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(19th February 2010)

Khutbah Jummah( )
Basic Characteristics of Islam – Part 5 (Islam, sets the mind free and urges to

contemplate in the universe)

All praise is due to Allah and we seek help and guidance with Him. Praise is to Allah, who has guided us to this path of
Al-Islam. We would not have been rightly guided if He has not guided us. Praise is to Allah, who has set the mind
free from the traps of fancies, myths, and prognostication (priesthood). Praise is to Allah, who has set the mind free
from binding imitation and dangerous lusts (Hawa).

O servants of Allah, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except being Muslims. In continuation of the topic
on the basic characteristics of Islamic path, today, the khutbah also addresses the “rationality and logically of Islamic
path”. Islam is distinguishes among other believes by its logicality and rationality, because of its clear and
understandable concepts. Islamic concepts are recognizable for those who have mind, understandable for those who
have knowledge, and acceptable for those who have a pure nature (Fitra). The mind is one of the greatest bounties of
Allah. It is the faculty by which man can realize, recognize, understand, deduce, invent, build, and construct. Islam
is centered on setting the mind free from every kind of influence that may chain or restrict it in order to implement its
role in life.

Islam urges to think and to search for truth in order to reach to the fact of the Iman which is the existence of
Allah subhanahu wata'aala, the creator of all these creatures. In the Quran there are many examples urges to think and
to search to reach to the truth, the best example is the example of the prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him. When he
started search for the God, he started looking to sky and after that he recognized that there is one God who is greater
than planet, moon, and Sun. Allah says in the Quran in surat Anam(Cattle): “So also did We show Abraham the
power and the laws of the heavens and the earth, that he might (with understanding) have certitude.” (S.6 V.75).
Then Abraham has started searching for the God until Allah guided him, Allah says in the Quran in surat Anam(Cattle):
"For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall
I give partners to Allah." (S.6 V.79)

Islam urges man to contemplate deeply in the universe and the creatures. This helps him know the great Might
and Wisdom of Allah. Allah says in the Quran in surat Al-I Imraan (The Family of Imran): "Behold! in the creation
of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,
-" (S.3 V.190)
So that his belief may increase and that he may become a true servant of Allah. Allah says in the Quran in surat Al-I
Imraan (The Family of Imran): "Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their
sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not
for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire " (S.3

Islam is concerned in setting the mind free from every kind of influence that may chain or restrict it in order to
implement its role is life. Hence, Islam sets the mind free from the traps of fancies, myths, and prognostication
(priesthood), as it prohibited visiting and believing soothsayers and prognosticators along with the prohibition of
believing in amulets, satanic incantation, and the like. When western church controlled and governed the people, it tries
to force people to believe by specific scientific theory belong to it. It considered any one tried to go out of these theories
and to implement mind on these theories as a disbeliever by the Christianity. Therefore scholars and researchers have
sacrificed a lot in order to conserve their theories and keep it from being destroyed by the church. When church became
weak and the victory came to the researcher and scientific scholars, the call for separating between religion and science
have been raised and religion have been neglected. Then researchers became free to use their research either for good or
bad deeds. On the opposite site there were other theories calling for releasing mind without any restriction or conditions
that cause variation from the right path. The mind is restricted by its limited power regarding to time and place. If the
mind tried to judge out of these restrictions, he will be failed to get the true judgment, as example, to investigate about the
nature of the soul, the destiny (Qadar), the attributes and the names of Allah…..etc. Prophet Mohamed PBUH said:
Contemplate about the Creation of God but do not speculate directly about God for you will never grasp His power.
Therefore Islam determined to set our mind free in what will be useful and helpful for mankind and to avoid what is will
not be useful. Satan has tried to interfere in what is not related to him. He tried to give an opinion in front of Allah.
About his statement Allah says in the Quran in surat A’raf (Heights): "… better than he: Thou didst create me
from fire, and him from clay." (S.7 V.12).
He used his mind out of the limitation that Allah gave to him. Then he has been misguided and then about the results
Allah says in the Quran in surat: A’raf (Heights): “(Allah) said: "Get out from this, disgraced and expelled. If any
of them follow thee,- Hell will I fill with you all” (S.7 V.18)

Islam sets mind free binding imitation and dangerous lusts (Hawa), since they drawn man in error. In this
connection Allah says. in the Quran in surat: Baqarah (The Heifer) and surat Al-Qasas (The Narration): “…They say:
"Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and
guidance? ” (S.2 V.170)
“…and who is more astray than one who follow his own lusts, devoid of guidance from Allah? For Allah guides
not people given to wrong-doing” (S.28 V.50)
And also Allah ordered his slaves to be sure and to confirm about every things before you believe by it. Allah says
in the Quran in Bani Iara-iii (The Children of Israel): “And follow not that of which you have not the knowledge;
surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these, shall be questioned about that” (S.17 V.36)

Islam accepts repentance from any person. When he have a true Tawabah towards Allah whatever how big sins that
man has been committed. Allah says in the Quran in Furqan (The Criterion): “And whoever repents and does good,
he surely turns to Allah a (goodly) turning” (S.25 V.71) This is a true Tawba. There is no mediator between
Allah and man. You do not need to go to a priest you confess or repent to him. In Islam, every Muslim has a direct
contact with Allah, no matter how weak, poor, or ignorant he is. In Islam there is no those who cheat people by
confessionals and selling Instrument of forgiveness and giving hell or heaven.

Islam connected between to being Muslim and to being in good manners while dealing with others in this life.
There are many Hadith reminded us that Muslims cannot be Muslims unless he protect others from his tongue and his
hand. Abdellah bin Omar may Allah blessed both of them said the Prophet Mohamed PBUH said: “A (true) Muslim
is he from whose tongue and hand other believers remain safe.” (Bukhārīand Muslim).
Also AbuHuraira narrated that prophet Mohamed PBUH said: “And a [true] believer is he whom people trust with their
lives and possessions.” (Tirmidh) And prophet Mohamed PBUH said: “A believer is simple and noble and a
transgressor is deceitful and ignoble .” (Abū Dāwūd, Tirmidhī)

Let us pray Allah S.W.T. that He give us Taufiq to act upon the teachings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
May Allah save us from Miseliness.
May Allah give us ability and Taufiq to spend sincerely in the path of Allah.
O! Allaah use us for upholding the Name of Allah and spreading Islam in Japan and may guidance of Islamic faith
prevail in Japan and in the world. Aameen.

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