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1. High glycemic food for breakfast and post-workout. (Not Pre-workout)

Create a short-term spike of insulin shoot free testosterone directly into
your muscle cells making insane new growth

2. Do 3 SETS (15-20reps) of high volume SQUATS before each workout

for 1 week.
Boost your growth

3. Tips for Daily Eating

Lean Protein
Unprocessed carbs
Fruits and vegetables everyday
Good fats with every meal (except post-workout)
Eat the bulk of your carbs around your workout
4. Consume your Weight gainer shake pre, during and post-workout.
Increase anabolic environment for more growth

5. Every 4th day, forget about food. Dont try to eat 6 or 8 times a day.
Eat what you want, when you want, and dont take any supplements.
Let your body detox, let your mind go free.
6. Consume a lot of Water
Reduce stress on kidneys put by protein

7. Supplement with vitamin B-12

Optimize nervous system and you dont add bodyfat from all the calorie

8. ZMA 45-min before bed + Protein Casein immediately before bed

(Melatonin enhance your sleep for more growth, but should not be taken with ZMA
because of calcium)

Sleep better and maximize testosterone level for growth

9. Caffeine for an intense workout + Weight Gainer shake + Creatine as

Pre-workout(L-Arginine helps muscle pump which helps muscle growth)

Creatine boost testosterone level = More Growth!!!



BCAAs add more muscle, burn more fats and gain more strength

5-10g during workout to experience greater amino acid uptake to
build more muscle


3 Mistakes to avoid
i. Not setting short term, realistic goals
ii. Not tracking your progress
iii. Sacrificing form for ego

13. Naturally Increase Growth Hormone To Build Muscle And

Burn Fat Fast:
i. The shorter your rest periods, the more lactic acid youll produce
and the greater your growth hormone response. Keep your rest
periods under one minute to naturally increase growth hormone
and build more muscle.
ii. Keep your reps at 812 but dont be afraid to go much, much
iii. Squeeze your target muscle for 12 seconds before lowering the
weight and repeating for the next rep. Youll inject more growth
hormone into your body to build muscle fast.


Upgrade your Range Of Motion to favour full muscle growth


Mass Building Negatives Build More Muscle


Consume a lot of Carbs for fast weight gain.

17. Stick with compound exercises as much as possible for about 68

18. On the last set of each exercise, on the last rep bring the weight to
the flex position and squeeze for 20sec, put the weight slowly down.
(Do it for 1week, skip the next and Repeat!)


Always train lower ABS first in ABS workout, followed by upper ABS

20. Reaching muscle failure at 8 rep do 1 forced rep and lower the
weight for 30-60 sec.
21. Testosterone levels are highest around 7:00 am and again at
1:00pm during the day, exercise at these time to skyrocket growth.

Digestive enzymes support muscle repair and growth

23. Superset exercise to attack both fast twitch and slow twitch muscle

Use slower lifting tempos to increase muscle size


Focus on negative for more growth


Do No More Than 3-4 Sets Per Muscle Group

27. Use free weight and compound exercises for maximum

neuromuscular activation
28. Including both high- and low-rep sets in your workouts ensures that
you hit both your fast-and your slow-twitch muscle fibers
Lift 12-15 reps.
Without letting go of the bar, set it down, take two breaths, and do
1-or-2 more repetitions.
Continue the process until you reach 20 reps. Thats 1 set; do 3
sets total.

29. Training to failure will activate satellite cells and recruit the highest
threshold type II fibers to a greater degree than not training to failure
but doing more volume.

Try 2 week dumbbell only training.


Modify every routine after 5 workout


Regular eating 6-8 meals per day and double food intake!


Keep workout short 45min 1h MAX not more!!


Sleep 8-9h for recovery and decrease cortisol level

35. 1g vitamin C daily to reduce cortisol and increase testosterone by

20%!!! + Multivitamin daily

Drink Water + Protein shake to reduce muscle acidity


Add Olive oil to your meals

Good fats

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