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Nota: This aventure is an adaptation in Sambahsa of some excerpts from the Fabled Lands

This text is published thanks to the kind authorization given by its authors, Dave Morris and
Jamie Thomson ( )
Dank spollay tibs dwo daumost autors !

Clever ed tekhnassav surviver, Ithacus hieb un aunrahat 1 buhsa quod forcit iom ad natrehce.
Is ghohd naiwo contente se med un tresur unte baygh diu isghi semper plien ed schowbeyit 2
sieno niebst grand expedition. Eys akhir3 ambition eet udglehme id Kenen Gabehrg ed vide
an ia rumors om argwrnt mines eent ver.

Ia aventures os Ithacus iom calator

“Skehpt un minute, ghehdo khisses4 id puls”

Ithacus lent-ye disbayaldissit. Presta swons : id stupo baub ed murmur werden, id cracken
iom madeirs, id plaben iom seghels in id brise. Dind id kardu dreun podloga sub eys regv ed
id odor ios seil ep quod eys cap rahiet. Un saldic gust in eyso stohm, blans con bile.
Is sess ub stayg, kwasend marwed ex sien pulmons. Un circule nauten stahsit spehcend
iom. Oin ex iens, un wir in fayner vesters qui kwohk ses un tajir 5 capitan, stiupit perodh ed
hohlp iom ad stahe ub. Eys vesters eent parmadhen. Is khiss tem slab quem un pyssic.
« Hams bohrgen vos ex id mar », iey is capitan. « Yu antgrip un brohgen spar. Wey mohn yu
eete mohrt ».
Ithacus ghohd tik nukes, dar pior sassar kay construge un hol phrase.
“Qua ste ?” sprohg oin iom wirs. “Quetos yu ?”
Is pressit sien finghers protie sien cap. Eys kays eet implohcen med cruor ed saldem. “ Ne
Is capitan spohc sieno nieute. “Bastet ghyahe ! Tsay6 do orbate, yu quants ! »
Ia saul possessions qua ei resteer eent eys vesters ed un platin aurring. Ceters hieb esen
lusen unte id naufrage, pati7 vasya mehmens os eys gwito tuntro. Is dohlg rinkape hol.

Id nav landih Ithacus ad Hidari, ye id khaykou 8 ios Hitsu Fluv, un urb om claus-ye packen
woiks lyehgend eni ia bruschlianbeslohnken rockwalls uns angh dal. Ia imposant behrgs qua
ghohrd Hidari dahr un dayi9 ios immensitat ios mier Urushi Gabehrgios quod lyohg inland.
Ithacus ascens tod per teug puikenpusinsa ed sennmats quer id air eet pur ed profumen med
vreik. Spruts brohn ed gurguleer ghom bergwnt rockic varsas 10 ed, quan is vistahsit kay
pohe, is pohnd id wed glehdjic. Stayg, is dyohrc un fabuleus golden animal stahnd uper iom
ep un siman. El hieb id corpos uns kerv, un long ptoren swayp, ptergs kam blixghabels ed un
dragonlik lige samt oin horn akend uper weur pensive okwi. El animal absturdit do ia bosca.
Eet el kirin, el waurnic kerv quel begwahsit id mund kay11 dostringes justice.
Aun : without ; rahat : rest
schowbey : to equip
akhir : last (in time)
kheiss : to feel
tajir : merchant
tsay : back, again
pati : including
khaykou : estuary
dayi : general idea
varsa : slope
kay : in order to
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Ithacus likwit dind id gabehrgo ed arrivit ep un plateau quer noct brigh mekhtab 12 tem
deuselnd quem poliht argwrnt. Pos id solweus, aghyern mighel aunkohlder jamile 13 lungs ed
meandernd florlizdt paunds. Incontrit dwo ritters in trehn robes quoy kwohr un pelgrinage
kyid Kweiterwed Schangdien14. Inviteer Ithacus ad safer con iens. Ies bieygh id Camellia
Clan, un prevst-ye prosper dom quod hieb fallt in kardu tids. “Bet un nov wind blaht eusttos”,
iey is yuner ritter, “ed ia baygas nosters familia ghehdient oiscrehsce tsay”. Bimemeer prev
klewsa, alnos myehrsend Ithacus. Ies wohs in Banshu District, Akatsurays kerd, quer id land
glohm lent-ye kyid mier Urushi Gabehrg.

mekhtab : moonlight
jamile : pretty
schangdien : shrine
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Ithacus joinit un strad norder quod, ploisko pelgrins eiskwnd id Kweiter Wed Schangdien,
pauk leuds nud. Eet pau contact inter id curt ios cancellar in Shingen ed id rebell militar
gouvernement ios eust.
Trohcit kye tod sakwn15 khayghian urb quer is Swamen Cancellar hieb sien privat residence.
Id treb khiek ses confuden : un immens konak 16 ex slifto cederdreu con scarlat ganfalons
strehmend ud id misab17. Id sess ep un cliv, nispehcend id urb kam un tigher se breunend ep
un rock.
Is sloug ios Swamen Cancellar sieyg ad Ithacus od eys mayster hieb abgwaht ep ia behrgs.
Is ei kyus un paund sehrpend bayna ia puiks uper id villa.
“Gwehmte tsay ye alyo ker”, is suggestit. Ithacus preferit linkwes id urb.
Shingen lyohg ep id Wester Caustal Strad ex Chambara do Hidari. Yando pelgrins passeer
unte kwehrnd-ye itner kyid Monasteir Noboro.
Ithacus trohc kyid Kweiterwed Schangdien. Tod, leucend gold ed rudh, se revelit ei
pwolkohlen in ia drus apter un wedfall.

sakwn : quiet
konak : mansion
misab : eaves
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Menxu Ithacus stahsit spehcend, un grupp am kwitdun gwens arrivit ad danse pro el local
ansu. Bet is emsit id itner kye Mukogawa. Tod long strad oistrohcit per id gentile-ye wandlik
rur. Pauk mussafers18 gwahr unte tod route. Ti qui trohc eusttro eent ayn exhaust cortoyers; ti
qui trohc westtro eent consideret gamayd provincials.

Mukogawa eet un citad om staur lamper walls strugen ep behrgs uperspehcend id mar. Albh
banders lik ed plieb in id brise ed soldats in albh surcots patroleer ia strads. Eet id kala 19 ios
Meunweus Clan, quos atavic schangdien eet just ocolo id khayxiau 20 ep Uday Insule. Id
konak ios Clan eet gwaur-ye guarden. In ir dibajen 21 albh tabards, ies straji kwohkeer kam
temple statues sculpt ex asli marmor. Mukogawas quies eent chepran ob activitat ar navs
oisklied spieja in preparation pro id civil weir ielganghen exspectit pre oik munts.

mussafer : traveller
kala : stronghold
khayxiau : straits
dibaj : brocade
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Dat is hieb nia denars kay tules un eustwort porm, Ithacus dohlgit linkwes Mukogawa. Tri
miera strads convers do tod urb, bet ia dwo westworts eent pau begwaht unte ta diens ob id
hostilitat quod existit inter iens swamens ios Meunweus Clan ed id official gouvernement os
Swamen Kiyomori. Id trito strad lit do Chompo, quer id Blouseut Clan gwivit in ancian
Ithacus emsit id Megil Seddel Strad, yani22 id verdia yungend ia dwo megil centres os magh
ios land : Chambara, id imperial nagor 23, ed Mukogawa, quer id waldh iom Meunweus Clan
swamens eet nechiaujaent24. Is gwahsit pri un weur sayd paviliono nieb un puiken bunge.
Con sien pinaken murs ed sien dakh, kwohkit kam quodquid rural herbehrg. Ithacus abtrackit
in ia laysa po wedirn. Ambh middien, just kun is mohn de pause, un skapt os diewo trohv un
borsuk25 in id temos sub ia drus. El absnohg do ia vraghs kun Ithacus ghieng prosch. El
kwohk skimbhes – un vurnos quod miegh explie ma eet exo ye schawngwo 26. Ithacus venit
aun success hin inkiep duskes ed is dohlg rikes id sayd pavilion. Idso suter salutit iom
joyeus-ye: “Unghi gohd dien ?” is sprohg.
Veulbhend sien omsa med un pellblanquet, Ithacus gwahsit sedde con un piala27 chald risvin
ed spehce id meun wuses uper ia puiks. Uno smeihndo munk gwohm prosch ud id
shienrlin28. Quo curieusih to eet od is zwaugeien khayatswehbhend29 in id air. Is munk sieyg
ad Ithacus is hieb hassilen30 daumost maghs pos maystervs id Pur Land sutra. To ei
permissit safer31 do un fabuleus rig in id noct waurn quer is uc maung arcane secrets.
“Ghehdo te hehlpe ad kwehre id sam”, is iey “tan es asli-ye32 zakir33”
“Ghehdo tib dikes id wegh kyid Pur Land”, is iey iter “bet ghehdsies remane ter tik tiel fajer 34”.
Is diaspohr sem duil ud sien hand ed un bleigu paund apparih leitend ub do id wester
noctwaurn. “Tod paund tib duxiet tetro. Sdi sure mae abgwahe id ! Quando me aursies
yani : that is to say
nagor : capital (of a country)
ne : not ; chiaujean : defy
borsuk : badger
schawngwo : noon
piala : cup (without handles)
shienrlin : woods
khayat : tailor ; swehbh : to hover ; khayatswehbhend : hovering and sitting like a tailor
hassile : to acquire
safer : (to) travel
asli : genuine
zakir : pious
fajer : daybreak
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
swehne id gong in mien temple dehlcsies linkwes quanto sessies kwehrnd ed rikes fauran 35,
ob ye solweus id paund dispareihsiet”.
Id paundo duxiet Ithacus ub trans ia stars do un stet quer id air eet srig. Is trohv her un
venerable sage qui explicit maunga mystic druves.
Stayg Ithacus ieur id gong. Ye id sam tid, is venerable hakime 36 interrup sien sermon kay crie
“kikiriki!”. Is klieup ub kay paurske id paund, bet ia nebhs pod iom hiebeer biht schughev ed
turs, sosulend kam kalm. Ia abvic ed is mers ghomtro criend-ye, exspectend falle leuks tsay
ep ardh, bet in fact is liendit med un solid stuned in id medio ios cucinsmeja 37. Is suter ios
pavilion pausit pre stundes id snidan gong kay stare ad Ithacus hayran-ye 38. Is glaz ub per id
torm in id crov kay vide un bisseroko gall spehcend iom med marhour39 honn.

Ithacus is calatoro rik id strad inter Chambara ed Mukogawa. Ud sien ijmalpoint 40 her in ia
clins, is ghohd vide id rur oistrehce eustro ed westro in un profusion om polds, strohms, ed
comspers dorevs. Pos incontrevs un lebonahgalg pehrner, Ithacus inkiep un conversation
con un gwirlaynd41 kalugher. Eys nam eet Jobutsu. Ithacus khiek sib stambhes kaue is hieb
meg curtese maniers, quo Jobutsu explicit lehgend-ye ei is eet xiawngja 42 cortoyer in id
imperial palat in Chambara.

fauran : immediately
hakime : wise
cucin : kitchen ; meja : eating table
hayran : amazed
marhour : haughty
ijmal : overview ; point : point
gwirlay : to go back home
xiawngja : formerly
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
“Bet buim marloubiht43 ab myndert”, is iey yui-ye. “Buim kaun ab iom Souverain ob mien
musical ilm44, vidte yu. Sem dien, buim sprohc’ kay kane un meg ancian flute quod hieb est
uperdeht unte generations. Way, ne ho mohn’ de examine id pre starte kane. Eet plen med
duil idghi ne hieb est kant pon tem diu, ed it buim reduc’ do un kwasadfall. Nekabil 45 os behre
id scham, io sgwohm ud id curt kay gwive her in id rur”.
Un ghi yui46 storia.
Ithacus viniek Chambara. Id imperial nagor eet un citad construgen sekwent un
sadrencschablon47 ye id khaykou ios Moku Fluv. Is Souverain hieb her sien palat, ye id
norder bors os Chrysanthemen Avenue.

marloubeih : to defeat
ilm : skill
kabil : able
yui : sad
sadrenc : exchequer ; schablon : pattern
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
I Akatsureses ne nud maung rawaja48, preferend un systeme om dons ed favors, bet,
wesneihnd-ye long-ye unte id citad, Ithacus ghohd pehrne sien platin aurring ed sib kaupe un
compass. Ei resteer 350 shards.

Ye fayront, is arrivit ad id gwaur-ye fortifieto geong 49 os Swamen Kiyomori, Patriarche ios

Starsprehngios Clan ed Cancellar os Akatsuray. Douzens om soldats patroleer id vetat apter
ids albh walls cepen med isern aks. Ies guardes refuseer lasse Ithacus entre.
In id tajirquartier, is capitan os un Sokaran vecel dahsit ad Ithacus un maedwn radhwerd: “I
Akatsureses hant extermode dayis de torg”.
“Extermode in quod mayn ?”
“Ne maynent est hol respectable. Yant vos aynt un tajir, vos sessiet ifrat 50 kaurd os vos
introduce do id hog societat ». Is ghi calator decis ne torgue in tod land.
Id palat eet un complexe om trebs perambht ab teingwains51 eni un ghem albh wall. Od eet id
hem ios Souverain Takakura, qui eet ayn un directo descendant ios Solansu.
Un dukandar52 dik ad Ithacus id direction tos palat, bet so emsit un ghawo curve ed forghieng
in un apank part ios citad. Neti eet anghen quel sprehge de id itner.

rawaj : cuurency
geong : huge manse with walls
ifrat : hellishly (colloquial)
teingwain : ornamental garden
dukandar : shopkeeper
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Kun is calator vitrohv id direction kya dwors ios palat, eet ja deusk. Curieus-ye, ne eent
guardes nastraj. Glanzend per id dwor, Ithacus vis id purpwro regwos plehe id bustan53 ed un
mon lampe aydhe in un gazebo perambhen ab bruschlianbeslohnct sayps. Ia magna trebs
ios palat eent mers in temos.
Seuy bifiell just kun Ithacus niek id gazebo, bemadhend id bruschlian ed dahnd ei vesper air
un wohnic pickant odor. Bet is occupant ios gazebo kwohk zahil 54 ios beauteit ios moment. Is
stier yui-ye con maunga kerdbrehgend kwehsters ad un portrait in sien hand.
Eet un yuwen quos jamile lige eet marct ab profund sweurgh. Is kieusit Ithacus aun se
alarme. “Ah, io mohn is Cancellar hieb foryisen mien quant guardes”, is iey. “Bet no, vido yu
ste un tarnien55. Quod bringht vos do mien palat ?”. Is calator facit iom Souverain os
Takakura obkwohk ne ses meg curieus de ma Ithacus aluit nocts ambh eys palat. Eet pior
preoccupet ab sien wi kaurs. Ithacus math od is Swamen Cancellar, irat ob Takakuras affaire
con un piegu qua hieb seduct eysschi wi gianter, hieb foryisto tam ed confinen Takakura in
eys wi palat aun slougs kay serve iom.
“Bet yu ste yed is Souverain !”
Is skizzit un pall smeih : “Ne est tem simple ».
Ithacus bohd retrehve iam pieg.
« Kam ghehdsiete yu trehve iam ? » se lamentit Takakura, plangend bitter-ye ep sien long
armels. “Way, orm Kokoro. Gnohm tik od ia hat esen forducen do un smulk dom con un
glend dwer semloc in ia suburbs”.
Ithacus abgwahsit paurske Kokoros dom. Noroc-ye, seuy zafiell mox. Begwahsit ia suburbs
unte id hol noct, stopend ye cada dom kay examine id dwer.
Bad, Ithacus stus un angho glendo dwer, ed buit admiss do uno meln aula quer un bell dame
sess con un flute ep sien grem. Ia kiel Ithacus kay gwehme nieb iam in id veranda ed klusit
aun surprise eys narn.
“Gnohsim mien swamen retrehviet me !” ia iey. “Bet yu dehlcte ei explie ma ne poitto rikes ad
id curt. Saygo to pro eys wi dohbro. Is Swamen Cancellar gagnwant56 dia me, ed est
dangereus balahnes57 iom”.
Ithacus klu brovend-ye, suspecend ne suawakyiet58 pro iom sei is reikiet tuichands id palat.
Neid ex quo Ithacus sieygit ghohd persuade Kokoro hamrahe 59 iom. Menxu is likwit, ia dahsit
ei ka hadia60 sien faynsto dame curt robe, un kamatih vester ex sindon con samghatend
albhens pelpels ep un camp os bloumawi61 greis.
Vanschend adieu ad Kokoro, Ithacus ghohd tsay id citad just kun auror biieuskit med un
keraisflorspalv uper ia euster clins. Kam reagiet Takakura quan Ithacus ei dahiet ia khak
khabars62 ?
Takakura reghens Kokoros robe ud Ithacus ed dohrj id protie sien lige, inanmend id profume
siens lust liubh. “Som maaf63 io khiek persuade iam kay rikes”, iey Ithacus, dientowend.
Takakura kwohster deub-ye. “Ne est vies fault, Secretar Masayori pliehcsiet yu ste mizden
ob vies efforts ».
Katha buit Ithacus cungiden. Masayori, un honnic individu quos long teun coll ed globular
cap, ei dahsit un beurs mathmounend64 150 shards.

bustan : inner garden
zahil : oblivious
tarnien : stranger
gagnwan : to have rancor
balahen : to annoy
sua- : well ; wakye : to happen
hamrah : to accompany
hadia : a present
blou : blue ; mawi : faded
khabar : news
maaf : sorry
mathmoun : to contain
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
“Mae gwehmte hetro sei yu kaurte de voster sellt !” is iey. « Ne wanmos tarnien diabels se
immixe in curt affaires ! »
Gohd, Ithacus eet warnen.

Eent multa temples in ia suburbs os Chambaras, quants dedien ei Sage os Pace quos
exempel guidit menscens kya lumens. Her i clerics ghohdeer duce un gwit os monastic
contemplation ed layic dyindars65 ghohd gwehme pro kaylens, blaghens ed radhs. Ithacus
rayvien66 per id meir metroplos Chambara, quos canals ed weur gvirkagheln perigumts eent
lizden med kermus. Stayg, is vis un grupp om yuwens persecutend un geront. Vasyi yuwens
hieb cort kays ed vohs rudh robes, kwehkeihnd iens kam temple acolytes. Ye id surprise os
Ithacus, nel passant gwahsit hehlpe iom geront; quants kwohk ne volend ses involwt. Is
calatoro sprohg de quo wakyit.
« To ne deilt con vos ! » sieyg oin iom yuwens.
« Hehlpte me ! » plaidit is veut gentile wir. « Ho durst wehkwe contra id dictatorial politique
ios cancellar, ed nun eys centengs67 sont plagelnd me ! »
Ies yuwens stiup retro, bet ies kwohk surpris anter quem dekhschat 68 ab Ithacus. « Yu
skeuliete gwupes vies nas exter jects qua ne vos concerne », iey ir chef. Is spiusit ep id
grund pod Ithacus pre forduce sien gang.
Is geront eet Swamen Yasutaka ios Blouseut Clan. Is hieb kwohrt id agos os ouvert-ye
critique iom Swamen cancellar. “Toy skohrncap yuwens sont Kiyomoris privat heir om
centengs !”, is iey. “Quo hat wakyen tei land est deplorable !”

dyindar : worshipper
rayvan : to stroll
centeng : henchman
dekhschat : to frighten
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Ithacus kohns preferable linkwes Chambara ed venturit norder quem id strad. Uper meln
schuidiens69 quer id wed lyohg in padwls tem still quem specules, libells dienseer metallic-ye
in ia solbams. Is wohs in ia plateaus qua separeer id wester ed euster caustal regions. Eet
tem un politic quem un geographic barrier. Id west eet sub id waldh ios imperial curt; in id
eust, ies megil swamens iom militar familias influer. Ambh id central gabehrg os Akatsuray,
id terrain eet bergwnt ed wild. Windfirschet 70 ed blouspalven vreik se agitit kam un ocean sub
un weur waurn om drahnda nebhs.

Ithacus stahsit ep un rocktehngos ed ijmiel id majestueus-ye dusprimavo fenn quod oistrohcit

quanttro tiel id horizont. Norder swohbh un gloi os violett skadh quod mierk id hog extens ios
Kwaydan Forest. Westworts, yeji71 eys hissab, id Moku Fluv sru ghom do Kotobuki Bai. Dalg
suder lit id Mier Seddel Strad, menxu id eust eet ouvert lando tem dalg-ye quem id mar.

schuidien : ricefield
wind : wind ; firsche : to sweep
yeji : according to
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Ithacus gwahsit id port os Mukogawa kay tehre per nav id Ugetsu khayxiau. I local capitans
neti torguer con ia wester ports ob id tehrg posen ab id flotte ios Starsprehngios Clan.
“Kay habe un parwarisch72 unte ta diens, tehrbmos kwehre id longo curs tiel Yarimura »,
schikiey73 oin. Ithacus pieygh id porm kye Kayju po 15 shards.

Ia jamile bloulaquet pavilions os Kayju strohc ep ia hog triroiga kleitus in id caud ios bukht
trans ia empors ed verfts leizdend id marfront. Kayju swo eet un charmend peiskerurb
schicken ghemkroven villas glehmend un cliv chufft med ptoric puiks. Id Shi Fluv cascadit
ghom per id urb in un spectacular wedfall quer, yeji id legend, is div Sanobu pausit kay lave
sien peds pos traversevs ia lusen lands ios eust. Kayju eet id urb de quod uno maschour74
poet hieb script :
Blou kam dum sub strehls os werseuy
Id urb quer mien kerd weict
Es’ sigwra pwol-ye in akhira75

Ne eent druv strads exter Kayju ; pleisti civs ne iskweer venture do ia barbar hinterlands os
Toho insule. Tod euster insule eet un stet baygh different ud Yodoshi. In apank rural zones,
is vis dayim76 etiloikwa ios tehrg iom barbaren raids – in ia gnibht liges im poldorbaters, ia
taungh palduns defendend ielg village, ed waurmen-ye id paraydhen carcasse uns ghiesen
“Ub in ia clins”, sieyg uno nowngmin 77 ad Ithacus, “teupe i non-civiliset emishi – i ardharanks
qui brande nies opsens ed raube nies gwens”.
“ Ardharanks ? Ma kalte yu i Barbars it78 ? Kwe ob sont weulost ed nelaven ?”
Scussit sien cap. “No, ob sont gigant aranks”.
Ia bergwnt precipices ios Kenen gabehrg eent kafi79 kay dissuade quants ploisko i meist
experiencet ghyorghangers. Ithacus glaz ub pri hudelt puiks ed behrgs ex bare greis rock,
kya glehdjtohct pics. Id mierst part ios wegh mer-ye consistit ex wardh glehms ub skarp
ghyorpaunds, bet ex tid do tid is tohrb udstighes un perwnt. Ithacus wohs ep ia niter kleitus
ios massive Kenen gabehrg.

kay habe un parwarisch : to have a living
schikay : to complain
maschour : famous
id Akhira : the Beyond
dayim : constantly
nowngmin : peasant
it : this way
kafi : enough
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Hatta her eent ia puiks comspergen med sneigv. Dalger ub is ghohd vide long dals
oistrehcend tiel ia varsas, kam vurnsa grabht in id rock, quer id wind bich ub un abadic 80
glehdjmighel. Hetos, id glehmen bihsit meg kaurder. Glehdjkladen wind ud ia pics kariekh 81
eys finghers, ed quayque is antgrip id varsa, idso strineg eet rauk.
Ithacus lusit sien greip menxu is negocyit un uperhang, mergend do un sehnkseid precipice !
Noroc-ye, ia druozda niter sielv eys gwit. Ser vurnen, Ithacus se gwaukanihsit 82 ad rikes un
salv stet pro kayle sien sauks ed is niek ia oras pos un pair dienen. Ta wandlik clins, con ir
kathire83 apank dals ed dens puiken bunges, tadrijan likw id place uni fenn.
Ithacus siefer dind per id central region os Toho Insule, inter ia Kenen ed Yasay gabehrgs. Ia
saul woiks is vis perambh eent ia stambergs monen sayads 84, nizdt nieb perwnts au
pwolkohlt in un teguid om drus. Euster eet Akatsurays ripa.

Trans id lyohg id aunlimite cobalt extens ios Aungrance Ocean, quer ielg aghyern id sol
regnaht ex id endermund ed rinkiep un nov dien. In ia oras ios Yasay Ghyors, mighelgeps 85

abadic : eternal
karakh : to make numb
gwaukan : resolute
kathire : numerous
sayad : hunter
mighel : mist ; gep : pocket
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
lyohg deub in ia dals, kwehkeihnd ia skarpwns kam byaungjans 86 adrift in un arctic mar.
Ithacus kwohlpit glehmend-ye, vrehnkend gvol-ye sien glesen. Hoger, skarpa pics leucend
med sneigv bieur id waurn. Dalg apo is dyohrc pauk dakhdoms hudeln aytan-ye 87 ender un
strei om windblaht puiks. Ithacus trohv un skarp sanghie88 drayl quod duxit iom ghom ia
Un angh, pusten landstrei separit id srakuto dumblou skadh iom Kenen Ghyors ud id
gvondmetall greis ios Aungrance Ocean. Ye regwos, teun gyapend kabus89 crohsc con id
grundmighel. Ti drukhs90 om miser bandits praess vasya denars Ithacus bohr in sien
rucksack !
Ithacus wohs taiper in un bergwnt land om ak turs gras ed skohrden drus quer ia saul signes
os gwit eent baungdiutis nocts ed id grok em tengus cousins semloc apo in id srig albh
mighel ios dien. Dalger eet un wild nebhfirschen fenn, quer drus crohsc vrinken, kam un
geront progreddend malal-ye91 protiev id akster wind.
Ia rural vetats iom swamens os Toho eent baygh different ud ia woiks iren cousins ep id
wester insule. Her is vis mier konaks ex pinaks con dakhs tem weur quem ta uns temple. Ia
nowngmin hyts eent sammeln claus id hem os ir swamen, in paur om attaques ab i plateau
Ithacus rik dind Kayju. Id schangdien os Sanobu eet struct ep un weur schelf os rock
uperspehcend id wedfall. Ne eet effigie ios div, tik un temost kamer in id caud ios schangdien
quer ghohd ses vis id expost marko quod eet supposen ses id pedprint os Sanobu. Bi Kayjus
tajirs, Ithacus pohrn sien compass ed sib kieup un glehmschowbey. Is passit dind quar
hevds92 in un herbehrg kay ganises ud sien vurnsa. Bad, is rik udglehme success-ye ia
Kenen ghyors.
Ithacus khiss khwanxi93 kun is begwahsit ia sneigvkladen varsas just ender ia hogst pics.
Blindend kwit sneigvo kwehkihsit id kweiter waurnakmen tem deusko quem tint. Is vitrohv un
behrgo quer ia taraks94 chungmieneer metallic args. Ithacus siemmel un decen om argwrnt
nucels !
Id hog wind hiebit blaht grotesk skeips in id rock, kam aunforme garguyls glupt ab un foll
sculptor. Hockeer uper ia tehoms ed jvieyer blind-ye Ithacus menxu is descens.
Tsay in id fenn, is calator hieb id bieda os incontre un spectral dame ye regwos. Tendend
kyom sien mohrt albh hands, ia implorit Ithacus de dahe ay novs de ays kyar swester in id
west. Ia invectivit iom ed balstohm iom med un terrifiend voc, dwinghend ad iom fuges con
eys hands ep eys aurs.
In un apank village quer is buit inviten ad upernocte, just kun id nocto gwohm, uno mussafer
arrivit con un tornister pleno med mukuzay 95. Kay pehrne sien tovars, is samghatihsit i
villagers ambh se ed bilohg un long storia.
Lit de un ormo ritter quos gvibh bihsit inexplicable-ye sieug. Errit dalg ed wayt paurskend-ye
un schifa96 ed bad-ye incontrit un kalugher qui ei sieyg is tohrb trehve un ogvi, ob vasyi ogvis
hieb uno magic perle in ir geusmen. Is kalugher sigwrit od un talg perle eet id saul jecto quod
ghohd schife iam gvibh ios ritter.
Bad, pos maung aventures, is ritter incontrit el ogvim ed gvohn el. Is tun aunstohg od is
kalugher hieb est el ogvi sub mensc forme. El hiebit balstohmen iam gvibh ios ritter ob un
veut faydh con ays familia. Pos id ogvigvon id balstehm buit liven, ia gvibh ganis, ed gwiveer
noroc-ye aiwo pos to dank id fortune i diek per id pehrn ios magic perle.
byaungjan : iceberg
aytan : mournfulness
sanghie : stony
kabus : ghost
drukh : spirit
malal : weariness
hevd : week
khwanxi : bliss
tarak : a crack
mukuzay : jumble
schifa : healing
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Tsay in Kayju, Ithacus pohrn dec argwrnt nucels po 1700 shards ! Is gwup oino nucel ka
souvenire. Id saul nav quod eet linkwtur Kayju kye Yodoshi eet id Divin Wind, quod
benderiet97 in Chambara, po 15 shards. Bad kun id nav hieb disbendern rekiel is capitan ia
dangers os marsafer : “Pirates, wedmenegh, shamyumensci98 ed gigant calamars...”.

Ed, serter, un tsunami sink id nav !

Noroc-ye, Ithacus kamyieb gwupes sien cap uper wed. Snahsit hina neid nerce iom restit ed
tik determinationo nastohm iom.
Un nav gwohm in vid. Ithacus liv sien brakh ed emiss uno muzlim 99 crie. Per sem miracle, is
buit reperen. Is buit hisset abord, vulbhen in blanquets ed ei buit dahn un bol chald soup. Is
hieb esen kjiugnanen100 ab tajirs ex Metriciens qui landihr iom in Naray, ir niebsto bender.
Naray eet un citad hogen dreunen steivkielkens ed long brigvs struct inter ia mult sakwn
ghianshiek101 teingwains. Viden in winter, con sneigvo comspergend ia krovtops ed
paykeihnd ia contours ios landspectios trans ia, eet un stet os quasi etheric beauteit. I
Akatsureses krihr ia temples, qua eent dedien ei merti prophete i kiel iom Sage os Pace, ed
schangdiens, quer offers ghohd ses kwohrn ad ir multens divitats. In Naray, id saul
significant religieus treb eet preters type.
Westtro, Ithacus gwahskwit id buxianxu 102 Kwaydan Forest lyohgit con sien bergwnt clins
teug-ye becrohsct ab kwit puiken bunges. Temos hieb bisudern inter ia urads quan is ieur
stumpa pedfalls.
Un grupp vampiren in long sword satin robes adrusch per ia farntalussa kay sizes iom, ir
sehrgsloikw okwi leucend ud ir liges os ivorcolor. Rigor mortis hieb tem stiven ir jambs quem
i tohrb move klaupend-ye, yed i hieb oku perambhen Ithacus. I vampires lambh ielg miems
os Ithacus ed bohr iom takanend-ye103 unte leuks do ia wilda dubes ios forest, skladend iom
bender : (ship) to put in at
shamyu : shark ; mensc : human
muzlim : feeble
kjiugnan : to rescue
ghianshiek : rock
buxianxu : gloomy
takan : to jog, to bump
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
bad ant uno matam104 petra dwerleuxmen. Menxu id daulgic diutis aurorios prohp trans id
drucim, i vampires oisgwohm oku, linkwndi mon iom. Id granite dwer stahsit seid in un taluss
ex volvihn ghom ed petras. Id ulg bruschlianseit suggestit id eet ghi baygh veut. To kwohkit
kam un maghilentrat. Ithacus fug tan is ghohd. Gneubic ozda sudernd med rempend brem
slohnk hog upercap, obstrugend id diewo ed lassend id grund in un perpetual pallglend
regwos. Ithacus khiss kamsei eet wandernd in un aunfin labyrinth ex mosskladen rocks ed
ancian drus.

Is calator se schaliesch pro id noct in un balma quod obkwohk ses occupet ab un veut urx. El
stiupit perodh brehmend-ye, sien schughev pell se blandend con id temos in id bud ios balm.
Quayque vurnen, Ithacus ghohd nices el urx pos un longo katu.
Id dens foresto dar periembh iom. Bams ex golden diewo penetreer id obscuritato diens, bet
kun id noct hieb gwohmt id temos bihsit absolut. Spruts srur in sayetos uper densat ardho
taamt105 ab tursa brun puiken nadhs. Muschrons hockeer kam veut gamas in ia kauls,
mwanienend106 in id namnak107 temos. Is wohs taiper in id kenar 108 os Kwaydan Forest, bet
kun is emers do ouvert plor is hieb lusen sien hol orientation sense.
Kapt in un stayg aumber, Ithacus se schaliesch sub id misab os uno smulk schangdien.
Quan id sol emers ud apter ia aglus bad, id saylieb 109 ia madh polds med deuselnd golden
luce. Eet un scene os anemghendend beauteit. Ne eet stauneihnd od Akatsurays folk reverit
vasyens divs ios nature quod periembh id.

matam : dismal
taam : to carpet
mwanien : to thrive
namnak : dank
kenar : outskirts
saylab : to overflood
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Trans kwoidaghers, id terrain stigh do un verstep os gentile-ye wandlik fenn. Chuffs om
pampa gras agiteer se steunend-ye in id brise, kamsei drukhs passeer exter id
vidschaecheing110 os Ithacus. Taiper is ghieng engwn id hog, beboscta Kwaydan ghyors os
central Akutsuray. I walski credihr ia forests eent id mukam111 skeuden drukhs ed, in fact,
idswo werd “kwaydan” mieyn “kabus storia”.
Ithacus joinit id miero strad inter Chambara ed Mukogawa ed rik id sayd pavilion quer is hieb
ja mukamen. Is calator spens ter oindem yawms 112 kay ganises ud sien vurnsa. Is volit tun
gwahe sayde113 bet, ye tod ker, is stiejer 114 un local guide po 10 shards. Id nam tos guide eet
Akoboshi. Quan Ithacus sprohg iom de quel wedirn eet venen in in vicinitat, is jawieb 115:

vid : sight ; schaecheing : range
mukam : sojourn
yawm : day and night (24 hours)
sayd : to hunt
stajer : to hire
jawab : to reply
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
“Sont ghi vulps, borsuks ed apers, bet est riskeus oisturbe talg creatures. Ops gwivent do
maturiete, yu vidte, ed eucent maung magic tricks. Est salver an gveruemos tik kervs”.
Pos un long dien, Ithacus rik id pavilion malalt ed pedgvol. Ies naiwo vis un kerv... Is calatoro
rahiet ter oin meis dien pre bikwehre tsay sien itner. Viarrivit sudwester quem Mukogawa.
Wester stahr fertil padis116, bet her id kovile lyohg ulgo skeir ep ia paunds ex turs ardh. Ye
regwos, Ithacus dyohrc un ghyahndo torm ep un cliv. Slehngers upercrohsc id ed is calator
hieb naiwo kaut id aun id greis diutis gwehmend entos.
Reikus norder quem id strad, Ithacus nierc sub un dru ed drohm de enorm sword avs qui
gwiveer in id medio ios shienrlin ed doxeer tricks om magia ed bwudschow 117 paukims
favorisen mussafers. Oin im avs bohd maue 118 uno magic calamita quod hehlpiet Ithacus ad
retrehve i.
Quan Ithacus oisbud, is vis un compass hieb est addiht in eys rucksack !
Is calatoro rik Mukogawa dind emsit id nortworto strad. Claus tod citad, is khiek begwahe un
pwolleuk aun incontre grupps om reidend soldats. Quants bohr id albho bander ios
Meunweus Clan, ed quants hieb id bogaturic 119 aspect commun im jenchis iom euster
Ithacus arrivit ad un herbehrg engwn id rlowtou120. Un gwen con un micri baby sbohndt ep
sien regv spudit kyid strad kay anances un sellgumt tasse rliokchay 121 tem tegu quem soup.
Sa yun vidva, qua hiebit plur lytil purts, jusiey 122 tod herbehrg. Ithacus ay dahsit quar shards
kay danke iam.
Id Euster Caustal Strad eet cheprano med saudaghers123 ed messagers kwehlend inter ia
megil citads Chompo ed Mukogawa. Ithacus likw id strad kay venture westtro, per polds
nuktet124 med villages, kleund id hantend crie wilden kervs apo in id shienrlin.
Bad, is niek Chompo, quod eet id kala ios Norder Blouseut Clan, quos waldho tos region eet
tem suapacto quem id eet virtual-ye id privat rig ios clan.

Ne kam pleista suder citads, id central district os Chompo eet ghohrden ab hog fortifications
struct ex runda madeirs. Eni eent ia hems im aristocrats : austere bet imposant konaks qua
lyohg in un kehmb ambh id cliv. Exter id moin eent ia meis humil woiks em tajirs ed dabers.
padi : rice plant
bwudschow : martial arts
mau : to barter
bogaturic : daughty
rlowtou : (road) verge
rliokchay : green tea
jusay : to run, to manage
saudagher : trader
nukte : to dot
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson
Ithacus ghieng elangver-ye ub kyid inner kala. Soldats stahr ye idso dwor. Ies vohs id greis-
ed-mauve livree ios Dom ios Blouseut ed ielg bohr un piel quos ak schimmrit kam liquid piurn
in id diewo. Rekehgnend Ithacus ka uno mumtase125 anghen, ies abviceer kay lasse iom
entre. Nei tajirs eent admitten do id inner gordos, quer ia konaks ios Blouseut Clan stahr
mynder-ye ep id clin. Uper quants oiskip id massive vrongh tect ios palat os Swamen
Hidehira, iom patriarch ios clan.
Ithacus gwahsit do id schangdien. Tod eet belucen ab centens kieren, ielg illuminend un
micri niche in quod eet un statue uns different div. Is calator offerit 25 shards.
Tsay in id uder gordos, Ithacus volit visite un temple ter. Ter, ia magna strads eent canals ex
bokir126 ed sdehrkos. Seller eet mane ep ia baurdghangs ep ieter gon. Fin-ye, is calatoro rik
id inner gordos kay vide iom patriarche. Hidehira eet semper norocto de sellgwehme un
allieit siens clan. “Mien dom est vies dom”, is iey. « Mante tem diu quem yu eiskwte ».
Ithacus volit preter visite id familial schangdien. Ob id Dom ios Blouseut eet kerab127 ios royal
familia, besonters revereer iam divu Nisoderu, solansu, de quam eet credihn ia eet ia prest
atav ios Souverain. Ayso schangdien wohs in id eust bustan ios konak. Dwo pict fussumas128
qua kip iam kohldert divu oiscrehsce ex id noctbalma ghyahr kay sines entre id inner capelle,
un kyal quos bare dreun podloga ed murs hieb est poliht hina ia luceer kam rudh gold.
Ithacus gwahsit tun rahate in id kamer quod Hidehira ei hieb tribuen. Brustughs gwohm ei
bringhes ep smulk tepjis129 spissen nucen tortes, ris, acharen130 calamar, rosten kijie131, mork
ed kerem salat, ed vasyalg fruits mixen con liane sirop ed pisen glehdj. Pos un chald balnia,
un lecker chifan132 ed uno massage, Ithacus khiss mox waler.
Eys aventure eet khatem133 !

mumtase : distinguished
bokir : churned-up mud
kerab : relative
fussuma : sliding door made of paper
 tepji : tray
achar : pickles
kijie : pheasant
chifan : meal
khatem : over, finished
Copyright Dave Morris & Jamie Thomson

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