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CHRISTIANVILLE - January, 1986

Dear Friends,

Our Christmas-month mail arrived at mid-January and it was almost like

having Christmas all over again.

We hadn't had time to take our tree

down so we enjoyed the reading of mail in festive spirits.


ies learn patience on the field...things just don't always happen as

you like.

One thing for sure, you were in our hearts continually

throughout the season and your generous and loving gifts were truly a
Progress is exciting again as we begin the new year.

The dental clinic

is getting a roof now, and most wonderful of all, the new school build

ing foundations have been going down.

The time is just is

God's time and we believe with all of our hearts that i t will^be a real

ity this very year.

How glad our children are!

God has blessed with some lovely help over the past two months and we
are grateful for these short term missionaries.

Now we look for

ward to Stuart Kelly and his wife to join our farm program for a year.

Isn't the Lord good!

As you no doubt have heard, Haiti is having some political problems and

they have kept the schools closed for a little while.

Our big children

have been in our home daily working on crafts and having a wonderful

Some have made peanut butter, some are polishing shells, some are

making native straw crafts and many of the girls are sewing and embroi

dering items for sale.

They are doing beautiful work and our little

craft shop is bringing in funds for purchasing more materials.

chosen our trade name.. .HAITICHAFT.

Do you like it?

We have

Two of the girls

work in the kitchen and cook egg sandwiches each day for all the working


The 4H garden crew really get hungry.

Their garden is beautiful

and food is rolling into the kitchen...small amounts, yes, but gradually

It has great promise.

Fortunately wa have been able to feed

all of our children even though school is closed.

Thank you once again for your loving support.

Please remember us in your

prayers during these critical political days here.

His protection and care.

In Christian love,

Jim ^d Carol Herget

May He bless you, too.

We trust the Lord for

^ Evangel

VOL 32

A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean





This was the original approach to the barren lands of what now is Christianville.
For several years we drove through this rough and rocky river to accomplish our
dreams of helping our needy neighbors. Your prayers, support and love have been
our constant companions as we have labored and have found God's blessing on
that labor. The result is Christianville - what many people term as God's miracle.
We share with you a recent testimony written for the Rotory Club of Port-auPrince by one of its members:

it wasn't a follow-up visit, a routine check up or anything of the kind. It so happen

ed that Mrs. Herget called me for some business reason and I went to her place
and opened my eyes when I remembered I had written about Christianville four
years ago.

Just as was to be expected from good and dedicated managers like Jim and Carol
Herget, most of the projects started 4 years ago were successfully completed.
The fish pono is a success, the cattle are thriving; I did not have time to see the
chickens and pigs.
Beside a school with an enrollment of 580 children from 5 to 18, there is a dental

clinic, a medical building, a main administration and residential building, recrea

tion field, fish pond, plants, trees, flowers, lawns and greenery all around making
it an island of peace and tranquillity about 15 miles from the noise and turmoil of

1 have never come face to face with a dream, but I'll go along with the popular say

ing, "It looks like a dream come true."

And if this were the case, it would be not only sheer day-dreaming but a dream

sprinkled with a solid dose of hard work, solid principles and a never-ending faith
in God.

Frankly to sum up my feelings, I say it renewed my faith in the possibilities of

humans in accomplishing good and worthy work when they put their will, their
minds and their hearts into it. This is the feeling I got at Christianville. I am sure
anyone will feel the same just like taking a hot shower after spending a day in
the visible and invisible dirtiness of the city.
Guy S. Martin


Kids are the answer.

The answer to many questions about Christianville. How did it happen... why ?
what of the future...yes, many questions. The kids turn us on. The kids turn on our
whole staff. When a little guy only reaching to Sam's waist looks up and says,
"Uncle Sam, you can have me...Uncle Sam, you can have ALLof me", Sam's heart
melts and his fuel tank fills up and his step is lighter for the day. When a little miss
smiles and asks Daddy Jim for the hymn book because she can now read, Daddy
Jim turns on and his step is quick as he goes to the house to find her a hymn

He shares her joy and presses on.

When Mommy Herget faces 125 teenagers on Sunday mornings teens who eager
ly sit for an hour and a half for Bible Class, learning a new way of life, she feels en
couraged. It drives her on and on, caring, seldom tiring.
Yes, it is the children who make us all "tick". We watch them grow. We watch

them change...change from a life of hopelessness to bright and eager students.

Christianvilles' children of today are the hope of tomorrow. They will find a way to
roof their own houses with zinc instead of straw, to build a real home founded on

marriage and Christian principles, to give their children enough bread and a real
hope. We invite you to watch them grow, share our joys, have a part in their lives.
Our Sponsor program will give you your own child to care for. Our new school
building will give you an opportunity to open doors to other children who are
waiting, hoping and in dire need.

If we can help you to catch a glimpse of our beautiful children you will never be
the same. No, not after meeting guys like little Claude. At times when we see him
on the road we stop the car, pick him up, swing him around twice and give him a
hug, hop back in and hurry on. He knows he is loved. And we are "hooked".
Yes, and you, like we, will be "hooked". They will grab your heart like they have so
many already. And you also will become a part of the Christianville family.
Children...yes, they are the heart-throb of Christianville. Our hope. And theirs.


School lile at Christianville is rich with activity. Boys respond well to band prac
tice and even better on their twice monthly performance in chapel on Sunday mor
nings. Broadening education for our children is our goal. It is beautiful to watch
young minds open tike a lovely flower. Really beautiful. But other muscles must
be used. too.

Agriculture is the real muscle builder and the rewards for the future in Haiti are

very promising. Below you see high-schooler Henry Claude bringing in his
treasure. He is the leader, one of three teachers that we are training for a 4H
group. They attend weekly classes after school and then teach the school

children. Their gardens are a delight and food has been rolling into the kitchen
lovely tomatoes, egg plant, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, beans... fresh and good.
It brings personal joy to them and their parents are delighted with the program.
There is more.

Our latest program on Saturdays now

includes basket making, art classes
and tailoring. The boys are making
their first shirt and soon will be mak

ing trousers. Christianville Is like a

beehive on Saturdays and it is a real
fun day, too.





We have outgrown our present

building we are well on the way
erecting our new classroom building
with dining hall and kitchen so that
we can help the many children around
us still longing for education and
food. Sam, our dedicated co-worker

since the inception of Christianville

in 1978, looks forward as eagerly as

we do for the completion of this unit.

His building skills find him either doing the work himself or supervising.

The girls have their own part in 4H.

They have been in sewing classes for
several years and the olders ones are

now doing professional work, it is

beautiful work and easy to sell. A lit
tle craft shop has been started in our
home but it is

now bursting the

seams. Here is a picture of a few of









peanut butter, shell lamps, paintings

by their teachers with the hope that
soon some will hang there made by






blouses and men's shirts are there for

sale, too. Proceeds go into materials

for more production.
And in the kitchen there are girls lear

ning to cook. This month they made

cookies filled with


raison sauce for the church Mother's

Day reception. It sounds very simple

to our readers, but remember, these

are girls who have grown knowing

nothing except a small cook pot on a
wood fire in their yard. They are ex

cited about learning to cook and

bake. It is all so new to them.

Auntie is there, too, supervising and

teaching the girls to make cakes. And
she can't be beat! Auntie has been

cooking for the Christianville family,

guests and work teams for over 8

years. She is a Jamaican, a real mis
sionary who came with the family.
The girls love her, everybody does.

She keeps the family well, and plans

meals for the school kitchens along
with teaching the girls.
What a treasure!

Learning to work is an important part

of life at Christianville School.

? "|L' f '

' i Nearly 50,000 people have

found medical help at Christianville




1 gather from 6 a.m. and

Sandy DeVinney, our Nurse


charge, Is ready for her

dlaly work. Her load is not
only a work load. It is a com-


passion load, for Sandy has

\ ^

her pa-

Ji 11

tients, prays with them and


comforts them

in the loss


too late to


Fouche comes

three days a week and cares

for the more serious probto our clinic. In addition to his work we are blessed with visiting foreign Doctors
who contribute richly to the program. Just this week we have had a call from one

of our first Teem Missions kids. He is grown and married and has enjoyed spon
soring a child. Now he is completing his university work in optometry and plans to
establish an eye clinic at Christianville.

We have good reason to praise the Lord daily for His generous blessings. It is en-,
couraging, too, to know that people care and that God can use His children to help
ease the need of the suffering people of this world. YOU can help, too inquire to
day about joining a work team. You will never regret-



Dr. Virgil Ullom is our Dentist for Christianville Dental Clinic. He has provided
most of the equipment in our clinic and has organized our staffing for the past
four years. Hundreds of children have received excellent dental care and many
adults have been relieved of suffering.

In addition toourregular dental work, Dr. David Leever hasjoined ourstaffand for
over two years has provided orthodontal services. He comes regularly from Tam
pa, Florida.

This year Christianville has built a new dental clinic since the first one, a part of
the medical building, has become inadequate. A gift of $15,000. came from
F.A.M.E. for the clinic and with this great start our dentists were encouraged to
contribute both funds and equipment for the new building. We will now be able to
extend our services to many more children.

All of our school children have their teeth cleaned twice per yearand restored if

necessary. This is a beautiful way of telling them we love them and want the best
for them. In addition we have been able to serve many other children from nearby
Christian schools and orphanages.



Truly "light" has come to a lonely valley of beautiful Haiti, a valley of people in
various needs. We began tackling the needs by providing medical care and food

for the hungry. At he beginning of our second year we began church services -by
this ttme the people had felt the love of Jesus Christ expressed by meeting
physical needs. They responded to the message of salvation...and light, the
greatest of all lights, came into their hearts.

Now/ the church plays a wonderful role in the total program of Christianville.

Children grow up in the shadow of the church, playing, studying at night by the
only electric light available in thearea shining down from the brilliantly lit cross at

the top of the church building. Inside, the light of the Word brings peace, hope,
joy and salvation, salvation that means freedom from the curse of sin. Faces light
up with joy when truth reaches into hearts and singing bursts forth.

Teaching seminars for men handle deep subjects that search the soul. They are
held twice per year.



Youth retreats find well over a hundred senior teens studying, praying, singing,

and learning a new way of life real life. Sessions on Christian family living,
preparing youths for the future are an important part of the program.
Consider with us the time they spend...three full days from early morning until9 at

night. The evening sessions provide an evangelistic meeting and a religious film.
And youths must play...they end the third day with an afternoon soccer game and
a picnic supper.

But the church itself has a complete program of Sunday School, worship hour,

youth hour and evening evangelistic service. In the week time there is a Monday
night study and prayer hour for leaders, Tuesday a Bible study at the Saturday
Outpost, Wednesday night prayer and Bible study, Friday youth night, Saturday
preacher and teacher classes, and each morning a 5:30 a.m. prayer hour. Every
project of aid to our people is backed by prayer and the light of God's wonderful

We share words of a beautiful song with you;

"From a loving heavenly father to a world who knew him not

came a man of sorrows, Jesus Christ the Lord

In my wandering Jesus found me, touched my life with His

great love. And now He has become my sovereigh Lord."

Charge has come to many already and the

Word continues to draw men to Jesus



Christ. This is our heart's yearning...that

each one personally will find the Light!

Poor nutrition is the great heart

ache of third world countries. In

Haiti it has spelled disaster. Half

of the children born in Haiti die be
fore the age of 13 year. Mal-nutrition is the death angel.

When our Nutrition Program rea



ched most families closest to our

Center, we began to reach out.
Farther and farther into the moun
tains we went, and more and more
little suffering ones we found. We
now have 400 children enrolled in
the program.
In our two mountain outreaches

donkeys carry food once per week,

food enough for a week. Nutrition
lessons are taught for the mothers

and a spiritual message provides

the "Bread of life" for all.

At Outreach No. 2 the people were

especially hungry for the Gospel.
Now. after a year and a half there
is a church and a school. Below
you can see our school teacher

with church members carrying

food for the school children. It is a
trip of two and a half hours on foot,

Christianville provides a minister

for the church each week and the

leader comes down to a weekly

training class for deacons and
Sunday School teachers.
We also provide seeds for the
farmers - seeds that have been too
expensive for many farmers to buy.

Here you see one of our most recent

patients at clinic...andheading for the






children that were attending the

Nutrition Center for many months.

We began our Kindergarten so that

we could continue the food program

for them and to keep them well. The

government Nutrition program under

which we operate does not allow the
little ones to remain in the program

after the age of 5 years or after the

child reaches an acceptable weight.
Aren't those fat little faces gorgeous?
Christianville's total feeding program

provides food for over a thousand

children and some elderly folk.


With growing Christianville comes a growing need for good workers. Our own
boys have been candidates for roles with the mission but each one has been en
couraged to be free to make their own choices for life. Some have chosen to
return to their native Jamaica. Wayne and Chris have opted for evangelistic work
in Petit Goave, and Frankie and Nicholas are working with Christianville. David is
still in school and helps weekends. Frankie wastrained to bea mason and in addi
tion to this work does many other jobs. Nick chose a job with the pigs and has
become quite experienced with the farrowing and checking on pig farmers in

outlying areas. Yes, staffing is important and we arethankful for God's provision.


Eight years ago while searching out our land given to us by the government of
Haiti, our boys "discovered" a beautiful spring shaded by heavy foliage. When
Mom responded to the boy's excited call, they knelt down by the water. Mom's
words were, "Boys, Idon't know what God intends this for but let us give thanks
for it." Together they knelt bye the cool water and thanked God.
Today this lovely never-failing spring has
provided a huge fish-pond which we often

call "Lake Christianville". It was built with

funds from the Canadian Embassy. A recent

harvest done by the United Nations brought

3400 pounds of fish overflowing Christianville's freezers and filling the tummies of a
thousand children.

New smaller ponds are now being built and

supervised by United Nations to regulate
the steady production of fish for the entire
feeding program. The first one completed
already has been stocked with a new
species of Talapia from Panama. Experiments are being carried out and training
classes are being held here. Our own
teenagers from Christianville School are

now digging their own ponds - 20 of them

-and United Nations has promised to stock


v y

Malnutrition is sadly prevalent among the

very elderly. Here is one grateful happy

man; one of a group of two dozen who visit


our "soup-kitchen" daily. A good plate of

nourishing food is given and for those who
are too feeble to come, we send food by our

teenagers. Our fish and farm project is a

great aid in our feeding program.

From its beginning. Christianville has welcomed visitors. We have been encourag
ed by them, helped, taught, loved and warned of pitfalls. We love our visiting
friends. Hospitality is important to us. I guess, mostly because we love people
and want to share our joys with them.

And our visiting friends share much with us. Through these few short years
volunteers - teams, singles, pairs of people have come to labor. Teen Missions
sent our first team...others followed building clinic, staff houses. Nutrition

Center, chicken and pig houses, our beautiful Church building. Doctors, Dentists
have come; mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, secretaries, sewing teams, cooks,
farmers, pieachers. teachers.
We have been richly blessed.


The welcome mat is out - come

and lose your heart to precious

children, beautiful people, elderly





material help, need of Spiritual


Our message to you is, "The Lord

hath need of thee."

Decide today. Write us or call us.

(Telephone 4-0489 Haiti) and tell
us when you want to schedule a

trip. We need you. Haiti needs






welcomes you.




Faithfully over the last eight years, Haitian businessmen have generously con
tributed to Christianville by advertizing in our EVANGEL. We are deeply grateful

for this good help. We appreciate again their w/illingness to give their space this
month to this special issue with an almost complete story of Christianville. We ex
tend our most sincere thanks to:

Other Haitian firms are becoming Sponsors of our children and this is very en

couraging to our efforts. Let us continue working together for Haiti's future.


Give them a chanceto live and learn, a chanceto be loved and to love, a chance to
build their own nation on a firm foundation a Christian foundation. You may

"adopt" a child by sending us $20.00 a month. This will cover his education,
nourishing food, books, uniforms, shoes, clothes for Sunday School given on bir
thdays and Christmas. When your child learns to read and write he will write you
letters. Meanwhile he will enjoy bearing from you and he will learn to love you

Hurry...and save one child

from a hopeless existance.




form or else write us today

for information.


Orlando. FL. 32859



James and Carol Herget, Managing Directors

Robert C. Shannon, T.C.M. Austria, Fred W. Smith, Jacksonville FL.

Donald Wheeler, Orlando, FL. Efvin Gray, Tampa, FL Leon Dorleans, Haiti
305-851-5430 DON DUGAN




Christianville Foundation, Inc.

P.O. Box 13391-A
Orlando, FL 32859-0391

Write Dugans for

speaking engagements


Forwarding Agents



Promotional Directors



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VOL. 32

A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean

No. 2







We stood there in the early morning sun-up. The yard was full of children and the Hai

tian flag was climbing slowly to the top of the pole. Arousing song -asong of their
fair homeland, broke the spell of silence and young hearts felt again the thrill of
school re-opening. For us itwas still another joyful victory -a soul stirring experience

that made us know that God was there and approved of the care we offer our
children... ours and yours.
Yes, they are yours.

Yours to love. Yours to care for... yours to pray forand to appreciate.

Above you see them at Vacation Bible School... 600 of them and this number included
many who are waiting hopefully to enter school. In this massive crowd of children are
eager hearts, seeking minds, talented kids, The responsibility is deep - the oppor
tunities vast.

Across the green soccer field our eyes caught a glimpse of the new school building,
its Impressive structure sketched against the blue morning skies. Aplace of hope it
is... a promise of better things to come.
But listen to what Jesus taught us...

"For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ?
We have much to teach our children -education, manners, discipline, honesty... but

more. We must teach them .the way to eternal life, the way of truth and fulfillment, of

peace, of faith and trust in a heavenly Father who cares. This is our responsibility.
And one day they will understand and appreciate. Thank you for caring and helping
them to a rewarding faith.

Christianville's Fish Project reaches out. Above is one of

our 4H student's effort near his home. He has dug this pond
and United Nations has stocked it. it is fed by a nearby
stream and v^iatched over carefully by its young owner.

Below is a view of the four new ponds being completed at

Christianville. United Nations is stocking them partly with
fish from Panama and they are due to be harvested twice a

year on a rotation basis. This is to insure a more steady flow

of fish into the school kitchen and into the Nutrition Pro

ject. While malnutrition continues to be a very real problem

in Haiti, we will continue to reach out a hand of love to the
little ones who suffer.





' (

1 ^

Our Haitian farmers can relate to our two new pig houses better than to the ultra

modern main building for our 18 mother pigs. Stuart Kelly our farm manager keeps
our boars in these huts. Since the program began we have given over 100 pigs and

breeding boars to needy farmers of our area. This will give real aid to economy
building. Most of the males are castrated and either sold to help purchase feed or
sent to the school kitchen after reaching a reasonable weight.

Below you see Henry Claude, leader and teacher of the 4 Hgroup in our school bring
ing In a basketful of graden produce. The4H gardens have been successful and the
boys continue to be faithful in their Saturday workand classes. The girls pursue sew
ing with the same vigor.

The message of V. B. S. is Jesus Christ. This message was given to 600 boys and girls
ages 6 to 20 years, 180 of them senior teens, during a one week daily school. And the
message was taught in delightful puppet shows presented by our teenagers. It was
brought In lovely felt-graph picture studies, in story-telling, in songs and through
crafts, it was an exciting week. There were twenty four Haitian teachers and workers
led by Jerome Prinston our Haitian student in Johnson Bible College, Tennessee. He
did an excellent job. And the children were eager students.

The VBS day be

600 eager, happ^

church building.
The Haitian and

the way.

Puppet shows V

In a few short years these children wili be the Homemakersof Christianville'stomor
row. They can change things. When we began working here in 1978 there was much
Spiritual darkness.Today the Gospel is reaching out across the plains around us and
far into the mountains to the east of us. And if the foundations are laid well our
children wili continue to carry the message of salvation, of life and hope and peace...
and of eternal life. Change can only come through the power of the Gospel - let us

press on together making it available to the young building a light-housefor them.

gins with song.

/ kids overflow the

Christian flags lead

fere real fun times.

Now there is a great way to

help ! Sandy is sorting and



boxes sent to help the





There were several thou

sand packets and each











parents. What a welcome

gift I Sandy chose hers

for her clinic folk whose

j 'r



often because of poor





from Food For The Poor

-just one of the wonder





helped us here at Christianville.

In fact, these ladies are taking home a bag of rice each, also from Food For The Poor,
for helping clean fish on harvesting day at our pond. Here you see them at the end of
a hard day's work... tomorrow you will see them at Christianville Church. Yes, sing
ing, praying, thanking God for His provision.

Don Dugan, our promotional

director is helping Jim ins
tall the new walk-in refriger
ator sent from the East 91st

Street Christian Church in

Indianapolis. A beautiful gift

it is and meets a great need.



over 1000

children daily we have to truck

in a lot of fresh vegetables
and also protect hundreds

of eggs from the heat. Inad

equate refrigeration was a
problem and now God has


help through



who care. Our kitchen unit,

a commercial 2 door frig had

given out as well and God






Church in St. Petersburg, Fl.

sent us a unit to replace the
old one. How thankful we

And here is a container unloading cartons of "shelf milk" for our children. The eagerbeaver boys were right on hand to help. There were several thousand quarts of milk another wonderful life-sustaining gift for our children. God promised to reward our

faithfulness to Him... see how beautifully He provides for our children. We expect 700
children to be enrolled in school this fall which includes over 40 in our Mountain

Ladies in the kitchen... and that's where


they belong. At least the boys thinl< so.


They thinl< the dinner tastes best on Saturdays when the girls are in there cooping

U v/ IN I ^



" fj

for the 4H classes, art class, tailor class

U 9

and sewing class.

H kjL

Those big stoves are terrific ! Each pot holds enough to feed 75


children. The stoves are in the bottom of the holes Into which the pots


fit. Rice is the main dish in our school even though it Is a treat in the
homes of the poor. We are thankful for those who have sent rice to us.

Boys and girls, we want you to meet the Mission Home dogs. Theyare Boxers Streu
Boss and his wife Fancy La Belle. Boss and Fancy have had two sets of puppies so
far and the sale of them is helping us care for the children in our school. Hereyou see
them sleeping at Jim and Carol's bedroom door. More often Fancy sieeps at Sam's
door and Boss at Jim and Carol's. Theyare great watch-dogs and all the family loves


Here are some of our precious little ones in our Kindergarten of last year. Now they
have moved into first grade. This year there is much sadness around Christianville

among the little ones because we have no space for a new kindergarten. The children

will now have to wait until next year when hopefully we will have the school building
finished. These little girls were the children of the Nutrition Center sick and mal
nourished. See their healthy smiles and fat little faces. Aren't they beautiful I
It's water time on Saturday morning and our school children were on the way to the
pump to get water. They will carry the water on their heads to their homes. Clean
water is a blessing. Remember, before we dug our well the people had to drink river
water and it was very dirty. Now they have plenty of clean lovely water to carry home.
And let us be thankful too,
for the living water that


Jesus said He gives. He said

it would give us everlasting

life. We want



children to have this wonder

ful water... the knowledge of

Jesus' love and salvation,
and salvation.



James and Carol Herget, Managing Directors

Robert C, Shannon, T.C.M. Austria, Fred W. Smith, Jacksonville, FL
Donald Wheeler, Orlando, FL. Elvin Gray, Tampa, FL. Leon Dorleans, Haiti
Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.

Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, FL.
Sam Streu, Volunteer

Sandy DeVinney. Christian Church Colorado. Arizona.

Dr. Virgil Ullom. Dental Outreach, Babson Park, FL.


Building Consultant Mr Nazih Chamy. Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr Jean-Claude L6ger, Port-au-Prince. Haiti

Mr. Francis Hilaire. Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Mr and Mrs Les Lumsden. Punta Gorda, FL.

Mr and Mrs James Aberle. Williamsville, N.Y.
Mr and Mrs James Wood, Decatur. GA.

Associated with

Wayne & Chris Herget

Editor 'The Evangel" Mrs Carol Herget

Haiti Address

P.O. Box 1690. Port-au-Prince, Haiti



Forwarding Agents

ORLANDO, FL. 32859-0391

P.O. Box 590391





















^ 03

U1 P

to =

September '86 at CHRISTIANVILLE

Dear Friends,

Our busy summer is over and things are humming nicely in the school
this month.

All schools got behind this year in Haiti due to the rev

olution and so we are having summer school this month and plan to open
regular classes at the usual Haitian time, Oct. 6th.

Our school al

ways opened a month before others.

Monday night meetings of our evangelism staff are exciting this month!
New schools are coming into being.

The Mountain School enrollment has

increased from 24 to 40 and church attendance is well over 60.

A new

school and church are being established at Jan Jan, a mountain area ten

miles from us and the school at Delmas is hoping to open Oct. 6th.


will eventually make four schools for Christianville - a truly challen

ging outreach.

Staff includes our own trained young men.


the schools to be established but they are eager to take the Gospel to


these remote places.



Not only are they eager for


Two motorbikes have been donated which will be a

Now we need some funds to erect the shelter at Jan Jan s

since the first temporary building at the Mountain Outreach is already

started and funded and the land rental at Delmas has been paid.


you for your help in these areas - we praise the Lord for each of you
who have helped with funds and with prayers.

Let's get behind the Jan

Jan effort and provide for the many children in that area who have no

hope of education and are suffering with malnutrition.

These little

ones, ours and yours, are reaching out...waiting for our love and care.

Our needs include;

your prayers, $1000. for Jan Jan, new sponsors for

the children at Jan Jan, ($20.00 a month) and funds for the new school

building here at Christj-anville.

second story next week.

in Christianville School.

We are ready to pour the floor of the

Dozens of children come daily asking to enroll

Pray tha^God will supply our urgent needs.

YduV servan^ for Christ in Haiti,

'^- Jim and Carol Herget

9'86-8766*ima Roianc Th*odo<9

VOL 32

A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean


The outreach atJean Jean (pronounced Jon Jon) sparked its life from our pig pro
gram. Farmers from there found Stuart Kelly and through their receiving help from
gifts of pigs, they came to know of our Spiritual interest in them. A part of our
evangelistic team scouted the area and found the people eager to havea church
and a school.

We sought land...and found it.

We prayed for help...and God provided.

We worked and God rewarded.

He provided through our friends at Food ForThe Poor who recommended a work
team eager to visit Haiti to give assistance to a needy mission program. Thus Ad

vent Lutheran Church from Boca Raton, Florida, arrived tools workers ready to
build ourJean Jean building. In less than oneweek the building was erected and
the roof was complete. It wasan outstanding job, an incredible piece of work. Not
only did they contribute their labor but they contributed generously to the ex
penses of construction materials.

On arrival back in the U.S. oneoftheir team hurried to ship outtwo motorcycles to
aid in our evangelistic program at Jean Jean.

But the team included more than the construction crew. There were threedentists
and their assistants who worked diligently throughout the week caring for our
children. With our new dental clinic complete they were able to help dozens of
needy children suffering from need of dental help.


What of the future at Jean Jean?

The responsefrom the Jean Jean people wasvery encouraging. Several men join
ed the workcrew asl<ing for no remuneration except a share of the cold water we

were ableto carry to the site. The children got into the spirit of work and cleared
the ground under the roof. They knew from the beginning that there would be a
school for them and their hopes were high.

The Sunday foliowing the completion of the roof our evangelism team held their
first service.

The week following the completion of the roof Sam began working on benches
and David Marcelin offered to take the ministry there in addition to his duties in
the Dental Ciinic. An evangelistic meeting was planned for 3 nights and over 100

people attended. It was an exciting beginning with good promise ahead.

When the benches were finished Sam built the school desks and school opened

, in late November. It was an evaluation time, registration and planning time for of
ficial opening of the school in January.

Howcan we estimate the value of the outreach at Jean Jean? It is impossible. We

leave that to the Lord. Our faith in God's provision for help to these people In this

lonely valley in the rough interior of Haiti has been rewarded by a groupof people
with a vision and dedication to work. Through this vision and dedication there are
now two men and one woman who are baptized members of the church. Faith is

now followed by thanksgiving thanksgiving that overflows our hearts. We are

encouraged and press on ever following the torch that leads to a bright hope for
the future.

Cramped working space gave us the "shove-off" to our new dental building. The 2
room denial area at the rear of our medical clinic was just not enough. And the
medical side was cramping, too. It was our first building and we could not forsee
the tremendous outreach that was ahead of us.

Dr.Virgil Ullon continues to head-up the dental outreach and Dr. David Leever con
tinues as orthodontist. Through their dedicated labors both here and in the U.S.

other dentists have come to help us. Theirhearts are moved with compassion and
the result is lovingcare for Haiti's beautiful children. Recently N.W. Christian Mis
sion (Larry Owens) bussed their orphan children over a 7 hour trip to Christianville

and visiting dentists did nearly $8000 in work on them. It was great. The waiting
periods were packed with Bible puppet stories, songs and lessons.

The new building has a double operatory,

exray department with a panoramic and

single tooth exray, a room for orthodontics
and a waiting room. All of the equipment
has been given by caring people, Rotory
Clubs, other missions In Haiti not able to

use Items given to them. F.A.M.E. is pro

viding for more than half of the building
costs while dentists who have worked with

us have provided the balance. This beautiful

building is an expression of love from peo
ple who really care about the health of Hai
tian children. (And there is room for more
visiting dentists we Invite you to come.)

The dental clinic like all of our buildings

lends itself to other areas of service. The

waiting room houses a Sunday School class

taught by Sandy, the verandah a noon day

leadership class by David and the orthodon
tist's room serves as a class room for the

Saturday preacher-leadership class. We are

sure the Lord is pleased with this maximum
use of our dental building.

It was a great week. Pasto

a pro on building constru

ized the purchase of tool

as this team. IHe was righ

end. Jean Jean is 6 mlli

mountains but at the end

in areas very difficult



But, like the rocky road of life, it has its rewards. At the end lies
a beautiful valley with loving hearted people. The church
overlooks a broad river where we are having our baptisms.

The Gospel is the hub of the whole effort. We are here to get
the good news to people who do not know their need of Christ
or the joy and peace that comes from being Christians. We
welcome those who want to help with the building program.
And when they are through our young evangelists do their part.
The church is now established with full services on Sundays,
Bible study one night a week and a weekly day of calling.




Dingle of Advent Lutheran church is

;tion. At home in the U.S. he organ-

and supplies for Jean Jean as well

on top of things from beginning to
. from Chrlstianville back into the

f a valley-trail. The road Is poor and

n rainy times almost impossible to



40 beautiful children are neatly clad in Christianvilie's bright

red uniforms and diligently studying their lessons. We wish,
you could see the smiling faces in our third school. And we
wish you could see the beautiful photograph of these children
on the wall in front of my typewrltter. There is a need at Jean
Jean, too, and that is for Sponsors for our children. We are star

ting our feeding program tomorrow on faith. The rations will be

small to begin with but as we get sponsors it will increase.
These children need your love and encouragement. If you all
could see them they would be grabbed like hotcakes I

Every year as school reopens in September, Ernie and Jim Aberle come to do our

massive job of fitting uniforms on our kids. This year they had help from Ernie's
twin sister Helen May and husband Pete Gerard. Howthe years fiy by when littie girls they were candie bearers In our wedding. Now we have 704 chiidren in
school and that is a lot of uniforms ! We never tire of meeting our children along
-the roads coming and going, and knowing that those pretty red uniforms stand for
life and hope and health and happiness. Yes, and we thank God for His provision
for our little ones with continued help from American and Canadian volunteers.

The Annual Missionary Retreat was held again this year at Chrlstianville and again
it was a lovely success. Drex Stuart and George Poston were excellent with music

and Ralph Gorman's messages were rich and encouraging. Ten missions were
represented and there was a good
spirit of "working togetherness".
Plans were made for our one day
retreat in February.

Come around back of the chicken house with me there is something for you to
see ! The men are out there harvesting fish today. This is the last for the season

and they are gathering more than 6000 pounds of fish. We wish you could see a
movie of today's activities. It has been great fun. But the smell will be pretty strong
before those women finish cleaning thousands of fish. Buckets and buckets of
them are pouring into our freezers, cooler, salt brine tubs, smoker, and drying
areas on the roof. They will mean protein for needy little bodies not only here but
at other missions. We see Cookson Hill's and Lifeline's trucks out there waiting
for their share. And there is Wayne getting some for his work. We are thankful
they have helped take them ! Now United Nations has supervised our building five
small ponds that will give us monthly harvest instead of so much at one time. This
will be a blessing.


Off to a great start ! The Mt. Outreach is 2 1/2 hours away either on your foot or
the feet of Mr. Donkey. Since the trip is so far and since it is a fuii day's work to
vaccinate our chiidren this team of nurses packed up for a camping trip. The Mt.
church now has a building with 2 small rooms where we can "over-night". Shirley
Meade from Cape Coral, FL organized this helpful team for Sandy.

By the way, the church in the Mt. is growing beautifully under our evangelism's
team-mate Robinson Joseph. They are averaging nearly 100 and have 43 in school.

Here's a friend for you boys and girls I Jean is an eager-beaver worker and often
on hand when the big truck comes in loaded with food for Christianville School.
This time it was a load of milk in cartons. Oh, how those kids loved that milk I Of
course the first ones to taste it were the boys helping to unload. In fact, they had

to stop midway unloading to take a drink. After all, it was a lot of work for there
were several hundreds of cartons. Now the milk will give strength to hundreds of

i-iji i-ni I








children. Did you know that we are

now feeding over 1100 children?

What is so beautiful is to see then in

f jjffl


Sunday School learning about Jesus

and His love for them. But there is

also sadness. The boy in this picture
does not go to school. He would like
to...but there is just no room for him
and for many others. That Is why
we are building our new school.
Would you like to see Jean go to
school? If so, please pray for us to be
able to finish the building quickly.
Thank you for the gifts you have

already sent they have helped us

reach the roof now.

Uncle Sam and Daddy Jim enjoy

Boss. And by the way. Boss and his

wife Fancy have just had another

family of darling pups. You would

love them.

Some very important meetings go on


the Christianville office. "Boss"

our Boxer dog likes to attend the

meetings. Here you see him with

glasses on and a pen In his paw sign

ing an important letter.

Boys and Girls, can you see that wrig

gling, squealing little pig In Henry
Claude's hands? Our Nicholas who

now works in the pig house is han

ding over one of the castrate pigs to
the 4H group as a reward for their
faithful garden work. They will also
receive a female pig later on after the
adult farmers all get theirs. The boys
are now learning how to make their

way in life. There are no paper routes

or lawns to cut here like you have, so
they must find a way to make money.
And they learn to give a tenth to the

church, too, even if It is only five cents. Learning God's will for their lives is part of
our 4H program.

Children far up in the mountains seldom see new faces. They also seldom get to
go to school. Now in one mountain area of this beautiful island Christianville has

a school and a church. And also, the children are frequently visited by Americans,

Canadians and their own Haitian people from other areas. Their new building is
almost completed. Here you see it with the roof on. Since there is no driving road
to truck lumber up there we used Haitian lumber from nearby trees. The roof
sheets were carried on people's heads from Christianville.




James and Carol Herget, Managing Directors

Robert C. Shannon, T.C.M. Austria, Fred W. Smith, Jacksonville, FL.
Donald Wheeler, Orlando, FL. Elvin Gray, Tampa, FL Leon Dorleans, Haiti
Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.

Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, FL.
Sam Streu, Volunteer

Sandy DeVinney, Christian Church Colorado, Arizona.


Stuart - Barbara Kelly


Dr. Virgil Uilom, Dental Outreach, Babson Park, FL

Building Consultant Mr Nazih Chamy, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr Jean-Claude L6ger, Port-au-Prince. Haiti
Mr. Francis Hilaire, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Mr and Mrs Les Lumsden, Punta Gorda. FL.



Mr and Mrs James Aberle, Williamsville. N.Y.

Mr and Mrs James Wood, Decatur, GA.

Associated with

Wayne S Chris Herget

Editor "The Evangel" Mrs Carol Herget

Haiti Address

P.O. Box 1690, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Don - Virginia Dugan



Forwarding Agents

P.O. Box 590391

ORLANDO. FL. 32859-0391


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December 30, 1936

Dear Friends,

Sometimes we call them the three muskateers for fun. They are

our young evangelists...ages 18 and 19 years. Henry Claude is in

High ochool and Portain, too. Arvelt is a first year student in

University studying agriculture. But today they are packed and

ready to go to the Mountain church to hold a three day revival.
The donkey looks a bit overloaded. They will reach up there after
dark but the moon will help them and the people will be assembled
and waiting to hear their first message. Serious young fellows
they are.

Anote of sadness.,.one of our precious school children aged nine

years died a few days before Christmas. He was struck suddenly
with a terrible fever and lasted barely 2 days..really before the
family could get medical help to him. Our school children wept
openly..he was a special little guy, a loved child. Joseph had
only been in school two months and had not built up a physical
reserve of good nutrition in time. We have nearly 700 children now
but even the loss of one is heart-breaking to us.

v/e had a lovely simple Christmas ourselves after giving parties to

all of our children. They were very happy with their new clothes

and treats. One of the crowning joys was to see the response of
the ilountain children in receiving patchwork"each, made
by a dear sister in Florida.

It was a most happy time for us, and

for them.

Volunteer workers came from Florida and from E, 91st Street Church
in Indianapolis to help with the Christmas work. God bless them!

So many of you helped to make our December beautiful,.600 pair of red

socks, plastic gallons of dried foods, 3 motor cycles for the evangel
ism team, communion trays for new churches, and gifts for the building
project^of our naw many more things that we can't oven men

Every item is needed - all are answers to prayer - all are the

blessings we need to continue to grow and to witness for Jesus Christ.

Thank you - deep down inside of all of us is a real sense of gratitude

for you and^your loving interest and help. God bless you with a
wonderful year.

With love and appreciation,

Jim and Carol Flerget

Goih ^lidAmffL>

^ hose who find joy
in sharing
God's blessings


the truemedning

of Christmas."


brings you a message of thanks from the children of the Mountain Outreach School.
They now have a building for their school and church, lovely desks, books, uniforms, a
feeding program and a Christian teacher.

Here you see them carrying their weekly food

up the steep mountains, two and a half hours from Christianville.

No one grumbles.

Now their parents have carried cement, 20 bags of it, up the same

trail, to make the floor for the building.


It is a weekly task.

43 are in school - more are begging to come

Church attendance averages nearly 100.



brings you a message of thanks

from the children of Jean Jean.


building is up,.,the roof is on... and

school registration is planned for this

They are excited and happy.

are we!


Christianville Church has held

evangelistic meetings in preparation for

the establishment of the church at Jean Jean.


The. fli* /xMt want you. to

theJji iuilding

Last Sunday over 100 attended in spite of

We can hardly wait to tell you the exciting story of the building of this church-

school structure!

Watch for the next evangel.



brings you a message of thanks from all of us here at home-base.

623 children are

now in school, the dental building is a reality, and the new school building shows great


Christmas-month is so joyful for us..the reminder that our Saviour has come is

very precious to us and it drives us to share this good news to Haiti.

It is also a month

when our hearts are sad with the need of


We pray that God will bless you so

much that you will be able to help us in our

usual heavy needs in December.
for us in this need.

Happy Christmas!

We love you all,


ffit, OwbtAach pnik gatheAJng

chuAxih .6eADJxi.

Please pray














Lumber ~ $800


for a

$4,78 per bag

2 X 4

$35.00 a truckload

( a r i v (.

Carpenters, Masons

$12.00 per day


$3.:50 per day



for 100


tr? cu O

iJ iZ7 a


7/'/? cohmiUk a/ie, comp^jzije. - the. a.oo/.

Ji&adu to

am' CoAXiJi Kejigoi. CHRISTIANVILLEV P,0 Box 590391: Orlando, FL 32859 - 0391






OiAJ^tlariD-Ltie. Caiting
Dear Friends,

We have reason for rejoicing today and so we hasten to write you. There

have been days and weeks of difficulties; unrest in Haiti, dangers to care
fully avoid, school problems,.and yet through it all we have seen blessings
of the Lord.

Like many schools, our teachers went on strike for a week.


the clouds are lifting and God's sunshine is coming through,

OUTREACH No. 1 Christianville Church has been having new converts almost
every week for two months,

OUTREACH No. 2 in the mountains has a school

moving Jiicely with 24 children and food every day. It is transported every
week from our house by donkey. Two more were baptized yesterday and another
wedding is due soon. The school teacher we employed there has become a
Christian, thankful we are!

We have been praying about a new work. Our weekly preacher-training classes
have been excellent and our young men are anxious to be out preaching. Now
the Lord is opening a new door to us.

In the city we have found a very fine man who has been struggling with a church
for some time. He has 102 members, a small building and a school for 60 child

To our great surprise and pleasure we found that one of our Haitian Pas

tors and graduate of Ozark Bible College has a church hardly a block away from

this other work. We have now gotten the two men together and they are ready to
combine their work and build a strong church. Neither of them has support for
purchase of land or building, or support for the school other than a pitiful
salary for the teacher. The children are very hungry and in dire need.
So OUTREACH No, 3 has been born and Christianville staff is excited about this

new effort for Christ. We smile when we say that a few months ago we warned
our friends that Christianville was at the point of reaching out with well
trained workers.

The time is ripe and opportunity is at hand.

Now we need you more than ever



Our own new school building is going

We plan to erect a small church building in the Mountain and now we need

funds for the land for this new work.

All things are possible..if we believe!

V/e are using rented land at present.

And we DO believe!

with us that Goii will use us in this project to His glory.

Please believe

We rejoice,.and

we need your prayers.

And remember how very grateful we are for your gift this month,
In Christian love.

Jira^nd Carol Herget

o GOO, THe Sn 15 60 GRefiT AMD OUR BOJ^T IS SO SmflLl... .

Dear Friends,

Press on. The message was so clear to me yesterday as I rested in bed after
a bout with malaria, my heart overflowing in tears. Two precious teenagers had just

left the room. They came to represent my class. Standing quietly by me they sang a
beautiful chorus in English they had practiced. Then Suze prayed a long prayer and in
closing she and Augustine repeated the Lord's prayer. (Augustine is in training to be
a deacon.) How full of joy it really made me. I had time to stop and realize just
what you and we are doing here in Haiti. Here are senior teens beautifully relating to
the Christian life. Here are teens almost grown now who would have naturally related
to their world around them and instead have heard the call of Jesus, "come ye apart
from among them and be ye separate..."

On Thursday before Easter, there were 60 teens who came for an in-depth day of prayer,
testimonies, preaching and teaching. They sat quietly for 8 hours of growing in the
Lord. One teenager got up to preach and he said, "If it had not been for Christianville,
I would be out there in the RahRah band (the'VooDoo Easter celebration). Now my life is
changed and I am thankful."

This is your reward as well as ours.

Our girls are now reaching 18 and 19 years and with God's miracle in their
lives are growing with dignity and self esteem. They have turned their

backs on their culture that would now have had them carrying one or two
babies around. In the past 3 years, out of over 100 teen girls, we have
lost only 5 to pre-married pregnancy, one of whom was recently married in
the church. "Please thank God "with us and ask Him to continue the work

that has begun in their lives.

The School roof is on! We are watching excitedly the progress with great hopes. Many
wonderful Christians have come to help us this spring and God has blessed with all.

Advances are being made in the agriculture program as new ideas keep coming in with
our visitors.

Stuart has done a great job but now needs to return to the U.S. for eye

surgery that will take about 4 months.

Remember him in prayer.

More and more the Lord seems to be leading us into the area of trade schooling for our
graduates from Christianville School.

A few parents will be able to send their children

to high school but most will not. We want to prepare our kids for making their way in
life and so this summer we will begin on a small scale to employ teachers for special
classes in addition to the ones we now hold successfully on Saturdays,

funds for and U.S. markets.

We will need

Please include this in your prayers.

Thanks again for your constant love and care for us and our needs.

and Carol Herget

Would your Class or Group or

Here are a

Church like

few ideas:

one door & frame (steel)

one window (steel louvre)

$ 95,.80

Help us search for second hand school

desks in the U.S.

fluorescent lights each


We need pedal sewing machines.

floor tiles 100 (cement)


We need army type cooking pots.

stoves (for teaching) each

teacher's desks - each


Please send us

200 .00
75 .00
your address

We need a large commercial gas stove...

and your prayers.

anee when you move - it will save postage)

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