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Anime is technically the Japanese version for animation. Sort of like a cartoon it is a form of
entertainment. Anime is also popular with adults that have interests in the some cartoons. The
eyes of most animes have huge eyes and also distinct body features. The cool thing about anime
is that the people that are in it share common ideas and experiences as we might, but then have a
crazy super power or shadow life as well.
Manga can be compared to the comics that are read in the United States or other countries.
Mangas come in all different forms and different styles. There are a large amount of different
genres and categories that people read in Japan. Manga series are usually made and if they
become popular enough then they might just become a full on anime. Mangas can be found at
almost any convenience store.
Ukiyo-e is the meaning of picture in Japanese. This type of artwork strives to capture the
essence and beauty of everyday beautiful scenes. Many of them were wood block paintings and
consisted of a couple different genres. Nature scenes and portraits became popular use of the
Ukiyo-e artwork. Western Art also got a large influence from this type of art work because of the
crazy strokes and beautiful art techniques that were used.
Akira Kurosawa
Akira Kurosawa was a famous director that lived in Japan. What makes this mans work so
interesting is that his work is much more popular out side of japan then in Japan. Kurosawa was
an assistant director for Kajiro Yamamoto before he started his own career directing movies.
One of his most famous movies was Among the Latter which was also the first post war movie
that was watched by western people.
J-pop is the term that is used to describe the common form of pop culture that is present in Japan.
This pop can include a combination of rock dance rap and soul. Most stores will divide the
music into 4 different sections. These 4 sections are J-pop, Enka, classical, and English
international. When jazz was forced to stop during the rule of the imperial army many other
different music genres were developed.

Hayao Miyazaki
The man Hayao Miyazaki was a famous animation director in Japan. Miyazaki was born in
Tokyo in 1941 and started his career in 1963 as a animator. This man was extremely successful
in producing many different shows and movies for the people. Miyazaki was also involved with
drawing manga and still makes films to this day.
This term refers to the area that is around Tokyos Harajuku station. This location is between
Shinjuku and Shibuya on the Yamanote line. Many people come here to go shopping especially
teenagers that are looking for the newest fashion styles. This area also has some adult areas that
people can sit down and enjoy. The areas all have a designated purpose. There is also shrine and
many art galleries in the area.
Gothic Lolita
Gothic Lolita is a term that is used to refer to the way some people dress in Japanese culture.
Lolita is a fashion that is growing around the world. There are different forms that are not as
flashy than some forms that the younger women would wear. This happens to be a interesting
style that is present in the culture and I think that it is awesome. Guys can also wear this fashion
if they want to be apart of it.
Pachinko is a form of pinball that is played in Japan. This form of play can be found in many
parlors through out Japan. The balls are rented to play the game that is inside of the boxed in
system. These balls can be used to win more points or balls and then they can be exchanged for
prizes at the parlor. Some prizes may include drinks or sometimes even really nice items such as
cd players and televisions.
The Yakuza is a gang that is affiliated in many different illegal activities. The Yakuza was
epically involved with under ground gambling and loan sharking. After World War II the
popularity of these gangs began to grow significantly. The gang is broken up into 2 different
sanctions that define them based on how they make a majority of their money. This gang is
really cool in how they have special tattoos on their bodies that are Japanese artwork and has
dragons and other things on them.

Yasukuni Shrine
The Yasukuni Shrine is a famous shrine that is located in Tokyo Japan. This Shrine is a
memorial that many people know about. This shrine is so famous because the great emperor
Meiji visited and said that all men that died protecting the county shall be worshiped here. Since
then more than 2.5 million divinities have been enshrined at the shrine. Regardless of how rich
or good they were all men and women or people that have died for their country are worshiped
Hiroshima is where the first atomic bomb was ever dropped during war. This bomb was
devastating and killed almost 80,000 people immediately. Later after the initial explosion many
more people died due to the radiation in the area. After August 6th three days later another bomb
was dropped and the Japanese surrendered.
Sushi is a type of food that is eaten by the Japanese people. Sushi was started to help the fish
from fermenting. This would end up preserving the fish and making a tasty treat as well. The
cooked rice that is rolled up into a special combination with different fish and meats packed
inside. This is a tradition that is from japan and has spread across the world to become a great
food that many people love.
The term bosozuku is used to describe the modifications that were made to many cars before
driving them. This term is also used to describe motorcycle and car gangs. There are many
different types of styles that the cars practiced to be cool. Some of these styles are pretty cool
and popular now a days in some cars. The cars that fit best under the bosozoku are the kinds of
cars that took on all the different styles associated with bosozoku.
A salaryman is a man that works for a corporation or is paid under a salary. This man follows a
schedule and gets the same amount of money usually. The routine involves working 5 days a
week and then usually golf outings and other social outings are planned for the weekend with
Examination Hell

The term Examination hell is used to describe the harsh tests that many Japanese students have to
face when they reach the age of 18. This is a set of serious tests that must be scored in order to
get into college. If you are unable to get a high enough score on the exam to get into the schools
that you want to go to then you can take it again the next year. Getting a high score will set you
on the path to becoming a worker for the highest paying jobs in Japan.
Ijime is the term used to describe a type of bulling that goes on in
Japan. This is known as a social illness that is present in many schools.
Some students have committed suicide because of being bullied by
other students. This is a serious problem especially if a person life is
lost. This is terrible and should never have happened. This career and
academic based society makes it so students are usually always at a
school or institution so it can be hard for a student to get away from
his or hers problems of bullying.
2 page paper on
Hiroshima was a devastating loss to the Japanese people. The
atomic bomb that was dropped on the city of Hiroshima cause the
instant deaths of 80,000 people. Many more people died after that due
to the radiation that was in the city. The United States saw this as a
way to exit the war and a way to end the violence. The United States
should have tried to find a different route in getting out of the war
because this had serious effect on Japanese culture. Many children

were burdened with birth defects and cities had to be rebuilt.

Hiroshima was not the only place that suffered a atomic bomb attack.
The city of Nakisaki also suffered a atomic bomb attack. This caused
the death of over 40,000 people and drastically ruined the culture in
that area. Since the American justified this bombing as a way to save
the lives of millions of Americans and the lengthy time of war.
The atomic bomb was powerful enough to disintegrate people
and turn most of them into ashes upon impact. There is a mound that
is dedicated to the people that died form the bomb in Hiroshima. Not
many people are allowed inside of the memorial Mound, but
sometimes they allow in a journalist. This first atomic catastrophe
changed the world forever. The footage that was taken in the area was
classified for a reason after it was filmed. Most of the footage was so
bad that it could not be aired to the people and would later have cause
problems with people feeling bad if something had been brought to
their attention like that. This bomb had directly turned the whole city
into a wasteland and destroyed everything in its path as well.

This bombing that occurred in both cities surely was not the right
thing to do, but in a way has prevented the world from using any more
atomic bombs since then. The bombs that were used changed the
world forever in a way. Since then it has been 70 years and no
countries have used atomic bombs since then. Many people believe

that since the world got to see the harsh effects and the terrible things
that can happen when these bombs are used it has prevented the use
of then in future warfare. I certainly think that the people who think
that it was worth it is wrong. The bombs were terrible and should have
never been used on anyone. The use of these bombs on japan is
believed to have started the inhibition of these nuclear weapons that
are present in modern day all around.

By looking at the photos of the destruction in Hiroshima I can see

that the atomic bomb certainly did what it was deigned to do. Left a
bitter wasteland the people had nothing to live for after being bombed.
Many people were actually vaporized into buildings and walls because
of the bomb. This is crazy that the bomb was able to leave a ghastly
shadow behind of a body on a wall. After reading more about the
bombing I found some points from it that were somewhat good, but I
still believe that the Americans should have found another way to
prevent such a massacre. It did change history for time and no nuclear
weapons have been used in war since then because the horrors have
been identified. Overall Hiroshima was a horrible sight and caused
problems for the people there and later on for our culture as well. After
devastating a county like that we had to help them rebuild the city
after that.

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