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Patrick Morley, in his book The Man in the Mirror, tells a heart-wrenching
story about a fathers love for his son. After spending the day salmon fishing
in a secluded Alaskan bay, three men and a 12 year old boy got in a small
seaplane to head home. Apparently 1 of the pontoons of the plane had been
punctured and had filled with water, causing the plane to crash shortly after
takeoff. All 4 survived the crash. After praying together, they abandoned the
sinking plane and began to swim toward shore, fighting the cold waters and
vicious riptide as they went. 2 of the men, strong swimmers, reached the
shore exhausted. The 3rd man, the father of the 12 year old boy, saw that
his son was unable to swim against the strong current. He swam back to his
The father tried desperately to save his son, but he couldnt pull his own
weight and the boys as well. Unable to pull his son to safety but unwilling to
leave him, he cradled him in his arms as they were both swept out to sea.
The father could have made it to shore by himself, but he loved his son too
much to let him die alone.
As Fathers, as parents, as friends to each other how do we love each other,
protect each other, even give our lives for each other? This question applies
to all of us but I think its especially applicable to fathers on their special
Let me put it like this, the currents that rip away at our lives and our
families are often so literal as what happened on an ill-fated fishing trip in
Alaska, but as you heard in the Scripture Reading this morning, you and I
face a very real enemy, that we as Fathers have a very important role and
calling in helping our families stand strong against. How do you stand strong
in a culture, and as Paul says, a Cosmos that is ready to attack any God
honoring value that exists?
Over the next two weeks were going to look at the final words of
Ephesians and I hope youve learned a thing or two over the journey. The
parting words talk about a war that is going on and how to be prepared for
the battle. But before we can even begin to really talk about standing
against the storms that so often batter against our lives I think all of us need
to wake up to a renewed awareness of Evil. That life isnt neutral but we
each face a very real enemy.
The words in your bulletin from Ephesians 6:10-12 read, Finally, be
strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of
God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. For

our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Reading those words it doesnt take a great stretch of the imagination
to see where Tolkien and Lewis got their inspiration.
This morning I guess I kind of feel that what we are really doing is
drawing back a veil or a curtain that we often leave untouched or ignored.
What I want to ask for is as we look at this portion of Gods Word over the
next two weeks is that wed all just have open hearts and ask God to give us
an understanding of who the enemy is and how he attacks us in our lives.
Three things this passage tell us about the Devil and evil.
First that the forces of evil are powerful. Notice the descriptions
that are used, Rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Some people claim that these descriptions represent levels of authority
in the spiritual realm although Im not sure there is any real evidence for
that. What is clear though is that this spiritual realm does exist and is the
major reason for the struggle or the battle of life that we often find ourselves
in. The battle isnt really with flesh and blood, the Bible tells us, its against
spiritual forces. I believe that principle calls for a major shift in how many of
us lead our lives.
Many of us are probably like psychiatrist M. Scott Peck who admitted in
his book The People of the Lie, In common with 99 percent of
psychiatrists and the majority of the clergy, I did not think the devil
existed. It was actually as Peck grappled with the reality of evil that he was
led to the Christian faith.
A man named Ludwig Staudenmaier was a German scientist who
thought the devil was only a myth. His life became devoted however, to
exploring the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural, to
allow the natural sciences to determine as accurately as possible the
distinction between sickness and satanic manifestations or signs.
As Staudenmaier became increasingly involved in his study and certain
practices he was increasingly disturbed by hallucinations. In fact one night
as he lay in his bed, he had the distinct feeling of a chain being fastened
around his neck and tightened. Then came the strong odour of sulphur and a
sinister voice saying, You are now my captive. I will never free you. I am
the devil.
Staudenmaier began to have second thoughts about his venture. He
There remains in my mind no doubt that according to a naive,
medieval perspective I have become possessed. Therefore, only two
alternatives remain: Either I am on the brink of understanding the puzzle of

human existence from a new and entirely novel perspective, or I am a fool

who has thrown away years of time, health, and perhaps even life itself.
Staudenmaier died soon after he wrote those words.
I dont want to be sensational this morning but I feel that most of us
fight our battles in the human arena. We dont recognize the reality of Satan
and evil and how he is attacking the family and undermining marriage and
filling our lives with doubt and depression. The real tragedy is that we dont
then see the need for the defence that Paul tells us will enable us to stand
against evil. We think that if our marriage is in trouble we just go see a
counsellor. If were depressed we just go see a psychologist or a physciatrist
which by the way Im a firm believer in but along side those helping
professions there needs to be the deep felt belief that Gods Word and prayer
and the rest of the armour that we will look at next week are essential to the
spiritual health of our lives.
Gods Word is clear that there is evil or darkness in our world that we
are not often aware of. While Im under the opinion that the different terms
Paul uses are simply descriptions rather than levels of evil it is clear in Gods
Word that evil forces, called demons are led by an actual devil.
Let me give you some background to the Leader of these dark forces
that so often blast against our lives. His name is called Satan or the devil or
even Lucifer. He is a fallen angel which certain passages of Scripture like
Isaiah 14 tell us was created good. In fact he was even called the morning
star and the son of the dawn. And yet this good angel said, I will ascend
to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit
enthroned on the mount of assembly...I will make myself like the
Most High.
The result of that attitude, however, as verse 15 tells us was, But
you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. I dont
quite understand it all but since that time another passage in the Bible
reads, in 1 John 5:19, ...that the whole world is under the control of
the evil one. And so there is this entire realm of evil that we are
challenged to be aware of.
A second characteristic of Satan is that He is wicked and bent
on destruction. Again, two of the descriptions the Apostle Paul uses in this
passage are, Powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in
the heavenly realms.
One of the descriptions that the Bible gives us of Satan is that he is
like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.
Someone who happened to be in Africa came unexpectantly on the
carcass of an animal that had been attacked by a lion. All that was left after

the lion had finished his deadly work was a bloody heap of muscles and
splintered bones.
What this means is that evil certainly isnt something to be played
with. Think of the terms Paul uses Rulers, authorities, powers of this
dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Thats
powerful stuff and the realization that there is evil in this world has real
application to our lives.
Most dramatically the reality of evil means that evil can overwhelm us
- its not just neutral. I can remember reading about a young man in his
teens named Sean Seller who was found guilty of killing his parents and a
store clerk. In a diary which Seller called his book of shadows, he had
written, In the name of Satan, the ruler of the earth, and the King of the
world, I command the forces of darkness to bestow their infernal power
upon me.

Information presented during the trial mentioned such details of

satanic doctrines as a book of shadows, blood pacts with the devil, a code
of silence, involvement with a game called Dungeon and Dragons, inverted
pentagrams, high priests, heavy metal rock music, and horror videos.
You see somewhere along the line we make a choice whether its to
believe that evil is just a myth and so we dont need to worry about it or that
its real. But I somehow cant imagine somebody waking up one day and just
saying out of the blue, I believe in the reality of evil and Im going to give
myself over to evil or Satan. There has to be small choices, other choices in
our lives that lead us to that point - things that we get involved in, maybe
Dungeon and Dragons like Seller, or music that we listen to like Marilyn
Mason that promotes Satanism and evil that slowly takes a greater grip on
our lives.
My plea today is lets realize that Satan and evil is real. As Hal Lindsay
wrote over twenty years ago, Satan is alive and well on planet earth and
therefore there are certain practices and things that we should just stay
away from.
But the type of possession and evil that Sellers life was gripped with
isnt the only wickedness of evil that we need to recognize and steer clear of.
Somehow we need to be able to understand the significance as Paul says
that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the
rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
That surely a major component of Satans attack against our lives are
the more subtle things that happen every day. That we allow anger or
resentment or bitterness to ruin at times what should be our closest
relationships by keeping us caught up in constant conflict with each other.
Let me ask how often do ever find yourself suddenly in the midst of a
terrible dispute with a close friend? Have you ever right out of the blue said
something terrible to somebody else maybe your spouse or your kids? What
happens in those moments? We fight, we distance ourselves from each other
and on and on it goes. What if we stopped in those moments and recognized
that what we said or did was wrong. It wasnt motivated by who we want to
be or what we want to do.
Im not saying that there is a devil under ever bush or behind every
tree but I believe we need to be much more aware of how His influence can
undermines our lives and therefore how necessary the armour that God
gives us really is which well talk about next week.
But one final characteristic of Satan and Evil that we need to be aware
of and that is CUNNING. The passage in your bulletin puts verse 11 like
this, Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand

against the devils schemes. Another translation talks about the wiles of
the devil. Hes wily like the Coyote in the Road Runner always trying to trick
us or catch us unaware. That at times as I mentioned Satan is like a roaring
lion ready to devour and destroy brutally and completely but other times,
and I think most often, he comes in disguise. The Gospel of John tells us
that Satan comes as a wolf but is dressed like a lamb. Corinthians 11 says,
for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. That a primary
plan of Satan and evil is deception.
All of us have probably sat through a horror movie or at least a show
with a frightening scene. We know what its like to feel the hair tingle at the
back of our neck and our pulse to race. Were somewhat ready for whatever
might next jump out from the screen.
But if I read Gods Word right thats not really often a part of the
Devils scheme. I remember hearing a man named Haddon Robinson say,
Satan doesnt come to you and knock on the door of your soul and say,
Pardon me, sir, give me half an hour of your life. Id like to damn you and
destroy you. Most of us would expect that.
But Paul warns us of his cunning and while that cunning takes on many
different forms that probably change for each one of us he is at his most
cunning when he succeeds in persuading people that he does not exist. In
fact a great man of God, Dr. Lloyd Jones once said many years ago, I am
certain that one of the main causes of the ill state of the church today is the
fact that the devil is being forgotten. All is attributed to us...We are ignorant
of this great objective fact, the being, the existence of the devil, the
adversary, the accuser, and his fiery darts.
The good news is that God not only gives us an awareness of our
enemies existence but equally leaves us the armour that assures us that we
can stand up under his most violent attack. I look forward to talking with
you about that next week.
But as we close this morning I realize this morning that this message
possibly might be opening up a whole area of your life. Maybe youve been
involved in practices that you feel trapped by and oppressed. Maybe youve
been brought back to an experience in your past. Its the Holy Spirit that has
been speaking to you and I want to encourage you to not just leave the
service today and go home with issues in your life unresolved. There are
people of prayer right now in the staff offices waiting to pray with you.
Please see them before you leave.

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