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?????, ??????? ? ?????? ?????. ?????????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????????? ???? ? ??
??????????, ???? ?????????? ? ???????? ??????? 63.000. ??????? ?? ???? ????????
? ??????? ????? ??? ? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ? ????? ????????? ????????? ??????
??? ? ?????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????????? ????????????. ??????? ?? ? ???????
? ?????? ?? ???????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ???? ????? ????? 45 ?????? ? ?? ??
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???? ?? ?????? ?????????? ????? "??????? ???????" ??????? ? ?????????? ??????.

??????? [??????]
1 ??????????
2 ??????? ??????? ? ?????????? ??????
3 ????????
4 ????????
5 ?????
6 ??????????
7 ??????????? ???????
8 ???????????
9 ?????????
10 ????????? ????????
11 ????????
12 ?????????
13 ???????? ????
??????????[?????]asdf 345 Composition of Procopius, De Aedificiis", in Transacti
ons and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 78: pp. 171 183; abst
ract from JSTOR
19.Jump up ^ Whitby, Michael: "Procopian Polemics: a review of A. Kaldellis Proc
opius of Caesarea. Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity", in
The Classical Review 55 (2006), pp. 648
20.Jump up ^ Cameron, Averil. Procopius and the Sixth Century. London: Routledge
, 1985.
21.Jump up ^ Croke, Brian and James Crow: "Procopius and Dara", in The Journal o
f Roman Studies 73 (1983), 143 159.
22.Jump up ^ Whitby, Mary: "Procopius' Buildings Book I: A Panegyrical Perspecti
ve", in Antiquit Tardive 8 (2000), 45 57.
23.Jump up ^ de Camp, L. Sprague (1949). Lest Darkness Fall. Ballantine Books. p
. 111.
This article is based on an earlier version[dead link] by James Allan Evans, ori
ginally posted at Nupedia.
Further reading[edit]
Adshead, Katherine: Procopius' Poliorcetica: continuities and discontinuities, i
n Reading the past in late antiquity, edited by Graeme Clarke, with Brian Croke,
Alanna Emmett Nobbs, Raoul Mortley, Rushcutters Bay, NSW, Australia: Australian
National UP, 1990, pp. 93 119
Alonso-Nnez, J. M.: Jordanes and Procopius on Northern Europe, in Nottingham Medi
eval Studies 31 (1987), 1 16.
Amitay, Ory: Procopius of Caesarea and the Girgashite Diaspora, in Journal for t
he Study of the Pseudepigrapha 20 (2011), 257 276.
Anagnostakis, Ilias: Procopius's dream before the campaign against Libya: a read
ing of Wars 3.12.1-5, in C. Angelidi and G. Calofonos (eds), Dreaming in Byzanti
um and Beyond, Ashgate Publishing 2014, 79 94.
Bachrach, Bernard S.: Procopius, Agathias and the Frankish Military, in Speculum
45 (1970), 435 441.
Bachrach, Bernard S.: Procopius and the chronology of Clovis's reign, in Viator

1 (1970), 21 32.
Baldwin, B.: An Aphorism in Procopius, in Zeitschrift: Rheinisches Museum fr Phil
ologie 125 (1982), 309 311.
Baldwin, B.: Sexual Rhetoric in Procopius, in Mnemosyne 40, (1987), pp. 150 152
sdf 234
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Doprinosi vizantologiji i medievistici[uredi]
U vreme kada Ransiman zapoinje svoje aktivno prouavanje vizantijske civilizacije,
vizantologija je u Engleskoj jo bila u poecima i optereena Gibonovim tezama o istor
iji Vizantije kao trijumfu varvarstva i religije .[2] Zajedno sa Bjurijem, Bejnsom
i Milerom doprinosi razvoju moderne vizantologije u Engleskoj, li ene ukorenjenih
Gibonovih predrasuda.
Ransiman je dugogodi nje prouavanje Krsta kih pohoda pretoio u tri obimne knjige A Hist
ory of the Crusades . U njima on daje novu sliku krsta kih vojni. Za razliku od do t

ada prilino romantino uvre enog prikazivanja krsta a, Ransiman navedenim pohodima pris
tupa mnogo kritinije. On ocenjuje Krsta ke vojne kao trijumf varvarizma i sujeverja [3
], i tu koristi rei sline Gibonovim o Vizantiji.
Ransiman je dao i znaajan doprinos crkvenoj istoriji svojim studijama o Velikom r
askolu iz 1054. godine.
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Knjiga namenjena strunjacima i ljubiteljima zainteresovanim za srpsku pro lost. Vi e

od osam stotina lanaka rasporeenih azbunim redom daju obave tenja o daleko veem broju
predmeta (preko 1200) iz svih oblasti ivota.
lanci Leksikona grade pozornicu na kojoj se odigrava drama istorijskih zbivanja i
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cepata, termina, kojima se u standardnim istorijskim delima ne mo e posvetiti puna
pa nja.
U nastojanju da svestrano osvetli uslove ivota kod Srba u srednjem veku, Leksiko
n prelazi granice pojedinih naunih disciplina i obrauje sa gledi ta celine ovekov amb
ijent, orua i pribore kojima se slu io, tehnika
P physics.svg Ovaj lanak vezan za nauku je u zaetku. Mo ete pomoi Vikipediji, tako to
ete ga pro iriti
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