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lited Nations
,, SAW;




United States of America: dra[t resohHio

7'by SccuHt, Co,moil.

RvcsdliHg all it' prcioL!s rdevant resolutions on haq. is particular IS(K)

(2003). f546 (2004), 1557 (2004) 16!9 (2005), 1700 (2006), 1770 (2007). 1830
(200SL t8S3 {2009). I936 (2010), 2001 (2011)o 2061 (2012L 2!10 (20t3) 2t69
(2014). arid esolution 2107 {2013) o. the sitoatJon betwecs kaq ad Kuwait,
RqN%mhg tDc hsdcpe,sdesce., so\'ercigmy, fruity assd IeNqtorial imeg, ity of

EmiDo.viziig @c impouince oftDe stability ad scctrily of kaq %r the peopte

of traq the region, and the iYeN}atior/al co1]HaRlnity,
tTl>1X.,<sisg grave concc.Ns at iLe ctment secuity situation is [raq as a result of"
a Iargc-seale offemdve eatNed out by teKorist groups, h particular the 1.slamic State
in Iraq a,td the Levait (IS]L}. (also krowis at< Da'esh} aid as:ociated armed groups.
inoki,g violatio,s.s of" imcrsatiosal !mmanitarias law. hcay civilians casuaMcs.
irelud{g v,'ome ad ci-Aldrci, the disNacemem of more than three millios haqi
ci\'ilias, use of sexua} violcscc agaist ad ihe sexuaI c,sslavcmcm of womcs and
gins. threats agahst a[! religious ad etDfic groups, a,d dc threat to lhc safety of
journalists, media profcssionals, at@ associaled pcrsome]: coTd,,mDg the at{acks
perpetrated by these terrorist goups and associated armed groups agaisl fhe people
of hmq i an attempt to destabilize the coulry and regiom a,d s'viuUsg is
commitment to haq% security asd erNtodat integrity,
No, tisvg that the prcsesce of IStL on Iraq's so\,'ereigr teKitory is a major lhreat
to haq% t'tme, usd,-.coN that the only way to address @is threat is fbr aI1 h-aqis
to woN< together by addressh-@ needs hs @c security as well as the political reaJm.
.,,ln:,,niTg t}-c long-lerm solution to *.he istability will require the political leadership
of haq 1o make dccisio,-s that will uite the cousin7. ad <,m/d'm'vizisTg tDe
importasce of'rise irtematRmaI eommcmity supporthsg Iraq in this regard,
(%/ti,,g os all political emilies to overcome divit<ions md woN< togclhc" ir a
inclusive and timely political process aimed at st*cgthcsing haq's ,alioisal unity.
soverclgmy ad bsdepcr@ence: and for fraq's leaders to engage 71- dialogue that
would coribue {o fidig a viable aRl stsaiaMe solu7o to tIe cotmtry's curreHt
challenges: and re6f]bwu,g its belief that through its dcnocratie kstitutions, i!-i
cooperation with haqi society, lraq can work 1o address the chattcrges ticing the

country for the bc}efit off all Iraqk

}5-!2626 (E)

S/2tl 5/570

U17derscorilTg the need tk)r all segments of the Iraqi population to participate in
the political process, in inchisive political dia]ogue and in the economic and social
life of lraq. to refi'ain t)om statements and actions which could aggravate tensions,
to reach a comprehensive sohaion on the fair distribution of resources, and to
promote stability, develop a just and Fair solution tbr the nation's disputed internal
boundaries and work to stregthen national unity, and stIes.sig the importance of a
comprehensive and inclusi\.c Iraqi-led politica! process to support dialogue %r all
those who renounce violence, have no links to international terrorist organizations
including ISIL. and respect the constitution.
Em'ozll'aging the Govermlent of iraq to continue strelgthening governance.
promoting human rights and 1he rule of law. improving the situatiol of women and
girls, especially those impacted by tSIL. improving security and public order.
combating terrorism and sectarian violence, and tz, iwmli1g its support o the people
and the Government of lraq in their efforts to build a secure, stable, !L'dcral. united
and democratic nation, based on the rule oFaw and respect for human rights.
KVl)ressi:g grave concern lbr the more than three million individuals seeking
refuge in other areas of lraq. l'(,iwratilg its gratitude to the host communities.
l,'17ddrscorilg that host communities should provide access to safe areas f'or
internally displaced people, empha.viziy,g the urgency of addressing humanitarian
issues confrontig the Iraqi people. t'essit,g the need to contime to plan and
implement a coordinated response and to provide adequate resources to address
these issues, ca/ling %r an intensification of these efforts by all parties and urging
all Member States to continue to fund the UN humanitarian appea]s, ercotH'agitTg
Member States to support {lie United Nations' humanitarian response in lraq,

working with the Government of lraq. to assist all iraqi individuals affected by the
ongoing coni]ict, and commemling the effkrts of Member States that have
contributed to the humanitarian effort.
Emphaxizi17g the need to continue efforts to promote international and regional

cooperation aimed at supporting lraq both i its reconciliation and political dialogue
and in its fight against ISIL. and to prevent terrorist groups inchated on the

sanctions list established by the Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and
1989 (2011), in particular ISIIo [;rom using the territories of Iraq and neighbouring
States to carry out violence or other illicit acts to destabilize iraq and the regiom
e.r/)ressitTg its readiness to sanction further indixiduals, groups, undertakings, and
entities who are supporting ISIL, also e.g)'essilTg grave concern over reports of

access to and seizure of oilfields and pipelines in lraq by terrorist groups listed by
the Committee, t!"ong]y c(mdemning any engagement in direct or indirect trade in
oil and refined oil products, modular refineries and related material, other natural
resources, and antiquities from Iraq involving these terrorist groups, consistent with

Security Council Resolution 2199 {2015), and emphasizing that such engagement
constitutes financial support for such terrorists and may lead to further sanctions

listings by the Committee,

Reaffi'rming the importance of the United Nations. in particular the United

Nations Assistance Mission for Daq (UNAMI), in advising, supporting and assisting
the Iraqi people, including civil society, and Government to strengthen democratic
institutions advance inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation
according to the Constitution, facilitate regiona! dialogue, develop processes
acceptable to the Government of lraq to resolve disputed internal boundaries, aid



yous a% vutnerabJe groups {schdirg re(%gees and ir{ersally displaced persom..,

promote he proiection ofhi, mar rigits, gesder equality, clildren and }o4h ad
vuherabIe groups and u,,rpht.cii?g the importace of the United Natiors, in
particular UNAI\{I, prioritizMg ad\'{cc. >4q>port and assistance to the Iraqi people.
includig civil society, am1 Governme,u to acMe 'e these goals.
?ut"f/?'/" '.7,'xQss/,'?g grave co-Deern that the violen extremism arzd terrorism

perpetrated by lStI, {} Iraq Has frequetly targeted semen arid girls., and tlmt S]L
has committed serious huma, rights abuses, arid vioiafios of irternatiora!
humafitariar law agains womer and chiJdreit includMg those Mvo!vhlg murder.
kidnappMg, l'ostage
emda\emcnt, their sale inio of otherwise Lwced
human traff{ddng,, rape. sexual slavery ad otier R>rrns of sexual
\,'iote,ce arid expressing grave coeern at the recruitment arid use of chiidre by
ISL and other armed groups in violation of intermtiona[ law:
ncon't{{n, the Governmem off ]raq to contirme M its efforts to promote ad

protect tJsc rights of wome and reafl]rming its resolutions 325 (2000}o ]820
(200S). 1888 (200c*). 1889 (2009). 1960 (2010), 2106 (2013}. and 2122 (2013} on
womempeace and security a,d reiterating the need %r the fui],equaIandeffcclixe
participati(m of women, reaffirmig de key ole women can play i, ,'e-estab}ishing
the fabric of society and stressing the ee.t for tIeir fnI1 politica! participatiom
including ir peace processes political decis%i making, and the dedopmeilt of
mdional stralegies i order to take iBto accourt deir pespeclives,, and ooking
forward to the futt implemetatiom mctudirtg fmding, of" Iraq's National Action

Pian on Security Council resolutions I325 (200%.

[{uq{/),,',w/g that ail parties shouJd contimc to take all ieasibJe steps to emmre
the prolection of aff%cted civilians, including children, womel a!d members of
re}igious ad ethnic -minorXy groups, and should create conditiots conduche to the
vohmtary, safe. digM[ied, and sustainable return of refugees and huernally displaced
persons or tocaJ integration of" internally displaced persons, particularly in areas
nev, ly-liberatcd from ISIL, and to promole siabiHzat{o activities and long-term
sustai!abl development, welcomig commitmer, ts ad e,couragi-g contip, ued
efforts of tBe Govenmsent of Iraq for the relief of internally d{splaced persons
refugees and rexurnees, notig the important role of the Office of the United Nations
High Comm]ssioser for Refugees. based on its masdate, in providing cortimed
ad\ice and support 1o the Govenment of lraq in coordiration with UNAM1. on
these issues, amd cncouragig the Government of ]raq to cotinuc xorkig with
UNAMt and humanitaria agencies to ensure lhe delivery of hm>anitariar relief to
those in need;
{i){if?g the Government of haq 1o contirme to promote and protect ]uman
rights and also to consider addiliom steps to support the hsdependeu High
Commission for Human Rights ha carrying out P[s ma,sdate and rcq{fizwing that a]}
including !SIL, associated a>med groups, and militias, must respect human
rights and abide by ai1 applicabJe obligations under internadona] humaifitarian Jaw,,

inchldiig those protecting the civilian popular{ore by w}]Jch boris official Iraqi
\wccs ad member states that assis{ them must also abide,
i#qiiq,,wting that all States shall ensure ttat ay person who participates n tle
fMarcing phmning, preparalioit of porpetratiolt of terror{st acts oy ill spport}ng
terrorisl acts is brougt't to just{co



ULgbTg all those concerned to allow full unimpeded access by lmmanitarian

personnel to all people in need of assistance, and to make available, as t;ar as
possible, all necessary Facilities for their operations, alld to promote the safctyo
security, and freedom of movement of humanitarian personnel and United Nations
stafL its associated personnel and their assets, and also to respect and protect health
care workers and medical transport and facilities.
Condemting tile destruction of cultural heritage in Jraq particularly by IStL,
including targeted destruction of religious sites and objects and noting with concern
that IStL and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with
AI-Qaida. are generating income from engaging directly or indirectly in the looting
and smuggIing of cultural heritage items from archaeologicaI sites, museums,
libraries, archives, and other sites in lraq. which is being used to support thch
recruitment efforts ad strengthen their operational capability to organize and carry
out terrorist attacks,

RecogiTizbg that the situation that now exists in Iraq is significantly different
from that which existed at the time of the adoption of resolution 661 (1990), and
further recognizig the importance of Iraq achieving iternational standing equal to

that which it held prior to the adoption of resolution 661 (1990)

Kg)ressbg deep gratitude to all the United Nations staff in traq for their
courageous and tireless eftkrts, and commending the leadership and good offices
role of the Secrelary-Generat's Special Representative I\r Iraq, Jfin KubiL

Dtc'ides to extend the mandate of the United Nalions Assistance Mission

for Iraq (I,;NAMI) until July 31, 2016:

2. Decides further that the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
and UNAMI, at the request of the Government of Iraq, and taking into account the
letter from tile Minister of Foreign Affairs of lraq to the Secretary-General

(S/2015/520), shall continue to pursue their mandate as stipulated in resolution 2t69

(2014): and recalls the provisions of resolution 2107 (2013):

140lcomex the recommendation of the Secretary-Genera! in his latest

report (S/2015/530) to revise and prioritize ihe tasks of UNAMI, requests the
Secretary-General, in full consultations with tile Government of Daq, to report back
in further detail about such recommendation to the Security Counci] within the next

90 days:

Recogizes that security of United Nations personnel is essential for

UNAMI to carry out its work for the benefit of the people of Iraq and calls upon the
Government of lraq to continue to provide security and logistical support to the
United Nations presence in lraq:

5. Welcomes the contributions of Member States in providing UNAMI wflh

the financial, logistical, and security resources and support that it needs to fulfil its
mission and calls upon Member States to continue to provide UNAMI with
sufficient resources and support:

E.5zlvsses its intonation to review tte mandate of UNAMI in twelve

months or sooner, if requested by the Government of Iraq:


,;/2{} 5/57{}


D{'<'/J+*,s' to -eitih scizod of the mllte+.


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