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ProjectCenter Set-up Procedure



Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3


Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 3


Information needed to define and organize the project site................................................ 4

Project General Data ............................................................................................................. 4
Project Customization Items ................................................................................................. 5
Project Workflows ................................................................................................................. 7
Project Access Level .............................................................................................................. 8

ProjectCenter Project site set-up

1. Introduction

ProjectCenter is an online collaboration platform which enables team members of a

project to store, retrieve and exchange project information, manage project
communications, task assignments, workflow and business processes, schedule, and
offers ad-hoc online reports for an easy to track real time project status.
The set-up procedure is very simple; it takes a few days only to have the project and its
users up and running.
In the set-up process there are items which can be customized at the project level and
enforced for the whole team and items which will be part of a preference list for each

2. Methodology

ProjectCenter could be up and running in a few days, including the site definition and
any customization needed specifically in the project.
Our methodology consists on a 3 simple steps:

Steps and Main activities

Activity Owner

1. Project definition and organization:


Site activation


Define project team (organizations and users)


Create project folder structure


Manage user permissions


Include customization items requested by the

Client (document status, logo, predefined
assignees, reminders, etc.)


communication templates


Review site




ProjectCenter Project site set-up

2. Training Sessions

(ProjectCenter use under specific conditions
established by the Client)

Organize training

Send login data to project members







ProjectCenter o Client

3. Follow-up and adjustments


Modify or adjust project data


Initial project activity reports


3. Information needed to define and organize the project site

Mandatory data is marked with *

Project General Data


Name* (it can be changed at any moment in time)

Project Folder/Subfolder tree (it can be changed at any moment in time).

Although there is no technical limitation, we recommend maximum 4 levels in the

tree with intuitive names in order to guide the user in the navigation. This tree

ProjectCenter Project site set-up

serves as a visual information classification and at the same time allows for a more
straightforward document search.




Contact details: phone, fax, etc.


Role in the project (e.g. Client, Engineering, Project Manager, etc.)

Users for each organization :




Role in the project

Other contact data: landline phone, cell, Skype, etc.

Project Customization Items

Project Logo or specific picture to be used for the main entry page of the project
(e.g.: project site picture, Client logo or the combination of all organizations logos).
This item is not mandatory but it can prove to be useful for those users
participating in several projects at the same time as they recognize immediately
the site they logged in.

Document status list (e.g.: For information, For approval, Approved, Approved with
Comments, Rejected, etc.). This list is available at the moment of publishing the
information and later on for edits purposes. Please see below an example:

ProjectCenter Project site set-up

Contact groups: distribution lists used for notification or communication purposes:

Groups can be used when notifying the upload of new information or

when assigning a task

All groups can be modified at any moment in time

They are similar to email distribution lists

Document folders in the project structure where document approval feature

needs to be enabled. Additionally, if in these approvals the assignees are always
the same, they can be customized in advance and established as part of the

Custom fields to capture additional information both on documents and process

templates. By default, the fields which are captured across the whole application
are: i) for documents: Name, Description, Author, Status, Date, SIze, ii) for
processes: Originator, Assignee, Subject, Due date, Status. Additional fields such
as Discipline, Internal Revision, Location, Impact, etc. can be included by enabling
custom fields at any project folder level.
These custom fields become searchable after their creation which eases and fine
tunes the search task for the users.

Custom field types:


Drop down lists

Memo (2000 characters text fields)

Radio (predefined options like in a questionnaire)

ProjectCenter Project site set-up


Custom fields can be defined as mandatory which means the user will not be able
to finish the task without making the appropriate selection.

Project Workflows

Any process that needs to be tracked and monitored through online reports can be
enabled using the templates available in ProjectCenter. E.g.: RFIs, Change Orders,
Approvals, Inspections, Punch list, etc.
Please see below the templates available in ProjectCenter, they have different
actions, status and number of participants:


Task assignment: it could use a simple workflow as the template and then
further customize adding the fields, reminders and assignees
ProjectCenter Project site set-up

RFIs: multiple workflow templates are recommended as these templates

allow for more convoluted processes, with reassignments and forwards

Special communications: in case communications require an answer prior

to a date, the discussion workflow template can be used.

Project Access Level

Access levels for user groups (Security roles)


Define which team members have the same Access level and group them
under one specific role. One person can belong to 1 role only. If users
cannot be grouped because they all have different access levels then an
individual permission setting is done.

Manage permissions for each security role or individual user depending on

the role played in the project:

N - No access: whoever is granted this role will not see the project
section, folder or subfolder where this right is selected
RO - Read Only: Users with this role will only view, print and markup through the online viewer
RD - Read Download: Users with this Role will be able to view and
RW - Read Write: Users with this role will be able to view,
download and upload
Folder Admin (FA): Users with this role will have full control over
the documents contained in the folder where this permission is
Project Admin (PA): whoever is named project administrator can
act upon the project structure, its team, upgrade/downgrade
users, invite new team members. Moreover, these administrators
can enable/disable features across the project and enforce
workflow processes and specific rules. They are also the ones in
charge of sending the login credentials

The permission setting is easily captured and retrieved both for security
roles and individual users in the form of a matrix spreadsheet. Please see
below an example:

ProjectCenter Project site set-up

ProjectCenter Project site set-up

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