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SESSION 2012-2014

Department of Sociology

Directorate of Distance Education


Youth is an alternative word to the scientifically-oriented adolescent and the common
terms of teen and teenager. Another common title for youth is young person or young
people (Konopka, 1973).
The continued crime high rate in the U.S, despite massive imprisonment of
criminals, may be one of the costs of the rising inequality in the country. And in
particularly of the falling real earning of the less educated and perhaps the widely
increase in earnings inequality and the fall in the real earnings of the less skilled men who
commit most crimes gave young men a job market push into crime (Freeman, 1994).
Education has strong impact on crime ratio in every society. To study the
relationship between education and criminal activity from a different point of view, many
researches were conducted in past. Education also has a civilization effect, on criminal
activity. Education conveys a civic externality, a benefit to society over and above the
benefit to the student in enhancing his future earning power. Students are taught not only
to be productive, but to be law abiding and loyal to their country. The civic externality is
incorporated into an anarchy model where people choose to be farmers or bandits, and
schooling inculcates distaste for a life of crime. Estimates of the return to education are
biased down when the civic externality is overlooked. In particular education promotes
good citizenship. Education does more than teach skills to enhance ones capacity to earn
income. It perpetuates the values of society, acculturates people to serve their
communities, and promotes the virtues of hard work and honesty. And also suggest low
education is one of the determinants of criminal activity (Usher, 1997).
Identifying the factors underlying engagement in criminal activity has
preoccupied philosophers, psychologists and other groups of scholars for a very long
time. The issues raised in that debate have by no means been completely resolved, but it
is encouraging to note that significant theoretical and empirical advances in our
understanding of youth crime have been made over the past 20 years or so by
psychologists and criminologists (Andrews and Bonta 1998).
Crime is an offence against the values system of a society. The cost and effects of
crime vary among the various segments of the population, and touch almost everyone by
some degree and in general as the economic growth and development of countries

increase, it would be expected that crime level reduce. The socio-economic effects of
crime have been well articulated in the literature (Odumosu, 1999).
Crime is highly concentrated in certain geographic areas and among certain types
of people, and rises and falls over time in waves. In 1995, for instance, the FBI crime
index per hundred thousand persons varied among metropolitan areas from 12,319 for
Miami, Florida to 2196 for Wheeling, West Virginia. Similarly, within cities, crime is
concentrated in a limited number of areas or precincts. It is difficult to account for the
concentration of crime across areas or over time in terms of standard demographic
variables or measures of incentives. These variables do not differ enough across areas to
explain more than 30% or so of the geographic variation in crime (Edward et al. 1995).
Discussing about the environmental influences, poverty, education, parenting
practices, family structure. Communication weak bonds, more children, abuse and
neglect have all found to be associated with criminal behavior. Accordingly individuals
with low arousal levels and those who seek stimulus for low arousal are at risk of
developing aggressive and violent behavior (Schmitz, 2003).
Around the world the terms "youth ", "adolescent", "teenager", and "young
person" are interchanged, often meaning the same thing, occasionally differentiated.
Youth generally refers to a time of life that is neither childhood nor adulthood, but rather
somewhere in-between (Webster's, 2004).
This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a
temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of
the appetite for adventure over the life of ease (Robert, 2007).

Crime is an important problem in every part of the country according to current situation.
But, unfortunately it has been observed that the involvement of the youth in criminal
activities is increasing at alarming rate, which is bad for any nation or country. It is
understood that youth plays important role in the development of any nation or country.
Youth is energetic and quick decision makers and due to this dynamic capability it always
has been the heart of any nation. In this way, if youth begin to involve in criminal
activities then the development of nation or country begin to slow down. . So, this study
is designed to investigate the determinants of male youth crimes. So present study will

be based on determining the male youth crimes in Central Jail Dera Ghazi Khan. Keeping
in view all above aspects the present study has been designed to analyze the current
situation related to crime and the involvement of youth in criminal activities.

1. To find out the social causes of male youth crimes.
2. To find out economic causes of male youth crimes.
4. To study the cultural causes of male youth crimes.
5. To study the effectiveness of currently adoptive measures from jail authority for the
rehabilitation of criminals.
6. To suggest some measures for policy makers.

Nadeem and Durani (1983) in their study entitled socio-psychological aspect of crime in
Pakistan, for national institute of psychology, Islamabad concluded that most of the

people arrested in cases registered with police in Pakistan involved in crime against the
persons. Crime against persons were committed usually due to factions, feuds, land
disputes, petty problems and family problems. Age group for most offenders involved in
crime against persons was 25-30 years. Rural folk committee a high percentage of crime
against persons in Pakistan for the honor of self and family.
Mustafa (1998) concluded that all the murderers belonged to rural areas. Majority
of them belonged to poor families. Most of them belonged to agriculturist families and
majority was illiterate and less educated. It was observed that the rottenly murders were
committed to achieve Zan, Zar, and Zameen. Sometimes murders were committed to take
presence of any previous person.
Graham (2000) estimated that the moral statisticians Guerry and Quetelet and
continuing to the present, criminologists have repeatedly shown that serious crime rates
vary across geographic units. The most prominent framework for explaining this
variation was the macro social perspective, which asserted that the crime rate is a
reflection of social organization. Research on the regional variability in crime primarily
had focused on explaining Southern/non-Southern differences in homicide through two
theoretical models: the Southern culture of violence and economic deprivation. Despite
some inconsistency in this literature, there was considerable evidence that supports each
view. Studies examining variation in crime across cities and metropolitan areas had
mostly focused on two explanatory perspectives: social stratification and social control.
Peri (2004) examined the connection between unemployment and crime. He
studied on this subject that this connection ranged from the condition of the labor market
to crime: higher unemployment rates tend to determine a higher incidence of some
crimes. One tends, however, to exclude the possibility that the existence of crime could
reduce job opportunities in the local labor markets, creating unemployment.
Demombynes and Ozler (2005) concluded that there was great wealth inequality;
the level of crime was expected to be higher, and vice versa. However, as opposed to
what was claimed by sociological theories, this relationship did not necessarily mean that

inequality causes crime. Controlling for the benefits and costs of crime, local inequality
might not be correlated with the number of offenses.
Cahill (2005) estimated that the ecological approach to crime was focused on
the environment in which crime occurs, rather than on individual offenders. Therefore,
such approach was not concerned with individual motivations to commit crimes, but
rather provided a macro-social explanation of deviant behavior. Crime, according to the
environmental criminologists, could only be understood having a thorough knowledge of
the social, economic and geographic context in which it occurs.
Deller and Melissa (2005) observed shifting patterns in crime across Wisconsin
counties between 1990 and 2000. Building on the three core ecological theories of
criminology including strain/anomie, social disorganization and economic rational choice
theories. Author hypothesized that socioeconomic well-being can be used to identify
predictable patterns of change in crime. The data generally supported the notion that
higher levels of socioeconomic well-being at the beginning of the period were associated
with lower levels of both violent and property crime at the end of the study period.
Alessandra and Verner (2006) reviewed the recent literature on crime and violence
in Latin America and the Caribbean and presented a broad overview of the main ideas
and empirical findings. They provided estimates of the magnitude of the problem, trends,
and the manifestations of crime and violence in Latin America. They also discussed the
ways in which violence affects development, the root causes of violence and the
empirical evidence on the determinants of crime. The authors concluded by stressing that
preventive measures and innovative social policies were efficient and under-utilized
strategies to address the problem and called for both more research and operational
Mousumi and Zakir (2009) narrated that the analysis of crime and punishment had
initiated a series of theoretical and empirical works investigating the determinants of
crime. However, there was a dearth of literature in the context of developing countries.
Which Paper was an attempt to address this deficiency. The paper investigated the
relative impact of deterrence variables (load on police force, arrest rates, charge sheet

rates, conviction rates and quick disposal of cases) and socio-economic variables
(economic growth, poverty, urbanization and education) on crime rates in India. Statelevel data was collected on the above variables for the period 1999 to 2005.
Borlizzi (2009) said that the economic versus sociological theories explained the
variation in property and violent crime rates separately. Second, they considered how the
relative economic position of a community among neighboring areas might be associated
with crime. Both economic and sociological theories suggested that higher inequality
may be associated with crime. Economic theories implied that inequality may be
positively correlated with crime through its effect on the differential returns from
criminal activity versus legitimate pursuits. This suggests that there would be no
relationship between crime and inequality, if the benefits and costs of crime participation
were controlled. However, sociological theories of crime implied that inequality may
have effects on crime through other channels such as lack of social capital, lack of
upward mobility, or social disorganization.
Keeping in view all above aspects the present study has been designed to analyze
the current situation related to crime and the involvement of youth in criminal activities.
All these studies which have been mentioned above show the different reasons and
factors of crimes and their relationship with crimes. Some studies show that
unemployment, education, social inequality, wealth inequality, social disorganization,
geographic conditions and environment are the major causes of the crimes. In the above
studies the researchers investigated the factors that played important role in crimes. All
previous studies showed the different reasons/aspects of crimes, but no study showed the
determinants of male youth crimes. As we all know better that youth plays important role
in the development of any nation or country. Youth is energetic and quick decision
makers and due to this dynamic capability it always has been the heart of any nation. In
this way, if youth begin to involve in criminal activities then the development of nation or
country begin to slow down. In this way, I am going to investigate the determinants of
male youth crimes. I want to know the reasons of youth involvement in criminal
activities. So present study will be based on the determinants of the male youth crimes in
Central Jail Dera Ghazi Khan.

The study aims to find out the role of electronic media on people mentality and to find
the extent to which third wave has brought revolutionary changes in personal lives. It
explores how electronic media is playing its role in bringing and practicing revolutionary
changes in society.

Population is defined as a group of people who share common characteristics. The
population provides sample and the sample is used to collect data required to make
conclusions. The population of this study will be youth people in D.G.Khan.
A sample is called the subset of population.
The sample of this study will be 200 youth people.
Purposive sampling technique will be used.
Survey method will be used as a research design.
Data will be collected through questionnaire.
Collected data will be analyzed through SPSS Software packages.

This study will be completed within three months.

Alessandra and D. Verner. 2006. Crime and Violence in Development, World Bank
Policy Research Working Paper series 4041.
Andrews, D. A and J. Bonta. 1998. The psychology of criminal conduct (2nd ed).
Cincinnati, OH: Anderson.
Borlizzi, A., 2009. A contribution to the empirics of crime. Department of Agricultural
and resource economics. M.Sc Thesis, The Uni of Arizona.
Cahill, M. E. 2005. Geographies of Urban Crime. An Interurban Study of Crime in
Nashville, TN; Portland, OR; and Tucson, AZ.
Deller, S and M. Deller. 2005. Shifting Patterns in Wisconsin Crime Rates. By
Agricultural & Applied Economics , Staff Paper Series 423.
Demombynes, G. and B. Ozler. 2005. Crime and Local Inequality in South Africa.
Journal of Development Economics, 3(76): 265-292.
Edward, G., B. Sacerdote and J. Sheinkmna. 1995. Crime and social Interactions.
Journal of Economics, 11 (445): 507-548.
Freeman, R.B. 1994. Crime and the Job Market, in Wilson, J. Q. and J. Petersilia (Eds.),
Crime. San Francisco: ICS Press.
Graham, C. O. 2000. Explaining Regional and Urban Variation in Crime. Journal Nature
of Crime, 1(3): 261- 262.
Konopka, G. 1973. Requirements for Healthy Development of Adolescent Youth,
Adolescence, 3 (31): 2-11.
Mousumi, D. and H. Zakir. 2009. Determinants of Crime Rates. Crime, Deterrence and
Growth in post-liberalized India, Economics Department, Presidency College,
Calcutta, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata.
Mustafa, G 1998. A Sociological Investiation into the Criminal Behavior of Murderers in
District Jail Jhang. An unpublished Thesis of M.SC. Rural Sociology. Deptt.
Of Rural Sociology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
Nachmias, C. F. and D. Nachmias. 1992. Research methods in the social sciences.
Published by Edwards Arnold. A division of Hodder and Stoughton.London.
Nadeem, M and Durrani, M.A. 1983. Socio-Psychological Aspect of Crime in Pakistan.

National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Oddumosu. 1999. Social costs of poverty: The case of crime in Nigeria.Soc.Dev.Afr,
Peri, G. 2004. Socio-Cultural Variables and Economic Success: Evidence from Italian
Provinces 1951-1991, Berkeley Electronic Journal, 4 (1):30-40.
Robert, F. K. 2007. Day of Affirmation, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
June 6, 1966, Memorial.
Schmitz, M. F. 2003. Influences of race and family environment on child hyperactivity
and antisocial behavior. Marriage and Family, 65(3):835-849.
Usher, D. 1997. Education as Deterrent to Crime, Canadian .Journal of Economic, 30 (2)
: 367-84.
Webster's, 2004. New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition in world encyclopedia

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