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NAMA : Galih Sofyan R

Prog B K3 Binawan
Safety in Agriculture
The agriculture industry has one of most dangerous to work in and has some of the highest rates
of accidents after the construction industry in fact close to one individual per week over the last
10 years has died from agricultural work and many more have been injured. Hence why health
and safety is of great importance within the farming industry. There are various factors to take
into consideration regarding agricultural health and safety:
Awareness Days
Health and Safety often gets overlooked in everyday operations but a few simple procedures and
reminders can go a long way in keeping everyone safe. There are health and safety awareness
days especially designed to help prevent accidents occurring in this industry. These are organised
by the UK Health and Safety Executive and here is a link to the upcoming dates. They are free
and feature half a day of practical demonstrations of everyday hazards in agricultural work.
These awareness days come highly acclaimed with independent research verifying that 99%
attendees would recommend the event to other farmers.
Machinery and Vehicles
Incidents with farming machinery are one of the biggest causes of fatality and injury in
agriculture; one simple step to help avoid such occurrences to ensure all your machinery is up to
standard. Its important that when you initially purchase your machinery it carries the CE
mark, this demonstrates that it has been built to the required safety standards. Furthermore, upon
purchase you should be provided with a certificate of conformity which confirms this standard.
Agricultural work can be hard wearing on machinery so its important that youre vehicles and
equipment are regularly checked and that any maintenance required is carried out. The frequency
of checks will vary from machine to machine but the manufacturers guidelines often provide a
suggested time frame.
Complications often arise with agricultural machinery and vehicles when there is difficult terrain
such as boggy or flooded fields. Ensuring your fields have effective land drainage can help to dry
out fields after excessive rainfall and makes it easier for machinery to navigate the fields safely
and much less likely it will become stuck.

Its important that individuals running farm operations and vehicles are properly trained to do so,
not only is it common sense it also a legal requirement. The official UK awarding body for
agricultural based qualifications is the National Proficiency Test Council (NPTC), so whilst other
farming related experience or certifications may be helpful, employees really need to have a
relevant qualification from the NPTC to be eligible for farming work. This kind of training
allows an individual to fully understand the risks involved in this line of work, how to control for
them and how quickly evaluate and assess the level of risk in a given agricultural scenario. There
is also training required for specific skill sets, for example chainsaws, tree work and sheep
Farming doesnt have to be such a dangerous industry if individuals take a few practical steps to
try and prevent accidents and ensure that all involved have the proper health and safety
awareness and training.

Topic Sentences
Top Support Sentences

: Health and Safety in Agriculture


incident with agricultural machinery is one of the major causes

of death and injury agriculture

Very important for a person received training on health and

safety agriculture
Awareness of highky recognized in the study that 99% og them
will perform a sucure way of farming

Concluding Sentences

: agricultural industry would be dangerous if sameone takes partical

steps.To prevent accidents and ensure that all involved have a
health awareness and proper safety training

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