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PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth


Petroleum Engineering Design


Drilling Engineering


Forma8on Proper8es
Casing Se;ng Depth

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Earth Crust is
composed essen6ally
of 3 types of rock:
1. Igneous
2. Metamorphic
3. Sedimentary
(associated with
oil & gas)


Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock whose original
constituents were clays or muds. It is characterized by thin
laminate breaking with an irregular curving fracture, often
splintery and usually parallel to the often-indistinguishable
bedding plane. This property is called fissility. Non-fissile rocks
of similar composition but made of particles smaller than 1/16
mm are described as mudstones. Rocks with similar particle
sizes but with less clay and therefore grittier are siltstones.

Petroleum Migra6on
Hydrocarbons have lower density
than the water lling the pores of
the sedimentary rock. This causes
the hydrocarbons generated in the
source rock to rise upward. This
type of migra6on occurs in porous,
permeable rock forma6ons and
through cracks and ssures

Once the ascending oil or natural
gas reaches a loca6on where
porous rock meets with
impermeable rock (usually some
form of clay) and forms a 'trap',
the trapped' hydrocarbons are
prevented from escaping, and a
deposit is formed.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Petroleum Migra6on
Hydrocarbons have lower density
than the water lling the pores of
the sedimentary rock. This causes
the hydrocarbons generated in the
source rock to rise upward. This
type of migra6on occurs in porous,
permeable rock forma6ons and
through cracks and ssures

Once the ascending oil or natural
gas reaches a loca6on where
porous rock meets with
impermeable rock (usually some
form of clay) and forms a 'trap',
the trapped' hydrocarbons are
prevented from escaping, and a
deposit is formed.

Porosity and Permeability

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Matrix Densi6es (m) of Typical

Reservoir Rocks


Matrix Density


These values are important for core and log analysis. Commit them to memory.

Unfortunately, few rocks consist of pure components but exist as a mixture of
numerous minerals of varying sizes and composi6ons. Therefore, one can rarely
assume the matrix density and get an accurate es6mate of matrix volume.

Rock Matrix and Pore Space


Non pore space:

grains of
and/or shale

Pore space:
lled with uids:
forma6on water,
oil, and/or gas

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Porosity Deni6on
Porosity: The frac6on of a rock that is occupied
by pores and lled with uid
Porosity is a sta6c property it can be measured in the absence of ow
Determining eec6ve porosity requires uid ow to determine if pores
are interconnected

Porosity = =

Vpores Vbulk Vgrain


bulk = grain (1 ) + fluid =

grain bulk
grain fluid

Absolute and Eec6ve Porosity

Absolute and
eec6ve porosity
are dis6nguished
by their access
capabili6es to
reservoir uids.
Permeable spaces
contributes to
eec6ve porosity
Void spaces
contributes to
absolute porosity

Fluid ow in carbonate karst reservoirs

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Types of Porosity




Rock media having both fracture and inter-granular pores are called
double-porous or fracture-porous media.

Bulk Density Change

The change in bulk density with
burial depth is related primarily
to the change in sediment
porosity with compac6on.
In many areas an exponen6al
rela6onship rela6ng change in
average sediment porosity to
depth is used:

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Porosity Decline Constant

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

The permeability of a rock is a measure of how
easily a uids may ow through the pore channels
in a rock. It depends on the size, shape, tortuosity
and number of the pore channels in the porous
Absolute permeability is the permeability of the porous
medium if a single uid is owing.
Eec6ve permeability is the permeability of a uid if
another uid is present.
Rela6ve permeability is the eec6ve permeability divided
by the absolute permeability.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Permeability - Darcys Law

k dp
ux = =


Darcy velocity, cm/s

fluid flow rate, cm3/s
cross-sectional area, cm2
permeability, D
viscosity, cp
pressure differential, atm
length of core, cm

If horizontal linear ow of an incompressible uid is established throgh a rock sample

of porouse material of length L and a cross sec6onal area A, the the permeability of
the material is dened:


q L
A p

m 3
Pa sec m
= m 2

m Pa

[ ]
1 Darcy = 10-12 m2
1 cp = 10-3 Pa.s

(Forma8on) Pressure

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Hydrosta6c Pressure Formulas

phyd = g h

Metric Units:

Pa = kg/m3 * m/sec2 * m = kg / (m sec2) = N/m2

Oil Field Units:

phyd (psi) = 0,052 (lb/gal) h (i)

1 kg/m3 = 0,008 lb/gal
1 Pa = 1,4504E-4 psi; 1 bar = 1E5 Pa = 14,504 psi
1 m = 3,281 i

How to Express Forma6on Pressures?

Absolute Values: e.g. Forma6on pressure of 320
bars in 2500 meters depth
Pressure Gradient (bar/m) for above example:
320/2500 = 0,128 bar/m

Equivalent Density (kg/m3) for above example:

320*1e5/9,81/2500 = 1304,8 kg/m3

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Important Pressures in Drilling

Forma6on pore pressure: Pressure of the uids in the pores of the rock
Fracture pressure: Pressure needed to fracture the rock
(Hydro)sta6c pressure of the drilling uid: Pressure of the drilling uid under
sta6c condi6ons at any depth
Fric6on pressure losses: Pressure dierence needed to circulate the drilling
uid through any two points in the circula6on system
Pump pressure: Sum of all fric6on pressure losses
Standpipe pressure: Sum of all fric6on pressure losses except the surface lines
Dynamic pressure: Hydrosta6c pressure plus fric6on pressure at any point in
the circula6ng system
Equivalent circula6on density: Dynamic pressure expressed in density-units for
prac6cal reasons at any point in the circula6ng system
Overbalanced pressure: Posi6ve value for dynamic (or sta6c) pressure minus
forma6on pressure at any point in the open hole
Underbalanced pressure: Posi6ve value for forma6on pressure minus dynamic
(or sta6c) pressure at any point in the open hole

Forma6on Pore Pressure and Fracture

Forma6on pore pressure and fracture pressure - the knowledge of how
these two parameters vary with depth is extremely important in planning
and drilling a well.
Only under normal pressure condi6ons the forma6on pressure is equal to
the hydrosta6c pressure of the uids occupying the pores (e.g.forma6on
water) or the product .g.h.
The fracture pressure or forma6on breakdown pressure is the pressure
required to overcome the wellbore stresses in order to fracture the
forma6on in the immediate vicinity of the wellbore. Normally, the fracture
pressure will be higher than the forma6on pressure.
In overbalanced drilling prac6ces the hydrosta6c pressure of the drilling uid
as well as the circula6on pressure should be in between these two. Only if
this requirements are fullled, the well can be drilled safely without inow
from forma6on uids (e.g. gas kicks) and without loss of circula6on uid.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth


Simplest Model: Shallow sediments that are laid down slowly.

Sediments are ini6ally unconsolidated and un-compacted. They have high permeability and
porosity. The seawater mixed with these sediments remain in the pores as weight of the
overburden supports the compac6on of the solid grains.
The hydrosta6c pressure remains the original value, if permeability ow path exist from the
forma6on to the surface.
Fluids in the pores in this case do not inuence the compac6on process and the nal forma6on of
pore volume due to the overburden pressure. Fluids will be squeezed out from the pores and
follow the way of lowest resistance.
Normal pressure gradients: West Texas: 0.433 psi/i (1.0 SG), Gulf of Mexico: 0.465 psi/i (1.074
SG), North Sea: 0.452 psi/i (1.044 SG), West Africa: 0.442 psi/i (1.021 SG)

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Abnormal Pressured Zones

Term abnormal forma6on pressure relates to
pressures greater than the hydrosta6c pressure.
Term subnormal forma6on pressure relates to
pressures smaller than the hydrosta6c pressure.
Reasons for abnormal forma6on pressure:
Compac6on eect
Diagene6c eect
Dieren6al density eect
Fluid migra6on eect

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Abnormal Forma6on Pressure Caused

by Compac6on Eect
If no sucient permeability communica6ons to the surface exist.
The pore water expand with increasing temperature while pore space is
reduce by weight of increasing geosta6c load (overburden).
In general, pore volume will remain greater than in the case of

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Compac6on Eect
Pore water expands with
increasing burial depth and
increased temperature.
Pore space is reduced by
increasing geosta6c load.
Normal forma6on pressure can
be maintained only if a path of
sucient permeability exists to
allow forma6on water to

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Abnormal Forma6on Pressure Caused

by Diagene6c Eect

Water is present in
clays as free water
and water of hydration
(interlayer water).

Pore water is lost during

compaction, interlayer
water still remains in the

After reaching temperatures of 200 -300F,

dehydration of the monmorillonite releases the last
interlayer water and illite is formed. Interlayer water
becomes free water.
The water of hydration in the last inter-layers has
considerably higher density than the free water,
and, thus, undergoes a volume increase as it
becomes free water. If no permeability
communication exists, release of last water interlayer will result in pressure increase.

Diagenesis is the chemical altera6on of rock

minerals by geological processes. Shales and
carbonates undergo changes in crystalline
Example: conversion of montmorillonite clays
to illites, chlorites, and caolinite clays in the
presence of potassium ions.
Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Abnormal Forma6on Pressure

Caused by Dieren6al Density Eect
When the pore uid present in any non-horizontal structure has a density
signicant less than the normal pore pressure uid density for the area,
abnormal pressure can be encountered in the up-dip por6on of the
Cau6on in situa6ons when a gas reservoir with a signicant dip is drilled.

pWGC = w g H
pgas,top = w g H -
- g g h
As the density of gas is signicant
less than the pore water density,
the pressure at the top of the gas
reservoir would only be slightly
less than at WDC

Normal formation
Pressure up to here



Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Dieren6al Density Eect

Example: Consider the gas sand shown in Figure below, which was encountered
in the Gulf Coast area. If the water lled por6on of the sand is pressured
normally and the GWC is at a depth of 5.000 i, what mud weight would be
required to drill through the top of the sand safely at a depth of 4.000 i?
Assume the average gas density to be 0.8 lbm/gal.





Pore pressure at gas/water

contact is:
0.465 x
5000 = 2325 psi
The pressure in the gas
zone at 4000 ft is:
2325 - 0.052 x 0.8 x
(5000 - 4000) = 2283 psi
This corresponds to a
pressure gradient of
2283 / 4000 = 0.571 psi/ft
The mud density to
balance this pressure is
0.571 / 0.052 = 11 lbm/gal

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Fluids Migra6on Eect

The ow of uids from a high pressure to a low pressure zone is called
uids migra6on. It can lead to an unexpected abnormal high pressure
in shallower forma6ons.

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Forma6on Pressure Predic6on

Forma6on pressure predic6on is of most importance for
safety but dicult to handle.
Pressure data must be available as early as possible.
Methods are based on the fact that abnormal forma6on
pressure zones are less compacted and have higher
porosity (uids in the pores are captured and prevent
more compac6on by the overburden).
A porosity dependent parameter is measured and ploped
as a func6on of depth.
Techniques applied:
Predic6ve methods (correla6on of available data, seismic
Methods applied during drilling
Verica6on methods

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Forma6on Pressure Predic6on

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Geophysical (Seismic) Predic6on

Average acous6c velocity as a
func6on of depth is determined
(interval transit 6me (sec/i)).
The observed transit 6me is a
porosity dependent parameter
that varies with porosity according
the rela6onship:

t = t matrix (1 ) + t fluid

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Es6ma6on of Forma6on Pressure

While Drilling
Bit penetra6on rate usually changes signicantly with forma6on type.
Penetra6on rate logs can be used to aid in a lithology correla6on.
Penetra6on rate in a given type of forma6on tends to decrease with depth.
When a transi6on zone to a abnormal pressure zone is encountered, very
oien a lower than normal penetra6on rate is observed. This is because
transi6on zones are frequently extremely low permeable, hard, oien limey
forma6on which act like a seal for the high pressure zone below.
Just above the high pressure zone but s6ll within the transi6on zone, a
reverse and increase in penetra6on rate is observed. This is because of a
decrease of overbalanced pressure and a decrease of rock strength caused by
under-compac6on. A loss of overbalanced decreases the chip hold down
Problem: Many other variables aect penetra6on rate like

Bit type, bit diameter, bit nozzle size (constant)

Bit wear, bit balling (vary)
WOB, RPM, pump pressure, pump rate (constant)
Mud type (constant)
Eec6ve mud viscosity, mud density, solids content, size distribu6on in mud (vary)

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Chip Hold Down Eect

The chip hold down eect tends to keep the cutngs on bopom of the wellbore.
pressure of
drilling fluid
is higher
than the
cuttings are
from bottom
by the
force of the


Mud pressure

Formation pressure

As the
cleaning is
and the chip
hold down
cuttings are
more easy
to be
bottom, the
rate of

d-Exponent and Modied d-Exponent

In 1966 the d-exponent (in d-units) was introduced (Jorden
and Shirley, JPT, Nov. 66). It normalise the penetra6on rate
ROP as a func6on of WOB, RPM, and bit diameter.


# ROP [ ft / hr] &

log %
$ 60 RPM [min ]'
# 12 WOB [ lbf 1000]&
log %
1000 dbit [in ]

In 1971(Rehm and McCledon, SPE 3601) modied the d-

exponent to account for the amount of overbalance:

dmod = dexp


With n is the equivalent mud

density of the normal pore
pressure, e is the equivalent
circulation density at the bit.

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

d-Exponent and Modied d-Exponent

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Pressure Calcula6on Using the

Modied d-Exponent
Rehm and McClendon

g p = 7.65 log (dmod )n ( dmod ) + 16.5

Empirical rela6on aier Zamora (OGJ, Dec 82)

g p = gn

(dmod )n
( dmod )

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

d-Exponent and Modied d-Exponent

Example: The modied d-

exponent data, shown in the
Table were computed from
penetra6on rate data obtained
in a shale forma6on in the gulf
coast area. Es6mate the
forma6on pressure at 13.000 i
using the empirical correla6on
of Rehm and McClendon.


Draw the plot

Calculate the slop of the normal
pressure line (0.000038)
At a depth of 13.000 ft the values
for dmod and (dmod)n can be read
(1,64 and 1,17)

g p = 7, 65 log (1,64 1,17) + 16, 5 = 14 lb / gal

p = 0, 052 14 13.000 = 9.464 psi

Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Other Methods to Recognize Abnormal

Forma6on Pressure
Cutngs analysis: rock fragments are analyzed and
compared with wells drilled in the same area. This method
allows quickly to iden6fy forma6on that are just above a
high pressure zone.
Moisture content analysis of shale: shale cutngs are
inves6gated on their water content. During drying the
sample, the loss of pore water is recorded. The shale
porosity is equal to the volume of moisture water divided
by the bulk volume. Higher than normal porosity indicate
abnormal pressure.
Mud gas analysis with real-6me es6ma6on of gas
composi6on circulated out by drilling mud.
Ref: Applied Drilling Engineering, ISBN 1-55563-001-4

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Fracture Pressure
Casing Se;ng Depth

Casing Setng Depth

The knowledge of fracture resistance
of rock during drilling is essentially to
plan casing setting depth and to drill
safe to final depth.
The graph on the left shows an ideal
form of casing setting depth
determination. The equivalent pore
pressure and the equivalent
formation fracture pressure (but not
the equivalent borehole collapse
pressure) are plotted against TVD.
Note that the arrows AB and CD
represent the ideal mud weight to drill
one section of the well without
fracturing the formations and without
gaining formation fluid influx.
The consequence of this requirement
is the definition of the casing points,
or casing setting depths.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Finding the Limits for

Forma6on Breakdown
Aier setng a casing the forma6on below the casing shoe
has to be tested for its breakdown proper6es (procedure
see next slide).
As a result, the fracture pressure (bar) is found.
This fracture pressure can be formulated as fracture
gradient (bar/m) or can be related to a maximum mud
hydrosta6c weight (equivalent frac mud weight,
equivalent frac density).
In reality, the equivalent circula6on density (ECD) should
not exceed the equivalent frac mud weight.

Leak-O Test (LOT)





Drill out the casing shoe and sufficient new formation.

Circulate the mud to ensure a consistent mud weight.
Stop the rig pumps and shut the well in.
Pump mud into the shut-in well at a very low rate. A
typical pump rate of 0.25 to 0.5 barrels per minute
(bpm) is used. A cementing unit is used so an accurate
reading of volume and pressure can be obtained.
Record the pressure and volume pumped. A graphical
presentation should be made of these data to determine
the point at which the fluid is being pumped into the
formation (leak-off). A normal leak-off test will show the
pressure increasing in a straight line with the volume of
mud pumped. Once the fracture pressure is reached, the
pressure will stop increasing with volume pumped as the
fracture is being propagated. The pressure may actually
decrease as fluid is pumped into the formation. Fig. 9 is
an illustration of a graph obtained from a leak-off test.
Once leak-off has been observed, stop pumping and
observe the well. The pressure should remain relatively
the same or decrease slightly once pumping has
Record the pressure where the fluid started leaking off
into the formation. Convert this pressure to a mud
weight equivalent by using the equation on the right:
The fracture mud weight is calculated by adding the
equivalent mud weight to the test mud weight.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth


A leak o test (LOT) is usually referred to as a test where the
pressure is raised un6l a pressure leak. In this situa6on the
forma6on or shoe is fractured and pressure is lost. Problem: Once
the forma6on is fractured it generally takes less pressure to open
the fractures back up again.
An extended leak o test is some6me performed where the fracture
closure pressure is tested. The well is pump up a second 6me to see
what the new leak o pressure would be aier the rst test.
A forma6on integrity test (FIT) is a test where the forma6on is
pressured up to a predetermined point and then bled down -
without taking the forma6on to failure. Generally a FIT is performed
rather than a LOT so as to avoid damage to shoe/forma6on.
LOTs are usually reserved for when it is absolutely required to know
how far one could go in a certain forma6on with the understanding
that the situa6on is some6mes worse aier the test than before.

Mud Weight Window

A hole sec6on can contain
shale/mudstones that may
collapse if insucient support
by mud weight is provided. To
drill the sec6on with less or no
instability problems the max.
mud weight tolerated by
sand/carbonates and the min.
mud weight to support the
mudstone are required.
These bounds to the mud
weight dene the mud
weight window.
In high tectonically stressed
regions the collapse gradient
in the shale can exceed the
fracture gradient in the sands,
even for ver6cal wells.

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben

Increased well inclina6on reduces the width of the mud weight window.


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Casing Setng Depth

The selection of the number of casing strings and their setting
depths generally is based on a consideration of the pore pressure
gradients and fracture gradients of the formations to be penetrated.
The pore pressure and fracture pressure are expressed as an
equivalent density and are plotted vs. depth. A line representing the
planned-mud-density program also is plotted. The mud densities are
chosen to provide an acceptable trip margin above the anticipated
formation pore pressure to allow for reductions in mud weight
caused by upward pipe movement during tripping operation. A
commonly used trip margin range is 0.2 - 0.5 ppg.

EMW (ppg)

Step 1:
the Mud









TVD (ft)








Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

EMW (ppg)

Step 2:









TVD (ft)

Drilling mud
Casing setng
Number of








Step 3: Hole and Casing Diameter (1/2)

Standard Solution
5 inch Production
in a 6 inch hole

8 5/8 inch Intermediate 2

in a 10 5/8 inch hole

11 3/4 inch Intermediate 2

in a 16 inch hole

18 5/8 inch Surface

in a 24 inch hole
30 inch Conductor

Ref: Petroleum Well Construc7on, ISBN 0-471-96938-9

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Step 3: Hole and Casing Diameter (2/2)

Low Clearance Solution
5 inch Production
in a 6 1/8 inch hole

7 inch Intermediate 2
in a 8 inch hole

9 5/8 inch Intermediate 2

in a 10 5/8 inch hole

11 3/4 inch Surface

in a 14 inch hole

16 inch Conductor

Ref: Petroleum Well Construc7on, ISBN 0-471-96938-9

EMW (ppg)

Step 4:






Surface Casing: 18 5/8 in. @ 1,000ft




TVD (ft)


Intermediate 1: 11 3/4 in. @ 4,500ft



Intermediate 2: 8 5/8 in. @ 7,900ft


Standard Solution
Production Casing: 5 in. @ 10,000ft


Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


PE DESIGN, PART A - DRILLING ENGINEERING: Formation Properties, Casing Setting Depth

Casing Design- Casing Setng Depth

and Number of Strings
Beside the considera6on of forma6on pore pressure and
fracture gradient, other factors inuence casing setng depth:
Kick Scenarios can be included in setng depth es6ma6on.
Regulatory requirements may dictate the protec6on of underground
sources of drink water or other zones to a specic depth.
Hole problems like wellbore stability or dieren6al s6cking oien will
need a cased borehole to con6nue drilling safely.
Zones may be isolated when contamina6ons or cross-ow is not
In direc6onal drilling it is of large importance to avoid key seats in the
curved sec6on of the wellbore. A casing provides mechanical integrity
of this por6on.
Explora6on wells oien need addi6onal casing strings to compensate
the uncertainty in pore pressure and fracture gradient predic6on.
Ref: Petroleum Well Construc7on, ISBN 0-471-96938-9

Chair of Drilling Engineering - University Leoben


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