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- Federal - Citizen: Action Plan

Call citizens to act in the common cause of restoring the sovereign power of the
separate states and of the people. That sovereignty is defined as being those powers not
specifically granted to the federal government in the US Constitution.

Plan of Action - State Level
Where the people of the separate states have not voted to accept same sex marriage,
Governors in those states must take a formal stand for the constitutional, sovereign
power of the separate states and of the people of the states, and against complying with
unconstitutional edicts.

Governors must act to hold elected officials across the respective states wholly
accountable to the state laws of the respective states and must enforce compliance
within their respective states, and against complying with unconstitutional edicts.

Governors of states where the people of those separate states have not voted to accept
same sex marriage should form a coalition standing for state sovereignty and for the
sovereignty of the people of the separate states and of this nation, against
unconstitutional edicts.

Statewide elected officers in those separate states must formally affirm where they
stand regarding this egregious erosion of state sovereignty and of the sovereignty of the
people of the separate states - for or against unconstitutional edicts.

State Representatives and Senators in those separate states must formally affirm where
they stand on this egregious erosion of the sovereign power of the separate states and
of their respective constituents - for or against unconstitutional edicts.

as a judge, I find the majoritys position indefensible as a matter of

constitutional law.
- Chief Justice Roberts, Obergefell v Hodges

Texas State Representative Cecil Bell Jr. -

Plan of Action - Federal Level

US Representatives and Senators must act immediately to pass legislation to strip the
ability of the United States federal judiciary to hear classes of claims where the United
States federal judiciary lacks enumerated constitutional authority, thereby making
certain legislative and executive actions unreviewable by the federal judiciary, those
claims reserved to be reviewable by state courts.

United States House of Representatives Members must act to promptly begin the
constitutional process of impeaching Supreme Court Justices Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg,
Sotomayor and Kagan for the bad behavior shown in acting without constitutional
authority to strike down the sovereign power of the separate states and of the people of
the separate states.

The United States Senate must act to complete the process of impeachment.

US Representatives and Senators in states where the people of those separate states
have not voted to accept same sex marriage must formally affirm to citizens where they
stand on this egregious erosion of the sovereign power of the separate states and of
their respective constituents - for or against unconstitutional edicts.

In drafting the US Constitution, , our Founding Fathers put in place
protective provisions reserving the power of the people to act to remove US
Supreme Court Justices (Article I, Sect. 2, Clause 5 and Article II, Sect. 2,
Clause 6 of the US Constitution). Addressing concerns that the Executive
branch and the Judicial Branch could act too usurp the will of the People,
those same men included provisions providing that the President may not
pardon a person who has been impeached. (Article II, Sect. 2, Clause 1)
Precedence for this action plan was established in 1805 when SCOTUS
Justice Samuel Chase was impeached.

Texas State Representative Cecil Bell Jr. -

Plan of Action - Citizen Level

We as citizens must act without delay to restore the constitutional authority of state
sovereignty and the sovereignty of the people of the separate states.

Citizens must stand up and be heard by communicating to their Governor, to their State
Representatives, State Senators, US Representative, and US Senators -- that we as
citizens demand immediate action and representation on these gravely serious matters.

Citizens must recognize that any elected official who will not formally declare to stand
for the constitutional powers of state sovereignty and the sovereignty of the people,
abandons their state and their constituents. Official conduct defines the elected official
as standing with their state and citizens -or- against state sovereignty and with US
Supreme Court Justices Kennedy, Kagan, Sotomayor, Gingsburg and Breyer.

Citizens must be steadfastly resolved to hold our elected officials accountable to stand
for the constitutional powers of state sovereignty and the sovereignty of the people.
Elected officials refusing to stand for the constitutional powers of the states and of the
people must be replaced.

Citizens must act to vote against all elected officials who refuse to stand with their
constituents and for the constitutional powers of the states and of the people.

Citizens must act to identify and to support constitutionally sound, capable candidates
for elected office at every level, and must commit to work to replace any elected official
who refuses to stand for the constitutional powers of the states and of the people.

Citizens must act without delay to restore the constitutional sovereignty of the separate
states, and of the people, and to restore the constitutionally constrained, limited federal
government established by our Founding Fathers.

Citizens must commit our time and our effort to being an informed, engaged, voting
electorate. We must cast our ballots for candidates who recognize the obligation to
stand for state sovereignty, for the sovereignty of their citizens and for the safekeeping
of the nation.

Texas State Representative Cecil Bell Jr. -

Citizens, by signing the PACT, stand together in the
common cause of the restoration of state sovereignty and
the sovereignty of the people.

FIRST NAME: ___________________________________________________________

LAST NAME: ____________________________________________________________

ZIP CODE: ______________________
PHONE: ____________________________


_________ Yes, I would like to stay up to date on PACT updates by being added to
the email distribution list.

EMAIL: ________________________________________________________________


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Please scan and email this page to

Or print, sign and mail to:
Cecil Bell Jr Campaign - PO Box 819 - Magnolia, TX 77353

Texas State Representative Cecil Bell Jr. -

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