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Now we know whose interests Labour and the

Conservatives represent respectively. But what about the dark horse in this
election, the SNP? The SNP claim to be a progressive party and the
champions of the working class. They like to position themselves even to the
left of Labour. But if one examines their record, the picture that emerges is
quite different.
Consider the following examples of key flagship 'progressive' policies that
have 'championed' the interests of the working classes or the vulnerable
most in need of social protection:

The Council Tax Freeze. Sounds like a good idea. And certainly
welcomed by the semi-mythical 'hard-working families' of Westminster
politi-speak. Except for the fact that care for the elderly and infirm is
funded from council tax receipts and with Scotland's faster aging
population, councils are now unable to provide the level of care needed
as a result. So it is some of the most vulnerable in society paying the
price for this policy. But at least the property-owning middle classes are

No prescription charges. Again, wonderful idea in principle, except

for the part where it is a free fiscal giveaway not just to the poorest in
society such as those out of work or on low incomes but to those who
could actually afford it. Still, it polls well in the bungalows and the semidetached.

No tuition fees. Admirable in principle, sure, but how did the SNP Pay
for this? By cutting over 136,000 college places which were used mostly
by mature students and single parents from lower socio-economic
backgrounds. Instead, wealthy parents send their kids to 25,000 a year
private schools, and then pay nothing for university. To say nothing of the
fact that those kids have disproportionate access to university education
compared to poorer, state-school educated children. Talk about taking
from the poor and gifting to the affluent. I cannot even decide if
redistributing education and privilege is actually worse or not than
straight-up redistributing money.
Time and time again, the same pattern emerges. The kinds of middle-class
aimed policies that New Labour advocated out of electoral expediency under
Tony Blair to "capture the middle ground" make up the core DNA of the
supposedly left-wing, progressive SNP. Nor should any of this come as any
surprise. The SNP have more private school educated politicians than any

other party in the UK including the Bullington Club Tories who they so love to
So promises and 'facts' aside, whose interests does the SNP have at heart,
Think about that for a moment.

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