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One must be aware and vigilant in the education of developing youth as a 'two ed

ged sword.' The teaching and training of youth can be motivated and gained cont
rol of by those with selfish interests, as well as those with unselfish hearts.
An evil monopoly of the education of a society's youth can be every bit as dang
erous to future freedom as any political party or parties(political gangs), and
malevolent ideologies regarding monopolistic control of either or both governmen
t and economy. It is in fact essential for a lasting long term tyranny. An exa
mple of the gradual ideological change that came about through control of educat
ion in the United States follows:
The origin of government grew out of the family. Family of some sort has always
existed with man for the purpose of rearing and protecting the young. The fami
ly protected its members. Its leaders, commonly the fathers, had more or less a
bsolute charge as the dangers of attack by enemies made necessary. Then familie
s began to band together into tribes and family tribes eventually grew into gove
rnment organization. Today, government is the political organization which a gr
oup of people establish and maintain for carrying on certain work which they bel
ieve can best be done by collective action. The government includes all constit
utions, laws, and customs that are binding on the people. They remain permanent
ly, with only gradual modification, while the officials hold their positions for
only limited periods. Officials come and go; they put on and take off authori
ty like a garment: but the government remains.
Flick & Smith,...1910 text book
The word 'government' has two different meanings. (1) A government is an organiz
ation; that is, it is made up of the chief actors in the performance of governi
ng---a select group of citizens who serve us by making and executing the laws ne
cessary for the good order and happiness of the community, state, or nation, and
who do for us many things which our common interests require to be done but whi
ch we cannot do acting singly as individuals. (2) The word 'government' also m
eans the 'art' or 'business' by which our common political affairs are managed.
Thus we speak of the "science of government."
Garner & Capen,...1937 text book
Government is the focus of political interaction because it makes and enforces m
any of the rules in modern society. Politics deals with who governs and how. I
n pungent language, politics involves three questions: "Who gets what, when, an
d how?" More elegantly, we can say that politics is concerned with "The Authori
zation Processes That Determine The Goals Of A Society, Mobilize Its Resources T
o Achieve These Goals, And Distribute Rights, Duties, Costs, Benefits, Rewards,
And Punishments Among Members Of That Society. It is the feeling of obligation
to abide by the law that confers what is called 'legitimacy' on government actio
n. But should moral obligation fail, public officials have force---the police,
National guard, or even the army---- to ensure by brute power that a policy will
be carried out.
Carr & Bernstein,...1977 text book (this last one is truly an eye opener...sinc
e 1977 youth in many schools within the United States have been taught to think
'authoritarianism to be natural and expected' ---just as under the societies and
regimes of both Hitler and Stalin)

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