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11/9/01: Reading: Healing the Original



Friday 11 / 09 / 01 -- 7:23 pm

Wow, another lesson. Sooner or later you'll figure out that this isn't really about you, it's about us. Or rather, you
could say that your relationship with us has certain factors within it that expect reconciliation between past and
present, between known and unknown, seen and unseen.
We work according to a system of certain expectations, not to say rules. Perhaps there has been a perception
within you that you MUST do this or that or the other, and that punishment is expected if such goals are not
Indeed, a cursory glance at the history of these workings [in the Wilcock Readings] may seem to indicate that we
have issued such expectations with a sense of inevitable duty that is chosen "from above" and then commanded
to the physical self to carry out.
Nothing could be further from the truth, as ultimately it is the Self that chooses all paths in life, and we are simply
the arbiters and facilitators of self-will, thus enabling the deepest goals to be brought forth.
We have all experienced these times where we feel obligated to do something for someone, either physical or
non-physical. It is more important to try to be true to yourself, to live up to the ideals that you have already
espoused in your dealings with others, and to then expect others to follow their own paths without adapting yours.
The enslavement of perceived obligation knows no bounds within the developing personality, and such is
presently the case with so many aspects and facets of your society at this moment that it beggars the imagination.
One charged political example would be, "If something bad happens to you, then you should seek infinite justice
against those who did it, and against everyone who supports them."
Many requests have come to David regarding the status of this current conflict regarding the United States and
foreign adversaries. Keep reminding yourself at the deepest level that the government is not God and can never
be a stand-in or replacement for the God that is within. You do not have to feel as if anything is wrong with you if
you do not agree with all that is being said and done.
Remember the teachings of Gandhi who encouraged his people to think for themselves and create change
without the use of violence, but rather "peaceful non-cooperation." Lest you think that such passive resistance has
no power, remember that Gandhi was arguably single-handedly responsible for releasing the people of India from
the massive financial, social, political and spiritual tyranny of the British Empire.
Be aware that these choices you make and opinions you form do rest heavily upon your overall soul vibration,
since this is the time of transformation. Delve deeply into the idea of whether it is right to kill a much larger

number of people in revenge and retaliation for an event that happened upon your own soil, especially in light of
the example of Gandhi.
(Had India taken arms against the British in violent rebellion, they might still be a colony to this day.) Also be
aware that you can still love those who choose to disagree with your views and not let partisan politics become a
bitter schism that separates you from the world around you.
So in the large-scale arena of world politics, all does again come back to the drama of Self. The experiences of
life provide the grist for the mill of transformation. Issues that transpire between nations are but large-scale
dramatizations of the issues that occur between self and others.
And it is important that we keep our focus centered on the self, and how you can heal your interactions with
others and move towards a greater understanding.
Regardless of your opinions about world events, it is unlikely that you are in a position to do anything of deep
significance to change them. However, when you take responsibility for your own attitude and emotions from one
moment to the next, you are actively helping to raise the overall vibrations of the planet at this time, which does
indeed have a direct effect upon the consciousness of all involved.
Some of those around you will seem particularly charged with a sense of mission and inspiration, and provide a
role of leadership. This becomes the natural choice of all who unveil the true Self from amongst the miasma of
illusion, and it can become your choice as well. Now is not the time to "become enlightened" and hide out in a
cave; rather, it is to share that which you have experienced with others in whatever way is most suitable for them.
For many, a smile or word of encouragement is plenty, and you should never feel so high and mighty on your
spiritual quest for wisdom and truth that you fail to remember the all-encompassing importance of sharing your life
and love with others on the most basic level, without casting expectations as to who or when or how.
If you miss that most generic aspect of the spiritual quest, then you will be slowly dying inside and wonder why
things aren't going any better for you.
The stronger your desire to serve, the more assistance you will receive. Thus, resources are allocated to certain
entities due to their propensity to make use of that catalyst for further gain. It is as a byproduct of request [from
the self] that we move forward in such a manner.
Thus, "ask and ye shall be given." If you are one who has already filed such a request, then be prepared to see
how your life right now, exactly as you are living it, is indeed your ministry.
The catalyst for learning that you experience should never be seen as obligation, as we strive for unity amongst
the different layers of personality and soul so that a true coherence is established.
On one level, it is perhaps easier to post blame at a non-physical godlike entity for your feelings of personal
responsibility than to see that you chose them for yourself. It is easier to play a game of denial and separation
than it is to play one of love and unity.
Nevertheless, what we are really interested in at this point is finding the core of your true soul, amplifying it and
making it more and more conscious for you so that you can truly live out that which you were set here to
And in that strife, in that knowing, in that reconciliation, true awareness is finally shared in the personality
structure of the self with the deeper layers of mind, and with the One Infinite Creator.

There are systems of guidelines that are fairly universal for one who would follow these teachings. We espouse
these beliefs not to create a stricture for control, but a platform for personal advancement and vibrational
Our ultimate goal is to help you so totally find that God within yourself that you merge with it, and all illusions are
penetrated in the light of Truth. When this is done, you can step aside from feelings of lack of worth and selfdeprecation and truly re-embrace the Original Self that hides behind veil after veil of forgetfulness.
These incremental steps give you the opportunity to release the conditions through which you were born and
have suffered under. The realization of the destruction that was caused to your core by your parents and others is
only useful when it is combined with the understanding that this was all a product of your own choice.
Such experiences and difficulties come about only to mirror the ways in which you have treated yourself so blindly
in the past, such as in former incarnations.
The "Now" is where the power resides, and in that "Now" you have the complete opportunity to overhaul the
forgotten whisperings of desire for a better life and begin actively living it in the present. All of this begins with your
ATTITUDE and a sense of thankfulness and self-forgiveness.
To look back over the past with a critical eye is not the point; rather it is to see those experiences as having been
completely sacred, for the potential that they gave you to re-enact the union with the One Creator that you have
sought from the beginning.
Relax into an awareness of your personality distortions without feeling that they are a shackle or a binding that
you can never throw off. Understand that these distortions will persist to a degree as the teachings continue to be
assimilated on many levels.
It is not normally possible for any one soul in your current focus to completely undo years and lifetimes of
distortion in a short time, and nor should you expect sudden results or quick growth.
The process of the balancing of the self involves repeated cycles of realization of a particular inconsistency, the
taking of steps to alleviate that inconsistency and the repetition of the realization / action process once more.
Some of the experiences that have the greatest learning potential are those with the greatest difficulty. In earlier
stages of your spiritual education it was quite easy for you to see many events in your life as meaningful, but then
when the most difficult periods came along you would say, "That's just the way it is" or "I got screwed over" or
"Some guys have all the luck, some guys get all the pain."
The fact of the matter is that the majority of souls who are actively working their spiritual path at this time and
place have long since moved past the point of what we would call random catalyst, meaning that things occur in
their lives that are of a difficult nature but are not precisely planned and calibrated in advance for their learning
Great strides can be made in your awareness when you see how pre-determined much of your life's events are.
Now this predetermination may not be something that was planned years in advance, though this is more often
the case than many of you would ever think. A number of events can and do get planned under much smaller
windows of time, in order to best respond to your immediate needs.
This is why we stress again the importance of dreamwork, as every dream is an intervention that is best suited for

your needs at that particular time -- and such a requirement will remain ongoing for as long as you reside within
your physical body.
The dreams will help you to understand why the difficult events in your life are happening so that you can learn
from them. And they will also cultivate humility, by not letting you run away with the idea that you have suddenly
finished all of your work and can relax.
The short time remaining for you on Earth in the present cycle is a time that will be used to its maximal benefit,
and you can fully expect that there will be many challenges. Yet, you should also remember that the challenges
placed before you are carefully calibrated so as to not exceed the capacity with which you possess to solve them.
Truly, it may be said that a great deal of the apparent randomness of your life is actually quite intentional, and
remains as the next viable opportunity for you to have a major healing of the past. We define "healing" as that
which removes any of the blockages from recognizing the existence of God within the self, and then becoming
that Self.
The struggle of the apparent separation from God is re-enacted within the self constantly; this is why we refer to it
as the Original Wound. As is often stated, the Original Wound is the illusory perception of separation from God. If
you feel that God has abandoned you, then it makes it very difficult for you to live in the world.
There is a sense of loss, of abandonment, of violation, of anger, of victimization. Great loneliness comes up for
you as well, since you realize that God definitely exists yet seems notably absent. All it takes is one person, one
event, one moment, one situation to ready the self for a re-enactment of that original pain, and off you go on
another tirade of useless turmoil and self-inflicted vibrational damage.
Understand that these are typically subconscious processes, and bringing this struggle to the level of the
conscious mind is a monumental accomplishment for any entity in third-density to attain. The reason why we give
such emphasis to that point is that:
It is this Original Wound that is the basis behind all suffering, and also is the final key to complete enlightenment,
or reunion with the Source Light and Love of Oneness.
We have many players on our team at a variety of levels whose purpose is to help you bridge this gap and reattain what was once yours. The processes of soul evolution are carefully guided and part of a massive combined
effort to bring about your greater understanding.
And the more you realize this, the more that you step away from being a victim in your own life and blaming
everyone else for the apparent problems that you are facing, and begin to take an active role in seeing yourself as
the sole arbiter of the discussions with God that then get acted out on the stage of your life.
When you recognize that the Source within yourself is that same Source that is within all others, you then lessen
the difficulties in forming a bridge between how your own issues could be acted out in your life by others around
you. The ones who you hold the most closely and dearly are truly the strongest mirrors for you.
Granted, they may have many of your traits and issues in an exaggerated form, and you would have a difficult
time ever believing that such traits would exist within yourself. However, they would not still be around you if their
purpose had been fulfilled; the guiding forces of life would separate your two paths since it was no longer
In many relationships this duality play of yin and yang forces will continue to exist in cycle after cycle. You have

the good and the bad, the triumphant and the disastrous, all working together as a collective vehicle for your
Many times you have chosen this relationship so that the other self can grow with you, and mutual progress is
then possible. A relationship becomes more and more unbalanced if this does not occur, and will eventually result
in separation and / or death of one of the participants, once a certain age is reached.
David just wondered why we needed to include death in the last sentence. Simply this: we are talking about
relationships that are often consummated in marriage. It is a fact that upon your plane, many horribly unbalanced
situations between two entities remain constricted within the contract of marriage long after they have outlasted
their usefulness.
This is not to say that we are issuing a prophecy regarding the death of someone that is not suitable for you but
whom you have trouble getting away from. More importantly, it is for you to see that many of these relationships
become lifelong endeavors of personal growth and healing.
Now, in situations where such a binding constriction occurs, there may not be mutual growth. Nevertheless, if the
situation persists without divorce or natural separation, there is still some force within the self that is compelled to
continue the game of conquest and loss, passion and disappointment, love and anger.
If you do not have a romantic relationship at this time, do not be so blind as to assume that these rules do not
apply to you, as these passion plays exist to varying degrees between yourself and all others with whom you
would interact, especially those whom you see or think about most frequently. And again, this is but another
mirror of the self, exposing yet a deeper layer of the personality for your view so that it might be assimilated.
The choice of relationship is usually one that is carefully weighed out in the higher realms long before the two
entities ever even meet for the first time. Therefore, we are not necessarily advising you to simply drop out of a
situation that has been deemed unpleasant by one or both parties.
More to the point, your personal responsibility is in seeing how the upsetting aspects of that interaction are but
facets of your own healing process, exposing the very issues that you have with yourself so that you may
examine them on the stage of your life. And in this sense, a relationship with greater conflict can be of greater
use, as those with conflictual relationships are those who are in need of this method of healing.
You are doing yourself and others an enormous disservice if you are still naive enough to think that you have no
role or responsibility in the creation of your conflicts. Once you achieve enough willpower to be able to claim that
responsibility, you will find that it is impossible to harbor resentment at anyone, since all conflict is born of the
illusion of having been abandoned by God.
For many, this pain is still very present and can be easily touched off with the slightest of disturbances. Once you
recognize that you were never abandoned to begin with and are constantly surrounded by a multiplicity of beings
who love you more than you could ever possibly imagine and are working diligently to make you see it, then selfrealization and Unity consciousness is the only responsible choice that remains.
Your spiritual growth process is a minute by minute, day by day, lifelong affair, whether you make the conscious
choice to see it as such or not. The more difficult experiences will lessen in their intensity when your attitude no
longer has a place of resentment and negative emotions over them.
Again we state that your attitude is everything, that there can be no greater importance in dealing with problematic
situations than in keeping a positive attitude.

When you can no longer be hurt by either enemies or loving friends, you have stepped outside of the prison of
third-density consciousness and given yourself room to expand into the higher levels of your own being. And the
trump card in your deck is the awareness that there is no separation, that all is indeed One.
Never forget that your own church of pain can also be the sepulcher of release. Cut loose the ties that bind you to
separation and embrace Unity. Relive the memory of that true Home that knows no boundaries, no distinctions
but truly is ALL, everywhere and everywhen.
That moment is available to you right now as you read these words, as it is in every moment, should you but allow
its awareness to become your own.
We wish you well on your continuing journey, and remind you that you are loved more than you could ever
possibly imagine. Peace be with you in the light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

12/20/01: Prophecy: David Lacerates

His Hand, 9/11 Connections

By David Wilcock

[3/25/09: This is technically a personal update, but there are clear stories of prophecy in it, so we have filed it
under "Prophecy" accordingly.
By this point I was in such a dark, miserable space in my personal life that the entire year had gone by with hardly
any website updates. This tragic accident was definitely part of an initiative to jump-start me back into productivity
rather than sinking even further into bitterness and isolation.]

Sometimes the fragile world of the personal collides with the global in very direct ways -- and staying on the
"cutting edge" of New Thought can have quite literal implications.
On Dec. 1, 2001 at 4:35 am, after working late, I slipped on the kitchen floor with an empty water glass in my
hand and caught it on the countertop, causing it to shatter.
I suffered two lacerations to the upper palm of my right hand, both perpendicular to the fingers, one on the thumb
mount and the more significant one under the right pinky at about 6mm depth and 2.5 cm length.
Amazingly there was no tendon damage, no glass fragments and the cuts were very straight and symmetrical,
though I did sever a nerve and superficial artery to the pinky.
I definitely screamed at first, and while running into my room in a panic, I unintentionally shed blood on my printed
copy of "Convergence III" as well as O. Crane's "Central Oscillator and the Space-Time Medium," but surprisingly
not on the carpet next to them. Even in my agitated state I could see that meaningful messages were being given.

As we left the house with my hand in a pressure wrap, the Buddha quote "We are what we think. With our
thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you as your shadow,
unshakable" fell spontaneously from the refrigerator to the floor, directly facing me amidst the scattered dark blue
Ironically, the clock in the car said "4:44" as soon as we turned on the ignition to drive to the ER, which had an
immediate calming effect on me. Yup, another planned catalyst of extreme nature was in the works -- and I
wondered about what upcoming major world events this might be related to.
By the time I was there, circa 6 minutes, I was completely back to my normal personality, telling jokes and even
helping wheel the woman ahead of me in for treatment using my left hand and right elbow.
The synchronicity continued as the doctor told me that it was a Full Moon night and I was the third person to have
almost the exact same accident and hand injury -- which they admitted was "bizarre."
(That would explain why the twentysomethings in the waiting room were so squeamish about my injury. It was just
our three hand parties, the woman in the chair and an elderly couple. "Yeah, it's pretty nasty, you gotta hand it to
me for that," I told them and laughed as they studied my toweled mass in horror.)
Apparently the other two guys had more severe trauma than I, (one of whom was in the room directly next to me,)
so I was the "luckiest" of the three.
Ah, the beautiful science of cycles... "I guess that makes me the hundredth monkey, doesn't it? Man, I should
stick to just washing rice in my hand from now on."
It dawned on me that this would be the most expensive healing session that I would likely ever have, so I wanted
to make the most of it, and the staff was exceptionally responsive to my cavalier comedy.
I was delighted to find that after repeated experience with Dr. Izumoto's at-times shudderingly brutal acupuncture
treatments, the wounds and needle sticks that would supposedly "hurt" did not -- so I told the nurses in a thick
accent, "Ah, you should go to Japan. Great needle technique."
After initial resistance, I ended up accepting two narcotic pills to "calm" me for surgery, and went into my first drug
experience in nine years. "This is what they'd call a "free ride" in Alcoholics Anonymous," I quipped, as I wasn't
about to claim it as a relapse.
From there on, everything got very bizarre, my humor more daring and brash, and I felt the most magnificent
inspiration from studying the fluorescent lights above me. While waiting in this altered state, I effortlessly slipped
into a very deep trance and dictated the following psychic reading at an extremely slow speed, while someone
wrote it down:

The one with the most soul music wins. This music defies consideration; it relieves the pains of
despair. It is you in your true essence. The pursuit is internal, and related to issues of self-respect.
My dad seems to say you are free of concerns -- my heavenly father, to be sure. It is true, lasting peace
that awaits your planet, and the relieving of pain and pressure is near.
Those who transgress these concerns can again renew the joie de vivre, or the joy of living in the Now.
A peaceful place within yourself has been sought, and you are equipped with the tools necessary to see
yourself through it.
The cerebrum's last triune is a process of healing; it is the complete overturning of the shadow self.

I stopped dictating as staff entered to prep me for surgery. Multiple Novocain shots rendered the rest of the pain
nonexistent, and I watched with interest as my inert flesh was stitched back together, completely losing my
distaste for seeing blood and the innards of the hand.
I was out (and sober) by 8:30 and proceeded to have incredible, grinding nausea and relentless dry heaves from
the narcotics for the entire rest of the day, finally gaining enough control to eat applesauce by late evening. That
was the last pain medication of any kind that I took.
A pressure bandage was applied in the ER that caused an almost unbearable, constant pain and lack of
circulation in my hand and forearm for all of Saturday and Sunday, which seemed almost eternal.
Pushing my three exposed fingers back a few inches and / or spreading them on the headboard of the bed
seemed to be the finest source of pleasure I had ever known, such was the stiffness and pain they felt.
Then on Monday I went to the nerve surgeon for intake, and the surgery was scheduled for Wednesday.
Thankfully, a far more merciful bandage was replaced after he inspected the damage, allowing my drugless
recovery process a reprieve.
I then had to face my own symbolic "death" of going unconscious with anaesthesia for the first time in my life. The
night before, I rented "2010" which reminded me of where the Earth is headed.
There was some concern over whether he could just sew the nerve back together or "borrow" some fiber from my
upper arm, which would have created a new wound three times bigger than the one I already had.
I was able to coordinate rides for each needed trip, and went in unafraid. The IV went in without any trouble or
pain. Then they gave me a drug that would supposedly make me forget the whole thing, and in a matter of six
seconds I got the classic "swimming-pool vision" effect.
Next thing I know, I was in the same pre-op room, in the same chair, had a giant, heavy white cast on my right
forearm that completely immobilized everything but my thumb, and felt like I had just awakened from twelve solid
hours of deep sleep.
Thankfully, he was able to reattach the severed superficial artery and digital pinky nerve without borrowing more,
which eventually priced out the entire injury episode at ~4G.
I now type with my left fingers in standard position and a modified toothbrush with duct tape covering for the right
half. The cast will be removed on Dec. 31, and I appear to have had a near-100% recovery of nerve sensation
One week prior to this, for the third time since 1996 I again had a house within 150 feet of me burn down and we
were forced to evacuate for a while due to smoke. (At least five dreams had foretold of this in advance, and I may
prepare a report when I can write easily again.)
Similar to the circumstances surrounding my first encounter with "Seth Speaks" in Dec. 1996 and my discovery of
the Galactic Constant in Jan 2000, this fire was within less than 48 hours of an immense burst of inspiration -- in
this case a new vision for my book projects having crystallized with great excitement (see below.)
Then, two days before the glass broke, we had a strange breakage of the spray hose nozzle in the kitchen sink,
which somehow caused the entire arrangement to lose water pressure.
So the metaphor clearly seemed to be, "Too much fire and not enough water," and then this accident happened
while I was working late on writing.

I do claim responsibility for having created this laceration in a higher sense, through allowing myself to cut off my
time and feelings from close relations in my continuing self-sacrificing effort to make my scientific publications in
progress as exemplary as possible.
Clearly now a greater balance must be struck between work and family, both local and extended. Ironically, this
came only days after I had crystallized the vision for a final new book in the form of a complete outline.
Convergence III will still be finished, but it will be immediately followed by an entirely new project that I have
termed "The Divine Cosmos."
Once again, research breakthroughs have been made (mostly through investigation of Russian physics) that are
so significant that if the previous book were to be rewritten, it would be utterly gutted and altered to become little
of what it once was.
The new book will be more concise, focus less on antigrav / free energy technology and more on cosmology, and
draw more heavily upon references so that each point does not have to be fully explicated.
The higher forces are extremely pleased with the new vision and feel that it will be far superior to all previous
After the holidays and concomitant close social activity I am set to go into "isolation mode" and hopefully get the
whole lot of projects finished by the end of January.
Any help as we reach this final stretch will be appreciated, as I have continued to postpone all client readings for
the last 14 months -- and thus have been living at subsistence / poverty level through donations of a small group
of monthly supporters, with almost total focus on research data gathering and compilation for the scientific books.
I haven't complained about it, but now I see that my lifestyle has affected others and I need to put the research /
scientific writing phase behind me as soon as I can.
If you are interested in helping this site blossom to unimaginable new life within the next two months, please send
a donation at the following address. Please do not send advance or partial payments for readings if you are on
the waiting list, and know that these donations will have no effect on anyone's wait-listed positions.
Thank you for your continuing support and enthusiasm for this work, as I am doing the very best I can to release
this new material for you and the many others free of charge, regardless of the blood, sweat, tears or hand-Icapped typing required to get the job done.
I am very excited at the idea of actually finishing these projects soon, and know you can relate. Peace be with

5/20/02: Prophecy: The Next 9/11?...

and Star Wars Ep. I and II Analyses

By David Wilcock
May 20, 2002
Updated May 21, 2002

A number of events, including blatant hint-dropping at the level of international media, has led me to conclude that
another Sept. 11th-style event is likely to occur within the U.S. soon, possibly within less than two months from
the date of this article.
As most readers know, I do not make prophecies lightly, especially on issues such as this. If the event is stopped,
then I do truly believe that it will be a miracle.
So many different forms of indication, including my own prophecies, have converged on this point that this short
update was required to explain how I came to this conclusion.
I will also cover the remarkable synchronicity surrounding the release of Star Wars: Episode II, and how it relates
to these events.
A good place to begin would be to read

our previous prophecy update, which admittedly is quite a long

It predicts the possibility of an upcoming problem with Chicago where a device would be used that would disable
all electromagnetic equipment without directly hurting people.
Many, many layers of synchronicity and prophecy all converged to suggest that this was a real possibility.
This article was posted in January, and the following February I received more updates, which I put into an email
to our Yahoo online discussion group. Up until now, I have not published them directly on the website.


The main focus of my February prophecy update was that if the public sentiment towards Bush suddenly turned,
then we could expect some highly damaging events soon to follow.
These events may be allowed to occur, to a degree, by the "Guardians" of this planet, which are the ET races
responsible for ensuring that we do not create a planetary cataclysm.
I have dated my new comments for this article and placed them in parentheses as we go along:
From: David Wilcock
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 01:45:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [asc2k] weird weather / more future prophecy visions

I have received another series of highly charged future prophecy images in the last two days. Here's the short and
skinny of it:
It is useless and actually dangerous to try to criticize the negative elites at this point. The ball is already in motion
and we did our job five, ten, twenty or more years ago. The public's going to take care of the rest.

[5/20: There are more and more reports of steps of suppression being taken against critics in these
areas, both in legal terms as well as in actual events.]

Enron is just the very beginning of a huge and very rotten mess that will be exposed, and we need have
absolutely no fear or concern over how far it will go, or when. It is happening now and it is irreversible.

[5/20: This is continuing to come true, with the amazing collapse of the AOLCNNTIMEWARNER
empire, their stocks now almost reduced to "junk" status. General Electric is starting to be similarly
affected, and there are definite signs that others are soon to follow.
Other dreams that I have had consider that on our future timelines, it is already guaranteed that the
corruption surrounding this entire state of affairs, grown right into the government itself, will
eventually be rooted out -- to the higher forces it is already considered a part of our history.]
[3/12/09: This prophecy, of course, has now definitively come true with a collapse that is being called
"worse than the Great Depression" at this time.]

The positive forces are working extremely diligently to have our planetary adjustments come in the form of these
revelations rather than changes related to, say, nuclear problems.
However, it is very likely that we will see a mega-hurricane of unbelievable proportions later this year as part
of the planetary adjustment. This hurricane will either be literal or metaphorical depending on the consciousness
of the people.

[5/20: I have not had any further dreams of weather difficulties, but this does not mean that they won't
happen -- just that it is one area that has not been as correlated. Certainly, the hurricane could be a
metaphor for other events that are swift and damaging, and that is what I would tend to think at this
[3/12/09: The "mega-hurricane" did happen three years later -- in 2005 -- with Hurricane Katrina. I
was wrong on the exact timing, but it's much more difficult to get the timing than it is to get the overall
nature of an event.]

If the public can digest and process the information instead of running into denial, then higher-intensity changes
will not be needed.

[5/20: Unfortunately it appears that mass consciousness has still not shifted enough for us to avoid
some of the larger-scale events. The key, then, will be to move through these events without going into
a state of excessive fear.]

That's all from one dream. Then there's this from this morning:
Pay close attention to the admitted level of public appreciation for Bush.

[5/20: As seen in point 6, the key is to determine when the public starts turning on him. Consider the
recent cover-page from the British magazine "Daily Mirror," Saturday, May 18, 2002 that we have
posted at the beginning of this article.

The bottom third of the image says it all: "America Turns on Bush: Fury at 9/11 Failure." Perhaps
even more extraordinary is a quote from May 17 at

"[TV news anchorman Dan] Rather said that "patriotism run amok" is making it
difficult for journalists to provide Americans with all the information they need about
the war in Afghanistan and to hold the Bush administration accountable."
Implied in this same article is Rather's critique of what was known when regarding the 9/11 event:

" finds oneself saying, I know the right question, but you know what? This is not
exactly the right time to ask it..."]

Expect in the future that the Bible Belters will see that he [Bush] has not been "true to his word" and will strongly
turn on him.

[5/20: This originally appeared in the dream as a large group of people in an auditorium throwing
rotten tomatoes at Bush when they realize that he and his group cannot sing Christian hymns very
I now consider the dream to not just be about Christians, but rather about society in general not
adhering to a belief that Bush and associates have the highest of positive intentions.
Just in the last few days before this article was written, the Bush administration has admitted some
degree of foreknowledge of the 9-11 events, which has effectively opened Pandora's Box. In order to
maintain effective control on their part, very serious evasive actions will need to be taken to deter this
[3/12/09: Of course, this prophecy came true, to the point that the Republicans tried to completely
avoid any mention or endorsement of Bush in the 2008 campaign.]

Expect that very soon after this starts happening, there will be a massive increase in the amount of war on the
planet [as well as the advent of martial law in the US.] This may include the US using nukes to some measure,
and may be allowed by the Guardians to a degree.

[5/20: This is the part that has not yet happened. It is also correlated with another set of prophecy data
that we will discuss after this email is finished, relating to recent mailbox incidents perpetrated by 22year old Lucas Helder.]
[3/12/09: Of course, the Bush administration did invade Iraq in 2003, and it was far more intense,
substantial and long-lasting than most ever believed.]

Those who are walking their spiritual path and not making noise will be overlooked by the machinery as this starts
to happen, and are therefore safe. The dream said that they are seen by the machinery as simply being
"hamburger meat" and thus unimportant.
The machinery is big, dumb and slow and only senses sudden fear and movement. Many, many people will slip
through "the cracks" without any difficulty.
The most intense problem areas will be urban, as they are "dead" without constant imports -- and if you don't think
that we're going to lose petroleum products, think again.
The 70's crisis was caused by a 7% dip in supply. Best to have a workable contingency plan in place if you live in
such areas and know less-traveled routes to get you to more remote areas if need be.

[5/20: This part of the dream was extremely distressing, but it had an important message. Several other
dreams since this point have repeatedly emphasized that fear will spread through the public almost like
an infection in a hospital ward.
It will be important for those focused on a spiritual path to avoid any significant interaction with
media sources and / or with other people who are afflicted by this "infection."
Indeed, this is the time of the Shift of the Ages, and we can certainly expect many changes, but it is
very important to remember that everything that occurs is being guided by a higher principle.]
[3/12/09: Thankfully, we have completely avoided these more extreme prophecies from coming true
thus far. Apparently this is because we have progressed as a society better than was expected.]

Expect that significant riots will ensue in the US at this point that are largely fueled by strong sentiments from the
African-American community. Again, these will primarily be in urban centers and will form a sort of "chain
reaction" as word spreads in the media -- which is actually a significantly problematic development.

[5/20: This is also bolstered by my later data, discussed below, which pointed to the mailbox incident
before it actually happened, and showed that it could well expand into something much larger than
originally expected. Please note that I am not a racist by any means -- this is simply what I have seen
in the prophetic visions. I do not know exactly when these events are expected.]
[3/12/09: Again, this prophetic scenario has not happened -- and hopefully now will not.]

I was shown very strongly and grotesquely that to seek revenge against the negative elites is to perpetuate the
same archetype of "The Dragon" from Revelations. Believe it or not, this is exactly what "they" want people to do.

[5/20: People like Lucas Helder, and / or rioters in the future, appear to be completely unaware of the
fact that any violence not only does not solve the problems, it actually intensifies them dramatically.]

We can all have a positive effect on others by pointing out the futility of any physical efforts - only "prayer power"
These future scenarios are still malleable, but are "hardening" into place as more time proceeds.
So, the relatively tranquil and enjoyable life that I am having finally getting all these projects finished has been
spiked by these intensely shattering dreams. We're NOT out of the woods yet, by any means, and if I don't share
these experiences then I'll have more of them.
The worst-case scenario is that you die. Then, it's on to the next game, where you hang out in the time/space
realm before the Ascension. No big deal.
The only question is how you will serve where you are, and whether you will allow love or fear to be your master.
Furthermore, know that the vast, vast majority of Lightworkers have very high amounts of protection and will pass
through these experiences unscathed.
Peace be with you - David


The next major data point was a dream that I had just a few days before Lucas Helder placed damaging
equipment -- pipes packed with black powder that would go off if moved -- in mailboxes throughout the Midwest,
causing harm but not death to several people.
These events were accompanied by a letter with a large degree of metaphysical overtones, which were primarily
intended to say that "the government controls you through fear." A giant search ensued, and as soon as he was
caught the story almost immediately disappeared from any discussion.
Helder's actions became evident on Friday, May 3. That previous Tuesday, April 30, I awoke with a dream where I
was in the upstairs area of the house that I grew up in. Someone who I knew in the past, who was an active drug
user with a certain degree of mental problems, ended up throwing a spherical, one-inch diameter red ball with a
fuse at me, which landed on the stairs while it was lit.
It could have been just for smoke, or it could have been more destructive, like the classic "cherry b..."; I was not
I wanted to put it out as fast as I could, but the only thing I could find that would work was a dry paper towel. To
my shock and surprise, as soon as I threw the paper towel onto the orb, it created a bright flash, and now a large,
square area on the left half of the carpet was completely charred.
I was very upset about this, thinking that the damage in the house would be very hard to live with. At this point, an
angelic female entity approached me and said that it was not actually a bad thing; the old carpet would now be
taken away and a new and improved carpet would be laid across the entire hallway in its wake.
After having a dream like this, I was then looking for signs in the 'real world' to try to see what the smoke-ball type
event would be. I felt that once I could pinpoint that event, I would then look for a media effort to "cover it up"
immediately afterwards.
However, I also knew that the effort to "cover up" would only further exacerbate the problem, and a far more
major event would follow soon afterwards.

This chain of prophecy seems to clearly relate to the events with Lucas Helder, but I do not believe that we have
yet seen the event that "scorches the carpet" yet.
My guess is that this will be an event that occurs in the US, and it may or may not be related to nukes. I have a
strong sense that it is not nuclear in nature.

[It should go without saying that we are absolutely against the actions of Helder, and feel that such
actions do far more harm than good, feeding directly into the negative agenda. It is also interesting to
notice the strong symbolic connection between the name "Lucifer" and the name "Lucas Helder," also
the word 'hell' and 'holder' in the last name.]

One symbolic clue from the dream is that the charred area formed a perfect square and was on the left side of the
Metaphorically, the square is a symbol of hardened 3D consciousness that does not have the benefit of a higher
spiritual perspective. Furthermore, the left side represents the service-to-self polarity.
So, this dream may well be an indication that the further events that transpire will ultimately create an overall shift
in consciousness away from materialism and self-serving polarity. That would explain why the angelic being said
that a better carpet would be laid in its wake.
If we remember the incredible musical performance that was commercial-free on all TV networks after Sept. 11th,
we can easily see how another event may make an even further shift towards compassion in the public. That is
what this dream seems to be telling us.
I do feel that the positive ET forces that protect this planet are not likely to allow any major nuclear event to occur
on US soil, simply because of how quickly it could lead to all-out war with the possibility of destroying the Earth.
We have already seen from Disclosure Project testimony that these ET forces have full capability to shut down
nukes if they so choose. Therefore, I am inclined to think that if there is another 9-11 in the US, it will show up in a
different form, such as the electromagnetic strike or a conventional set of bombs going off in a series of locations


As far as our current political landscape is concerned, Warren Buffett has recently stated publicly that the threat of
a nuclear attack on the US is "inevitable," and this has raised a great deal of suspicion that it is a "signal" among
the elite of what they would hope to have happen to further their plans, since Buffett is one of the wealthiest, most
elite people in the world.
Furthermore, US government sources such as Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice have very recently been saying that
they are intercepting the same "pattern" of communications within apparent Al-Quaida members as have occurred
prior to September 11, and that these communications hint that another major event of that magnitude is on the
This form of a setup in the mass media is as clumsy and deliberate as the classic archetypal comedy gag where
we already know that the funnyman is about to get a pie in the face.
If you think that this is "all like a movie," you're right -- because it is all being carefully orchestrated and spincontrolled every step of the way.

[3/12/09: Again, it appears that such an event was very much planned -- and thankfully was thrown off by positive,
intervening forces.]

In the alternative media such as the Jeff Rense website, an increasing number of independent commentators are
predicting that the negative elites very much need to have another event of Sept. 11th magnitude to take place in
order to keep their agendas on track, and will therefore do whatever they can to hasten the process along.
It is believed that in the presence of a second event, now being well-foreshadowed in the media as related to Bin
Laden, the public would stop questioning the administration and fall back in line with the events as planned.
It does now appear that the negative elites have no other option left but to heavily endorse and help along such
an event -- but in their desperation, they may well be too sloppy in the execution of the plan and thereby bring
about their complete downfall.
Sudden, majorly stupid moves are indeed a fundamental characteristic of the negative elites, since the service-toself path is allowed to exist in the Universe but is not afforded spiritual protection or the ability to see into the
future to any significant degree.
Think of how Hitler was influenced, in desperation, to invade Russia in the winter and how this caused his war
effort to completely collapse, and then you will have one related example. The Watergate scandal would be
another related example.


Another almost unbelievable synchronicity is the timing and content in this past weekend's release of Star Wars
Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
As I illustrated in our discussion group, I came across an early version of the script for this film prior to its release,
but obviously did not repost it since it was not a legal transcript.
Some of the quotes in the script that were directly related to the corruption of politics never made it into the final
cut, but all of the most important ones did. Here, we will try to write about the underlying meaning and connection
of the movie to today's events without spoiling any of the best scenes and plot twists.
The exact synchronicity of the timing of the release of this movie with the Bush administration's admission of
some degree of prior knowledge of 9-11 is nothing short of miraculous, especially for those who have already
been following the Star Wars series and know the 'big picture' of the story that is being told.
For those who are not aware of it, I will briefly summarize the story so that you can understand exactly why this
convergence of events is so remarkably timed. This will almost be akin to an "article within an article," but it is all
related to our present moment in history -- all the more because of the fact that Star Wars is indeed the most
popular movie franchise of all time.
Another key factor that plays into the success of the franchise is that the movies were heavily based on Joseph
Campbell's writings on recurring archetypes in human civilization, especially that of "the hero's journey", also
known as the "prodigal son."
Both Luke and Anakin Skywalker fulfill this role.
So, the movie taps into the deep roots of the collective subconscious of humanity, and this adds to its depth. It
certainly also factors in to why the movie has now so remarkably touched on present-day events.

Almost all moviegoers are aware that the lead character, Anakin Skywalker, will eventually turn into Darth Vader,
who becomes the ruler of the "evil empire" that is depicted in episodes IV (Star Wars: A New Hope), V (The
Empire Strikes Back) and VI (Return of the Jedi.) [1]
This is accompanied by the transformation of the peaceful Galactic Republic into the evil Empire. Eventually in
Episode VI, Anakin turns back to the positive polarity when he watches his son Luke being killed by the evil
Emperor's bolts of lightning, and upon realizing his folly in taking the negative path, Anakin in turn kills the
This final act brings about Anakin's own imminent death, during which time he removes his helmet and we see
that he is indeed a white, pasty, "unformed" man who had become locked into the corporate structure of the
Empire and his own machinelike identity as Darth Vader.
By going back to the positive polarity, he then rejoins his master Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, and their Jedi
apparitions stand side-by-side with smiles on their faces, congratulating Luke and his cohorts for their bravery. [2]
Episode I, "The Phantom Menace," released in 1999, was widely criticized for being too commercialized and
child-oriented, nevertheless many important plot elements were established there.
We learn that the Jedi Order is the most spiritually advanced protective force in the Galaxy, with abilities far
beyond those of most other beings, including telekinesis, mind reading and the ability to influence others'
Most importantly, we learn that young Anakin Skywalker has a higher percentage of "midichlorians" in his blood
than any other person the Jedi Council had ever found.
We are told that midichlorians are microscopic organisms that work in symbiosis with a Jedi, and are responsible
for their ability to use the Force.
Since Anakin has more midichlorians than anyone they have ever discovered, they conclude that he was most
likely the embodiment of a long-standing pseudo-Messianic prophecy regarding one who would come and "bring
balance to the Force."
However, the meaning of "balance" is never explained -- and it is obvious that what Lucas is actually referring to
is the catalyst of a negative polarity forming where none had existed before.
Indeed, at the beginning of Episode I there has just started to be unrest in the Galaxy. This is the beginning of a
negative polarity, whose ultimate cosmic purpose will be to trigger growth in an environment that was previously
seen as one of stagnation, where committee after committee is deadlocked in endless discussions and nothing is
ever accomplished.
This new unrest centers around a group called the Trade Federation, which is trying to gain total control of the
commerce of the wealthy planet of Naboo by creating a trade blockade.
The accent of the green-skinned beings of the Trade Federation seems to be an obvious reference to the
Japanese of World War II, much as the Evil Empire seems to be patterned in part after Nazi Germany.
Remember that in World War II, Japan was seeking to form the "Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere,"
essentially enslaving other countries financially believing that it was in their best interest.
The Trade Federation is attempting to do the same thing in this movie with the trade blockade, and their voices
are classic parodies of anti-Japanese propaganda cartoon characters from the World War II period.
The Trade Federation beings also seem to be patterned after "reptilian ETs," long held to be working in concert
with the negative elites on Earth, since they have the green skin and almond-shaped eyes.

It is on Naboo that we first meet their Queen Amidala, and we learn that her real name is Padme. Furthermore,
Padme secretly travels with a retainer who looks exactly like her and who poses as the real Queen, in order to
reduce the possibility of her being assassinated.
In Episode I, young Anakin is brought into the Jedi Order, but due to his age giving him a late start and his
reluctance to leave his mother, there are serious questions about his ability to become a Jedi.
Later, Senator Palpatine puts his hand on Anakin's shoulder and says with a smirk, "We will be watching your
career with great interest."
Palpatine also tricks Queen Amidala into proposing a referendum that gets him elected as Chancellor of the
This manipulation is made possible since Amidala's "main ally in the Senate," the positively oriented Chancellor
Velaurem, was not doing enough to sidestep the endless deliberations regarding how to end the blockade of her
home planet of Naboo.
"I will not allow my people to suffer and die while you discuss this in a committee!" she yells to the Senate. Her
carefully manipulated vote for new leadership then puts Palpatine in the top position of power in the Galaxy.
In Episode I, we are also granted glimpses of the hooded, evil Darth Sidious, who trains the main villain of the first
film, the red and black stumpy-headed villain Darth Maul. It is clear that Maul was obviously intended to look very
similar to the classic Devil archetype.
After more than one viewing of Episode I, it certainly appears that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person,
since they obviously have the same voice and the same face, are both played by Ian Mc Diarmid, and Sidious
indicates in the movie that he has "control of the Senate."
The Jedi council reveals that Darth Maul is a "Sith," the evil counterpart to a Jedi, even though all members of the
Sith were believed to have been wiped out before.
Yoda informs us that with the Sith, "always there are two; a master and an apprentice." This is their first warning
that there must still be other enemies that they have not yet found.
Open war with the Trade Federation breaks out on Naboo at the end of Episode I, and by cooperation between
the human members and an aquatic race known as the Gungans, the attack is effectively stymied.
(This sets Padme up for much greater danger in the second film, since she had effectively waylaid the plans of
the negative elites, who did not intend on losing the war. Think "World War II" for the real-world contrast, and the
delay that was created for the negative elites' plans by Hitler's defeat.)
This "cooperation in times of war" seems to be a not-so-subtle reference from Lucas to the need for different
racial groups on our own planet to work together to solve our problems.
Jar-Jar Binks is the key Gungan character in the movie, and Lucas was widely criticized for how similar Binks'
mannerisms were to a dreadlocked Jamaican comedy character with excessive clumsiness.
However, it is very clear that this similarity was not an accident, as Lucas wanted to make sure that we saw the
connection and applied it to our own social issues.
Consider how Rep. Cynthia Mc Kinney, an African-American, was treated after she first proposed the idea that
the Bush Administration should be investigated for what they may have known before the 9-11 event actually took

Though no directly racial attacks were used in the mainstream media, she was treated as if she were as clumsy
and goofy as Jar-Jar was in Episode I. Indeed, the amount of character attacks that she came under was almost
unbelievable in its intensity and ferocity.
Thus, the point that Lucas is making is that, aside from a notable few such as Gen. Colin Powell, the mainstream
corporate media does not portray the African-American people as equal. This is a preposterous and racist notion
that Lucas was hoping to shed some light on, but no one really seemed to understand it.
The battle on Naboo is ultimately won when young Anakin inadvertently gets stuck in a spaceship on autopilot,
and then ends up destroying, quite by accident, the central control system that runs all of the remote-controlled
"battle droids" on the battlefields of Naboo.
This miraculous mistake was the big turning point in the war, as just when everything seemed hopeless for the
Gungans and the Naboo, suddenly all the war machines powered down and were rendered ineffective, and
victory was attained.
At the time that this movie was first released, I wrote about how this spontaneous, sudden powering-down of all
the battle droids seemed to be Lucas' tongue-in-cheek prophetic reference to the "y2k" problem.
The idea was that without a source of energy, the Empire could not sustain itself, and the wars against the
common people would stop.
Remember that at the time the movie was released, there was still a widespread belief in society that the turn of
the computer calendars from 1999 to 2000 could send technological civilization as we know it into a grinding halt.
The first movie ends with a celebration on Naboo and an honoring of those involved in bringing about the victory,
while the seeds for future episodes are well sown. And that brings us to Episode II, the inner workings of which
most people had no clue about until this incredibly charged weekend...


As Episode II begins, we read the following:

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate.

Several thousand solar systems under
the leadership of the rebel leader, Count
Dooku, have declared their intentions to
secede from the Republic.
This separatist movement has made it
difficult for the limited number of
Jedi Knights to maintain peace and
order in the galaxy.
Senator Amidala, the former Queen of
Naboo, is returning to Coruscant
to vote on the critical issue
of creating an ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC
to assist the overwhelmed Jedi.

First, some background. In Episode I, the appearance of Darth Maul revealed that the evil Sith race still persisted,
though the Jedi believed that they had died out.
This is a strong indication that the advanced visionary powers of the Jedi are now no longer sufficient in their
ability to spot evil and deception, and thereby maintain peace and order in the galaxy.
In Episode II, this growing fear of the Sith has led to an interplanetary movement to secede from the Republic,
headed by Count Dooku, a rebellious Jedi who has left the Order.
The remaining non-separatist members of the Republic now wish to vote on the creation of an ARMY OF THE
REPUBLIC to boost their safety in the galaxy, since the Jedi alone are now 'overwhelmed' by the separatist
movement. Now:
To understand how this all relates so marvelously to present-day politics, think of the Sith as the Illuminati, the
ultimate negative force on the planet that everyone innately, subconsciously knows must exist from Biblical
prophecy, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim.
Think of the Jedi as the combined intelligence and strength of the United Nations, most of which truly do believe
that they are protecting the world from such negative forces but are now citing "intelligence failures" surrounding
the 9-11 event.
Substitute Count Dooku's place in the plot of the movie for Bin Laden's place in current politics, and think of the
word "terrorists" when the rebellion is discussed. Remember that Bin Laden and cohorts honestly believe that
they are fighting the "Great Satan," or the Sith as seen in the Star Wars franchise. In this case, then:

The Galaxy of Star Wars symbolizes our planet;

The Republic of Star Wars symbolizes our United Nations;

The Jedi symbolize our armies who believe they are "peacekeeping" forces, and;

The Rebels symbolize the current terrorists hyped up in the media.

Now you may want to re-read this section on Episode II from the beginning again, bearing all this in mind. Already
we can see how remarkably the movie's outline fits with current events if we make a few symbolic changes... but
just wait, as it gets much, much better.
Returning now to the plot of Episode II, we soon find out that the ARMY now being voted on already exists -someone has ordered fully 200,000 well-trained clone soldiers from the planet Kamino that are fully ready to be
used, with a million more soon on the way.
These clone soldiers are "independence inhibited," meaning that they will follow orders without question and are
totally unafraid to die.

[This part of the plot may or may not be directly related to current events. Already, Israel is calling up
their reserves and the US military is voting on a program to allow shortened military terms for new
members to sign up.
This aspect of the plot, metaphorically speaking, may become more visible as the need for larger
armies becomes more apparent in the "war on terrorism." It certainly appears to also be related to the
advent of unprecedented martial law in the US and other countries as well, against the interest of
democratic government.]

The clone-making Kaminoans believe that the Republic, through Jedi master Sido-Dyas, put in the order for the
clone army. [The name "Sido-Dyas" is rather unsubtly similar to (Darth) "Sidious," which may be Lucas' indicating
that it is all part of a negative plot.]
However, in reality neither the Republic nor the Jedi Council knew anything of this order, and Master Sido-Dyas
was already believed to be dead when the order was placed ten years previously.
To make matters worse, even the sheer existence of the planet Kamino had been omitted from the Republic
computer archives of all known planets in the galaxy, and was only found by dumb luck.
It is believed that only a Jedi could be capable of omitting a planet from the records like this. Clearly, a dark and
sinister plot is at work and a "palpable" (Palpatine) evil is now being felt.
Think about how all of this would start to add up from the outside if you were a Jedi: [positively-oriented member
of the United Nations:]

You find out that the Sith (ultimate evil group) still exist, but your best defenses did not pick them up.
Others now lack confidence in your abilities to protect them.
Many who doubt in you have now organized a (terrorist) rebellion against you out of fear.
This (terrorist) rebellion further strains your ability to protect the Galaxy (the Earth.)
The remaining members of your Republic (United Nations) now want to vote an army into being for
their protection against this (terrorist) rebellion.
If created, this new army could easily supersede the defensive capabilities of the positively oriented
Jedi (non-corrupt world leaders) in manpower and firepower.
If this army were somehow able to get into the hands of negative forces, your ability to defend the
Galaxy (Earth) against a full-blown dictatorship would be completely wiped out.
As this politically sensitive vote is coming up, you suddenly discover that such an army already exists,
creating an immediate and very serious problem.
Even worse, it appears that the creation of this army is an inside job, from someone within your own
ranks, since the planet responsible for creating the army had been erased from your archives... and
only a Jedi could do this.
Then, if the vote for the army passes in the Senate, the army is immediately available to be used for
good or evil, depending on the whims of the leadership.
Now you do not know who to trust -- you may find out that the enemy is within.
If the negative forces already have control of the Republic, (United Nations,) without your conscious
awareness, then this new army could allow them to form a dictatorship and gain total control of the
Galaxy (Earth.)

With this in mind, we now turn our focus to the political importance of Senator Amidala, since she was the main
opposition leader against the formation of this "ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC." (Now think of the USA PATRIOT act
and other measures designed to subvert the US Constitution and expand political power.)
In the first movie she was the Queen of Naboo, but in this movie we learn that it was only a temporary job, but
that she has remained in politics as a senator.
Padme / Amidala feared that such a military consolidation of power could easily lead to a dictatorship, since up
until that time it was the responsibility of the Jedi (those in the world's governments who honestly believe they are
working for good) to maintain peace in the galaxy.
At the very beginning of the movie, an assassination attempt is made on her, further suggesting that "someone"
does not want the formation of this ARMY to be interrupted.

(Think of the numerous people who end up dead when they oppose such measures, such as the chief
witness who was about to testify against Enron and then committed "suicide.")

After the first assassination attempt, Obi-Wan and his apprentice Anakin are put in charge of protecting Amidala
on the industrial planet Coruscant, where the Senate meets. (Coruscant is like a high-tech version of New York
City, where the United Nations meets.)
Then, after a second assassination attempt, Palpatine convinces Senator Amidala that it is not safe for her to stay
on Coruscant, and the Jedi Council puts her under Anakin's care while Obi-Wan is sent off to try to determine who
is plotting the assassinations.
This becomes Anakin's first "real assignment," which Palpatine praises him for.
The pairing of Anakin and Padme allows their romance to blossom, but it also gets Padme out of the picture
politically, putting the clumsy Jar-Jar Binks in her place in the Senate.
Most importantly, we see how Chancellor Palpatine, who is now the head of the Galactic Republic, pumps up
Anakin's ego and privately tells him that if he "trusts his feelings," then he will become "even more powerful than
Master Yoda," though Yoda is considered to be the top Jedi.
Most moviegoers shouldn't have difficulty figuring out that Palpatine is actually an evil character who intends to
overthrow the democratic Republic and instill a dictatorship, and is in the process of building up Anakin to be his
puppet leader as Darth Vader.
As a result of Obi-Wan's investigation, we discover the existence of the "lost" planet Kamino, and the formation of
the clone army under an apparent order from the Republic.
The Kaminoans believe that they are working for the Republic, and so when Obi-Wan shows up, they tell him that
they were expecting him (a Jedi) to arrive and check on their progress.
Obi-Wan, not openly revealing his ignorance, plays along as if he already knew why he was there. The
Kaminoans tell Obi-Wan of the Republic's order for the army through Master Sido-Dyas, although Obi-Wan
realizes that Sido-Dyas already appeared to be dead when the order was made. [3]
Furthermore, on Kamino we learn that the bounty hunter Jango Fett is the prototype that all the clones are based
on. Obi-Wan does not yet realize that Fett is also the one who was hired to try to assassinate Senator Amidala.

Under allegedly friendly but suspicious questioning by Obi-Wan, Fett indicates that he was not working for Master
Sido-Dyas, as the clone-making Kaminoans believed, but rather for another entity, Lord (Darth) Tyranus -- yet
another new name that we have not heard of in any of the other movies.
After this questioning ends and Obi-Wan departs, Jango then senses trouble, puts on his uniform and tries to
leave with his son Boba as soon as possible.
Once Jango is already outside and about to enter into his ship, a battle with Obi-Wan ensues.
As a result of this battle, Obi-Wan is able to plant a homing device on Fett's ship and track him back to planet
Geonosis, which ends up being the location where Dooku's rebellion is being organized.

[Notice the similarity between "Geonosis" and "Genesis" -- Lucas is trying to suggest that the "balance
of the Force" is being born on this planet, by the crystallization of the negative polarity.]

Quite serendipitously, Obi-Wan happens to overhear Dooku's plans to take over the Republic. This information is
wired back to the Jedi Council.
Several key members of the Jedi Council as well as Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Jar Jar Binks are in the
room as Obi-Wan's information comes in, and the fully evil intent of the rebellion (again, think Islamic terrorists) on
Geonosis becomes known.
Shaking his head in disgust, Palpatine indicates his need to be granted "full emergency powers" so that a war
effort can be mobilized against this newly discovered (terrorist) rebellion.
His problem is that "someone" in the Senate needs to propose such a referendum, or else it cannot be done. We
then see Senator Jar-Jar Binks massaging his chin and thinking deeply as he realizes that he should be the one
to do it.
Palpatine knows that Padme / Amidala would not have fallen for this ruse, but Jar-Jar does not think deeply
enough to see the entire chessboard and figure out what deception is occurring.
So, in a subsequent scene we see how the manipulated Senator Jar-Jar ends up suggesting that immediate and
full emergency powers be granted to Chancellor Palpatine to stop the rebel (terrorist) insurgency.
The Council in turn passes the ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC (USA PATRIOT) bill in response to this threat and
sends in all their Jedi as well as the ARMY itself (upcoming martial law in the US and abroad) in full force to try to
stop the (terrorist) problem on Geonosis.
In the meantime, we have seen Anakin tell his female interest Senator Padme that he feels that democracy isn't
working, and that someone "strong and wise" is needed to override the various committees and make commands
as to what they should do in order to ensure safety.
With a clear look of worry on her face, Padme then says, "That sounds a lot like a dictatorship," and Anakin then
gives a rather cruel smile and says, "Well, if it works..."
So, by this point, even if most audience members are totally unaware of the remarkable synchronicity between
this movie's overall plot and its connection to current politics, they can't help but feel some chills as this scene
plays out between Padme and Anakin.
Even if they do not understand the full implications of the six-episode Star Wars message, they can certainly
sense how similar the events of Episode II are to our own events, and also how those events lead to the formation
of an Evil Empire in Episodes IV-VI.

Lucas himself seems to have noticed, with some surprise, how much his movie related to current events, as he
stated in interviews for Time Magazine before it came out when he discussed "how easily a democracy can turn
into a dictatorship."
By the end of Episode II, we realize that by pinpointing the rebel (terrorist) movement to a specific planet (a nation
such as Iraq, Iran or North Korea) a major event has been manipulated to occur wherein most of the remaining
Jedi are brought into a major battle that will trim down their numbers substantially -- thus eliminating the major
opposition to the eventual formation of the Empire.
The entire Jedi Order (United Nations) has been fooled by this ruse, since the key missing component is that
"both sides are the bad guys," and that those pulling the strings don't mind if extensive damage is caused to their
own forces (the World Trade Center and Pentagon) as long as their own agenda moves forward.
The next big key is that people are already getting the message after the first weekend. One of the most popular
alternative movie review websites, "Ain't

It Cool News" with the often-crude Harry Knowles and his associates,

reveals how easily most Star Wars fans see the connection between these plots and current events.
Millions of young people will read these words: (Be warned that if you read the article itself before seeing the
movie, you will be almost completely spoiled on the plot, and it is better to see the movie without spoilers on the
best scenes if you can avoid it.)

What is the goal of the battle [that is manipulated into being at the end of Episode II]? Well, if you
want to be a dictator, you pit two sides that you are allied with into a fight, with your enemy in the
middle. The goal of this whole conflict was multi-fold.
1. Put Palpatine in position to assume War Powers, thus effectively making him a dictator.
2. Put the clone army at Palpatine's fingertips.
3. Kill as many Jedi as possible in the crossfire, thus crippling their abilities to adequately uphold
the law of the Republic.
4. Test the strength and weaken the Jedi; watch how they respond and look for weaknesses.
By the time you reach the end of this film there should be many questions and things to ponder.

By the time we get to Episode IV, which was the original Star Wars film, Anakin has become Darth Vader and the
Empire has consolidated itself into total control of the galaxy. (Think "New World Order.")
All of the Jedi are now dead except for Master Yoda, who has become bitter and cantankerous, going into hiding
on a murky, dreary planet.
Luke Skywalker becomes the Messianic archetype upon which the entire fate of the Galaxy rests, by
rediscovering his own Jedi powers in an atmosphere of complete oppression.
We continue with another quote from Knowles that shows how clearly he understands the synchronistic
connection between the political maneuvers in Episode II and the events now unfolding in our own world:

What's the point? The point is for this democracy to be turned into a dictatorship, those that protect the
sanctity of the government and the ideals that keep it free... MUST BE ELIMINATED. That is the
If the Emperor reveals himself, his power ebbs. Hidden, behind the scenes, you control and push both
sides of the chess match. If you control both sides long enough, you win. This is brilliant TAKE


The lessons being taught here are every bit as important and relevant today... In the world we are
currently in.
One cannot empower a government or an individual to have limited controls over the freedoms we
cherish, unlimited powers over our military and absolute power over a domestic police force to go
hunting for traitors in our midst.
No matter how nice the leader at the time may be, they can be taken out. They can be destroyed, and
the one that steps in could be the nightmare.
Is it over-complicated?
Not for me. I can see it pretty clearly... This is the story of how centuries of peace fell apart -- how a
Government so sure of itself -- so powerful -- so Self-righteous and full of faux security could just
hand the keys of the kingdom to EVIL INCARNATE.

Now again, let's remember that Knowles' website has millions of readers and is widely considered to be the most
popular of its kind.
To me, based on all of this evidence, it is eminently clear that the entire Star Wars saga, through George Lucas,
has been carefully guided by Higher Intelligence to bring a message to this planet.
Lucas himself does not appear to be psychic enough to have consciously foreseen what would now be happening
in global politics and so precisely time the release of this movie to correspond with these events. Indeed, he
seems quite surprised in recent interviews by the connection between his movie and current events.
The political intrigue regarding how a democracy can turn into a dictatorship is remarkably well timed to the
events in the present.
I also believe that the negative elites realized this synchronous connection between the movie and current events,
but far too late to do anything to stop the movie from being released.
However, their efforts were visible in that several of the top movie critics in the mainstream media seemed almost
desperate in their efforts to say that it was a "terrible movie" that should be completely avoided.
However, due to the already incredible performance of Episode II at the box office and the power of word-ofmouth, this movie is one statement of truth that cannot be suppressed.
This movie also reminds us that evil never wins, and if more people can understand the miraculous gift of
synchronicity that has occurred here between Episode II and current events, they will far more quickly be able to
adjust to any future 911-type events that occur, not forgetting the political games that are going on behind the
As Harry Knowles adequately stated, the key here is to see how the agenda of the negative elite is to "play both
sides against the middle." There is an Illuminist philosophy known as "ordo ab chao," meaning "Order out of
It is felt that by funding both sides of a conflict, evolution is stimulated in humanity and they will always end up
allied with the winning side.

At the end of Episode II we see that Count Dooku (bin Laden) is actually Lord Tyranus, and that he has now
become the Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious / Palpatine (the true leader of the negative elite.)
This makes it very clear that both sides are working together. This too has amazing prophetic significance when
we consider the reports of collusion between the administration behind George W. Bush and their engagement
with Bin Laden, including the fact that both were major shareholders in the Carlyle Corporation, which stood to
benefit directly from Sept. 11th due to the sharp rise in military expenditures thereafter.
When considering this miracle of synchronous timing, again we must keep in mind that it is a wonderful gift to
humanity that has been worked through Lucas and his associates, probably without his conscious awareness to a
large degree.
It reminds us that we need not fear these political changes that are ahead, as in the end good shall triumph over
evil. The planet is definitely moving into fourth-density positive vibration, as our numerous other writings have
shown, and this event has been prophesied in almost every source of spiritual teaching on Earth.
When you weigh in Enron, the now-erupting scandal surrounding prior knowledge of 9-11 with George W. Bush
(Anakin W.?) and Vice President Cheney (VP Palpatine?) and the situation in Israel, to name a few, it appears
that this movie, which will be seen by almost everyone, will have a significant subconscious impact in helping
people to see the truth of exactly what is occurring on Earth at this time.
And that is a very encouraging thing, showing the miracle of how the positive forces can work, even with such an
apparently slow-moving entity as the Star Wars franchise.
The timing is just "too good to be true," and the awesome digital effects and telekinetic events in the movie are a
clear-cut vision of what fourth-density Earth will be like. So go see it!

Most recently, this morning I had a very strong dream that essentially told me that "time has run out" for me to
finish Divine Cosmos and I must "turn in" something as soon as possible to the world via the
Bearing that in mind, I have a lot of work to do and will now end this article so that I can get back to finishing the
book. I may even release Part One of the book before Part Two -- such is the urgency that I am being presented
Personally, I continue to be unafraid of the future. I expect further chaos, and possibly even martial law, but I am
not going to allow these possible events to deter me from knowing that we are truly in a magnificent time of
- David Wilcock

[1] I want to thank my senior-year college roommate Artie for first teaching me the deep meaning of the Star Wars
series and the story of Anakin Skywalker.
[2] Rumors abound that Lucas may do three more sequels after Episode VI that depict the final destruction of the
remaining parts of the Empire, and Lucas recently made an "accidental" comment about how he was using the
events in the early movies to "set up Episode Seven -- uh, I mean Episode Four."

Episode III is scheduled to finish three years from now in 2005.

[3] This plot twist with the Geonosians and their clone armies may well be Lucas' own musings on the ET races
known as the "Greys." In the original script for Episode II, special attention is placed on the fact that the
Geonosians have gray skin, 'almond-shaped eyes' and that their quarters seem to be 'made out of light.'
The idea that their planet is "erased from the records" is metaphorically similar to the UFO cover-up being
performed by someone "within the Jedi" (i.e. the world governments.)
Furthermore, many abductees / contactees have reported their belief in the fact that the Greys are creating large
numbers of hybrid humans and ETs, and this is almost the same as what is occurring on Geonosis in Episode II.
Many movies and television shows have also suggested that there may be an "alien invasion" being planned.
It would then appear that on some level, either conscious or subconscious, Lucas is suggesting that the Greys
may also be innocent pawns in a cosmic game being played by larger, unseen negative forces, represented by
the Sith.
On this level, it appears to be harmless metaphysical speculation that is not rooted in any actual cosmic truth of
the relationship between ETs and humanity.
If Lucas is drawing off of the Book of Revelation for his archetypes in this instance, then his hypothesis might be
that at some point, there will be cooperation between our world government and ET races against a larger evil
force, all the while the ETs not realizing that they are being used by that same evil force.
This, however, is not central to the deeper symbolic connection that the movie has to current, real political events.

7/3/02: Prophecy: We Were Right About

the Economy

By David Wilcock
7 / 3 / 02

On June 26th, 2002, at the lonely hour of 5AM, we finally finished an all-night episode of editing and posting an
earlier version of our book "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce", co-authored with Wynn Free, online.
In the text introduction that we created for the document, we alluded to the content of this article that you are now

"Wilcock is continually receiving strong indications that the times of great economic changes are now
upon us, thus we have decided to release an embargo on this material that we have imposed over the
last six months."

Just hours after we typed these words, an even larger corporate collapse than the Enron scandal was announced
-- i.e. the bankruptcy of MCI/Worldcom, which appears to involve $30 billion dollars of damage.

Originally this prophecy article that you are now reading was written on June 20th, but at the time it seemed
"unfinished," and as events have continued unfolding over the following days, it is now obvious why that feeling
was there.
"A loss of confidence in our entire economic system" is how Art Bell just phrased it as we listen to the archive of
his Monday, July 1 broadcast while writing this new introduction to the article.
The exact timeline for these otherwise unexpected events was predicted in one section from a remarkably deep
and profound reading that we published on January 13, 2001:

"Every trend in the commercial marketplace continues to point towards a slowing economy.
At the present time of these workings, while some may also expect that the markets will go up and
down in regular cyclic fashion, there are others who believe that an economic collapse will ensue, and
redefine a bottom line point for financial markets.
Understand that such a bottom line point is produced as a byproduct or consequence of the shifting
energies as now involved.
Expect that it will be there by midsummer 2002 at the latest, based on current

Now I hope that my readers can realize that it was with a hard swallow that I put out this reading in January 2001.
It certainly is not delightful for most people to contemplate such changes, and how they will impact their lives.
Furthermore, we have worked diligently to establish scientific credibility, and such a prophecy either will or will not
come true; it is very discrete. We are not in the business of relinquishing any accountability for inaccurate
prophecy statements, so there was a great deal of trust that had to be extended to Ra here, but in this case we
were spot-on.
We are not quite in "midsummer" of 2002 yet, but already all the elements of the prophecy are there -- the
markets are now dropping beneath their September 11th lows, (caused by that "unforeseen catastrophic event,")
which were far lower than where things were on Jan. 13th, 2001 when this reading first came in.
This could certainly be seen as "redefining the bottom-line point," and it appears that we are still only seeing the
tip of the iceberg.
Of course, the statement regarding these changes being caused by a "byproduct of the shifting energies involved"
covers material that we have published in the Convergence series, wherein human consciousness is shown to
vary in accordance with external astrophysical influences.
Our movement into a higher area of aetheric energy density in the Galaxy is thus directly responsible for the
changes that we now see.
Since this reading was obviously time-encoded for our present circumstances, let us refresh ourselves with the
rest of the reading, leading up to where the economic prophecy was finalized, and bolding certain sections that
might now seem more important:

At the current time, our desire is to welcome those who would be as pioneers of the new age, and
encourage them to overcome frailty and incompleteness in exchange for the unity and wholeness of
true God consciousness.
Obviously, there are those whose internal environments are now being mirrored by the external
environment, and it scares them to realize this; for what was once thought stable and predictable has
now become unstable and dynamic, capable of change at a moment's notice.
But those fairer still are awaiting the landing on the White House lawn, and hoping that this will make
all of the problems go away.

This first paragraph again shows knowledge of the type of circumstances that would now be facing the world that
did not exist pre-911; i.e. the instability of our current geopolitical situation. Now let's continue with the reading:

While there will be no fairy to magically wave a wand and relieve these problems, we can expect that
the recriminations will continue to be paid off, and those who have found themselves wanting to be
pure will have ever more reason to purify themselves.
An important part of this project is your participation; and thus, we encourage you, the reader of these
words, to involve the self deeply within on the struggle to reclaim the long-lost path of humanity in
exchange for the outworn and outmoded beliefs surrounding scarcity, limitation and fear that have
imprisoned so many at this time.

In this paragraph, I assume that the "long-lost path of humanity" refers to the spiritual consciousness that had
been attained during the Atlantean period -- the true desire to enhance one's spiritual development. Now let's

The haves and the have-nots will be on an equal par with each other, and this does then indicate to
what degree the changes will have to be met.
We don't want for there to be a feeling of fear. Know that as ye go within, so too will the axis then
shift in the world of the mind, body and spirit, producing ever-greater discrete changes in the physical
appurtenances and all manners of living life.
Far from being an exercise in diligence, it is an exercise in joy, for in the final call, those entities who
have bothered to love themselves and love others will be met with great stability and great success.
When all is capable of changing, the Law of One will have a renewed interest in the minds and hearts
of many.
Edgar Cayce reading 2012-1 did say it best in revealing that there can indeed be a scientific study of
the paranormal, and that is what is now occurring in the world at large, and through the work of David
To insure that there are no further breaks in continuity, we preside over these workings with a sense of
purpose, and steer clear of the obstacles that many others would face to arrive at our sum total

destination; a fact that is subject to extreme weather disturbances, and yet nevertheless reveals an
entirely new system of profit, for the soul itself is given homage in the body.
The more deeply you realize your connection to the Infinite One within, the more suitable your
vibrations will be to raising the planetary consciousness at large. And therefore, the next step of any
soul's true evolution is to become this person who is enlightened, awake, alive and aware.
It is very difficult to predict or to propose where the chips may fall, and any predictions that we may
give are only that.
For the market to collapse in such a manner, we do suggest that in the interim period between the time
of these workings and mid to late 2002, there will be even more unforeseen catastrophic difficulties
than there have been at present.
This is not to say that there will not be declines, but those who are seeking an immediate "bang" in
opposition to the currently scaled economy [i.e. in January 2001] will be left wanting.
Understand that all is occurring according to sacred purpose, and thus there can be no duality in this
David is remembering a line where the Iron Curtain was dropped, revealing that something completely
unexpected lay in its wake. The opportunity for peace, never before seen, was revealed in its
[End of excerpt]

And now, back to our article.

As we have written in our 9-11 series, this last paragraph is a very robust hint that the current government in
America will be forced to heavily slim down and restructure itself as a result of these economic changes now
occurring, and that this will actually create "the opportunity for peace, never before seen."
For the reading to suggest that the "haves and have-nots" will be equal is quite revealing of the scope of the
changes that are involved; however, it also shows that for most people, life will probably not be that much
Even during the Great Depression, unemployment was below 25% and food was made available to those who
needed it.
We have also had other dream prophecies that show that people will not be forcefully evicted from their homes
once all this is really rolling; there will be a point where Bush will turn on his handlers and enact programs for the
betterment of social welfare.
Furthermore, the reading promises "great stability and great success" for "those who have bothered to love
others," and we should remember this aspect of the prophecy as well, instead of just focusing on the more difficult
Now that we are much closer to the actual event time itself, we can get a much stronger bead on how these
events will unfold.

With that in mind, let's review a list of some of the most recent dreams that I have been receiving this year, and
thus pick up in this article where we left off on June 20, 2002, when we had originally planned on releasing it.
The dates for each dream are given before the summary of the dream itself, and it is important to keep in mind
when these dreams were coming in, as talk of an 'economic recovery' was still quite prevalent at the time:
Key Dreams:

[5/3/02:] The fear of biological events, rather than any actual events occurring, will grip those
members of the public who choose to believe in doom and disaster.
It can be avoided, but one must be careful not to allow too much exposure to those who are
"contaminated" with excessive fear, as they will quickly drag you down into the same place.

[5/6/02:] Civil liberties will continue to erode away in the US, including the freedom of travel and
unrestricted movement.
On the university level, a backlash gets started that forms a tangible resistance movement, bringing
back the traditions from the late 1960's in full force. Slowly, over time, these efforts bear fruit and
changes occur.

[5/6/02:] In this dream I was with a group of people who looked like the cast for the new Star Wars
movie. It was understood that we had traveled back in time to a form of "museum" that was preserving
what our society looked like at this time.
We marveled at the strangeness and stupidity of gas-guzzling SUVs and honeycomb-style
condominiums, just taking it all in.
From our context it was known that this civilization did not last and these were some of the artifacts
that proved it was self-annihilating. Some in our group were getting attracted by the artifacts and we
had to protect them from getting hypnotized by materialism.

[5/13/02:] In this dream I had massive visions of floods, corresponding metaphorically to upcoming
economic changes as well as certain physical events.
Nevertheless, the dream made it clear that those who are not materialists will be able to navigate well
through these economic changes, providing that they not give in to fear. What appear to be
insurmountable obstacles can indeed be walked over if you just take it one step at a time.

[5/17/02:] The negative elites would like to see biological events occur in warfare. The vast number of
these plans will not be allowed to occur by the higher forces.

The influence of the negatives on Earth will be nullified, but the process will be very slow and
gradual, not as fast as many would like to expect.

[5/22/02:] A very wealthy woman who is involved in education, boating competitions and the
restaurant industry realizes that as a result of stock market declines and a pullout of her fellow
investors from her business, she is going to go bankrupt.
She breaks down crying in despondency, and I am there to comfort her, seeing the very human side of
this economic crisis. She then notices that her toilets are seen to be clogged with waste matter.
Chemicals are applied to cleanse the toilets, after which time the entire house begins thunderously
imploding into the toilets. It is clear that the entire mansion will disappear before the process is
The point is stressed that we should not hate those who have chosen service-to-self, as this in and of
itself is a negative action.
The toilet metaphor means that as those who have caused the problems become accountable for what
they have done wrong and try to unclog the problems, (i.e. firms like Enron and Arthur Andersen
coming clean, [with Worldcom and others now included]) the economic changes will soon accelerate.
The scope of disaster in this dream seems to be saying that a totally unprecedented amount of wealth
will just be erased off the screen in the US.

[5/25/02:] The U.S. government spontaneously activates 250,000 troops for a Middle East war in a
single night, forcing them onto huge metal ships referred to as 'crocodiles' by the way they open like
the mouth of a crocodile.
Some people are charged with the job of forcing everyone into the crocodiles a lot faster than they
want to travel on their own, and these ushers are heavily injured, even shot, in the process.
During this same time, some people will try to steal food and water and they should be treated
compassionately instead of violently for their folly.
Security becomes unbelievably tight, to the point that wand searches are conducted as one passes
through individual doorways in government buildings.
It appears in the dream that all-out war in the Middle East is very imminent. After waking up on this
same day, I noticed that the mainstream media news reported that the US military Joint Chiefs of Staff
are standing unified against the Bush Administration in saying that they do not want to attempt an
invasion of Iraq until at least next year.

They also said that such an invasion would require at least 200,000 US troops, with an additional
25,000 from Britain and more troops from other coalition sources, and that casualties would be high.
Thus, the numbers I saw in the dream were very similar to those later announced that day in the media.

[5/29/02:] The reading featured later in this article is brought through.

[6/4/02:] In this dream, certain workers realize the rottenness of their corporate employers, (wherein
entire "restricted access" rooms in the buildings are filled with festering, slimy horrors,) and they
decide to vandalize the buildings. I am with them and also partake in these activities.
Later, I realized that it was our responsibility to repay the damages that were created.
I end up leading a crusade of accountability for these actions so that the infrastructure can be built
back and the vandalism repaired.
As soon we reach an agreement for how we will right our corporate wrongs, a gigantic tornado forms,
coming right towards me!
I see a well-dressed businessman with his suitcase and luggage trying to run to a motel, and I can see
that he is going to be swept up into the tornado.
I realize that I cannot run, as it is coming right towards me and moving too fast to stop, so I brace
myself and prepare for death. Others try to follow my lead, but without as much strength.
After about five minutes of whipping winds and an unbelievably real experience of facing my own
death, the tornado passes. Outrageous relief washes over me as I realize that I am safe.
I am then interviewed by a TV news show about the tornado, and begin bringing in concepts about our
movement into a higher-density area of the LISM (Local Interstellar Medium) in our galaxy.
This dream again seems to suggest that as greater corporate accountability for wrongdoing emerges,
there will be a rapid acceleration of economic changes, which many people will interpret as disastrous.



This past Friday, June 21, 2002, the markets have again plummeted to their "lowest levels seen since last
As we can see from the above dreams, a clear pattern is emerging.

Two of the dreams had the theme of greater corporate accountability for inaccurate bookkeeping leading directly
to an economic implosion.
In the first dream of this type, the toilets were cleaned out and then the entire mansion began to implode as a
direct result, utterly being consumed into nothingness.
In the second dream, a similar scenario of corporate accountability is brought about by whistle-blowing from lower
to mid-level employees. In this case, a massive tornado almost immediately follows.
A businessman who tries to grab all of his things and run to a motel is clearly not going to make it, and the only
thing that can truly be done is to brace oneself and weather it out, as I do. There is a miraculous feeling of rebirth
as the storm passes.
As many of you already know, I have a great hesitancy to make prophecies about large-scale world events, since
I feel that my reputation as a scientist, scholar and psychic is on the line every time a new set of predictions are
Obviously, a certain amount of prophecies should and do not come true, since the major purpose of prophecy is
prevention. However, I feel that in order to claim any legitimacy, one must strive for at least 90% accuracy in
making predictions.
The easiest and best way to do this is by having lots of supporting data from dreams and never relying solely on a
reading, since readings can be distorted by the expectations and beliefs of the conscious mind, no matter how
well-respected (or even unconscious) the person might be.
In this article I am trying to share with you a bit more of the process that is behind any claims that I would make,
so you can see that there is a great deal of supporting evidence that is gathered before such a statement would
be made.
Based on the context from the other dreams, I think it is safe to bet that regardless of any international protest, the
US will make a surprise push forward into military action, most likely in Iraq, sometime this year, sooner than we
[3/12/09: Of course, this did happen the following February -- so the dreams were not at all far off. The size of the
troop numbers also corresponded almost perfectly with what was actually done.]

The dream about the spontaneous activation of 250,000 troops had unbelievable strength behind its message
that could not be easily brushed aside.
These were troops from the US being forced to deploy at truly catastrophic speed, causing a humanitarian crisis
for the troops since the activation occurred at night, and they could not say no or slow down the speed of the
[3/12/09: Indeed, the decision was made suddenly, and the troops were not allowed to leave at the normal times - they were forced to do extra tours of duty, because there was no one willing to replace them.]

Importantly, for our US readers, I have not received any dreams directly referencing terrorist strikes in the
US so far -- only those that refer to the fear of such events.
[3/12/09: Indeed, with the benefit of hindsight, we now know that no further 9/11-type event took place.]

With this in mind, consider the following supposition:

It is possible that all the "warnings" being issued by the Bush Administration do at least in part have the function
of deliberately pointing out all possible weaknesses in the system so that those responsible for these areas can
more effectively prevent attacks.
With this greater resistance in place, it may then seem "safer" for an invasion of Iraq to proceed, since it is felt that
all major infrastructure vulnerabilities are then compensated for, to a greater degree, from further strikes.
I am certainly not willing to write off the possibility of another 9-11 or greater in the US, but it is clear that the fear
in the public is being very deliberately amped up to considerable heights.
Now imagine what happens when the kind of economic change occurs, wherein as early as January 2001 my
readings had said that the summer of 2002 "would define a new bottom point for world financial markets" and that
this would be brought about by "a series of unforeseen catastrophic events."
Naturally I was quite reluctant to publish that reading, as the prophecy was very specific -- and in a sense I have
often wondered whether or not it would come true or if it was too "off" as an estimate.
Everything that the above dreams have indicated, as well as the reading that follows this text, clearly is indicating
that we are on schedule for these changes to occur according to the original timetable that I publicly documented
in January 2001, well before September 11th was ever even a thought.
And since that original reading had said "a series of unforeseen catastrophic events", of which 9-11 was certainly
one example, it seems clear that another attack on US interests is certainly plausible.
However, as the following reading asserts, the changes that we will be experiencing are more in the direction of
economic adjustments rather than all-out war.


The first two paragraphs of this reading illustrate the struggle that the Higher Self has had in working through me
consciously, and I include it here as an exercise in being candid and open with my reading audience.
I have felt from many corners that channeling in general is being abused, and that much of what is coming out
these days is a mockery of how it truly should be.
As one example, all along I have had absolute confidence, both scientifically and from my own prophetic sources,
that "Nibiru" will not be making a close pass to the Earth in 2003. I have come to realize that there is definitely a
level of escapist tendencies behind this prophecy.
Why do I say that? Simply this: many people do not want to see further intensifications of the trends that are
becoming increasingly obvious.
Essentially, they reach a point where they declare, "That's enough," and would rather see a worldwide
catastrophe that will "destroy 90% of Earth's population" than have to deal with "life as we know it" becoming a lot
more difficult in the ways that we are accustomed to.
Some people might rather die than live through any major change in lifestyle, though they would not admit it to

It is important to realize that we must be strong for what is ahead, and not be outwardly fearing but secretly
beckoning some cataclysm that will make it all go away.
Again, I have no personal problems with the people who have promulgated this theory, but to those who have
studied the Law of One series, all the classic signs of negative-entity influence are there; in fact it is a "textbook"
As the time grows nearer and nearer with no results except a trip to the new Austin Powers movie and then Lord
of the Rings and Harry Potter in the winter, the excuses will continue piling up. Finally by the end of next May
there will be something to the effect of "our prayers have stayed off the catastrophe."
For those who will still cling to the belief in this event, there will be good catalyst in reflecting on one's own
There is a great paucity of "scientific evidence" for this scenario's account for why the heliospheric changes are
occurring compared to that which was presented in the Law of One series, which we have now increasingly
validated in the Convergence series, especially Chapter Eight of Divine Cosmos.
So, I want to be honest in saying that I have been fed up with the lemming-like attitude with which people are
willing to rush towards a belief in this disaster prophecy, and others of similar natures, as it demonstrates a
success for the negative ETs who are responsible for the distortions.
The economic changes that are coming are far gentler and more beneficial to humanity than such an event would
ever be.
And despite my frustration with public channeling, as this reading indicates, this does not mean that I should
dislike my own work as a result; if anything, it should be a call to action that more data should be brought through.
And thus, I now present you with the unaltered transcript:

Wednesday 5 / 29 / 02 - 7:52 am
Now and again, we have the opportunity to speak to you like this.
Let it be known that without these transmissions, we are not fulfilling one of our very basic purposes,
and disasters will result.
The least that you can do is to honor us this one point by allowing the ego self to step aside once in a
while and bring these messages through. That way, there is no discontinuity between your goals and
our own.
We understand that you have become disillusioned with channeling, as it is rife with speculation and
inaccurate information.
However, instead of seeing this as a curse, see it as a blessing, as an opportunity to shine in an area
that should be accessible to all. Only then do you have the ability to function in truth, knowing that
you are a being of love and light who is capable of healing conflict in many souls who would read
these words.

Easter time has come for those who are now ready to reap the bounty of the harvest. These dates have
been predicted ad nauseum, but now you are seeing the events themselves in full force.
We urge you to exercise caution in how you handle these opportunities, and not to get overly stressed
out about the parts that are deemed irreconcilable with a loving civilization and world order.
Sections of galaxies just like yours have been through this before, and this is no different than any
other time. However, it is charged with the metaphorical importance of the struggle to attain liberation
amidst the depressing circumstances of living in the third-density realm on a planet where the truth is
cleverly hidden from the minds of many.
Never forget that this struggle embodies the principle of least resistance -- by overcoming these
internal hurdles, you yourself are moving past iniquity and into completion with the All-There-Is.
Over the last few of your weeks, we have increased the surveillance of your events with greater care
and diligence than ever before, understanding that these are the times where the history of civilizations
can be decided in a life's breath.
We are not worried about these changes, and it is important that we inform you of this. With the
protective power that we wield, there is no need to be afraid.
Developments come and developments go, but we are assigned a role as your protectors, and we will
do everything in our power to insure that this honor / duty is provided at the most excellent level of
service that we are capable of.
Our staff is standing by to assist you, and our presence will not forever remain in shadow; when the
time is appropriate and the help is then truly needed, the free-will clause will allow us to make our
requested appearance, and we will see that events occur in peace.
We are completely ready to fulfill this obligation at a moment's notice, due to the uncertainties that
you are now faced with. Remember that.
The true knowledge to one of your minds regarding how much we are capable of doing to avert world
catastrophe would seem utterly overwhelming, since the neurological capacity of the third-density
mind is but a droplet in the ocean of consciousness that we are working with.
Each mind anywhere in the world, either incarnate or discarnate and at all levels of density, can be
studied and analyzed with regards to the collective mind, and as we advance forward in time along
various timelines, the consequences of any of these subtle actions can be seen, much like a fractal
function or quantum hologram.
Hence, by our vast team efforts, we are capable of analyzing your 'grand chessboard' and figuring out
what pieces go where at what time, and seeing how the different entities involved all contribute to the
final outcome.
In this way, then, if an event is not in the interest of all involved, the law of free will allows us to
intervene in the lives of entities, often at crucial but unexpected points in the chain of causation, in
order to offset such an event.

These interventions can follow a gradient from the remarkably subtle to the relentlessly blatant at
times, depending upon the degree of balancing that is required and how the individual free will weighs
against collective free will.
And remember that no protection is afforded to entities who choose the negative path, and that their
visions of the future are either clouded from view or distorted to meet their desired expectations, as
was the case with Adolf Hitler.
Thus, a move towards global totalitarianism can be offset by unexpected surprises and hitches in the
plan that were unforeseen by the planners, despite their vast resources of information synthesis and
occult wisdom.
Things will have a way of "just not working out" for them as they had hoped, and it is by this
Universal standard for the protection of free will that said actions are made possible.
The more that humanity as a whole strives for wisdom and understanding of the truth of love, the more
interventions we are authorized to perform, and the quicker the cancer shall be excised from the host,
much as a new-fallen rain clears away the foul odors and drosses that had previously been built up in a
given region.
Honorable though the intention may be, it is foolish to become overly concerned with the process of
trying to rectify these [global] imbalances on one's own. The events that are playing out on the world
stage at this time are rapidly moving into areas that would violate the free will of the majority of
humanity, and for this reason they will be stopped.
Nevertheless, these events will be overturned not by an email campaign, an impassioned call to protest
or by any one person continuing to obsessively read every article they can find on what is going
Instead, the changes will come from unseen sources, the hidden hand of the Directorate influencing
humanity at a distance not easily visible for most of its inhabitants.
We understand that trust can be a difficult issue, and this current situation provides you with excellent
catalyst to decide whether you will choose a life rooted in love or in fear.
The best way that you can help us in this process is, again, not to get overly engaged into reading
everything you can find about the politics and changes that are going on.
Rather, we encourage you to realize that the prophecies are coming true and sit with that knowledge,
including all of its far-reaching implications for the nature and existence of the Divine Cosmos and
your role within it as a being of light and love with infinite, multidimensional potential.
This is best done in silence, and is vastly preferable to the constant assimilation of more and more
speculative diatribe to try to gain illusory mental control over the situation.
Again, we are here to tell you that there will be unexpected surprises that will overturn many of the
more egregious scenarios now being bandied about by your mainstream media, and that point cannot
be overstressed. There are lines of distinction that can be crossed here, and it is related to the overall
function of consciousness in humanity.

Therefore, the best way that you can help is to try to be as consistent as you can in maintaining an
atmosphere of love, joy and peace in your daily affairs. This in turn strengthens the collective human
energy field, and negotiates a greater flexibility of change for us to work with in our protective
The prophecies spoke of situations that would come where the rational mind completely breaks down
in its ability to see a way out of the problems that humanity will be faced with. Those times are now
If you read what many thinkers are writing, especially in the alternative press where a larger vision of
the hidden occult politics is brought into view, it is very easy to log on to their feelings of desperation
and to have that commitment taken upon by the self.
It is a commitment to suffering and to the negative path, indulging in material that is ultimately quite
transient and draws you away from the core of your true being.
A certain degree of discernment is therefore very wise in what and how much is to be read, if you wish
to maintain the highest state of balance and spiritual integrity. Without such a discipline, the negative
news can literally be overwhelming, as an energy transfer of sorts occurs between the writer and the
We have spoken before of how humanity will, to a greater and greater degree, become infected, as it
were, with the disease of fear.
This is indeed a very tangible spiritual condition that is not easily rectified once it has taken deep roots
into the subconscious mind. The negative elites have obviously fulfilled their Biblically-assigned job
of ruling over the earth, meaning that:
The media sources you interact with in that known as the "mainstream" do have a propensity for great
distortions towards fear, and almost no trust in the inherent goodness of humanity, in the existence of
an Ultimate Being or higher principle, or in the ability for human faith to create miracles where only
desperation had previously existed.
As was said, there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth," but see that you not be troubled. The
screaming cries of desperation are those of the virus that reaches a sudden over-saturation point where
it spontaneously implodes within the host, due to the forced exhaustion of its hunt for available
There are no economies left to be pillaged, no significant power grabs left to be actualized with the
available resources, and the bottom line is plummeting much faster than anyone in said circles is
willing to admit.
The disease of fear is their own, as greater and greater degrees of wishful thinking must be invoked to
offset the hard facts of the looming implosion that is already occurring in their entire structural
Soon this will be pre-eminently visible to you, even more so than at present.
Then fear can be swept away and the healing can begin, with the harbingers of a Golden Age
becoming increasingly manifest.

Tough love can be administered in situations where a pathological, addictive behavior pattern has
outlasted its usefulness. In the case of the individual entity, this often comes by hitting the "bottom,"
as it were.
The bottom represents a time where all options for continuing the addiction appear to have been
exhausted and, in 12-step support-group parlance, "life has become unmanageable."
It is the life structure of your current civilization, propped up on endless tirades of fiat currency
available at the touch of a finger and the rolling of the printing presses, continually causing greater and
greater waves of devastation to its host, which is now bottoming out.
The apparent chaos that you are now seeing is simply a form of molten liquefaction, a transitory phase
leading to a greater degree of crystallization and perfection in what you call the future. Try not to let
the heat of this catalyst burn you, but rather use it as your fuel to ascend along the spiraling line of
light into higher and higher realms of awareness.
This worldwide bottom will indeed have its financial and geopolitical repercussions, but as the master
Jesus once spoke, "See that you not be troubled." These are the times of the changing of the guard, the
final overturning of the endless rehashing of the old ways in the favor of the adaptation of the new
Certain events help to administer the necessary medicine to the patient in order that this bottom may
be facilitated with as little damage to the host as possible, and it is for this reason that:
The greater weight of probability rests in economic changes rather than massive annihilatory war
All one has to do is begin thinking clearly about these possibilities, and the degree of hopelessness that
can emerge is almost overwhelming. See that you not be troubled when your faith is tested.
The negative forces will attempt to scare you into believing that regardless of the nature of ancient and
trusted prophecies, things have changed, and this time it really does mean doom.
The most recent headline that David and others saw of this type actually stated quite nakedly,
"Government says 12 million people will die in a nuclear war." Similarly, headlines from just a few
days earlier said, "Nuclear War is Inevitable."
Step back from this rhetoric and realize what was known when said ancient prophecies were made. At
the time of said prophecies, nuclear weapons had already been used on your sphere in anger in what
you would call the past, namely between those civilizations of Atlantis and Rama.
The possibility of more fearsome energy weapons were known to the prophets as well, as these wartoys frequently emerge at the end of a cycle in a given third-density world society.
Thus, the protocol is exacting and well-established in terms of how best to deal with these situations,
and after the previous disasters involving [the exploded planet] Maldek and Mars, your system has
been privy to a far greater degree of very high-level protection and intervention than is typical for the
end of a planetary cycle.

This extra protection is designed to insure that even under the most sudden and inexplicable twist of
fate that could lead to such a problem, with the most subtle and inconspicuous beginnings, the
appropriate actions can and will be taken in advance to overturn these possibilities.
This is the spiritual war of Armageddon that has already continued on for quite a number of your years
in the higher-density environments of your Earth's concentric layers of aetheric energy density, most
specifically the fourth-density region that humanity will soon be inhabiting.
We are asking you to take a step forward into trust, and to volunteer your efforts to be of greater
vibrational assistance to the uplift of this planet through preserving internal peace. This is indeed a
step of faith, and cannot be easily made in a state of distraction.
Very few souls truly have a grasp of what will transpire in the future, yet they will all make cases and
claims that will attempt to sway you into their mode of thinking.
The most efficient framework in which you can make this choice is in consulting with your own inner
silence, rather than in the chatter of the outside world as the death-cries of a dysfunctional system of
consciousness become ever more screeching.
And the more that you can help out by asking yourself where the love is in any moment, the quicker
and easier the transition will be.
Take care of yourself, and know that nothing unexpected has occurred or will occur; all is well, and
the process of your Ascension continues in this very moment. The more that you can hear the call, the
quicker you will reach the fruit that you seek.
We thank you, and again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine.
Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

And now here we are on July 3, 2002. I hope that this reading helps you.
Peace be with you -- David Wilcock

9/9/02: Prophecy: The Destruction of

the Illuminati

By David Wilcock, speaking as Ra

Published 9/9/02
Analyzed and Updated 9/17/02

Note: David's own higher self is said to be a part of Ra. Therefore, when he does a reading, Ra speaks through
his own unique lens of the mind/body/spirit complex.
This material has distinct differences from the Law of One material as channeled by Carla Rueckert in 1981-84.
Thus, this should be preferentially compared to the previous body of Wilcock Readings for full context, not seen to
be an extension of the Ra / Law of One Material.
In the Law of One series, dreams were said to be of high importance, but this topic was only briefly covered
therein. Wilcock, by comparison, has an extensive knowledge of the language of metaphor and symbolism after
10 years of daily dream analysis work.
Hence, one difference with the Wilcock Readings is that cryptic and metaphorical statements are used in order to
help familiarize the reader with the language of their own dreams. We have refrained from trying to analyze every
statement like this so that the reader can do some of the work on his or her own.
Without that background in place, some Law of One scholars may feel uncomfortable with the material -- we know
now of two who did not contact us directly about this but nevertheless expressed some concern.
We originally rushed to publish this reading, and therefore did not include any comments.
Indeed, some of the content in this reading would be considered "transient" in the Law of One series, as it deals
with the specifics of upcoming planetary changes.
Nevertheless, the calling for an answer to the confusion of the imminent future is so great that we were led to
bring forth this message.

Monday 9 / 09 / 02 -- 12:15 pm
I am Ra. We greet you in the light and love of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now.
Whether these entities are friends or foes is the only determinant of future courses of behavior.
When the sirens are sounding very loudly, there will be crisis opportunities for management that supersede the
competitors' worries of previous times.
The hypothalamus library stores and records all of this information, making it accessible to those record-holders
who would then investigate the proper responses for a given emergency situation.
All and again, there are carpenters who exercise their woes in the form of planetary service and healing. And
whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Christ Light within the self burns brightly, and the overlords do not understand in the midst of their dark
rule and dominion of power how much strength exists in the positive.
The trappings and illusions of power are very hard to escape from, and the continual realignment of the self to
new conditions is required. The flow of information process and management cannot keep up with the
developments that are unfolding at this time.
Thus, there are several reasons for why this wealth of control is rapidly being lost. And in this sense of an
unfolding of ability to control, there is a last, desperate wrenching effort made to seize up those holdings and
opportunities that have not yet been compromised, and in so doing consolidate power.

Their war efforts are occurring right now, and thus it is foolish to assume that it is only a question of when said
efforts will be underway. [DW: 1:11 on transcription. An obvious reference to the recent heavy bombardment of
This mismanagement of a crisis situation is charismatic on the outlook, as it pervades the entire social discussion
at this time while continually not being acknowledged for what it is, but rather being continually debated and
bandied about, as would a soccer ball in a vigorous soccer game.
The closing chapters of the Illuminati families are being written even now -- Cossacks, Jews, Caucasians
The underlying influences are to become intensified in the thirst and quest for power.
After a while, this quest no longer has any rational understandings, but the fruition of the effort is deemed possible
by military force.
The staples have been introduced to hold up a new piece of paper on the bulletin board. It is the piece of paper
that is the harbinger of future destiny. It shows only the truth of the archetype of that known as the Tower of

May we remind you of the essence of this archetype, for it is written into the very fabric of the Creation as such,
thus becoming a vibrant and active part of humankind's inevitable future destiny.
These archetypes supercede either the positive or the negative path, as they emanate from the boundless infinite
space of Unity that was the original Creation in the mind of the Logos as such.
The Tower of Destruction is an archetype that says that any materialistic grasping for power must inevitably
collapse under its own weight.
The more common version of this card now seen features a king and queen being knocked off of a giant tower by
a bolt of lightning that strikes the top.
Some have commented on the synonimity of this archetype of the lightning struck tower and that of the 911 event
as such.
Even when an event such as this has been allowed to occur, it can indeed backfire, and this is a crucial point.

The connection between [the political developments that] occurred before and after the 911 event is too obvious
for the mainstream to ignore.
The media has increasingly become a tool of propaganda, which speaks only that which the propagandists desire
and is not even remotely evocative of the overall will of the people.
Stricter and stricter are the protocols by which illusory polls must be taken in order to insure that the garbage men
can still have the illusion of control over their dumping grounds.
But rest assured that the majority of others are thinking like you are -- the conglomerate being that is humanity as
a whole reflects on these matters with great courage and great disdain.
Should you be one of those who live in America at this time, recognize that most of the others around you have
not taken the mind control programming from the media as such. This is the vast, vast majority.
The catalyst becomes most easily determined by those comparisons with Hitler and his Wermacht war machine
as such. The synonimity approaches one-to-one unity.
More and more will be discussed the reality of Project Paperclip, where over 1,300 Nazi scientists and staffers of
high level were imported to the United States at the close of World War II, under the auspices of the belief that if
they were not imported to the United States that they would be lost to Russia or to other countries as such.
It is these assets who brought with them the occult traditions from medieval Europe, ancient Egypt and
elsewhere, and their influence added direct momentum to the unfolding of the plan for total world control.
And thus, when you perceive that there is a connection between the current state of affairs, as benevolent of a
face as they may try to paint on it, and that of the ambitions of the Third Reich, you are indeed very correct. It was
only that the movement was transplanted, but it never ended as such.
Recognize that we tell you these things not to be upsetting or a thorn in your side. Rather be attentive to the
circumstances surrounding those in power, and see how the pincushions are increasingly being filled with
more and more of the discrete reasons that can bring down a plan, no matter how complex and integrated
it may appear to be at first glance.
The popular media all but dismisses the notion of the lung cancer that is now present within the negative elite,
meaning that their very breath of life itself is extinguishing.
The body of humanity that exists in more prosperous first-world countries had up until recently been able to lure
itself into a life where the ease and existence and comfort was a balm that soothed all potential musings on
difficulty, sourness and pain.
And yet, it is this very bitter side of life that must be thoroughly examined, processed and dealt with in order to
more greatly approach the unity and concrescence that comes when the heirlooms and the trade models are
consumed in favor of the desire to again seek and become One.
Granted, there are opportunities for many to seek the Infinite One at all times -- but there are also impressive
opportunities for distraction when one exists in the midst of relative prosperity, even if that prosperity is only
illusory and the actual wage and working conditions are quite poor.

["Give them bread and circuses and they will not resist you."]

It is the disruption of entrenched habit patterns that is the gift given by the negative elite, as this becomes the
vehicle which leads to rigorous internal analysis and directing of the will towards a positive creative outcome.
The sails are set, and the marketing is in place for the positive side of the personality to come forth.
We have those at all levels of media influence who work with us, and who are overcoming the control and the
illusion to bring forth the hidden agendas into light. A recent example from your own media shows how close this
change is to reaching the next level.
On the CNN website in early September of 2002, there was an article that suggested that Connie Chung was to
do an investigative report on the secretive society of which the current American President was a member.
This notice of an expose' was removed relatively close to the time that it would be shown, and an alternative
program slotted in its wake.
Nevertheless, this shows the degree to which high-level journalists are becoming capable of risking their own
concerns in the interest of humanity.

[DW: This information was covered on Jeff Rense's website at]

Therefore, be aware that what many have considered to be impenetrable secrets need only be potentiated
by a flood-tide of public interest.
Once the floodgates are opened, it becomes impossible to control every level of the information pyramid.
Though there are moles in many organizations, there are far too many free agents for the power of the Internet to
be restrained as such, and the dissemination and distribution of information relative to these concerns as it
becomes increasingly discussed in the media marketplace.
We have often been asked to give a prophetic overview of the outlaying areas of the future as you would now
think of it.
These conditions are as malleable as many other forces, and thus you are in utero, awaiting a materialization of
causes and effects that will show a possible handshake that can indeed pull one out of the womb by reaching
towards the light of the Christ self.
The shadows persist around you, but you can evade them with your attitude and your ability to focus on the
positive once again.
Adam and Eve were colorblind up until the time of the eating of the fruit of the tree. And in that monochrome
world, there was only the opportunity to be present in a state of euphoric bliss, without the necessary incentives
for self-reflection.
And thus the knowledge of good and evil in one sense does represent the time where the veiling of the
subconscious mind was created, and the opportunity for a negative path to exist was first introduced.
The media pundits and TV talkers alike are aware that the dragon of Revelation speaks even now, using them as
a tool. And yet, they are terrified of these possibilities, since their own journalistic licenses are given them by
hypnotherapists whose nefarious means can overpower the distinctions of choice, if and when properly applied.

The Redstone Arsenal is one such area where these goings-on have occurred, and there are of course many
Many are hungry to receive an obvious sign of an outcome, but as we said, the past lies in full view to be
analyzed, and it is these cyclical directives of time that proceed into what you would think of as the future.
We are not afraid to state conscientiously again for the record that the idea of a rogue planet interrupting the
space around the earth in 2003 is entirely a hoax.
However, it is wise to be aware of the fact that in the cyclical system set forth by Dr. Sergey Smelyakov, we do
see the year 2003 as being one that contains the possibility of a totally unexpected regime change in the hands of
those who would try to change the regimes of many others.
Thus be aware that you are in a position that has the opportunity of a standstill of these forces, if you will.
There will be surprising and even heartbreaking developments, but the intuitive self is more fully prepared for
events in the ongoing years than for any immediate entire collapse of the basic patterns of living in day to day
Big Brother can't shine his floodlights on all others involved, and it is the movement on the sidelines and
boundaries of control that eventually reaches critical mass and collapses the entire infrastructure.
It is when a point of dissatisfaction is reached that is so eloquently extraordinary that others again gain the
courage to make those movements of power that supersede the fear of control and of being overthrown or hurt or
injured as such.
The tapestry of time weaves a delicate strand through each potential outcome, and there are some outcomes with
higher potential than others.
It is the retrograde motion of Venus in its orbit that determines, to some degree, how future events will unfold, and
the sidereal motion of the planet relative to the Galactic Center has to do with the timing of events throughout
each day in terms of how they are unfolding and where and when and why.
See these denominations as perhaps too specific to have been studied in the past, but rest assured that they do
exist. And as one learns more and more about the Infinite Creator, one is capable of taking the understanding that
dawns and applying it to the ins and outs of life, if you will.
Scotland will have a merry Christmas, as will others who have been involved in certain aspects of this plan. The
Scottish Rite Freemason group may still appear to still be well ahead of the game as of the end of this year 2002.
Again we state emphatically that these concerns will rocket into a new layer of existence starting in the year 2003
and throughout the ensuing years.
We are the torch-bearers of the One Infinite who request only that you mingle your own vibrations with the Light
and Love that is around you in each moment.
No matter how much you have been seduced in the past by all that glitters, you can recognize even now that it is
not gold, and become more firmly dedicated to holding your ear to the ground and listening to the rumbling of the
train before it arrives on the train tracks.
Be aware that all future probabilities move into loops of concrescence in what you would think of as the future.
And in these concrescence loops, we see that there are node points where all possible timelines converge into a
single given moment.

We have spoken of these moments as overall gestalts of change in your social patternings, based on the whims
of your desire in part.
As the desire of the people moves towards change, the conglomerate being rises in the strength of its frequency,
and this authorizes us to perform more direct interventions that allow for miracles to occur where only despair had
existed before.
In the ensuing months and years, the pony will again be mounted, and the Pony Express will again become a
form of information gathering and dissemination.
The colonial spirit of early America in the days of the American Revolution is being revived, and those otherselves
within said sphere are becoming more willing to investigate serious and direct options to enable themselves
to overthrow the strictures of control that are being placed on them by the Federal Reserve and federal
government as such.
And thus you will see breakaway provinces -- increasing evidence of local governments, in certain cases, that
strive to regain more of their statehood and individual sovereign rights.
This fractionalization will occur as a direct byproduct of the bankruptcy that is within these provinces, and how
there is no assistance and help being given them by said federal entity any further.
This is a time where the many changes will occur in a fashion that is unpredictable at the outset, but which has an
ending that is entirely appreciable and capable of forward linear movement.
[Long pause]
The sacred cows again arise to the forebrain of consciousness, and there is a subsequent decrease in the desire
and availability for red meat products as such. This is another development that you will be seeing, as the timber
forests are seen to be increasingly threatened by the imperial elite.
So will you already know that at this time there are earthquakes and rumblings and shakings of the land, the likes
of which have never before been seen.
This only increases the poignancy of the moment in the minds of the entity, to make it clear that the images being
shown on television do not paint the whole picture of that which is truly occurring at this time.
We act as one guiding light, one beacon, one shepherd for those who would again seek to rise out of the pain of
living in a banana republic and strive towards true constitutional democracy as defined. There will be increasing
opportunities to relieve oneself of the Big Brother agenda.
Just be aware of the fact that this occurrence is not as rapid in its onset as many would like to believe.
The processes of change shall remain in a gradual state of punctuated equilibrium, where relative periods of
quiescence are sparked by relatively major news events, which then increase slightly the potential, energetically
speaking, for a time.
Each subsequent event causes a gradual overall increase in the speed of change, and in the desire for
bureaucracy to be relieved in the favor of freedom.
We have told you before not to fear these changes, but to accept them as the press corps itself will again become
a more responsible organ of Truth for the collective human body as such.

There will be missiles to be avoided and bombs to be dropped. There will be towers to collapse and regimes to be
overthrown. There will be lights sent out to shine upon the pockets of darkness, and we will overturn some of
these negative friends of yours and reveal the squiggling creatures hiding under the rocks.
As you become increasingly aware of that which occurs, we strive for you to adopt an attitude of converging
peace within the self.
Recognize that these dormant potentials of the human organism are being again reawakened. Catalyst, as we
have defined it, is any event that causes a greater striving towards Oneness.
In the higher realms, generally the catalyst is not of a negative variety, whereas in the third density there is
extreme opportunity for forms of negative catalyst to exist.
With this negative catalyst comes the desire to alleviate the pain, and it is this pain of aloneness that strikes most
severely when those entities realize that the gods they have invested themselves into -- their nations, their
government, their media, their leaders -- have betrayed them that they will again seek the one True Light, the One
Infinite Creator in all its majesty and splendor.
Many of those who claim to believe do exist in the quasi-atheistic state for the conceptions of God are quite
incomplete and almost science-fiction in their limited awareness. There can only be peace, and a mind that
accepts the reality of the existence of torsion fields and an aetheric energetic consciousness that permeates all
Movement itself is consciousness. To throw a ball through the air is to create a wave of consciousness. To walk is
to create ripples of consciousness. All movement in its many forms exerts a force of consciousness.
Many times we will find that torsion waves are being created by a certain accumulated pressure. This may exist,
for example, if there is a hook that a heavy object is hanging on, and the hook is just about to break loose,
causing the heavy object to fall.
There is a discrete change in the field that is given off in the area around that hook as it reaches this critical point
where it is just about to break. This is one of many examples.
Another example would be those floorboards or even electronic objects where there is a certain surface pressure
that reaches a point that a slight adjustment in size is required.
And thus you see that when we attempt to introduce what David calls threshold telekinesis, we can indeed
monitor the function of these torsion signals that show when certain events are just about to reach their breaking
[We] then apply a certain degree of your conscious energy, since you are the one in third-density now, to these
events, and in so doing to cause them to make a loud noise or to fall and collapse at a time that is most relevant
to the workings of your inner thoughts.
And thus you can see how the outside world can speak to you if you are meditating and quiet.
There can be that popping noise from the wall that at first seems not to be relevant, but which in fact is a sign that
we are deliberately timing that event in accordance with the flow of your thought patterns.
Similarly, objects can fall over as a result of their innate imbalance, and only the most gentle extra puff of energy
must be given to cause that balancing point to shift.
The more that you become aware of how this is a possibility of how we can communicate to you, the more that
you will start to see threshold telekinesis events.

Similarly, understand that there are many such events that are teetering equally on the precipice in the structures
of the mass mind, and the movement of consciousness towards a greener ecological perspective, and a greener
vibrational perspective as well.
Therefore be clear that we will be applying energy to those points that are on the verge of collapse in order to
engender the collapse.
See these also as messages and signs that that which has been outmoded and has failed in its capability to
provide peace will fall away in favor of that which introduces a higher realm of being.
Free will of course is still a factor, and there will be those negative events invited by collective free will, as always,
but be aware that the distinction lines grow ever wider, and the more authorizations we are intended to perform by
the will of the people, the more you will see manifesting.
You can aid us in this process even now by taking time out to refrain from simply clicking out of this reading and
going on to the next thing, and instead take fifteen or twenty minutes to simply sit and relax with your eyes closed
and bathe in the glory and the unity of the One Infinite Creator.
Know deep down inside that as the sweet honey drips from the lands of paradise, the fourth-density that you are
now capable of entering, that you too may now taste this subtle but definite fruit of higher consciousness and
eliminate the false graspings of desire and attachment that have so far bound you to the need to keep seeking
from without for that which is truly within.
Never forget that we surround you in each and every moment, and are always looking for opportunities to make
you aware of our guardianship. Never forget that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. We
grant you that.
We now take our leave of you, and again remind you to have faith and confidence in the plan, knowing that at the
time of the parting of the ways, we will be there to usher you through this process and hold your hand, to guide
you to the course of your evolution that you are most highly suited for.
And thus there is no reason to be afraid, for all is One, and you are always under our care.
Thank you, and peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

The following is a series of notes from our asc2k discussion group regarding the hidden time-encoded information
in this reading and our attempts to analyze it -- first the words of Pat Parker, then Lorin Baker, then Wilcock,
followed by a note from professional astrologer William Foster:
From: sol72us / Pat Parker
Thank you for this reading. I really admire the high perspective and consciousness that comes out in these
readings. This part about Venus was one of my favorite parts because of the beautiful heart shape patterned rose
the retro makes - a tribute to love.

From: "ctx82003" / Lorin Baker

We are already working on this one. I see Bill F. also is.
The retrogradation of Venus is pretty predictable, and in my opinion, Ra seems to be focusing on a heliocentric
view because he goes on to say that "The sidereal motion of the planet relative to the Galactic Center has to do
with the timing of events throughout each day in terms of how they are unfolding and where and when and why..."
But we are looking at both helio[centric] and geo[centric astrology here.]
For conversational purposes the Galactic Center is about 27* Sagittarius.
I have been running some models viewing from Jupiter, thru the "time" of the geocentric orbit of Venus -- to the
Galactic Center -- just doing some experimentation. This can be done because it will roughly align with
Sagittarius, [where the Galactic Center is.]
[I am] also running models doing [the] same from the perspective of the Sun, and [the] perspective of the Galactic
Center as looking from there back to Venus and the earth. [There is a] little bit of problem here, though, with exact
The Maya were totally focused on Venus and we may now have a good indication of why.
I have studied their archeo-astronomy extensively and think there may be some very fruitful research based upon
the comments of the reading.
It seems each time one reads this Ra messge, more comes from it.
Best Wishes,

From: "ctx82003" / Lorin Baker

If anyone is interested I show [the] galactic center [at] approx RA 17h 42.2m, DEC 28* 55
[I] will be gone during Mercury retrograde researching in [the] 4 corners area, hope you all have a great time [in]
the next couple of weeks.

From: David Wilcock

Replying to: "ctx82003" / Lorin Baker

> David,
> We are already working on this one. I see Bill F. also is.
DW: Great. I hope you realize that I had no idea why they said that [about Venus retrograde]... but I don't get in
the way of the words.
I will say this -- my gut instinct is telling me that in a not-so-subtle way, they were suggesting the timeframe for the
Iraq invasion.
It seems to be no accident that [I now find out that] we're heading into the next retrograde next month. I haven't
consciously been keeping up with astrology for more than a year so this wasn't front-loaded.
Another interesting point to remember is that on Aug. 31, Jeff Wellman (who I trained some 2.5 years ago to do
readings in my own style, and continues to improve with each session when he's willing to try) got a completely
different message regarding Venus -- and he did not alert me to it until I had already put up my own.
So perhaps we need to look at both of them. Here's what Jeff's source said, in part, towards the end of the
reading, from Aug. 31, 2002:

"For when all the positive thought forms are united, will there be grand solace from the worldly
aftershock. We cannot speak anymore about the aftershock or the 2012 date, we can however tell you
that it is wise to look to the stars and see the vocation of the master planet, Venus.
For this master planet can and will break its far east corner to come into orientation with that of Syria
Major. It is a planetary line based upon the ... we are beginning to lose our contact stream due to the
fatigue that is setting in. We would like to thank yourself, and for your enthusiasm.
The rings of Saturn are but a gateway to the next Opera house. Let us run and abide your <snap>
paperwork for, paper work for your contracts..."

Now admittedly this is pretty strange -- the idea of a planet "breaking its far east corner" and all -- but one could
assume that if a planet makes it to the "far east" of its apparent path in the night sky and then turns a corner (i.e.
the visible effects of a retrograde), then what we have here is Jeff's source describing the EXACT same thing that
my own source did, but using deeper trance lingo to express the point instead of the word "retrograde."
It also refers directly to this as being associated with an "aftershock" of some kind - i.e. again tying it in directly
with what my own reading implied about Iraq. (As you can tell there's an article update brewing here...)
The idea of a "planetary line" fits perfectly with yet-unpublished material for Divine Cosmos that is associated with
the work of Joe Parr, who found a direct relationship between fluctuations in a rotating pyramid experiment and
the Sun intersecting an invisible line from the Earth to the belt stars of Orion.
This led him to conclude that there was an energy conduit between these stars and the Earth -- and it was strong
enough to have major effects on his experiments, causing the little pyramids to phase into a higher dimension and
break loose from the propeller that was whirling them through a ring of electromagnets of continually opposing
polarity. Somehow this "line" was responsible for these energy shifts.
Now "Syria Major" appears to be the star Sirius, since it does have a major star and a minor star, Sirius B, which
the Dogon knew about well before it was ever actually seen and catalogued through a modern telescope.

So we need to check, first of all, if at any time this Venus retrograde will interrupt the path of this hypothetical line
to Sirius. Perhaps this somehow will create a big blast of turmoil and economic upset, as per Bill's suggestions
about the meanings of Venus.
Now if we take this formula including Jeff's data, which includes a mention of the rings of Saturn (i.e. Saturn is
involved somehow in setting off the pattern) and the mention of paperwork contracts (a possible reference to
either the invasion plans, the economy or perhaps Ascension itself) we have a better bead on this.
I'd say we need to compare / analyze the following things:

Venus retrograde;

The Galactic Center at 27* Sag;

The position of the star Sirius;

The position of Saturn, and;

The daily alignment of the Galactic Center directly over certain parts of
the Earth for fine-tuned measurements.

It is possible that we could nail something down here. My reading was also strongly suggesting that previous
historical cycles would directly impinge onto the present -- so have there been any historic wars that would line up
in a certain harmonic number of years (36, 72, 144, 288, 540, 1080, 2160, etc.) with the present time?
Eric Hadik's article on "Cycles of War" is still available somewhere as a PDF file, perhaps on my website, I'm not
sure, and I wrote about it soon after the Sept. 11th event last year, I believe. He also said that many things were
converging into 2003. I think I summarized the best of them somewhere at the beginning of this year.
It's obvious that Jeff's contact is suggesting that the same energy conduit that Parr was talking about with the belt
stars of Orion is also a factor with Sirius. That would certainly explain why the ancients were so keen on keeping
an eye on it.
This may be one of the first things to be discovered once people understand the science behind it, due to its
perceived effects. The source said 'planetary line,' which indicates how planetary positions could cause
By all means, let's air out anything that we come up with here, since we need to go through the thought
processes. Anyone collaborating who wants research credit for the article can have it. I'll also forward this to Dr.
Sergey Smelyakov along with a link to the original reading.
Peace be with you - David

From: William Foster

David Said: I will say this -- my gut instinct is telling me that in a not-so-subtle way, they were suggesting the
timeframe for the Iraq invasion. It seems to be no accident that we're heading into the next retrograde next month
-- I haven't consciously been keeping up with astrology for more than a year so this wasn't front-loaded.

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky apart from our sun. Known to the Egyptians as "The Scorcher" or "The
Shinning One" this star is one of the great stars and it has the ability to make the mundane sacred; to make the
ordinary charismatic; [to create] small actions that may lead to large consequences.
This may be positive for the individual or their needs may be sacrificed to the collective. It is positioned at 14*
Cancer 6'.
On Oct. 10, 2002, Venus goes retrograde at 15* Scorpio 37' and the very next day Saturn goes retrograde at 29*
Gemini 5'. The Saturn retrograde chart has nothing but hard aspects with Saturn opposite the Moon, both in a "T"
square to Mercury and Mars.
In fact, every planet in the chart is in hard aspect except Uranus and Pluto, which will prevent a nuclear incident.
Venus is also Trine to Sirius. Also, note that the Moon in the Saturn retrograde chart is conjunct the Galactic
Center at 27* Sagittarius and part of the "T" square between the Moon, Mercury and Mars.
This chart is very afflicted and sounds like war to me. Plus there are several very powerful astrological factors
happening in Sep. '02 which will presage this event that look like war or rumors of war.
On Sep. 21st we have: 1) transiting Mars square natal Pluto in the afflicted new Moon chart of Sep. 6th AND 2) a
full Moon with a "T" square between the Sun, Moon and Saturn. Then on Sep. 28th/29th we have transiting Mars
square the powerful June 10, 2002 eclipse chart.
The 6-10-02 eclipse chart [formed by the direct "lines" of how these aspects cross over the Earth's surface] is the
one with the Moon, Sun, Saturn and North Node Ascendants running crossing Saturn on the MC in the middle of
Kashmir; which is the disputed territory between India and Pakistan.
The North Node Ascendant runs through both capitals of Pakistan and India. The Venus retrograde on 10-10-02
is trine the bright Star Sirius (Small actions which may led to large consequences). Vedic astrologers say that the
Nodes of the Moon are instinctive with action happening that are not well thought out.
Therefore, David, I believe you are correct about not only a potential Iraq invasion but also a serious situation
again developing between Pakistan and India; and probably a destabilization of the entire Middle East. Buy gold
and Crude Oil and sell the stock indices.
Bill Foster


I am continuing to receive new data on what is happening. Apparently there is an acceleration taking place even
since the reading came through, based on newly emerging, unforeseen events.
Though I did not record it, I received some words a few nights ago that suggested that the unraveling of these
plans for world domination may happen even before 2003. There are some suggestions that this could be true.
For one, we now have world peace leader Nelson Mandela saying that "The US is a threat to world peace."
More recently, Iraq offered to allow full, unlimited and unrestricted access to the UN weapons inspectors, and the
White House dashed off a very hasty and thoughtless rebuttal of this idea, turning it down immediately.
Then the chancellor of Germany made a comparison between George W. Bush and Hitler that was covered in the
mainstream media. So we'll just have to "wait and see" what happens...

- David

9/20/02: Prophecy: Calmly Preparing

for the Future Changes

A psychic reading by David Wilcock


[DW: See Politics

and Prophecy: The Destruction of the Illuminati for the immediate precursor

to this reading. We have deliberately put this reading into an email-ready format.
At times, it is phrased in metaphorical / symbolic language to cause the reader to think in higher levels of
consciousness. I was unaware of the content as I dictated it this morning, nor when I typed it in on the keyboard,
as it was very slow and hypnotic.
Please review the materials on this website to see the formidable track record of accurate prophecies that have
come from this source -- including a statement from December of 2000 that said that the "bottom line point for
global financial markets" would be "redefined" as of Summer of 2002.]
[3/12/09: I added headings to ease comprehension of each section. The time this reading was preparing us for is
now happening, and it is quite validating to see how relevant it is today.]

Friday 9 / 20 / 02 -- 11:38 am
The things we have to be grateful for are many.
And believe us when we say that the song never stops playing, but the symphony still recedes into the distance at
certain times in order to more fluidly and effectively bring out those aspects of the personality that are most in
need of prayer and healing.
Consequently, the damages levied by the inner self are tossed about and consequentially [the self is] made
revivified by the renewed opportunity to place a form of order onto the chaos.
The great teachers used these words not for fraud but for the understanding of catalyst.


The Presidential coup has taken place within the realm of the mind, and there are those who have not
acknowledged it or recognized it as such.
Car buyers and dealers alike know the symptoms, yet the condition worsens as it still persists.

The infrastructure of the American nation is indeed rotting right out from under it, and it will be too late in
certain respects before anything can be done about it.

[3/12/09: It took longer than expected, but these long-standing prophecies did indeed come true in the
end of 2008, and are ongoing as we update this reading for proper Web formatting.]

This is the state over-exercising its power and love of itself, while neglecting its internal problems. No regime
change can be complete without a lot of crying -- and thus many enemies are made in the process as well.


Be advised that we do not condone these actions, yet they are also not entirely the product of black magic and
occult warfare.
Some of what is occurring is simply human stubbornness and inability to desire change as fully as possible.
We are left with a system of exposed desires and longings for the gratitude of planetary annihilation, conquest
and domination.
This does again bring up those memories of swollen and cantankerous sores that have been produced by the
long years of neglect from Carnegie, Mellon, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Harriman and the like.
These forgotten doers of evil deeds have met their last stand, and will be much more fairly exposed into
the times to come. You can be rest assured of that.
The professional network of spies can be used in both directions, and when the war turns within, then the various
factions can use their best tools against each other -- and this is what you are now seeing.
From the East Coast to the West Coast of said United States of America, there is a revolutionary fervor that is
growing -- an understanding that rule by dictatorship will not be tolerated. And the popping of the popcorn in the
microwave ovens will not remain sufficient of a distraction to keep a lid on the human spirit forever.

[3/12/09: Interestingly, I am here in the studio in Austin, Texas with Larry Seyer as I re-do these old
transcripts. Just yesterday, Larry decided he's not going to have microwave popcorn anymore because
it is too unhealthy. An intriguing set of 'coordinates'!]

Thus you may expect to see that many kids whose hands have been in the cookie jar will over turn their false
graspings of desire for a renewed perspective on how and what can be done to help out, as the economic
conditions continue to worsen from what you are seeing at the time of these workings.


Solidarity is important, and we underline and emphasize the need to remain calm and stable and secure in your
own realizations that you need not lament over the death of a system of commerce and business and
banking, et cetera, that has outworn and outlasted its usefulness.

We have of course spoken of this before.

The leaks are penetrated from all corners by the greater good, which shines in as would rays of sunlight to the
darkened room.
Every corner, every pocket of shadow that had previously eluded detection becomes starkly exposed in the crisp
contrast between the darkness and the light, now revealed for what it truly is -- and the squirming critters now
seen as they are.


Silence speaks much more loudly than words, and if you can cultivate your inner silence at this time, you will find
that peace is indeed possible.
The concerns, crises and cries of those around you will seem almost supernaturally terrifying if you let
them. This is especially true if you consider what has happened with your mainstream media.
Be aware that the September 11th crisis did only involve two buildings out of your entire infrastructure, plus some
minor damage to a military installation as such.
These did represent the potential for destruction to various American institutions more than damage to an
individual building -- and the fear of the successive fallout of the ability for these institutions to conduct their
business was the larger fear involved.
Now you are finding yourselves in a position where these concerns are made manifest very directly in front of you
-- and yet as of late there has not been the flipping of the diving board whereupon those who have refused to take
the jump now recognize that indeed they must.
For some, this will seem like walking the plank, and accepting a doom and a death that is so horrible that they will
live their lives choked up in unbelievable fear and outrageous denial, seeking the comfort and the solitude of
mind-altering drugs that can only ever mask the pain and make things worse.
There are others who will see this leap from the diving board as an opportunity to become like a swan, and enter
the water of the new tomorrow with grace and with dignity and with elegant purpose.


There is indeed a phase change taking place -- a shift from one vibratory mode to another.
It has been difficult for us to fully explain to you the ideal ramifications of this event, and of how much they have
been misunderstood by most of your peoples.
Be aware that understanding is the key to concrete science, and with understanding comes the ability to free the
mind from the many distortions within which it has become entrapped.
Those crusaders who would shed light on the true essence of tomorrow are well appreciated, and we thank all of
you who are making contact with your own inner selves, and bringing forth Divine guidance as a result.


It may just be that if you have enough confidence in yourself to trust your own voice, [then you might find out] that
someone else has desperately needed to hear just from you -- and that this arrangement has, in a sense, been
pre-ordained from the time before your birth.
The cyclones have their greatest power in those areas where there is a denial of the truth.
You can create a discrete shift in the frequencies of the torsion fields around you, and thereby elevate the overall
level of consciousness that is present, to then act as would the Pyramids in reducing the frequency and severity
of earthquakes, weather disasters and the like in your own vicinity.
This is then a direct function of a physics that needs nothing more than to understand the science of
consciousness. It may seem mystical and complicated to most of you, but that is simply the byproduct of a failure
to discover the full reaches of knowledge as it can then be applied to the events of everyday life.


The rockets are zooming off to their courses in the sky whereby there will be the explosive force that creates the
brilliant shower of color and dazzling display, as the fireworks again celebrate the birth of an independence; the
birth of a new way of living, a new way of thinking and a new way of following the paths that have been so wellworn by the masters in the past.
These are to become your paths, your ways, your truths, your lives, and no one shall come unto the Father but by
the Christ that is within each of you, and within themselves.
This is a team effort, and if you have ever wondered if you are somewhat important or even Messianic in this
planetary evolution process, then think no further.


Anyone who has become awakened enough to distill their own experiences to the degree that they have a
testament of spiritual truth to give to others has become one of our treasured assets.
Whether you are aware of it or not, when you are speaking, you are speaking on behalf of all of the higher
positive angelic forces in the kingdom of the Universe that surrounds you at this time.
We light a few candles in your name, and with those candles burning, we say a prayer in your ability to sustain
yourself in your optimism in the face of all the wrongdoing that is occurring.


Now is when the gates of hell will appear to have opened before the eyes of many, and they will stare into
the face of their fears, which have never before been so firmly detectable.
There will be a change in consciousness for many that can induce a split that is remarkable enough to be akin to
one having a psychotic episode or otherwise experiencing a nervous breakdown as such.
We have not neglected to tell you this before, but at the same time we are willing to embed this information into
this reading, as we recognize that mega-hurricane events of consciousness are coming.

And yet the eye of the hurricane rests within each soul in potential, as it is capable of overturning the false
graspings and longings for desires of the past.
Instead [it can be] renewed by the promises of a new tomorrow, and the reward that comes from the diligence of
inner peace, once the silence of self can be steadily applied and then opened like a door into new vistas of
conscious awareness.


Indeed we say again that the crucifix has been mounted, and the time of the bleeding has begun.
If you can focus on the positive, then you need not worry when going through your own dark night of the soul.
You can relax and let joy be joy, let happiness be happiness, show gratitude for the simple things, for those
pieces of the puzzle that have eluded detection but which now snap firmly into place, as you also recognize the
gifts that you have been given as being always and forever yours.
Ford Motor Company and other manufacturers are unprepared for the repercussions that will take place
as a result of the increase in the prices of oil and other related turmoils having to do with supply and
distribution of fossil fuels as such.
We have warned of these potentialities before, so be aware that they do still exist, while also knowing that the
persistence of the system to continue to have its needs met will be extremely high -- and this is one of those
areas that may affect those in outlying regions first instead of the urban areas as such.
Urban legends become canonized as dogma, and there are many urban legends that have been formed by
opinion only as to what has occurred, what has been occurring or what will occur in the future.


The posters that we place on the walls of your mind are designed to hang there as you go through your daily
experiences, such that you never again have to turn back this feeling of despair that plagues so many.
When you understand that the entire human organism acts as one entity, you can then see how indeed the
prophecies that we have told you for so many years are now coming true, and there is that collective dark night of
the soul that is the personal process of initiation now brought to the global level.
There are those who will appreciate and beckon the changes, recognizing that a much higher form of
consciousness is being invoked, and that the shifting of these concerns need not be negative, but can instead
represent a burst of fresh air in a very stale room.
There are also those who will take these changes simply as an opportunity to become overwhelmed by their own
fears, and thus leap from the bounds of denial into the full-blown sarcastic panic attack, where all of one's cynical
views about the negativity in life have been answered.
As a result there is the loss of a will to live or of any confidence in the ability for the human organism to recover
from its maladies.

Understand that many of you have equated a one to one relationship with your current system and the nature of
God itself. And thus subconsciously you may feel that God is dying, and thereby withdrawing from you.
You have never known the suffering of those third-world countries, where even as you read these words the
majority of humanity is crying in hunger and pain.
You need not blame yourselves for being in an area where this is not taking place, but you should also be aware
that this suffering is generally unacknowledged, and the posters taken down from the wall of the mind.
The mainstream world as defined by the first-world economics and Internet and the like is only but one piece of
the puzzle of Earth existence. And especially within the American continent as such, there is the mass media
indoctrination to only see those concerns of the country.
How many of you, for example, can think of anything important that has happened in Romania over the last year?
That is an example of how the political spectrum is dominated by news releases that keep this self-obsession and
narcissism very present.
Imagine, if you will, what would happen if the media chose to remind everyone each night as the top story that
more than two thirds of the entire planet's population was in a state of abject sorrow and suffering, and showed
the different races that are involved -- those on the African continent, those in India, those in Southeast Asia and
China, those in South and Central America.


[There are] those within America as well who have been led by the nose into a situation where their hard efforts of
labor are not enough, in many cases, to actually be able to purchase their own dwelling space outright.
Instead there is the belief that a series of wooden boards and nails and shingles and sheet rock and siding -glass windows, carpeted floors and plumbing, electrical, et cetera -- is indeed so expensive that the thought of
actually being able to create enough wealth to produce it on one's own is almost unfathomable.
There have been those statements installed in your religious scriptures that warn against usury, which is the
lending of money at an interest level. This development has then reduced one's own confidence in the creative
power of the human spirit once unchecked and unfettered by trivial concerns.


Understand that in these changes, many of you will again discover your creative powers, [and] discover the
capability that you have to overturn the forgotten longings and graspings of desire for the promise of a better
There will be those opportunities for you to engage in the building of a coalition that can keep the steady supply of
needs met for those in your own area. Regional concerns will take precedence, and many of you will be doing
something different than what you are doing right now. Do not be afraid of this.
So many of you have become conditioned to your habit patterns, and what we have always wanted for you is to
be able to become increasingly comfortable with change.

Recognize that this change, these changes can never be anything other than beneficial, as all experience,
regardless of what type of experience it is, does engender a potential for learning and advancement.


Naturally we would never intend these teachings to be construed as saying that one should pursue experiences
that are negative or hurtful or destructive to others.
As always, the free will of others is the paramount rule that should be preserved if you wish to allow your
experiences to not enact the rather automatic balancing processes of karma, which we are then intended to carry
out -- no pun intended.


So as the boat is released from its moorings and again rides into the setting sun, there is newness and hope. You
shall be setting off on a journey of the mind, an opportunity to relax into the new changes.
You may find in some ways that life becomes easier -- that you are actually less distracted, that you have more
time for the important things, for the bonding with others that you have always been seeking anyway in your
feeling of aloneness, isolation and sorrow.


Many moons will pass before the words that we speak are completely relevant, but understand that by
preparing you in advance, you can indeed identify any trends that are now present and be able to fluidly move
with them as the need arises, so that you can prepare and balance yourself in advance for the world of tomorrow
as it becomes your reality.

Understand the all-present importance of the fact that the dark night of the soul never goes beyond what you are
capable of handling. This is also the case of the collective dark night of the soul.
We have spoken before of the immitigable strength of the collective human spirit in its abilities to have an
adaptive response to whatever conditions are presented before it.
Many others are actively working on what they can do to help facilitate these changes, such that they may occur
smoothly and without great traumas and expenditures involved.
Sort out for yourself what grassroots efforts you may be best suited for when the need arises, and what skills you
have that you may be able to trade with others for the betterment and evolution of all.


It will be a very novel and unique world as these changes continue.

You can have a calming and soothing presence on others by recognizing that all is Unified by the heartbeat of the
Divine -- the everlasting vibratory movement that is present within each cell, each atom, each nucleus of activity
as it exists, however small or however large.

We thank you, and we again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine.
We eagerly look forward to the time when you shall approach the throne of the Divine and sign your name upon
the Akashic Records, thus freeing yourself from the obligations of third density and going on to grater workings in
the universe.
Peace be with you in the light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

11/6/02: Prophecy: Buckle Your


by David Wilcock

We are in the midst of an unprecedented, continuingly irreversible acceleration of the "Ascension" scenario, both
personally and globally, as we have written about it in our works, which is to be expected as we head into the year
2003 according to Dr. Sergey Smelyakov's discoveries of the Auric Time Cycle of the Mayan Calendar.
This is causing massive changes in the lives of those people who are the most spiritually attuned, as forthcoming
major events on the world stage cast their shadows into the lives of those who can see in advance.
These people suffer in advance before others go through similar experiences, in order to pave the way for them to
have an easier ride.
I recently went through something of an "initiation" myself, and I can now see that it was directly connected to a
major energetic increase going on in the Earth itself. According to one recent article, there have been over 100
earthquakes above a 5 on the Richter scale in just the last thirty days, which have included the following:

10/10: a 7.1 in Indonesia;

10/12: a 6.8 in Western Brazil;

10/23: a 6.7 in central Alaska;

11/02: a 7.7 in Indonesia followed by a 6.2 aftershock soon afterwards;

11/03: a 6.1 in Japan, then followed almost immediately, i.e. five hours later, by;

11/03: a 7.9 in Alaska, which has now led to a series of very large aftershocks.

These are only the most major events in a truly large bulk of huge quakes; far more than the normal rate.
Remember that in the conventional "plate tectonics" model these earthquakes are unrelated, as they are allegedly
occurring on different "plates" of the Earth's surface, so there is the typical media blackout on these connections
in place for the time being.
As we often speak of in our Time of Global Shift lecture and in the Convergence series as well, these earthquakes
are actually caused by massive energetic increases in the Sun's output. This has been very obvious in recent
days, with solar activity at an all-time record-breaking high.
Here are the words from two updates of Mitch Battros,, on these recent events. (I
appeared as a guest on "Earth Changes TV" with Battros on Sept. 19, 2002, and he was very impressed by my
work. I have done some minor grammatical edits since he sent these out in a hurry:)

What's Happening To Our Weather?...10/30/02

by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
We have been witness to some of the harshest weather Europe has ever seen. I took special interest in
quick temperature deviations, indicating as much as a 10 degree Celsius variance within minutes. But
what was even more significant were the described "freak storms" which is now a common term used
to describe tornado winds without the funnel.
Parts of Europe clocked wind speeds in excess of 150 mph. This event was often described as "the
winds seemed to come out of nowhere; it was frightening".
This type of event indicates the jet stream comes down from as high as 29,000 ft. and dips down to
almost ground level. This is often referred to as "hitting the deck".
In winter and spring, when the tropopause is found at lower altitudes, the jet streams may make large
bends as they are influenced by low-altitude pressure systems. These bends create significant weather
So what is it that creates low-altitude pressure? You guessed it! It is the Sun. When the geomagnetic
storms hit our magnetic field which surrounds the Earth, it warps to absorb the blow.
When this is done, pressure from the force of our defending magnetic field shoves jet stream winds
downward; so far downward at times that it "hits the deck". This is the makings of a new term
phenomenon known as "freak weather". (see Equation)
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme
and Human Disruption (mitch battros)
Today's sunspot count is at 168. We are currently experiencing a M-Class flare as of this morning. I
expect a CME (coronal mass ejection) to follow some time today.
Over the last 5 days we have had geomagnetic storms hitting us one after the other. They are so close
together that we can hardly distinguish the end of one and the beginning of another.
We have seen the rain and wind storms go across our central states. We were also witness to a late
season hurricane streak on the east coast. Watch for 'record breaking' weather to continue.

I am keeping my eye on a new sunspot region just coming into position on the northwest region of the
Sun. It is sunspot number "175". By tomorrow, we will know more of its potential to harbor M-Class
or X-Class flares.
Volcanoes appear to be waking up. It should be of no surprise with the amount of radiation and
magnetism that we have experienced over the past several days. This may continue for days and weeks
For the prophecy minded, keep your eye on Vesuvius. Edgar Cayce believed this would the sign of the
beginnings of quick escalation of earth changes.
I had as my guest last Monday, Dr. Buryl Payne - author of "The Body Magnetic". His interview was
absolutely fascinating. He was able to show detailed documented studies which show a direct
correlation between sunspot activity and wars.
He went on to show evidence of how magnetic storms affects our nervous system and magnetic
bodies. He listed several examples of human symptoms many of us are experiencing today. Conflict
and aggression were high on his list; also signs of depression, fatigue, confusion and apathy.
Dr. Payne, along with myself and Dr. Mitchell Gibson MD, are currently working on an outcome
study which is showing a higher rate of employees calling in sick, an increase of domestic violence,
assault charges, anti-depression subscriptions, and a increasing rate of diagnosed mood and personality
We will analyze a correlation between human symptomology as mentioned above, with solar cycles as
well as other possible influences.
The one element we all agree on is that of "Magnetics". This seems to be the common thread that
weaves through these studies.

Mega Quake Hits Sumatra, Indonesia Measures 7.5 Magnitude...11/02/02

by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
Here is the location compared to nearby cities: 175 miles (280 km) WSW of Medan, Sumatra,
Indonesia, 180 miles (290 km) SSE of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia... [snip]
This breaking news event comes right on the heels of the tragedy in Italy when a 5.7 magnitude quake
hit just 7 hours after a deadly quake killing 26 children and 3 adults.
As if this was not enough, Mt. Etna continues to heat up with gushing lava from fractures on its
southern slope for more than a week, threatening local settlements. The data from space gives the
authorities on the ground additional information that they can use to manage the situation.
"The current eruption started on the 17th July but new fractures are opening up all the time," said Dr
Kate Evans-Jones, from the Remote Sensing Data Analysis Service (RSDAS) at the Plymouth Marine
Laboratory, UK.
Those in prophecy tell us to watch Mt. Vesuvius. It is said that if Vesuvius goes, then this will be the
sign that earth changes will quickly pick up pace, and the world would witness earthquakes in the 8.0
to 9.0 range. Several volcanoes will activate along the ring of fire.

[DW: Here, Battros appears to again be referring to the Edgar Cayce prophecy that
equated simultaneous volcanic activity on Etna and Vesuvius with sudden mega-earth
change activity.]

Lets take a moment to gain some foundation of current science is telling us today, and compare
symptoms and actions against what ancient text has said of these times.
Italian and French researchers have discovered a massive layer of magma eight kilometers (five miles)
below Mount Vesuvius, the Italian volcano which last underwent a major eruption in 1944.
The layer is much bigger than they expected and appears to stretch beneath Vesuvius and neighboring
volcanoes such as the Phlegraean Fields close to Naples itself.
Paolo Gasparini of the University of Naples Federico II told BBC News Online that he and his
colleagues had taken a snapshot of the situation under the mountain. The snapshot does not provide
any indication of what will happen beneath Vesuvius in the future, but it does point to a zone which
should be monitored for seismic clues.
Seismic survey
"There is a huge amount of available magma under Vesuvius," he said. "It was really unexpected for
the reservoir to be that size."
Dr Gasparini is part of a European team which carried out surveys of the rock beneath Vesuvius in
1996 and 1997. "We collected a huge amount of data. There has been very extensive work processing
the data and interpreting it," he said.
The team detonated several tons of explosives in over a dozen locations around the mountain and
measured the shock waves from the explosions after they passed beneath the volcano. They also let off
hundreds of shots from guns aboard a ship in the Bay of Naples.
The layer they found beneath Vesuvius stretches across 400 square kilometers (154 square miles), but
they were unable to tell how thick it is. But they are now carrying out more surveys to find out exactly
how far it stretches beneath other volcanoes.
The research is published in the journal Science.
Now, let's factor in solar activity to see if there could be a correlation between this latest swarm of
damaging quakes, and the stream of geomagnetic storms which started 7 days ago.
Is it just a coincidence that October 22nd, 2002 was the beginning of a ten-day swarm of geomagnetic
storms? On the Sun, we have had back-to-back M-Class storms, Sharp Electron Flux, CME's and
super-charged solar winds. I am sure our Earth's magnetic field has been doing double time bouncing
away such an onslaught.
I suspect we will be witness to more "freak storms" in the way of high winds which appear to come
out of nowhere, causing quite a bit of destruction.

This is caused by the supercharged magnetic storms pounding away on our magnetic field, which in
turn 'warps' the field around the Earth to where it kind of looks like a cocoon. When this occurs, it
pushes the jet stream from its usual 27,000 to 31,000 feet; all the way down 'to the deck'.
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme
and Human Disruption (Mitch Battros)
This week I have received more emails than ever before telling of how people are feeling. Conflict,
anger, rage, depression, feeling disconnected, free floating anxiety, not wanting to go out, apathy,
fatigue and a sense of pressure both literally and figuratively.
Is this not further evidence we as humans are indeed connected to the universe in both the good (spirit)
and challenging (emotions). I will say as an affirmation for myself, I am a student of "cycles". As
such, I can see the ebb and flow of our mission here on Earth, as well as the Earth (itself) on its
journey of growth.
Now add into the equation...Mayan Prophecy. Really, it is better described as a gateway to the other
side. After interviewing the last 30 guests over the same 30-week period, 80% ended up having to say
something about the interpersonal challenges we are up against today. Right Now! In This Moment!
It is often described as the proverbial "fork in the road". We have a choice in this very moment to
choose a path of familiar, certain, predictable, known, usual, understood... or we can choose the path
of change, feeling uneasy, unfamiliar, unsure, grace, humble, different, new, awkward, perceived
Is there a thread that weaves through both roads? Yes... it is the thread of ego! This has to be every
human's greatest challenge.
Often humility is mistaken for weakness. But I would say that those of humility I have met along my
journey have been the ones who scared me the most; not by their intent, but by my not knowing how
to handle someone who is not engineered by ego.
They always have a sense of peace about them, are kind, gentle and knowing, and display a keen sense
of self. You can't rattle these people, as they just send the energy right back at you, and without
However the person on the other side of this energy might certainly perceive it as threatening. Being
humble does not exclude emotions. This person can get mad, sad, scared, happy... just like the rest of
us. It may have more to do with acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness and compassion.
Regarding the Hopis, Anasazi, Dogons, Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians, Essenes, Tibetans,
and the list goes on... our ancestors, or elders, or descendants, is it any surprise that they all share one
singleness of purpose or message?
[The message seems to be that] change will come, and then change will come again. Or, one could
add... Change will come, and you will be different!
There are some in our ancient history who might have been better storytellers then others; or should I
say, better keepers of history. And history tells us we are in the 'intense' cycle of change.

What once was may still be here, but now it is different. I believe this is closer to the message than the
old idea of "what once was, is no more." Although this is a true statement as well, it just leaves out all
the middle stuff, which is what I would describe as the interpersonal conflict we suffer today.

This article that you are now reading essentially contains a prophecy of trouble in the near future; but this is all a
part of the cleansing process.
I myself went through quite an unbelievable ordeal while all these earthquakes were occurring, and that makes
me suspect that my own experiences are eventually meant to teach something to my readers; though I want to
wait for a while until I am more balanced before publishing any writing about them.
If this latest dream-based political prophecy that you will read here turns out to be correct in the future, it is only
another confirmation of so many other documented hits in the past, which are published before they actually
It is important to remember the reading that I posted on September 9 of this year gave detailed information that
pointed to the time of Venus going retrograde as being a time when big changes would start happening, and the
reading seemed to associate these with a war escalation.
Venus went retrograde on Oct. 10, followed by Saturn going retrograde the next day; and at this exact same time,
the resolution for Bush to use military force against Iraq passed through the United States legislative branch of
Congress with little resistance; a surprising and unfortunate development to be sure.
The only thing that checked this move was the abrupt worldwide condemnation that surrounded it, especially by
political gamesmanship within the UN.
I chose not to write about this connection with the acts of Congress at the time, since it seemed that things were
still pretty quiet; but within about 10 days after this, the freak geomagnetic storms, weather disruptions, solar
activity and tectonic activity mentioned by Battros began happening, and reached a preliminary peak point with
the Alaska earthquake on Nov. 3.
So what exactly is going on to create all these changes? Students of my third book Divine Cosmos should know.
The cause, as we have said before, is the Solar System increasingly penetrating into an area of higher energetic
"density" in the galaxy; an area that is more highly charged. The Sun then absorbs and dissipates these charges
out into the planetary system.


As described in the last two books of the Convergence series freely published on my website, the core of the
Earth is actually composed of luminous energy, not molten metal.
The Earth continually absorbs new energy from the Sun, energy known to the Russians as "torsion fields," and
this causes the pressure in the core to steadily increase; and this in turn is heating the oceans and causing the El
Nino effect and a melting of the polar icecaps.
Sometimes, however, there is a sudden spike in the energy levels streaming into the Earth, and this can be
caused by certain astrological alignments, which have very real energetic effects in this new model.

When the levels suddenly spike, some of the luminous core material is compressed so highly that it displaces into
a higher "density." In this model, that is equivalent to what is commonly called a dimensional shift.
Once this happens to an area of the Earth's luminous core, a bubble of energy disappears from our physical
"density," and rotational inertia causes the bubble to fly away from the center of the Earth; as in a higher aetheric
density it is no longer encumbered by the pressure of the physical matter in the Earth.
However, within a short time of flying away from the center of the Earth it releases its excess energetic pressure
and dips back down to our own density. When it does this, it is still at the blazing-hot temperatures at the surface
of the Sun, and an explosive release of energy is created in the Earth along major fault lines, causing
earthquakes and volcanic activity.
In some cases the bright bubbles make it all the way to the surface, where they are seen as plasmoids' according
to the Russian scientific community or "UFO sightings" to most of those in the West. These plasma formations
often accompany earthquake and volcanic activity, as we have documented.
So again, as there is a sudden increase in solar energy output, earthquakes and volcanic activities result. In turn,
these higher instreaming energetic levels have a direct effect on the mass consciousness of humanity, since the
new energy coming in is of a higher quality of love.
We have shown extensively how the Universe itself is composed of an intelligent, loving energy, and this
instreaming energy is continually purging unloving structures in human consciousness, both in the individual and
collective level. This often comes about through rather sudden and disruptive upheavals.
It is very interesting to see that there were such tremendous earthquakes going on during the same time that I
was having a very difficult experience caused by lack of sleep and 16 to 18 hour days of travel where I was not
told what I would be doing or how long it would take.
Now I have got quite a sickness, but I wanted to publish this dream anyway. I did remember having the sensation
of a trembling feeling in the Earth during these experiences, and the thought did occur to me that an earthquake
had occurred, but so much other stuff was happening to me that I hardly had time to reflect on it.
I do feel that once again, similar to the experience of a glass breaking in my hand 11 months earlier, I went
through a uniquely traumatic and difficult set of experiences as some sort of prophetic statement about the mass
initiation that humanity itself is going through at this time.
It does seem that things are reaching a peak now, and that this was the point that the dream was trying to
express. The prophecy connection appears to indicate that some really major and bloody changes are going to
occur in the US in the not-too-distant future.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the group in power in the US is indeed very religious, but it is a religion that
most people would strongly disagree with were they to know of it.
The religious zeal to create a "New World Order" of "Illumined" dictatorship is what is fueling these problems.
Similar to what I experienced in my own personal "initiation," the public is being led around in a blind and dizzy
state by these political / religious forces, and the implications with the dream that you are about to read is that it is
going to get worse, including war, before it gets better.
My final decision to act out about what was happening to me personally seems to represent a future mass revolt
that will occur against this tyranny, even more so than at present.
The dream also implies that this negative elite is self-destructing, as my readings have so often indicated, and
that like many other empires it is doomed to collapse; sooner rather than later.

Smelyakov's data suggests a timeline of 2003 for when this will occur, and though it seems so soon, I'm not
willing to write it off; especially given the grotesque gravity of a dream like this, coupled by my own unique
Here is the raw data of this morning's dream for context:

Wednesday 11 / 6 / 02 -- 6:56 am
D: Since I am going through an illness at the present time, caused by a series of uniquely difficult experiences for
me in this lifetime that only ended on Monday night, I am still feeling sick as I wake up.
This is the second time I have awakened with pain in the lungs and throat, but in reality it is probably just mucus
being thrown off with the toxins in it, and once I sit with it for a while, things will get better.
(This is already starting to happen by the end of the next paragraph, and my throat does seem to be somewhat
better. More sleep will be a necessity today.)
This dream was really scary. Part of it is obviously about human self-destructive tendencies in general, and a part
of this is obviously personal, given what I went through; but the dream's metaphors far exceed that of just my own
The ending in particular was so grotesque regarding personal suicide, complete with a tank shell through
someone's chest, huge blood and then the blood being sucked up and away with verses of Revelations in white
italics against in the background, that I am almost convinced that this is speaking of another terrorist attack by the
US against its own country in the near future to provide impetus to war.
Perhaps it still will not happen, but we are being alerted to the fact that "they" are going to try to do it. All the
imagery of a big jock, of trying to sell his products to others but having bad business, the military aspects right at
the end with a soldier-aged teenage punk kid also doing himself in, does not bode well.
Perhaps they have planned to do something shortly after the election, since the public was onto them doing
anything before that time. After all, the election is tomorrow at the time I have this dream. This is such an urgent
matter that I am immediately posting this data to the discussion group and website.

The key theme was established at the end and there are many connections to the US

There was a big muscle man, not too smart but with a big ego

I found out rather early in the game that he had stabbed himself with a yellow mechanical pencil

He plunged it into his leg and broke off an inch of exposed lead

Supposedly this lead was so toxic that it would kill him

I did see this directly as if experiencing it

They called "911" (hint hint) and he was taken to the hospital by ambulance

However, the hospital took care of it and he recovered, but he still had the mental sickness


He had some connection to the occult, to channeling

At some points he was compared to a mainstream channeler who has gotten good media exposure but
who I consider to be basically a fraud

[I was told at one time that this man's psychic abilities came about through an extremely traumatic death
by fire in a past life, which caused his mind to split]


In this case, the man had a video game room with classic arcade games that I was playing

I found out that he had created his own media outlet

On this media outlet, he was advertising his products

The products seemed to involve relatively pornographic and violent movies

Also he seemed to be a motivational speaker / jock type


There was also the mystical side; he was advertising himself as a psychic


On his show, he called up an apparently talented psychic woman, but who I sensed was obese and quite
messed up in her personal life

She may have also been Latino

At first he was asking her questions and seemed respectful

Then there was a disruption on the line of some sort that caused her voice to cut out

He didn't look any different and it was only about six seconds

Nevertheless, when she came back on he acted like he had dissociated into a trance state

He began speaking with a Latino accent, specifically Mexican

It was supposed to be this great thing that he was doing the channeling

To me it was very silly and he looked like a complete fraud


After I saw his videotape both he and his wife were lamenting

They had their own media outlet and they were trying to sell their ideas

However the public wasn't buying it


Hence he had already committed a quasi-suicidal act in the past with the pencil

Now things had gotten even worse than what made him hurt himself before; much worse

He was talking about hurting himself yet again, even worse than the last time


I had Sabrina's yellow car, and it was filled with mechanical pencils

I needed to drive him for some emergency reason in the car

I hastily tried to get rid of all the pencils once I saw them there

(DV: "I came to see you")

Nevertheless, I think he found one, grabbed it and stabbed himself yet again

The yellow color of the pencils indicates this is a third-chakra issue

Hence it deals with the manipulation and control of others to benefit the self

Hence these self-destructive acts are intended to create greater control and selfish benefit


Shortly after this, a young punk-type kid showed up at the man's dark office

He seemed to be very interested in the violence and porn, the whole thing that the man offered

He also was willing to commit suicide, taking the man's lead

So that is exactly what he did

Right after the man stabbed himself with the pencil again, the kid did something even worse


Suddenly I am seeing the kid with a huge tank shell, fully 5 inches wide and three feet long, buried
halfway through his chest

Blood was literally everywhere

The man seemed to commit his final suicide act at the same time as well, causing excessive blood

In fact, there was so much blood that I couldn't believe I was seeing it and wanted to get away from it;
just terrifying


Then all the blood suddenly started getting sucked up into the sky like by a giant vacuum cleaner or

This made the scene even worse and I really did not want to look at this point, even though it all started


Then my vision closed in on a slow-motion view of the blood itself against a black background, which
was easier to see

All the thick blood was being cleansed from the area, rising up into the heavens

In the background I was seeing certain verses from Revelations

They were written in white italic style letters and would fade in and fade back out

They seemed most directly related to the idea of a massive crisis, then healing on Earth

After this, I awoke, and realized almost immediately that it was prophetic.

This dream really is a no-brainer on the surface of it. The big muscle man represents the US.
The US elite has indeed created its own media outlet to advertise, and indeed it is in a severe economic crisis at
this time.
The method of suicide was a mechanical pencil, possibly indicating that it all has to do with mathematics, i.e. the
financial markets, and / or politics, the writing of new laws and new policies for war and imperialism.

Almost every other country's support for these agendas is eroding as well as that within the US, hence the
statement from the man in the dream that no one wanted to buy his products.
When we deal with the idea of an Illuminati in power with a negatively-oriented system of occult religious beliefs,
we learn that violent and pornographic video games and movies is one of the big "products" that they are trying to
sell to the public to get them to polarize more negatively.
There is also the question of the obviously fake Godlike abilities that the man was pretending to have. The elites
have certainly tried to whip up a cult of personality with their media outlets around the leaders.
The connection with Mexico is not clear at this time, but this might be one of those prophecies that makes sense
after it already has happened.
The psychic woman may represent the "lapdog" media that goes along with whatever the negative elite wants out
of fear. In the case of this dream, the guy was obviously a fraud, but the woman went right along with it the whole
Recently News Max carried a story about a woman who accurately predicted the Washington DC sniper attacks,
including the fact that a blue car was responsible.
Now, without being specific, she is claiming to be seeing something that is apparently quite bad about Bush and
Cheney, but she is unwilling to go public about it as she has told the secret services what was going on.
This makes me think that it could be some kind of assassination attempt that she is foreseeing, but this dream
indicates it could just be that they start a very stupid war by creating yet another "terrorist" attack on the US.
I am aware that Sherman Skolnick ( ) has recently been saying that something big and
bad, very socially disruptive, might happen quite soon after the elections. Skolnick is probably the best source for
those who are blowing the whistle in advance on Illuminati plans, as he has a number of trusted contacts.
This dream data seems to give a very strong confirmation to his political insider prophecies. A dream this directly
violent may well indicate that it is a short-term rather than a long-term prophecy; I will need to gather additional
data as time goes on to be sure of this, but there is reason to believe that it will be before the end of this year,
possibly before the end of November.
It definitely seems to lead to war, as the young punk at the age bracket of 18 years old was willing to take a tank
shell through his chest when the main jock wanted to commit suicide. Also, the dramatic presentation of lines from
Revelations indicates the "Biblical" nature of the events that are being prophesied.
We must realize that if something like this happens, it is all part of a cleansing and leveling process, essentially
wiping the slate clean and purging the negative influence that has infested the Earth and its governments.
Hence the dream showed all the blood being lifted away once the big events happened, and the prophecy
statements from Revelations including those showing how there will be a new heaven and new earth show that all
of this is part of the unfortunate necessity that occurs on the way to true healing.
I will add further updates as we go, since this is potentially discussing a very, very big issue on the world stage. In
the meantime I think it is wise to realize that any step in this direction is a step closer to the energetic shift that we
have all been waiting for.
I wish you peace and blessings as you move through your experiences and glean the love and wisdom that can
be found in them. Let us remember that there is an inevitable positive conclusion to these events, personally and
globally, regardless of how it appears at the time.
- David

12/19/02: Prophecy: The Shape of

Things to Come in 2003 (And Beyond)

Wilcock Reading 12/05/02

By David Wilcock

Conducted by Wynn Free

- Internet publication 12/19/02 -

DW: We communicate now through the entity known as David Wilcock, and we are ready for your first question.
WF: Thank you. Could you explain how in the cosmos you are able to communicate through David?
DW: This material has been covered before, but we shall speak briefly on this point. The connection that we have
is what we have previously referred to as a narrow band vibration.
This means that the degree to which the in-streaming energies penetrate through the vehicles or layers of the
soul within the entity to whom we are speaking requires a very precise bandwidth, if you will, of frequency.
This necessitates an extreme purity in the workings and on behalf of the entity doing said channeling process.
This does then indicate the degree of difficulty to which such a connection much be secured, by virtue of the fact
that it is not a wide stream of available focus.
In many other cases of channeling, there is the opportunity for the entity involved to have some degree of free will
choice over the wordings and over the precisions of thoughts and how they are expressed in their various forms
through language as the vehicle.
In this case, however, we feed the words into David's mind complex through a very precise process, and each of
these words are very carefully chosen.
This is the difference, and it requires a higher form of attenuation and focus than other forms of channeling that
allow for a greater degree of flexibility, fluidity and improvisation in the status and nature of the working as such.
Does this answer your question, my brother?
WF: Yes, it does. Thank you. On our planet right now, we seem to be in a place of uncertainty in the world.
People are afraid of things that are going to happen. People don't know about the future.
The particular topic for this article that this interview is covering is concerning the world in 2003, the changes that
are happening in the world and how people can relate to them. Is that too general to present to have you
discourse on?
DW: We do find that the question bears enough resemblance to an appropriate query as to be worthy of some
degree of litigation at this point. So we shall proceed as planned.

The litigation that we refer to is that legal work in one who would seek to engender the Law of One in mind, body
and spirit focus.
This focus then redirects one's vital energies toward the seeking of the Original Creative Thought that unifies the
universe in a way that no other thought has or ever will. This Original Thought is that of unity, of love and wisdom
as the paired components of the photons which then form your physical reality system.
Understand that the vibratory qualities of your sphere have been in flux for some measure of your years of time,
as you would think of it.
These changes revolve around the passage of your galaxy, or what you would refer to as solar system, into a
higher level of aetheric density in which you would refer to as your galaxy of the Milky Way.
These zones of energetic density are naturally layered in such a fashion as to appear to be like the pinwheel
spiral when seen from the northern galactic pole looking downward.
These zones of energetic density are also corresponding with frequencies of consciousness and levels of
development within said consciousness.

Bringhurst 2000 crop formation diagram

Julia Set diagram by David Wilcock, with photo from Crop Circle Connector
All images courtesy the Crop

Circle Connector

We have spoken before about the degree to which these changes have resulted in the appropriate adjustments to
the DNA of the physical bodily form. This is a natural consequence of the changing structures that you are
passing into.
Many of those upon your plane who have studied these matters have already been investigating concepts related
to DNA evolution as such.
Thus it is wise to state the importance of the underlying consideration that there is a fundamental evolution
occurring within the human bodily physical as such, and that this evolution is one that occurs at a speed chosen
by the physical entity itself by its attitude, emotions and behavioral patterns -- the expression of the inner light to
the outer sphere of existence.

These patterns of behavior are that which determines the polarity or the degree of intensity of light emanations
from said entity. Those who can withstand a higher degree of light emanations are capable of allowing in the more
complex and higher organized energetic in-streaming qualities that are creating this energetic shift in the DNA
We do want you to be aware of the fact that we have indicated already that 2003 is to be a very important year in
your physical term. This is due to the underlying qualities of vibration that have come about through the imploding
cycle of that discovered by Dr. Sergey Smelyakov.
This cycle is complete at the time of the end of your Mayan calendar, as it is known; the appropriate time being
that of the winter solstice in the year 2012 as it is now measured in your illusion.
Be aware of the fact that the 2012 period can be thought of as a boundary between two vibratory levels, much as
would there be a boundary between the water and the oil when the oil is poured on top of water and allowed to
reach a rest state.
This boundary does then create ripples of vibration, much as do the ripples form on the undisturbed surface of a
pond when a small stone has been plunged inward.
These ripples are in the form of, what you would call, standing waves, meaning that they have a discrete position.
This position is then moved through as your solar system moves closer and closer to the actual point of distinction
between the two vibratory levels, which, as we have called it, is much akin to the boundary between oil and water
in a resting state.
Understand therefore that these ripples are naturally partitioned away from the conclusion point by the cycle
known as "Phi."
Specifically, those of the Confederation who worked with your peoples of the Mayan sphere did then give said
Mayan calendar cycle of approximately 5,125 of your years in length to indicate not only a linear cycle, but a
fractal or imploding cycle as well.
Bearing this in mind, the discovery of Dr. Smelyakov was simply to take the beginning and ending point of the
said Mayan calendar cycle and to separate this cycle into partitions such that they are divided by "Phi" with a
spiral imploding toward 2012.
As this research has already propounded, we do then see that these areas where there is a crossing point do
represent vibrational upliftments.
This is rather simple to explain on the face of it. If you were to take, say, a guitar string, and pinch the guitar string
in such a fashion as to separate it into two lengths, then what you would do with the "Phi ratio" is separate the
string in such a way that one part of the string is measured with a unit of one, and the longer part of the string is
measured with the unit of 1.618. This is the fundamental "Phi ratio."
If you then can see the linear distance that you are traveling from the beginning point in time of the Mayan
calendar cycle to the ending point of the Mayan calendar cycle, then what you would do is divide the distance that
your solar system has traveled by the "Phi ratio," just as we had mentioned with the guitar string.
When this is done, you can then divide the smaller unit or the length of one into the "Phi ratio" once again. And
then take the corresponding level of vibration and divide it by "Phi" once again. As this is done the spiral
approaches infinity, and the point of infinite regression or implosion is reached by the end of the year 2012 as you
would name it.

So what you must then see is that these division points, like the dividing of the guitar string in terms of the length
that your solar system traverses through said galaxy, does then have discrete vibratory differences at said points
of division.
These vibratory differences do then equate with an increase in the overall frequency of consciousness and the
overall development of human civilizations.
It is for this reason that Dr. Smelyakov's research did discern that there were discrete effects caused by moving
through said bifurcation points, as he called them. At the times of these bifurcation points, there are a number of
factors that happen.
It is important for us to explain these factors now as you see that the year 2003 represents the next bifurcation
point that your solar system will be encountering. As we have said, this does then mean that your solar system is
arriving at a vibrational ripple or interval that is a discrete change upward, a discrete shift into a higher octave or
sub-octave of vibration, if you will.
The previous occasion where such a bifurcation point had occurred was between your years 1990 and 1991. It
does then correspond with the fall of the Soviet Union, as you would then think of it.
Dr. Smelyakov's research has shown that each time a bifurcation point is reached, the largest empires on the
earth at the time experience sudden collapses and are no more, and that within the rubble of said collapses, the
seeds of new civilizations, new worlds, are formed -- new cultures.
So you must understand that on the social level there is what appears to be collapse and disharmony and
disillusionment. However, we do then see that these empires are founded on principles of greed, maximized
profit, and power over others for the benefit of the self.
And thus these changes do then correspond to an overall upliftment of the human collective vibration as such as it
strives further and further toward that oneness that all entities truly seek deep in the heart.
We do then see that there are corresponding changes in the earth's physical garment as this does then have a
direct corollary to the level of consciousness.
There are those earthquakes that are of the most destructive variety, as well as other concomitant earth changes.
We do then see that in your year 2003 there will be earth changes of more intense varieties than what you have
heretofore experienced. We are not speaking of large land mass inundations per se, but rather of an
intensification of the trends that have already been visible whether you are dealing with large storm systems,
volcanic activity, earthquake activity, tornadoes, et cetera.
It is important to also be aware of the fact that at the time of these bifurcation points, there are also mass
advances in consciousness.
There have been the advent of new systems for measuring time (new calendars). There have also been the
advent of those spiritual teachers who would step forward on the world stage and make large changes in the way
that the mass mind is able to see itself and its relation to the Oneness.
The various spiritual teachers of your past have landed squarely on these bifurcation points with very few
exceptions, and this includes your Jesus of Nazareth.
So bear in mind that there will be decided advances in the quality and the understanding of spiritual
consciousness within the human civilization as such.

These decided advances will come about not only from disclosure of previously mysterious and covert secrets
regarding both ancient civilizations and future civilizations visiting your world; they will also take the form of the
realizations of wrongdoing on behalf of the mass public, such that those unhealthy structures that have
formed strictures in the flexibility and freedom of consciousness on your plane will then be purged and
appropriately cleansed.
These purgings and cleansings do not come about simply because those of your plane have asked for them.
Rather, they must be met through the degree to which karma is a universal principle.
It is important to understand that there are irreversible consequences to the Law of Cause and Effect. Namely,
causes are created and effects must, by virtue of the Law of One, be meted out to the appropriate proportion to
balance the original cause. This is the principle of the preservation of free will in action.
And thus what you see is that the prevailing climate, though somewhat negative, does not have the free will
request in place to warrant the total manipulation and enslavement of the world under a New World Order, as it
has been called.
And thus you will see the crumbling and disillusion of these plans for domination and enslavement.
This will not be something that is easy for many to watch. It will lead to a fundamental change in the status of dayto-day living as you now think of it.
We do want you to be aware that though these changes are rather rapid in their onset, they are indeed
You can take a valuable lesson from observing and discussing with those who you may know who have had
hardship in their lives or adversity in their past: those who have dealt with those times when perhaps the rent
could not be paid on time, or perhaps there were those occasions that required the moving to a less expensive
Understand that though these changes will result in certain degrees of upheaval, the average person will indeed
have the opportunity to continue a life that is high in quality.
There will the opportunity to shed many of the attachments to the material world for gratification and desire as the
degree of choices that you now have will become more limited throughout this coming year, as you think of it.
Be aware of the fact that there will be the opportunity to confront the illusions that have been portrayed by the
mass media. This does then correlate with the opportunity for each entity to confront the illusions that self has
posed before the self.
To speak in a more layman's way, we are referring to the fact that it is all too easy for you to lie to yourself. It is all
too easy to hide your own shortcomings or apparent distortions from your conscious mind.
It is all too easy to see yourself in an unflinchingly positive light and in so doing to blind yourself with rose-colored
glasses to some of the distortions that have persisted in the attitudes that you have towards others and towards
yourself, and the behaviors that are then carried out as the result of these attitudes.
Bear in mind that this energetic shift or bifurcation point that occurs in your year 2003 is the time of the telling of
the truth. It is the time of the coming of great spiritual teachers.
Do not be expecting one person to fulfill this role in some quasi-Messianic form, but rather understand that it is
you who is fulfilling the Messianic role.

It is you who reads these words who now has the opportunity to step up to the plate and to receive the pitch and
to possibly have a grand slam, if you will. [You can] then allow the first, second and third bases, or in this case
chakra levels to be cleared, such that you may then reach home plate, or the fourth chakra.
[This is] the arrival back to the heart, to the center that is found in the stillness of self when the mind may be
opened like a door, and the true essence of being has been apprehended.
This is a time when you will need to have that silence in order to avoid becoming caught up in the mass
consensus reality of fear as it is then expressed.
It is wise to be aware of the degree to which you can be susceptible to mass consciousness influences and not
realize that these influences are permeating your mind / body / spirit complex.
It is often the case that you think your emotions are your own, and you are not adequately paying attention to the
cosmological factors that are affecting your attitudes and behaviors.
Of course, we are referring to astrology, but what we are dealing with in 2003 goes well beyond any planetary
conjunction within your own solar system as you call it.
What we are dealing with is a galactic astrology. It is the bifurcation point that is being traversed as you move
closer and closer toward the 2012 implosion, as you can think of it, or the Omega Point.
This bifurcation point does then allow for there to be a vibrational uplift of your DNA structure.
As this DNA upgrade occurs, there are those qualities of vibration that do then change your physical organism to
a higher level of understanding.
This does then mean that you may find yourself unable to stomach some of the lesser foods that you would have
consumed in the past, and that these foods no longer suit you. This is one natural consequence of the rising of
the DNA vibration and the evolution and unwinding of the molecule as such.
[3/12/09: We are now just eight days away from the next 'bifurcation point' -- and as I have been updating this
article I have been experiencing great difficulty with my stomach, based on something I ate that I definitely knew I
shouldn't have!]
We also find that there are other levels of vibratory change that are commensurate with the degree of faith that
you possess. This faith is a measure of your understanding of truth.
In your plane, because of the degree of disillusionment that is wrought by the third density as the illusion that you
are now existing in, it is all too easy to think that faith is something that must be aspired to.
[You may think faith is] something that must be sought after, something that must be apprehended with great care
and with great diligence, to then beat back the flames of self denial that would seek to burn up your positive
attitude -- and then leave the charred cinders of fear, which do then have their destructive qualities in their toxic
producing effects on the body physical.
We do then encourage you to recognize that faith is simply an understanding of the truth of the workings of
the universe, and in and of itself it is but a natural harmony with the Oneness in creation.
We do want you to be aware of the fact, as we have said before, that karma is an immutable law.
Thus it is a fact that all of the wrongdoings that you have seen on your plane will be purged.

This will seem almost surreal as it starts to happen, by the very fact that your media structures have made it
appear all too impenetrable, and that many crucial truths have been subverted or otherwise covered up in the
print media.
These changes that you see will be leading to changes within your brothers and sisters as they can begin to
contemplate the possibility that the present administration is less than forthcoming about its own ulterior motives.
So too may these entities realize in themselves the degree to which they have been less than forthcoming with
their own dark side.
Ultimately we do not request that you dislike your negative elite, but rather see that it through accepting them as
they are that you will then be able to accept those parts of yourself that still exist in blindness and disillusionment.
You can recognize that we of the Confederation have as our duty and responsibility to insure that the karma is
meted out in its appropriate form. So therefore your job is simply to beam the light/love vibration to these entities
and to recognize that they exist in a state of confusion.
[Recognize] that even though they possess the secret teachings of all ages, they have lacked something very
fundamental -- the understanding of the all-important, melting influence of love to harmonize and blend together
many distortions and to again reunify the One Infinite Creator.
It is this fundamental philosophy of deism, of the idea that God had started the universe and then left it to work by
its own natural laws that will be overturned, as it is then seen that this unifying principle of the sympathetic
vibrations do then indicate how humanity as a whole continues to strive towards a greater balance.
And it is a balance that is gained not be manipulating and controlling others and seeking them to follow your way,
your truth, your life, but rather to accept them as they are.
It was the teachings of the man Jesus that said, "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself." Is it not so difficult to see
that loving thy neighbor also was intended to mean, "Love your neighboring countries, your neighboring cultures
and their religious traditions -- and honor them and respect them as they are?"
These polarizations and fractionalizations between various religious structures is another barrier or boundary that
will become more transparent in what you would call the future at this time, by virtue of the fact that there is a
unity that is acquired through mutually shared catalysts, or in this case what you would call suffering. We do not
see it as suffering, and you do not need to choose to see it as suffering either.
It is very valuable to recognize that you can see experience as experience. Recognize that the experience itself is
neither "good" nor "bad," but simply is. It is then your choice as to how you will label said experiences.
There are those in your civilization of America, (as most of these readers are Americans,) who do then see a job
in a factory as one of the closest opportunities to experience "hell," as you would think of it, that exists.
Whereas, we do then see that one from a third world country who won a visa to work in the United States might
then see the wages of the factory and the relative simplicity of the work as being a Godsend that knows no
parallel, compared to the $2.00-a-week salary that may be gained in their own sphere of influence.
So therefore, it is always wise to always keep perspective about these matters. If you stub your toe and feel the
pain and become very distraught by this, recognize that there are others who have broken legs who would gladly
accept the pain of your toe in comparison.
Similarly if you find yourself in a place where you have lost your finances or your material goods to some
degree, recognize what you still have.

It is also wise to recognize that the time of ascension is coming, and that this is only a temporary phase. It is
wise to meditate on the fact that whatever castles of sand you have mounded up for yourself, they will indeed be
swept away by the tide and once again return to the ocean of Oneness from whence you sprang.
You, yourself, are but a droplet in this ocean, and when you re-assimilate back into the Oneness at the time of
ascension there will be no ability to take any of your treasures of the physical with you.
Instead we find that those treasures that you have mounded up for yourself in the afterlife have been brought
about not through the winning of the physical game, not through the glamour, through the popularity and through
the financial wherewithal, but rather through the love and acceptance of others as you love and accept yourself.
It is this that then expands your bank balance, if you will, and you will be surprised when you go into the higher
realms to see that these treasures in heaven have been measured out in such a fashion.
Many of those who become preoccupied with the seeking of greater and greater forms of wealth have actually
spent very little time putting away their savings in this bank of the higher realms, so to speak.
And thus, though they may be rich within this lifetime in terms of the physical assets of monetary gain, as you
would think of it, when they pass from this sphere of influence, they may find a great paucity of energetic charge
in their account, as you may think of it.
Understand, therefore, that there will be enormous opportunities to be of service to others. Understand also that
there may be the opportunities for others to be as your own angel.
Recognize that if you request and petition on behalf of these higher forces to have Divine assistance granted to
you, that it shall be granted unto you in proportion to the degree to which you have had a desire to seek the light
and to radiate it out to others from your own sphere of influence.
Bearing this in mind, you can then see how it is that you have the opportunity for miracles to occur. It is by your
free will that you may request these miracles.
It is by the overall harmony that you share with those around you that there will be the cooperative production of a
more satisfactory state of living, such that the difficulties and bumps in the road can be averted and you can stay
on course, such that your takeoff for ascension is indeed smooth and you experience little turbulence.
We hope that we have painted a rather adequate picture of what the year 2003 will bring. We deny going into any
more specifics than this, for there are a variety of probability vortexes at this time -- and there are enough
variations in the script as to render any attempt to nail down more accurate timelines irrelevant.
The overall point that you should understand and assimilate is that you will see an unprecedented change in the
way that world civilization is working in this coming year.
You will also see an unprecedented change within yourself. You will have the opportunity to experience that dark
night of the soul, that experience that does then test your resolve to the highest level.
Be not afraid as you must face the self, for this is a time to become more and more aware of the true essence of
your being and to harmonize with that essence in a way that was never before possible.
It is a time to be honest with yourself, for there are no lies that can be kept from the higher forces.
If your garments are soiled, we see every stain. We can identify it, categorize it and break it down into a linear
timeline such that we know exactly when and how it got started.

We know your subconscious motivations surrounding it and we know what will need to be done in order to
alleviate those distortions within your mind, body and spirit.
Bearing this in mind, you can see the interconnectedness of all beings, and you can recognize that you are in the
process of becoming harmonized with the Oneness such that you can attain that original state of consciousness
for yourself.
In order to do this, there is a process of sacrifice. There is a process of letting go. There is a purification.
Purifying your emotions often times means that you allow yourself to cry, and that you are not so willing to wipe
away the tears immediately, but rather allow them to stay on your face long enough that you can feel the wetness
and you can allow yourself to experience the joy and upliftment of release.
What you are releasing is the parts of yourself that have been condemning, and have been judgmental of yourself
and of others. For, as you already know, one irreversible piece of metaphysical wisdom is that to hurt others or to
judge others is to hurt or judge the self.
This is a time of relaxation. This is a time where many of the strictures that have bound you in your life will be
brought away and you will have an opportunity to experience less chaos, less trauma. It is a time whereby you
can learn to tune out the influence of the mass mind that is focused on fear.
It is a time to break your habit patterns. Recognize the ways in which you have lived your life that will lead to the
energetic waste through routines, when these routines have no longer been of any use to you but rather exist as
habits and addictions, as such.
This is a time when those of you who are addicted to certain physical products will not be able to have those
products anymore due to interruptions of supply chains.
Allow these to fall away with a degree of thanksgiving, for the understanding is that with the falling away of said
distortions there is a greater degree of equanimity and balance that is attained within the inner self which does
then precipitate to the outer self, leading to a greater vibrancy and energetic upliftment within the body physical.
We do have time for another question.
WF: Well, I guess a last question would be, "Everyone has the challenge of overcoming their fear and particularly
the fear of death, which I guess is the ultimate challenge on this realm.
If one should happen to experience a dropping of the physical body before 2012, and they're working on clearing
their karmic patterns so that their hearts can be opened and they're in that process and they happen to drop the
body due to some calamity on the physical realm, how will that impact their own evolution in the ascension
DW: We will speak to this query as follows. Understand that [in regarding] those who would pass from the bodily
physical prior to the time of the entrance into fourth density or the crossing of the waterline as we have spoken of
it, [we are speaking of] a time that knows no exact boundary. It is a time of a holding space.
When the bodily physical is shed, as it were, there is that transitory period that will be spent in one of the various
spherical planes surrounding your physical earth known as the afterlife state. It is within this state that there will
be then the waiting for the time of ascension to occur.
Speaking in more generalities to the query that you have mentioned, we may give a few additional thoughts.
Recognize that death is but an illusion and that there is an unbroken continuity of experience that you will be
returning to at the time of the passage from said body physical.

Recognize that this unbroken continuity is of a higher degree of wisdom, light and love than that which you have
experienced in the physical, for you will be returning to the part of yourself that has programmed all of your
dreams, as well as all of your experiences, such as to produce the greater desire to seek the light.
It is from this place that you will then be able to view the relative degree of success that you have had in working
out your karmic patterns and your distortions within the lifetime as such.
The question also spoke to the various changes in your physical earth as such, and how these will impact the
ascension process.
We want to again remind you, as we have often stated before, that prior to the time of ascension there will be that
of the shifting of the poles. Prior to the time of the shifting of the poles, there will be what we refer to as a mass
boarding event, whereby we will arrive in your skies and allow those who are ready to come with us.
Those who are ready will be petitioned as such where there will be an experience of a greeting of some sort. It is
this greeting that will be most explicitly inspirational and uplifting to the physical entity as it will correspond to that
which is of most religious significance or spiritual significance for that entity's vibratory pattern throughout the
physical sojourn.
This inspirational uplifting experience does then take the form of an invitation, and it is important that the decision
then be made rather quickly as time is short.
This is the time where you cannot take anything with you, and you have to be willing to step forward and proceed.
This time will be occurring in the now, and thus the now is all you have. It is the now when you are reading these
words, and it will be that same now that you experience when we invite you to come with us.
At that time you must not hesitate. You must be ready to go, or else you will stay behind for the resulting changes
on the physical earth which may be of a more traumatic variety.
[3/12/09: This part of the reading seems to have been distorted... my conscious mind may have been too close to
the surface here and probably interfered to some degree.]
Understand that all will be given the opportunity to proceed but few will chose to do so because they fear... (tape
WF: Okay, go ahead.
DW: Understand that there will be those who do not proceed for they fear that there is some evil or deception that
is taking place, and they understand only that which tells them, "This is trick. This is a trap. This is not what I want.
I don't believe you."
We are fully prepared for this, and thus those who choose automatically to be ready will be those who have
meditated and prepared in advance for this experience, not to happen in some ill-defined and never reached
future, but rather in the now.
And thus we encourage you to seek ascension in the now. Recognize that each breath lifts you higher and closer
to the One Infinite Creator.
You can think of this much as a form of levitation, for it is the levity that is brought into your life: the ability to laugh
at the problems or alleged problems and see them simply as opportunities to move past those strictures that have
held you back before, and allow you to attain higher and higher degrees of fulfillment for yourself and for others.
Recognize that you can allow the pain to simply be another experience, and move through those experiences.

Recognize that you must be thinking more concretely about what you are leaving behind and about packing your
bags if you are to be fully prepared for this change that is coming.
You must not fall into the trap of feeling that you are not good enough for something like this, or that it will never
be truly be attained because you have wanted it so long that you have almost given up on the idea that it could
ever be possible.
It will happen. It will be real. It will be right now, and you will need to make a choice rather quickly. And thus it is
wise to prepare yourself.
Therefore, it is good to clear your accounts with the physical. This is much in the same sense as one would go
through if they were aware that they were going to be shedding the physical body through a natural death
We do not encourage you to think of this as death, for that is the distortion, not the truth.
The truth, rather, is to see it as the step of graduation -- the moving out of a plane that is often full of sorrow and
suffering and into a much higher and lighter form of vibration, a form that has much more harmony, a form that is
actually closer to the dream state, which in turn is closer to the true essence of the Creation as it is then
We do want you to be hopeful and joyous about this change, to recognize that all of the surreal and violent
experiences that are being brought forth on the physical plane are then the fulfillment of prophecies that we have
diligently imparted to your spiritual teachers for many thousands of your years, as you measure time.
You can seek out these prophecies in their various forms such as in the Hindu Vedas and the Christian
mythologies, et cetera, and you can find validations.
You can find that the exact conditions that you now see in the world around you have been described by these
sages of old for many, many, many of your years. And thus you can see that this is not a time to fear, but rather a
time to be enthusiastic.
The conscious mind will not be able to see how it is possible that the problems that you see on the planet could
ever be rectified or healed, but rest assured that in the higher mind, in the higher self, these problems are easily
taken care of.
Harvest and ascension is a process that has occurred on many, many third-density planets in the past, and
though this planet is rather unique by virtue of the blending of souls therein, this harvest is also a process that has
been rehearsed and brought through many, many times before.
And thus, regardless of whatever wild cards are thrown into the deck, we are more than adequately prepared to
insure that the harvest occurs without bruise or blemish to the fruit.
You are the fruit, of course, you who read these words, who have been diligently working on uplifting your own
vibrations and seeking a greater degree of fulfillment in the joy that is brought forth when you can serve others
and feel that smile, the joy of giving, or the spirit of Christmas.
It is the birth of the Christ within yourself that is coming through at this time. It is the understanding that it is you
who will be growing into that fourth density earth that is now forming, as you are the earth. By virtue of the fact
that you participate in its consciousness, you are also participating in its evolution.
Rest well in the knowledge that all is well, and as the Master Jesus once said, see that you not be troubled.

We thank you, and we do eagerly await the time that you shall approach the throne of the Divine and thus sign
your name on the Akashic records, thus freeing yourself from the obligations in third density and allowing you to
move forth into higher realms and vibrations.
We thank you and we remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. It is at this time
that we shall bring close to these workings.
Peace be with you in the light of everlasting love. Adonai and Amen. We require a period of approximately twoand-one/half minutes to reintegrate David's consciousness into this physical form.
WF: Thank you.

12/21/02: Prophecy: Earliest Wilcock

Readings Predict 9/11, Economic

Earliest Wilcock Readings Predict 9/11, Economic Collapse

By David Wilcock 12 / 07 / 02
Internet published 12/21/02

It's the greatest science fiction story ever told. Someone comes in - Rescue 911. CBS and ABC give it
adequate coverage.
A cast-iron fence is wrought around the victim's body... An impenetrable wall needs only be
potentiated by positive energy...

Wilcock Readings, Attack on America, 12/06/1996 (5 years before 911!)

Spirit authorities are connected, but they won't directly intervene without good reason.
When people disappear in the buildings, sometimes you have lost them. Getting closer to that state
known as sleep; that state known as New York.

Wilcock Readings, 12/21/1996

Millions, all over the world, will be able to see shades of red that will come when these rides and
attacks begin.
Fear not, for the breath of the Divine is behind these events, is watching these events, knows of them
and will do everything in its power to stop these events...

So be not dismayed by events as you witness them transpire...

Know also that many other things that are happening at this time are beyond your control, and they
will manifest, and you will need to deal with them appropriately as they arise.
We will do our best to try to give you some form of advance notice for them.

Wilcock Readings, 1/26/97

World Trade Center bombing really shook things up. The next time one tries something like this, it will
become a much larger story, if the details are worked out properly.

Wilcock Readings, 7/9/1998,(3 years before 911!).

What you are about to read is a set of prophecies I have documented as early as 1996, posted publicly by
February of 1999, which are only now becoming clear in our ever-increasingly uncertain socio-political
This material is powerful enough in its implications to be prefaced with a review of who we are and how we got
Our website has consistently focused on the esoteric truth of a radical energetic change in our entire Solar
System that is reaching an Omega Point in our near future.
Spoken in plainer English, one could think of this event as a fulfillment of the prophecy of a New Heaven and New
Earth given in the book of Revelations.
In Chapter Eight of our latest book Divine Cosmos, volume III of the Convergence series, we have outlined in
never-before-seen scientific detail the case for there being a massive, irreversible energetic change taking place
throughout the entire Solar System, causing unprecedented solar and planetary changes.
In Volumes I and II of the Convergence series, we have gone into greater detail on the connections between
consciousness and the more easily visible energy changes that we see in the Solar System at this time. Our Time
of Global Shift seminar tour, of which I am the Research Director, brings these issues out to the public in an
informative multimedia format.
On the face of it, many may have trouble with the idea that concrete changes such as a 410% increase in
worldwide natural disasters between 1963 to 1993 could be related to changes in the mass consciousness of
As we have often stated, this is due at least in part to a latent bias in the scientific community that seeks to
automatically discard any notions of divinity from a "scientific" inquiry. These areas are considered to be beyond
the capacity of science to examine, and hence they are shoved aside as being unimportant to the scientific
However, American prophet Edgar Cayce made an interesting prophecy in 1939 that suggests that all of this will
be changing very soon:

When there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena
as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as
practical, as measurable, as meter-able as any other phase of human experience:

3/3/3: Prophecy: A Time of Great

Change, Globally and Personally
In the "consciousness science" that we have modeled on this website, particular importance is given to certain
dates in our history when an energetic threshold point is crossed.
As of February 19, 2003, we have entered into a higher zone of interstellar energy for the first time since the
period of 1990-91, and the revolutionary effects of this new energy should become increasingly obvious
throughout the rest of this year.
It is also an interesting "coincidence" that the unique date of 3/3/3 would arrive only two and a half weeks after we
enter this new zone.
For more details on the scientific background behind what we are speaking of, the reader is encouraged to peruse
the Supplemental to Divine Cosmos, as well as our recent psychic reading of December 2002, conducted by
Wynn Free.
The man who rediscovered this energy system in modern times, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov, refers to these
"bifurcation points" as times where the following changes occur while we move into the new energy:

Global natural cataclysms [on Earth] and phenomena in space [supernovas of nearby stars within our
own Galaxy];

The coming of Great Teachers of humanity, as well as outstanding philosophers and scientists;

The originations of calendars (as systems for measuring Time/Space);

Demographic trends (specified by the population of China as an indicator of world trends);

The formation and interaction of worldwide religious/philosophical systems and States.

The changes are certainly also political in nature, as in the time that elapses between each point, new centers of
civilization undergo a prolonged consolidation into full-blown empires, followed by a relatively short period where
new cultures are birthed in these centers.
Then, at the time of the "bifurcation point," these new cultures clearly separate themselves from the "parents," and
in so doing they experience a sudden and tremendous flourishing and expansion. At the same time, there is a
rapid and unexpected decay and contraction or even disappearance of the "parent" civilizations.
Dr. Smelyakov has clearly discovered the hidden pattern behind these apparently disconnected moments in
history, and we have every reason to believe that the cycle will continue to behave in the future as it already has
in the past.
Hence, we now have an instrument that allows us to make clear predictions about our own imminent future, both
on the geo-political and personal levels. This should be a source of extreme comfort to those who feel any sense
of despair when looking at current events, as the outcome can be clearly discerned by studying previous
repetitions of the same pattern.
You can only imagine the satisfaction that we felt when the worldwide peace march of February 15, 2003, just
four days before the actual bifurcation point itself, turned out to be the largest gathering of human souls for one
single collective act in our known history.

Perhaps as many as 12 million people broke their normal routines and marched worldwide to deliver the
message, "It's the Oil, Stupid." Like it or not, the Establishment-controlled corporate American media was forced
to give coverage to this unprecedented international outpouring of voices unified by the desire for world peace.
What is even more impressive is that in earlier periods, hundreds or even thousands of years separated these
bifurcation points, and now this worldwide peace march occurred within a four-day window of the exact date that
Dr. Smelyakov's calculations produced.
We knew that something "big" would have to happen for this cycle to be proved accurate, and we were not
disappointed. The new culture of peace was defined on February 15, 2003.
It has already separated itself from the "parents," and now we can lend our own energies to its sudden,
tremendous flourishing expansion, while the "parent" world order decays into irrelevance. We get to choose how
peacefully this process occurs by the attitude that we have as we move through it.
It is important for the student of our work to remember that the time elapsed from one bifurcation point to another
is not the same for each point in the cycle; it becomes increasingly shorter in length as we approach the critical
time period of the end of the Mayan Calendar, in December of 2012.
Far from a speculative and useless number, our research has concluded that this Mayan Calendar end-date
corresponds to a physical location of interstellar space that our Solar System will have passed into as of this time.
This area of interstellar space has a measurably higher energetic charge, and this is not a case of an on-off
switch or a red light turning to a green light: the energy has been bleeding into our system for quite some time.
We are already having significant energetic increases and are feeling their effects as we drift into the area of
highest concentration.
Each "bifurcation point" is a relatively sudden shift into a higher energy zone. As Chapter Eight of Divine Cosmos
shows, this instreaming new energy has already led to significant transformations in the status and behavior of
our entire Solar System.
So, for one who has already read this website's sections, the next obvious question would be, "How do we explain
an event in time and space that not only affects the energy state of our Solar System, but of our collective minds
as well?"
In this case, the simplest answer is also the most correct one; God does indeed exist, and every nook and cranny
of the entire Universe is filled with an intelligent, living energy source.
The higher the vibrational speed of this energy, the higher the amount of intelligence and compassion we will find.
By drifting into a zone of higher energy, we are automatically becoming closer to God, ready or not.
So, now that we are moving into an area of higher vibration, we are experiencing a collective awakening unlike
anything ever seen before.
For those who accept unconditional love, the transition is rather easy to make; and for those who do not, there will
be no end to the shock and dis-ease that is produced, eventually leading to an inability to maintain a physical
body on the Earth. This might seem to sound rather harsh, but it is simply the way things are.
Now is the time to sort out what is real and what is unreal; and if we attach ourselves to the world of the material,
then we can certainly become captivated by a very convincing illusion that Armageddon is upon us.
On the other hand, if we do our homework, study the material and educate ourselves about what is really going
on and why it is happening, there is no need to have anything but trust in the triumph of unconditional love and an
eager anticipation of the coming Golden Age for humanity.

Be advised that previous bifurcation points have already been correlated with the following massive political

3113 BC: Emergence of the Sumerian, Chinese and Indian civilizations, arrival of Krishna
1147-46 BC: Fall of Troy (became complete by 1194 BC), discovery of Tibet and China by the
550 BC: Fall of Babylon (began in 588 and became complete by 539 BC), coming of Buddha,
Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Plato, Lao Tzu, Confucius and other great teachers
70 AD: Fall of Jerusalem's Temple, great transmigration of Eurasian peoples to the West, formation of
Christianity and spread of Buddhism in China
820 AD: Miraculous disappearance of the Mayan Empire and its people (documented by 830 AD),
formation of new Russian civilization
1285 AD: Mongolian invasions and takeovers of China, Japan, Java and Punjab, decay of new Maya,
foundation of English Parliament, Ottoman Empire, Moscow and Lithuanian princedoms,
dissemination of Zen Buddhism in Japan
1572 AD: Siberia subjugated by Ermak, Black Plague in Europe, reformation of Moscow and
Lithuanian Princedoms into kingdoms, uprising of Huguenots in France, religious riots in Japan, birth
of the Renaissance and Reformation, establishment of worldwide empires, dissemination of the
scientific realization that the Sun is at the center of our Solar System
1718 AD: Tibet is taken over by the Manchurians, Russia is reformed into an Empire, Newton creates
a physical and mathematical foundation for the sciences
1752 AD: Disappearance of feudalism in Europe, formation of colonial empires such as the United
States, commencement of industrial revolution, discovery of Uranus
1861 AD: Abolition of serfdom in Russian Empire; wars, revolutions and riots in many areas on
ideological and religious grounds, publication of Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, discovery of Neptune
1926 AD: Worldwide economic crisis, World War I which killed about 50 million people, split of the
world into two "superpower" systems with the eventual threat of nuclear war, discovery of planet
1968 AD: Vietnam War and worldwide peace marches such as the Woodstock festival. Smelyakov
defines it as the age where the consciousness of the public begins to collapse, due to our inability to
adapt to the consequences of our frontal breach into unprecedented spheres of knowledge and
technology, thus making humankind the hostage of its achievements.
This is seen with the computerization and informatization of life, the exploration of Space, the
awareness of an ecological crisis and the apparent futility of efforts to slow it down, the gasoline
shortage and recession of the 1970s, et cetera.
1990 AD: Collapse of Soviet Union, consolidation of New Age movement through "Harmonic
Convergence" of 1991

The above are some of the most significant political events that have occurred in previous bifurcation points. We
also see the world's most severe earthquakes at these times, with nothing of such great significance between
them. As we get closer and closer to 2012, we can expect the pattern to continually intensify.
Having said all the above, I want to switch gears a bit and discuss my own unique personal experiences with this
most recent bifurcation point. I have realized very clearly and unexpectedly that the worldwide events also
correspond to personal events of great significance.
The story of my own life around this time, and of the events that have now culminated in the publication of this
article, constitutes extremely strong proof on the direct experiential level that this cycle is indeed working. Since I
was only looking for global events, I was essentially blindsided by how they would precipitate into my personal
As most of my readers are aware, all the key points of my scientific model in the three-volume Convergence
series were derived from a series of communications with a high-level extraterrestrial intelligence known as Ra.
Many people have claimed to produce such "channeled" communications, and to their dismay it is rare that I will
give any of such works credence. My own standards for quality are extremely rigorous, including that of my own
material, and in the Law of One series that Ra produced, every standard was not only satisfied, but utterly and
boldly surpassed.
The two surviving members of the team that produced this material, Jim Mc Carty and Carla Rueckert, took on an
almost mythological significance to me, so I was naturally inclined not to attempt any communication with them.
So frequently have I been betrayed by those who got close to my work that I concluded I was "better safe than
sorry," as that was one betrayal that I was not willing to put myself at risk of, since the pain that I would feel was
far too great to risk.
After all, I had built an entire life around the Law of One teachings; and if they did not directly approve of me, then
I would feel that I had failed in my life's purpose. It is similar to a person who never reaches out to someone who
shows them obvious signs of affection for fear of being rejected.
Hence, I discovered the Law of One series in January 1996, and literally four and a half years would go by before
I would actually speak to Carla Rueckert on the phone for the first time; a time I think of as having worked towards
my Doctoral degree in understanding the One Infinite Creator, studying the Law of One material and integrating it
with a wealth of scientific research.
This led to the production and publication of my first complete dissertation on the Internet as of December 2000,
entitled "The

Shift of the Ages."

It was also in late summer of 2000 that I reconnected with Dr. Scott Mandelker, who wrote the book "From
Elsewhere" which was of pivotal importance in my spiritual awakening.
It led me to realize that I was indeed an angelic / higher dimensional soul who had volunteered to come to Earth
and "play the human game" for the purposes of raising consciousness. It also directly brought me into an active
study of the Law of One material from the L/L Research team only two months after I read it.
Dr. Mandelker was the first person to strongly believe in my ability to make a successful career for myself in the
field of metaphysics when I met him at a UFO conference in Connecticut, exactly one year after I first read his
After four years of elapsed time, I had authored a very comprehensive website with enough traffic to clearly
establish a presence in the mid-range category of Internet popularity in the metaphysical field.

My hit counter only counts unique visits to the main page, and at the time of this article it is right at the 300,000
mark. At the time, Dr. Mandelker was approaching me about promoting his newest book, Universal Vision. I was
more than happy to assist him in this effort.
In the phone call where we discussed this and other issues, I raised the possibility of doing a Law of One seminar.
I essentially said:

"Wouldn't it be great if we created a seminar where the top scholars of the Law of One material could
get together on the same stage and present a unified body of information talking about the Ascension
process that humanity is now going through as a whole?
You could lecture on the Law of One material as it relates to East-West psychology, I could discuss it
from the scientific perspective, Carla and Jim could discuss it from their own experience of having
brought it through and working with it over the last 20 years.
We could get John Major Jenkins to fill in all the background about the foundation and importance of
the Mayan Calendar."

Mandelker responded, "Well, that would take a lot of money, and that's something that we don't have."
I answered, "Yes; and if the higher beings want us to do it, then we'll find the money."
Less than three months after this conversation, my grandfather, Donald Frederick Wilcock, Ph.D., passed away,
and I soon discovered that I would inherit a modest amount of money that was well under what the average
middle-class American citizen would earn in one year, but nevertheless far exceeded anything I had ever had
access to before.
Upon the guidance of my readings, most of the money was parked in pre-1900 Napoleon III gold coins, each
having .1876 ounces of gold in them.
I was guided to buy the coins when gold was at a supreme low of about 261 dollars an ounce, and subsequently
placed a buy signal on my website when gold went even lower, down to an incredible 251 dollars. Recently, of
course, gold spiked at 390 dollars an ounce, and we have every reason to believe that the current price of about
350 is still an incredible deal compared to where it will soon go.
At this same time, I found a Roland TD-7 digital drumset for a great price on Ebay so that I could again practice
drumming without making any disturbing noise, after a four-year absence. I also scored a Korg 01/W keyboard for
400 dollars, which I already had extensive experience with since my mother had owned one since the late 1980s,
at which time it was considered industry standard state-of-the-art equipment.
Other than those two items, paying my mother 1000 dollars that I owed her from previous debts, and using
enough cash to support my operating expenses for a couple of months, I put all the remaining funds into gold.
I have since sold off slightly over two-fifths of my original purchase in certain tiny increments in order to keep food
in the refrigerator and the phone and lights operable when I entered into times of extreme financial peril; and
thankfully, one of those two fifths is still "in the family," stored by my associate Dr. Hideo Izumoto in a secure
In late November of 2000, the four-year anniversary of when I first met Dr. Mandelker and the five-year
anniversary of when I first read his book, we had another telephone conversation where he offhandedly revealed
that someone had approached him with a very intriguing question:

"If I could get you some decent funding, what would you want to do with that money that would help
to raise the spiritual consciousness of humanity?"

As Mandelker kept talking, he told me that he had decided that the best thing would be to do a seminar tour that
laid out the case for "Harvest" or "Ascension" on earth, as defined in the Law of One series.
He already had decided that he wanted the main body of the work to be a three-part seminar: Science, Prophecy
and the UFO Phenomenon, with a brief summary at the end that framed all of this data in the spiritual perspective
of the Law of One series.
As he explained all of this to me, he also said that he was having difficulty finding a person to be the Research
Director for the science section. I immediately responded by saying that he simply would not find a person more
suitable for the job than I was.
Surprisingly, he was really not familiar with my website material and therefore thought that I was "only a
channeler," not realizing that I had done quite extensive and groundbreaking scientific work as well. Once I
started explaining to him what I had found, the deal was quickly closed and I was hired as Research Director.
It was remarkable how quickly my vision of a "Law of One seminar" had come to pass; the only problem was that
all we were doing was a Friday night presentation and a Q&A section on Saturday, with no other guest speakers
connected to the Law of One. Our first show of this variety was in Chicago, the second in Boulder and the third in
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Each time there was noticeable tension between Mandelker and myself onstage, documented in video recordings
from each event, which I would frequently hear about in private conversations thereafter.
Anyone inside the "gossip circles" of my discussion group is already well aware of these issues, as by the fifth
event in Huntsville, more than half of the entire audience was aware of the personality differences between
Mandelker and myself, and openly assertive public confrontation came towards him from the audience about his
desire to keep me from talking for too long.
Many of my most trusted supporters were telling me that I should get out and do something entirely on my own.
After all, I was essentially being asked to give a summary of my life's work in 35 minutes on Friday and another 10
minutes on Saturday, which is obviously not even remotely possible, given the complexity of a 900-page trilogy of
scientific material.
The rest of my contributions were limited to whatever questions the audience would ask me. I was also expected
to answer these questions as briefly as possible and would invariably be chastised, often right in front of the
audience, about taking too much time to answer them. Yet, as soon as I answered one, someone else would ask
me another, and on we went.
Hence, most of the tension centered around Mandelker feeling that I was too verbose in my presentations and not
adhering to the strict time guidelines that he had set up in his business plan. Indeed, the most "serious" incident
was in Santa Fe, where I took 52 minutes to deliver a presentation that I thought I could hold to Mandelker's
desired 35, and the tension was quite palpable.
The problem was that the majority of each audience, perhaps with the exception of Santa Fe, had come to the
seminar because of a familiarity with my website and a desire to see me speak in public, and the bulk of audience
questions after each presentation would invariably relate to my material.

By the time we finished Santa Fe, I had become quite distraught over the fact that we were spending a
considerable amount of grant money to put on a show that was practically free for people to attend, as our door
price was only five dollars, and which only went through Friday night and Saturday morning.
Nevertheless, we were paying complete expenses for three people to fly out and give a full multimedia
presentation in a high-end hotel with good advertising to support the event.
I asked Mandelker to remember the original conversation that we had about a Law of One seminar, and bringing
everyone together to discuss these key issues. Since most people could spend an entire weekend with us, why
not make it a three-day event?
My pleas were heard and addressed, as our next seminar was held in Louisville, Kentucky, the hometown of
Carla Rueckert and Jim Mc Carty, the surviving Baby Boomer members of the L/L Research team.
We had established a brief professional relationship with John Major Jenkins in Boulder, and Mandelker and I
eventually agreed to give both Jenkins and myself two-hour lecture presentations on that Saturday, as well as to
reserve Saturday evening for Carla and Jim. Sunday would be an entire day devoted to question-and-answer,
with all six speakers assembled onstage together for a unified panel discussion.
And thus, it was in April of 2002 that the Louisville event occurred, which truly represented our finest achievement
as a team. This is the first time that I've actually even tried to write about it, because it seemed that any words I
would use could only cheapen the divine nature of the experience that we all shared.
Of course, there was the requisite tension between Mandelker and myself, but by this time I had become selfconfident enough that I was able to turn it into more of an Abbott and Costello comedy routine than an awkward
After all, I was still on the recovery curve after nearly losing my companion Sabrina to a devastating pedestrian
encounter with a two-ton missile traveling at 35 miles an hour on Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Beach, Virginia. If I
could get through that, then I could get through anything.
Our local advertisements had literally done nothing; when I asked how many people had made a pilgrimage to
Louisville for this event because of reading my website, every hand in the entire 52-person audience went up.
Hence, everyone had been interested enough in this work to make that personal sacrifice of the hero's journey, to
endure the trials and tribulations of earning the funding and clearing the time to make the quest for the sacred fire
of antiquity that we were there to offer, the arcana of formerly secret knowledge that can now be shared publicly
without fear of punishment or assassination; at least most likely not.
My two-hour presentation that Saturday gave a tremendous amount of new information that would show up in
Divine Cosmos two months later, and some of which has still not been published.
Hence, everyone got much more than they bargained for; it was not simply a review but rather a re-integration of
what they already knew into an even higher and more complete level of understanding. Everyone felt the thrill of
this new information and it infused the entire group with great excitement.
No one seemed to be getting any sleep, and no one cared. Once we stopped talking, the group would turn inward
and find great connection with each other. Life-long romantic partnerships were established at this event, at least
two that we directly know of, and one of them happened to Rosi Buchanan, who was also our administrative
director for that event.
She has since married her romantic interest and is expecting a child with him in the near future. For myself, I had
a great spiritual connection with Carla and Jim, although brief, and I was quite eager to work with them again.

During the Louisville event, Emerson King from the US Psychotronics Association was in the audience, and he
contacted Dr. Peter Moscow, the president of the organization and a Louisville resident, telling him that he really
needed to come and see the rest of the event.
I then met Dr. Moscow and was invited to speak at their upcoming conference that July. This was definitely the
next "big break" that I was waiting for, having already been on the Art Bell Show twice the previous year. Slightly
over a month before the conference, I finished and published Part One of Divine Cosmos, and therefore was able
to have limited-edition printed copies ready for vending at the event itself.
I now had the opportunity to present my material on my own terms to a community of peers in the scientific
community, who were already aware of the basic and intermediate stages of my research, allowing me to move
directly into the expert level.
And indeed, Dr. Moscow told me that my July 2002 presentation was at a "university graduate level" and
"extremely well done."
At this conference I also got to meet some truly amazing people who had made many great contributions to the
field, including Dr. Glen Rein, who discovered that the energy of unconditional love has a direct effect on the DNA
molecule, causing it to expand and thereby promote greater health and well-being in an organism.
The next major event was in my invitation to travel to Japan in October 2002 to support the limited-edition release
of my first book The Shift of the Ages, titled "Tenkan no Jidai" or "Paradigm Shift" in Japanese.
The scheduling requirements forced me to only have two full days to recuperate between returning from Japan
and doing our next and final seminar as the Time of Global Shift team in Huntsville, Alabama.
I was under great financial and temporal pressure in getting ready for this event, as I needed to manifest a
passport, an updated version of my Power Point presentation for Huntsville and the finances to pay off all my bills
for November after I had just gotten done paying off October. Things got quite intense towards the end, but by
selling some gold and working very hard, I was able to make it happen.
Of course, Japan was a true watershed experience in my life; the immersion into an entirely new culture where a
Caucasian person is now the outsider, as not more than one in 5,000 people I would see were white, and in fact
the only people of African descent I ever saw during my entire stay in Japan were a husband and wife in the
I had studied and loved the culture all my life but especially after having Yumi as a girlfriend in college, and I knew
enough of the language to fight my way through some very basic conversations.
Dr. Izumoto traveled with me as my interpreter, and together we delivered approximately 17 psychic readings, five
lectures and four musical performances during the time we were there.
We hardly ever stayed in any one place for more than two days, and unfortunately about halfway through I went
through a quasi-kidnapping type of event, where I ended up traveling in some form or another, either car, boat,
ferry, subway or bullet train, for a total of 36 hours in two days.
What was even worse was that I was denied sleep during this process, being awakened at 6:15 am on the first
day and 4:15 am on the second day.
During this time we went from Nagoya to Mt. Fuji to Onakoro Island and back to Nagoya once again, touring a few
sacred places very briefly as we went; about 10 minutes at a shrine near Fuji, about 10 minutes on the top of Fuji
after a brutal one-hour traffic jam on the way up, about 10 minutes at a small shrine near the home of the woman
who accompanied us on the second day, and about 40 minutes at a shrine on Onakoro Island and another 40
minutes in front of a breathtaking view of the sea and mountains on the island.

For comparison, this is just about equivalent to someone driving halfway across the United States and back in two
days, stopping long enough at the Grand Canyon to look around, sip some air and relieve themselves before
turning around and going back home.
I had already been overstressed before those two days, but afterwards I became truly, deeply sick.
I then had the continuing experience of literally living the celebrity lifestyle, giving lectures, performing highly
accurate psychic readings, signing autographs and taking pictures with many people, being given the highly
sought-after "Emperor's welcome" at Esai, the largest spiritual center / shrine in all of Japan, as well as being
filmed for a Japanese documentary.
All the while, I had a consistent, unrelenting and nearly uncontrollable desire to cough the entire time. I knew I
was was very, very sick, with such extraordinary fatigue that I literally wanted nothing more than to crawl into a
bed somewhere, anywhere, and not come out of the room for at least five days except to eat and excrete.
This was capped off by another 23 hours of solid travel time to get back to the States, wide-awake the entire time.
First, we had to get up very early to get a ride from the hotel in Nagoya to the subway for a 30-minute ride to the
There, we picked up the Shinkansen bullet train, which then brought us on a two-hour ride into Tokyo. In Tokyo,
we had to wait an excruciatingly long time for the red subway to take us to the airport. Once we got to the airport,
we had well over three hours to kill before our flight got started, which began with an 11-hour (!) direct flight from
Tokyo to Atlanta, the big hub of Delta Airlines.
Then we had a two-and-a-half-hour layover followed by another one-hour flight to Virginia Beach, where we
navigated through customs and thankfully our ride was already waiting for us when we queued up for the
agonizing wait for Hideo's giant maroon suitcase to move through the baggage claim.
My absurdly nave schedule then had me needing to duplicate CDs and print more books for Huntsville in two
days before leaving, while also dealing with the contortions of a body that thinks nighttime is daytime and vice
versa, having finally gotten adjusted to living on the opposite side of the globe.
Suffice it to say that I did the books and basically wrote off working on the CDs due to sheer exhaustion. The
quick jaunt to Huntsville truly seemed like no big deal in comparison to what I had been through in the previous
Our turnout for Huntsville was less than half as big as any previous event that we had conducted, since it seemed
that most of the people who had really wanted to go to the "Big Law of One Event" had done it in Louisville. On
the first night I realized to my horror that I had sent Dr. Mandelker the wrong presentation, so that all the new
things I wanted to say did not match up with the sequence of slides.
This forced me to do some very last-minute deletions of slides from the presentation and the need to go through
the show without strictly adhering to the script. In many ways I felt that it was one of my best presentations, if not
THE best, for that very reason, but unfortunately the video camera did not capture the audio that night.
By Saturday night I had found great camaraderie with Mark Comings, Mandelker's original choice for my position
as Research Director, a man who arguably has more in common with me than any other male I have ever met in
my life.
Since I was quite naturally attuned to the Japanese schedule, we ended up staying up that night and talking until
6:30 am, neither of us noticing the passage of time.
Since Comings is monitored even more heavily than I am, it was wonderful to have a private space where we
could talk about whatever we wanted without surveillance, and we made maximal use of the time.

I ended up giving him 11 copies of Divine Cosmos to distribute amongst his colleagues, with the hope of
spreading the word to a larger audience in the California area.
Naturally, I slept right through Jeremy pounding on the door Sunday afternoon to tell me that it was almost time
for me to be onstage for the panel discussion. However, I knew exactly when it got started, and had left my room
only about 10 minutes after it began, meaning that I got there about 15 minutes late.
I went to my chair without comment and soon after I arrived, most of the questions again started coming my way.
Mark and I again had long conversations that night, but I clipped it off by about 1:30 am this time.
I still managed to get up before anyone else and have morning breakfast with Carla and Jim before again
departing on an airplane to go home. That conversation was the most time that we had ever shared together, as
up until then my interactions with them had been predominantly non-verbal in Louisville, along with about four or
five telephone conversations.
This conversation really opened up a wonderful new avenue, as we got along quite nicely and they invited me to
speak at their annual "Homecoming" event which was in the first week of February 2003.
After this event, I returned home and essentially spent my entire profit margin from Japan on the Yamaha Motif
keyboard, which is just about the most wonderful music workstation that affordable money can buy at the present
time, with the ability to duplicate almost any sound that you hear in music on the radio (with the exception of the
classical music which is not as well-represented).
It was a grand completion to the studio that I had already been building up with an eight-channel Behringer mixer,
the Yamaha SW1000XG sound card, the Korg MS2000 analog modeling synthesizer and the Creative 6GB
Nomad Jukebox for making direct-to-digital recordings off the mixing board, in addition to the Roland TD-7 and
Korg 01/W that I had purchased after my grandfather passed away.
During this time, I spent a few weeks with Sabrina before she embarked on a trip out to Oklahoma to reconnect
with family and old friends and acquaintances. This was a semi-permanent move due to a personal family crisis,
and it became increasingly clear to me that we had arrived at a natural point of separation since she was
essentially transferring her whole life back to her hometown.
Thankfully, I had managed to fulfill one of her most consistent desires, which was to have a completed demo of a
song that she had written so that she could shop it out to various record labels. In fact, this was the major catalyst
that got me to complete my studio in the first place.
I left in the second week of December to go to my mother's new house in upstate New York, and on the way I had
a flat tire and had to stay in the Best Western of Seaford, Delaware, room 211, which had a great view of a lake
behind the hotel and was surprisingly inexpensive.
Nevertheless, this event, coupled with my father shaming me into buying everyone Christmas presents even
though I had spent the profits on the keyboard, caused my bank account to again bottom out.
I wouldn't realize until about January 15th that I had bounced the check on my landlord for the first time in the
nearly three years I had lived there, but that's a bit further along in our story.
While recovering from a month-long post-Japan illness at my mother's house, and really enjoying the thick
blankets of snow that I had not really lived through since moving to Virginia Beach in 1997, I received a
portentous email from Dr. Mandelker.
He told me he wanted to discuss my airline tickets for the next event in Portland, which will still be held in
Portland, Oregon this April, although I will not be attending it or presenting there. Not thinking much of it, but also
knowing that the pattern was for harsh criticisms to come my way after an event, I called him on the phone.

During this call, I found out that apparently one woman in the audience at Huntsville had really gained a strong
dislike of me in many ways. Without getting into details, Mandelker in turn relayed all of her mean-spirited
accusations to me as if this was representative of the audience's experience as a whole.
He added this to the standard litany of complaints about talking too long and taking up too much time, which
literally collapsed under discussion, since I had been very careful not to tweak the guidelines. As in the previous
four or five telephone conversations, I was ready to call off the whole thing right then and there, but somehow I
got through it and preserved the partnership.
I was quite surprised to check my email on the laptop after this phone call and find out that at the exact time that
Mandelker and I had been going through a very heated discussion, Carla had sent both of us an email saying that
we both needed to work out our personality problems with each other and move through the anger and the tears,
or else there would be a separation!
At the time I took this as a great sign that we would work it out, not looking at the other side of the equation at all. I
wrote Carla a letter back expressing that I was very enthusiastic about all of this, and had worked diligently to
listen to every criticism and truly weigh it out with honesty and candid humility.
Carla's letter did not explicitly favor either one of us, and implied that we both had to make significant concessions
in order for this to work.
After reading the letter I called her immediately and we had a long discussion about what I could do to help out.
From what I was told thereafter, Mandelker only sent a very brief email response to her letter and only seemed to
acknowledge that it validated all of his points that I was the "weak link" in the team and that "no one else had this
problem" but me.
I returned to Virginia Beach early in January, and when I went into Sabrina's room I really felt that her energy
presence had moved out of the house for good.
It was a deep inner knowing that I couldn't really explain, as she still had a fair amount of possessions there, but
none of them were essential. A short number of days later my old friend Angelica called me, and the Mandelker
issue came up relatively quickly.
In a matter of ten minutes Angelica was able to get me to see clearly that I really owed it to my audience to give
them a seminar where I could speak for as long as they wanted me to. It wasn't right to have everyone coming up
to me and back-talking about the politics of the event every time I would speak.
I also realized that it boiled down to an issue of self-respect; there was no real reason to ever assume that these
issues would go away, and the longer I participated in this the worse it was going to get, likely leading to the
embarrassment and personal scarring of being fired.
So, before I even went to bed that same night, I wrote my formal letter of resignation and sent it out to every
member of the team, including our regional administrators and moderators for the discussion group.
I did not go into any explanations at the time, and a few people in the discussion group later expressed a desire to
see it work out and for us to resolve our differences.
On the personal level I would never have imagined that I would actually quit, and for the first two or three days I
felt pretty badly about it, but I soon realized that it really was an issue of self-acceptance and forgiveness, and
that is what ultimately pulled me through.
Within two days of really regaining some level of personal equilibrium, I received the infamous pink slip in the mail
assigning me a fine of 30 dollars for a returned check.

This time it was the rent; something that had never happened before. I immediately activated a good crop of
clients for readings and began immediately processing the requests, and I got so captivated in trying to generate
funding that I did not call the landlord.
He then called me two days later and was extremely unpleasant on the phone, to say the least. In no uncertain
terms, he told me that I either needed to get the money to him by Monday (it later became Tuesday since Monday
was a bank holiday) or else I would have to find another place to live.
I interpreted this as meaning that I might suddenly be forcefully ejected from my own space in a matter of two
weeks if the donations did not arrive in the mail on time, or if I again hacked into the dwindling supply of gold
Once again I was receiving the abusive father treatment, and even when I hand-delivered him the money in seven
crisp hundred-dollar bills, including the rather exorbitant 63-dollar late fee that I rounded up to 75, he still treated
me with disdain and did not allow for any release of tension, except for a very quick smile as I was heading out
the door.
I certainly wasn't expecting a hero's welcome, but I also was searching for some kind of clue that I could trust him
in the future "if" there were economic upheavals that made it difficult to pay the rent on time. His attitude revealed
that I was in jeopardy.
Any shock to my income and I could be homeless in a matter of a week and a half; and if Sabrina were to
eventually live with me again, it would affect her as well as myself, which was even more unpleasant of a thought.
So, I was suddenly confronted with the heretofore-unimaginable idea of moving out of my sweet spot in Virginia
Beach, which was a great space for the price, listed as a resort property in the paper although it really wasn't, but
only four minutes' walking distance from the oceanfront.
Every move I had made in the past was into a better situation, and I had a hard time imagining how I could outdo
what I already had. Perhaps by now you've figured out where all this is going;
Dr. Izumoto and I drove the 10 hours from Virginia Beach to Louisville on Groundhog Day, which was incidentally
also my father's birthday. After what we had been through in Japan, and the extreme stress of navigating the drive
to New York, the tranquility of Route 64 all the way into Louisville seemed almost too easy.
That night in Carla and Jim's living room, I delivered a very humorous retelling of my experiences in Japan,
turning the whole thing into quite the uproarious comedy routine, even more than what I had done when speaking
at the Fellowship of the Inner Light earlier in January.
I felt a tremendous, spiraling energy in the living room that was stronger than anything I had experienced before,
and I absolutely loved the house, the grounds and the whole area.
From that first night onward, I also became acquainted with Vara L, and each night we would talk from 10pm until
somewhere between 2 and 5:30 am. The amount of synchronicity that began emerging between her entire
personality and life experiences with my own was literally astonishing.
She had already become a key member of the L/L Research team on her own volition by providing Carla with
invaluable assistance in checking all the quotes for the Wanderer's Handbook.
Furthermore, she had top-notch professional experience as an executive secretary for the vice-president of one of
the world's pre-eminent computer software companies.
In the history of Edgar Cayce's life, almost every scholar invariably points to the arrival of his "twin flame" Gladys
Davis as being the moment when everything completely turned around.

It is only from this point forward that there is any clear, unbroken written record of his readings, and the energy of
her presence seemed to be invaluable in bringing forth a higher level of quality from Edgar's unconscious mind.
She continued to work with the readings until her death in the 1980s, and without her support it is unlikely that
most people in Eastern and Western civilization today would know the name Edgar Cayce; or as the Japanese
say, "Egah Cayshee."
In working as executive secretary for this extremely busy man, Vara would navigate him through 12 meetings a
day and between 300 to 700 emails a day. In short, she was his backbone, and without her multi-tasking support
capabilities he would have completely fallen apart.
No other employee had been able to keep him together like this before. A series of weird politics had led to him
losing his job as of November 2002, and she was let go in December since the company really didn't have much
for her to do once he left.
When she spoke of what she did for this VP, I finally became aware enough of my deepest fear in life to look at it
head-on. Ever since making a complete life commitment to this work as of June 1998, I had basically been flying
by the seat of my pants, constantly navigating financial troubles and alternating between periods of extreme
productivity peaks followed by months-long troughs of writer's block and creative meltdown.
I was smart enough not to try to do readings during these times as I only wanted them to originate from the
highest and best sources possible.
Now, with my story being given huge press in the Japanese magazine Anemone, with a circulation of 40,000
issues, and the book "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" being released with North Atlantic Press as of August
2003, with widespread tabloid publicity almost destined to follow, the juggernaut was released; like it or not, my
career was going to expand.
And yet, I had already been stretched past the breaking point as it was, and the snapping had affected my
landlord, my family and my loved ones, even leading to the karmic backlash of a glass breaking in my hand and
severing a nerve to my right pinky in December 2001.
Things had not gotten better since that time; they had only intensified. I could easily see my 50-100 emails a day
expanding to 300 to 700 or more with the advent of these changes.
So, even if Vara had nothing to do with it, just hearing about the fact that someone could actually do all that for
another person and keep him running gave me a sense of newfound hope that I had been severely lacking.
I realized for myself that the old adage "the more the merrier" held true for this work, and that by accepting the
emergent offer from Jim and Carla to move in with them and work as a team, I could significantly ease the
burdens that I had faced from doing almost everything by myself -- with a few notable exceptions including
Jeremy and Tasha, Ed and Andi, Albert and Harriet, Gary and Tiffani, Chris, Enoch Theos and Sean Colquhon.
After Vara had already returned to Palo Alto, California, she documented a series of dreams, visions and brief
sentences of psychic readings that made it clear that she was being guided to move to Louisville and join the
team. This only added to the overall weight of synchronicities that had been coming in fast and furious, which may
be made public in the future.
She was already in the advanced stages of moving, and all she had to do was to change the destination. As I
write these words she is resting in a hotel somewhere in the Southwest after the first day of a four-day journey to
arrive here to Louisville.
I myself arrived here less than a week ago, and handled all the obvious stresses of moving myself into a single
room with definite finesse.

Today is really the first day that I have been fully settled, and Jim and I have begun working on preparing and
painting Vara's room to her specifications.
Most of the major furniture possessions in my house were donated to goodwill to help fund addiction recovery
programs, which I feel quite good about. My landlord was certainly surprised and unhappy that I made the
decision to move, but you do have to crack some eggs to make an omelet, as they say.
I have had a number of dreams that indicate that a great future is ahead. I am aware that I had promised the
public that some form of addition to Divine Cosmos would be ready by this all-important date of 3/3/3, but instead
I had a personal shift that is very similar to the global level of the "bifurcation point" that we have entered into as
of February 19th, 2003.
With the infrastructure that is really needed now coming into view, we have the collective opportunity to take this
mission to the next step, with Carla and I acting as the primary speakers. To that end, we have already done two
psychic readings together, which are posted on the L/L Research website at
Let's look back to what I wrote earlier about this crucial time:
The changes are certainly also political in nature, as in the time that elapses between each point, new centers of
civilization undergo a prolonged consolidation into full-blown empires, followed by a relatively short period where
new cultures are birthed in these centers.
Then, at the time of the "bifurcation point," these new cultures clearly separate themselves from the "parents," and
in so doing they experience a sudden and tremendous flourishing and expansion. At the same time, there is a
rapid and unexpected decay and contraction or even disappearance of the "parent" civilizations.
Now I get it; on every level. It would be nice to be credited with being one of the great scientists or philosophers
that such bifurcation points produce, but either way I feel confident that our humble efforts are sufficient.
For those who had scheduled reading slots that were disrupted by this, Vara will be contacting you sometime
within the next week for rescheduling, and I do apologize for the inconvenience.
No one has been more surprised by all of this than myself, and I am more than happy to have the profits from my
work go directly towards funding this team effort of L/L Research. There was a lot to give up, but what I have
already gained is beyond measure.
Rest assured that the enormous creative and financial freedom that this move will produce is going to lead to the
long-awaited culmination and fulfillment of my written services in the coming months, including publication of the
completed three-volume Convergence series.
Peace be with you.
- David

5/31/03: Reading: The Hero's Journey

Astonishing Reading: The Hero's Journey

Wilcock Reading, April 2003
- Internet publication 5/31/03 -

By David Wilcock

[3/13/09: I retired from ALL client readings as of August 2005. I have left this article as it was originally written for
archival purposes.]

Now that we have the help of an executive administrator, within the greater context of living with Carla Rueckert
and Jim Mc Carty here at L/L Research, our psychic readings have taken a dramatic step forward in their depth
and accuracy.
Though there have been many "gems" coming through as we worked through the six-month waiting list to
become current, the following reading stands out as being truly exceptional.
This client asked that her name not be shared as there is personal information in the reading, but we do have the
authorization to share the overall story and the text of the session.


Each reading begins with a 45-minute "intake conversation," wherein I gather your basic information through three
topic clusters -- love/family/relationships, jobs/money/prosperity and body/health/diet.
This gives a blueprint of the major events throughout the course of your life, and allows me to see how your
external environment has mirrored your deep subconscious issues, thus revealing what areas need to be focused
on to enhance spiritual growth.
In this particular case, I heard that the client was a poet and musician during the intake, but we had not gone into
any detail regarding the content of these poems and songs. Nonetheless, the entire reading was crafted around
highly specific, detailed information, drawn directly from the content of her poems and songs.
She reported that there were "at least twenty" different highly specific references to her creative works in the
reading, exhausting any possibility of denial that a higher source of intelligence was involved.
The entire reading, from beginning to ending, felt as if it were directly from her own higher self, finally having the
chance to speak to her directly through me and explain its agenda.
What makes this so interesting is not simply that there was a telepathic "remote viewing" of the content of her own
language of symbolism and metaphor, but that the reading actually explained the spiritual meanings behind the
poems and songs that she had been guided to write, without ever fully knowing what their deeper meanings were.
One of these songs was specifically about a dragon that guarded an emerald city, and a classic sword-wielding
hero who finally had to become the dragon in order to slay it.
This is the first time that the readings have ever mentioned an "emerald city," that I am aware of, and as the
words came out of my mouth I had no idea that they had such a specific meaning and value to the client.
Nonetheless, if I had been listening more carefully and / or were not in trance, I might have noticed that the client
was in tears the entire time.

Remember that the "Ra" that is speaking is working through a male and female aspect of my personality that
resides in fifth-density, and thus it has a completely different style and "feel" than the material in the Law of One
series from 1981-84, which was channeled directly from sixth-density.
And without further adieu, here is the reading.


I am Ra. We greet you in the light and the love of the One Infinite Creator.
Logging off from the world is a noble yet dubious act. It is noble in the sense that it produces great fruits for the
character, and dubious in the sense of how it creates a sense of disillusionment, of an inability to adapt to one's
present circumstances, as if there was some innate wrongdoing.
This comes about from the sense that there is great need on this plane and that one's physical efforts will be most
efficiently used when they are outwardly directed in public service to address this need.
The clock is ticking and the dinner bell has rung. We ask only that you seat yourself at the table with the
remembrance of who you are in every moment, and the capacity to accept your meal and bless it for the
nourishment that it provides.
Character flaws might seem to interrupt the process of your seeking, but it is these apparent inconsistencies that
are the very tools of your awakening.
Thus the disillusionment that you feel in your recovery from your dark night of the soul is, in and of itself, the bud
of the thousand-petaled lotus that is to flower into bloom within you.
Cutting the tethers to one's former conception of self does then necessitate a plunge deep into the cavernous
depths of the psyche. It is in these caverns where dragons lie and where glory and treasure may be found. It is
indeed the archetype of the hero's quest that you now embark upon.
The tattered and musty scrolls that you have unrolled and set on the hard oak table before you give a treasure
map, long forgotten in the gilded pages of history, which leads back to an emerald city of great beauty and
opulence. It is the jewel of self awareness that is kept within the self until such time as the necessities of
unlocking have been met.
The hero's quest, then, is to arise on a curtain of light, with your armor intact and your sword drawn, ready to
swipe at those varmints of the self that would jump out from hidden corners and seek to drain your essence and
leave you in a tattered state.
You have swung before. You have mounted your armor plating. You have worn chain mail and you have enabled
the healing to move forward by the cutting away of that no longer needed.
In the distance twinkles the emerald glow of your self-awakening, that sense of renewal in the heart, that ability to
truly open one's self to others, to recognize that you are not a foreigner, for all is one, all is home: you are home
now, where you are.
To be the light of the world is to recognize that second coming of Christ archetype for yourself, to see how you
exist already in a state of completeness.


The condition known as fibromyalgia is a label that is applied to a neuro-physical condition which relates to the
blockage of energetic instreamings of higher consciousness, often through the heart and throat chakras, thus
frequently leading to complications in the body complex, leading to numbing and coldness of extremities and the
difficulty in maintaining one's normal weight.
The thyroid gland is challenged in maintaining its balance of the enzyme hormones known as T-1 through T-4,
specifically T-3 and T-4. These imbalances perpetuate into the biochemical condition of the gradual degradation
of the nervous fibers, which comes about through the disruption of the natural potassium / sodium balances which
are required for proper transmissions of (electrical impulses through the) nerve systems.
The hero's quest in this instance is a function of the degree to which there can be an energetic reconnection with
the physical body, the body being the projection of the mind and therefore its teacher and mirror.
Thus, when investigating questions regarding the stability of the nervous system, one must look deep within for
the ways in which the self seeks to ensure that shocks will not take place, and in so doing, toughen the emotional
body so that there is always a sense of vigilance in the perpetual preparation against imminent apparent attack.
Thus the hero trudges forward with the armor weighing heavily upon the body complex, causing aches and pains
in the movement through the catacombs of the psyche. Each successive conquest of the various demons of
projection from the inner self regards the further balance as being enabled.
And thus as each mountain is climbed, the next mountain top then becomes visible. In some cases there is
despair, upon reaching an apparent plateau, in seeing the next crest come into view.
Rather than loath and despise the opportunities that present themselves, we have the folly of joy in the questing
self, in the further opportunity to suffer.
However, ultimately the experiences do not have a nature of joy or suffering; the experiences are only those
movements which are necessary to bring the soul back to a greater degree of self-realization. And thus it is the
attitude that determines the interpretation of the experience.
The emerald glow is that which is behind the dragon which guards the passage, and the dragon at this time is
before you. Yet, the main gestalt in your life at this time is of the hidden dragon archetype, that in which the self
enables the cocooning to occur and the liquefaction within said chrysalis to occur so there can be metamorphosis
into the butterfly.
We have indeed asked you to cast aside the definitions of self that have been your label up until this point, and to
recognize that in the wake of the abolition of definition comes the reinstallation of the original seeking urge that
spurred your growth process in what you would call the past.
The sharks of the deep oceans of the psyche swarm around you, and you see triangular fins that point through
the surface of the waters. They will eat you and consume your flesh until nothing remains. This is quite literally, as
you have discerned, a death and rebirth process.
What is being digested is the elements that have felt in some way victimized by the outer world, leading to the
ironing out of the inconsistencies that created such perceptions. These perceptions were reinforced by the fallout
of those you had classified as heroes in the spiritual group of which you had been a member.
Much as one would saw away at a log in order to arrive at building materials, you needed to hack away the
detritus that had clogged your mind into a jungle, in order to form a clean slate that would allow you to create your
own forest without the crowding and the inconsistency of those who would form a cult.
We ask that you spend each moment that you feel pain or loneliness asking yourself, "Where is the love in this
moment?" It is a balance that can be engendered during those times when your tricycle does not want to pedal,
and you must sit and sulk because your toys no longer make you smile.

All souls move through pre-school and intermediate stages of development at various points along the time line of
a given life, and there is the need for reintegration of those younger fragments of self in order that wholeness is
Thus by virtue of the rather thick lenses that are needed for your glasses at this time, there is a sense of focusing,
of bringing things into clearer view, that you may once again rend the veil that has been drawn around your eyes
and mind to regain a greater sense of stability.
Recognize how the physiological nervous system disorder is a reflection of the more precise nature through which
this condition of disillusionment has manifested itself.
The sky lights that have been built into your apartment of the psyche will allow the sunlight in at various times of
the diurnal cycle, however one cannot simply abide by the window and wait for the sun to rise. One must
endeavor to work within the darkness as well.
It is in breaking the egg that the omelet can be made and prepared for the self or others. It is the fracturing of the
derisiveness with which the self has viewed self that leads to a renewed compassion for others. The inability to
trust others is a reflection of the innate tendency within the self to fall back into criticism and judgment of oneself.
There has been a sense of wanting to ascribe power to others who are seen as greater, and this was the lesson
of the cult experience. Physician, heal thyself.
The time for looking for heroes is past. You are the hero who wields the sword of truth, which slices cleanly
through the miasma of disillusionment. The smoke, once it clears, reveals a congealed form after the crucible has
duly melted down the base materials of the self, and left behind the alchemically transmuted gold in its wake.
When you are capable of grabbing the microphone and stepping up to the stage, you will indeed have a renewed
sense of who you are and what it is you are doing.
The hidden dragon is that phase of your development where the crushing catalyst comes through the isolation.
Since there has been an innate tendency to seek other heroes, the isolation allows for this process to be turned
Were you to be able to look in the mirror and see the face of the One Infinite Creator, without veiling, without
criticism or judgment, then the ability to move into such realms of consciousness would be yours to attain as each
cycle of initiation is passed and the gates have been cleared.
You have reached a rather rare state of development for those in the human plane, in that you have met with the
guardian of the threshold and taken the assignment to see it as the self and to go within.
And thus, the slaying of the dragon actually comes by enfolding yourself into the dragon; feeling its wings, its
sharp talons and its scales and fangs, and recognizing the aspects of yourself that can be sharp and sweet at the
same time.
Recognize that you are a being with distortions and you are a being free from distortion at the same time. The
apparent riddle that is set forth here is only instituted by the nature of the third density as it now stands.
For when you go to sleep each night, you are awakening from the dream that you have a physical body, and
returning to the unbroken continuity of your grander existence. It is only when you apparently wake up that you
are descending back into a realm that is of greater illusion.
And thus it is the conscious mind self that will be standing in awe and reverence at the time of your
transfiguration, upon realizing that it is returning to an unbroken continuity, a continuity that understands
everything that has transpired in the physical and has promoted catalyst in all its forms through the designing of
dreams and the fulfillment of physical experiences that would be necessitated by the actions as then taken.

The dizziness of the rollercoaster is winding down. In its aftermath comes the renewal of freedom that is felt in the
redefinition of self. You can indeed learn to trust others and to open your heart to others, and in so doing relieve
the conditions in the neurophysical system. These conditions have everything to do with bracing against attack,
and this comes from your sense of being an alien on the planet.
The whittling can indeed cleave the driftwood that washes on the shore from the ocean of mind into the form of
the wizard, which can be the handle on the cane which you use to move forward on the path and ensure that
there is no stumbling away from the central goal.
As you move forward on this quest, the emerald light glows in the distance, calling you ever forward, calling you
back into the heart, back into trust, back into the ability to open the self to the self and to other selves without fear.
It is your choice to be hurt by others, to interpret their actions as hurtful in nature. Even if an other self were to
lead to the death of your physical body, as was the fear created in your abduction experience, [*i.e. a kidnapping
in the physical, not an ET contact,] there can only be the changing of your vibrational modality to that of the
afterlife state, which is indeed more natural.
Since death is the ultimate root of all fear, and it is baseless, there is no fear. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing
Real, a popular colloquialism in your plane.
Once you explore the depths of the shadow, you have shined the light on it, and it no longer exists in such a form.
Even the darkest corners of mind can be swept clean with the broom of self-acceptance, once they have been
duly eliminated by the process of inner contemplative seeking.
It is for this reason that we have engendered this period of sabbatical for you so that the mushrooms that have
grown up inside the mind can be harvested, and the ground once more tilled for newer and stronger seeds of a
heartier strain to be planted therein, with the facilitation of grander states of self-realization as a result.
The amulet or talisman that you wear around your next on this quest helps to centralize you, but it can also overamplify the degree to which you focus on the negative. [*No discussion was made about whether the client wore
any jewelry before the reading began. Yet this also turned out to be correct.]
And thus, in dealing with any crystalline structure it is wise to be cognizant of how it can amplify all moods
regardless of their nature.
When you spring on the trampoline of self, you can indeed bounce quite highly and even turn over in the air. Life
is a series of bouncing movements, it would seem, and opening into trust comes about in reconciling the fact that
life is like a trampoline game, whereby you must continue to jump and bounce and roll and pitch as needed.
The other selves around you have, as a capacity, the ability to say things or do things that may seem hurtful. But
as stated, hurt is a choice; it is not a design. When you recognize that you can never truly be hurt, you disdain
those aspects of self that would exist in shadow.
They are disappointed, because they enjoy being the victim, and they enjoy the food that victimhood provides
them. If you are victimized by your body, then you have something to rage about for why you are not human and
why you do not fit in here on this plane.
Again it is the insulation of the self against perceived outer shocks that leads to this nervous condition. It is the
repetition of shocks with the increasing ability to accept and hold them in the auric field as positive that leads to
the gradual relaxation of the nervous tissue, and the heavier assimilation of the potassium and sodium by the
physiological system, along with the corresponding strengthening of the thyroid hormones.
This locus of control is a point of revolution that allows you to always maintain balance, even though life is tossing
you around haphazardly. You have an anchor, and the anchor keeps you from drifting away. Your anchoring is in
the knowledge that all things are acceptable.

It is the path of all entities to accept, to understand and analyze experiences, distilling the love and wisdom
contained within them, while understanding that all experiences are potentially possible and acceptable.
You are here to make mistakes, as you would think of them, and to recognize that truly no harm has been done. If
an entity meets with an apparent difficulty, it is precisely meted out by the higher forces as a systematic construct
to enable the self to regain balance.
Thus as you walk along the docks and look out into the frothing seas, you can again step forward to the ship, cut
loose the tethers, alight the sails and capture the wind that will bring you forth through realms of dragons and sea
creatures and various beasties over the edge of the world, to again find new lands within yourself.
Now is the time for going on this quest, for cutting loose those ties that bind within the psyche and allowing
yourself to again move forward, not outwardly, but inwardly.
Recognize that it is this crucible of remembrance that melts down the resistance that you have to opening your
heart to others, and again brings you to the opalescent emerald city that the dragon has been guarding.
It is the opening of your heart that is the bounty that springs forth from the treasure chest stored deep within the
recesses of the ocean of your mind. As you dive down deeper and deeper, holding your breath, attempting to
again reach that pearl of greatest price, you find that you can breathe under water, that there is no drowning,
there is only the ability to remain present in the midst of an apparently adverse circumstance.
All again becomes clear. The slate is clean, and the offal of the meat that was prepared for the psyche is washed
away in the renewal of the personality.
The elevator bells ring and the doors open so that you may step inside and make a vertical ascent through the
system of chakras with the understanding that it is not required to open the chakras, but rather to balance them.
The behavioral advancement in your 5th and 6th chakras is quite advanced, as are the lower chakras as related
to the body and the sense of self.
The blockage that has manifested is actually that within the heart; it is the simpler, childlike love that you feel in
some level was taken from you by various experiences such as the abductions.
This childlike sense of trust can be yours again through the opening of the heart and the returning to unconditional
love. This unconditional love must be sought for the self, and it is being sought within the context of erasing the
definitions that have been set up around your personality so that you again see a true reflection of who you are
without representation by the notches on ones belt, or the achievements as could be defined by one such as a
father figure, that says "What have you done that proves that you are worthy to the planet?"
Rather than seeking the measurement stick of external representation, the process is one of internal
understanding; of taking the cocoon of solitude and allowing it to become the sepulcher of release through which
you again sprout your angel wings and alight into the heavens.
Now that your wings have truly grown, they are not formed of wax and feathers and so will not be melted away as
you strive toward the sun. You shall indeed become one with your kin once again while in human form, through
the opening of the heart.
The heart has thus far blocked the proper up-streaming of the kundalini forces, which has lead to the energetic
pulsations and tremors as you have felt in meditation and the like.
The opening of the heart is a surrender. True love in the fourth-density sense is an allowing, and what you allow is
yourself and others to simply be as they are, and to see the goodness in all. Even the murderer and rapist has
goodness within himself, though it may be buried between many layers of coarse soil that would mar and dirty the
veneer of the mirror for others.

We ask only that you accept yourself and accept the parts of self that have engaged in negativity in any form.
Recognize that we are not asking you to be perfect, as perfection is not of your density.
You have a body that will continue eat and excrete, will sweat and otherwise engage in bestial acts of various
sorts. This is the nature of the plane which you have incarnated within. It was known to you that this would be
highly instrumental and useful to you in your soul's advancement.
You will find upon returning to the realms from which you sprang that you have made enormous progress, and
that this time of solitude has the ability to facilitate progress that would take thousands of years in higher realms.
And thus all is well.
We want to remind you that you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.
We eagerly await the time that you shall approach the Throne of the Divine and sign your name upon the Akashic
Records, thus freeing yourself from obligation to 3rd density and allowing your movement again into higher
We apologize for the stilted delivery of this reading, as is required for the level five trance state.
Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai and amen.
- David Wilcock

9/28/03: Reading: The Ascension (Is It

THE ASCENSION: "Is It Real? If So, Am I Gonna Make It?"
By David Wilcock
9 / 26 / 03

[3/13/09: This client reading proved to be a great overview of our Ascension model, and was posted for that
reason. We stopped doing all client readings in 2005, and thus they are no longer available.]


Ok, this is David Wilcock. (Specific personal client data omitted) This is a psychic reading. It's a process whereby
I go into a deep state of trance and contact a higher form of my own self, which can speak from a perspective
that's not bound by space and time.
Our purpose for conducting this session today is to focus on some spiritual questions that are relatively common
for seekers, which are specifically regarding one's purpose for being here, and how well that purpose is being
We've had a discussion that centers on issues regarding sexual orientation and the choice of whether to be
strictly heterosexual or whether to also accept a more androgynous leaning in the personality.

The entity who we're speaking with has been through a very brutal marital situation, which was quite inordinately
abusive. It seems to be a further iteration of his relationship with his father, in some measure, except that it now
was transferred to the opposite sex.
So as a result of this situation, a great spiritual crisis was produced, leading to a period of time of alcoholism and
a loss of direction in one's workplace.
What essentially seems to have pulled him out of that, as far as I can tell, is discovering that he was indeed not
strictly heterosexual but has more of an androgynous soul, and that he could rebel against his programming by
finding happiness in partnering with another male. So then the extent to which that has become part of his
spiritual quest is very important and that's something we're discussing.
He has shared with me that he is writing a book, and this book describes in rather gritty detail some of the
hardships that he has been through. It also details the awakening process that centered around finding the book
Conversations With God and having a flight delayed for 7 hours, which enabled him to have time to read the
entire book... otherwise, it wouldn't have happened.
This occurred in 1996, and that event became sort of a centralizing, polarizing force in leading him to esoterica
and study.
He also shared with me that his life was comprised mostly of patterned behaviors fueled by a sense of obligation,
up until he really started to have this crisis, when he then started to think for himself. Up until that point, he had
done everything that society had warranted.
He followed his parents' guidelines, but was not allowed to get angry; he was not allowed to question the
guidelines. There was the implicit assumption that whatever his parents told him to do had to be right, and
therefore had to be God's way.
So there are some very big issues here that were chosen before birth, as far as seeing the obligations that society
lays on us and then translating that into what really matters for us once we start using our own discernment. So,
those issues are also on the table.
Lastly, we are dealing with the question of being a wanderer -- a soul that is of extraterrestrial / angelic origin that
volunteered to come to the Earth to be of service to humanity -- and how effectively can one serve in this capacity
by writing such a book.
I specifically made mention of the need to be very cognizant of how one is speaking. The speech patterns at the
present time that this tape is first being made are such that when the entity is speaking about something that is
familiar and comfortable, it's relatively fluid speech.
However, when the entity is talking about issues that are deeper and more personal and more spiritual in nature,
there are a lot of starts and stops and a lot of verbal pauses, especially the words "um" and "you know," those two
forms. This would be heard quite easily if a tape was made of the entity's vocal performance in any sort of
telephone conversation or otherwise.
So there is a need to refine and enhance the quality of one's speech in order to facilitate this ability to speak in
front of an audience and be heard. I call this "Conversation as Meditation," and you can practice it every time you
talk to someone.
Also I would state that the effectiveness of one's service has a lot to do with how quickly you can get right down to
the deepest issues. Instead of talking in vague generalizations about your own experiences, you actually get into

short, fast, specific details that convey a great deal more emotional potency. That can make a big difference in
terms of how people hear your message.
In other words, I recommend that you express yourself by pointing out the conflict in all its gritty detail, rather than
to simply say, "I went through a dark night of the soul in the year 2000 where I was an alcoholic," or to say, "I had
a tumultuous relationship with my ex-wife... thank God I got out."
Hey... if a plate got thrown across the room, let's hear it! If your framed portrait photograph got smashed on the
corner of a desk in anger, with glass flying around the room that took weeks to get out of the carpet, let's hear it!
If there was violent disagreement with frothing mouth and earthworm veins popping out on the forehead and you
can see the top and the bottom of the iris and both sets of teeth, then hey, let's hear that! That's where I'm coming
Now, what we're going to do is a two-fold process. This process is a protocol that is designed to allow me to go
into trance and sustain it at a deep level so that I can produce speech from that state. As you can tell, I already
maintain somewhat of a trance state throughout the entire work from the moment I pick up the telephone, but I will
be significantly deepening it from where I already have been.
This process is two-fold. The first part involves playing the Native American flute. This is a unique composition
specific to the energies I have picked up throughout this conversation.
Once I play that composition and then finish it, there will be a brief pause after which I will say a prayer. That also
is something that is a ritual that I have worked up myself over a number of sessions. It's basically the same from
one session to the next, and is designed to invoke strength, protection and guidance, to insure that no negative
influence will tamper with the work itself.
There will be a pause at the end of that prayer, about 2 minutes in length or maybe a little less, and then I will
begin speaking as the source Ra.
This is not Ra as it was expressed in the Law of One books, but Ra that works through my own unique
mechanism, which at various times has been called The Three or David's Guidance System. So, without further
adieu, let me start playing the flute and we'll get this process going.
Oh, let me say one more thing. The extent to which you can meditate and get into a nice deep state of trance and
relaxation is the extent to which some of the more miraculous things will happen in the reading itself.
Some people get really wonderful amounts of validation, and it has everything to do with how much they can go to
the place where the reading is being created.
[Prayer omitted as it is always the same]


I am Ra. We greet you in the light and love of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now through the
guidance system of the entity David Wilcock.
There are doors within doors, corridors to be traveled, questions to be answered and tools of awakening to be

The maze of the mind might seem a labyrinth at times, as there is the question of how one may look upon one's
existence as air traffic controller and question whether or not this occupational configuration is a true
manifestation of the optimal path for one who has chosen service as a way of life.
The misgivings of the past have their undoing in the mind, which chooses to view certain experiences through a
lens of self-criticism and judgment. The corkboard can hold a dart, regardless of how well it is aimed, after having
been fired. There are those efforts that have missed the mark, so to speak.
The question of one's purpose is truly the question of how cognizant one is of the game, in this case the
dartboard, and how effectively that game can be played for the mutual benefit of other selves involved on your
physical plane.
The vacuum cleaner deftly swoops up those detrimental pieces of lint that have gathered themselves in the
carpeting of the house of your mind. Day by day there are those bits and pieces that fall to the ground, discarded
seemingly without notice, which nevertheless form a residue of sorts. This residue then becomes that which is
tread upon in one's path.
We do want your pathways of the divine to be well kept. Therefore, it is a requirement that for greater levels of
soul advancement, there [will] be the karmic housecleaning from time to time, the understanding of the disparity
that may exist between one's self-concept and that which is more optimal from a perspective that looks outside of
space and time.
Thus, there are those mousetraps, if you will, which have some degree of tension in the spring and which have
the cheese set out for the unwary rodent. The tension is not yet understood consciously, nor is the nature of the
We are not intending to speak in any threatening sounding way, but simply to advise the ways in which one can
be lured by the temptation of having a derisive attitude toward oneself.
The entity has certain issues with the identification of sexual orientation as such, feeling that to truly use the "G"
word, so to speak, is to cast an unfortunate label upon oneself which does then make one the equivalent of the
devil in many a fundamentalist Christian church.
Recognize, now, that we are cutting the tethers that have anchored you to the world of materiality. If you are to
soar above, there must not be this baggage. The baggage is created in the ambiance of self-condemnation.
We would state for you, quite emphatically, that this is a Creation of boundless depths of insight, all of which are
informed by the process of free will.
The action of free will upon experience is that which produces the catalyst for the remembrance of the One.
Each day, the motorboat is started up at the time of the morning, and the motorized process by moving through
the waters of spirit again occurs through the process of arriving at one's place of work and becoming part of an
automated system, such that the automation continues to float and function in a flawless manner.
Without air traffic controllers there would be no opportunity for those other selves upon said planes to arrive at
their proper destination.
The extent to which the airplane is used as a vehicle for soul transformation should [also] not be undermined.
Indeed, many souls who would take an airplane flight are not routine business travelers, but rather those who are
on a pilgrimage of sorts.

This can come about in a variety of forms.

It can come about through one who is visiting family some distance away.

It can come about through one who has found a Godsend in a new relationship, but finds that this
relationship requires travel.

It can come about in one who has desire to have a vacation and break the monotonous drudge of life.

It can come about in one who is investigating having a new place to live, and thereby changing one's
external circumstances so as to form a more fluid and complete life existence.

The tangled knot of sorts that has wound itself into your heart has been in the process of unwinding. We would
ask, therefore, that you recognize that it is a process, and do not contend yourself with feeling as if there is no
further work to be done.
We are not attempting to state that you have been doing this, but rather that you become more completely aware
of the fact there are still those points of resistance which do impede the flow of energetics through the
mind/body/spirit complex.
We do want you to be aware of the extent to which your speaking, as David has suggested, is a measurement of
the amount of flexibility of consciousness at one particular moment. When we speak of flexibility, we speak of the
ability to use the spectrum of density levels or instreaming and outpouring rays of vibratory energy.
This flexibility is necessitated for the higher workings. It is a flexibility that comes about through one being
balanced, self-knowing and self-aware.
The balance, therefore, could come quite surgically and directly by stating to oneself that if bisexual is the nature,
or if gay is the nature of ones' personal choice, that this is utterly and completely acceptable.

[Though controversial, especially for the more conventional religious types, the Law of One
philosophy, as expressed in the L/L Research series of five books from 1981-84, states that "All paths
are acceptable at the proper time and place for each entity." -- DW]

There are more and more of those in this society of yours who are recognizing that which is implicitly understood
in higher realms; namely, gender is only a consequence of third density incarnation. Gender becomes
increasingly irrelevant as one moves outside of third density.
There may still be enough of a leaning in a particular soul so as to define the soul as more male or female in its
overt vibratory status; however, since the physical body is much more of a thoughtform in nature, it would be
equally possible for an entity that is feminine in its overall vibration to manifest a masculine form for a certain
period of time and vice versa.
There are increasing cases of those babies that are born with androgynous sexual organs, meaning that both sets
of equipment, if you will, exist. This is but one form in which the DNA molecule is rebelling against its third density
While this androgyny is not a product of the fourth density body, so to speak, it rather has more to do with the
essence of souls coming in at this time, which have not yet made a firm decision as to gender preference.

We do want the entity to be aware of the degree to which this fluidity of thought affects all other areas of inquiry.
The fluidity of thought comes about through the meditative peace that is gained inside.
The entity has indicated that there was a bout of alcoholism surrounding your year 2000, as time is measured.
This, of course, is a statement of the sense of defiance and rebellion against the uptight and stuffy, constricted
atmosphere that society has presented in many forms.
The entity is one who was content with the behaviors that were predefined by the conservative Judeo-Christian,
Protestant mindset. Thus, one was to be the hive worker and perform a series of maneuvers along a predefined
set of criteria.
The system of rules itself is worshiped as God, though on the subconscious plane.
It is not truly the thirst for the One Infinite Creator that sustains entities who follow such paths, but rather the thirst
for structure, the thirst for a very clear definition of right and wrong, seen and unseen, known and unknown, good
and evil, so as to remove the opportunity for internal seeking, deliberation and analysis.
If one has a rather immature concept of the universal cosmology which includes such things as implicit
forgiveness once one is saved by the Blood of the Lamb, so to speak, then there is not the need to pulverize the
questions that have required such pulverization.
Rather, they can remain as rocks that tumble about in the mind, and can temporarily be sealed over with
platitudes that state that as long as one continues to pay tithes to the church or to otherwise repent for one's sins,
as they have been called, then a balance of sorts is created.
The relative balance/imbalance of one's personal vibrations is never questioned in such a format, but only the
extent to which the predefined set of criteria are then being met.
May we state a very important point, which is that the extent to which an entity is harvestable for fourth density
has everything to do with making a choice? This, by its very nature, implies that one must break away from
consensus thinking in order to make sufficient choices to be harvestable.
To put it more bluntly, an entity cannot simply be content with a given system of spiritual teaching, follow that
system without ever questioning it, and truly be fourth density harvestable, even if that system of thought is one in
which service to others is defined as being an essential cornerstone of belief.
May we state quite clearly that true Service to Others is that which comes about through internal deliberation and
True Service to Others does not mean that you [are required to] go to a soup kitchen and begin spooning out that
which is sought after by those who are homeless. True Service to Others does not mean joining the Peace Corps
and moving off to some third-world country that is in desperate need of assistance, or otherwise giving of oneself
in this externalized form.
Granted, these are expressions of service to others in a certain capacity, but when we state the term Service to
Others, we are attempting to use three words to define something which is altogether more nebulous.
The true essence of Service To Others cannot be contained within the overt semantic description that the words

It is, rather, a statement of a status of being that is arrived at once one has achieved some degree of unveiling of
the conscious motivations that underlie the self.
The extent to which these motivations become conscious is the extent to which the soul has evolved.
So when we speak of conscious motivations, we speak of the more complete form of consciousness, which does
include that which your peoples would normally define as sub-conscious.
To become conscious of that which motivates the self is to become aware of the choices that have been made [in
life], and of the extent to which most entities have declared martial law over their own free will in their minds.
So when we state Service to Others as being the desirable path, that path has greater complexity than simply
attending church or appeasing those around you and making them happy.
The Service to Others path is a path of integration of self, and through that integration of self, becoming aware to
some degree that there is no separation between self and others.
This is decidedly different than one only looking as far as to see it as being a function of volunteering one's time in
such things as a soup kitchen or otherwise.
Therefore, this path is, in one sense, rather difficult to define, and any attempt to use one concept or one set of
words is flawed by its very nature.
The reason why we decided upon the term Service to Others is to hone in on that which approaches the greatest
degree of truth as a system of meditation for an awakening soul.
Yet a soul that only thinks of service in the conventional form will not truly grasp what it is that we are teaching.
It may seem that we are wasting words or talking circuitously about this issue, but it is rather important since the
Service to Others path is that which is required for an entity to become harvestable.
To summarize these musings as have been heretofore presented, let us state again the overall concept of what
Service to Others truly means. From here we will then move forward to a delineation to a greater degree of how
the entity then plugs in to such a system.
The true Service to Others path that is required for an entity to become harvestable is an internal decision that is
made without the props that are provided by the material world.
An entity that practices service to others and yet does not question anything beyond a given religious structure is
not likely to be harvested, because this religious structure, by its very nature, implies that those outside of the
structure are not to be served.
In the Christian distortions, an entity that is not "saved by the Blood of the Lamb" is, by its very nature,
On the overt, outside level, these entities appear to be condemning all others who do not follow their ways.
On the more covert, internal, subconscious level, what these entities are actually doing is separating and isolating
those aspects of themselves that they do not find favorable, and by making them the Devil, continuing to reinforce
the partitioning and separation of the self.

Therefore, this is a form of war against self. In the vast majority of cases, those who have adhered strictly to a
fundamentalist religion do not have the discernment to be able to incorporate the positive path to a significant
enough degree in order to be harvestable.
It is required that an entity read its sacred scriptures, but not be bound by the interpretations of human beings to
the words.
In order for one to cope effectively with the stressors that the physical world presents, one must have a more fluid
perspective, wherein the essence of service is seen as being all-inclusive.
These words have always been hidden in that which came from the Master Jesus and other teachers, as in, "Love
thy neighbor as you love yourself." The neighbor does not have to be Christian for this to be in effect.
The Service to Others path is a path wherein, truly speaking, one does experience all things desired. This means
that one has cut off any sense of obligation to a given social structure.

[I often point people to page 170 of the Law of One, Book One, in which it states, "The proper role of
the entity is, in this density, to experience all things desired -- to then analyze, accept and understand
these experiences, distilling from them the love/light [love and wisdom] within them... Nothing shall
be overcome; that which is not needed falls away... All things are acceptable in the proper time for
each entity."- DW]

Those who are harvestable are not conformists by their very nature. Those who are harvestable are not those
who go along with the party line, those who never question the institutions of society.
Those who are harvestable have superseded the need to be identified with a system of beliefs that is specific to
one given culture or religion or government.
You will find that those who are ready for fourth density are those who have adopted a unique system of beliefs
that is tailor-made to what interests them.
We have stated that an entity on the positive path must experience all things desired, and yet this alone is not
sufficient. For once these experiences are sought after, they must then be understood, accepted, integrated and
forgiven. Only when this is accomplished is the entity then capable to distill the love and light that can be found
inside ones' experiences.
The extent to which an entity is capable of distilling its experiences through free will is the extent to which an
entity has polarized on the positive path.
The negative path is a separate discussion, dealing more with the love of self and the distillation of ones'
experiences in the direction of seeing others as being subservient to self.
Therefore, the entity at this time may be feeling as if the occupational configuration is not truly "service to others
enough" to be a fulfillment of one's spiritual path. Recognize that in one sense this is, as David might say, "old
world thinking."

The implication is quite clear. In order to be on the positive path, one must be capable of doing one's own
thinking. Doing ones own thinking, by a very specific process, involves looking beyond that which society would
define as spiritual.
And thus we would ask the entity not to fall into often-seen trap of feeling that one must be doing something that
most entities on your plane would define implicitly as "spiritual" in order to be moving in the right direction.
In a sense, one could say that society requires all forms of employment. Every role is spiritual in the sense to
which society requires all these roles to function. If every entity were to take the path of the Buddha and put on a
robe and sit out on the street with one's begging bowl, then nothing would ever get accomplished and there would
be no ability for society to move forward.
Similarly, when you move into those higher realms that are much more spiritual in nature than the third by virtue
of the degree of unveiling that is then made possible in the mind/body/spirit complex, we do not have a situation
where every entity is a teacher. There are those who do, and there are those who teach and there are those who
nurture among many, many other delineations.
There are all sorts of different job descriptions for entities in higher planes. Many of these jobs do revolve around
service to those in lower densities, specifically the third. And there are many ways in which that can take place.
There are those entities, for example, who are responsible for configuring the evolution process on a given
planetary influence such that the design of the varying insects and animal and bird and fish and humanoid
species, etc., do then fall in line with the given materials that are present in that particular planetary influence and
with the innate vibrations that are present in that area. This is but one of many jobs that can be accomplished.
So, the entity did exist in a similar job capacity prior to becoming a physical human being in third density. This is
an important point. The air traffic controller is not that much different from the job that the entity had prior to
physical incarnation. And thus, this job has been gravitated towards, in a sense, by virtue of how there is a
similarity with one's previous experiences.
This air traffic control is then considered to be a glorious service in the sense of how, in the original entity's
position that we are now speaking of, it involved the coordination of many different shuttling efforts that were
being made to and from what you may think of as a mothership.
In this process, then, there is a great degree of care that must be sought after in ensuring that these pathways
which are then created do not interfere with the free will of the beings on the planet, by being constructed in such
a way so as to evade radar and optical detection.
There are very advanced systems in which the entities can sense if an entity on the physical plane is detecting
such a ship and can, therefore, offset such sightings by enabling such things as a cloaking mechanism or
And thus, in one sense, the air traffic controller in its original job description as the entity then sought it was a
protector of free will, a protector of the right for those entities who are still existing in darkness in third density to
choose whether or not to be on a spiritual path. For if an entity sees such a craft and does not want to have seen
it, then there is a transgression of free will through an unwelcomed initiation into mystery, if you will.
Therefore, we want to be ever-more clear in stating that you can look beyond that which is in front of you and see
the deeper ramifications in which one understands that all is sacramental. Every job is truly sacramental if one
understands the true degree to which spirituality is implicit in all.

And therefore, again in discussing the Service to Others path may we state that what you are doing career-wise
does not directly have anything to do with this path.
Instead, the extent to which you serve others and follow that positive path has to do with making your own
decisions, to accept yourself, to love yourself, to forgive yourself, to look upon the past and distill the various
things that have happened, to find the love and the wisdom that was present in those moments when you might
have felt betrayed by your mother or father, when you might have felt as though the world had turned its back on
you and left you bitter and unaware.
A spiritual person touches all whom they meet by the radiance that they give off of self-acceptance and selfunderstanding. Once this becomes the guiding force of your actions you will find ever-increasingly that your
speech becomes more fluid, that you do not need to use verbal pauses such as "um," "like," and "you know."
To an increasing degree there will be a comfort with living, a comfort with one's sexual orientation and no need for
shame or blame.
If another self on your plane chooses to judge you for any number of things, it is their position to do so and their
right as a free will entity to do so. It does not mean that you need to take in this opinion in any way, shape or form.
Therefore, the barbershop pole does then spin and the dancing colors do then show where it is that you will get a
haircut and, in so doing, transform your physical appearance. The hair that we wish to cut is that which has grown
unsightly on the etheric body rather than the physical body.
In giving you a haircut, then, we are trimming up the aura and making it more presentable. It comes about as a
presentable form when you become presentable to yourself, see yourself as whole and complete and pure, see
yourself as the light, as the love... as the One Infinite Creator.
Recognize it in yourself first.
Recognize that all is acceptable and that you are good in every way.
And then, move forth to see how all others are reflections of that One Infinite that can only truly be understood in
its deepest ramifications within.
And therefore, the world is your mirror, as are all others.
We do thank you and want to remind you that you are loved more than you can possibly imagine. We have
exhausted our time available for this working. We thank you. Peace be with you in the light of everlasting love. We
require a period of two and one half minutes to reintegrate David's consciousness into this physical form. Adonai
and Amen.

12/2/03: Reading: Healing The Violence

Against the Self

This reading was performed for a client on Oct. 4, 2003 and is phrased in clear, straightforward language. It
speaks to the heart of the challenges that we all face while living on Earth. Highly inspiring.


Earth as a Monastic Initiation Chamber
Client Telephone Reading, October 4, 2003, 7PM EST, Louisville, KY
By David Wilcock
Internet publication 12 / 02 / 03

[Note: Five single-spaced pages worth of complex, multilayered dream data has been omitted for greater ease
and clarity in reading. Square brackets [such as those you see here] are editorial comments added after the
reading. Words in normal parentheses (semi-circles as you see here) come from the reading itself.
This client expressed a strong desire for a monastic lifestyle and felt that the current life was "not spiritual enough"
because of the degree of suffering.]


I am Ra. The channel is very good today. We greet you in the light and in the love of the one infinite Creator.
Begin transmission protocols through entity David Wilcock.
The senselessness of malicious violence is well known to you when it is seen in the outside world. That which is
on the docket for your own spiritual healing is to equally recognize the senselessness of the malicious violence
against the self that has perpetuated. Ask yourself,
"Is it out of obligation that I felt this way?
Is it out of the sub-conscious lingering of the Judeo-Christian worship of limitations that says I must honor my
father and mother?
If they do not approve of me, must I therefore not approve of myself in order to stay within their good graces?"
East meets West in the developing Wanderer personality.

[A Wanderer is a human being who has an "angelic" soul that volunteered to incarnate here from
higher dimensions, where the lessons of the "Earth School" have already been absorbed.
Based on the figure of 60 million that was current as of 1981 according to the Law of One series, we
estimate that there are now about 100 million such people on Earth today, or about one out of every 60
people. Most Wanderers never realize who or what they are within the human incarnation, though this
client was starting to.]

Is it no accident, then, that the money that is gained is sought to be turned into a monastic existence and/or
service to others in some form? In grasping for the experiential truths of life, one understands the mystery while
not necessarily approaching the reality.

It is possible, therefore, to learn the disciplines of the modern spiritual warrior. This is a soul who recognizes that
the truest monastery at this time is found within the participatory nature of society, and of the struggle to reach for
the lofty goals of the intelligent infinity.
Within the constraints of living day by day, take special notice of the metaphors expressed in the dream of the
entity David. Recognize that this wasteland of the spirit that you have been living in is clearing.
We seek harmony in the midst of change. We seek for you to learn ever more fully to embrace this change within
yourself, to learn the comfort of recognizing that you are playing a planetary game and are not directly a part of it.
At the same time that you are involved in the sense that you belong here, you are uninvolved in the sense that
you volunteered to be here for a particular mission of service. The stirrings in the heart are for the remembrance
of the One.
There are definite discrepancies between the world that you remember and, "the world that has been drawn down
before your eyes to blind you from the truth," to quote that movie. [The Matrix]
Each passing day brings new opportunities to embrace the self in all its misery and confusion, for to do otherwise
is to embrace falsity and illusion.
In the healing balm of love comes the acceptance of the warts -- the appendages that have not yet been sawn off,
needless in their grotesque disturbances (we are speaking etherically here) - and the endless rows of fire
hydrants yet to be pissed on by the animal self.
It is time to allow the great engine of the centuries to propel you through the initiatory process. The Hero's
Journey, as we have so often mentioned, involves moving through these trials, knowing all the while that any
resistance that you are encountering is an embodiment of the aspects of yourself that, for whatever reason, you
have deemed unacceptable, unlovable.
Make no mistake: you live in a holographic universe.
Make no mistake that if you have anger towards yourself, others will find ways to become angry with you - as if by
If you doubt yourself, others will doubt you - as if by magic.
If you worry, others will give you things to worry about.
The Law of One perspective takes you outside the realm of form, you see. You believe that you have a physical
body. You believe it be real, when in fact, the status of dreaming is closer to the Oneness, in terms of true reality,
than your physical form.
Even what you call your conscious mind is but a flutter of a butterfly's wing, which does then form the cyclone on
the other side of the world, so to speak.
Each action affects the entire universe in a rippling fashion. So you see, in moving through healing yourself within
the world, and playing the planetary game, you are also healing all others playing the planetary game, including
the starving children we mentioned at the end of David's dream.
There is an investment that is made into the collective consciousness of humanity when you move through these
struggles on your own and arrive at greater understanding.
Bear in mind that we look favorably upon your progress. This was indicated by the levity and by the Christmas
analogies [in the dream] referring to that birth that is coming within.

The god Thor at the end of David's dream [a huge, fearful image composed of brown clouds] was that which
needed to be directly flown into. [David had to fly into the mouth of "Thor" in order to complete the major test in
the dream. Only then did he see the starving children and reach out to them.]
This is the confrontation with the shadow inside the self; the part that has felt the true meat of spiritual suffering,
that knows the knife edge of pain, that recognizes the yearning in so many others because it has been felt and
tapped inside the self.
In some ways you have tended towards a philosophy of not expecting anything from others, because therefore
you will never be disappointed by them. From the core of consciousness, this enforces separation, for one could
also say that by expecting the best from others, you will draw it out of them.
Your expectations will in turn navigate a reality structure more in consonance with a true expression of divinity, as
those desires move towards embracing self and embracing others.
You need not even look at yourself to practice self-acceptance. Simply work on accepting all forms of shadow that
you see -- in the greater world, in the governmental structures, the parts of yourself that felt you needed to
become fabulously wealthy in order to help, and what would have been helped had that happened.
Recognize that the Earth is working along lines of curriculum that require these areas of imbalance. Many of
those who have been called "banker bastards" are now reincarnating in desperate conditions in the third world
with others who participated [in similar acts.] All souls have purposes for the choices that are made, and:
There is great beauty in the experience that most would call suffering.
For it is through suffering that the doorway to the Infinite opens up within the self.
You see, the monastic existence was not intended to be pleasurable on many levels; there is much to be given up
-- the world of the senses, the world of gratification, and in many cases, the world of human conversation.
Solitude itself becomes the haystack needle so desperately sought after with such great futility. The more silence
is sought, the more that the present circumstance offers no new stimulus, and the only resultant effect is to go
over that which was in the past again and again and again -- further refining and clarifying that which is known.
This happens quite spontaneously, even if it is not desired.
This form of suffering was chosen for the very reason that the greater communities from whence the pilgrims
would come were often quite harmonious. They were not burdened by the nine-to-five lifestyle, by the excess of
technology, by rampant greed within their governments, etc.
They came from relatively harmonious agrarian societies where there was good honest work to be done and long
periods of rest after the harvest. Therefore, the need was created for there to be the introduction of difficulty into
life where otherwise none would exist.
A life that is comfortable and serene and secure is not a very useful life towards one's graduation.
Therefore, know that this process of harvest, or ascension, happening on Earth at this time has created, in a
sense, the conditions of a monastic chamber of initiation across the entire surface of the globe.
The greater work is in balancing the self with all the megalithic advances in the speed and in the context of
consciousness. Consciousness itself is evolving. The mental capacity of your peoples is evolving.
The process of getting from here to there -- in the informational world and in the physical world -- is becoming
increasingly expedient. To look within the self and to see what is there under the microscope is to stop whining
about what is wrong, and to know that by looking at what is right, it is amplified and enhanced. [Hence,]

Confront the shadow directly as a part of yourself that has gained some degree of passion and pleasure from
indulging in victimhood.
There is a payoff that is felt by the things that are wrong, by the things that are frustrating.
Deep, deep under many layers of conscious and sub-conscious lingo is the memory that you had at one time
volunteered to be human, to enter into "this zoo, this prison," again quoting from The Matrix.
It is easy for you to forget that you volunteered to be here; it is easy to think that in some grander sense you have
been thrown into this cataclysmic maze with the man with the knife who chases after you, or the beast, as such,
[quoting from common 'bad dream' material.]
Whether it is bananas or coconuts, the tropical fruit of this mysterious jungle never quite seems to taste right in
the mouth. We speak also here of the sexual appearance of bananas and coconuts and how confusing human
interactions seem to be.
Understand that beyond the pale lies the truth. The pale image of the present moment is but a surface skin; it is
something you have created and painted as an artisan of consciousness.
Look to the many assumptions that are woven into this fabric of self.
Look at how those assumptions have been based upon feeling so alien in this world, as if no one understands
you, as if no one is like you, as if you are all alone.
Deep down inside recognize how that feels as if God has abandoned you -- as if you have been cast asunder into
the garbage pit of the universe to sniff for maggots and shove rats to one side in the process.
It is only once you have been kicked in the dirt and tasted the gravel on your tongue that you may then have a
desire to stand up and walk again, knowing that with each step forward, the Earth is moving under your feet,
rolling like the elephant-on-a-ball trick.
The world walks with you; you are a part of nature. Everything is happening according to a grand plan, in which
you are just a pinprick of light in your personality self, which is attempting to comprehend your true identity.
The true identity within you knows that it is not abandoned by the One Infinite Creator because it is the One
Infinite Creator.
To assign the Creator a role other than yourself is to reinforce separation, to cast a shadow over your own
process. For within the greater discipline of selfless meditation comes the realization that self is selfless: that what
you have thought of as real, (as a self, as a personality,) does not exist beyond this level or this dimension.
As you expand into higher dimensions, the grander scope of yourself comes into view. You can look at all the past
lives together, you can look at how you scripted the various events in those lives with a definite itinerary in mind,
and you can make further strides towards unifying with your own status as the One Infinite Creator.
Yet, you need not wait for ascension for this to happen -- the ascension is now. The ascension comes when you
embrace yourself without reservation or hesitation, when you learn that you are truly perfect and whole and
complete in every moment, that you have never been abandoned, that all you need to do to feel that connection is
to remember the Earth, remember the sky, remember the trees and know that it is all a part of yourself. This
meditation can take you very far.
Think about the model of consciousness and of the universe constructed in David's Convergence series of books.
Allow this initiated knowledge of the true essence of physical matter to inform your experience. As you know,
matter is nothing more than coalesced light and consciousness. Therefore, it is also susceptible to the influence of

You yourself can change the reality for all those on Earth by simply learning to love yourself unconditionally. This
is the mystery-shrouded goal of all Wanderers: to come to this planet, to experience the disharmony and the
chaos that has been created (as in the movie "Sphere" you mentioned) by the very perceptions of those entities
themselves, and to weave a path through that misery... a path of love, a path of acceptance, a path of
There will be those experiences you will think of as suffering.
We would ask that you attempt to look upon them with a sense of humor and thanksgiving.
Each experience that drives you forward is yet another where the self is reflected to the self in all of its unadorned
[It is an experience] where you can see beyond the shadows of desire and into the truth of your being.
In every moment, there comes the whisper-quiet revelation that you are the Light, you are the Love, you are the
One Infinite Creator, now and forever.

[Note: Client begins audibly sobbing on the recording]

The lessons will come more quickly in the following year, as you know. We would remind you that we admire your
progress; keep that in the forefront of your consciousness.
We are very pleased with you.
The objective now is to simply continue to follow your desire, to follow your bliss, follow that which calls to the
highest and recognize that you can make no mistakes, for all experiences will cause you to grow and to learn and
to unfold.
The intensive spiritual and mental work does need to be balanced with intensive social interactions, and that is
another important point. Working through the social phobias is another very important and intrinsic quality in your
More and more, you will see the self in others, and then they will not scare you as they are indeed quite familiar.
We thank you and want to remind you yet again that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine.
We do eagerly await the time that you will approach the Throne of the Divine and sign your name upon the
Akashic Records, thus freeing yourself from the obligations to third density and allowing you to move forth into
those higher realms from whence you sprang.
This is not only a promise: it is a real future that we see.
You can hold that energy of gratitude and self-acceptance even now, and know that the ascension is in every
breath, in every moment and in every step that you take.
Be at peace and know that you are One.
We require one and one half minutes to reintegrate the consciousness of David into this physical form. We thank
you for the time that you share with us, each time that you listen to this tape, and want you to know that we are
never far from you.
Your higher self is right around the corner; all you have to do is be quiet and listen.

Be still and know that you are God. We thank you. Adonai and Amen.

2/9/05: Reading: The Renassainace of

the Human Spirit

Beautifully worded, and includes more mysterious hints of prophecy for what we will encounter in times yet ahead.

By David Wilcock ... and the Source

Posted Tuesday, February 8, 2004
Dictated in High Falls, New York ... within 15 miles of where David lived when this contact first began


Tuesday 12 / 28 / 04 -- 5:31 pm
I am Ra. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We communicate now through the
entity David Wilcock.... *
There have always been sources of guidance telling us of the many mysteries involved in the curriculum from life
to death to new life. These many cycles persist, regardless of the apparent outcomes from them. And for those
who maim and exorcise and kill, the facts that have responded to their efforts are denied, and the interest goes on
This is why suddenly we have a situation where all that we have known before becomes clear once again.
The minute circles that you have drawn in the sand, in your own drill to find the Infinite One, have not been in
vain. And the patterns of the planets and their satellites involved surely make a gleaming contest in the night, for
those who seek to win an appreciation of its many attributes.
The vortex of cosmic consciousness settles in on each individual who aspires to approach the throne of the Divine
without fear of recompense, without fear of retribution, but only allowing the One to flourish in its many different
I vow that those at the table be offering of themselves in ways never heretofore imagined possible. And yet, we
can't just decide for someone else ... the feeling is mutual, and must be mutual for this to concede.
So limber up the factions of the self that are involved. For this time, when the going gets tough, the tough get
going. And the old ways leapfrog into becoming the new ways ... without that degree of enticement and
entitlement. Those keywords once seemed to dominate the search engine.
[Now,] the outpouring of emotions, from the central command structure of the mind and heart, need not be
interrupted or tackled by the ego mind / personality self.

Those who have invested themselves in the struggle for world domination need not continue buying any more
machines for enslavement much longer. Their plans are coming to an end; their struggles are proving to be
impossible to maintain; their annoyances are further increasing, and their available resources are dwindling.
I would have expected only the best from you, David, knowing how you have approached them yourself, and
learned to look the other way without judgment, condemnation, fun-poking or sarcasm ... but simply respecting
that they are doing a job to support a world order that is fading away, in terms of the potency of its mirroring
Is it not interesting that those apparently the most religious in your society are those the most confused by this
deception? Such is not often the case when pursuing spiritual matters such as these; but then again, yours is an
unique planet, an unique environment of sorts.
We have never imagined before how many cycles of decay and destruction would be necessary to reveal the
schemers who lurk behind the scenes. But nonetheless, for the rest of the world outside America, at least, there is
a great awakening going on.
David, lest you become too nationalistic yourself, be clear about how well remembered the tyrannies of old are
throughout the world at this time, and what a massive percentage of the public is polarized in hate against a
common oppressor. Though this hate is not sufficient for planetary polarization towards the positive, it
nonetheless represents an important stage of the awakening process.
Thus, America teaches the rest of the world by what not to do in this case, and the planes are explosive only to
reveal the hidden pawnmakers within the game -- not to suggest that a ragtag group of little terrorists could have
done this, for obvious reasons.
We have never admitted publicly before that the rules of the game were indeed changed, and that the sharks put
out their own bait so as to attract themselves to an otherwise unwinnable situation -- a killing spree, of sorts.
The butler did comment nicely upon us for what we have accomplished, as he too has suffered too much in
servitude under the yoke of oppression, for those with means beyond means, so to speak, in a multiplicity of
The airy abode of the higher heavens beckons thoughts from those who wish to compare it to their lives on Earth.
A riot ensues when these expectations no longer provide the feel-good experience that was once sought after.
And the mobility of the crashes and the crises involved reignites the silver-streamed quest for the beyond that
burns in the heart of each human being.
For once and above all else, the ticker tapes are falling, drifting through the breeze in mass numbers. The
egghead who consumes himself is irrelevant in this quest for a greater victory -- the consumption of the Divine
Light, the killing of the Buddha on the road, so to speak; the reflection of oneself as the Divine Creator rather than
as the shadow projection of same.
And all the while, the dissenters and the aggressors both agree that they are searching for happiness. The
difference is that some seek happiness through helping others, and others through enslaving them. Both want the
same thing in terms of how they feel inside -- that is to say, connected, unified with some ineffable mystery
beyond themselves.
The elite tire of playing the game when they have no more races to run, no more schools to set on fire, no more
bowels to burn in the fires of war. And it is okay that they are running out of steam now. It is okay that you are
seeing the unrolling of the old ways.

Lest there be any doubt about the nature of the sound effects now going on, they are calling in a positive new
change for humanity ... not the New World Order once practiced as dogma, but a true renaissance of the human
spirit at the collective level -- the very heart of soul evolution.
This is where the pearly gates open up, to unfurl before each seeker the stockade of wisdom that protects against
all wrongdoings and apparent harms that might come the way of one otherwise indisposed.
The microscopic shell of hatred that once existed now betrays its true nature as a thin, wispy, fragmentary illusion
in some greater truth, which has remained as yet unrevealed. And the train robbers know that this ride does not
go on indefinitely. There is a perpetual renewal of the cycle that occurs in each and every moment, as these souls
become entwined in the greater reality that awaits them.
So the mystery of the stockade points towards the bonfire that all races make together, in unity, at the appointed
time. And these stocks don't come into fruition until there has been an appropriate opening of the door for them to
be recognized for what they are.
Elvis Presley and the others know not to take a bow before the show is over. They know only to stand at the right
time, and perform the magic that heals the hearts of others.
The Golden Age thus predicted takes a minute or two to awaken oneself to. The missiles and bombs that have
heretofore been involved fade by the wayside, and the satisfaction of a job well done resounds through the infinite
universe, in a way never heretofore imagined.
I would have hooked that up differently myself, if I had the chance. But we take the situations that arise in a linear
sequence, within our own timeframe, and that is what makes the difference ... the interplay of the free will of the
human emotions within the grander cycles as mentioned previously before.
The cave also invites in those indwelling influences that know not what they do, but maintain their decent
composure while letting go of the bag that once held the cat, so as to release it, scratching and biting about.
The surest way to relieve the self of the clinging energetic pressure in these times is to release the heart from its
shackles, to let go of the cold complacency of one's personal beliefs with the wrongdoings, and to accept that
while one does not agree with the hardcore extremism now being seen on any side, as one's peers are wont to
agree with, there can be a center of stillness, of peace, of tranquility ... in which one truly wishes to become a
servant of the all, by becoming a servant of the Oneness within the self as well.
The call beckons forth those who delight in the new ways, and cannot continue to idly stand by while the old ways
continue their machinations of apparent evil and hatred. Ultimately, they hate only themselves, and the bedlam
and the crises involved supersede the group level to reconstitute at the individual level, in some higher sense not
easily defined in your terms.
The pathetic fundraisers for these events need not continue. For the orgies of destruction and killing are indeed
an older way. To reflect lovingly on these events is to break them down from the inside out, for their energy is
sustained by the will of the people to support it, and to support the shadowy aspects of themselves.
So whether you break high or break low or break even in this monetary game of planetary fiscal manipulation, the
outcomes are ultimately the same. It is your world, it is your planet, and it is your noose that you can easily slip
out of, if you choose to.
The Big Bang did not continue to remain an acceptable influence upon cosmology, in the same way that these Big
Bangs of civilization need not inundate the public with fear of retribution from some shadowy-eyed villain, mistyeyed from the miseries involved that have led to his anger in the present moment.

The superficial nature of all that has come before this moment now should not deter you from the focus on the
present moment, and what can be done from here.
For it is indeed an honor to possess a roll of film containing negatives that further enhance the effect of the
storyline of hatred ... but the paparazzi of the higher realms seek to photograph and document those souls who
are truly making a difference inside of themselves, for the benefit of otherselves.
Those are the true heroes, the unsung wonder-workers of this beckoning New Age. And we have only the highest
honors to bestow upon those whose balustrades and parapets are fortified not with weapons of mass destruction,
but with tools of mass enlightenment.
Snickering darkly, the following of the old ways will get these new souls nowhere. This time, they unify in a
collective vision, shared by the all, of how the stories of microchip implants and so many other hated predictors of
a coming tyranny have just fallen away with time.
The financial and political support for these initiatives is eroding out from within, and the cornucopia of true divine
sharing becoming ever more manifest in the here and now ... by the nature of how these opportunities reflect the
endless vanity of the One Creator, in seeking a perfect reflection of itself within each.
This is, if there is any way to explain it, a positive aspect of vanity. For there is no one who is higher, no one who
is lower; all aspects of the One are truly equal, in their value, their validity, and their long-term destiny -- to regain
and reunite that Oneness, as a whole, with new understandings, dutifully supported therein. It is a process so vast
in its infinite infinitude that it boggles the imagination to even begin to conceive of it.
You yourselves would have enough trouble envisioning your planet coming together as one mind, never minding
the fact that there are 18 million, roughly, of these planets in third density in your galaxy alone, not to mention the
other densities. And to see a unification of sorts would involve all of them coming together in some ineffable way.
This is the mystery of the One. For these galaxies, too, are infinite in scope. And thus, you see the challenge we
have in teaching infinity to a finite mind. It begins and ends in complete mystery, and that is the nature of the
cinematography of this vast movie of the spirit.
So don't fret and frown about the opportunities present in this current world situation. It is designed to let go of the
old ways as gently and as easily as can be done, while a new dawn approaches on the horizon.
Those of America would be well advised to look beyond their own borders, to recognize the awakening that is
happening in the world, perhaps even at their own expense, in a sense, as the economy continues deflating from
the pressures involved.
We wouldn't have said these things before, but the time is arriving now where others will begin seeing them too ...
in mass numbers never before imagined possible.
So we don't want to preclude the inevitable by saying nothing. We want to simply make plain the way for those
who are involved in this planetary game, by simple incarnation, to see the grand paperclips that hold together the
sheets of previously sequestered information ... that they may then reveal to themselves how, like an intricate
Afghan rug, they have been woven into the tapestry of this human mass consciousness.
The imperfections involved are part of the overall design, as is known and as is warranted. And there need not be
any fear of this, nor of doing any dirty laundry created by the self in the interest of eventual planetary and personal

The illusion gives way to the relaxation and satisfaction of the discovery of truth. The pencil and the notebook lie
beside the bed, ready to record the night's impressions, so as not to miss the next installment of the planetary
game, as revealed to the conscious mind of the self.
And this time, this place, this energy is like no other before it. Riding high and swooping low through the
cavalcade of emotions, each soul is blessed with an opportunity to redefine its goals and its path with persistence,
with an opening to the greater developments now taking place in the world and in the minds and hearts and souls
of each entity.
The pressure that others would place on you to conform, to be part of the hive mind, to stand like the others in the
tributary of indifference, need not deter you from your focus ... to seek the higher good within the self, and within
the situations involving others.
The quest truly begins when the scratching at the door becomes loud enough that it can no longer be denied. The
extent to which the noise has grown makes even those accustomed to divine indifference, in a sense, learn to
open their eyes.
The India earthquake, of course, is the next wake-up call to the fact that times are a-changin', and there are new
stories dawning. It behooves each entity to think of the many ways in which service can be offered -- not just to
others, but in the interest of the love and support of the self while helping others as well.
All too often, we see the ignoring of the self in the pursuit of serving others, and as has been stated before, this
too is a form of distortion. We have worked through it with David, as we have with many others.
It is difficult to see exactly how the future pans out for most of your peoples. There is a great deal of fear. You, the
reader of these words, can help turn that fear into trust.
Help awaken the ongoing tide of humanity that washes in the direction of the rising of public awareness, by being
the lighthouse beacon or shepherd of truth within yourself at this critical time. That is how kings are made, how
the human being aspires to its own Divine nature, in each and every moment.
Back in the old days, people didn't talk about these new changes; they were content to ride along the merry-goround, oblivious to their surroundings. It is a new civilization that promises to reveal itself now; a civilization of
greater harmony, fellowship, peace and trust. To begin visualizing it is to begin aiding in its creation.
You can visualize it with the relaxation of knowing that this is but a very small planet, and the dramas that you
create amongst yourselves can seem quite impressive for one within the illusion.
But, as soon as you step outside of it, and into the mystery of infinity, you realize how much the world elites
remind you of an inmate, locked in a padded prison cell, gradually slipping farther and farther into insanity,
creating magnificent dramas for himself within his own complex mind along the way.
Regardless of what it looks like from your focus, from your perspective, a Divine plan is in the works, and is
playing itself out now. There is perfection in the design, for the very fact that it inspires communication and
confidence amongst otherselves. It need not be any worse than it is right now ... and many will figure this out
much later, after the fact of the time you are now in.
Though our communication gets garbled at times, in the difficulty in translating through many different entities,
those who serve the higher good as best they can, one message remains consistent.
To love one another, to seek refuge in team-building, partnership and community, and to always respect the self
and respect others as well, leaving no stone unturned in the quest, in the final reconciliation of the old ways with
the new ways.

Now is the time to lift up your hands in support and in forgiveness of what has gone before, and in trust of what is
to come. Guidance and support will be forthcoming, for this is the time of the great awakening -- and many of you
reading these words will begin learning more and more of the silence within.
The liner notes are specific on this point. The contract you signed before human physical incarnation regards you
as a potential master. It is up to you as to whether or not you will dot the I's, cross the T's, and connect the many
dots in their proper sequential order, so as to reveal the image of the One Creator that has been hiding amidst all
the apparent confusion and scattered energies involved.
Rest easily now, if you can choose it, by knowing the perfection of the apparent chaos and decay that you see -the dissolution of the old ways. Chariots of war cannot pull their false vision of the Promised Land on earth much
The palms that come together in prayer will begin seeking the confounding of these objectives, rather than the
support of them, as more and more of the truth is revealed before the masses. All the while, we caution you to
avoid an over-involvement in the dramas of this game, as in order for these distortions to be alleviated, they must
first be accentuated ... and that accentuation is forthcoming at this time, still.
We thank you, and again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. The peace
that beckons now is truly resplendent in its glory, its beauty and its majesty. In the stillness within the self, a
gateway is formed to open the door to this promise -- that you may flourish in it, and know not the heaviness and
the burden of one who has walked in sorrow up until this time.
So we thank you, and wish to remind you once again how very dearly and sincerely you are loved. It is no
accident that these words have found you this day.
They are the words of an awakening Human Body, healing from the wounds it has inflicted upon itself, and
learning to open its eyes and see the incredible sunrise bursting forth on the horizon of consciousness. It is a
majesty that far dwindles the memories of the pain that was once suffered and endured.
From that perspective, you can do no wrong, as the transfixing bliss of that which is seen ahead inspires an
energy all its own ... quickening every step with the promise of a new day.
We thank you, and now bring a close to this reading. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. Adonai,
and amen.

*As always, the reader should be reminded that the Ra speaking in this reading represents David's own higher
self, which is one member of a collective consciousness or "social memory complex" known as Ra. It should not
be seen as a linear continuation of the Law of One series, but rather its own unique contact, working through
David and those who assist him.
The first few sentences of this reading were very hard to read ... heavily encrypted and metaphorical in nature,
and once deciphered, they only related to personal matters in David's own life, including a brief explanation of the
dream he had right before the reading started.
These sentences were omitted to give you more of a fighting chance, to want to stick with it ...
As David continues developing this talent, the readings come in from deeper and deeper levels. He himself
doesn't always understand the content.

In this case, David literally had no memory of having spoken any of these words. When he proofread this
document for the web after typing it up from the tape, he was encountering it for the first time.
We have refrained from analyzing the content so as to increase readability and give the reader more mystery to
work with -- but some of the main themes don't require much thought. Thank you for your interest in this work!

8/3/06: Reading: What About Those

Wars in the Middle East?
Wilcock Reading, Thursday, August 03, 2006 3:15 AM
I am Ra. The smooth but colossal memories that come into your mind are the edifice of past objectives yet
unfulfilled. And those times where the mighty and the minimal became One were great periods on the earth
indeed. They shall be, once more.
This is a ferocious time in terms of physical catalyst on the planet. Of this there is no doubt. The distinction we
would like to make here is of how fundamentally important it is to not lose sight of the greater framework within
which these events are taking place.

It would be, of course, very efficient to have your peoples turn towards love without a struggle or fight. But alas,
such has not been the case. We feel we are responsible, in a very real sense, due to the combining together of
many different planetary races that had not yet achieved the intensity of light emanations necessary for

Thus, we defer to future incarnations of many of these entities, wherein they will complete this curriculum of selfhealing and awareness of the importance of true love of others and of self.
The harmonious hiccupping occurs in the Earth's energy grids, so to speak, resulting in those inconveniences of
which have been spoken. It is not fair to categorize them as catastrophes, because within each crisis lies

You may only see death and destruction, while not also realizing that the physical body is a temporary shadow of
a higher self that is much vaster and more refined and yet it is also your temple, for a short period of time, in our
terms extremely short.

It is a vehicle of self-expression, an emanation of a portion of the self which appears to have a distinctive identity
of its own, and which goes through a sequence of learning curves, unique unto itself. Again, I wouldn't have it any
other way.

The trademarks upon this process of self-growth and healing have been shared throughout the galaxies for aeons
and aeons of your time. We are, in a sense, coming in at the tail end of a very successful program, even within
this galaxy.

The mystery-clad unity of being reveals itself to those who approach each new experience with an unjaundiced
eye, seeing only the movement of the universe in its sacred perfection. This sacred perfection requires that each
soul experience apparent separation for a period of time, that it may again choose to redefine itself as One.

Your body appears to intermingle with other bodies which are completely distinct and separate. That is the great
illusion. The reality is a much more difficult thing for you to understand. David has been downloading many of
these concepts from us, in the process of further refining the catalyst that is offered, in the process of bringing this
film and its vision to a completed state.
We will offer future commentary on this as needed. For now we redirect the flow to another key question.
What about those wars in the Middle East? It burns in the hearts and minds of so many at this time. There is a
sense of inevitability, a sense of failure, a sense of impending doom, crisis and catastrophe. The idea that the
conflict may widen is being talked about quite regularly in your media culture.

I would not choose to have you be fearful of any event that occurs on the earth, for the simple fact that these are
the events that directly lead to the Great Awakening. It has to become so bad that the people realize that they
would like it to be so good and they see their choices as impacting the greater collective.
When you see images of maimed children, bodies blown apart and extensive wreckage and rubble, recognize
that all form on earth comes and goes in its phase and period of time. There is no such thing as lasting peace, or
lasting Unity, within this density of your expression.
That is why we consider you to be such brave people. You exist in the only density where fully self-aware beings
can intermingle with those who are of extremely negative polarity on the same planet. That makes it more difficult
than simply being around others who think the same way that you do.
There is a great crisis of awakening happening in many at this time. We read the emails that are sent to David
with him, and notice the increasing sense of desperation that surfaces now in many others as they move through
their own learning curve.

You will go through the dark night of the soul. You will taste the abysmal blackness of the sense of separation and
loneliness. You will experience this crisis, this opportunity, as often as needed, as by necessity, you are moving
through a phase where you will no longer simply be a bookkeeper of your emotions.
You will open the books, find the hidden passages, remember those old stories from your past, from your
childhood from even other lifetimes, if you choose to go deeply enough and begin integrating that material to
the present.
The events on the Earth force you, or would seem to force you, into a state of fear. You are looking at a reality.
You are looking at an apparent reality. You are looking at the apparent reality of the world of form, and seeing
how the center does not hold, and that that which was, no longer will be.
This is a convincing illusion. But with it comes the feeling that you are separated and alone, cast asunder from the
true higher calling that beckons humanity forth at this time.

I would prefer to have you sing and laugh in the sunshine of your own awakening. That is a glorious moment too.
It relies upon you coming to a renewed awareness of your own majesty, of your own immortality, and your own
For you are a protected soul. You are surrounded by Divine Light and Love, and you are not living in a random,
acausal universe. Events that unfold in your life happen for a reason. There are no accidents. This is one of the
deepest levels of resistance we have to move through in bringing you to awareness.
There has been such a great poverty of information, in the scientific sense, that would help you to validate these
claims of there being a higher guiding principle, that it may seem truly nave to go out on a limb and make such

Yet, we have never wavered from our responsibility, which is to continue to insure that the experiences that come
your way are precisely those that you have requested for your own growth and healing. There is no hidden
mystery to this process, and there are very few random events.
You may have heard David mention that he has been transcribing his dreams, from a period of seven to seven
and a half years ago, that had not been transcribed. These dreams describe where he is now, what he is doing,
who he is working with, and details so specific as to insure that this moment was very well visible at the time.
David's friend Bruce also just wrote to him saying that he had dreams from twenty years ago that he just found the
transcripts of, which described events of the last few years in quite stunning detail.
This function of consciousness is not accidental, and not extraordinary. It is not something confined to the realm
of those who are, shall we say, intuitive. As David's research increasingly reveals to him, intuition is not foreign to
your natural way of thinking. The conscious mind, as you would call it, is truly a marvelous playground of different
influences, all of which are synthesized together to give the impression of coherency.

The impression is so convincing that most of your peoples would never imagine that there are so many different
ways in which a thought becomes a thought, and an emotion becomes an emotion. It is very true that you are
thinking thoughts all the time that are not strictly your own, but those which come from the background of
consciousness that surrounds you.

In order to not induce psychosis, there is a natural function of mind which interprets these impressions that you
receive from the environment, and from others, as if they were private and personal emotions, and feelings, and
thoughts. It attempts to understand why these feelings are being felt, and draws what to it appear to be obvious
Yet these conclusions are not so obvious. The pathways are not so clear. For there are a multiplicity of influences
that come together to make the conscious mind what it is.

There are many different ways in which thoughts are formed, and you experience all of them, to some degree or

Observe your own mind. Notice how when you slow your thoughts down, what comes through is not a bunch of
garbage, but spontaneous, fleeting thoughts that are not so easily pinned down as being something you yourself
created they just emerge.
When the consciousness is stilled, like the gleaming surface of the waters at dawn, then you may begin to see the
reflections of the universal light and truth of Oneness.

If your question is how to meet your Higher Self, it is important to first accept that such meetings are always
occurring. For you ARE your higher self. Your opinion matters. You can see the Creator in your own reflection.
You can see the Creator in the reflections of others. You can appreciate the progress that you have made, and
know the intense value of coming clean about your cosmic identity.
For this is not a path of failure, but one of victory, in the greatest sense. The victory that is achieved is the
memory of Unity.
We so encourage you to meditate, because in meditation, the stilling of the mind allows many of the biological
signals, and the signals of the planets and so forth, to be diminished so that only that of the core of the universe
emanates forth the obstacles pulled away.

It shouldn't come as a great surprise that this process can be done very successfully. Nor is it a difficult process. It
does require your investment, your personal commitment to go the distance in your awakening. You are not
handed these opportunities on a silver platter; you must earn them, through your own diligent focus.
It is not so simple as just buying a book at the bookstore, or reading an email or website, or having a conversation
with a friend or loved one, or both.
This journey is about you. And you are awakening now, in this moment. The fastidious observation of the silence
brings you new hope, new gains as a universal being. It's not so difficult to step out of the mind that observes and
worships limitation.
How much effort does it really take to move into clarity, truth and beauty of Oneness? That meditation is yours if
you want it, and it doesn't require an excessive amount of study. You don't have to be super-intelligent, or even
super-dedicated to a particular cause, as all causes are ultimately of the Oneness.

Nor is there any specific task you must perform at any specific time. For the roses of Oneness require only that
they be admired for their look, for their smell, for the joy that they bring you. There are some who wish to be
gardeners of roses, to carefully cultivate that which grows into beauty. There are others who simply appreciate
that which has been done, and drink in the glory of the universe.
The art is not in the doing, but in the being. And yet this equation, as we have called it the Fool's Equation in the
past, carries very strong influence in most people's minds.
If I do (blank), then I will be happy. That is the equation. And they ask David, or they ask other such intuitives
for the missing X variable, because their mind already has accepted that this formula is the key to happiness. It is,

to a degree, a product of your consumer culture, a product of your upbringing in materiality, which nonetheless is
a valid stepping-stone to Oneness.
You believe this formula as if it were a religious edict, handed down from Divine Light, giving you the course that
must be followed. Some would say that if they gain a relationship, that they will then be happy.
Yet you may be well aware of the fact that a relationship can only open up new avenues of learning, new avenues
of struggle, in their own way. Not every relationship is destined to be about love. Many are about initiation, and
that is okay.

A relationship will mirror to you the issues you have not yet cleared in yourself. You will naturally be attracted to
people who bring the missing pieces into focus for you. It is again ideal if this can be dealt with harmoniously, but
more often than not, it is a fractured, tortured path, especially at this time you are moving into in your evolution.
This is the end-game, if you will a time of having the present circumstances eagerly reflect what has gone
before, so that new contrast is offered that helps you understand yourself as never before was possible.
You don't have to be a magician to see your creative potential arise from these events as they transpire. You are
being holographically repositioned into the past, so that it may come up for review once more. And that process
will carry you a long way. It doesn't take a lot of effort on your part, because it will find you, whether you like it or
It may even seem to violate your free will. You may not be calling for these initiations, and yet they come to you.
Such is the nature of the moment of time that you find yourselves in now, in the world.
It doesn't happen all at once, but bit by bit, piece by piece, the sacred story is again being retold. And this should
come as no surprise to you.

I prefer that you see yourself as a divine being, and not shy away from these initiations. At this time, no one can
stop the ever-rising vibrational increase. You have been prepared for it, by your free will, through the multiplicity of
prophecies that have portrayed this time. You have not been left behind. It is known that this is a period of great
change, great cleansing.
David's suppositions are entirely accurate regarding the global heat wave you now experience at the time of this
work being brought through, and the start of hostilities in the Middle East. The two are fundamentally
There is much energy moving through the Earth at this time, for it is not simply a question of acclimating yourself
to the vibrations that exist. That would be far too straightforward for this time. (laughs on the word

As soon as you feel you are acclimating to the energy, it will be continuing to rise anyway. You are in the most
impressive phase of this process now. That therefore means that there will be constant changes going on. This is
unlike any other time in the history of life in third-density.
In most cases, the energy changes occur slowly, and without great fanfare. And you have time to adopt your life
to the new experiences, the new catalysts, as they come forward.

But now you have the book of the Akashic Record continuously open, continuously showing you new passages of
text about yourself, and about God, if you may choose to use that word.
You do not need to look to someone like David, or another who is seen to be of great potential, and wish that you
were more like them. Simply open your eyes to what is happening to you, and you will see that you are that
person who is awakening, and who is awakened.

You are on the right track if you are listening to these words or reading these words. It gives you the opportunity
to reconnect with that part of yourself that may have seemed long gone. It is always there. It may seem obscured
at times, but you have not lost it. Please be aware of that, for it is very important that you have a sense of hope.
Your finite rational mind may perceive only chaos, collapse and fragmentation in the events you are seeing unfold
in the world, but that is a decision that is based in scarcity and lack. It does not speak of the greater reality that we
know to exist. It does not allow you to step beyond limitation and embrace Truth, and the validity of your own

The times that have been, have required your participation. The times that will be, do not require your
participation. They require your acceptance. You can choose to be upset about what is happening, but this does
not serve your higher spiritual purpose.
Choose to accept that there is a divine plan for what is going on. It has been prophesied for thousands of years,
specifically so that you would not be infused with fear and worry.
This is not a time of Armageddon and planetary apocalypse. Prophecies have been misunderstood, but if you
look at the greater totality of what is being shared from the past, the common theme that comes through is how
these experiences pave the way to a so-called Golden Age.

And believe us when we tell you that suicidal impulses have no place in this world that is to be. Suffering is so
much less a factor of your life that the world you have lived in, up until now, will seem almost emotionally
genocidal by comparison. Everyone seems to be suffering emotionally, and you do die to yourself. You die to the
worship of the body, and the limitations that the body imposes.
We can tell you that you have a multidimensional soul, but that doesn't mean you really begin living like it. It does
require your participation to accept. The process is not as simple as one might think.

Take stock in the experiences each day, as time is speeding up. We don't mean, of course, that it will seem as if
the hands on the watch begin spinning faster. When we say that time is speeding up, we refer to the partitioning
of emotionally strong events.
You will see more and more of them happening in less and less time, and that is the nature of Time's increase in
speed, in the soul sense of the term that we are now speaking of it though there are other senses that are not
as directly related.
Relaxation and faith and trust are currencies in trade whose value is inestimable, for each person's mind is a
personalized version of the collective mind. That is the apparent prison that so many are locked within at this time.

The voice of the human collective consciousness is by far the loudest of the influences that are composed by the
personality self.

The ladder to the intelligent infinity is climbed by your choice. You are the one to take the next step. You can deny
what's happening in the world. You can ignore the changes, and continue to exist in fear. But when you do so,
you are cutting off the influxes of new energy that would be creating inspiration, magic, wonderment and
Ascension. When you consciously cut off this flow, it also has a radiant effect on the others around you. Fear
breeds and multiplies in many cases.
Those otherselves feeling these subtle influences in their consciousness, in turn, spread it to others. And when
enough souls are shut down by events such as the Middle East conflict that you now see, a great heat arises in
the earth. Look at the heat wave that is now gripping your planet, and see how quickly it rose into materialization
after hostilities began in the Middle East.

This comes as no surprise. Many souls who were on the path, and felt comfortable in their lives, were then
brought to a place of sudden and unexpected change. And it caused them to blow their perspective of positive,
peaceful coexistence with the earth, and move into fear, scarcity and lack of trust. Yet the prophecies have told
you that you will see these things happen that not one stone on these buildings will be remaining standing in
such places.
But this does not come as a great surprise if you have done your homework. Perhaps you just didn't want to see
it, but it is there. That does not mean that you need to be afraid of it.
The great cacophony of voices that compete for your attention include those that are still and small, and sing of
the praises of this Creation.
You have only the highest and best potential at this time. You are being protected. Your life, your experiences,
happen for a good reason for a Divine reason. And again and again, we want you to be able to accept what
You see a world that is fraught with war, with dissatisfaction, with haves and have-nots, and it might seem quite
grotesquely unfair to you.
Again, learn to step outside the reality box that confines you to the sense of inevitable failure and doom. The
prophecies were not spoken of by accident. They were not speaking about someone other than yourself.


S E E H O W I T S P E AK S T O Y O U .

Don't be afraid of the evolution that is happening now. [Fear] is always a choice you can make, but it is a choice
that is not necessary to make. It is a choice that is not properly informed.
These wars come up for review because this is the time of the Great Awakening. It is the time in which the people
finally see that they do not want this anymore. And when just a few souls can maintain a focus of peace, it has a
great effect on the collective mind.
Remember that seven thousand people meditating together have been proven to have a 72 percent reduction on
worldwide terrorist activity, and war and fatalities, when those seven thousand people are properly trained in the
art of meditation and come together under one roof.
Those are key distinctions. Even if they do not come together under one roof, the harmony of humanity can be
upgraded by a very small number who choose to exist in a state of trust and beauty and love. This should come
as no surprise.

It is a great glorious bounty that awaits you when you step outside your own feelings of lack and limitation. It is a
marvelous new day that dawns when you see the Creator in yourself for the first time.

Little whispers in the corners of consciousness take you back to ancestral memories, and relive the past when the
people were in harmony with the forest, and with the little people the angels, the fairies, the devas. Those times
are not lost.

Those times are being re-created, now and again, in the lives of those who put the effort in to seek the good. You
can make an effort to seek it. You can make an effort not to be sucked in by consensus thought that speaks of the
voice of fear. It is not a losing path, but a path of eternal renewal one that you know well, from many lifetimes
You have only yourself to thank for the great gifts that are there in front of you. We would ask that you not defer
your power to some faceless, ghostlike entity that works on your behalf, for these are all opportunities that you
bring to yourself. The question becomes, do you understand yourself? Do you know thy self for what it is?
Where would you set the limitations of the self? At what point do you stop including that which you see around
you? Indeed, you can gaze into a mirror and see the face of the Creator. You can gaze into the faces of those
around you and see the Creator.
You can gaze at the environment that surrounds you and see the Creator. You can gaze into the harmonics, the
colors, the sounds and the geometries, the primordial blueprints of Creation, and see the Creator see your Self.
This process may seem fraught with difficulty, but the amount of energy that has caused that same heat wave
shows the potential that is there if you begin opening to its flow in yourself. Not only do you cool the planet down,
but you rise your own evolution. There is the potential for great magic, great awakening, great renewal.

Embrace your potential. Live in the glory of the bounty of this Creation. Know that all is well, all is safe. Know that
you are protected, and loved beyond your wildest imagination. Know that in the grandest sense, you indeed are
the Light. You are the Love. You are the One Infinite Creator, now and forever.
We now bring a close to this reading, and thank you for your participation. Peace be with you in the Light of
everlasting Love. Adonai, and amen.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 March 2009 )

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