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Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adjectives_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) pasajero cansado
- A: small public toilet
- B: My dads hair is dark brown.
- C: The goalie is bad.
- D: tired passenger
2) Yo prefiero el arroz blanco.
- A: tired passenger
- B: I prefer white rice.
- C: tall man
- D: beautiful flight attendant
3) avin grande
- A: big airplane
- B: red tomato
- C: They are some big farms.
- D: beautiful flight attendant
4) La planta es verde.
- A: The plant is green.
- B: small door
- C: February is a short month.
- D: My shirt is orange.
5) Son unos grandes talleres.
- A: clean car
- B: small public toilet
- C: blue ball
- D: They are some big workshops.
6) carro limpio
- A: clean car
- B: small door
- C: fat cat
- D: February is a short month.
7) pelota azul
- A: blue ball
- B: clean car
- C: The flower garden is small. (mascaline)
- D: fat cat
8) Febrero es un mes corto.
- A: The flower garden is small. (mascaline)
- B: February is a short month.
- C: green lime
- D: small public toilet
9) El rbol es verde.
- A: They are some big workshops.
- B: blue ball
- C: big airplane
- D: The tree is green.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adjectives_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) bao pblico pequeo
- A: small public toilet
- B: The flower garden is small. (mascaline)
- C: They are some big workshops.
- D: new book
11) El barco es grande.
- A: The boat is large.
- B: small door
- C: She has a violet dress.
- D: beautiful flight attendant
12) El bus es viejo y pequeo.
- A: The bus is old and small.
- B: blue ball
- C: My dads hair is dark brown.
- D: fat cat
13) zapato blanco
- A: white shoe
- B: The plant is green.
- C: The tree is green.
- D: big airplane
14) puerta pequea
- A: big school
- B: dirty dog
- C: The boat is large.
- D: small door
15) Juan es grande.
- A: I prefer white rice.
- B: tired passenger
- C: She has a violet dress.
- D: Juan is big.
16) Ella tiene un vestido violeta.
- A: The plant is green.
- B: beautiful flight attendant
- C: small public toilet
- D: She has a violet dress.
17) Son unas grandes estancias.
- A: tired passenger
- B: My shirt is orange.
- C: They are some big farms.
- D: The bus is old and small.
18) Esta fruta est muy verde!
- A: This fruit is very unripe!
- B: fat cat
- C: green lime
- D: The goalie is bad.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adjectives_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) gato gordo
- A: blue ball
- B: The plant is green.
- C: tired passenger
- D: fat cat
20) Mi camisa es naranja.
- A: My shirt is orange.
- B: new watch
- C: The boat is large.
- D: They are some big farms.
21) perro sucio
- A: The tree is green.
- B: They are some big farms.
- C: The bus is old and small.
- D: dirty dog
22) limn verde
- A: new watch
- B: This fruit is very unripe!
- C: The tree is green.
- D: green lime
23) reloj nuevo
- A: The goalie is bad.
- B: new book
- C: green lime
- D: new watch
24) tomate rojo
- A: red tomato
- B: clean car
- C: The tree is green.
- D: The flower garden is small. (mascaline)
25) El arquero es malo.
- A: It is in the brown box.
- B: My dads hair is dark brown.
- C: tired passenger
- D: The goalie is bad.
26) hombre alto
- A: fat cat
- B: green lime
- C: tall man
- D: It is in the brown box.
27) El jardn es pequeo.
- A: The flower garden is small. (mascaline)
- B: This fruit is very unripe!
- C: big airplane
- D: The boat is large.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adjectives_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Est en la caja caf.
- A: new book
- B: The boat is large.
- C: They are some big workshops.
- D: It is in the brown box.
29) azafata bella
- A: beautiful flight attendant
- B: small public toilet
- C: The plant is green.
- D: Juan is big.
30) El cabello de mi pap es caf.
- A: My dads hair is dark brown.
- B: The boat is large.
- C: The goalie is bad.
- D: new watch
31) escuela grande
- A: big airplane
- B: clean car
- C: I prefer white rice.
- D: big school
32) libro nuevo
- A: The plant is green.
- B: new book
- C: new watch
- D: My dads hair is dark brown.

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Answer Key for Worksheet fff84

Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = D , 2 = B , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = D , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = B , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = D , 16 = D ,
17 = C , 18 = A , 19 = D , 20 = A , 21 = D , 22 = D , 23 = D , 24 = A , 25 = D , 26 = C , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = A , 30 = A , 31 =
D , 32 = B

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