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When a Jackson Aint Worth a Benjamin

Now they want to change the face of fiat - before than ban it all together.
It is akin to changing the packaging. Few will notice a few less ounces of cereal or sugar
at the same price.
The meme that they cant seem to get enough no matter how hard they try
Just on the heels of this new movement to remove hard and paper currency, we have
the simultaneous distraction of changing the face of the $10 bill.
Once again it feels like a very carefully placed distraction. Creates the illusion that the
powers that be are pretend like we are paying very close attention to money while
simultaneously testing a political trial balloon.
What an excellent opportunity placing a new, perhaps modern activist on the face of the
ever demising value of the $10 bill.
Pardon the cynicism, but is this all that is required to keep the populace distracted from
the true history and nature of money?
Im afraid so.
Recently. Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew announced on Wednesday that the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing would replace the portrait of Alexander Hamilton on the $10
bill in favor of one featuring both Hamilton and a woman to be named later.
"I'm proud to announce today that the new $10 bill will be the first bill in more than a
century to feature the portrait of a woman," Lew said in a statement on YouTube. "This
historic endeavor has been years in the making."
The irony is that this will be applauded by the masses.
As the timing coincides perfectly with the kindled social movements - the political
wedge issues carefully illuminated to keep us distracted.
A little fear, a little joy. The Goldilocks of propaganda. Issues come armed with
President Jackson has been the victim of lots of character flaws.
And in the minds of many, he is a Lord from a guilty moment in American history - the
poster child of slavery.

But the real issue is the revision of history. Removing Jackson is like removing another
layer of opposition. An historic opposition to a centrally controlled monetary system.
The American led referendum against the US Central Bank.
Of course taking him off of the $10 bill is almost a another kind of symbolic move to
remove a character who was key opposition to the central banking phenomenon
But Defending Jackson now means that you are an apologist for slavery
No sense in wasting political capital. This is well played.
At the pinnacle of monetary irresponsibility, where the world has collectively detached
from any tethering to hard money we have consequently printed to a level held at bay
only by whims of statistical management and propaganda. And yet at the same time we
see very dramatic real events unfolding.
And ultimately if its that easy to change something that stood the test of time, how
much easier would it be to eliminate the cash all together.
Is gold money? he asked. Clearly bothered, Bernanke told the representative, No. Its
a precious metal.
After Paul interrupted him to note the long history of gold being used as money,
Bernanke continued, Its an asset. Would you say Treasury bills are money? I dont
think theyre money either but theyre a financial asset.
The irony here is Rich. That he could say this after admitting to everyone that gold was
just tradition.
The irony is the reaction from the central banker that will go down in history as the
digital age version of German central banker Rudolf Havenstein.
No wonder, so few notice the sinister effects of inflation.
Former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke had this to say about the
proposed change to the fact of the ten dollar bill An expression of opposition, no less:
The former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, is claiming in a blog post
that hes a huge fan of Alexander Hamilton. Mr. Bernanke qualifies Americas first
treasury secretary as among the greatest of our founders for his contributions to
achieving American independence and creating the Constitution alone. In addition to
those accomplishments, however, Hamilton was without doubt the best and most
foresighted economic policymaker in U.S. history. So Mr. Bernanke is opposing the
demotion of Hamilton from his featured spot on the ten-dollar bill.

Of course another Benjamin one also not free from controversial thinking- might be
someone better to follow.
If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An
investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin
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