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Published Quarterly

76000 MEXICO

76000 MEXICO
Spring 1987

Volume 18 Number 1

What's New?
A common greeting in the U.S. among teens is:
"What's New?" It implies that something is always
changing. . . .growing. That is the way it should be!
Without change and growth every living organism
dies. This hold's true for the Lord's Church. We need

to be constantly searching for ways to help it grow

spiritually and numerically.
We are happy to announce that the Bible-by-correspondenceministry we are involved with here at Bajio
Christian Mission Is changing. . .improving. There
have been several new developments to help

strengthen members of Christ's Church, as well as

add potential new ones.

What's new with the Bible-by-correspondence min

istry? One new development is a new office location.
We shared with many of our supporters how we, the
Schneller family, moved into a different home the
middle of December. The primary reason was to
have a new spot for the mission's office. (The old
location tended to flood during the rainy season.)
The home that we moved into has a separate, two
room addition on the back that was just perfect for
the need we had. (PTL!) The office is now situated
and the Bible-by-correspondence program is run
ning smoothly. The office has truly been a blessing
as a part of our home. Tom is able to work where it is
quiet and conductive to study; yet, he is available to
lend an extra hand to someone in need, orto counsel
with one of the Church's teenagers.
Another development involving the Bible-by-correspondence ministry was a change of personnel. Dur
ing our absence last July (both the Hoff family and
the Schneller family attended the NACC/NMC con
ventions in Indianapolis), we hired and trained a
recent graduate of the Bible Institute here in
Queretaro. When we returned, It was obvious that

the young man had a much stronger committment to

a travelling, singing group. Although his ministry in
song is very important, It, along with other distrac
tions, made him unreliable as an office worker. His
position at BCM was not replaced until January
1987. A 26 year old named Victor Vasquez now fills
the spot. Victor was formerly a teacher at the Bible
Institute, but felt the Lord was calling him to a dif
ferent field of Christian ministry. We were delighted
to have him join the staff at BCM on a part-time basis.
Victor currently works in the office one day a week
and supervises the correspondence between the
Mexican evangelists throughout the Bajio and BCM.
A new, more effective calling program has de
veloped forthe students of the Bible-by-correspond
ence course since Victor joined our staff.

Victor Vasquez

A third new development was the purchase of a

small copy machine. Several times a week, BCM has
need for this type of machine, whether it be for
duplicating a note for the students, running off extra
copies of a tract, or making a copy of a course. Now
the machine is ready and at our disposal.
A very important and continual development is the
addition of new students. We have recently received
several new students as a result of tracts passed out

Finally, we have noticed a developing enthusiam

among the students currently enrolled in the study.
We constantly find notes and letters tucked inside
the envelopes with the students' courses. One note
included this statement: "1 was filled with happiness
when I received the package in which I found a
light. . . yes,the Light of Life! lamtrulythankfulthat
you sent it." What a beautiful, enthusiastic response
to receiving a New Testement that we send to new

by the Church's young people. Students continue to

students! Another note we received read as follows:

come in as a result of visitation made by Mexican

"I give praise to God for having taken me from dark

ness into light: and also that I found the purpose to

evangelists in their area. Some new students have

begun studying the Bible because of a Christian film

about it. Whatever the reason for the new students,

be alive in this world. . . to praise God and live in

glorious fellowship with Him." Notes and letters like
these that indicate developing enthusiam among
our students are the reason why we are here with
BCM! All of these developments are "Whats new"

their interest in studying the Bible is a development

at B.C.M.

we have shown to them. Many more people are

enrolling in the Bibie-by-correspondence course

because one of their friends or relatives told them

we hope never ends.

Mexican Evangelist Wed

It is always exciting to see Christ unite in marriage
two of His children, especially when they are involv
ed in His service! On March 20,one of the young
Mexican evangelists took a bride. The name of the
young man isAntonioMaximiliano and he works with
an Indian speaking people about 3 hours south of
Queretaro.The wedding was doubly exiting to us
because we were able to see God make a stronger
"team" to his glory, and we gained greater insight
into the Mexican culture. We have grown very close
to Antonio as a result of his monthly visits to
Queretaro and to our home. For this reason, we felt
honored to become "padrinos del anillos""(Godparents of the wedding rings) for his wedding. In
Mexico, the wedding is almost totally given by fri
ends and family of the bride and groom. Each item
involved intheweddingisdonated by its perspective
Godparent who is one of these family members or
friends. There is a Godparent of the wedding dress,
of the wedding cake, of the rings, of the food, of the
beverage,etc. . .Thisway.thefinancial burden does
not fall upon the family of the bride or groom, and
everyone involved shartes more personally in the
blessed event. This is one custom that would be

greatly appreciated by the parents of the brides in

the U.S.!

Antonio Maximiitano

Slow to Grow
help them through this time Jesus Christ.
However, we arestill waiting for the seed to grow
In the lives of Raul and Coco. Another couple we
mentioned several months ago on our prayer list

It is always a comfort and an encouragement to

see signs that you are joining us in prayer. We
have seen that our prayer requests have been
mentioned in your church bulletins. Recently we

were Larry and Vicky Herring. We made several

attempts to befriend this couple, but were dis
couraged by their lack of interest. In December,
however, we changed homes and are now living
only a few blocks from their home. When we
moved here, they sought us out. Larry has come
to the house a few times and is currently is listen
ing to some of the Christian music tapes he bor

were asked to share how the Lord has been

rowed from us. His mother said he has been

answering these prayers. Some of the requests

have received heartwarming answers: The Hoff
family reports a fulfilling challenging, and fruitful
year coming to an end at Johnson Bible College.
Jose Luis and Victor {two young Timothies from
the Church now studying at Bible colleges in the
U.S.) report satisfaction and the knowledge that
the Lord is helping them every step of the way.
Then Luz, the new memberof our Christian family,
Is growing firm in her faith, standing fast against
family opposition, and even beginning to witness
in the community with her husband Lupe.

moved by some of the lyrics to the songs. This

week she shared with us how exicted he got
about one song in particular and said, "If some
one doesn't repent after listening to that song,
they must have a very hard heart."We are still
waiting for God to turn the planted seed into fruit

There are other requests, especially in regard to

seeds we have tried to sow in the lives of those we

have met, that we think of as seed that are slow to

grow. We think of Raul and Coco, our old neigh
bors. We have prayed forthem continually, devel
oped a friendship, and with the Lord's leading,
shared the Gospel message. To our sadness, and
even more so to the Lord's, they have not respon
ded to His love. We continue to visit them and pray
that our Savior will work within their hearts. We

have seen evidence that He Is doing just that. Not

long ago. Coco became very ill during a pre
gnancy. She had quit work placing a financial bur
den on the family. Then she lost the baby she was
earring. She and Raul were heavy hearted. During
this period of sadness, they came to us and asked
ifthey could take our video series on the gospel of
Luke home with them. We were thrilled that they
would seek to know more of the One who could

ful life for Him.

When Iwas expecting with David, Tom and I atten

ded prenatal classes with 4 other couples. We
asked your prayers for our witness in these
classes. Tom especially had several oppor
tunities to share with other men (while the women
were doing exercises) the reason for our being in
Mexico, and the faith that we have. Again, hardly
any response was made. We felt that we had very
little impact in their lives. However, we did begin
to feel close tro one couple. Classes went by so
fast and soon we left for the U.S. to have the baby.
When we returned to Mexico, after David's birth,
the couple we had met had moved and soon after
we moved. Then the Lord caused our paths to
cross a couple of weeks ago and we have another

opportunity for friends evangelism. This is another

seed that we are waiting to see grow.
We want to encourage each of you to keep pray
ing for us and for the requests the we mention in
our writings. When something exciting results
from ou r u nited prayers, we promise to share this
with you. If you hear nothing, just remember its
probably just a seed that the Lord helpd us to
plant, but is slow to grow.

Sneak Preview
Our usual policy when sharing with you what
the Lord is doing at Bajio Christian mission,
Is to tell only what has already happened.
Right now, there are some pretty exciting
events preparaing to take place that we just
can't wait to tell you about. (So we are break
ing policy.)
We joined the Hoff family at Bajio Christian

With a reliable stationwagon (that we were

Mission in the Fall of '85. We then worked

able to purchase with the help of the Omega

Christian Church) that has hauled as many
as 14 young people at onetime to their des
tination. Now, however, Ithe car Is getting up
in the miles and is in need of replacement.
After sharing the need with our living link
Church (Chapel Rock Christian Church),
they offered to donate the greatest portion

together for the better part of 10 Months.

of the cost of a new van! When the need was

Last summer, Bill and Margy Hoff, along with

their two children Mark and Rebecca, left to
serve on the staff of Johnson Bible College
for one year. We're happy to report their

also offered to designate part of their mis

sion support toward the need. Every week,

goals are being accomplished as the college

year draws to a close, and they will be rejoin
ing us, the Schneller family, in July.
Lord willing, another couple will be joining

ness and support!

the staff of Bajio Christian Mission this sum

mer!. Roger and Debbie Pingleton (Toni

Schneller'sbrotherand sister-in-law), will be
coming to serve in Central Mexico for a six
month internship. The possibility does exist
for them to join the Staff of BCM on a perma
nent basis in 1988.

Anotherevent that isduetotake place in the

oming year is the purchase of a larger, pas

senger vehicle for us, the Schneller family.
Since our work with the youth group has
begun, and especially since we have begun

travelling with the puppet team, we have

realized the great need for some type of
passenger van. In 1984, the Lord blessed us

mentioned. Plum Creek Christian Church

the need seems to be greater, and the com

ing blessing grows more appreciated. Praise

the Lord and His people for their responsivThe final coming event we wouold like for
you top keep in your prayers is the Mexican
National Christian Conference to be held

this August. It is the Mexican equivalent to

the NACC in the U.S. and is looked forward to

by Christians all over Mexico. This year the

conference, called the Confraternidad
"With Brotherhood", is to be held in our city,
so preparations are being made. BCM's con
tribution toward a spiritually successful con
ference is in the aera of publicity and public
relations. We are busy computerizing a mail
ing list of the 150 Christian Churches in the
country,and making posters toanouncethe
event. If the Lord tarries. It should be a bless
ing for the brethern here in Mexico.

Photo Descriptions
(Clockwise from top)

1. Dennis & Wanda Fulton (minister), and Tom & Evelyn \Noo6s (elder), Chapel Rock Christian Church
2. Ray & Doris Schneller, and Loreen Reinhardt (Tom's parents and grandmother) with Toni and
David Schneller.


Roger Pingleton (Toni's father)

Jeff, Mary Ellen, and Rebecca Marshall (Jeff works for CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network)
Merry Pingleton (Toni's mother)
Jim and Linda Easley (forwarding agents for the Schnellers)

Come for a Visit

The Lord has showered us with blessings
the past several months. These blessings
have been in the form of visitors from

"home" (U.S.)! God's messengers of bless

ing have encouraged us with a pat on the
back or a warm hug.They've spoiled us by
bring with them such treasures as instant
puddings and pizza mixes from the States.
They've uplifted us by pointing out somthing about Mexico that is especially exciting
to them ( and that in turn rubs off on us).
Some of our visitors have contributed help
ful ideas on how to have a smoother, more
efficient daily routine. After the office flood,
two of God's blessings (our forwarding
agents) lended helping hands while the
Bible-by-correspondence ministry was
being operated out of our home. Having
other visitors, family members, has helped
strengthen family ties, even though we are
thousands of miles from home. We can't

express how thankful we are to God for

each visitor He has sent our way, not can

we tell them how much we appreciate their
visit. The only words that seem appropriate
are; Come for a Visit! (Or in some cases,
Come Back for Another Visit!) We're

A New Goal at Camp

Christian workers (Tom Included) and Mexican evangelists
throughout the Bajlo have decided that the area camp site
is to have a new basketball court! For the past several
weeks these men have been meeting together once a week
to construct a basketball court. Construction is often a slow

and tedious process here in Mexico, so the men have

already put in several back-breaking hours in what may be

considered a simple process in the U.S. The process goes
as follows here: Stones, rocks, cacti, etc. . . are cleared by
hand from the site. The ground Is leveled by shoveling, and
checked by a "level" which is nothing more than a trans
parent hose containing water. A foundation Is made for the
cement by placing boards around the area to be poured.
Rocks and a wire mesh material are then placed inside the
boards. Then the cement Is mixed and poured section by
tiny section, this is accomplished assembly line style. One
man shovels sand into a small mixer (an unusual luxery In
itself). Another man shovels In cement, another shovels
rocks. Still another adds water. Once a portion of the mix

ture is mixed and poured, two men level it down using sticks
and theirfeet.The process isthen repeated until the portion
of cement set out to be poured is done. For the past several
weeks, from six to thirteen have worked several hours on
the project one day a week; yet only 3/4 of the basketball
court has been completed. (I told you it was a slow and
tedious process!) The hope is that all the hard work
will be "paid back" In the form of blessings. One
blessing Is the knowledge each man is gaining on
how to construct a foundation (for any structure)
Mexican style. Another blessing is the unity It is pro
moting among the Christian workers and Mexican
evangelists Involved. Still anotherwill be in the bas
ketball court itself and the hours of enjoyment the
young people will have in using It during Christian

Sounds Inviting
During the last few months, the youth group
here in Queretaro have been both receiving
and issuing invitations! The puppet ministry
continues to be in demand here in the Bajio.

The yopung people have received invitations

to present, and in some cases have already
presented, their program. We have already
presented the puppets in: San Juan del Rio as
a preview to a Christian film, in Queretaro for
the area youth gathering and for a childrens'
party, in Saltillo, Coahuila during a teen camp,
and for area churches during Children's day (a
highly celebrated holiday in Mexico.) It has
been exiting to see the Lord opening doors,
especially when non-Christians are behind
them! This was the case with the children's

party and will be the case for the Children's day

celebration. The groups who invited the youth
to present their program found out about the
ministry by word-of-mouth, and the young peo
ple were thrilled to share the Lord through the
media of puppets, and by their personal

Queretaro puppet team


As noted before, the youth involved in the

youth group have also been issuing invita

tions. Acouple of times a month, we have been

getting the young people together for more of

a recreational activity. (The weekly puppet
practice can be very demanding so the youth
enjoy a more relaxing, fun activity as a change
of pace.)Recently, we have enjoyed coming
together to go bowling and to have a picnic.At
each event, we have seen new faces as a result
of invatations issued.There are new friendship

bonds being formed and new opportunities to

share Christ with each get together! Last
week, the mother and sister of two of the young

people attended worship service for the first

time since we have been in Queretaro. We are

sure it is due in part to the fact that they feel

closer to all of us and enjoy being part of the
fellowship. PTL!

Littlest bowier

Prayer & Praise

Please praise the Lord with us for:
the new happenings with the Bible-by-correspondence ministry
the enthusiastic youth group with whom we work
His messengers of blessings our visitors
the promise of a much needed passenger vehicle

Please pray to the Lord with us for:

the Hoff families coming return and Roger and Debbie Pingleton's internship
several serious water problems that have been reoccurinbg in our home

our continued witness to those with whom we are in daily contact



5886 South U.S. 27

SALuaas! from










Published Quarterly

76000 MEXICO
Volume 18 Number 3

76000 MEXICO
Winter 1987

"King's Day"
"King's Day" ("Dia de los Reyes") is the holiday that is
awaited by all children of Mexico. It takes place on the
6th of January each year. According to the Mexican
tradition, the 25th of December is when the birth of
Jesus is celebrated. However, the children do not re

ceive presents on this day. The parents and the adults

are the ones that do the exchanging and receiving. It is
not until the 6th of January when the children receive
their gifts. This is the celebrated day when the wise
men (or "Kings") came bearing gifts to the baby Jesus.
Therefore, the 6th of January is the day that the child
ren await a visit from the "Kings" that will also bring
gifts to them.
This past "King's Day" was a very special one to us. In
the fall of '87 the youth presented their puppet pro
gram at a church 1 hour from Queretaro. After the pre
sentation we were invited by the Mexican evangelist
(who worked with the church) to present our program in
a nearby village. We accepted the invitation but told
him that it would have to be after the new year, due to
the activities we had already scheduled. The date
chosen to present the puppets was the weekend be
fore "King's Day."

the small village came up and thanked us personally

for what we had done.

One of the two Christian families invited us to their

home afterwards. There, we shared in a time of fellow

ship as we ate a late meal consisting of tostada shells
smothered with pork skin/pork fat. The father of the
family thanked us once again for coming and invited us
to return someday. He commented, "Nothing like this
has overtaken place in our village". He stated that the
people of the village seemed very receptive of what we
had to share. We were all glad that we had the oppor
tunity to share with the people of Mungia on "King's
Day" about the One to whom the kings brought gifts..
..our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So, on January 2, the youth group packed up the pup

pet equipment and we headed off in two vehicles to the

village of "Mungia" (moon-gee-a). We not only brought

the puppets to share with the people of the village, but
we also brought plastic bags that were filled with
candy, fruit, and toys {the youth decided to use their

Sunday school offering they have been saving and buy

something special to take to the children on "King's
Day"). We arrived around dusk that evening and began
to put up the puppet stage on the dirt floor, while peo
ple began to gather nearby. When we were ready to
present the puppets, it had already turned dark. Since
wedidn't have electricity, we used the headlights of the
two vehicles and shined them onto the puppet stage.
Afterwards, Tom preached a short message to the 100
people who attended. Bibles and tracts were then

passed out to the adults. The bags of "goodies" were

also distributed to the children. Many of the people In

Youth Preparing for Mungia Trip


Another "Timothy" In Training

Over the past year and a half, the Church in Queretaro
has had the great priviledge of seeing three of its'
young men leave to prepare for full-time Christian ser
vice. This semester, arvDther young person from the
Church v^ill join the ranks of-"timothies" in training.

The first "timothy" from the Queretaro Church to begin

training was Jose Luis Gutierrez. Jose is graduate of
Monterrey's techlnlcal college and holds a Bachelor's
degree in Bussiness Administration. He is a bright
young man now studying Bible/Preaching at Johnson
Bible College in Knoxville, TN. His future dream is to
start a Bible college in Mexico. (Currently, there are
only two Christian Church/Church of Christ Bible col

leges in all of Mexico.)

Abel Santos

Abel Santos, a young man only 18 years of age, gave

his life to the Lord less than a year ago. However, dur
ing the short time he has been a Christian, he has
matured a great deal spiritually. Last summer at church
camp,hecommitted his life to full-time Christian minis
try. He said that for him, there could be no other voca
tion. Abel is studying here in Queretaro at the National
Bible Institute.

Jose Luis Gutierrez

Victor Castaneda was the next to leave to prepare for

the ministry. Victor previously studied at the University
of Queretaro, but felt the Lord had other plans for his

life. He is now studying at Colegio Biblico In Eagle

Pass, TX. It has been a joy to see this young man

developing his musical talents and maturing into a fine


young preacher.

The newest "timothy" from the Queretaro Church is a

young lady. Rosaka holds a Bachelor's degree in Com
puter Science and has worked been working for the
government in that field. She has had in her heart the
desire to study in Colegio Biblico for several years, but
has never been able to fulfill her dream until now.

(Rosalva and her younger sister Norma have been fi

nancially supporting their mother and sister; therefore,
Rosalva could not leave until other provisions had
been made.) With financial backing from the Church,
3he will now be able to study God's Word and prepare
to be used by Him.

Only God knows in what capacity these young

"timothies" will be used.They have been and continue
to bfc a blessing to the Church here, and they are sure
to be 3 blessing in the future to all whom they will
Victor Casteneda



From the Schnellers

The joy of our Lord's appearance in flesh is something
well worth sharing. So it has become a tradition for the
Queretaro congregation to not only celebrate the
Lord's birth, but to also share the joy with brothers who
have fewer possibilities of celebrating it.
Each year we take gifts of candy, oranges, sugar cane,
and used toys and clothing to the mountains of the
state of Queretaro to be distributed through the con
gregation there. In the past, I have usually gone alone
to deliver these gifts. But this year things were dif
ferent. Word had reached me that the army was inves
tigating my visits there. They probably believe that all
foreigners who go into remote areas are worthy of
investigation as possible drug contractors or smug
glers. But whatever the reason, the brethren here
thought it best that I not go alone, so five people from
the church accompanied Mark and I.
We all enjoyed the opportunity to visit with the breth
ren there. We were fed a meal of scrambled eggs, tor
tillas, and beans accompanied by hot, strong coffee. I
would have felt very guilty about us having eaten a
week'ssupply of eggs except that in one of the bags we
had taken a dozen large cans of Sardines, coffee,
macaroni, etc. In short, we had taken enough to more
than compensate for what I knew they would insist on
feeding us. Siriaco, the first Christian baptized in the
area, said that the brethren were anxious to know if we

had sent our annual gifts for the children, because the
economy has worsened so much that they cannot
buy presents.

We praise God that we can be a blessing in this

small way.


There are times in the life of a missionary family when

the greatest obstacle it faces is not the cultural dif

ference between themselves and those to whom they

are trying to witness. It is not the peoples' ignorance, or

even physical persecution. At times, the most difficult
obstacle to overcome Is a personal tragedy that deeply
touches the hearts of those in the family. Tom and I

have recently faced such a tragedy, an obstacle, and by

God's grace and your prayful intercession, we have
struggled through and overcome it. In November, we
experienced the joy of hearing the doctor say, "You are
going to have another baby!" (He said it in Spanish of
course.) Naturally we were thrilled. We look forward to
the responsibility and priviledge of raising another
child (with God's help), and also for the time when our
little boy David can have a friend and companion. The
week before Christmas, however, I began to have ab
dominal pains. An ultrasound revealed that the baby's
heart was not beating. A second ultrasound two weeks
later confirmed what our hearts did not want to know.

The baby had died. I hadaD&Con New Year's Eve and

we had a very tearful New Year's Day. However, our
God is a great God! He comforted us and used His peo
ple to do the same. We now know more than everthat
we are surrounded by people who love us and are pray
ing for us. (Many of those people are you at "home" who
are continually praying for us.) The Schneller family is
looking forward to a wonderful year in 1988, and if the
Lord tarries, we are looking forward to many miracles
that He will perform. We are expecting many souls to
be won in His name. We are expecting our brothers and
sisters in Christ (and ourselves) to grow spiritually and
be used by God in a mighty way. And, we are even pray
ing that when God sees fit, there will be an addition to
the Schneller family. We love you and thank you from
the bottom of our hearts for your love and support. May
God Bless.



Part of a "Good Thing"

Somethings just keep yetting better, and the National
Bible Institute in Queretaro is one of those "things".
The Institute is under the direction of a highly capable
man named Humberto Ramirez, (iiumberto serves the
college as President, Dean of Students, Professor,
Head of Construction, and whatever position needs to
be filled.)
The National Bible Institute or Instituto Nacional

Biblico(IBN) has been growing over the past few years

to its present state of over 20 students in enrollment.
The Institute (largely funded by Mexican churches) has
been blessed to be able to slowly be abl= *o purchase
its' own land, build a dormitory.

As I sit at my desk deciding how to form my thoughts for

this article, I have been thinking of all of our friends in
Mexico, in the United States, and throughout the world.
This past week I have written to twenty of them and
have about the same number to write yet. This lake^ a
lot of time and can become very tiring, but it is a joy to
receive letters and know that people careand are pray
ing for us
Our family is well, and like most American families,
keep very busy. Rebecca is now a Girl Scout and thor
oughly enjoys the group activities. She participates in
a sports' program each Friday afternoon (just for fun
and exercise). Her weekdays are busy with schooling
and lots of homework.

Mark studies at home and Is learning a lot about the

Bible. (He ought to do well on any entrance exam into a
Bible college). He just passed to an advanced green
belt in his Karate exam. He and his Dad love to learn

new functions and programs on our computer. He

saves me a lot of time by bicycling to various stores In
our neighborhood.
Bill continues to be "the jack of all trades."He has been

Prayer and Praise

helping people with some unusual problems lately.

Please lift with us praise to the Lord for;

Life Is never dull at the Hoff residence.

Leading a youth group has been a new challenge for

me. I have a lot to learn yet, but we are trying to make
our time together a learning experience as well as
enjoyable. We knowthatteachingthe Word will not be

the four young people from the Queretaro Church pre

paring for Christian ministries.

in vain. We all need to know how we can best serve the

the enthusiastic response to the newly begun mid

Lord in 1988. Have you asked Him yet?

week church service.


December20th, 11 a.m.-People began arriving in cars,
vans, suburbans and trucks. Each person was dressed
in their Sunday best-some in red or green especially
for Christmas. Many were carrying equipment that
would be used in the program.Forthis was the gather
ing of the annual Christmas service held in the chapel
of the camp facility. This is the largest building avail
able for this event.

the continued growth in the Queretaro area


Toni's speedy recovery after the miscarriage.

the visit from Toni's mother (sponsored by her
"home" congregation).
the recent "turn out" for the puppet presentation in
Mungia (moon-gee-a).

Much planning and preparation had gone into this day.

Five Christian churches were represented and had
taken part in buying"pinatas," buying goodiesand put
ting them in the bags that were given out, preparing the
drinks that were served, (a hot holiday punch and
"atole"-a cornstarch flavored drink), and buying the
500 "tamales" that were eaten. Others put new doors
on the chapel in time for the meeting, cleaned the area,
set up benches, and cut the sugar cane.

those involved in construction at the National Bible


The program involved many people. Theyounger child

the much needed leadership training classes in

ren sang and gave their recitations. The youth presen

ted a drama, and there was special music by various
groups. The program was highlighted with a can
dlelight communion service.


Following the meeting, the "bags" were given out,

"pihatas" were broken, and the "cena" (supper) was
served. One hundred and forty people attended the
program. Some were guests from the States. Others
were visitors who heard the message of the birth of
Christ for the first time.

Please join with us in prayer for:

the Christians living in the mountain region of

Queretaro facing extreme economic difficulties.

Tom as he begins teaching at the National Bible


the family of Celia Herring, a sister in Christ and the

Schnellers' former Spanish teacher, who recently
passed away.

Published by the


Rossville Christian Church


411 Spruce POB 187


Rossville KS 66533

PERMrr NO. 6

PO BOX 2427



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