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Diversity in Religiosity

I. Islam and Diversity

Recently, we often amazed but sometimes also embarrassed to see how Islam in
Indonesia struggled with the definition of spirit of Islam. On the other side, the
segregation between the Indonesian culture and what-so-called western culture
gives addition into the taste of Indonesia-ness making it chic yet troubling.
Nowadays, we can see two major method in learning Islam, some people believe
that to learn about Islam, one shall use their brain and think freely (this point of
view has been around for a long time, remember mutazillah), while others demand
that one shall revert to the authenticity of Islam (also something that has been
around since mutazillah, back in early century of Islam).
There was a time when Indonesia only recognized two TV channels, TVRI and TPI.
The variations (even only two) had been a privilege for Indonesian people, because
before that, we only had one TV channel. We can also see, at that time, there were
also only two dominant Islamic groups in Indonesia, NU and Muhammadiyah, and
both of them tried their hardest to be acknowledged by the ruling president at the
time, Mr. Soeharto.
If we looked those facts back from the presents point of view, it would be seen as
funny and even foreign that a religious group asking permission from a president.
Because we may see nowadays that president can be litigated by the people. A
situation brought on by the reformation that has opened a lot of chances for us to
be relieved from the constraint of dogma and supremacy.
Is diversity a threat for Islam? For us its not a threat, it is an option. For example,
which one youd rather choose, is it a cafeteria with only two types of cuisines on
the menu, or a restaurant with various types of cuisines on their menu?
The analogy above is just a simplification, we all know that Islam is not a cuisine nor
a restaurant, Islam is a way of life. But the nature of Islam itself is actually an
alternative of various options in life. We have to remember that Islam is a value that
is designed for humankind, and not for God.
Inna kholakna din al islam illa rahmatan nilalamin.
Surely We have created the religion of Islam but as a mercy to the world.
Islam is for humanity and for humankind. One can realize that human have needs to
love and worship God. On the other hand, God is the Almighty (al Ghany), He
doesnt need anything from human, not even our prayers.
Ya ayyuhannas, antumul fuqarau ilaAllah, wAllahu huwal khamidul Khamid,
Iyasyudhibkum wayati bi kholkin Jadit

O men! you are they who stand in need of Allah, and Allah is He Who is the Selfsufficient, the Praised One. (Fatir:15)
It is human who is the poor one, Allah is Self-sufficient, He does not need anything
from human, If He please, He will take humans off and bring a new creation, for Him
it is effortless.
The meaning of this verse is really clear, that religion is created for humankind and
not for Gods needs. It is obviously wrong if some people strive to denounce other
groups/people in the name of religion or even God.
We all know that God is Self-sufficient, but unfortunately, some people, with their
own interpretation of Gods words, destroy other peoples right to choose their own
way of life. Isnt it against the principle of mercy to the world?
The prophet Muhammad often said that he was only the bearer of good tidings and
also a messenger. He was not to enforce his own desire and obliterate other
peoples believe using his own interpretation.
But what happened nowadays is that the majority feels that they have the power
and right to suppress the minority, for example, the Sunni in Egypt suppresses the
Shiite, while the Shiite in Iran constrains the Sunni, Pakistan fights against the
proliferation of Shiite in the country, and Indonesia accuses the follower of Shiite
and Ahmadiyah as blasphemer. The ironic thing is that they do those horrible things
as if they had the blessing from God.
Looking at those cases, one would see that Islam is so dark.
Cant we realize that each and every word in the Koran can be interpreted according
to the reality and its context, or maybe even according to the taste of the readers?
For instance, The four schooling (four Imams in Sunni) have their own ruling, e.g.:
the ruling of mens genitalia (aurat); Imam Hanafi said that its only anus and penis,
while Imam Syafii said that its above the thigh and below the navel. These
differences are accepted amongst the Moslem. Another example was the fact that
the Hejaz scholars who are textual-centric respected the Basra scholars who are
contextual-centric. And that fact proved that with the acceptance of these
differences, Islam was glorious in Iberia peninsula (Spain). Back then, Islam,
Christian and Jews were sitting along together in an open and intimate, semi-formal
discussions and meetings to talk about morality and humanity problems such as
disease and poverty that plagued at the time. It was widely known that Iberia
peninsula was a thriving region at that time.
In Indonesia, when Islam first arrived to Java island, Wali Songo (the nine vicars)
even accommodated the story of Mahabharata, which is very authentic with Hindu,
and delivered the story with some Islamic teaching adjustments. This kind of
preaching was proved to be very effective in attracting people to study about Islam.

If a religion has entered to battle of philosophy between purity and impurity, or

claiming the exclusivity of right and wrong, then it will lead to a war of justification
amongst different interpretations and faiths. People would be confused by the mean
of bidah (heresy), whereas heresy doesnt always mean as bad, but it could also
mean a good thing. Also, people are going to be perplexed of what does the purity
of Islam meant, although in Arab itself, there are a lot of Islamic sects ever since the
decease of Prophet Muhammad, there were (are) various sects in Islam.
It is a fatal oversight when a group feels that they are the most authentic amongst
the others. Variations and differences are natural; it is even deliberately created by
Theres a hadith that said Islam would be divided into 73 groups, and one of the
best is ahlu sunnah wal jamaah. A lot of people have misinterpreted this hadith,
judging that only one group is the right one, but, if we look at the idiom differently,
ahlu sunnah wal jamaah could be interpreted as: if one follow the Koran faithfully,
either using the textual or contextual interpretation, as long as they are united
(jamaah) and treat each other as brothers, they will find safety in this world and
also afterlife.
II. Gay and Religiosity in Islam
We, gay people, have to realize that we have a different love orientation from the
majority; we have to believe that it is the ordinance of Allah (Sunatullah).
Its wrong to reject it and even hate yourself, but on the other side youd still do
those things because you have no power to refuse. Its also wrong to be indifferent
with what you have but you are also harassing gay in front of other people so long
as they dont know the real you.
We should learn to accept and understand that a part of us is a minority or special
and not the same with the others. Allah will understand our condition and reasons.
Lets respect each other despite of our differences.
You can make interpretation of verses on Lots people that God cursed the
homosexuality behavior, but you can also interpret that the curse for the Lots
people are the free-sex behavior that they conducted even though they had wives.
But we can see the basic thing is that we think that anyone, either gay or straight,
violates the rule of religion and also social norm if they conducted free-sex.
Thus, youll see that you can choose whichever interpretation you want to believe,
but learn not to accuse which one is right and which one is right. Respect every
interpretation that people have. Those interpretations will give us richer variations
in life. Once again, we have to realize that differences are ordinance of Allah.
Hopefully this brief writing can open our mind that we all are creatures of Allah, we
are helpless and always in need of His love through the love that we present to Him.

Keep on praying, keep on doing good deeds, and be faithful to your spouse. May
Allah shows us the best way in life for ourselves and for people who love us.
Wallahu alam.

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