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Task 1
Newtons law of motion : Sir Isaac Newton provides Three Laws of Motion; these are:
First law: An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object
in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon
by an unbalanced force. This law is often called "the law of inertia".

Second law: The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the applied force
and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.
This law states the relationship between the force applied to an object and the resultant change
of momentum in that direction.
Normally, the mass of an object is constant and the relation becomes:
F = (mv-mu)/t = m(v-u)/t =ma

Where, m is the mass, u is the initial velocity, v is the velocity after t second, F is the applied
force acting in the direction of motion, a is the acceleration, mu is the initial momentum, mv is
the momentum after t seconds. This formula has direct application in mathematical treatment of
jet-propulsion of an aircraft gas turbine engine.












In this statement the term "action" means the force that one body exerts on a second, and
"reaction" means the force that the second body exerts on the first. That is, if body A exerts a
force on body B, then B must exert an equal and opposite force on A. Note that action and
reaction, though equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, never neutralize or cancel each
other for they always act on different objects.
The recoil of a rifle demonstrates this law of action-reaction. The gunpowder in a charge is
ignited by the ignition cap, combustion takes place, and the bullet is rapidly accelerated from the
rifle. As a result of this action, the rifle is accelerated rearward against the shoulder of the
person firing it. The recoil felt by the person is the reaction to the action which ejected the bullet.
The principle of jet propulsion can be illustrated by a toy balloon (Figure). When inflated with the
stem sealed, pressure is exerted equally on all internal surfaces.

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

Boyles Law: For a fixed amount of an ideal gas, kept at a fixes temperature, pressure and
volume are inversely proportional to each other.
Robert Boyle studied the relation between the pressure (p) and the volume (V) of confined gas
held at constant temperature, He noticed that the product of the pressure and volume was
nearly constant.
PV=Constant =k

Figure: Boyles Law explain

Example: When you ride a bicycle then tire become narrower the contact point of the road,
because, we give load on the tire for that the volume of the tire is reduced. It is a example of
Boyles Law
Charles Law: At a constant pressure, the volume occupied by a fixed mass of gas is directly
proportional to its thermodynamic temperature this

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

Figure: Charles Law explain

Directly proportional relationship can be written as:
Or, V/T=k
V is the volume of the gas
T is the temperature of the gas (measured in Kelvin).
k is a constant.
This law explains how a gas expands as the temperature increases; conversely, a decrease in
temperature will lead to a decrease in volume. For comparing the same substance under two
different sets of conditions, the law can be written as:
V1/T1=V2/T2 or, V2/V1=T2/T1 or, T2V1=V2/T1 (3)
Example: In hot season some time the tire become puncture because incising the temperature
the volume also incise. For that the tire becomes puncture. It is the example of Charles Law
Momentum Thrust: If the condition (area A, pressure P and velocity V) at the engine intake
and exhaust are designated with the subscripts 'a' and 'j' respectively, then a mass of 'air (m)
flowing per unit time through the engine will experience an:
Increase in velocity = (V - V ).
The momentum gain = m (V - V ), where m is the mass flow rate of air through the
engine under steady condition.
= rate of change of momentum
= Applied force to the air mass flow as per Newtons 2nd Law of motion.
According to Newton's Third Law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Therefore as the air mass is accelerated through the engine, there will be an equal and opposite
Name: Haraykrishna Biswas
ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

reaction (thrust) acting on the engine in the forward direction. Since the force is obtained due to
a change in momentum of the air, this is called the Momentum Thrust of the engine.
Momentum Thrust = m (V - V )
=mV -mV
Consideration may be given to the fuel mass flow rate (m ) that is mixing with air at combustion
chamber with initial zero velocity relative to the engine, the thrust equation may be modified as
Momentum Thrust = (m + m )V m V
f j
= m (V - V ) + m V (4)
j a
f j
Pressure Thrust: Considering the engine as a physical body in the air, it will be subjected to
pressures acting at the intake (P ) and the exhaust (P ). The pressures will produce a pressure
force of (P - P )A acting on the engine in the forward direction. This force is the result of an
a j
unbalanced pressure and is called the Pressure Thrust. Hence,
Pressure Thrust = (P - P )A
a j
In most practical cases, pressure thrust exists because all of the pressure of the engine cannot
be converted into velocity at the exhaust (i.e. gas does not fully expanded to atmospheric
pressure). It becomes more pronounced and significant as the speed of the aircraft becomes
supersonic and the exhaust nozzle becomes choked. At choked nozzle condition, velocity of
exhaust gas cannot exceed M =1, unless it is a C-D duct and invariably there remains
significant amount of unconverted pressure. (4)
Total Thrust: The Total Thrust on a jet engine will be the sum of the momentum thrust and the
pressure thrust.
Total Thrust = Momentum Thrust + Pressure Thrust
T = m (V - V ) + m V + (P P ) A
j a
f j
a j
In actual practice, fuel flow is usually neglected when net thrust is computed, because the
weight of the air that leaks from various section of the engine is assumed to the approximately
equivalent to the weight of the fuel consumed. Therefore, the final equation for computing the
thrust by a turbo-jet engine becomes:
T = m (V - V ) + (P P ) A
j a
a j
This is a general thrust equation and is applicable for all kinds of jet propulsion (4)
(ii)Break Horse power: Horsepower at the output shaft of an engine, turbine, or motor is termed
brake horsepower or shaft horsepower, depending on what kind of instrument is used to measure
it. Horsepower of reciprocating engines, particularly in the larger sizes, is often expressed as
indicated horsepower, which is determined from the pressure in the cylinders. Brake or shaft
horsepower is less than indicated...

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

The actual horsepower a fan requires because no fan is 100% efficient. BHP can be expressed
PBHP = q dpinWG / 6356
PBHP = Brake Horse Power (hp)
= efficiency (5)
(iii)Thrust horse power: The force-velocity equivalent of the thrust developed by a jet or rocket
The thrust of an engine-propeller combination expressed in horsepower; it differs from the shaft
horsepower of the engine by the amount the propeller efficiency varies from 100%. (naval
The product of the speed of advance of a marine propeller through the water, in feet per second,
and the thrust delivered by the propeller, in pounds, divided by 550.
THP =( Forward velocity of aircraft Thrust) /550

Equivalent shaft horse power: A measure of the efficiency of a turboprop engine. It is the
number of pounds of fuel burned per hour to produce one equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP)
and is found by dividing the fuel flow, in pounds per hour, by the ESHP)(6)
2) Boyles Law )
4) (83-UnitGas Turbine Engine and Propellers, Week, 10, 11)

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

Figure: Main part of Gas turbine Engine

Mainly gas turbine engine has three parts; there are Compressor, Combustion Chamber and
Compressor: The compressor is the first component in the jet engine core. The compressor is
made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft. The compressor squeezes the air
that enters it into progressively smaller areas, resulting in an increase in the air pressure. This
results in an increase in the energy potential of the air. The squashed air is forced into the
combustion chamber. In Compressor temperature incises at 65 -70 degree. (7)
Combustor - In the combustor the air is mixed with fuel and then ignited. There are as many as
20 nozzles to spray fuel into the airstream. The mixture of air and fuel catches fire. This

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

provides a high temperature, high-energy airflow. The fuel burns with the oxygen in the
compressed air, producing hot expanding gases. The inside of the combustor is often made of
ceramic materials to provide a heat-resistant chamber. The heat can reach 2700.(9)
Turbine - The high-energy airflow coming out of the combustor goes into the turbine, causing
the turbine blades to rotate. The turbines are linked by a shaft to turn the blades in the
compressor and to spin the intake fan at the front. This rotation takes some energy from the
high-energy flow that is used to drive the fan and the compressor. The gases produced in the
combustion chamber move through the turbine and spin its blades. The turbines of the jet spin
around thousands of times. They are fixed on shafts which have several sets of ball-bearing in
between them.(9)


Task 04
Working cycle of the gas turbine engine:

The working cycle upon which the gas turbine operates is known as the Brayton cycle. This
cycle is illustrated in Figure 1, and consists of the following processes:

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

12 Frictionless adiabatic compression where at point 1 atmospheric air is compressed along
the line 1-2.
23 Frictionless constant pressure heating. Where heat is added from the burnt fuel at
constant pressure, thus increasing volume.
34 Frictionless adiabatic expansion of the gases through the turbine.
41 Frictionless constant pressure heat rejection, through the jet pipe nozzle to atmosphere.
To ensure maximum thermal efficiency (see explanation of the second law) we require the
highest temperature of combustion (heat in) to give the greatest expansion of the gases.
There has to be a limit on the temperature of the combusted gases as they enter the
turbine, which is dictated by the turbine materials. Additional cooling within the turbine,
helps maximize the gas entry temperature to the turbine.

Description of gas turbine engine working cycle: A gas turbine engine, as mentioned earlier,
consists of three principal parts or sections: compressor, combustion chamber and turbine.
These are the basic parts of the engine to which an air intake and an exhaust system with
propelling nozzle (with or without an afterburner) are to be attached.
Name: Haraykrishna Biswas
ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

In the Compressor chamber the pressure is increases. Compressor section ensures availability
of adequate mass of pressurized air in the combustion chamber. In the combustion chamber,
heat is added by burning fuel. A large number of heat produce there. The combustion gas with
high energy passes through the turbine section. Turbine extracts energy required to give drive
input to the compressor, fan, propeller and the gearbox as the case may be, and the gas with
remaining energy is expanded across the propelling nozzle, achieving high velocity issuing as a
kinetic-jet resulting in jet-reaction to the engine.

The relationship between pressure temperature and velocity: Air is normally thought of in
relation to its temperature, pressure, and velocity. Within a gas turbine engine the air is put into
motion and another factor must be considered, velocity. Consider a constant airflow through a
duct. As long as the duct cross-sectional area remains unchanged, air will continue to flow at the
same rate (disregard frictional loss). If the cross-sectional area of the duet should become
smaller (convergent area), the airflow must increase velocity if it is to continue to flow the same
number of pounds per second of airflow (Bernoulli's Principle). In order to obtain the necessary
velocity energy to accomplish this, the air must give up some pressure and temperature energy
(law of conservation of energy). The net result of flow through this restriction would be a
decrease in pressure and temperature and an increase in velocity. The opposite would be true if
air were to flow from a smaller into a larger duct (divergent area); velocity would then decrease,
and pressure and temperature would increase.

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01


Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01


Figure: A closed-cycle gas-turbine engine.

The T-s and P-v diagrams of an ideal Brayton cycle are shown :

T-s and P-v diagrams

q qout )+ ( w wout )= hexit h inlet

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01


q =h 3h2=c p (T 3 T 2 )
q out =h 4h1 =c p (T 4T 1)

th Brayton=

W out
q =1- q

c p (T 4 T 1)
=1- c (T T ) =1(8)
T 2 ( 3 1)
T 1(

b)Relationship of pressure temperature ,volume and velocity :

Ideal Gas Law:
PV = nRT where P is pressure and T is temperature. Therefore, pressure and
temperature are directly related.
That is to say, as P increases, so does T. Note that this is talking about the pressure
within the gas.
Density is: D = M/V where M is mass and V is volume. Plug that into the ideal gas law
above and you get:
PM/D = nRT so the D is on the bottom and therefore is inversely proportional to both
temperature and pressure.
Velocity v: According to the Bernoulli's principle velocity is inversely proportional to the
pressure, so v


In other words, as temperature and/or pressure goes up, the density will go down. And
vice-versa. Velocity incise pressure descries.

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01


(2) Boyles Law )
(4) (83-UnitGas Turbine Engine and Propellers, Week, 10, 11)

Name: Haraykrishna Biswas

ID: ABC12-09-05

Unite title: Principle of Gus Turbine propulsion

Assignment no: 01

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