European citizens to share their thoughts,
concerns and views in a photography competition Environment & Me. The EEA received
more than 800 photographs, depicting a personal or a generic story, focusing on a wide
range of environmental topics. A selection of the entries are used in Signals 2015, Europes
Environment state and outlook 2015 (SOER 2015) as well as in other EEA outputs.
More information on Environment & Me is available at
To view the finalists, please visit our Flickr account at


Giovanni Cultrera, Environment & Me/EEA



26 (original source PESETA study

by JRC)











































Vclav Matouek, Environment & Me /EEA


The European Environment Agency (EEA)

publishes Signals annually, providing
a snapshot of issues of interest to the


EEA Signals 2015

environmental debate and the wider public.

Signals 2015 focuses on climate change.
Our climate is changing. Global average

EEA Signals 2015

temperatures are increasing, sea levels are

rising, precipitation patterns are changing,
and extreme weather events are becoming
more frequent and severe. In a series of
short articles and interviews, Signals 2015
presents an overview of what causes
climate change and what climate change
means for human health, the environment,
and the economy.

Living in a changing climate

European Environment Agency

Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Tel: +45 33 36 71 00
Ursula Bach/City of Copenhagen


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