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Sentence Match Quiz for Category: singular_pronouns_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Ella corrige al nio.
- A: you never tell the truth
- B: And you, what do you drink?
- C: You have the prettiest eyes in the world
- D: She corrects the child.
2) l viene con la pelota.
- A: She corrects the child.
- B: He comes with the ball
- C: She makes breakfast.
- D: I know (person, place)
3) Ella sabe alemn.
- A: She knows German.
- B: I follow
- C: You can use my wrench.
- D: I know (person, place)
4) Yo hago mis tareas.
- A: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- B: She knows (acquainted with) my mechanic.
- C: you start
- D: She has many grapes.
5) Usted puede obtener acceso a su cuenta por telfono o por Internet.
- A: He drives to the mountain.
- B: you never tell the truth
- C: You have lunch
- D: You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
6) l conduce a la montaa.
- A: He drives to the mountain.
- B: She knows (acquainted with) my mechanic.
- C: I have much luck.
- D: you start
7) T almuerzas
- A: You have lunch
- B: He drives to the mountain.
- C: I want a fast car.
- D: I have much luck.
8) t comienzas
- A: I want a fast car.
- B: you start
- C: She puts the flowers.
- D: you never tell the truth
9) T vienes al cine.
- A: You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
- B: You have lunch
- C: She knows German.
- D: You come to the movie theater.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: singular_pronouns_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) ud. nunca dice la verdad
- A: you never tell the truth
- B: I want a fast car.
- C: You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
- D: He is very patient.
11) Oye usted bien?
- A: Do you hear well?
- B: She knows (acquainted with) my mechanic.
- C: You have much luck.
- D: I know (person, place)
12) Yo salgo temprano.
- A: I leave early.
- B: You have lunch
- C: And you, what do you drink?
- D: I have much luck.
13) Yo leo un peridico.
- A: I read a newspaper.
- B: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- C: You come to the movie theater.
- D: She knows German.
14) Ella conoce a mi mecnico.
- A: Do you have any allergies?
- B: I have a lot of money.
- C: Do you hear well?
- D: She knows (acquainted with) my mechanic.
15) Ella quiere a Felipe.
- A: He comes with the ball
- B: She corrects the child.
- C: You have much luck.
- D: She loves Felipe.
16) Ud. tiene mucha suerte.
- A: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- B: I know (person, place)
- C: you never tell the truth
- D: You have much luck.
17) Usted puede usar mi llave.
- A: She corrects the child.
- B: She has many grapes.
- C: You can use my wrench.
- D: I leave early.
18) Ella cierra las puertas.
- A: She closes the doors.
- B: I have much luck.
- C: She puts the flowers.
- D: You have the prettiest eyes in the world

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: singular_pronouns_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Yo tengo mucha suerte.
- A: You have lunch
- B: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- C: She corrects the child.
- D: I have much luck.
20) Ella tiene muchas uvas.
- A: She has many grapes.
- B: She wants to buy everything.
- C: Do you hear well?
- D: You can use my wrench.
21) Yo tengo mucho dinero.
- A: You come to the movie theater.
- B: You can use my wrench.
- C: I leave early.
- D: I have a lot of money.
22) Ella pone las flores.
- A: She wants to buy everything.
- B: She closes the doors.
- C: You come to the movie theater.
- D: She puts the flowers.
23) Ella quiere comprar todo.
- A: You have the prettiest eyes in the world
- B: He is very patient.
- C: She puts the flowers.
- D: She wants to buy everything.
24) yo sigo
- A: I follow
- B: He drives to the mountain.
- C: You come to the movie theater.
- D: I want a fast car.
25) T tienes los ojos ms bonitos del mundo.
- A: She is alive.
- B: And you, what do you drink?
- C: She corrects the child.
- D: You have the prettiest eyes in the world
26) Ella hace el desayuno.
- A: I have much luck.
- B: She puts the flowers.
- C: She makes breakfast.
- D: She is alive.
27) Yo quiero un auto rpido.
- A: I want a fast car.
- B: She closes the doors.
- C: She knows German.
- D: Do you hear well?

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: singular_pronouns_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Ella est viva.
- A: He is very patient.
- B: Do you hear well?
- C: You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
- D: She is alive.
29) yo conozco
- A: I know (person, place)
- B: you never tell the truth
- C: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- D: She loves Felipe.
30) Y usted, qu toma ?
- A: And you, what do you drink?
- B: Do you hear well?
- C: You have the prettiest eyes in the world
- D: She wants to buy everything.
31) Usted tiene alguna alergia?
- A: She knows German.
- B: He drives to the mountain.
- C: He comes with the ball
- D: Do you have any allergies?
32) l tiene mucha paciencia.
- A: I do my chores. I'm doing my chores.
- B: He is very patient.
- C: She wants to buy everything.
- D: And you, what do you drink?

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Answer Key for Worksheet fff84

Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = D , 2 = B , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = D , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = B , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = D , 16 = D ,
17 = C , 18 = A , 19 = D , 20 = A , 21 = D , 22 = D , 23 = D , 24 = A , 25 = D , 26 = C , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = A , 30 = A , 31 =
D , 32 = B

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