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Texas Ethics Commission 2.0.B0x 12070 __Austn, Texas 78711-2070, (612)465:5800___ 1-800-525-8806 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FORM PFS COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter 572 of the Goverment Code. 7 |=" page 1 of 37 For flings required in 2018, covering calendar year ending December 31,2014% bcsonmrw Use FORM PFS - INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form. 00051407 co er OFFIGE USE ONLY Me enneth - "AND DELIVERED ‘csovaus, LAST, SUFPOC RECEIVED Ken Paxton ur JUN 30 206 2 ADDRESS: Toxas Ethics Commission 1005 Congress ool Sue #20 : RS tx 78701 polo 1 creox i ees HOME Koo PROCESSED JUN 3 0 2015 3 TELEPHONE inset faase oa foe ee (469) 247-2360 7 REASON FOR FLING eraitieNT Cl canoioate (noreare oFFice) (I ELECTED OFFICER Attomey General 0 inca OFFICE) CO appoINTED OFFICER nica AGENCY) CO executive HEAD nica AGENCY) Cl FORMER OR RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT TD STATE PARTY CHAIR: {INDICATE PARTY) O other IDICATE POSITION) 5 Family members whose financial activity you are reporting (fier must report information about the financial activity ofthe fers spouse or dependent children ifthe fler had actual contol aver that activi) for Angela Paxton DEPENDENT CHLD 1 Inparts 1 through 18, you wll disclose your financial activity during the calendar year. In parts 1 through 14, you are requited to disclose not only your own fnancial actly, but also that of your spouse or a dependent child if you had actual control ‘over that person's financial activity ay COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY R! G5@g3l “Texas Etties Commission 2.0.x 12070 _ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)465-5000 1.200.325.8806 7 nor appuicaste SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME PART 1A ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, Indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the Child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 4 INFORMATION RELATES TO rier O spouse 1 bePeNpenr cuit —_ 2 eMPLoyMENT 1 eupoven ey ANOTHER OF seir-eurtoven NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / POSITION HELD LD (creckit riers Home adsross) The State of Texas - State Senate Texas State Capitol 1400 N Congress Austin, TK P8701 ‘Texas Senate - District 8 NATURE OF OCCUPATION State Senator - District 8 INFORMATION RELATES TO FILER, CO spouse CO vePENDENT CHILD. —__ EMPLOYMENT Dl ewptoven ey ANOTHER Ol seiremptoven AWE AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / POSITION HELD D1 (Check Fors Home Adsrese) W. Kenneth Paxton, Je PLLC 205 S Kentucky ‘Mckinney, TX'75069 attomneyfowner NATURE OF OGcURATION 1 seur-ewproveo Atorney INFORMATION RELATES TO @ Fuer O spouse CO beEPENDENT CHILD ___ TRIE AN ADDRESS OF ENPLOVER POSTION ELD EMPLOYMENT 1 (checcir Frs Home sess Ci ewrtoveosvanorver | tannic 208 S Kentucky, Mckinney, TX'75069 NATURE OF OCCUPATION Tite company COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commision P.O. 80x 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (5124463-5800 4-900-326-8808 SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME 1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 1A providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, When reporting information about a dependent chie's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by INFORMATION RELATES TO O Fer @ spouse CO vePeNDENT CHILD ? EMPLOYMENT 1 (Check irFit's Home Adress) EMPLOYED EY ANOTHER | euacy Chistian Academy 5000 Academy Drive Pasco, 1% 13054 guidance counselor 1 seurenpioveo INATURE OF OGoUPATION educator NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOVER / POSITION HELD COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY. “Texas Ethics Commision P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 70711-2070, (12460-5000 1-800-025-8506 STOCK C1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 2 INSTRUCTION GUIDE, List each business entity n which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year {and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired. If some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain of loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 BUSINESS ENTITY COPsyne Ine 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Di] FILER Di srouse TI DEPENDENT GHLD 3 NUMBER OF SHARES. DtesstHan 100 = C] 1o0t0499 ©) so0Tom §=— 10000 4,900 C1s.000709,999 —_ [&] 19.0000 MORE soi EEMETSA T ces rmmenaco [esem-snsno CJsowo soso (Jesu on one STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | J FILER spouse (CU DEPENDENT CHILD ___ NUMBER OF SHARES (Less THAN 100 1D 100 To 499 500 To 999 D 1,000 To 4,999 5.000 10 9,999 10,000 OR MORE. pera F SOLD EANETAN | tess aws5.000 C]ss000-se.009 C]stoono-scxs02 C]s25.00-o wore ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0..80x 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (si2y463-5800 1-800-325-8506 MUTUAL FUNDS Ol Nor APPLICABLE PART 4 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or Acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 MUTUAL FUND, ‘Aggressive Allocation - GGBZX Tae 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FU HELD OR ACQUIRED BY IND Cree Bi srouse CD verenoenr cH 3 NUMBER OF SHARES. (OF MUTUAL FUND, Des THan 100 D7 5,000 To 9,990 D100 70.400 1 10,000 0R MoRE Disooro% §=—— 1} 1,000 70.4.000 4 iF SOLD yer gain CLess THAN $5,000 [1] $5,000- $9,209 [] $10,000-$24,999 ] $25,000-OR MORE Oner oss MUTUAL FUND = ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce Bisrouse CJ oePenoenr cuit Pe Mtaiibas! Ctess tian too [J soo To4s0 © sooo m9 ©] 1,000 104.000 (OF MUTUAL FUND. D1 5.000 10 9,999 Bf 10.000 oF More IF SOLD Diner caw Lites Tran $5,000 [7] $5,000-s2.09 [1] $10,000-824,000 [1] $25,000-OR MORE Dnertoss MUTUAL FUND. — ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crner Bi spouse Ci erenoenr cH CEMnccuKbas CHtess tran 100 (100499 ©) s00To 9 ©] 1.00070.4.900, (OF MUTUAL FUND 1D 5.000 10 9,999 1 10.0000 More IF SOLD Cner can CnerLoss Des THAN $5,000 1 s5.000--s9,000 Di s10.000-824.909 [] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 70711-2070 wsi2yesss00 1.800.325.8508 MUTUAL FUNDS I Nor appuicasLe PART 4 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category ofthe number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category ofthe amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent chilc's acti, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, OF MUTUAL FUND. 1D) 5,000 To 9,999 7 TONE MUTUAL FUND pee 2. SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oruer Di srouse ——]oePenoenrcuito _ [3 NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. tess tian too oo ro4se ©] s00 To s99 ©] 1.000704.000 Cs.000 109.99 =F) 10,0000 MORE 4 iF SOLD Oner can Ces rHanss.00 C] 35000-89900 [] s10,000-s24.969 [1] s25,000-oR MORE: Drertoss MUTUAL FUND prisx ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crier Bi spouse Cloerennenr cHto __ SEMUTIAL FUND Tltess tian too (100 T0499) soo Tose ©] 1,0007104,909 1 10,000 oR MORE IF SOLD Diner can [ess tHawss.000 [1] s5.000-s9.999 [] s10,000- $24,000] $25,000-0R MORE: Dnervoss MUTUAL FUND 7 ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oruer i] seouse D1 verenoenr c#.o NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND C1Less THAN 100 D1 5.000 10 9,000 190 70-490 10,000 oF moRE Disooro% © 1} 1.000 T0.4,900, IF SOLD Diner can Dnettoss (Chess tHan $5,000 C1s5.000- 59.999 [] $10,000- $24,999] $25,000~OR MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78711-2070, (512465.5800___1-800-325.8608 MUTUAL FUNDS ParT 4 1 Nor APPLICABLE List each mutual fund and the numberof shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ~2cquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all ofthe shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized {rom the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs Iisted on the Cover Sheet 1 MUTUAL FUND a ve 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner SPOUSE Dl oerenoenr chit PNUMGER OF SHARES! DiesstHan 100 — BJ wooro4e9 © C}s00 T0999») 1,000 704,000 OF MUTUAL FUND D500 709,900] 10.0008 woRE 4 IF SOLD Diner caw Dies Tuan 35.000) $5,000-s9.808 [1] $10,000-$24,909 [7] $25,000-08 MORE Dnervoss TNE MUTUAL FUND bruvx ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orer WW spouse Di oerenpent ctu NUMBER OF SHARES Benaimisteuco DiiesstHan 100 BJ weoTo 489 © C]s00 T0999 ©} 1,000 T0400 Di s,000 709,999] 10.000 0R MoRE IF SOLD ner can Tess rian s5000 (C} 45000-8999 C] s10.000-524.999 C) s25.000-08 MORE Cnervoss MUTUAL FUND oEREX SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orne BIsrouse —_CJoerenoenr cro MEE ones! CtesstHan 100 © BJ 100T0499 © soo TO e99, 1D 1.000 10 4,999 (OF MUTUAL FUND, 1s.000 709.909] 10.0000R MORE F SOLD Dneroan o CD nertoss 999 1] $25,000.08 MORE Ess THAN'$5,000 [] $5,000-s09 [1] $10,000-s2 COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission MUTUAL FUNDS. Not APPLICABLE P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 4-900-296-8506 PART 4 (512)468-5800 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category ofthe number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child i listed on the Cover Sheet, OF MUTUAL FUND 1 5,000 10 9.988 7 Te MUTUAL FUND ra 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY OFwer spouse DEPENDENT CHILD 3 NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. OltesstHani00 [RJ 100 T0499 1 500 To 999 1,000 To 4,999 C1 s0c0 70896) rocco oR MORE 4 SOLD Ciner can [tess THAN $5,000 [1] $5,000-§9.909 [1] $10,000- $24,909] $25,000-0R MORE ner toss MUTUAL FUND a SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY I Fer Oisrouse (DEPENDENT CHILD: NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND Chess tanto Ly tooro49 CE} sooro.ew 1.00070 4980 1H) 5000709909] 10.0000 MORE IF SOLD Ciner can Cees THN ss.co0 [1 s.000-s5.00 [] s10.000- $24,909 [7 $25,000-0R MORE Liner voss MUTUAL FUND orev © SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce Cisrouse CJ erenvenr cet __ OEMUTUALEUNOI Cuess tran too — C]00t0409 © soo T0000 1.00070 4.900 D1 10,000 08 more IF SOLD ner ean Onertoss (ess tHaN $5,000 )s5.000-s9,909 E] s10,000-$24,900 1] $25,000-0R MORE, COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800 1-800-526-8606 MUTUAL FUNDS 1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 4 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale, For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 MUTUAL FUND Disk 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruer Lisrouse C1 berenoenr cHito 3 NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND Kltess than too CJ 0070409 © so Toso ©] 1,000 T4000 T1s.000 709.069] 190000R MORE 4 IF SOLD ONer can Bless tHanss.000 [) $5.000-s8,999 [] s10.000-$24,909 [1] $26,000-oR MORE. Ciner oss: MUTUAL FUND — SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Brier CO seouse Dloerenvenr crite De eee IKDEe (tess Tuan — Joo Toss soo Tose RY 1,000704,900 OF MUTUAL FUND 1 s:000 70 9,900 1D 10,000 oF more IF SOLD C1ner can (tess THAN 5.000 []$5000-$9.999 [1] $10,000-24900 [7 $26,000-08 MORE Cner toss: MUTUAL FUND aan SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruen Cisrouse — ]ocrenoenr oxo Pe iedeinpes (tess Tuan io CJ 100To4eo soo Toso (X] 1,000704.000 (OF MUTUAL FUND 1 5.000 70 9.880 1D 10.000 oF More IF SOLD Diner can Cnertoss ess THAN $5,000 i s5.000-s9,009E] $10,000-$24,909 [7] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)465:5800 1-800-325-2806 MUTUAL FUNDS C1 NOT APPLICABLE PART 4 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized fom the sale, For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent chil's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, OF MUTUAL FUND 1 s:000 To 9.999 1 Tae MUTUAL FUND Ane 2. SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY fl Fuer D seouse Di vePenoent cnt eta Duress tHantoo Loo t0488 © C00 T0909} 1,000 704,900, 10000 oF More (OF MUTUAL FUND. D1 5.000 10 9,990 4 iF SOLD Diner can Ci tess riawssoq0 (2 $5000-s.999 2] s10000-s24999 1] $25.000-08 MORE ner toss MUTUAL FUND DFREX ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Fier Ci spouse D1 DEPENDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Dtess travs00 — C) 10070499 ©] so0 10.999 1000704990 1D 20,000 on More (OF MUTUAL FUND, 1 5,000 70 0,000 IF SOLD (ner can tess tHan'ss.000 1] s5000-89.999 L] sia000- 524.509) $25,000-0R MORE Cinertoss MUTUAL FUND a ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rier Ci srouse Dloerenenr cro EE tae CtesstHant0o CJ ro0To40 soot me ©] 1900 104.000 1B 10.000 oF more IF SOLD Diner can Dinertoss Bess THanss.o00 [ss000-s9.999 [) s1e.000-s24.909 [1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission ___P.0. ox 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78741-2070 i512)462.5900__1.90025.8506 MUTUAL FUNDS Nort APPLICABLE PART 4 List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or oss realized {rom the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet OF MUTUAL FUND 5.00070 9.099, 7 me MUTUAL FUND pave 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Brwer Csrouse (1 DerENDENT CHILD P NUMBER OF SHARES Cisssnuwie inrowe smo Cl nmoTo«o 5.000 To 9,000 D1 10.000 oR MORE FF Sow (ner can [tess THaNss.000 [2] $5,000-s0.09 [1] s1o00-s24000 [1] $28,000-0R MORE OD nertoss MUTUAL FUND orusx ; SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crwer [i] spouse (CbereNDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES) Class Han 100 © J 100 T0499 ©] s00 10.999, 1 1.000 10 4,999 11 10.000 oR MORE SOL Cer can [uses rHaws5000 [1] s8000-s0.009 7] sto0o0-824000 [1] s28.000-08 WORE (Cinettoss MUTUAL FUND vpn SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce spouse JOePeNoeNTcHLD __ NUMBER OF SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND C1 tess THAN 100 D7 5.00 70 9,998 D100 10.400 Bi 10,000 08 wore Discor099 £3 1.00070 4,999 IF SOLD Oner can Diner toss Di tess THan 35.000 Di s5.000-s0.009 E] si,000-s24.989 [1 $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 __ stn, Texas 78711-2070, (512)465:5000 1.900.925.0506 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 1 Not APPLICABLE, List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired. If some or all ofthe shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 MUTUAL FUND, — — 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rier Hl spouse Cl oePenvenr cho 3 NUMBER OF SHARES OE MTUAE EUR LiuesstHan too 10010499 © soo T0999 © 1.000 To. 4990 5,000 109,99] 19.0000R MORE 4 1F SOLD Cer oan [ess Tianss.o00 5000-50009] s10.000-s2400 C] s25000-on MORE (ner toss Tan MUTUAL FUND ren ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orr By spouse Cl oerenvenr cro NUMBER OF SHARES OE PATA UND Dhutss tian tos J 1000499 © C500 T0.909 1,000 T0990) TD s000 109.999 1] 199000R MORE IF SOLD Diner ean [ess tHanss.000 [1] $5,000-s9.999 [1] s10.000-$24,999 2] $25,000-OR MORE Diner toss MUTUAL FUND pone ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orter spouse (oer envenr chito NUMBER OF SHARES Cluessmavie Cueto. Clewroms Bi imoToaae TsocoT0 9.89] 1000 0R Mone 1F SOLD Diner can [ess Hans5.000 [1] $5,000-$9,999 [] $10,000. $24,998] $25,000-oR MORE Diner toss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.f0x 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (s2}463-5600___+.900:525.8508 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 1 NoT APPLICABLE List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired, If ‘some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category ofthe amount ofthe net gain or loss realized {rom the sale, For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about @ dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 Ta MUTUAL FUND. ae 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce D srouse Doerenoenr cto __ 3 NUMBER OF SHARES BE TMi e aN [tess ta 100 =] woto499 © CJ s00 10909] 1,000 T4000 [i s.000709.90 — ] 10.0000R MORE 4 IF SOLD ner can Lites traw'ss.000 2] $5.000-$9.989 ] s10,000- $24,099] $25,000-0R MORE Onertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethies Commission P.O. 80x 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512y485-5000 1-800-326-8506, INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS PaRT 5 1 NoT APPLICABLE List each source of income you, your spouse, of @ dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the income, For ‘more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 SOURCE OF INCOME NANE AND MOORES XTO Eneray 810 Houston Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-6208 2 RECEIVED BY Ber 1 spouse Di oePenvenr cHiLD 3 AMOUNT, Di ss00-s4,909 fH} $5,000-s8,999 [] st0,000- 24.000] $25,000-0R MORE ‘SOURCE OF INCOME eee ‘TD Ameritrade PO Box 2257, Omaha, NE 68103-2237 RECEIVED BY Bl ruer By spouse Di bePeNDeNT CHILD ‘AMOUNT [i] s500-s2,90 2] 85,000-89,999 [] s10.000- 24.009] $25,000-0R MORE ‘SOURCE OF INCOME. Ca Bank ofthe Ozarks 197 Lebanon Road Frisco, TX 75034 RECEIVED BY Bru Di souse DoePenoent cHiuo ‘AMOUNT. GH] s500-$4,909 2]. $5,000-$9,099 C1] s10.000-$24.999 C1] $25,000-0R mone COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0. 80x 12070__Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (12488-5000 1-800-025-8500 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS Part 5 1 NoT APPLICABLE List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount ofthe income. For ‘more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 SOURCE OF INCOME ed Victoria Energy 421 § Main Steet Farmersville, TX 75442 }2 RECEIVED BY Bruce CD srouse Ol vePenoenr onto 3 AMOUNT [1 ss00-s4.000 1] s8,000-$0,009 fH] $10,000- $24,900] $25.000-oR MORE: ‘SOURCE OF INCOME ee Vanguard PO Box 2600 Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600 RECEIVED BY usr By spouse (Cl vePenpenr cH ‘AMOUNT 500-8499 [} s5.000-$9.909 [] $10.000-s24,009 [1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY. “Texas Ethies Commission 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78741-2070 (512 463-5800 1-800-325-0608 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS 1 NOT APPLICABLE PART 6 tion, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, oF ‘a dependent child had a total financial liablity of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount ofthe lability. For more informa- When reporting information about a dependent chila's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by T PERSON ORINSTITUTION | Fist Financial Bank HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT 2 LIABILITY OF a Bruce [i sPouse Di berenvenr cut 3 GUARANTOR * AMOUNT [s1.000-s4009 1) $5,000- $9,990 Di s10000- 524,900 [i] $26,000-0R WORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION — | Alliance Bank Central Texas HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT ABILITY OF eee Berner Cispouse Cl oerenoeNt cH GUARANTOR AMOUNT Cs1.000-s4999 C)ss.000-s9999 1] s10.000-s24,909 [X}$25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0. ox 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070, (512)03.5000__ 1.000.925.8506 C1 Nor APPLICABLE INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PaRT 7A INSTRUCTION GUIDE. Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for complating this section, see FORM PFS- \When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER SPOUSE (C1 DEPENDENT CHILD [2 STREET ADDRESS Di sor avanasie il creck ir Fter's HoMe Azores 15613 S Woodcreek Cir Mekinney, 1X 75074 Colin 3 DESCRIPTION Bucs Drcaes 1 ot Calin 4 NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Di norarpuicasce: (SEVERED MINERAL TEREST) 5 IF SOLD Dnercan Linertoss Di ess tHan $5,000 i s5.000-$9,999 [] $10.000-s24900 [] $25.000-oR MORE ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Etles Commission p. 10. 80¢ 12070 _Austin, Texas 78711.2070 (612)465:5800 1-800-325-8808 Cl Nor APPLICABLE INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES PaRT 7B INSTRUCTION GUIDE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year, Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce Ci spouse Di bePenoenr cHico 2 DESCRIPTION Cl ecestirnrs tome Aten KEP Belcaive Parking LTO {6205 Chapel Mill Bld Suite 600. Piano, TX 75003 3 iF SOLD Cneroan Tess THanss.o00 C] 35000-89999 []s10.000-s2490 [1] s25.000-0R MORE Dnertoss, HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rer Cisrouse LD) oeenoenr Huo eee Caeser tone nes) Premier Vertical Properties LP 201 W Viginig Steet Mekinney, 1X 75069 1F SOLD ner oan Ciess Transco [1] $5.000-se900 [1] $10.000-$24800 1] s28,000-oR more Cner oss, HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruen Ci srouse Di verenoenr crn DESCRIPTION Di teestt eters tine ates SKA Holdings LLC 201 W Vigina Steet Hekinneye TX 78088 IF SOLD ner oan Cuessrinw ss.000 (C} $s000-59909 C] 10000-24969 C] $25000-OR MORE Cnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethies Commission p. 0.x 12070 _ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)465:5800 __1-800-376.8506 Nor aPpLicaste INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B INSTRUCTION GUIDE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Brner Ci srouse D1 brenden chit 2 DESCRIPTION Dercctrientons tose) Burleson Future Investments LLC 232 NW Tarrant Bureson, TX 76028 3 IF SOLD Cer can Diner toss C1 Less THAN $5,000 [] $5,000-s9,999 [] $10,000-$24,999 [7] $25,000-0R MORE HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Emer Di srouse Di dePeNDeNT cH DESCRIPTION Di esecct ers Home Aes) Burloson Premier Real Estate Investments, LP 232 NW Tarrant Burleson, TX 75028 IF SOLD Ciner can Ctess raaw s.oco [] s6000-89.909 [] s10,000-#24909 1] s25,000-0R moRE Gnertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY lruer Di srouse C1 bePennenr cHito DESCRIPTION Detter ome hts) Washington 1417 LP 6860 TPC Drive Suita 210 McKinney, TX 75070 IF SOLD ner oan C1tess Tiass.000 1] 55000-89900] s10,000-s24.009 [1] $25,000-OR NORE Onertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas ites Commission P.0,80612070__Austin, Texas 78741-2070, (12465-5800 __ 1-800-325-8808 1 nor appuicaste INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES PaRT 7B INSTRUCTION GUIDE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sal. For an explanation of beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Barter Ci srouse D1 vePeNoenr CHILD 2 DESCRIPTION cent erste Aes) Eldorado-Collin LP 802 East 15th Street Plano, TX 75074 3 IF SOLD Diner can Diner toss Di ess THaNss.000 [1] $5,000-$8,099 [] $10,000-$24,909 [1] 25,000-0R MORE: HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Di srouse Tl oerennent cHLo See Tenet ers Home Aste Colin-tighway 5 LP 802 East 15th Street Plano, TX 75074 IF SOLD Liner caw [Less THAN $5,000 1] $5,000. $9,909 1] $10,000-824,909 1] $25,000-08 MORE Dnertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Ci spouse Di vePencent cH ae Di eect ers Home Aes W. Kenneth Paxton, Jr PLLC 513 S Woodereek Cir McKinney, TX 7507 IF SOLD ner oan Ltess Tuan ss.000 [1] $5.000-$8,909 [1] $10,000-s24,000 1] $28,000-0R MORE Dnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethies Commission P.O. fox 12070 _ Austin, Texas 76711-2070 «sgso-seoo __1-9009256508, INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES ParT 7B 1 NoT APPLICABLE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale, For an explanation of beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 See rue Csrouse CL bePenoenr CHILD ceecerion Di ceeccrrsare ome ates Enforcement Video LLC 415 Cent Perkay Alen, TX 5013 3 IF SOLD ner can Cues rHan 5.000] s5900-$9.997 []s10.000-s24909 [1] $25,000-08 MORE Cner toss. HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bo ruer Cisrouse 1] berenoenr cH ee i erent ar ome es) TRT Enterprises LLC 14331 Proton Road Dallas, TX 75284 IF SOLD Liner can (tess rHawss.000 [1] s5000-s0.999 [1] s10.000-s2.900 [1] $26,000-08 MORE Tinertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY i ruer Cisrouse ——] bePeNveNT CHD DESCRIPTION Di csean ttre tone se Realty America Group Investments LLC 4809 Cole Ave Suite 200 Dallas, 1X 75205 IF SOLD (ner can [Less THaNss.000 C] $5.000-$8,009 [1] s10.000-$24.000 1] $25,000-OR MORE Cnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethes Commission 2.0. ox 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 1512)465:5800 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B Ol Nor APPLICABLE 1-800-326-8508 Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the ‘calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS~ INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FUER Csrouse Di verenoenr crite oeeceanoN Di ceretere ome nate YOUTOO Media LP 565 N Macarthur Bid Suite 400 Irving, TX 75038 2 IF SOLD neta tess THanss.000 2] $5.000-$8.999 [] s10.000-824.999 1) $25,000-OR MORE Cinertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bl ruer Ci srouse Cloerenpent cHito DESCRIPTION Ci caentrs ome ate Attic & iter Services LLC 7548 Preston Ra Haig Frisco, TX 75034 IF SOLD ner can Ctess rHanss.000 C)ss000-89.909 [1] si0,000-824900 ] $25,000-on MoRE Cner Loss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bl ruer Cisrouse C1 bePenoenr cH DESCRIPTION Dicer rs oe es) Unity Resources LLC £5800 Tennyson Parkway Suite 115 Plano. ‘TX 7024 IF SOLD ner can [Less THaNss.000 [2] $5,000- $9.99 [1] s10.000-$2«.02 [1] $26.000-0R MORE Dinertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission __P.0. 80x 12070 ___Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)469.5000 1-800-325-8805 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B C1 Nor APPLICABLE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, ora dependent child during the ‘calendar year, Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain of loss realized from the sale, For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS- INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rner Cisrouse J oerenoenr cru 5 TRIE nO ORE De seaeTiOn Crest riers vos taoee) SE Lake Murray Marina LP 8333 Douglas Ave Suite 950 Ballas, Tx 75225 3 IF SOLD ner can [ess THAN $5,000 [1] $5,000-s0.900 [] $10.000-$24.909 ] $28,000-0R MORE. Linertoss Se Diruer Csrouse Dor envenr chito ae Di cossctrien one hoo) FGNM Properties LLC 1420 W Exchange Parkway Aen TX 73048 IF SOLD Diner cain Ditess tHanss.c00 [] $5,000- $9,009 [] s10,000-s24,999 [1] $25,000-0R MORE Dnertoss Se ey i ruer Cisrouse Ch oerenoenr cut Eee cee ers Hom ass) ‘Aigeternal Technologies LLC 5316 West Highway 260 Suite 200 austin, TX 78735 IF SOLD Diner cam [ess rHanss.o00 [1] $5,000. $9,909] $10.000- $24,909] $25,000-oR MORE Tinertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission __P.0. 0% 12070 _Ausin, Texas 78711-2070 (6i2y480-5600 1-800-325-8606 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES ParT 7B 1D Nor APPucABLE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce POUSE ( bePENDENT CHILD 2 DESCRIPTION Leeks ere tome Aes) 83 Sleep Investments LLC 417 $ Denton St Galnsvile. TX 76240 3 IF SOLD Diner can (tess THAN $5,000 [7] s5.000- $9,990] $10,000-$24,000 [] $25,000-0R MORE Cnertoss Here OF ACOUIRED Ey FILER spouse. Di ver enoent cio DESCRIPTION Ci ene rere ome Aen) Huntington Creek Capital V, LLC 3301 Village Creek Drive Suite A Prano, TX 75083 IF SOLD Diner can Cites THAN $5,000 [1] s5.000- 59.909 [7] $10,000-$24,000 [] $25,000-0R MORE Dnervoss pe Oe coUIRED ey ruce CD srouse Di verenoenr cH. DESCRIPTION (Bl ene rere ome Aten) TAMKA LLC. 5613 $ Woodcreek Cir Mekinney, TX 75071 IF SOLD [ner can Tess than $5,000] s5.000- $9,989] $10,000-s24,909 [7] $25,000-0R MORE Dnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission p, 1 Nor APPLICABLE INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B 0.x 12070 __ Austin, Texas 70748-2070, 4512)469-5800___ 1.000.325.8508, Describe all beneficial interest INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information at calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS— providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. sin business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, oF a dependent child during the bout a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rue Dsrouse CD oePenpenr cHto 2 DESCRIPTION Di enescariors amet) Huntington Creek Capital lV, LLC 5201 Vilage Creek Dr Suite A Plano, TX 75093 SF SOLD CDONer can Dnervoss Bites THaN 5.000 [1] $5,000-s9,909 [2 $10,000-324.999 [1] $25,000-0R MORE. HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Di srouse (Di vePeNoenr cH. DESCRIPTION Di cereatt Fre Hoe aden) Texas Amerock Partners LP 46250 Knoll Trail Or Suite 102 Dallas, TX 75248 IF SOLD ner can Di tess THaNss.000 [1] $5,000- $9,909 [1] $10,000-$24,999 1) $25,000.08 MORE Diner toss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Di spouse Di vePeNDeNT CHILD DESCRIPTION terest rs Home Aes) “Twin Vitage Management LLC $801 village Creek SuteA Piano, TX 75088 IF SOLD ner can C1 tess THAN ss.000 [] 36000-89909 []s10.000-s24.900 1] s25,000-0R MORE Cinerioss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “oxas Ethies Commission P.O. 80x 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (12469-5800 __1-800-325.8606 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES PaRT 7B 1 Nor appLicasLe Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs listed on the Cover Sheet 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY ruc Di spouse C verenoent cho 2 DESCRIPTION Ci caett rire none ese 206 South Kentucky LTD AIO E Louisiana Street ‘Suite 202 A. Mekinney, TX 75069 3 IF SOLD Der can Dtess ran ss.c00 [1] s5.000-s8,099 [] s10.000-$24.009 [1] $28.000-0R MORE Diner toss Ul ecdadacscoa eral Bru Di srouse (Dl vePeNoenr cH cee aN Dern tere ome ase Huntington Greek Capital VI, LLC 5301 Village Creek Dr Suite A Prano, TX 75093 IF SOLD ner can Cltess rHan s5.000 [1] s5900-89,999 1] s10.000-824,899 [1] $25.000-0R MORE ner toss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bl ruer Cisrouse Ci berennenr cHito RESCH TaNE A ROORESS i ichock# Fie’s Home Aceross) KEP Acquistion Group LLC 6205 Chapel Hil Blvd Suite 200 Plano, 1X 75093 IF SOLD ner can (tess THAN $5,000 [1] $5,000 $9,909 [1] $10,000-$24,909 [1] $25,000-0R MORE Dinertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission __P.0. 0x 12070 _ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 12463-5200 1-900-225-9508 1 Nor APPLICABLE INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B INSTRUCTION GUIDE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS~ When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce D srouse Di bePenoent cH 2 DESCRIPTION Ci caer ttre tome actos Media Marketing MD LLC 5753 Cedar Grove Circle Plano, 175083 3 IF SOLD ner can Dnertoss tess raw 35.000] $5000-30.909 C] s1ac00-s24.900 [1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “oxas Ethics Commission P.O. fox 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 12)409-5800 1-900-325-8508 GIFTS PART 8 1 NoT APPLICABLE Identify any person or organization that has given a git worth more than $250 to you, your spouse, or a dependent child, and describe the git. The description ofa git of cash or a cash equivalent, such as a negotiable instrument or gift certificate, must include a staiement ofthe value ofthe git. Do not include: 1) expencitures required to be reported by a person required to be registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code; 2) political contributions reported as required by law, or 3) gifs given by a person related tothe recipient within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity. For more information, ‘508 FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child i listed on the Cover Sheet 7 TE RO AGDRESS ONOR Fallon, Patrick (Mr) 3876 Shady Creek Court Frisea, TX'75036 2 RECIPIENT Bruce [] spouse Di oePenbent crit 3 DESCRIPTION OF GIFT Lodging in vacation home COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Eties Commission 7.0. 80112070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (s124463.5800_ 1-900-325-8500 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Part 11A 1 Not APPLICABLE Describe all assets ofeach coporation, fim, partnership, lined parinership, lined lability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, ofa depen- ‘dent cid held, acquire, or sold 50 percent or more ofthe oustancing ownership and indeate the category ofthe amount ofthe assets. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent cies atv, indicate the chil about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs iste on the Cover Sheet ASSOCIATION |W. Kenneth Pasion, dr. PLLC (hack Fars ore Aas) 208 South Kentucky. Mekinney, TX 75069 2 BUSINESS TYPE | PLLC 8 HELD, ACQUIRED, FILER ‘spoust DEPENDENT CHILD OR SOLD BY a Giese a 4 aSseTs DESCRIPTION T wi Office Fumiture & Fixtures | | Less rHans5.000 [] $5000- 59,900 | Ds10.000-s2496 1) $25,000-08 MoRE ! | huessTissom Cl ss00. 50989 | C1 s10.000 $24,999 [1] $25,000-OR MORE Computer hardware and software COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “oxas Ethics Commission P.O. fox 12070 ___Ausin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)468-5800 1-800-325-2606 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS. PART 11A, D1 Nor APPLICABLE Describe all assets of each coporation, frm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount of the assets. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet T BUSINESS NAME AND ADORESS —_[-] (Chek # Fw Home Aga) ESOCiATION Premiere Vertical Properties LP 201 W Virginia St Mekinney, TX 75069 2 BUSINESS TYPE __| Limited Parinership 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, FILER, ‘SPOUSE (DEPENDENT CHILD OR SOLD BY 2 a E 4 ASSETS jESCRIPTION T ‘CATEGORY Cell tower | (ess Han $5,000] $5,000 $9,898 | Cs10.000-s24.900 [X]s2s.000-oF MoRE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P20. 60x 12070 ___Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (s12¥463.5800 ___ 1-900-326-8506 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS 1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 11A Describe all assets of each coporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more ofthe outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount ofthe assets. For more information, see FORM PFS—INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, AregaIness NAME AND ADDRESS [-] (Omck¥ Fler Fave oe) RSSOIATION | RSKA Holdings, LLC 201, W Virginia St HMckinney, TX 75069 2 BUSINESS TYPE | Limited Lsbilly Company 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, FILER ‘SPOUSE DEPENDENT CHILD OR SOLD BY bs 2 a aneeere DESCRIPTION T CARGO 49h interest in Premier Vertical Properties, LP BH] Less THANs5.000 [1 55000-8600 1 Cl sto.c00-s2s.009 1] s26.000-on more COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 __Ausin, Texas 78711-2070 1512}465-5800 1.800.525.8508 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS C1 Nor APPLICABLE ParT 11A Describe all assets of each coporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liabilty partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 80 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount of the assets. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. \When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child i listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 BUSINESS: ASSOCIATION TAMIKA LLC 206 S Kentucky. Mekinnoy, TX 75069 Ti aaa sane 2 BUSINESS TYPE Limited Liability Company 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, OR SOLD BY rer CO spouse (1 pePendent cH 4 ASSETS fice equipment T CRTEGORY | s10.000- $24,099 [] $25,000-OR MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.O.80K 12070 __Austin,Taxae 78711-2070 (612)465-5800 1-800-925-2806 BOARDS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS 1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 12 List al boards of directors of which you, your spouse, or a dependent child are a member and all executive positions you, your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited labilly partner. ships, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietorships, stating the name ofthe organization and the position held. For more information, see FORM PFS.-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 ORGANIZATION Centennial Metical Genter 2 POSTITION HELD Board Member 3 POSITION HELD BY rue Ci spouse (C1 DEPENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION Presionvood Pregnancy Centr POSTITION HELD Board Member eed Gl Fier Ospouse (1 DEPENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION SKA Hokings LLC POSTITION HELD Proton eae eeeeee DI Fuer Ci spouse (DEPENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION TTANKA LLC POSTITION HELD President POSITION HELD BY cee Barner Cispouse CJ oerenoenr cto ORGANIZATION Uniy Resources, LO POSTITION HELD anager POSITION HELD BY Gl ruer Ci srouse (DEPENDENT CHILD COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethies Commission P.0.80% 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 BOARDS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS C1 NoT APPLICABLE i512y2.5800 1.800.326.8506 PART 12 List all boards of directors of which you, your spouse, or a dependent child are a member and all executive positions you, your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partner- ships, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietors, stating the name of the organization and the position held. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent chila's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 ORGANIZATION. W. Kenneth Paxton, Jr. PLLC 2 POSTITION HELD President 3 POSITION HELD BY FILER D seouse Di bereNpeNT Cito ‘ORGANIZATION City of Allen - Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone #1 POSTITION HELD Board Member POSITION HELD BY FILER D spouse (DEPENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION Sacra Sop rises POSTITION HELD Dredior eee Fier Oisrouse (1 DEPENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION Engaging Minds POSTITION HELD Director VTION HELD BY pe rue Ci spouse (C1 DePeNDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION Collin County Student Aviation Initiative Inc. POSTITION HELD Director POSITION HELD BY Borner D srouse (Di veencent cio ‘COPY AND ATTAGH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0.f0x 12070 __ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (6i24483-5800 1-300-325-2508 BOARDS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS Part 12 D1 Nor APPLICABLE List al boards of directors of which you, your spouse, ot a dependent child are a member and all executive positions you, your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liabilty partner- ships, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietorships, slating the name ofthe organization and the position held. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 1 ORGANIZATION Petra Grounds 2 POSTITION HELD Director 2 POSITION HELD BY rue CO srouse D1 be PENDENT CHILD ORGANIZATION The Wiberotco and Lon Cen, he POSTITION HELD Brecon POSTION HELO BY Bruce Di srouse 1 DePeNveNT CHILD ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission £0.80 12070 __ Austin, Texas 76711-2070 (1260-5000 1.800.325.2608 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT PARTS MARKED ‘NOT APPLICABLE’ BY FILER Rather than printing a page for each Part the fler checked ‘Not Applicable,’ this page summarizes whether the 'Not Applicable’ checkbox was checked for each Part. Ifthe checkbox is checked next to a Part below, then no pages for that Part should be present in the report. Ifa checkbox is not checked, then pages for that Part should be present in the report. NIA Part 1A- Sources of Occupational Income NIA Part 18 - Retainers NIA Part 2- Stock NIA Part 3 - Bonds, Notes & Other Commercial Paper NA Part 4 - Mutual Funds NIA Part 5 - Income from Interest, Dividends, Royalties & Rents NIA. Part6 - Personal Notes and Lease Agreements NIA Part 7A- Interests in Real Property NIA Part 7B- Interests in Business Entities NIA Part Gits NA Part 9- Trust income NIA Part 10A.- Bind Trusts NIA Part 108 - Trustee Statement NIA Part 114 Assets of Business Associations NIA Part 118 -Liabilties of Business Associations NIA. Part 12 - Boards and Executive Positions NA. Part 13 - Expenses Accepted Under Honorarium Exception NIA Part 14 Interest in Business in Common with Lobbyist NIA Part 15 - Fees Received for Services Rendered to @ Lobbyist or Lobbyists Employer NIA Part 16 - Representation by Legislator Before State Agency NIA Part 17 - Benefits Derived from Functions Honoring Public Servant BEBBSBSBOBO0BBBOOOOODOeBoOBO NA Part 18 - Legislative Continuances “Toxas Ethles Commission P.0.80% 12070__Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (124468-5900 1-500-526-0508 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AFFIDAVIT ‘The law requires the personal financial statement to be verfied. The verfication page must have the signature of the individual required to file the personal financial statement, as well as the signature and stamp or seal of office of a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer oaths and affirmations. Without proper verification, the statement Is not considered fled, | ewear, or afm, under penalty of perjury, that this nancial statement covers calendar year ending December 31, 2014. and is true and correct {and includes all informstion required to be reported by me under chapter 572 of the Government Code, Con ‘Slonature of Fler AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE. =o, Anant EE) way le Slr a) "incorrect an? “Qcraber ta" sov6 overs wanisisorestetenery Ken Paxton ine 2thveyr JUNC 2» 15 to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office Lui Kaley Wine. Notary Sao teers cael claro Tito aiegba can Zz G

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