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iPhone development
Unit 4 Assignments
1. Write an app that models a date book. Use an NSArray of two fields to store events: the first
field is the date and time the event takes place, the second field is a description of the event.
Display the event dates and times in a table view. When the user taps on a cell in the table view,
the description of the event pops up in a new view. Users should also be able to add and delete
events from the array. Save the event data in a plist so that the user doesn't loose events if the
app is terminated.
2. Write an app that uses a plist to hold the position and text for a label to be displayed in its view.
When the app is run, the label should be displayed in the position and with the text that is in the
plist. This means that the label will have to be dynamically created by the view controller and
placed on the view.
3. Add a user interface to the SQLiteDemo4 code. Display the first name, last name, and phone
number of each employee in a table view. Allow adding and deleting of employees. Make sure
that all three fields contain information before allowing an employee to be added.
4. Add the capability to edit an employee's data to your app (Assignment 3). You will need to wrap
a sqlite3 update query in the model and expose this method to the view controller. Simplify this
exercise by displaying a detail view containing the employee information in UITextFields. Use
a button with appropriate text to allow the user to confirm the edit. If the user taps the back
button navigation item, the update query is not called. Make sure there is a way for the user to
cancel the display of the keyboard during editing of a text field.

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