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Number Sense Tricks:

Subtracting Reverses
a. 3 digit or 4 digit (work in pairs): subtract first
and last digit/pair, then multiply by 100 and
subtract difference
i. 634-436 = 198 (6-4 = 2, 100x2 2 = 198)
ii. 1495-9514 = -8019 (95-14=81, 81x100-81 =
8019, make negative)
b. 4 digit number: subtract first and last digit,
then multiply by 1000 and subtract difference
i. 1668-8661 = -6993 (8-1=7, 7x1000-7 = 6993,
make neg)
Adding fractions of form a/b + b/a
a. Find the difference of a and b and square it for
the numerator, the product of a and b is
denominator; write 2 for the whole number
b. 3/5 + 5/3 = 2 4/15 (5-3 = 2, 22 = 4; 5x3 = 15)
c.2/7 + 7/2 = 3 11/14 (7-2 = 5, 52 = 25; 7x2 = 14;
since 25/14 is improper, make it mixed and add
the 2)
Multiply by 11
a. Write last digit, add backwards and write digit
one at a time until one digit left then write it; if
>10, carry 1 and add, dont write commas
b. 53 x 11 = 583 (write 3, add 5+3, write 8,
write 5)
c.57 x 11 = 627 (write 7, add 5+7, write 2, carry 1
and add 5, write 6)

d. 143x 11 = 1573 (write 3, add 4+3, write 7, add

1 +4, write 5, write 1)
Multiply by 12
a. Writing backwards, multiply 2 x last digit and
write down, multiply 2 x first digit and add to
original #
b. 12x31 = 372 ( 2x1 = 2; 2x3 = 6; add 6 to 31 =
c.12x47 = 564 (2x7 = 14, 2x4 = 8, so add carried
1 +8 + 47 = 56)
Multiply by 25
a. Divide number by 4 and * 100
b. 25 x 12 = 300 (12/4 = 3, 3*100)
c.25 x 28 = 700
d. 25 x 37 = 925 (37/4 = 9 * 100)
Multiply by 75
a. Divide number by 4, multiply by 3, then *100
b. 75 x 36 = 2700 (36/4 = 9, 9 * 3 = 27)
Multiply by 50
a. Divide number by 2 and x100, when the
remainder is 1, write down 50 instead of x100
b. 50x26 = 1300 ( 26 /2 = 13)
c.50x93 = 4650 (93/2 = 46 R 1)
Multiply by 101
a. Repeat the number
b. 27 x 101 = 2727
Multiply by 143
a. Divide number by 7 then use that digit for 1st
and last, fill in 2 zeros
b. 143x35 = 5005 (35/7 = 5)

c.143x63 = 9009 ( 63/7=9)

10. Multiply numbers close to 100
a. Take product of differences from 100 as last 2
digits (if 3 digits, carry extra to next step); take
difference of original # and other numbers
difference from 100 as 1st digits if #s are less
than 100, add if #s are more than 100; doesnt
work if 1 above 100 and 1 below 100
b. 97x95 = 9215 (97 is 3 away from 100 & 95 is 5
away; 3x5 = 15, 97-5 (or 95 3)= 92)
c.89 x 98 = 8722 (11 and 2 units away from 100;
11x2 = 22, 89 2 = 87)
d. 85x84 = 7140 (15 x16 = 240, write 40, carry 2;
85 -16 = 69 + 2 = 71)
e. 108x103 = 11124 (8x3 = 24, 108+3 = 111)
11. Multiply using double & half
a. Works for any, but good for number ending in 5
and an even number
b. Double 5 number and half the even number
and multiply
c.15 x 12 = 180 (15 x 2 = 30, 12/2 = 6, 30 x 6
d. 35x18 = 630 (70 x 9)
e. 4 x 18 = 9 x 9 = 81
12. Multiplying numbers ending in 5
a. Squaring: 25 is last two digits, add 1 to first
digit(s) and multiply to first digit(s)
i. 652 = 4225 (write 25, 7 x 6 = 42)

ii. 1452 = 21025 (write 25, 15 x 14 = 30 x 7

(double & half rule) = 210)
b. 10s digit both even: write 25, add 10s digits
and divide by 2, add to product
i. 45 x 85 = 3825 (4 + 8 = 12, 12/2 = 6, 6 + 32
= 38)
c.10s digits even and odd: write 75, same process
as above
i. 35 x 85 = 2975 (3 + 8 = 11; 11/2 = 5.5 just
take whole number, 5 + 24 = 29)
13. Squaring 2 digit number
a. Writing backwards, write the square of the last
digit, the write double the product of 2 digits,
then carry the tens digit from that product and
add to the square of the first digit
b. 312 = 961 (12 = 1, 3x1x2 = 6, 32 = 9)
c.432 = 1849 (32 = 9, 4x3x2 = 24, write 4, carry 2,
2+42 = 18)
14. Squaring a 3 digit number
a. Same rule as above but treat 1st 2 digits as the
tens digit
b. 1232 = 15129 (32 = 9, 12x3x2 = 72, write 2,
carry 7, 7 + 122 = 151)
15. Multiply two numbers using FOIL
a. Writing backwards, multiply last digits L,
multiply rainbow OI and add, carry tens digit
and add to product of first F
b. 31x45 = 1395 (1x5 = 5, 3x5 = 15 and 1 x 4 =
4, 15 + 4 =19, write 9, carry 1, 1 + 3x4 = 13)

c.42x23 = 966 (2x3 = 6, 2x2 = 4 and 4x3 = 12, 12

+ 4 = 16, write 6, 1 + 4x2 = 9)
d. 102x91 = 9282 (2x1 = 2, 10x1 + 2x 9 = 28,
write 8, 2 + 10x 9 = 92)
16. Multiplying numbers equidistant from some
a. Use difference of squares square the common
number and subtract the square of the
difference; (x + y)(x y) = x2 y2
b. 51 x 49 = (50 + 1)(50 1) = 502 12 = 2499
c.17x13 = (15+2)(15-2) = 152 22 = 225 4=221
d. Use this in reverse as well
e. 732 272 = (73 + 27) x (73 27) = 100 x 46 =
17. Reverse distribution
a. 5 x 17 + 17 x 12 = 17 x 17 = 289 (know your
18. Multiply mixed numbers
a. Equal fractions
i. add whole numbers and multiply by fraction;
multiply whole numbers and add result, tack
on product of fractions
ii. 2 1/3 x 4 1/3 = 10 1/9 (2 + 4 = 6, 6/3 = 2; 4 x
2 = 8, 8 + 2 = 10)
iii. 12 3/8 x 4 3/8 = 54 9/64 (12 + 4 = 16, 16x 3/8
= 6; 12x4 = 48, 48 + 6 = 54)
b. Equal whole numbers and fractions add to 1

i. Multiply whole number x whole number + 1;

tack on product of fractions
ii. 5 1/3 x 5 2/3 = 30 2/9 (5 x 6 = 30)
19. Double double to divide
a. Double both numbers then divide
b. 8 / 2.5 = 16 /5
20. Divisibility Rules
a. Divisible by 2 if even
b. Divisible by 3 if sum of digits is div by 3
c.Divisible by 4 if last 2 digits is div by 4
d. Divisible by 5 if ends in 0 or 5
e. Divisible by 6 if even and sum of digits div by 3
f. Divisible by 8 if last 3 digits div by 8
g. Divisible by 9 if sum of digits div by 9
h. Divisible by 12 if divisible by 3 and 4
i. These are good to use for reducing fractions
i. 51/87 = 17/29 (divide by 3 since both are div
by 3: 5+1 =6 and 8+7 = 15)
21. Remainders dividing by 9 (or 3)
a. Add up digits; when reach 9 start over,
remainder is whats left
b. 412/9 has remainder of 7 (4+1+2)
c.4753/9 has remainder of 1 (4 + 7 = 11, cast out
9, 2 + 5 = 7, 7 + 3 = 10, 10-9= 1)
d. 643152/9 has remainder of 3
22. Remainders dividing by 4
a. Use the last 2 digits
b. 8743 /4 has reminder of 3since 43 has a
remainder of 3
23. Remainders dividing by 11

a. Add every other digit starting with ones, then

subtract every other digit starting with tens
b. 564722 has remainder of 4 (2+7+6 2 4 5
= 4)
24. Remainders of x2/n
a. Find remainder of x/n, then square it and find
remainder of that
b. 732/7 has remainder of 2 (73/7 is R3, 32 = 9,
9/7 has R2)
25. Dividing by 9 to Mixed Number
a. Writing backwards, add up digits to write over 9
for fraction, reduce if necessary; add 1st 2 digits
and write down (carrying any whole number from
fraction first), write 1st digit digit
b. 215/9 = 23 and 8/9 (2+1+5 = 8 for numerator,
2+1 = 3, write 3, first digit is 2)
c.426/9 = 47 and 1/3 (4+2+6 = 12, 12/9 = 1 and
1/3, carry 1; 4+2 = 6 + 1 = 7)
26. Dividing by decimals
a. Memorize 1/8 ths as decimals or percents
i. 1/8 = 12.5%; 3/8 = 37.5%; 5/8 = 62.5%; 7/8 =
b. 12/.375 = 32 (12 divided by 3/8 or 12 x 8/3 = 4
c.875 x 888 = 7/8 x 1000 x 888 = 1000 x 777 =
27. Approximations *
a. Acceptable range is 5% on either side of
correct answer

b. 124 x 162 = think of 125 which is 1/8 x 160 =

20, tack on zeros to get 20000

28. Averages
a. Pick a middle # and add or subtract difference
from there; find mean of differences and add to
middle #
b. 84,92,89,100,90,79,97,97: Pick 90, so 6 +21+10+0-11+7=8 8/8#s = 1; 90 + 1 = 91
29. Comparing Fractions
a. Use cross products
b. Which is larger: 5/13 or 7/18? 5 x 18 = 90; 7 x
13 = 91; 91 is larger so 7/18 is larger
30. Roman Numerals
a. I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500;
M = 1000
31. GCF or GCD (Greatest Common Factor/Divisor)
a. List factors of smaller number largest to
smallest, stop when you get a factor of larger #
b. Double smallest number so bigger than other
#, then subtract, if not GCF divide by prime
factor or double and subtract again
c.12 & 20 = 4 (12x2 -20 = 4)
d. 20 & 72 = 4 (80 -72 = 8/2 = 4)
e. 126 & 198 = 18 (198-126=72, double 72,144126 = 18)
32. LCM (Least Common Multiple)

a. List multiples of larger number and stop when

you get a multiple of smaller #
b. LCM = axb/GCF
c.21 & 35 = 105 (21x35/7 = 3x35 = 165)
33. LCM & GCD
a. The product of GCD and LCM of 2 numbers a
and b is axb
b. 12 & 20 = 240 (12 x 20; GCF = 4, LCM = 60,
4x60 =240)
34. Percents
a. Divide 1st percent into product of other 2
numbers and cancel out factors and multiply
b. 21% of what is 35% of 18 = 30 (35x18/21 =
5x6 = 30)
c.24% of what is 30% of 28 = 35 ( 30x28/24 = 5x7
= 35)
35. Percents with less than and 3 numbers or more
a. Add %s, subtact A% of B (add if more than)
b. If A is 20% less than B and B is 40% less than
C, then A is what % less than C? 52 (20+40 =60,
20% of 40 is 1/5 of 40 or 8; 60 8 = 52)
c.If A is 10% more than B and B is 40% more than
C, then A is what % more than C? 54 (10+40 =
50; 10% of 40 is 4; 50 + 4 = 54)
36. Prime numbers less than 100
a. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,5
37. Conversions

a. 1 inch = 2.54 cm; 231 in3 = 1 gallon

b. 5280 ft = 1 mile; 1 square mile = 640 acres
c.16 oz = 1 pound; 2000 pounds = 1 ton
d. 1 Tbl = 3 tsp; 1 cup = 16 Tbl
e. 8 oz = 1 cup; 2 cups = 1 pint; 2 pints = 1 qt; 4
quarts = 1 gallon = 128 oz
f. Kilo = 1000; hector = 100; deka = 10; deci = .
1 ;centi =.01; milli = .001
38. Changing Bases
a. Each unit is power of base
b. 1278 = ?10: 1x82 + 2x81 + 7x80 = 64 + 16 + 7
= 87
c.3110 = ?5: think in powers of 5: 31 = 25 + 5 + 1
d. Base 2 to base 8: take 3 digits at a time and
use base 10
i. 101110012 = ?8: ( 01)(111)(001) = 2718 ( 012
= 210, 1112 = 710, 0012 = 110)
39. Arithmetic Series finding missing number
a. Average two numbers surrounding
b. 3,7,11,?,19,23,27 = 15 (11 + 19 and divide by
c.-2.25,-1,x,1.5,2.75, = .25 ( -1 + 1.5 and divide
by 2)
40. Series
a. Add first and last and divide by 2; subtract first
and last and add amount of increase, then divide
by amount of increase; multiply results

i. 3 + 5 + 7 + + 15 = 63 (3 + 15 = 18, 18/2
= 9; 15 3 = 12, 12 + 2 = 14, 14/2 = 7; 9 x 7
= 63)
b. Sum of numbers starting with 1 is n(n+1)/2
i. 1+2+3++10 = 10(11)/2 = 55
c.Sum of odd numbers starting with 1 is [(n+1)/2]2
i. 1+3+5++11 = (12/2)2 = 36
41. Squares & alternating patterns
a. Difference by 1: add numbers; Difference by
2,3, or 4: then multiply by sum 2,3 ,or 4
b. 232 222 + 212 -202 = 86 (23+22+21+20)
c.362 -342 +322 -302= 264 ( 36+34+32+30= 132,
d. If numbers increase before alternating then
take opposite sign of sum
e. 512-522+532-542 = -210 (51+52+53+54 = 210,
then make neg)
42. Fibonacci (sum for 8 terms is 21a +33b or
a. The sum of the first 8 terms in 1,1,2,3,5,8,..=54
( 21x1 + 33x1)
b. Sum of first 8 terms in 2,5,7,12,19, = 207
( 21x2 + 33x5)
43. Repeating Decimals as Fractions
a. Any repeating # as a fraction goes over 9; for
every digit that doesnt repeat, think of as
messed up mixed number with decimal # in
front, convert mixed number to fraction
disregarding decimal, multiply denom by 10

b. .666.. = 6/9 = 2/3

c..272727 = 27/99 = 3/11
d. .1333 = 2/15 (.1 and 3/9 = .1 and 1/3; 3 *1 =
4; 4/30, reduce to 2/15)
e. .3444 = (.3 and 4/9; 9x3 + 4 = 31; 31/90)
f. .185185185.. = 185/999 = 5/27 (need to
memorize that 999=27x37)
44. Sets & Elements
a. Multiply elements in each set for total number
of elements
b. How many elements does the product of
{1,2,3} and {a,b} have? 2x3 = 6
45. Power Set
a. A Power sets elements are all possible subsets
including null, number of elements or subsets =
b. The power set of {a,b,c} contains x elements.
= 8 (23 = 8; { } {a} {b} {c} {ab} {ac} {bc}
c.Proper subsets have 1 less
46. Polynomials
a. Sum of coef = Add coef and raise to power
b. The sum of the coefficients of (6x + 4y)2 is: 100
( (6+4)2 = 100, 36 + 16 + 48 = 100)
c.The sum of the coefficients of (10a + 5b)3 is:
3375 (153 = 3375)
47. Exponents powers of 2 and 5
a. Use exponent rules

b. 27 x 54 = 23 x 24 x 54 = 23 x 104 = 80000

48. Geometry
a. Number of diagonals in a polygon is n(n-3)/2
i. Pentagon = 5 ( 5x2/2)
ii. Undecagaon = 44 (11x8/2)
b. Triangle inequality: subtract and add to find
possible range of third side exclusive
i. An obtuse triangle has integer sides 5, x, and
9. The smallest value of x is? 5
(4 < x < 14)
ii. A triangle has integer sides 8, x, and 17. The
largest value of x is? 24 (9 < x < 25)
c.Pythagorean triples
i. 3,4,5 (and multiples); 5,12,13; 7,24,25

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