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megalomania-obssession with power
poletarianvernacular-the everyday speech of the people it's differrent from officail langu
indigent-one hhu is in need,a destitude
caricature-mockering,a representaion of a person exaggerated for comic effect,sa
tirical,exaggerated portrayal of a person(better not caricature ur manager)
sophist-a thinker,one who is skilled
conducive(to)-tendency to,cause,produce something,RESPONSIBLE FOR,BRING ABOUT ex
:regular exercise is a conducive to health
SMEAR,TRADUCE,BESMIRCH,MALIGN---defaming one's name,sullying one's reputation
ablution-ritual wash,dip in the holy waters
absturse(adj)-something very difficult to understand(esoteric,recondite)
abstrusive theories,maths is an abstrusive subject for many
the subject is too abstrusive to undestand
The no. of ways in which three distinct numbers in an AP can be selected
from 1, 2, ...., 24 is
In the metro railway system, every station sells tickets for every other
station. Some new stations are added for which 46 sets of additional tickets we
re required. How many stations were there originally and how many new stations w
ere added?.
furtive-sordid,sly fromal adjective to describe something sly and secret
let's hope ur teacher doesn't c u furtive attempts to pass notes
falter- gesitate,stumble,thotharapadu
retreat-a place for privacy,place u can go to be alone,retreats to the friendly
ostensible - appearing as such but not necessary so
his ostensible purpose is charity but his real goal is popularity
accurse-under a curse,daurbhagyam,chedda
laconic,taciturn,reticent-short and economical and meaningful
prolix manner-which is long winding writng and repetitive,garrulous,verb
ose,loquacious,voluble-who talks more too mcuh in wanderer manner
abeyance-delaying decision (indesicive phase)(period of suspension)
stalemate,impasse,deadlock-no decison has made,no result
fad-short live passion,popular for some time
passe-out of fashion,no longer fashionable
posse-posse of dogs chasing me,posse of people(group of peoplw)

p implies q means if p occurs q has to occur

if then told that q occurred then p may or may not hav occured
as viceversa p not occured we can not say q has occured
we told that q has not occured then p must not hav occured
negation p folows negation q
p -> q = `q->`p
dystopia---the world in which people live under highly controlled or in totalita
rian society
maudlin-tearfully,weakly emotional
impolitic-unwise,imprudent,not expedient1
repose-freedom from activity,nidra,shayanam,lie,serenity,to put something in som
--------------------------piece--to piece-to disassemble into
conversation pieceone is suitable or right for that thing
all of a piece- a situation where one is suitable or right for that thing
to pick someone or something into pieces-criticize someone or something harshly
---------------I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE WHO believe everything they hear(not i hear)
Fused sentences happen when there are two independent clauses not separated by a
ny form of punctuation. This error is also known as a run-on sentence. The error
can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate
the two sentences.
Incorrect: My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her.
Correct: My professor is intelligent. I've learned a lot from her.
(or) My professor is intelligent; I've learned a lot from her.
(or) My professor is intelligent, and I've learned a lot from her.
(or) My professor is intelligent; moreover, I've learned a lot from her.
a number of ,quantity of - for countable nouns
quantity of-uncountable nouns
a lot of/lots of have similar meanings
with countable niuns it is plural(a lot of people go there)
with uncountable nouns it is singular(a lot of work is there)
a lot-very much/very often
Consider 2-digit integers.
Based on the given information, we have (10x + y) (10y + x) = 9(x y).
This number is always divisible by 9.
Consider 3-digit integers.
Based on the given information, we have (100x + 10y + z) (100z + 10y + x) = 99(x
This number is always divisible by 99.
Consider 4-digit integers.
Based on the given information, we have
(1000w + 100x + 10y + z) (1000z + 100y + 10x + w)
= 999w + 90x 90y 999z
= 9(111w + 10x 10y 111z).
This number is always divisible by 9.
If we extend this logic, we can generalise that if the number of digits is even,
the difference is divisible by 9 and if the number of digits is odd, then the d

ifference is divisible by 99.

Since M and N are both 100-digit integers, |M N| will be divisible by 9.
The best answer is option 2.
100 digit number if we subtract its revers
if number of digits is odd is divisbly by 9 or even it's divisble by 9 11 99
to write randomly means writing anywhere
write at randomly means writing something with random thoughts

Rule 2. Subject pronouns are also used if they rename the subject. They will fol
low to be verbs, such as is, are, was, were, am, will be, had been, etc.
It is he.
This is she speaking.
It is we who are responsible for the decision to downsize.
like we can not use it as conjuction but as we can
ascendancy- the state that exists when one person or group has power over anothe
batten down the hatches-prepare for omen trouble
squirreling away something-ide something
-------------------a is largest of a-class
eg:man iS largest of human beings
superlative degrees--unique,almighty,ideal,perfct,cmplete,universal,entire,extee
elder eldest-age person within the family
older oldest-persns things for prsns out side famioly
one of_plural noun's verb
is always singular
A pair of's verb always singular
the rich the guilty the blind -plural
fruits canot be used-it shud be fruit
one another-more than 2
each other-2
jamboree- a noise merry making celebration
Sum of the squares of the length of the diagonals = Sum of squares of latera
l sides + 2 Product of bases.
AC2 + BD2 = AD2 + BC2 + 2 x AB x CD
If a trapezium is inscribed in a circle, it has to be an isosceles trapezium
If a circle can be inscribed in a trapezium, Sum of parallel sides = Sum of
lateral sides.
An isosceles tangential trapezoid is a tangential trapezoid where the le
gs are equal. Since an isosceles trapezoid is cyclic, an isosceles tangential tr
apezoid is a bicentric quadrilateral. That is, it has both an incircle and a cir
If the bases are a and b, then the inradius is given by

odd functionf(-x)=-f(x)---------symmetric about origin(opposite quadrants)d

f(-x)=f(x)----------symmetric about y-axs
x^2+y^2+xy =9
y^2+z^2 +yz= 16
z^2 + x^2+zx = 25
find xy+yz+zx
1) 8rt3 2)16rt3 3) 13rt3 4) 5
A man/woman of his/her word means a person who keeps his/her promises. Option 1 oug
ht to be written as- she was a woman of her word (not words).
In option 2, In a word means briefly. It has been used correctly.
In option 3, of few words means taciturn. It has been used correctly.
In option 4, wasted words means words spoken in vain.
Hence, the correct answer is option 1.

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