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Seventeenth Senate Minutes

5 October 2007
11AM, Firstenburg Conference Room

1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order 11:06 am by Senator Emily Brown.
2. Roll Call. Senator Morgan was not present.
3. Additions or corrections to agenda. None.
4. Approved Agenda. Senator LaPore and Senator Gaya added announcements to
the agenda during the announcement time.
5. Approve Minutes. Minutes were approved.
6. Reports.
a. President Announcements –
b. Vice-President Announcements –
c. Executive Staff –
i. Activities Director:
ii. Public Relations:
iii. IT:
iv. Legislative Affairs:
v. Director of Clubs:
d. Committees Announcement –
i. External affairs – Senator Hildebrandt talked about the Charity
project and asked each senator to participant in a small charity
ii. Programming – They did not meet but talked about Senator T-
iii. Finance –Senator Gaya is holding a meeting next week with a
timeline and grids to follow for the budget.
iv. Rules and Regulations – Packets to representatives in committee so
that the work on the constitution and by-laws are spread out. Next
meeting, they will start making changes.
v. Budget- Not applicable at this time.
7. Old Business.
8. New Business.
a. Senatorial Confirmation.
i. Nominees could speak on their own behalf for one minute.
1. Jami Herring: Senior, transfer, more involved, background
in law,
2. Ashley Harman: PA Freshman, get involved, By Laws,
Diversity, government, jobs.
3. Robert Chu: English PA Junior, Clark College, Petition in
English Department.
ii. Motion made by Senator Wooster, Seconded by Senator Whitling.
Voted by plurality vote. Jami Herring passed as Senator Elect.
b. Elections Board Nomination.
i. Wiggins moves to table discussion until next week. Whitling
c. Bill 17.013.
i. Read by Senator Gaya. Senator Whitling made a motion to move
to second reading. Senator Wiggins seconded.
ii. Moved to call to question by Senator Whitling and seconded by
Senator Wiggins. Bill Passes.
d. Bill 17.014.
i. Read by Senator Gaya. Moved to second reading by Senator
Whitling, seconded by Wiggins.
ii. Whitling moved to call to question, Wiggins seconded. Bill
e. Bill 17.015.
i. Senator Whitling made a motion to move to second reading.
Senator Wiggins seconded.
ii. Discussion and Questioning of the Bill.
iii. Aday moved to call to question. Seconded by Whitling. Bill
9. Announcements.
a. Time clocks: Jason made an announcement about the new time clock
system on the senator office computer which requires your finger print.
Please see Blake, Erik, or Peter to get it set up.
b. Michelle: WSU Strategic Planning meeting, a chance for the students to
have their voice heard.
10. Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 11:33 pm by Senator Emily Brown.

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