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Since the beginning of history, sexism has always been a prominent barrier between

sexes. The notion that women are not on the same level as men has always been in existence. We

see that even during the book of exodus this belief stems from the creation of Eve, through a rib

of Adam. From scripture, Eve's roll was to be considered as a servant and a temptress, the sole

reason why Adam ate the apple. Consequently Eve is blamed as being the reason mankind is not

living in a paradise. Sexism has continued throughout ancient history and continues occur in our

own environment to this day.

Sexism is defined as the discrimination or hatred against people based on their gender

rather then their individual merits. This is shown though a common modern day event; a girl

cannot play in a hockey league because of her gender, similarly a male cannot be a part of many

cheerleading squads because of his gender. There are many groups and movements that make

this more aware to the public eye and help bring light to these issues but sexism will continue in

our world as it has since the roots of mankind's creation.

Sexism in its general usage is directed against females. A poll taken from a university in

the states reported that 66% of the student body believed that males were the superior gender.

Perhaps the grounds of this biased thinking is derived from older customs. In ancient Greece,

dating back over twenty-five hundred years ago, women were born as property of their fathers.

This ownership shifted to the husband as the woman grew older. Women were also seen not

worthy of male accompaniment, in older days women were to bring doweries to their husbands.

These doweries would often beGOLD , valuables or even livestock which were used as "payment"

for marriage. This is a prime example of how many sexist laws, beliefs or teaching would have

been rooted from ancient and cultural pasts.

In its extreme form sexism towards females is known as misogyny. There are many

different forms of misogyny. In its most fierce form, a misogynist will openly hate all women

simply because they are women. Some cultures or religions are very misogynist because they

demand a different set of expectations from women. In the middle east where the Islamic

religion is very popular women are required to be almost completely covered in black clothing

Although most societies have changed their viewpoints towards female rights, some are still

heavily based on older beliefs (both religious and political).

Even today in North America there are countless cases of sexism or misogyny. (Insert

case and information here, probably will take up 3/4-1pg)

Although sexism is often seen as opposing females, it is not the only type of sexism.

Misandry which is described as the hatred of males also exists in modern society. While

misogyny was more rooted in the past, misandry is seen as a more modern issue. According

to leading and pioneering researchers Nathanson and Young misandry is used as a scapegoat

by feminists in order to create a more ideological world. They believe that feminists, who blame

males for the persecutions of misogyny must be punished collectively as a whole for the crimes

against women throughout history.

Another common area of sexism is known as gender bias, thinking that a certain gender

holds a large advantage over another gender in one or many areas. Of course there are obvious

differences between males and females however gender bias is a common ethical issue. Is it most

definitely incorrect to say that women cannot compete at an athletic level equal to men or that

a certain sex is smarter then the other. Everyday you will see people who use ideas or theories

from gender bias in games, articles or even a simple conversation.

In the New York Marathon, Bill Rodgers was the first man to cross the finish line.

Sixteen minutes later, the first woman would finish the race. Interestingly enough, the last male

to cross the line would come at a remarkable five hours later. Most people would debate that

men are much stronger and better athletes. According to the race however, there was very little

difference between man and woman versus the first man and the last man. Clearly this shows

that gender bias if not ethical is clearly incorrect.

What about emotions? Do certain genders carry more tendency to act a certain way? In

1970 a study conducted by two psychologists at Stanford university showed four amazing things.

They sifted though nearly 1500 research papers, studied behavior tendencies and only found

four differences: Males are more aggressive then females, girls have better verbal skills

then boys, boys have better visual-spatial ability and boys have better mathematical ability from

about thirteen onward. Another interesting piece of information that they discovered that on

average these differences were extremely small.

Sexism affects your life even in todays society! Men want to be prevailing over
females since men were dominant in the early years. Sexism should discontinue so that
women and men may live a life without being under a foes control.
Men and women should be treated equal and that is what the first amendment
stated, more or less. Sexism in the workplace may cause an alteration in the work that
being done at hand. Sexism against men and women may lead the women or man to
choose suicide rather than dealing with the situation. Education given to men or women

may affect the factors in which they choose to use sexism in their own way for their own
morale. Women may be forced to live on the streets rather than living in a suitable
environment. Sexism can also be a factor in which a women or man is selected into a
category for example if a man and women enter the army with the same experience the
man would get a higher rank than the women who would get a lower rank. Men who
continue to use the works of sexism are chauvinism.
Sexism against women allows men with a lower education than the women to get
a better paying job than the women. By men and women using sexism they can
manipulate people for their own gain. Sexism will allow the men and women to gain a
higher stand point of the deal at hand. Men and women can feel free when they state
opinions. Sexism affecting women will allow men to be more intelligent then women so
That there will be men leading this nation. And sexism will rule over this tainting it state
by state. Possibly other countrys will begin to use this countrys methods, then
tranquility in this country will soon be corrupted by the men and women in todays
society. Psychological damage can be done just by sexism and this damage can lead into
something that never was supposed to happen. The people who want to allow sexism are
bigotry for believing in that.
Sexism plays a vital role in how people live their lives. If sexism stops then the
54 possibly end up being a sexism country. Then this country could possibly be at war
with. The males versus the females and that situation could due great damage to the
worlds population. This could possibly end human civilization since the world is so
corrupted by its own need to manipulate people for their own needs.
I believe people even with a political standpoint are treated by sexism. This can
be an affect in how this country in the weakest moments. Sexism could lower the
rate of men but mostly women. This country may fall just for sexism being within our
country. Sexism affects how much education a man or woman can receive and whether
or not how their education is used to help civilization.
Sexism should be outlawed in todays society for those purposes. For the reasons
I have shown in which this could affect our country. Still this country may be seen as
weakest and may be destroyed. Yet in our country sexism affects our society even if we

dont notice it. With our country the way it is now I fear that are fall will come in due

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