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Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


In the ever-changing landscape of pizza ordering, a challenge exists for
restaurants to reach a wide range of customers in an industry flooded with
competition. Whether those customers are Modern Comfort Cravers (our
definition of Pizza Huts target market) or not, one question lies at the heart of
every advertising campaign: how do we get our company to flourish through
utilizing new online mediums along with the tools already at hand?
We are Team 230, an advertising company comprised of ambitious, wellinformed and passionate individuals who have developed a plan to make your
company do exactly that - flourish.

Think back to your childhood. Mom and dad are exhausted from working
all day. Your baseball practice ran late that night. Think of the excitement
you had when mom dialed the phone and said, Hello Pizza Hut? Id like to
place an order for delivery! In 2009, Pizza Hut unveiled an idea that would
forever change ordering pizza with Pizza Huts iPhone application. Now, in
2015, almost every major competitor has developed their own application. It
is evident that pizza chains across the board are rising to the occasion and the
changing technologies. That being said, marketing of these new applications
has proved to be as paramount as the usability of the applications themselves.
In this plans book, we as Team 230 have devised a variety of ways to spread
the Pizza Hut influence to new users whilst satiating the customers that have
helped build Pizza Hut into the pizza powerhouse that it is today. Our goal
is simple - we want to make Pizza Hut an even bigger cultural staple than it
already is. How do we do this? Through the implementation of breakthrough
advertising tactics that will take this company to the next level. In the end, we
want the world to Make Memories. Not Dinner. With the help of Team 230,
that goal can and will be fulfilled.

Team 230


Closing Reflections


1. Intro & Summary
Introduction & Summary
3. Research & Analysis

Pizza Hut Currently

Taking a Closer Look

The Target Market

Meet the Modern Comfort Cravers

What We Found Out

Competitive Analysis

SWOT Analysis of Pizza Hut

Gathering Information

13. Creative Pitch

Creative Strategy
16. Tactics
Tactics and Implementations

Main Advertising Tactics

Usability Updating and Exposure

Research Team Budget and Analysis

24. Closing Reflections

Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Introduction & Summary

Through an intense research process into Pizza Huts history, we
found that immersing ourselves in a world of social media was
the best way to keep our goal at the forefront. How do we get
customers to actually use the new online mediums that Pizza Hut
has designed to make their ordering
experience easier? With this question
came a revelation: for us to truly
understand the market being targeted
here, we must become that market. We
must insert ourselves into their shoes
and take on their perspective to find
out exactly what makes them eager to
purchase Pizza Hut products.

gratification, and the way pizza makes you feel emotionally. Instant
Pizzafication can enhance any life moment and slow a hectic
schedule, all through the ease of Pizza Huts ordering technologies.




After a thorough period of research,

we shifted our focus to the companies that Pizza Hut is currently in
competition with. Whether it is Dominos addition of the artificial
intelligence Dom to make ordering more streamlined or Papa
Johns popular rewards program, we needed to pinpoint why
people should (and will) order Pizza Hut over any other company;
and more specifically, why they wont. We discovered that people
crave much more than just pizza. They crave the comfort that
enjoying a slice of pizza brings while immersing themselves in the
exuberant atmosphere stemming from Pizza Huts products. This
process would eventually lead to the creative strategy of Instant
Pizzafication. This whimsical notion plays off of the idea of instant

Working with popular YouTube

performers only adds to the
genius at work in the company.
All of our members fondly recall
that Pizza Hut was the first food
company to expose us to stuffed
crust. In terms of quality and
diversity of ideas going into the
oven, Pizza Hut is second to none.

With that realization came a

caveat, however. With all of these great ideas behind our favorite
pies, how do we let interested parties know of the ingenuity that
goes into every order? In the 1990s, all orders were placed over
the phone. Then came the Internet, which has become a major
marketing tool over the past decade. The next revolution was
smartphones, those little machines that constantly demand our
attention and influence our day to day lives. From there, we knew
that researching why people use certain apps or websites could
give us crucial insight into how the human brain connects itself
with ordering a product from places like Pizza Hut. And discover
we did.

Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


We discovered that using the website and mobile app as a launching pad for
ideas worked incredibly well. If there is one thing that people dislike when
ordering from a company, it is change; with that in mind, we established that
building off of mediums that users are already familiar with produces much
more beneficial results. Our strategy Instant Pizzafication along with our
tagline Make Memories, Not Dinner. will be featured in a series of print,
audio and commercial ads that will be viewed by the majority of our target
base. However, a revitalization of social media platforms will also play a role
in our marketing plan for Pizza Hut.

Social media presence is of the utmost importance to us. Without that, word
of mouth would take precedent over many advertising strategies. But with
social media in our corner, we can reach millions of potential new customers
and provide encouragement for people to become return users of Pizza Hut
With that, we invite you to explore our interface and the plethora of creative
strategies and tactics that it holds that we are certain will lead Pizza Hut to
the success it craves.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections

Pizza Hut Currently







From 2008 to 2010, Pizza Hut was at the top of the food chain in the online
pizza world, especially with their mobile app. Today, Pizza Huts online
orders have taken a hit due to competition in the industry. Pizza Huts online
orders via the mobile app currently stand at 43%, while the ultimate goal
is to increase online orders to 75% by the end of this year. In addition to
increasing online and mobile orders, the popular pizza franchise wants to
ensure that they are providing customers with a fantastic digital experience.
This includes becoming the number one choice for consumers for online
orders and orders placed through the mobile app. In the upcoming sections,
we will delve into Pizza Huts history, and take a peek at what the future
looks like.

Taking a Closer Look

Our research came with a few obstacles. First, we needed to truly identify
our target audience, which includes people ages 18-35 years old. Second, we
wanted to identify exactly how our target audience feels about Pizza Hut as
well as its competitors. Third, we needed to unveil the emotional attachment
between consumers and Pizza Hut products. We can utilize that connection
in developing a lasting digital experience. Lastly, we wanted to distinguish
which parts of the target audience actually utilize online ordering and
mobile app, and if those that did had prior knowledge of the Pizza Hut app.
knowledge of the Pizza Hut app.

Intro & Summary


Research & Analysis


Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


The Target Market

We refer to our target audience for Pizza Huts mobile app as the Modern
Comfort Craver. These are younger consumers who value high quality comfort
food and excellent customer service. More importantly, they expect a convenient
and fast ordering experience that fits in with their hectic lifestyles as students,
workers and young parents. With the help of Pizza Huts mobile app, these
Modern Comfort Cravers can have their customized order prepared and
delivered completely on their terms in a quick and efficient manner.


Analyzing the Target Market










To learn more about our target market we conducted a large initial survey. We
also hosted several focus groups along with individual interviews to better
understand the perception of the Pizza Hut brand and potential weaknesses in
the current marketing strategy. These findings, paired with secondary research
sources, helped us to develop a clearer view of our target audience and how to
effectively market Pizza Huts ordering technologies to them.




Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch




Closing Reflections






Research Breakthroughs

Early on in our research, we sensed that there was a huge problem with
awareness of the Pizza Hut app, or lack thereof. In fact, many of us on Team 230
were initially unaware that Pizza Hut had a mobile app. Our initial survey, which
generated more than 1,000 responses from consumers ages 13-35, confirmed
that 60 percent of those surveyed did not know that Pizza Hut had a mobile
app. Of those surveyed, 80 percent said that they had ordered food online and
another 40 percent said they used a mobile app to order food in the past. So
why, then, was Pizza Huts app not on their radar? This gave us an immediate
direction for our marketing campaign - we had to make these consumers aware
of the Pizza Hut app and all it has to offer.


Our research and interviews also highlighted important factors that influence
which pizza company these consumers decide to order from, most notably:
quality taste, low prices, ease of ordering, reliability, habits or brand loyalty, and
quick delivery.

Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch




Closing Reflections




Meet the Modern Comfort Cravers

Modern Comfort Cravers are young consumers that lead an extremely fastpaced lifestyle, which often makes them gravitate towards products that fit in
with this attitude, like fast food.

Modern Comfort Cravers Demographics

Modern Comfort Cravers are consumers aged 18-35 who have grown up with
technology and are comfortable using it. There are 74.3 million Americans in
this age range and they total 23.5 percent of the total United States population.
This includes all races and cultures as well as ranges of income.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


= 1 Million People

Intro & Summary


= 1 Million Modern Comfort Cravers (18 - 35 years old)

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Sub Targets

All Modern Comfort Cravers value the excitement and satisfaction

associated with pizza as a comfort food. To effectively market the
Pizza Hut app, we needed to break down Modern Comfort Cravers
into several subcategories. This addresses all of the various ages,
races, and sexes that the Modern Comfort Cravers label covers.


Closing Reflections

10% OF U.S.


1) Students/Yound Workers

These are the Comfort Cravers ages 18-24. Many are full or part time
students and often are the most frequent users of technology. This target
group is generally working with a lower budget, which puts lower prices
and a quick ordering process at the top of their priority list. They make
up 10% of the US population and total 31.5 million individuals across
the country.

2) Young Families

Comfort Cravers ages 20-30, especially those with young children, value
menu diversity and need flavors that the kids will love. This audience
puts increased importance on family responsibility and value healthier
options. They typically have a higher income and are willing to spend
more for a quality product. Family life generally equals higher stress
levels and as well as busy schedules and, ultimately, an increased need
for convenience. Value is placed on quick delivery as well.


3) Young Professionals

This target audience ranges in age from 24-35 years old. They are
career-focused and typically have a higher income, but those highstress careers equate to an increased need for convenience. Many in
this group are unmarried and living alone, and value quality, taste and
ease of ordering above low cost. This group makes up 13.6% of U.S.
population and 42.8 million individuals in total.


13.6% OF U.S.




Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


What We Found Out



Over the course of our research, we discovered that Pizza Hut has
not been cornering the market like we know it can. The lack of
knowledge about Pizza Hut compared to knowledge of Dominos
is alarming, but can be fixed. Luckily, these in-person studies
have shown us just how much Pizza Huts quality outshines their
competitors, resulting in repeat customers. The reason I order
from a specific place is because of the consistency if Im confident
my order wont get screwed up, Im going to keep ordering from
there, unless they screw up;
then I will try a new place,
one individual in a user study
told us. The consistent quality
that Pizza Hut delivers is
another thing we took into
serious consideration once
the creative sparks began to

During our in-person studies, we discovered that people value

pizza as much as other things in their lives like video games and
movies, and that discovery lead us right to our creative proposal
- pizza is something that our Comfort Cravers have grown up with
and have fond memories with. That being said, it is essential that
that emotional relationship with pizza will is front and center in our
tactics. It appears that building that bridge between that memories
and pizza for customers proved vital to creating repeat customers.



Competitive Analysis

As previously mentioned,
Pizza Hut has both direct and
indirect competitors within
the industry. Dominos, Papa
Johns, and Little Caesars all
pose a threat within the pizza
business because they are
popular brands. The more
indirect competitors that
Pizza Hut faces are the well-established burger based restaurants
such as Burger King, McDonalds, and Wendys. These fast food
chains have been in the market for years now, making them stable
competitors. A third competitor that is outside of the fast food
industry completely is the growing trend of eating healthier in
general, and it is surpassing all kinds of restaurants. Lets take a
closer look at each of these brands and identify what about them
makes them such strong competitors.


Another roadblock that we

uncovered is the complete
unawareness that a mobile ordering app for Pizza Hut exists. The
majority of the people who participated in our studies regularly
use smartphones with easy access to the App Store, where the app
can be downloaded free of charge. Less than half of those actually
order pizza via mobile app, but when they did, it was usually
Dominos. Brand preference plays a huge role in this situation.
Luckily, participants made it clear to us that it doesnt take much to
convince them to keep going back to a food delivery service.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis



Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


SWOT Analysis of Pizza Hut


- A major pizza conglomerate with a massive presence that stretches across

the entire country reaching all print and online media platforms available.
- A brand that is recognized by every demographic.
- Diverse menu options resulting in a flavorful nirvana.
- Exceeding 6,000 locations, Pizza Hut is one of the largest food chains in
North America.
- A convenient and easy to use mobile application and website.
- Healthier pizza alternatives like skinny pizzas.


- Lower website traffic rank than major competitors.

- Pizza Huts app notoriety through physical and online media remains
- Lack of concrete rewards program for consumers.


- Perks and rewards are given to consumers who purchase through the app.
- Commercials geared specifically to increase app notoriety.
- The opportunity of a Rewards Program, allowing consumers to be rewarded for their transactions.
- The ability to make Pizza Hut continue as the cultural staple it is known
for being.



- The ease and reputation of ordering through opposing pizza chains mobile
- The cheaper fast food options that are offered at various fast food chains.
- The reputably healthier options offered to consumers via Subway & others.

Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Gathering Information
Primary Research

Our Primary Research consisted of 1,101 surveys (online and paper copies), 7
user studies and 9 interviews.

Secondary Research

- Are Contextual advertisements effective? International Journal of Advertising.
2014, Vol. 33 Issue 2
- Legal and Ethical Challenges of Online Behavioural Targeting in Advertising
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. 2014, Vol. 35 Issue 2
- When New Commercial do not Meet Expectations Journal of Advertising.
2014, Vol 43, issue 4
- Nielsens March 2014 Cross Platform Report
- The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World- Damian Ryan, Calvin
- Marketing to Millennials- Jeff Fromm, Christie Garton
- Webs Of Influence- Nathalie Nahai

Budgeting Sources

Package redesign-

Posters and Flyers - Senior Administrator for Staples Inc.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Creative Strategy
As creativity and original ideas go, Pizza Hut pretty much has
the market cornered, from out of the box creations like a Honey
Siracha crust, to advertising genius like the Old World pizza
campaign to promote the new menu. The creativity already flowing
was something we needed to match and exceed. Our challenge was
aligning and surpassing the energy already coming out of the The
Flavor of Now and making sure it connected with our Modern
Comfort Cravers.
With the research into Pizza Hut and our target now complete, the
elusive Big Idea or Creative Strategy was our next challenge. The
foundation of all creative strategy and
tactics from here on out is creating
a vibrant connection between Pizza
Huts ordering technologies and a
brand new way of thinking about

Our overall objective was to boost
smartphone application and online
ordering to three quarters of total
orders with the target audience being
males and females 18-34 years old, or Modern Comfort Cravers
as we have dubbed them. The major weakness within Pizza Huts
current marketing strategy is the blatant disinterest in the pizza
chain by Modern Comfort Cravers, as well as no mention of the app

or website in the current tactics. Research showed that audiences

were generally unaware of the apps existence, making it imperative
that our team successfully showcase the new and improved Pizza
Hut website and application in each implementation. This needs
to be paired with a fresh, young take on pizza in order to connect
successfully with our Modern Comfort Cravers.

Creative Questions

After dissecting the situation and realizing our creative think tank
needed to be top notch, we got to work. Initially we developed a few
ideas that targeted young people in cities who work in professional
areas of expertise and are living a fast
and progressive lifestyle. We did so
by starting with the seemingly simple
question of What makes ordering and
eating a pizza so great? This question
offered many interesting avenues of
thought that allowed us to hone in the
connection between the instant joy of
eating pizza and the ease of ordering
with the application. In order to
understand the current market, we
had to understand the reason consumers love pizza, and what
shapes their reason for buying. Quite simply we asked ourselves
the question, why do people eat pizza?



Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch

Creative Findings

First, you cant beat the convenience. Ordering a pizza today and
having it delivered to your home or place of work is as simple as
it gets, and much easier than a drive through meal. Then there is
variety. Pizza appeals to a variety of tastes, as consumers can now
have pizza just about any way they like. Pizzerias cater to the idea
of adding to that variety all the time. In fact, Pizza Hut is well known
for its variety and constant experiments with ingredients. Second,
its a social construct. It is often the center of gatherings. It is a part
of our collective consciousness; its a tradition at certain events,
and an almost intrinsic part of our childhood. Pizza as a meal is so
ingrained into our society that it could even be considered a family
tradition on certain nights of the week or national pastime with a
pizza place on every corner.
From these collective thoughts, we came to the conclusion that the
best thing that a pizza restaurant could offer is instant gratification.
Instant gratification is ordering and knowing your pizza is on its


Closing Reflections


wont slow down lifestyle. We later discovered, however, that that

idea of instant gratification is ultimately very one-sided. Analyzing
demographics allowed us to see that while it is a good message and
an effective strategy, many people who dont live fast paced, urban,
or technology driven lifestyles dont want to associate food with
this instant approach to life. There is somewhat of a divide in the
lifestyle preferences between rural families and city dwellers.
After pondering this, we decided to add a twist to our idea of instant
gratification. We concluded that the more time spent ordering
pizza, the more distracting and time consuming it becomes. We
want to disconnect Pizza Hut from this idea, and instead instill
in consumers that ordering from the website or app is fast and

The target market, which is young parents and professionals

as well as college students, needs this easy access to an
affordable meal in order to meet the demanding nature of
their modern lives. Pizza Huts ordering technologies must
work alongside the target markets busy, cant stop and


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Tactics and Implementations

simple. This will allow you to get back to what matters, such as
enjoying a great meal with people who matter the most. Both forms
of ordering need to be represented as streamlined and efficient
because they are.

Creative Nirvana (Or The Big Idea)

Instant Pizzafication is the idea of being completely satisfied by

eating a pizza and being immersed in the moment. Its a moment
of complete relaxation and satisfaction as soon as you order all the
way to your last slice. Its how you savor the first bite and nod your
head in agreement with your friend over how great it is.

Instant Pizzafication connects you with those around you, and

makes you enjoy the moment. This shared feeling is the reason pizza
is so popular. Pizza Huts mobile app facilitates Instant Pizzafication
as it is easy to use, fast and doesnt take time away from enjoying
the moment. Instant Pizzafication begins the moment you use the
app. Its effortless, which opens up time to actually enjoy the pizza
and the people you are sharing it with. Feel the shared atmosphere

of eating something delicious and simple while creating a memory

within our social spheres. It is a meal that enhances and brings us
together during the simplest moments of our lives, and sometimes
the biggest. Instant Pizzafication is the original social media and
this is the big idea about pizza that Pizza Hut must focus on to
connect to their audience and target market in a new and fresh way.
This emotional and feelings based strategy will subtly influence
our tactics in terms of atmosphere, along with the tagline, Make
Memories, Not Dinner.

With Instant Pizzafication as our creative strategy along with our

tagline Make Memories, Not Dinner, our strategy will be easily
translatable to an audience of young millennials.

Pizza Hut is already fast and delicious, and the app and website
already make ordering easy. However the consumer needs to know
this, and be connected to this idea through strategies that involve
a play on our social connection with pizza. To help Pizza Hut reach
their goal we have created a series of tactics that will instill our big
ideas of Instant Pizzafication and making memories.

Social media however, is a constant in the lives of Modern Comfort

Cravers. While we want their moment of Instant Pizzafication to
be solely focused on the pizza and people around them, we want
to make sure they return to social media platforms to share their
experiences and strike up conversations about their connections
with pizza. Social media platforms are a place for young people
to express themselves in some of the most creative and out of the
box ways. They submit videos, graphics, memes, thoughtful writing
and opinions with the intent to share. After consumers have their
moment of Instant Pizzafication, we want them to keep the moment
going by sharing it on social media in their own creative ways.

Creative Conclusions



We believe that by showing the application and website as unintrusive and fast, Modern Comfort Cravers will be more apt to use
it. This will be accomplished in two highly interconnected ways;
by showcasing life moments in which pizza is used to enhance
experiences along with subtly featuring app and website use to
facilitate these experiences.

The following are a series of tactics that will best produce this
unique feeling. These tactics will play off of the weaknesses and
strengths found in our research regarding Pizza Hut.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch

Main Advertising Tactics

Print Media

The tagline Make Memories. Not Dinner. will be featured on a

series of print advertisements consisting of posters, magazine
advertisements, billboards, and bus stop advertisements, along
with online advertising i.e. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
The magazine advertisements are specially catered to the kind of
magazine they will be featured in. The photos in the advertisements
were created to look like a special memory such as a date, a get
together, or sports outing with friends to further drive home the
point of making memories, not dinner.

Audio Ad

We will create an audio advertisement featured on the radio, in

order to attract customers when they are most likely going to be
ordering, while on the move. The script for this audio ad would run
as follows.

The scene of a memorable event, such TIMELINE

as a graduation speech.
OF The
listener should be able to interpret this as a significant event within




Closing Reflections


seconds, and hears a whisper during the speech that asks, So what
is for dinner? A narrator would respond with, Dinner should be
the least of your worries. Order now or for later using the Pizza Hut
app on any mobile device. Pizza Hut: you make the memories, well
make dinner. This establishes a link between memorable events
and Pizza Hut in general, but more importantly it emphasizes
the ease with which families can take care of dinner and enjoy
important events without that lurking concern.

Implementation of Tactics Timeline

The implementation of the tactics that emphasize our ideas must

be a enacted at the proceeding time table below/above. The
website overhaul, app redesign, package rework and social media
campaign will be enacted immediately and run through the end. The
commercial and audio advertising will run during baseball season
(July through October) targeting the baseball demographic on two
fronts. Finally, the print ad media will be enacted in September and
run through the end in order to target students and professionals
using public transportation and highways during the 4th quarter
and fall semester.








Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Social Media
Pizza Hut already has an established presence on several popular
and active social media sites however they are not being actively
used. We propose a re-vitalization of Pizza Huts social media
platforms via a series of platform specialized tactics. These Social
Media platforms will all be used to spread the strategy of Instant
Pizzafication, each catering to the specific audiences found on
their platform with the goal of increasing audience/ Pizza Hut




The Pizza Hut commercial aims to play into the all-American love of
ball games, youth, and dreams of success. The scene takes place at
an indoor batting cage that a young boy and his father are using as
a practice facility. This appears to be a simple, rather insignificant
event, but when this young boys imagination and big dreams for
the future are taken into consideration, the viewer quickly realizes
that this practice is the most important moment in his life up to that
point. Viewers will be able to listen in on the young boys thoughts,
describing the practice as if he were a rookie in the World Series;
it is game seven, bottom of the ninth, two outs, two strikes, and
everything he has ever worked for is riding on this moment. On
the sideline, his mother looks on, fiddling with her phone; over her

Taking into account the trending hashtag #RelationshipGoals we

wanted to direct the attention to pizza, and its place in relationships.
Using Instagram, we have created #PizzashipGoals. Pizzaship
Goals is all about that feeling that you get when you take your first
bite of pizza, but this time, youre not alone. Youre sharing that
pizza with someone who is just as special to you as Pizza Hut pizza.
shoulder, the viewer can see that she is placing an order from Pizza
Hut but she barely takes her eyes off her family at during the order.
The scene fades downwards to show the Pizza Hut logo with, You
make the memories, well make dinner, followed by the family
enjoying their Pizza Hut dinner, post-practice. The message is that
nobody should ever need to miss a moment for the task of ordering
dinner. Placing a pizza order should be an extension of everyday life,
something that can be done while totally immersed in lifes more
important moments. The commercial will also air in the midst of
baseball season, which makes it both seasonally appropriate and
very appealing to anyone, from young suburban mothers to college
students, who are involved in or just enjoy the sport.

Pizza wont make your Monday night spectacular; its who you
share it with that will. Take out your phone, order on the Pizza Hut
app and make Monday feel like Friday. Take a picture while youre
at it and tag us!

Buzzfeed Quiz

We feel that a pizza-personality quiz on ever-popular Buzzfeed

would generate conversation about Pizza Hut and, more specifically,
the Pizza Hut app. Quizzes are popular across various social media
sites, and especially amongst college students. Buzzfeed attracts
over 175 million unique visitors, half of which are between the
ages of 18 and 34, and hosts articles that are quick, simple, and
often humorous. This makes Buzzfeed the perfect platform for
marketing a fun personality quiz to market Pizza Hut as fresh
and fun, and therefore appealing to college-age audiences. The
app comes into play because the quiz can be done on a smart
phone, which links the user directly to the Pizza Hut mobile app
to receive a customized coupon upon completion of the quiz. The
individualized coupons are an integral part of reaching out to a
variety of tastes and preferences to ensure that every customer
feels that they can find something appealing at Pizza Hut, and they
can do so via the app.

Pizza Feels

Pizza Feels will be a social media campaign based on Twitter,

Tumblr, and Facebook. Customers will share an experience in
which Pizza played a major role in making it both enjoyable and
memorable through photos, videos and text. Pizza Feels stems from
a popular internet phenomenon regarding feelings. We believe that


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch

Usability Updating and Exposure

Website and Application Redesign

After reviewing the current weaknesses causing the lack of traffic on

the website and application for ordering we recommend a website
and application redesign for usability purposes. The current
website for Pizza Hut does not allow for effective communication
between Pizza Hut and its customers. When viewing the page, a
customer must scroll to the bottom to see any social media links
when, in fact, those links are of extreme importance and should be
placed in the upper right hand corner of the site. This ensures that
the links are in the viewers direct line of sight as soon as the web
page opens and the viewer does not have to do any extra work. The
app icon should be moved as well, and placed with the social media
links so that there is an association between the app and social
media, and the app icon is clearly visible. A full-page advertisement
dedicated to social media on the front page of the website would
also be ideal.
With the implementation of a rewards club, which will be introduced
in the next section, there needs to be an easily accessible space for
customers to log in on both the website and the app.


Closing Reflections


Intro & Summary


Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


the hashtag pizzafeels, will engage a young audience and create a

warm relationship on these platforms. Content can also be housed
on several different social media platforms.


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Closing Reflections


Rewards Club

Pizza Hut already has an established benefits system for their

customers in the form of Hut Lovers, in which customers can
sign up for coupons. We however believe that a Rewards Club will
function much better with the goal of increasing application usage.
Customers can choose to become a member of the rewards club
where they can earn points by ordering online and through the
app. When the member has earned a certain amount of points, they
will receive exclusive deals and rewards. Rewards club cards will
be given out so they can use the in store as well. QR codes will also
be on print ads where the customer can open the app and scan the
code to receive a coupon.

Augmented Reality Pizza Box

Given the modern use of technology and the social media that
young audiences are so captivated by, we propose the use of
augmented reality in the Pizza Hut pizza box. This idea puts a
photo of a smartphone on the box with a close up image of pizza.
We recommend putting a QR code on the box allowing users direct
access to the app store to streamline this process. The image of the
pizza through the smartphone encourages customers to use social
media such as Instagram and Twitter to share their meal while
also featuring the hashtag of Pizza Huts choosing. The augmented
reality images will be especially appealing to the modern comfort
cravers and are an innovative way to encourage customers to
download the app. The use of smart phones in conjunction with
classic pizza boxes also bridges the gap between Pizza Hut and the
current technology that consumes the target market.


Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch

Closing Reflections

Research Team Budget and Analysis

Streaming Media: TOTAL N/A

Text and Image Based Media: TOTAL $553,800

Misc: TOTAL $20,000

Due to the variety of advertising tactics, there are several important aspects and
costs we need to discuss based on type of media.
Ad creation from graphic designer based on average graphic designer rates per
hour: $75 to $150 an hour 1
FACEBOOK: Post boost: $200-$1800
TWITTER: .50 to $4.00 per sponsored tweet/ $200,000 per day per sponsored
trending topic.
TUMBLR: Based on CPE/cost per engagement. This is specific to each particular
campaign and cannot be concluded through research.

Video and Image Based: TOTAL $553,800 (MINIMUM)

INSTAGRAM: IG is very secretive about the cost of advertising, but figures

of between US$350,000 and US$1m per month2 have been mentioned by
SNAPCHAT: $750,0003. Did not include in budget, due to high cost.
YOUTUBE: 10 to 30 cents per view4.
VINE: Vine accounts are free to make, however the cost would be in production.
To have a famous Viner create a Vine it would range from $2,000 to $10,0005.

Commercial: TOTAL $1,036,582.80

Commercial production costs according to the American Association of

Advertising Agencies in 2011 was $354,000 which was a 9% increase in cost
from the 2010 results. We accounted for a 10% rise per year since then in order
to arrive at a cost of $518,291.4 in order to create a national level commercial
advertisement. The commercial we are planning will most likely be longer
than 30 seconds. As a safe estimate I would say a one minute commercial is the
maximum and that double the cost would be the maximum that would cost.
So if we were to create a 60 second long commercial production would cost

Package Design Redo: TOTAL Up to $3,000

Add App image to Package & Pizza Box Redesign: $500 to $3,0006 to pay for
the designer.




Pandora and Spotify: There is no set price of advertising on these apps unless
you talk to them and design your budget together.
BUZZFEED: Pizza Quiz with coupon code: Buzzfeed articles and quizzes can be
posted for free after a user has created a profile on their site.
TOP 5 APPS: Rumored to cost 20 to 30 thousand dollars to get into the Top Five
on Itunes. Buzzfeed is free.

Website/App Redesign: TOTAL $4,000 (MINIMUM)

APPLICATION ADS: Ads within an application are based off of CPC/CPM or cost
for click and cost per thousand impression. We could not find any average CPC,
since they vary so greatly.
SOCIAL MEDIA ADS: Social Media ads vary as well. We need to know what social
media platforms we want to advertise on and how we will advertise on them.
WEBSITE: $4,000 to program and sign up for domain.

Print Media/Print Ads: TOTAL $1,273,189

MAGAZINE ADS: Sports Illustrated: $429,000 for full page with color. Cosmo:
$306,700 for full page with color. Game Informer: $215,489 full page/4 colors.
POSTERS: We want to re-design the inside of every Pizza Hut with new, eyecatching posters, menus, and flyers. This will cost approximately $300,000
through Staples.
BILLBOARD: Costs approximately $20,000 to $200,000 depending on the city.
FLYERS: $2,000 for 8 12 by 11 inches. These rates are for large corporations
going through Staples. (Staples source- Monique McDonald, Senior Administrator
for Staples Inc.)


Our Sources

1 -
2 - /nbtpfc3
3 -
4 -
5 - /pop-culture/2014/12/vine-stars-money/
6 - http://pack-

Intro & Summary

Research & Analysis

Creative Pitch


Closing Reflections


Team 230 has heavily invested itself into researching Pizza Hut as
a company along with a creative analysis of what will make young
consumers excited about using social media to order from Pizza Hut.
We have found that with the quickly evolving world of social media,
our target audience can find it challenging to stay present and in the
moment. Most of our interactions rely on social media, however finding
time to enjoy ourselves can be difficult. How could we as a team give
that back to Pizza Huts customers? By reminding them what pizza is
all about.

Through the tagline Make Memories, Not Dinner, our advertising

pitch centers around the idea of balancing a fast paced life with making
connections, being in the moment, and a feeling of utter contentment
when taking that first bite of pizza. All of this should be accessible
through a mobile app.

Our media campaign will be based on the idea that Pizza Hut will satisfy
your hunger and grow the relationships that can be fostered by sharing
a piece of pizza. We want to create the sense that Pizza Hut satisfies on
more than just the basic level. This pizza is a vital part of creating an
environment where our personal relationships can grow because not
only are we being fed; the customer is being well fed with a variety of
high quality options.
We believe this creative strategy, seen throughout our various strong
social media oriented strategies, will resonate soundly with an audience
living a fast paced life.



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