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AcadGilds Big Data and Hadoop Developer Course Details:

Module 1

Linux fundamentals

Basic commands

What is Big data?

History of Big data and what are the traditional system to solve it and problems with
traditional large-scale systems

Approaches to solve Big data problem

An Overview of Hadoop


Hadoop: Basic Concepts how Hadoop works and its components

Installation of Hadoop

What is HDFS ?

What is Mapreduce?

How HDFS and Mapreduce work together


Module 2

Module 3

Writing a MapReduce Program

The MapReduce Flow

Requirements for a new approach

The Hadoop Distributed File System

Hands-On Exercise

How MapReduce Works

Anatomy of a Hadoop Cluster

Hadoop Ecosystem Components

Basic MapReduce API Concepts

The Driver Code

The Mapper

The Reducer

Hadoops Streaming API

Using Eclipse for Rapid Development

Hands-on exercise

The New MapReduce API

Integrating Hadoop Into The Workflow

Module 4

Injecting data into Hadoop

Importing Data from RDBMSs With Sqoop

Hands-on exercise

Importing Real-Time Data with Flume

example: importing twitter and log data with Flume

Accessing HDFS Using FuseDFS

More about ToolRunner

Testing with MRUnit

Reducing Intermediate Data With Combiners

The configure and close methods for Map/Reduce Setup and Teardown

Writing Partitioners for Better Load Balancing

Hands-On Exercise

Directly Accessing HDFS

Using the Distributed Cache

4 Project 1

Module 5

some complex Mapreduce

some MapReduce Algorithms

Sorting and Searching


Using LocalJobRunner Mode For Easier Debugging

Retrieving Job Information with Counters

Logging and mapreduce debugging

Splittable File Formats

Determining the Optimal Number of Reducers

Map-Only MapReduce Jobs

Hands-On Exercise

More Advanced MapReduce Programming

Custom Writables and WritableComparables

Avro :Saving Binary Data using SequenceFiles and Avro Files

Creating InputFormats and OutputFormats

Hands-On Exercise

Joining Data Sets in MapReduce

Map-Side Joins

Module 6

Using Hive and Pig

introduction to Hive

Introduction Pig

Hands-on exercise

Practical Development Tips and Techniques

The Secondary Sort

Reduce-Side JoinsGraph Manipulation in Hadoop

Introduction to graph techniques

Representing graphs in Hadoop

Implementing a sample algorithm: Single Source Shortest Path

Creating Workflows With Oozie

The Motivation for Oozie

Oozies Workflow Definition Format

Hands-On Exercise

Module 7

Key value store

introduction to HBase

column and column family

HBase Architecture and components.

Exercise: inserting and fetching data from HBase.

Case study: when and where to use HBase

HBase API's

Exercise: integrating HBase with your application

Module 8 (optional)

Spark etc

Text mining with Hadoop

Word Co-Occurrence


Hands-On Exercise

9 Project 2
JAVA knowledge requirement:
Introduction To Java Programming Language
Introduction to Variables, Operators & DataTypes
Introduction to decision making , Iteration & Array
Object - Orientation & Class Design
Inheritence , Encapsulation & Polymorphism
Exception Handling


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