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1) The process of respiration complete in (a) nucleus (b)

mitochondria (c) cytoplasm (d) all
2) In the first step of an anaerobic respiration. Glucose is
converted into
(a) succinic acid (b) glutamic acid (c) acetic acid (d) pyruvic
3) Respiration in plant is /are of
(a) one kind (b) two kind (c) three kind (d) none
4) In respiration, at the end of electron transport chain
oxygen combines with (a) hydrogen of water (b) carbon to
form carbon dioxide (c) carbon and hydrogen to form
carbonic acid (d) none
5) When a glucose molecule is broken down into pyruvic
acid, the number of net molecule of ATP produces are
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 13
6) In green plants the respiration takes places in
(a) corticle cell (b) guard cell (c) parenchyma cell (d) none
7) The glycolysis of anaerobic respiration is take place in
(a) cytoplasm (b) mitochondria (c) nucleus (d) stroma
8) The resultant of direct phosphorylation in glycolysis is
equal to (a) 4 ATP (b) 8 ATP (c) 12 ATP (d) 16 ATP
9) Respiration is (a) oxidation- reduction in cells (b) an
exchange of gases in tissue (c) an exchange of gases in lungs
(d) all
10) A vital process occurring in all the cell of living organism
(a) respiration (b) digestion (c) regeneration (d) reproduction
11) Kerbs cycle takes place within the
(a) chloroplast (b) nucleus (c) mitochondria (d) cytoplasm
12) Which one of the following is an electron carrier
(a) NAD (b) cytochrome (c) NADP (d) FAD?
13) The electron path is provide in electron transport chain
system by
(a) Fe++ (b) Ca++ (c) cytochrome (d) phytohormone
14) Glucose molecule splits into --------- molecule of pyruvic
acid during glycolysis (a) three molecule (b) two molecule
(c) one molecule (d) none
15) Oxidative phosphorylation take places in
(a) cytoplasm (b) mitochondria (c) nucleus (d) none
16) With the loss of two electron 2H+ succinic acid convert
into (a) malic acid (b) fumaric acid (c) oxaloaccetic acid
(d) none
17) Which one of the following link glycolysis with krebs
cycle (a) cytochrome (b) CoA (c) accetyle CoA (d) none
18) The product of glycolysis is (a) pyruvic acid (b) NADH2
(c) both (d) none
19) Co- enzyme A, a sulphur containing compound derived
from (a) vitamin c (b) vitamin B (c) vitamin A (d) vitamin D
20) The energy for initiating glycolysis comes from (a) NTP
(b) ATP (c) NADPH2 (d) none
21) A universal energy harvesting process of life is (a)
glycolysis (b) krebs cycle (c) electron transport chain
(d) none
22) The term fermentation was defined by
(a) w. Pasteur (b) Robert hook (c) hackel (d) none
23) The ultimate sources of energy in an ecosystem is the (a)
sunlight (b) solar light (c) atomic light (d) both a and b
24) Solar energy is (a) renewable (b) non renewable (c) both
(d) none
25) Secondary trophic level consist of (a) herbivores (b)
primary consumer (c) secondary consumer (d) both
26) An ecosystem may have (a) 6-8 trophic level (b) 5-10
trophic level (c) 6-9 trophic level (d) none

27) The relationship b/w different trophic level is shown by

mean of (a) pyramid of energy (b) pyramid of biomass (c)
pyramid of no (d) none
28) Smaller the food chain loss (a) less amount of energy (b)
great amount of energy (c) equal amount of energy (d) none
29) The average efficiency of energy transfer from animal to
animal is about (a) 10% (b) 20% (c) 30%(d) 40%
30) Which one provide the best picture of an ecosystem
(a) pyramid of energy (b) pyramid of biomass (c) pyramid of
no (d) none
31) The relation ship b/w different trophic level is shown by
means of (a) pyramid of energy (b) pyramid of no
(c) pyramid of biomass (d) none
32) The energy flow for silver spring florida calculated by
(a) E.P.odum (b) meischer (c) william harry (d) none
33)In animal NADH+H+ reduces acetaldehyde to
(a) lactic acid (b) ethyle alcohol (c) alchohal (d) none
34) The quantities study of energy relationship and
conversion into biological system is
(a) bioenergetics (b) chemical-energetic (c)physical energetic
(d) none
35) Biological energy transformation obey the
(a) law of conservation of mass (b) law of thermodynamic
(c) law of inertia (d) none
36) How many million of the species can built the organic
nutrient (a) about half million (b) one and half million
(c) one million (d) none
37) The common energy currency of cells is called
(a) ADP (b) ATP (c)creatin phosphate(d)non
38) Under cellular condition ATP produce energy is equal to
(a) 8.4 cal mole (b)30.5K/J (c) 7.3 (d)both b&c
39) A reaction in which energy is absorbed is called (a)
endergonic (b) exergonic (c) mesogonic (d) none
40) On hydrolysis the ATP convert into ADP and provide (a)
kinetic energy (b) potential energy (c) chemical energy (d)
41.Among the following conversion in glycolysis ,where
NADH+H produce.(a)fructose -6-phosphate to fructose 1-6
biphosphate (b)fructose 1-6 biphosphate toglyceratealdehyde
3-phosphate (c)Glyceratealdehyde-3-phosphate to 13biphosphoglycerate (d)1-3 biphosphate to 3-phosphate
42.For each acetyl Co-A oxidized by citric acid cycle,what is
the energy gain (a)Two molecule of NADH. One FADH2 and
one nucleoside triphosphate (b) three molecule of NADH,one
FADH2 and two nucleoside triphosphate (c)both are correct
(d) both are correct
43.Loss of two hydrogen atom from PGAL convertedthem
into(a)GPA (b)PGA (c) G3P (d) both b&cs
44.The molecular remain of Glycolysis is (a) pyruvate (b) 2
pyruvate (c)acetic acid (d) non
45.In respiration how many steps at which hydrogen atoms
in pair is release (a)6 (b)7 (c) 10(d)non
46.Aerobic break down of glucose molecule with accompying
synthesis of ATP is called (a) respiration (b)cellular
respiration (c) tissue respiration (d) both b&c

50) A kind of chemical link b/w katabolism and anabolism is

(a) ATP (b) ADP (c) ANP (d) GTP
51) Source of oxygen released during photosynthesis is (a)
water (b) carbon dioxide (c) both (d) none

41) In photosynthesis the carbon containing compound

formed from (a) carbon dioxide (b) water (c) both (d) none
42) Photosynthesis is a (a) metabolic process (b) katabolic
process (c) anabolic process (d) none
43) In photosynthesis the by product (a) oxygen (b) water (c)
both (d) none
44) In photosynthesis the water, carbon dioxide and light
energy are the (a) raw material (b) reactants (c) products (d)
both a and b
45) The fundamental material starter of photosynthesis is
(a) starch (b) maltose (c) fructose (d) glucose
46) Synthesis of ATP in the presence of oxygen is called (a)
oxidation phosphorylation (b) reductive phosphorylation (c)
photophosphorylation (d) redox phosphorylation

47) The molecule formula of chlorophyll a is (a)

CHON Mg (b) CHON Mg (c) CHON Mg
(d) none
48) Chlorophyll a is (a) yellow- green (b) blue- green (c)
orange green (d) violet blue
49) Chlorophyll b is (a) yellow green (b) blue green (c) violet
blue (d) orange green

52) The first light driven chemical reaction of photosynthesis

occur in (a) antenna complex (b) reaction centre (c) both (d)
53) Thylakoid membrane are involved in ATP synthesis by
(a) photolysis (b) phosphorylation (c) chemiosmosis (d) redox
54) Light is composed of packets of energy called (a) photon
(b) quanta (c) both (d) none
55) The movement of energy within thylakoid membrane
range within (a) a second (b)a minute (c) a nano second (d)
56) Light behaves as waves as well as sort of particles called
(a) proton (b) photons (c) neutron (d) both a and b
57) Each photosystem consist of light gathering (a) antenna
complex (b) reaction centre (c) light centre (d) both a and b
58) Reaction centre of PS.II has (a) P (b) P (c) P (d)
59) Only photo system I is involved in (a) non-cyclic electron
flow (b) cyclic electron flow (c) both (d) none
60) Each photo exicted electron passes from P.S ii to P.S I
through (a) electron transport system (b) proton transport
system (c) electron transport (d) none
61) An enzyme called NADP reductase transfer the electron
chain from ferrodoxin (a) NADP (b) FAD (c) ATP (d) NTP
62) Chemosmosis is the process that uses membrane to
couple redox reaction to (a) sugar production (b) ATP
production (c) sugar consumption (d) ATP consumption
63) In chemosmosis the hydrogen ion move down their
gradient through special complex called (a) plastocyanin (b)
haemocyanin (c) ATP synthesis (d) none
64) Plastocyanin act as an electron donor to (a) P-S II (b) P-S
I (c) both (d) none
65) The dark reaction takes places in the (a) matrix of
mitochondria (b) stoma of mitochondria (c) grana of
chloroplast (c) stoma of chloroplast
66) Plant which can fix Co through the pathway Calvin
Benson cycle called (a) C plant (b) C plant (c) C plant (d)
C plant
67) Which one is not a step of a Calvin cycle (a) carbon
fixation (b) reduction (c) regeneration of RUBP (d) oxidation
68) The Calvin cycle consist of 13 main reaction catalyzed by
(a) 12 enzyme (b) 14 enzyme (c) 15 enzyme (d) none
69) The enzyme rib lose bi phosphate carboxylase /
oxygenase is also known as (a) Ribica (b) Rubico (c) Rubisco
(d) none
70) The Calvin cycle is also known as (a) C pathway (b) C
pathway (c) C pathway (d) none
71) Which one is the first key reaction of Calvin cycle (a)
reduction (b) carboxylation (c) regeneration (d) none
72) When the oxygen is taken up and Co is evolved in the
presence of the light the process is called (a) respiration (b)
cellular respiration (c) photorespiration (d) none
73) Phosphoglyceraldhyde and dihyoxyacceton phosphate
formed at the cost of (a) only ATP (b) only NADPH (C) both
(d) none

74) Carbon rearrangement takes places in (a) carboxylation

phase (b) reduction phase (c) regeneration phase (d) none
75) 9 molecule of ATP and 6 molecule of NADPH+H
consume by Calvin cycle to form (a) 1 GP molecule (b) 2
GP molecule (c) 3 GP molecule (d) none
76) A series of freely reversible reaction occur in (a)
carboxylation phase (b) regeneration phase (c) reduction
phase (d) none

77) At the cost of ATP and NADPH,GP reduce to (a) 1,4

glycerate bi phosphate (b) glycerate (c) 1,3 glycerate, bi
phosphate (d) glycerate 1,3 bi phosphate
78) The Calvin cycle consumes a total of nine molecule of
ATP and six molecule of NADPH+H for net synthesis of (a) 2
molecule of GP (b) 9 molecule of GP (c) 6 molecule of GP
(d) 1 molecule of GP


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