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<Vanguard> There were many responsponsibilities, being the King. Guarding his people.

Making the best choices for their sake. Quelling fights. Sorting through problems. Dealing
with outsiders. Ensuring everyone was safe, happy, and healthy. Making sure there was
enough food, provisions. And, of course, this certain King was also a father. He had three
children to care for: Dheros, Kovarro, and Zanthia. -c<Vanguard> He raised them, taught them, and loved them. Certainly, the Wolf King
Vanguard had a lot to carry on his broad shoulders. And how exactly did the admirable King
handle all of this? ... Currently, he was fast asleep, sprawled out in who knows where.
However, a certain wolf would easily be able to wake him should, say, his cannibalistic mate
try to eat the pups that she was giving birth to.<Orveta> Orveta and her other siblings had began to get incredibly restless over the last
week, constantly pressing against their mother's stomach, moving around, and kicking out
with their hindquarters ever so slightly. Tonight, however, was even more so. The tiny female
that was soon to be known as "Orveta" began moving around inside of her, pressing her
paws against Delthorn's stomach as she stretched+
<Orveta> out her paws.<Delthorn> -Unlike King Vanguard, a certain pregnant, grouchy she-wolf had better thing to
think about than her duties as a countess and her nap periods. Instead she had spent her
day deciding on other...issues. With sunset upon her and her stomach being pounded on by
the very spawn inside her...She decided it was best to head out....with her stomach both
growling and hurting at the same time. Funny -c
<Delthorn> how her spawn would end up right back to where they came from by the end of
the night. And with those final thoughts, she scanned the area and made her way out.<Aeviox> The stir of the unusually large female wasn't exactly difficult to miss, slowly lifting
his eye lids he could see the massive wolf making her way out. With a slight rush, he lifted
his gentle mass, bouncing after his mate carefully. He knew it was time. He needed to find
Vanguard. Splitting off to into the direction of his room with a panic beginning to set in.<Vanguard> The King was having such a peaceful slumber. His head was resting on his
forelegs, his breathing even and steady. And then, he heard frantic pawsteps. On instinct
alone, his bleary eyes stretched open, blinking away sleep so that he would be able so see
semi-clearly. He located Aeviox, looking panicked and scared. He heaved himself to his paws
as hurriedly as possible, a grunt again serving -c<Vanguard> as a greeting. "What is happening?" Surely, his friend had a reason to be
anxious.<Delthorn> Delthorn was sure her boisterous partner Aeviox was alerted. And she was sure
he knew what was going on...Del has put him through this process quite a few times and
sadly...he was hard to shake. However, with her now knowing this, she made a sprint to the
closes wooded area, fast as she could with a bulging stomach that cramped up with
every stride. She would soon start to made sharp -c
<Delthorn> turns and try to hide her scent among the other stenches the woods offered.
Wouldnt do her much, but she had to make drastic efforts to shake these annoyances. -

<Aeviox> "It's Delthorn. The pups." The tone of panic clearly spoken through his harsh tone.
He knew by now she was already resting and possibly giving birth which scared him even
more. He loved Del, adored her. But the pups were something he could not stand to see
leave. Not after losing Eiviarti and Kalika in the move. He couldn't lose anymore of his
precious children. "Please, Vanguard. We need to -c<Aeviox> hurry." With that he hurried out of the door, trying to move swiftly but without
making much noise to wake any of the others at this time of night.<Vanguard> "It will be alright, Aev. I am here for you." The large male's voice was oddly
gentle when addressing his friend. Normally, he was rather brutal and uncaring. Now,
however, he was clearly trying to reassure the other canine. After nuzzling Aeviox's neck
with his muzzle, he hurried out of the room after him, his bulk making him rather slow. But
hey, he tried his best. Vanguard managed to keep -c<Vanguard> up with the Count as they moved through the darkness.<Orveta> Orveta was becoming even more restless, kicking out and eventually --along with
all her other siblings-- began to turn their bodies, as to face downwards instead of their
normal upright position that they had been in through most of the pregnancy.<Delthorn> After trekking through shrubbery for some time, and with it becoming darker
and cooler, not to mention her stomach was about to burst, large wolf Delthorn decided a
large hollowed out piece of earth was her best bet, and without waiting a second more, she
curled herself as best she could in it. Yet, just her luck,not seconds after finally becoming
comfortable and catching her breath did her -c
<Delthorn> whole body jerk with a horrid pain. One of the most painful things the she-wolf
has and had ever felt...But in her mind, all would be worth it....All would be worth it. She
thought this as her bone breaking jaws grinded against each other in attempt to keep herself
hidden. <Aeviox> Pushing himself further through the castle and across the bridge that seemed like
it would go on forever, he finally broke onto land. Looking back to make sure Van was behind
him, because without him, he wasn't sure if he could spare his unborn pups. Quickly turning
to Vanguard, worry filling his eyes. He'd lost her now. "Vanguard, where would she go this
time?" You could hear a quiver in his -c<Aeviox> voice as desperation started to sit in.<Vanguard> The massive King had followed Aev closely, alert and awake, as if he hadn't
been sleeping only minutes before. He remained almost ominously calm throughout their
entire trek through the castle; he was nearly unshakeable, Vanguard. ... And this happened a
few times before, Delt running off to hide and consume her own pups, however disturbing
that was. Vanguard could not picture life without -c<Vanguard> his baby boy Ro. ... And of course the other two as well. When his friend paused
to question him, Vanguard responded, his steady voice contrasting Aev's. "You know her
better than anyone. Think, Aeviox. Where would she go? Surely she left a scent."-

<Aeviox> Thinking about the walks that he'd taken her on, just the two of them, and the
times she'd done this prior. He grumbled under his breath before looking at Van. "She'd try
to hide in a place that's difficult for more than her to get to." Looking around was useless at
this time of night with the trees making even seeing through it during the day nearly
impossible. Lowering his head, he took -c<Aeviox> a long inhale, the scents of everything near by racing into his nose. Fish. Water.
Rabbit. Squirrel. And faintly, a female wolf. He found it, but he could definitely tell it was
weak. Marching in the direction, he followed it to the best of his ability.<Delthorn> However much this damned experience hurt, Delthorn kept her jaws sealed
shut, in fear Aeviox was nearby, looking for her. Like always. For the time being, it seemed
as though she were alone and quickly got herself in a comfortable position in order to get
these mere balls of fur out of her. Delthorn quickly found herself distressed. Delivering the
first pup, a black furred male was horrid and -c
<Delthorn> and she couldn't help but to yelp. She hadn't remembered her past litters being
this...painful or...bloody. <Anzo> A commotion stirring from the hall of the Castle caused Anzo to slightly stir to life.
At this late of an hour couldn't people have /decency/ to let others... sleep? The black-furred
canine let his head rise, gaze blurred with obvious sleep as he stumbled for his paws. Each
step he took felt like a year, his legs dead weights under the endless support they offered
his mass. Aggravation for -c<Anzo> being disturbed and not allowed a much needed night of sleep was written clear
over his face, but two fleeing figures caught his attention. Peculiar indeed. Narrowing his
gaze in a slight manner, the male watched as the second figure lumbered the rest of the
way down the Castle hall and ultimately for the exit of the giant structure. With a brisk shake
of his head to try and clear his mind of -c<Anzo> the foggy clutches sleep still possessed on him, Anzo only felt a small amount of
reluctance to follow after them. Yet despite his reluctance, his own deep urge of curiosity
forced him to stumble from his room and down the Castle hall after the two vanished figures,
his pace slower and less rushed than what they had left in.<Nikita> - Something was happen rolling uncomfortably in the cramped space, she kicked
furiously due to being squished by her siblings. Though as time when by it got less cramp
and she started to have more space, rolling around she kicked happily again now that she
had her space.<Orveta> Inside the womb, things were changing. She could feel that something was
happening, yet didn't know what. For now, Orveta wasn't really aware or paying attention to
what was happening exactly, as her eyes were tightly closed. As her first sibling had been
delivered, Orveta felt herself move further downwards as she moved in the same direction
her brother did in front of her.<Vanguard> Vanguard was pleased that Aeviox seemed to know what he was doing and
where to go... Because he as sure as hell had no idea. He was just there to help. He knew
little about where Delthorn would go to give birth and eat her puppies after doing so. Once

the other wolf had decided on a direction, he followed, silent and simply just kind of there.
He trusted Aev to lead them to the right place.<Aeviox> He could tell that Delthorn was trying to be sneaky and escape him, but
eventually he lost the scent. Discouraged, his shoulders slumped and his heart sank. He
wouldn't be able to find her in time. The thought of it scared him, motivating him to continue
searching, and just as he did, his ears flickered and picked up the soft sounds of movement
coming from a direction only a few feet away. -c<Aeviox> Found you Del. He whispered under his breath before rushing in the direction that
he heard it from. Only taking a few moments to find the place she'd stuffed herself into and
a small dark pup squirming close to her.<Anzo> Hardened pads pressed into the floor of the hall, sleep slowly vacating his mind like
an early morning haze. By the time the exit of the castle was nearing sight, sleep had
vanished from him rapidly, and his pace had increasingly picked up. The nightly air smacked
roughly into his face, enforcing the reminder that he was in fact awake and not sleep
walking. Nostrils flaring on the end of his -c<Anzo> muzzle, a heavy inhale was sucked in as he let the scents of those that had passed
wash over his senses. Aev-- Father? Ears moving on his head at the new interest that the
Count had been through here, but in the company of the King -- whose scent was only
recognized by the sparse meetings they may have had in his past -- he only focused on the
sole fact of his father. Slowing to a brisk stop -c<Anzo> , he drew in another inhale to remain on course with the fresh scents before he
once more took off in a run, paws thumping against the ground of the bridge.<Delthorn> After delivering her first pup, who was rather large for a newborn, Delthorn
found herself sitting in her own puddle of blood. Far more blood than she liked. She felt fine
though, and decided it was nothing. After moving her son in front of her, she laid one of her
legs on its wiggling body and pinned it there. He wasn't going anywhere out of her sight. It
was just then that she heard rustling -c
<Delthorn> in the foliage right above her and the silhouette of her partner Aeviox came into
view. A "Found you Delt" was whispered and soon after Delthorn returned the greeting with a
rumbly snarl and a well known 'death glare'.Delthorn spoke a "I will end you." Her voice was
raspy and tired, and less menacing than she was aiming for.
<Aeviox> Noticing the amount of blood, he began to worry even more. That amount was
unhealthy, but he didn't dare to get any closer. His lips peeling back, he growled out to her
in response. "Delthorn" Refusing to take his eyes off her for a second out of fear she might
swallow up the poor thing.<Nadia> -Nadia walked along the forest of a strange land she had walked apon. Lowering
her head she began to sniff the ground for any signs of life that had spilled it sent onto the
ground. Lifting her head up her large ears perked up and twiched on her head as she listen
to the nosie of nature around her. The faint sent of a large group of other wolves and canine
types stung her nose as she looked -c-

<Nadia> off in the distance as a large building over threw the trees. Her courisouty spiked
as she began slowly for the large strucher not sure if the smell was coming from inside the
lands or if it was tricking her.<Delthorn> Delthorn kept her eyes fixated on Aeviox until she was forced to fall back to her
side and let her body quiver with another wave of pain. She growled through her teeth and
managed to dig a couple of claws into her newborn son, which actually seemed to help.
Soon a second pup was born. A female with grey fur <Anzo> His mind rarely kept to one thing for long, usually one to be distracted easily.
Despite how much of an air-head he came off as, he was rather intelligent and could focus
on something if he really, really set his mind to it. And Aeviox was one of those things.
Anything concerning his family was instant priority. The stoneway of the bridge gave out to
land, the scents switching to a variety of more
<Anzo> natural things. Fish, rabbit, water and all of that good stuff Aevi rambled on a post
or so back. Interlacing with it was the two males scents, and just faintly, female. So that's
why dad was out here; keeping track with mom. Nice. A huff of exasperation left him, though
he never ceased in his rapid movement, wanting to catch up with them and get the scoop on
what was going down. Though he might
<Anzo> wind up regretting this somehow.<Nikita> - Suddenly the warmth had vanished from around her and she was surrounded by
the cold, flailing her little paws she squeaked. Where was she? what happened to her
warmth? what about her siblings? though she couldn't see nor hear a thing, it was just.. dark
and cold.<Aeviox> Whimpering desperately as he could see her claw the small pup, inching forward
only slightly watching the second one born. Keeping track of the number of them and how
each looked. Snarling sharply not out of anger but out of concern and fright. This was the
worst way he could see Delthorn, and he couldn't say he hated it. The action and danger of
her thrilled him more and definitely kept -c<Orveta> Suddenly, both her brother and sister were gone, leaving her and her last two
siblings alone. She was content here; it was warm and she felt incredibly safe. The female
pushed against her mother's belly once more before being naturally forced onto her stomach
and sent in the direction of her lower belly once more. She didn't know what was
happening.<Kovarro> excuse me }
<Kovarro> what }
<Delthorn> This is why Del likes you }
<Kovarro> aev }
<Aeviox> SHHHHH ]
<Orveta> damn son that was smooth ]

<Anzo> ....dAD PLS ]
<Aeviox> NOT TURNED ON ]
<Kovarro> AEV }
<Nikita> ... ]
<Delthorn> LOL }
<Kovarro> B R O}
<Aeviox> screams ]
<Nikita> DAD D8 ]
<Aeviox> ROLLS. OMG ]
<Kovarro> 'oh baby i love how you ate my son that was hot' }
<Delthorn> OMFG LOLOL }
<Nikita> LOL ]
<Orveta> OH MY GOD XD]
<Kovarro> 'you ate these ones lets make more' }
<Nadia> wtf?)
<Delthorn> Oh my god I need to go breath }
<Anzo> OR DID YOU ]
<Nadia> Sure you dont)
<Aeviox> I DIDNT OMG ]
<Anzo> the deep down meaning ]
<Aeviox> sCREAMS ]

<Anzo> 'i totally want to be protective but this completely turning me on' ]
<Delthorn> This is great }
<Aeviox> i'm dying so hard i'm like actually embarrassed omg ]
<Nikita> all hot a bothered... - elbows dad and wiggles her eyesbrows.- ]
<Nikita> and* ]
<Kovarro> Awh Aev I was just kidding c: <3 }
<Kovarro> I figured you didn't mean it like that. xD }
<Aeviox> like my face is so red omg ]
<Anzo> laffs at aevi ]
<Kovarro> with the blood of your kids }
<Kovarro> ..... okay I promise I'm done. }
<Aeviox> OMG ]
<Kovarro> <3 }
<Nadia> I would but not sure what to post)
<Anzo> ^ ]
<Nadia> Oooo I got it i think)
<Aeviox> <33333 ]
<Kovarro> thank you c: }
<Aeviox> c: ]
<Nadia> Inching her way towards the castle she stopped as she looked up at the large
building. She hadn't seen anything like it in her two years of life. As she starred at the
building she leaned her frame onto her hunches as she tryed and imagened the big beast
that used that building as a den. As she got lost in her thought her tail lightly swayed in the
brush on the ground -c<Nadia> while her head begant o tilt as her mind wondered in thought.<Delthorn> -Delthorn lifted her head only to bare her her stained teeth at Aeviox, she then
rested it down and shook as another wave of pain came and went. She panted heavily and
the puddle of blood seemed to be growing, but another pup was out and Del scooted it
closer to her front end. It was another female and a light timber color.-

<Orveta> As Orveta had finally made her way into the world, the tiny female immediately
began to whimper and cry. She was so far the noisiest of her siblings, as they had been quiet
so far. She felt the chill of the night run down her spine, the cool air hitting her soaking wet
fur like ice. What was happening? Why was it so cold? The once safe, warm environment of
the womb she had shared with her+
<Orveta> siblings was now gone, turned completely upside down. Orveta continuously
began to yelp and whimper, feeling her way around with her paws as she wriggled next to
her brother and sister.
<Nikita> flails her small limbs.<Aeviox> The male stayed where he was, watching the writhing pups and whimpering
towards them as if to let them know that their daddy was near and he wouldn't let Delthorn
hurt them. Wondering how many there were and seeing how each took so much out of Del,
his concerns grew more than just the pups.<Delthorn> -Delthorn took a moment to catch her breath and to give her crying daughter a
glare. She was tempted to shut her up with a quick smack with her large paws, yet she didnt
have a chance to. She was taken aback as a large wave of pain ran through her body making
her limbs stick out abnormally and her silvery eyes go wide with pain. She growled and
panted heavily. -c
<Delthorn> Her vision went fuzzy for a moment but soon cleared as the pain subsided. Just
after, another shiver was given throught her body and Delthorn couldnt help but feel
something...Slimy. She craned her neck back ro get a better look. At her back side was a
very large male pup, much larger than his siblings. Delthorn however was more surprised by
the lump of flesh next to her son -c
<Delthorn> It looked like the slimy remains of another pup. Delthorn was confused but more
excited than anything. She was sure all her spawn were out and she was terribly hungry. A
Glare was shot up to Aev as she snatched up the remains of her last pup. It was a quick and
easy meal and Del made quick work of him. Shaking its lifelessbody and sinking her teeth
into its flesh. Sadly this wasnt as fun as -c
<Delthorn> watching the life drain out of somethings eyes and feeling its last heartbeat.
Even the thought of warm blood oozing out of a squirming body made Delthorn mad with
blood-lust. She wanted to shake and tear her pups bodies to pieces<Aeviox> Making his way rather quickly down closer to her, he called for Vanguard quickly.
"Vanguard help!" Snarling towards Delthorn as he used his paws to slide the other pups
away from her. "Delthorn.. Honey, don't you think you've had enough?" He spoke with a
slight hint of sarcasm to keep her distracted.<Vanguard> Vanguard had been waiting for this moment. He had allowed Aeviox to do his
thing instead of outright smacking Delthorn with one of his large forepaws... as perhaps that
would be frowned upon. But hey, she was the one trying to eat her own pups. All he could
imagine was his baby boy Ro. And how disturbing it would be if- he cut that thought short
right away, instantly. He couldn't stand the -c-

<Vanguard> very thought. He lurched forward on command, his large muzzle oddly gentle
as he bumped the puppies out of range of the eviillll Del. He was prepared to scoop them up
should they need to bolt as well. They could definitely outrun fatty - or no longer fattyDelthorn.<Nadia> Hearing a twig break her ear twitched towards the sound as her mind came back
to earth. Snapping her head over int the sounds direction she noticed something moving
about off in the distance. Lifting her rump back up she slowly made her way towards the
creature. Taking one small step at a time not wanting to scare it off. As she got closer she
looked down at the water side and nosticed a fish -c<Nadia> flopping on the muddy bank side. Smirking she stood over it for a second before
bending her head down and sinking her teeth into the flesh of the animal andputting it out of
it missory. Once it stopped flopping in her muzzle she lowered her frame onto the wet
groundand set the kill on her paws before she began diggin into it to eat.<Delthorn> -Delthorn had just swollowed the last of her meal when her four living pups
were snatched up right from under her. She first dumbfounded then furious. Her eyes
widened and filled with rage and her lips peeled back to reveal teeth stained with blood .
She was on her feet in a second and tood tall as she glared down at Aev. "You fucked up."
was all that emmited before she launched herself into -c
<Delthorn> him. She was very weak but she still had a large size advantage on him. And
because of this one advantage she immediatly took a chunk of his shoulder in her jaws and
took her anger out on it. She thrashed and ripped and pulled at his fur and skin. She could
care less if she hurt him at this point in time. <Orveta> She couldn't see or hear anything, but let out another whimper as she felt her
body being lifted into the air and moved someplace else. She flailed her arms and legs,
yelping and crying for her mother to 'rescue' her. Little did she know, she was being rescued
already. She had no idea what was going on. <Aeviox> His eyes widened as he watched her get to her feet in such a state, a snarl ripping
through his throat before a sharp yelp broke out. Feeling her size overpower him, and he
teeth sinking into his flesh, there wasnt much he could do. Out of desperation he growled
and snaps at her, nipping his teeth into her nape weakly, clawing at her chest and pushing
back forcefully. "Goddamnit Delthorn!" He -c<Aeviox> snapped loudly before shaking his body attempting to get the large female off.<Vanguard> The massive King would not stand idly by as his friend was so viciously
attacked by his own mate.... That would break the bro code. So with a powerful snarl,
Vanguard again lurched forward, though this time he was not protecting puppies. He was
pouncing on his other friend. "Back /off/, Delthorn," he snapped as his muscular body
collided with hers, hopefully with enough force to knock the -c<Vanguard> tired female away from Aeviox. His own teeth sank into her shoulder - call it
karma - and he crunched down rather harshly. Sometimes he needed to use pain to combat
pain.. And he certainly bit down. He could taste blood.-

<Delthorn> -Delthorn was suddenly thrown wildly off balance by Vanguard as he slammed
himself into her before bitting down on her shoulder. She snarled loudly in pain, but more so
in fury. She snapped pulled her neck to the side and snapped her jaws in his face. She
somehow managed to get a small chunk of his muzzle. She snapped her teeth togeather as
soon as contact was made and thrashed her neck as much-c
<Delthorn> as her limited movement allowed her. Delthorn however was still off balance
from vanguard slamming into her. Her paws slipped out from under her and she went right
down to the ground, her lock on vanguard releasing as she thudded to the ground.<Nadia> Placing one paw over the hind end of the fish and holding it as she sunk her teeth
into its side and begant o yank and pull at the animal. As i tore off a large chink on meet she
snorted and began chewing it slowly. The taste of fish wasn't to her liking but i was the first
meal she could find in a while and need to fill her thin frame so she could keep going.<Aeviox> Feeling Del's jaws being ripped from his flesh made him cringe in pain, shaking it
off he lowered his head and gently wrapped his teeth around the small light timber, holding
the small child in his mouth like a crib. Then carefully, he nipped at the nape of the very
large black pup, carrying them both out safely and returning them to their siblings. Aeviox
refused to leave them, curling his -c<Aeviox> body around the litter of four to keep them warm. Laying there, he worried about
Vanguard and Delthorn. How much would they fight? He asked himself, slowly licking the
newborn pups clean.<Vanguard> Seeing as though Aeviox was making his escape, that left Vanguard with the
task of keeping Delthorn down. He had snarled when Delt's teeth tore at his muzzle, but like
his bite had done to her, it only sparked anger. Seeing as though Delthorn had fallen, the
King instantly seized the opportunity. As quick as a thought, his jaws parted and his head
darted down so he would be able to lock his -c<Orveta> Orveta's tiny arms stretched out in front of her as she was then lifted up by her
father and placed on the ground, eventually being greeted by her siblings' presence as well.
As she felt the larger wolf curl next to them and immediately start to lick them clean, the
female naturally began searching for something to eat, though obviously not finding any.
She let out another whimper, curling closer+
<Vanguard> teeth around her throat. His grip was harsh and it kept it her head pinned to
the ground, but of course it would not kill her. His thick body stood over her's, blocking any
chance of escape. She would have to force him off, and in her state, it would be a challenge
not easily conquered. His tail was lifted high, and growls rolled from between his clenched
teeth.<Orveta> to her father.<Nadia> As she swallowed the meal she looked down at it and growled before opening her
jaw and thrusting her head fowards, sinking her teeth back in. Pulling her head back she
tryed and imagened the fish tasting like elk or a good deer after a long hunt. But the taste of
nasty water and animal filled her mouth and caused her growl to stay firmly in her chest as
she looked out at the water.-

<Delthorn> -Delthorn was suddenly siezed on and pinned down by Van. She squirmed and
thrashed, her back legs kicking into the kings belly as she hissed through clenched jaws. "I
hate you for this". Another round of thrashing at Van was given but Delthorn was just too
weak at this point...and she had not realized that she had slowly been loosing more blood.
The large females eyes slowly sealed shut and she -c
<Delthorn> fell limp in Vanguards Jaws. She breathed still. But it seemed as though giving
birth and then fighting had made the large female faint.


<Vanguard> There were many responsponsibilities, being the King. Guarding his people.
Making the best choices for their sake. Quelling fights. Sorting through problems. Dealing
with outsiders. Ensuring everyone was safe, happy, and healthy. Making sure there was
enough food, provisions. And, of course, this certain King was also a father. He had three
children to care for: Dheros, Kovarro, and Zanthia. -c<Vanguard> He raised them, taught them, and loved them. Certainly, the Wolf King
Vanguard had a lot to carry on his broad shoulders. And how exactly did the admirable King
handle all of this? ... Currently, he was fast asleep, sprawled out in who knows where.
However, a certain wolf would easily be able to wake him should, say, his cannibalistic mate
try to eat the pups that she was giving birth to.<Vanguard> c: ]
<Delthorn> c: }
<Vanguard> WHOA ]
<Vanguard> * responsibilities ]
<Aeviox> hahahahaha ]
<Aeviox> del u go ]
<Vanguard> hey at least my mate doesn't eat my kids ]
<Aeviox> wow that was shallow van ]
<Orveta> ^ ]
<Delthorn> Man I wish there was more foreshadowing }
<Aeviox> ^ ]
<Nikita> o3o ]

<Aeviox> we need a fuckin' ooc chat here dear lord ]

* Delthorn ( Quit
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Delthorn> You have to be kidding me
<Delthorn> ;c;
<Aeviox> did you lose it
<Delthorn> Yesss I had to restart :c
<Aeviox> :c
<Delthorn> -Types- :III
<Aeviox> <3
<Orveta> Orveta and her other siblings had began to get incredibly restless over the last
week, constantly pressing against their mother's stomach, moving around, and kicking out
with their hindquarters ever so slightly. Tonight, however, was even more so. The tiny female
that was soon to be known as "Orveta" began moving around inside of her, pressing her
paws against Delthorn's stomach as she stretched+
<Orveta> out her paws.<Orveta> c: ]
* Delthorn ( Quit
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Aeviox> did it happen again
<Orveta> x.x ]
<Delthorn> -Glares at the chat<Delthorn> Please tell me the first post went through
<Aeviox> no
<Delthorn> Whyyy
<Orveta> Try closing your browser and then coming back.
<Aeviox> just type it on a notepag
<Aeviox> pad
<Orveta> ^

<Delthorn> Hold on ;c; <3 I think its my connection

<Aeviox> <3 ok
* Delthorn ( Quit
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Delthorn> Alrighttt
<Delthorn> -Types<Aeviox> do it on a notepad
<Orveta> I'll repost what I sent]
<Orveta> Orveta and her other siblings had began to get incredibly restless over the last
week, constantly pressing against their mother's stomach, moving around, and kicking out
with their hindquarters ever so slightly. Tonight, however, was even more so. The tiny female
that was soon to be known as "Orveta" began moving around inside of her, pressing her
paws against Delthorn's stomach as she stretched+
<Orveta> out her paws.<Delthorn> -Unlike King Vanguard, a certain pregnant, grouchy she-wolf had better thing to
think about than her duties as a countess and her nap periods. Instead she had spent her
day deciding on other...issues. With sunset upon her and her stomach being pounded on by
the very spawn inside her...She decided it was best to head out....with her stomach both
growling and hurting at the same time. Funny -c
<Delthorn> how her spawn would end up right back to where they came from by the end of
the night. And with those final thoughts, she scanned the area and made her way out.<Delthorn> Sorry if it seemed kinda rushed </3 }
<Aeviox> types.- ]
* STATUS: Away
* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> The stir of the unusually large female wasn't exactly difficult to miss, slowly lifting
his eye lids he could see the massive wolf making her way out. With a slight rush, he lifted
his gentle mass, bouncing after his mate carefully. He knew it was time. He needed to find
Vanguard. Splitting off to into the direction of his room with a panic beginning to set in.<Vanguard> is it my turn omg ]
<Orveta> yes]

<Vanguard> THANKS<3 ]
<Orveta> c: ]
<Nikita> lives.- ]
<Orveta> wbtl. ]
<Nikita> thank u c: ]
<Vanguard> The King was having such a peaceful slumber. His head was resting on his
forelegs, his breathing even and steady. And then, he heard frantic pawsteps. On instinct
alone, his bleary eyes stretched open, blinking away sleep so that he would be able so see
semi-clearly. He located Aeviox, looking panicked and scared. He heaved himself to his paws
as hurriedly as possible, a grunt again serving -c<Vanguard> as a greeting. "What is happening?" Surely, his friend had a reason to be
anxious.<Delthorn> Wait doIGoNow }
<Delthorn> I think I do }
* STATUS: Away
<Orveta> I'm saving these logs for Pher btw xD ]
<Nikita> xD ]
<Delthorn> Delthorn was sure her boisterous partner Aeviox was alerted. And she was sure
he knew what was going on...Del has put him through this process quite a few times and
sadly...he was hard to shake. However, with her now knowing this, she made a sprint to the
closes wooded area, fast as she could with a bulging stomach that cramped up with
every stride. She would soon start to made sharp -c
<Delthorn> turns and try to hide her scent among the other stenches the woods offered.
Wouldnt do her much, but she had to make drastic efforts to shake these annoyances. * STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> "It's Delthorn. The pups." The tone of panic clearly spoken through his harsh tone.
He knew by now she was already resting and possibly giving birth which scared him even
more. He loved Del, adored her. But the pups were something he could not stand to see
leave. Not after losing Eiviarti and Kalika in the move. He couldn't lose anymore of his
precious children. "Please, Vanguard. We need to -c<Aeviox> hurry." With that he hurried out of the door, trying to move swiftly but without
making much noise to wake any of the others at this time of night.-

<Delthorn> Aww poor beeb }

<Aeviox> ;u; cri ]
<Vanguard> omg wait you didn't lose Kalika that's me ]
<Aeviox> She's lost, like when they moved. ]
<Vanguard> oh oh okay c: I'm lost c: ]
<Aeviox> yes LOL ]
<Delthorn> xD }
<Vanguard> "It will be alright, Aev. I am here for you." The large male's voice was oddly
gentle when addressing his friend. Normally, he was rather brutal and uncaring. Now,
however, he was clearly trying to reassure the other canine. After nuzzling Aeviox's neck
with his muzzle, he hurried out of the room after him, his bulk making him rather slow. But
hey, he tried his best. Vanguard managed to keep -c<Vanguard> up with the Count as they moved through the darkness.<Orveta> Orveta was becoming even more restless, kicking out and eventually --along with
all her other siblings-- began to turn their bodies, as to face downwards instead of their
normal upright position that they had been in through most of the pregnancy.* mausra ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Aeviox> hello. o-o
* #Valkyre Castle sets mode +@ Aeviox
* mausra ( Quit
<Aeviox> k continue ]
* Delthorn ( Ping timeout
<Nikita> mum no ]
<Aeviox> DEll ]
<Orveta> nerrr ]
<Orveta> probably lost connection]
<Vanguard> ... I wanna be fancy too :c ]
* #Valkyre Castle sets mode +@ Vanguard
<Aeviox> oooyes ]
<Aeviox> her internet pooped ]

<Vanguard> beast mode activated ]

<Aeviox> get on my lvl ]
* woon ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Orveta> hey woon ]
<Aeviox> Hey woon ]
<woon> Howdy loves)
<Vanguard> Hey c: ]
<Nikita> Hiyaa ]
<woon> SO if im not born soon. I'm gunna put the puppy aside until given to okay and make
a new wolf until then if thats okay?)
<Orveta> Chu is your dad, right? ]
<woon> Yes
<Aeviox> He is no longer apart of NML ]
<woon> For real?
<Aeviox> Yes
<woon> WTF....why didnt he tell me that....
<Orveta> Let's just say he lied once too many. ]
<Orveta> Because he left roleplay. ]
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Aeviox> Wasn't exactly his decision, Woon. ]
<Orveta> Webaa <3]
<Aeviox> Del <3 ]
<Delthorn> Sorry guys I dont know why its doing this xD
<Delthorn> Thankies <3 }
<woon> -nods- Okay.
<woon> Weba
<Aeviox> you're fine baby <3 ]
<Delthorn> After trekking through shrubbery for some time, and with it becoming darker
and cooler, not to mention her stomach was about to burst, large wolf Delthorn decided a

large hollowed out piece of earth was her best bet, and without waiting a second more, she
curled herself as best she could in it. Yet, just her luck,not seconds after finally becoming
comfortable and catching her breath did her -c
<Delthorn> whole body jerk with a horrid pain. One of the most painful things the she-wolf
has and had ever felt...But in her mind, all would be worth it....All would be worth it. She
thought this as her bone breaking jaws grinded against each other in attempt to keep herself
hidden. -c
<woon> So then I'm just gunna Take woon out of the rp and figure something new out)
<woon> Ohh shit sorry)
* #Valkyre Castle sets mode +@ Delthorn
<Orveta> Fancy asses. >c ]]
<Delthorn> I dare this stupid chat to kick me out now >:c }
<Orveta> ohwait are you finished del ]
<woon> -giggles- Ugh someone help me think of a new wolf if your free pwease)
<Delthorn> Oh crap yeah }
* woon is now known as Woon_SC
<Delthorn> Dont know why I put a continue on }
<Orveta> It's fine xD ]
<Aeviox> Pushing himself further through the castle and across the bridge that seemed like
it would go on forever, he finally broke onto land. Looking back to make sure Van was behind
him, because without him, he wasn't sure if he could spare his unborn pups. Quickly turning
to Vanguard, worry filling his eyes. He'd lost her now. "Vanguard, where would she go this
time?" You could hear a quiver in his -c<Aeviox> voice as desperation started to sit in.* STATUS: Away
* Kovarro ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> Hey Kov ]
<Kovarro> Heyo. }
<Delthorn> Ro <3 }

<Orveta> Alo ]
<Vanguard> KOVVVVVVVV ]
<Kovarro> Delt. <3 }
<Kovarro> VAN BBY I LOVE YOU TOO HI<333 }
<Nikita> aw father and son ]
<Vanguard> <33333333333333 ]
<Vanguard> The massive King had followed Aev closely, alert and awake, as if he hadn't
been sleeping only minutes before. He remained almost ominously calm throughout their
entire trek through the castle; he was nearly unshakeable, Vanguard. ... And this happened a
few times before, Delt running off to hide and consume her own pups, however disturbing
that was. Vanguard could not picture life without -c<Vanguard> his baby boy Ro. ... And of course the other two as well. When his friend paused
to question him, Vanguard responded, his steady voice contrasting Aev's. "You know her
better than anyone. Think, Aeviox. Where would she go? Surely she left a scent."<Aeviox> Thinking about the walks that he'd taken her on, just the two of them, and the
times she'd done this prior. He grumbled under his breath before looking at Van. "She'd try
to hide in a place that's difficult for more than her to get to." Looking around was useless at
this time of night with the trees making even seeing through it during the day nearly
impossible. Lowering his head, he took -c<Aeviox> a long inhale, the scents of everything near by racing into his nose. Fish. Water.
Rabbit. Squirrel. And faintly, a female wolf. He found it, but he could definitely tell it was
weak. Marching in the direction, he followed it to the best of his ability.<Delthorn> However much this damned experience hurt, Delthorn kept her jaws sealed
shut, in fear Aeviox was nearby, looking for her. Like always. For the time being, it seemed
as though she were alone and quickly got herself in a comfortable position in order to get
these mere balls of fur out of her. Delthorn quickly found herself distressed. Delivering the
first pup, a black furred male was horrid and -c
* Delthorn ( Quit
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Delthorn> :I Did you get that post or do I need to re-post }
<Anzo> we got the first half ]
<Delthorn> and she couldn't help but to yelp. She hadn't remembered her past litters being
this...painful or...bloody. <Anzo> lamely shoves in a rough post - ]

<Delthorn> <3 }
<Anzo> A commotion stirring from the hall of the Castle caused Anzo to slightly stir to life.
At this late of an hour couldn't people have /decency/ to let others... sleep? The black-furred
canine let his head rise, gaze blurred with obvious sleep as he stumbled for his paws. Each
step he took felt like a year, his legs dead weights under the endless support they offered
his mass. Aggravation for -c<Anzo> being disturbed and not allowed a much needed night of sleep was written clear
over his face, but two fleeing figures caught his attention. Peculiar indeed. Narrowing his
gaze in a slight manner, the male watched as the second figure lumbered the rest of the
way down the Castle hall and ultimately for the exit of the giant structure. With a brisk shake
of his head to try and clear his mind of -c<Anzo> the foggy clutches sleep still possessed on him, Anzo only felt a small amount of
reluctance to follow after them. Yet despite his reluctance, his own deep urge of curiosity
forced him to stumble from his room and down the Castle hall after the two vanished figures,
his pace slower and less rushed than what they had left in.<Nikita> - Something was happen rolling uncomfortably in the cramped space, she kicked
furiously due to being squished by her siblings. Though as time when by it got less cramp
and she started to have more space, rolling around she kicked happily again now that she
had her space.* Woon_SC is now known as Nadia
<Orveta> Inside the womb, things were changing. She could feel that something was
happening, yet didn't know what. For now, Orveta wasn't really aware or paying attention to
what was happening exactly, as her eyes were tightly closed. As her first sibling had been
delivered, Orveta felt herself move further downwards as she moved in the same direction
her brother did in front of her.<Vanguard> Vanguard was pleased that Aeviox seemed to know what he was doing and
where to go... Because he as sure as hell had no idea. He was just there to help. He knew
little about where Delthorn would go to give birth and eat her puppies after doing so. Once
the other wolf had decided on a direction, he followed, silent and simply just kind of there.
He trusted Aev to lead them to the right place.<Vanguard> SORRY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY.]
<Nadia> I'm gunna go edit then if yall are still rping ill join in.)
<Orveta> Okie c: ]
* STATUS: Away
* STATUS: Online

<Aeviox> He could tell that Delthorn was trying to be sneaky and escape him, but
eventually he lost the scent. Discouraged, his shoulders slumped and his heart sank. He
wouldn't be able to find her in time. The thought of it scared him, motivating him to continue
searching, and just as he did, his ears flickered and picked up the soft sounds of movement
coming from a direction only a few feet away. -c<Aeviox> Found you Del. He whispered under his breath before rushing in the direction that
he heard it from. Only taking a few moments to find the place she'd stuffed herself into and
a small dark pup squirming close to her.<Aeviox> i'm getting tired wow ]
* Kovarro ( Quit
* Kovarro ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Anzo> Hardened pads pressed into the floor of the hall, sleep slowly vacating his mind like
an early morning haze. By the time the exit of the castle was nearing sight, sleep had
vanished from him rapidly, and his pace had increasingly picked up. The nightly air smacked
roughly into his face, enforcing the reminder that he was in fact awake and not sleep
walking. Nostrils flaring on the end of his -c<Aeviox> weba kov ]
<Orveta> no you're not >c ]
<Kovarro> danke }
<Orveta> and weba]
<Aeviox> sorry anz <3333 ]
<Anzo> muzzle, a heavy inhale was sucked in as he let the scents of those that had passed
wash over his senses. Aev-- Father? Ears moving on his head at the new interest that the
Count had been through here, but in the company of the King -- whose scent was only
recognized by the sparse meetings they may have had in his past -- he only focused on the
sole fact of his father. Slowing to a brisk stop -c<Anzo> , he drew in another inhale to remain on course with the fresh scents before he
once more took off in a run, paws thumping against the ground of the bridge.<Anzo> shh its fine <33 ]
<Aeviox> thump thump thump thump ]
<Anzo> hump hump hump hump ]
<Anzo> :))) ]
<Nikita> anzo's paws are actually hearts, ]
<Aeviox> wow ur mature ]

<Aeviox> LOL awe anz ]

<Anzo> shhhhhhh what ]
<Nikita> laughs ]
<Anzo> the fact he only gives a fuck bc its dad is sad ]
<Aeviox> <3 ]
<Orveta> anzo actually has a heart ;u; ]
<Anzo> pFFFT ]
<Aeviox> ^^^^^^ ]
<Nikita> no ur there to fight me, remember? ]
<Anzo> 1v1 ]
<Nikita> dangit anzo we planned this two weeks ago. ]
* Kovarro ( Quit
* Kovarro ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Kovarro> listen chat i will fight you }
<Anzo> webaaaa a]
<Aeviox> weba kov <3 ]
<Kovarro> danke danke<3 }
<Delthorn> After delivering her first pup, who was rather large for a newborn, Delthorn
found herself sitting in her own puddle of blood. Far more blood than she liked. She felt fine
though, and decided it was nothing. After moving her son in front of her, she laid one of her
legs on its wiggling body and pinned it there. He wasn't going anywhere out of her sight. It
was just then that she heard rustling -c
<Delthorn> in the foliage right above her and the silhouette of her partner Aeviox came into
view. A "Found you Delt" was whispered and soon after Delthorn returned the greeting with a
rumbly snarl and a well known 'death glare'.Delthorn spoke a "I will end you." Her voice was
raspy and tired, and less menacing than she was aiming for.
<Delthorn> <Kovarro> 'I will end you just gimme a second to crap out the rest of my kids' }
<Anzo> laffs at aevi ]
<Delthorn> Sorry for the horrid rp. Im super tired ;c; }

<Orveta> you can tell we're related because every time i get mad i always threaten with, 'I
will end you." xDD ]
<Delthorn> xD }
<Nikita> xD ]
<Orveta> ooh niki you're gonna be born next uvu. dont get eaten out there, kay? kay. ]
<Anzo> have fun nik :] ]
<Aeviox> Noticing the amount of blood, he began to worry even more. That amount was
unhealthy, but he didn't dare to get any closer. His lips peeling back, he growled out to her
in response. "Delthorn" Refusing to take his eyes off her for a second out of fear she might
swallow up the poor thing.<Vanguard> SKIP ME I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY HE IS JUST STANDIN' THERE REALLY ]
<Orveta> LOL ]
<Orveta> by sleeping..<< ]
<Orveta> imeanwhat]
<Kovarro> he normally just kills things but I don't think that'd help here }
<Anzo> ^ ]
<Aeviox> LOL ]
<Orveta> ... no, not in this case.]
<Nikita> sneezes in the womb ]
<Nadia> Okay finished for now.)
<Orveta> bless you ]
<Aeviox> infectionnnn ]
<Aeviox> sanitizes.- ]
<Nikita> but dad ]
<Nikita> i like my womb juices dirty ]
<Aeviox> ...... i spit ]

<Orveta> if you get me sick i will eat you when we're older kthxx]
<Nadia> Can i post or do i need to wait my turn?
<Nadia> )*
<Aeviox> You can post. ]
<Anzo> let's woon post before adding in- ]
<Nadia> -Nadia walked along the forest of a strange land she had walked apon. Lowering
her head she began to sniff the ground for any signs of life that had spilled it sent onto the
ground. Lifting her head up her large ears perked up and twiched on her head as she listen
to the nosie of nature around her. The faint sent of a large group of other wolves and canine
types stung her nose as she looked -c<Nadia> off in the distance as a large building over threw the trees. Her courisouty spiked
as she began slowly for the large strucher not sure if the smell was coming from inside the
lands or if it was tricking her.<Delthorn> Delthorn kept her eyes fixated on Aeviox until she was forced to fall back to her
side and let her body quiver with another wave of pain. She growled through her teeth and
managed to dig a couple of claws into her newborn son, which actually seemed to help.
Soon a second pup was born. A female with grey fur <Delthorn> Im sorry. Short post <3 }
<Anzo> His mind rarely kept to one thing for long, usually one to be distracted easily.
Despite how much of an air-head he came off as, he was rather intelligent and could focus
on something if he really, really set his mind to it. And Aeviox was one of those things.
Anything concerning his family was instant priority. The stoneway of the bridge gave out to
land, the scents switching to a variety of more
<Anzo> natural things. Fish, rabbit, water and all of that good stuff Aevi rambled on a post
or so back. Interlacing with it was the two males scents, and just faintly, female. So that's
why dad was out here; keeping track with mom. Nice. A huff of exasperation left him, though
he never ceased in his rapid movement, wanting to catch up with them and get the scoop on
what was going down. Though he might
<Anzo> wind up regretting this somehow.* Anzo ( Quit
* Anzo ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
* Anzo ( Quit
* Anzo ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Anzo> chat pls ]
<Nadia> weba)

<Anzo> can u not ]

<Anzo> ty ]
<Nadia> np)
<Nikita> - Suddenly the warmth had vanished from around her and she was surrounded by
the cold, flailing her little paws she squeaked. Where was she? what happened to her
warmth? what about her siblings? though she couldn't see nor hear a thing, it was just.. dark
and cold.* Anzo ( Quit
* Anzo ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
* STATUS: Away
* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> Whimpering desperately as he could see her claw the small pup, inching forward
only slightly watching the second one born. Keeping track of the number of them and how
each looked. Snarling sharply not out of anger but out of concern and fright. This was the
worst way he could see Delthorn, and he couldn't say he hated it. The action and danger of
her thrilled him more and definitely kept -c<Aeviox> kept things interesting in their relationship.<Delthorn> omfg }
<Orveta> Suddenly, both her brother and sister were gone, leaving her and her last two
siblings alone. She was content here; it was warm and she felt incredibly safe. The female
pushed against her mother's belly once more before being naturally forced onto her stomach
and sent in the direction of her lower belly once more. She didn't know what was
happening.<Kovarro> excuse me }
<Kovarro> what }
<Delthorn> This is why Del likes you }
<Kovarro> aev }
<Aeviox> SHHHHH ]
<Orveta> damn son that was smooth ]

<Anzo> ....dAD PLS ]

<Aeviox> NOT TURNED ON ]
<Kovarro> AEV }
<Nikita> ... ]
<Delthorn> LOL }
<Kovarro> B R O}
<Aeviox> screams ]
<Nikita> DAD D8 ]
<Aeviox> ROLLS. OMG ]
<Kovarro> 'oh baby i love how you ate my son that was hot' }
<Delthorn> OMFG LOLOL }
<Nikita> LOL ]
<Orveta> OH MY GOD XD]
<Kovarro> 'you ate these ones lets make more' }
<Nadia> wtf?)
<Delthorn> Oh my god I need to go breath }
<Anzo> OR DID YOU ]
<Nadia> Sure you dont)
<Aeviox> I DIDNT OMG ]
<Anzo> the deep down meaning ]
<Aeviox> sCREAMS ]
<Anzo> 'i totally want to be protective but this completely turning me on' ]

<Delthorn> This is great }

<Aeviox> i'm dying so hard i'm like actually embarrassed omg ]
<Nikita> all hot a bothered... - elbows dad and wiggles her eyesbrows.- ]
<Nikita> and* ]
<Kovarro> Awh Aev I was just kidding c: <3 }
<Kovarro> I figured you didn't mean it like that. xD }
<Aeviox> like my face is so red omg ]
<Anzo> laffs at aevi ]
<Kovarro> with the blood of your kids }
<Kovarro> ..... okay I promise I'm done. }
<Aeviox> OMG ]
<Kovarro> <3 }
<Nadia> I would but not sure what to post)
<Anzo> ^ ]
<Nadia> Oooo I got it i think)
<Aeviox> <33333 ]
<Kovarro> thank you c: }
<Aeviox> c: ]
<Nadia> Inching her way towards the castle she stopped as she looked up at the large
building. She hadn't seen anything like it in her two years of life. As she starred at the
building she leaned her frame onto her hunches as she tryed and imagened the big beast
that used that building as a den. As she got lost in her thought her tail lightly swayed in the
brush on the ground -c<Nadia> while her head begant o tilt as her mind wondered in thought.<Delthorn> -Delthorn lifted her head only to bare her her stained teeth at Aeviox, she then
rested it down and shook as another wave of pain came and went. She panted heavily and
the puddle of blood seemed to be growing, but another pup was out and Del scooted it
closer to her front end. It was another female and a light timber color.<Delthorn> Birthing is the most awkward thing. }

<Aeviox> ikr ]
<Delthorn> I never know what to say man. }
<Aeviox> Just get the last two out LOL ]
<Delthorn> Well. One and a half }
<Kovarro> ha }
<Orveta> As Orveta had finally made her way into the world, the tiny female immediately
began to whimper and cry. She was so far the noisiest of her siblings, as they had been quiet
so far. She felt the chill of the night run down her spine, the cool air hitting her soaking wet
fur like ice. What was happening? Why was it so cold? The once safe, warm environment of
the womb she had shared with her+
<Aeviox> LOL ]
<Orveta> siblings was now gone, turned completely upside down. Orveta continuously
began to yelp and whimper, feeling her way around with her paws as she wriggled next to
her brother and sister.
<Orveta> Totally did not have that already typed c; ]]
<Delthorn> Totally <3 }
<Orveta> <3 ]
<Nikita> flails her small limbs.<Aeviox> The male stayed where he was, watching the writhing pups and whimpering
towards them as if to let them know that their daddy was near and he wouldn't let Delthorn
hurt them. Wondering how many there were and seeing how each took so much out of Del,
his concerns grew more than just the pups.* STATUS: Away
<Orveta> Might lose connection x.x But I'll come back if I do]
* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> oki ]
<Delthorn> -Delthorn took a moment to catch her breath and to give her crying daughter a
glare. She was tempted to shut her up with a quick smack with her large paws, yet she didnt
have a chance to. She was taken aback as a large wave of pain ran through her body making
her limbs stick out abnormally and her silvery eyes go wide with pain. She growled and
panted heavily. -c

* Orveta ( Ping timeout

* Orveta ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
* STATUS: Away
<Delthorn> Her vision went fuzzy for a moment but soon cleared as the pain subsided. Just
after, another shiver was given throught her body and Delthorn couldnt help but feel
something...Slimy. She craned her neck back ro get a better look. At her back side was a
very large male pup, much larger than his siblings. Delthorn however was more surprised by
the lump of flesh next to her son -c
<Orveta> ;; i lost all the logs. ]
<Nadia> weba)
<Orveta> thank you ]
<Aeviox> weba <3 ]
<Orveta> Thanks dad. <3 ]
<Anzo> webaaaaa c: ]
<Orveta> Ty. What did I miss o3o ]
<Nadia> nm jusst your moma still giving birth)
<Delthorn> It looked like the slimy remains of another pup. Delthorn was confused but more
excited than anything. She was sure all her spawn were out and she was terribly hungry. A
Glare was shot up to Aev as she snatched up the remains of her last pup. It was a quick and
easy meal and Del made quick work of him. Shaking its lifelessbody and sinking her teeth
into its flesh. Sadly this wasnt as fun as -c
<Orveta> Ah okie]
<Delthorn> watching the life drain out of somethings eyes and feeling its last heartbeat.
Even the thought of warm blood oozing out of a squirming body made Delthorn mad with
blood-lust. She wanted to shake and tear her pups bodies to pieces<Delthorn> I feel rping Delthorn will one day make me evil .}
<Kovarro> and this is how to aev }
<Kovarro> hot }
<Orveta> are you turned on yet dad]
<Orveta> xDD ]
<Kovarro> I fixed that typo like 6 times }

<Kovarro> but my brain just 'no you really mean how' }

<Nadia> 0.0)
<Anzo> looks to dad ]
<Anzo> imma second orv; you turned on yet dad ]
<Nikita> burps ]
<Delthorn> How is it 2 AM }
<Aeviox> Making his way rather quickly down closer to her, he called for Vanguard quickly.
"Vanguard help!" Snarling towards Delthorn as he used his paws to slide the other pups
away from her. "Delthorn.. Honey, don't you think you've had enough?" He spoke with a
slight hint of sarcasm to keep her distracted.<Aeviox> I'm working on it Kov LOL ]
<Delthorn> Ill wait for Van c: }
* Nikita ( Quit (slinks away to bed.- gnight all ilu < 3333)
<Nadia> Oh poor messed up in the head.)
<Kovarro> stalks the updates so hard.- }
* STATUS: Away
<Delthorn> ooh I like them. }
<Vanguard> Vanguard had been waiting for this moment. He had allowed Aeviox to do his
thing instead of outright smacking Delthorn with one of his large forepaws... as perhaps that
would be frowned upon. But hey, she was the one trying to eat her own pups. All he could
imagine was his baby boy Ro. And how disturbing it would be if- he cut that thought short
right away, instantly. He couldn't stand the -c<Vanguard> very thought. He lurched forward on command, his large muzzle oddly gentle
as he bumped the puppies out of range of the eviillll Del. He was prepared to scoop them up
should they need to bolt as well. They could definitely outrun fatty - or no longer fattyDelthorn.<Vanguard> i am so sorry ]
<Delthorn> Wow Van }
<Delthorn> I thought we were friends }
<Delthorn> :c }

* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> aha ur beautiful 2 me del ]
<Delthorn> -Strokes Aev- }
<Aeviox> didnt you read my post a while ago
<Aeviox> ]
<Delthorn> xD }
<Delthorn> yeah but im still beating you up :I }
<Aeviox> ik ik ]
* Vanguard ( Quit
<Aeviox> wut no come back ]
* Vanguard ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Aeviox> yay weba ]
<Vanguard> thanks<3 ]
<Nadia> Hearing a twig break her ear twitched towards the sound as her mind came back
to earth. Snapping her head over int the sounds direction she noticed something moving
about off in the distance. Lifting her rump back up she slowly made her way towards the
creature. Taking one small step at a time not wanting to scare it off. As she got closer she
looked down at the water side and nosticed a fish -c<Nadia> flopping on the muddy bank side. Smirking she stood over it for a second before
bending her head down and sinking her teeth into the flesh of the animal andputting it out of
it missory. Once it stopped flopping in her muzzle she lowered her frame onto the wet
groundand set the kill on her paws before she began diggin into it to eat.<Delthorn> -Delthorn had just swollowed the last of her meal when her four living pups
were snatched up right from under her. She first dumbfounded then furious. Her eyes
widened and filled with rage and her lips peeled back to reveal teeth stained with blood .
She was on her feet in a second and tood tall as she glared down at Aev. "You fucked up."
was all that emmited before she launched herself into -c
<Delthorn> him. She was very weak but she still had a large size advantage on him. And
because of this one advantage she immediatly took a chunk of his shoulder in her jaws and
took her anger out on it. She thrashed and ripped and pulled at his fur and skin. She could
care less if she hurt him at this point in time. <Delthorn> I honestly have no clue what to post im dead tired ;c; </3 }

<Orveta> She couldn't see or hear anything, but let out another whimper as she felt her
body being lifted into the air and moved someplace else. She flailed her arms and legs,
yelping and crying for her mother to 'rescue' her. Little did she know, she was being rescued
already. She had no idea what was going on. <Nadia> Aww poor Orveta i want to cuddle you to death for some reason)
* STATUS: Away
* STATUS: Online
<Aeviox> His eyes widened as he watched her get to her feet in such a state, a snarl ripping
through his throat before a sharp yelp broke out. Feeling her size overpower him, and he
teeth sinking into his flesh, there wasnt much he could do. Out of desperation he growled
and snaps at her, nipping his teeth into her nape weakly, clawing at her chest and pushing
back forcefully. "Goddamnit Delthorn!" He -c<Aeviox> snapped loudly before shaking his body attempting to get the large female off.<Vanguard> I GOT YOU AEV ]
<Vanguard> I GOT U MAN ]
<Delthorn> LOL }
<Aeviox> <3 ]
<Delthorn> Van is like the only one who could restrict her at the moment sadly }
<Aeviox> aev is so small compared to his mate and friend like damn ]
<Kovarro> don't worry kova can make you feel like you're huge :I }
* Delthorn ( Quit
* Delthorn ( has joined #Valkyre Castle
<Kovarro> WEEBS }
<Delthorn> Thank you <3 }
<Aeviox> weba <333 ]
<Delthorn> Dankedanke }
<Vanguard> The massive King would not stand idly by as his friend was so viciously
attacked by his own mate.... That would break the bro code. So with a powerful snarl,
Vanguard again lurched forward, though this time he was not protecting puppies. He was

pouncing on his other friend. "Back /off/, Delthorn," he snapped as his muscular body
collided with hers, hopefully with enough force to knock the -c<Vanguard> tired female away from Aeviox. His own teeth sank into her shoulder - call it
karma - and he crunched down rather harshly. Sometimes he needed to use pain to combat
pain.. And he certainly bit down. He could taste blood.<Delthorn> Bro code }
<Delthorn> <3 }
<Aeviox> yes friend hi ]
<Vanguard> i got you bro ]
<Aeviox> were like this -twists fingers together to resemble friendship.- ]
<Vanguard> can't beat the power of bromance del ]
<Aeviox> winkwonk ]
<Vanguard> i top if it wasn't obvious ]
<Vanguard> what ]
<Aeviox> LOL ]
<Vanguard> ;DD ]
<Kovarro> oooh watch out delt }
<Kovarro> ... -makes a quick note that aev isn't even big enough to top.- }
<Kovarro> ...heightorotherwise }
<Kovarro> Okay sorry :I }
<Aeviox> that makes things kinkier ]
<Vanguard> 'van crouch down dammit' 'I am dammit you're small' ]
<Delthorn> -Delthorn was suddenly thrown wildly off balance by Vanguard as he slammed
himself into her before bitting down on her shoulder. She snarled loudly in pain, but more so
in fury. She snapped pulled her neck to the side and snapped her jaws in his face. She
somehow managed to get a small chunk of his muzzle. She snapped her teeth togeather as
soon as contact was made and thrashed her neck as much-c
<Vanguard> '... wait are you in or' 'VAN SHUT UP OKAY']
<Kovarro> Perfect }
<Kovarro> whoa lady don't be touching my dad we will fight }
<Aeviox> grins ]

<Delthorn> as her limited movement allowed her. Delthorn however was still off balance
from vanguard slamming into her. Her paws slipped out from under her and she went right
down to the ground, her lock on vanguard releasing as she thudded to the ground.<Delthorn> c: }
<Delthorn> I want to shoot myself my eyes burn }
<Aeviox> Should we go to bed? The pups are born and everyones hurt. It's been a good
night. ]
<Delthorn> -Stares- }
<Delthorn> I am finishing this >:c }
<Aeviox> OKOK ]
<Delthorn> I think we have like one or two more posts left anyway }
<Orveta> i really need to stop drinking this Monster energy omg ]
<Nadia> Placing one paw over the hind end of the fish and holding it as she sunk her teeth
into its side and begant o yank and pull at the animal. As i tore off a large chink on meet she
snorted and began chewing it slowly. The taste of fish wasn't to her liking but i was the first
meal she could find in a while and need to fill her thin frame so she could keep going.<Aeviox> Feeling Del's jaws being ripped from his flesh made him cringe in pain, shaking it
off he lowered his head and gently wrapped his teeth around the small light timber, holding
the small child in his mouth like a crib. Then carefully, he nipped at the nape of the very
large black pup, carrying them both out safely and returning them to their siblings. Aeviox
refused to leave them, curling his -c<Aeviox> body around the litter of four to keep them warm. Laying there, he worried about
Vanguard and Delthorn. How much would they fight? He asked himself, slowly licking the
newborn pups clean.<Vanguard> Seeing as though Aeviox was making his escape, that left Vanguard with the
task of keeping Delthorn down. He had snarled when Delt's teeth tore at his muzzle, but like
his bite had done to her, it only sparked anger. Seeing as though Delthorn had fallen, the
King instantly seized the opportunity. As quick as a thought, his jaws parted and his head
darted down so he would be able to lock his -c* STATUS: Away
<Orveta> Orveta's tiny arms stretched out in front of her as she was then lifted up by her
father and placed on the ground, eventually being greeted by her siblings' presence as well.
As she felt the larger wolf curl next to them and immediately start to lick them clean, the
female naturally began searching for something to eat, though obviously not finding any.
She let out another whimper, curling closer+

<Vanguard> teeth around her throat. His grip was harsh and it kept it her head pinned to
the ground, but of course it would not kill her. His thick body stood over her's, blocking any
chance of escape. She would have to force him off, and in her state, it would be a challenge
not easily conquered. His tail was lifted high, and growls rolled from between his clenched
teeth.<Orveta> crap sorry Dx)
<Orveta> to her father.<Vanguard> No problem c: <333 ]
<Nadia> As she swallowed the meal she looked down at it and growled before opening her
jaw and thrusting her head fowards, sinking her teeth back in. Pulling her head back she
tryed and imagened the fish tasting like elk or a good deer after a long hunt. But the taste of
nasty water and animal filled her mouth and caused her growl to stay firmly in her chest as
she looked out at the water.<Delthorn> -Delthorn was suddenly siezed on and pinned down by Van. She squirmed and
thrashed, her back legs kicking into the kings belly as she hissed through clenched jaws. "I
hate you for this". Another round of thrashing at Van was given but Delthorn was just too
weak at this point...and she had not realized that she had slowly been loosing more blood.
The large females eyes slowly sealed shut and she -c
<Delthorn> fell limp in Vanguards Jaws. She breathed still. But it seemed as though giving
birth and then fighting had made the large female faint. -

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