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8. What process did you use to write your group report and/or develop your
Write a report and develop a presentation what are require in group working.
A good report and a effective presentation expect on a process working in a long time
between another members in group.
1. All of members attend group meetings regularly and arrives on time with cooperative
and supportive attitude.
2. Establish a common goal determine what each individual would like to get out of it.
3. Members participate in a group has their own particular strengths and weaknesses.
Conversation help they understand their roles on tasks and activities that each person
feels confident they can fulfill.

Members share ideas and brainstorm together, ofcourse every member prepares work
in a quality manne before participate in a meeting group.

5. Formulate a cooperative draft thesis

One student in the group writes the report on behalf of the group, group report is a key issue
provides an overview and summerize a data total up the information and reflect on what The
has been done as a group and individual reflection on group work to improve next time.
This is a group presentation so It will be divided into sections for each member participate in
the presentation. The content will be distributed to each member, everyone will consider and
evaluate partial overview of the contents to make sure that everything needed are enough.
The presentation will be structured as an open itself to all other reports but we have to stand
in front of everyone interprets the audience.
Reviewing together is extremely important, constructive feedback to help the rich
presentations and more complete, but easily lead to controversy. The analysis considered a
very important issue when discussing the details.
Focus on what we would like to say, and make sure it fits the topic and do not go off subject.
And make sure the things We have are not too boring, no one wants to listen v to something
Most of the time, the act of putting down information on index cards ca Will help you
remember the information. The first thing we do is open up PowerPoint prepared by one
other members, then we should probably first spend some time developing your presentation
skills. Delivering an inspirational or captivating presentation requires a lot of preparation
and work. Some of members feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk, but
these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation which will also lay the groundwork for
making an effective presentation

.. cards cards about main ideas avoid to write details, or be stuck with the
Write notes on index
.. staring at the card while reading. Every member has write down the
fate of looking down,
main ideas or keywords.
. If we need to consult ca index cards, were only going to want to
scan the index card for information, not read every last word.

Most of the time, the act of putting down information on index cards ca Will help you
remember the information. The first thing we do is open up PowerPoint prepared by one
other members, then we should probably first spend some time developing your presentation
skills. Delivering an inspirational or captivating presentation requires a lot of preparation
and work. Some of members feel terrified when asked to make their first public talk, but
these initial fears can be reduced by good preparation which will also lay the groundwork for
making an effective presentation.
After that practice in front of your family or friends, or in front of the mirror. All most we
practice together between another group, when we rehearse your presentation. It's probably
better to do it in front of friends, as this will help our replicate the feeling of being in front of
the class.
Ask members for feedback after we finish our presentation. Was the presentation long
enough? How was your eye contact? Did you stammer at all? Were all the points clearly
made? Make a critique of your practice performance. Challenge ourself to work on all the
things that members believe they can improve during the real presentation.


[Company Name] Marketing Plan

Change the information on the cover page to reflect your report. For the body of
the report, use styles such as headings 1 through 5, body text, block quotations,
list bullets, and list numbers from the styles list.
This report template is complete with styles for a Table of Contents and an Index.
On the References tab, click the table or index you want to insert, and then
choose the options you want.
The index field collects index entries specified by XE. To insert an index entry
field, select the text to be indexed. On the References tab, in the Index group,
click Mark Entry.
Tip: You can also open the Mark Index Entry dialog box more quickly by pressing
ALT+SHIFT+X. The dialog box stays open so that you can mark index entries..
In addition to producing reports, this template can be used to create proposals
and reports.

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