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Additional Recommended Resources Why NY Banned Horizontal Hydrofracking

The Wingspread Consensus Statement on the Precautionary Principle. Ashford N, Barrett K, Bernstein A,
et. al. Wingspread Conference on the Precautionary Principle, January 26, 1998. Convened by Science &
Environmental Health Network. Available from: HYPERLINK ""
Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now. 2008-2009 Annual Report of the Presidents
Cancer Panel 2010. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National
Cancer Institute. Published April 2010.
A Framework for Examining Social Stress and Susceptibility to Air Pollution in Respiratory Health.
Clougherty JE and Kubzansky LD. Environ Health Perspectives
117:1351-1358. 2009.
Strengthening Toxic Chemical Risk Assessments to Protect Human Health. Janssen S, Sass J, Schettler T
and Solomon G. Prepared for Natural Resources Defense Council and Science & Environmental Health
Network. February 2012.
How Environmental Contamination Can Impact Human Health, the Endocrine System in Particular. Law,
Adam. The Health Implications of Hydrofracking: Upstate Medical University Public Health Symposium
from April 13, 2011.
Health Effects Spreadsheet and Summary. The Endocrine Disruption Exchange. A publicly available
database of the potential health effects of chemicals used during natural gas operations. Available at:
Updated 2012.
Environmental Causes of Cancer: Endocrine Disruptors as Carcinogens. Soto AM and Sonnenschein C.
National Rev Endocrinol. 2010 Jul;6(7):363-70. Published online May 25, 2010.
Contaminant Characterization of Effluent from Pa Brine Treatment Inc, Josephine Facility Being Released
into Blacklick Creek Indiana County, PA. Dr. Conrad D. Volz et al. University of Pittsburgh School of Public
Health. March 2011.
Relationship Between Air Pollution, Lung Function and Asthma in Adolescents. Talat Islam, W James
Gauderman, Kiros Berhane, Rob McConnell, Ed Avol, John M Peters, and Frank D Gilliland. Thorax. 2007
November; 62(11): 957-963. Published online May 21, 2007.
Chronic Exposure to Ambient Ozone and Lung Function in Young Adults. Tager IB, Balmes J, Lurmann F,
Ngo L, Alcorn S, Knzli N. Epidemiology. Nov;16(6):751-9. 2005.
Low-level Ozone Exposure and Respiratory Symptoms in Infants. Triche EW, Gent JF, Holford TR, Belanger
K, Bracken MB, Beckett WS, Naeher L, McSharry JE, Leaderer BP. Environ Health Perspect. Jun;114(6):9116. 2006.

This Information is provided courtesy of the Environmental Justice Committee for the WV Mountain Party

Estimating the National Public Health Burden Associated with Exposure to Ambient PM (92.5) and
Ozone. Fann N, Lamson AD, Anenberg et al. Risk Analysis. 2012. Childhood Lymphohematopoietic Cancer
Incidence and Hazardous Air Pollutants in Southeast Texas, 19952004. Whitworth KW, Symanski E, Coker
AL. Environ Health Perspect 116(11). 2008.
Health Effects of Real-world Exposure to Diesel Exhaust in Persons With Asthma. Zhang JJ, McCreanor JE,
Cullinan P, Chung KF, Ohman-Strickland P, Han IK, Jrup L, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. Respiratory Report Health
Effects Institute (138)5-109 Pages 111-23. February 2009.
The Effect of Air Pollution on Lung Development from 10 to 18 Years of Age. Gauderman WJ , Avol E,
Gilliland F, et al. New England Journal of Medicine 351(11):1057. 2004.
Policy Statement - Chemical Management Policy: Prioritizing Childrens Health. Pediatrics, Official Journal
of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Council on Environmental Health. Published April 25, 2011.
Natural Gas Drilling Produces Radioactive Wastewater. Lustgarten, Abraham and ProPublica. Scientific
American. November 9, 2009.
Hormones and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: Low-Dose Effects and Nonmonotonic Dose Responses.
Vandenberg LN, Colborn T and Hayes TB, et al. Endocrine Reviews. June 2012.
The Ozone Component of Global Change: Potential Effects on Agricultural and Horticultural Plant Yield,
Product Quality and Interactions with Invasive Species.
Booker, F, Muntifering R, McGrath M, et al. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2009.Toxicosis in Sheep
Following Ingestion of Natural Gas Condensate. R. Adler, H.J. Boermans et al. Pathology. January 1992.
Cumulative Risks and Cumulative Impacts of Environmental Chemical Exposures. Fan AM, Alexeeff G, et
al. International Journal of Toxicology. 29(1):57. 2010. Industrial Sources Influence Air Concentrations of
Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide in Rural Areas of Western Canada. Burstyn I et al. J of Air and Waste
Management Association. 57:1241-1250. 2007.
Regional Impacts of Oil and Gas Development on Ozone Formation in the Western United States.
Rodriguez MA et al. J of the Air and Waste Management Association. 59:9 1111-1118. 2009.
Prenatal Exposures to Persistent and Non Persistent Organic Compounds and the Effects on the Immune
System Development. Hertz-Picciotto I. et al. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. 102:146154. 2008.
Long Term Ozone Exposure and Mortality. Jarrett et al. New England Journal of Medicine. 360:11 108595. 2009.

This Information is provided courtesy of the Environmental Justice Committee for the WV Mountain Party

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