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Correlation is a mutual relationship or connection between two or more variables. Actually that
is a process of establishing the relationship between two things. Correlation of variable is show
in above table. As concluded in this research we find the result significant, moderately strong in
salary and reward system as compare to in other variable weak positive relationship exist.
Correlation analysis show the moderately strong relation of salary with job satisfaction that is
(.617) .it shows that employees salary has a moderately strong relationship with job satisfaction.
Employee needs are change with passage of time and they demanded to more money according
to their tasks that mainly assist to satisfy with their job. We say that salary is a sole motivator for
employees towards their job no doubt other variables also affect but they mainly prefer to money.
A(.601) correlation in reward system that show there are moderately strong relationship with job predict that if telecom sector slightly change their rewards system according to
employees will than their employees satisfaction increase. It also further show that employees
performance are mostly based on reward system how can they feel more satisfied to their self in
job. Individuals rewards are most influence on employees satisfaction rather than in team work
In working condition and job satisfaction there is week positive relation between them. A (.482)
is show week positive relation with the job satisfaction that expressed they are not positive
correlated with each other. There would be many reasons behind this may be employees feel that
their working condition not appropriate according to their job responsibility. If they provide
batter working condition than they do their task frequently and feel ease.
Relationship with superior is (.123) correlated that result show that there are week positive
relation between thee relation with superior and job satisfaction. Open communication and take
opinion from employees is important to achieving the good relation with their superior that leads
them to job satisfaction because they understand they have importance or values in their work
A (.238) correlation of job security that predict there are week positive relation of them with job
satisfaction. Job security is most important tool to retain their employees. So if they feel they are
secure in their job than they work batter and become loyal with the organization that enhance the
job satisfaction of employees.

Regression analysis
Regression is a statistical measure that attempt to determine the strength of the relationship
between one dependent variable that is (job satisfaction) and a series of other changing variable
that is dependent (working condition, job security, relationship with superior, salary and reward
In above table regression result show that working condition, job security, relationship with
superior, salary and reward system independent variable depend on the job satisfaction.
Regression analysis shows the significance of all independent variable to dependent
above regression table you can see that 53% is variation in job satisfaction that explains all other
independent variable that is under research. It mean 53% of regression result show variation
these independent variables (working condition, job security, relationship with superior, salary
and reward system).remaining 47% show other independent variables that effect the job
satisfaction but those are not undertake of this research.
.430 is predict a positive relation of working condition with job satisfaction. A positive
relationship show that if the change incurred in one variable than automatically change incurred
in another mean if they increase one level in working condition than job satisfaction
also increased.
Relationship with superior and job security is show the negative relation with job
predict that if they increase the one unit or level in relationship with superior than job satisfaction
would be decrease by (.216). Another side if they increase the job security one level than job
satisfaction would be decreased by (.008).
Salary and reward system has a positive relation with job satisfaction which shows that if they
increase one unit in salary than job satisfaction would be increased by (.413).similarly if they
increase the one level in reward system than job satisfaction would be increased by (.383).
Pay policies influence on the employees satisfaction level. So, reward system that influence the
employees and enhance the motivation level among employees. According to our regression
equation working condition is not values encounter by their satisfaction. If they have good
relationship with superior, reward system, pay system as well as working condition than they
become more satisfied with the employees. If employees are satisfied it enhances the motivation
level among employees and leads to achieve the objectives of organization effectively.
Organization objective meet effectively than it leads to organization on successful path.

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