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Rain Falls on the Just and the Unjust

Quilting with Jackie Camp Nov. 2014

Led by Beckie Perry & Dorene Beck

JOHN 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, so that ain Me you may have peace. bIn the world you
have tribulation, but ctake courage; dI have overcome the world.

Its easy to blame God or feel rejected, sad or even punished when
bad things happen. Today we are going to explore the nature of
God and provide some right thinking for those times when we think,
God, why did this have to happen?
[Goal: Go from Our thinking God is punishing me, God just doesnt care
about me, and God cant possibly be a loving God.
To: Right thinking: God is Omnipotent, He knows the hairs on our heads, he
preordained our every day and he does know us, sees us and cares for us so
Beckie turn: Biblical truth: Daniel in Lions Den: God saved Daniel not by
keeping the king from trying to destroy him by throwing into the furnace, but
by protecting him while he was in the furnace.
JOB said: Should I only thank God for the good and not the bad? Job did not
sin. God allowed Satan to test him. But not to kill him. But Job still
remained steadfast and obedient to God.
Bad stuff happens because the world is broken as a consequence of sin.
There is sin in the human heart. It is a part of our nature.
In addition, we have an enemy that opposes God, and he attacks us because
God Loves us.
When Bad stuff happens what do we do about it and what does God do with

God said he would use everything for Good. For those who love the Lord
and are called according to his purpose.
Those who love him, are obedient to him. Or try to be at least.

Dorene turn:
There are many benefits to being obedient to God. One example is given to
us by Jesus.
Shortly before the arrest and death of Jesus,
Jesus went into the garden of Gethsemene.
Jesus pleaded with God to take the task of
going through the death on the cross from
him. But he also said, Yet not as I will, but as you
will. Jesus knew he was sent here to die a cruel and
horrible death to pay for our sins. He would do
anything for us, but in his humanness begged God to
spare him but was prepared to do it anyway if that was
what God willed.
Jesus knew that he had enemies and they meant evil for him. Jesus prayed to God and
asked him to forgive his enemies. God commanded in Matthew 4:44-45 to Love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who
despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is
in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the
just and on the unjust.
Later on in

James 1:2-3

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you
know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverence must finish its
work so that you may be complete, lacking nothing.
The definition of Perseverance means steadfastness, endurance. Continuing in a course of
action without regard to discouragement. Loyalty patience and steadfastness.
Perseverance gives us maturity and completeness. This hard stuff we all must go through,
when we relay on God and remain in Joy, gives us the ability to maintain an activity or
commitment despite fatigue or difficulty. So even when we dont know the reasons things
happen, we can stand on the promises and love of God to be with us through the difficulty.
God doesnt make bad stuff happen, and he doesnt punish us with bad stuff. Sin in the
world does that. Hard stuff shapes us and if we are willing, we can be vessels for God to

Beckie Turn

Joys of having Gods strength in our weakness.

(He is our all. Or something like that you were



My word this year has been TRUST. I learned that we have to actually
believe that God does love us and that he will take care of us to Trust Him.
Its the same for letting go when bad things happen and trusting in God. We
share a secret, painful fear that God isn't really looking out for us. How can
we love him if he can't be trusted? We have to believe God is telling us the
truth and that he wont rip us off. The key to trusting him is believing what
he said in the Bible is true.
Isaiah 41:10 states that we should not fear or be discouraged and that he would give us strength
and help us.




We can trust that. God told us he would be our strength.

Next Steps:
Help ladies to see something practical. What can I do about the co-worker or
friend who is mean to me? Pray for and Love them.
What can I do when something bad happens to me? Trust God.
What happens if I end up divorced or have a sick child or lose a parent or
suffer abuse? How do I respond, what do I do?
Respond in trust and faith that God is with you.

2-3 Points in entire talk.

Remember to talk about free will.

People have free will to act as we will and if God took that away by
interfering with our lives,

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